With PVESM point of view, this study analyzed comprehensive functions of native plants, which including natural function, visual function, ecological function, social function and spiritual function, the advantages of...With PVESM point of view, this study analyzed comprehensive functions of native plants, which including natural function, visual function, ecological function, social function and spiritual function, the advantages of native plants in landscaping and the effects of it on human living environment were expounded. Based on analyzing the present situations of native plants in landscaping, the relative improvement measures were put forward.展开更多
A native plant of Biome Pampa (Southern Brazil), the Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small species has been, until now, little studied as ornamental plant for use as mulch and formation of massifs. Whilst this species didn...A native plant of Biome Pampa (Southern Brazil), the Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small species has been, until now, little studied as ornamental plant for use as mulch and formation of massifs. Whilst this species didn’t suffer any genetic improvement process, it is extremely ornamental by its color and size. In order to promote its comercial propagation and its use to improve the Pampa biodiversity, this study was conducted to know, as a ruderal plant native from South America, how the behavior of the plants was when employed plant propagation and use of artificial auxin on the cuttings. The test consisted of assessing the growth of cuttings treated or not with indol-butyric acid, analyzed at diferent ages, at 21, 24, 27 and 31 days in the University of Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Brazil. It was observed that the plant total dry mass values showed no standard of behavior, values for dry matter, whether of leaves, stem, root, shoot and total not responded to treatments and analyzed ages. The same occurred for specific leaf weight, plant height, number of green leaves, number of dead leaves, average leaf length and average number of stems. The lack of significant treatment and age effects may be explained by the plant primitiveness, which is ruderal, so its development has little influenced by the propagation practices.展开更多
An intelligent method of shifting cultivation to regenerate vegetation after a long fallow period is critical information for restoration strategies. The literature review identified that the assessment of woody plant...An intelligent method of shifting cultivation to regenerate vegetation after a long fallow period is critical information for restoration strategies. The literature review identified that the assessment of woody plant species on abandoned farmland has never been done before in Kamwatta, Moruca Region 1. In addition, more information should be available in indigenous communities and at the national level, including more documentation of the utilization of natural resources by the Warrau community. This study assessed the valuable woody plant species that grew during the fallow periods. Nine farmlands were randomly selected along a 100 m transect, each with varying fallow periods. In order to collect information on the age of farm abandonment, the researcher employed a mixed-methods approach. First, we found how long each farm had been fallow by administering a semi-structured questionnaire. Then, we conducted a flora survey to gain information on the variety and abundance of valuable plants using the age of farm abandonment as a dependent variable. The data analysis included the number of valuable woody trees with a diameter of >10 cm, seedlings and saplings with a diameter of <10 cm, the location of identified trees, and the uses of identified tree species. Microsoft Excel was used to code and analyze the questionnaire, while QGIS, Shannon’s Index of Diversity, and Simple Linear Regression were used to analyze the inventory data. The results showed that the respondents listed 38 valuable woody species, and 79% occurred in the studied area. The field verification revealed that the dominant family in the area was Mimosaceae. Species abundance increased with fallow up to 10 years before declining in the latter years. Plant diversity and abundance had a weak relationship with the age of abandoned farmlands for woody trees, while the seedlings and saplings showed no relationship.展开更多
In this paper we analyze and compare natural regeneration in shrub-tree community in three areas below Pinus caribaea stands and a natural area (cerrado sensu stricto). We also analyze the influence of biophysical a...In this paper we analyze and compare natural regeneration in shrub-tree community in three areas below Pinus caribaea stands and a natural area (cerrado sensu stricto). We also analyze the influence of biophysical and environmental variables on the distribution of regenerating shrub-tree species. The areas were analyzed and compared in relation to dispersal syndromes as well, being zoochory and anemochory the prevailing syndroms in the four areas. The sites below P. caribaea show a heterogeneous regen- eration with the number of species ranging from 18 to 42. We analyzed the influence of the biophysical and envi- ronmental variables performing a canonical correspon- dence analyses, being found significant values for variables distance from remnant and basal area. The species Si- paruna guianensis, Miconia albicans, Xylopia aromatica, Sclerolobium paniculatum, Casearia sylvestris and P. caribaea were the most importante ones in the four areas,展开更多
In-vitro propagation is a technique that provides a vital solution for the conservation of endangered orchid species. The media used in tissue culture can be modified through the addition of inexpensive organic materi...In-vitro propagation is a technique that provides a vital solution for the conservation of endangered orchid species. The media used in tissue culture can be modified through the addition of inexpensive organic materials as an alternative to expensive synthetic additives. Some organic sources, such as coconut water and fruit juice, contain significant amounts of vitamins, amino acids, and organic compounds which can act as growth regulators, making these organic sources excellent additives for in-vitro cultivation. The aim of this study was to develop a protocol for in-vitro micropropagation and acclimatization of Epidendrum nocturnum using organic supplements in the growth media and various substrates at the acclimatization stage. Banana powder, coconut water, and potato dextrose were added to a basal seed sowing media and evaluated for seed germination percentage and plantlet growth. In addition, various substrates such as coconut coir, horticultural charcoal, sphagnum moss, and wood bark were evaluated for height, number of leaves, and number of shoots in the acclimatization portion of this study. The culture medium with coconut water showed a greater germination percentage (71.00% and 76.75%) compared with the control (37.50% and 45.50%) at 60 and 90 days after seed sowing, respectively. Media with organic supplements showed greater values of plant length and number of roots compared with the control. The combination of coconut coir and horticultural charcoal was shown to be more efficient than the combination of sphagnum moss, horticultural charcoal, and wood bark, as results showed greater values of plant height and number of leaves at 30, 90, and 120 days after transplantation in acclimatization of E. nocturnum.展开更多
Propagation of exotic plant species is found in many regions of Madagascar Island. This work aims to describe the impacts of the propagation of Grevillea banksii on soil microbial activities and on the regeneration of...Propagation of exotic plant species is found in many regions of Madagascar Island. This work aims to describe the impacts of the propagation of Grevillea banksii on soil microbial activities and on the regeneration of two native tree species (Intsia bij'uga and Dalbergia trichocarpa) in the eastern part of Madagascar. The study was conducted within Ianjomara forest where some types of the vegetation are observed such as an area characterized by grassland (P 1), by homogeneous population of G. banksii (P2) and by a natural forest composed mainly of L bijuga or D. trichocarpa (P3 and P4). Structure of mycorrhizal fungi communities and associated microorganisms were described on soils from each study plot. The development of I. b^juga and 1). trichocarpa, was evaluated 4 months after planting on P1, P2, P3, P4 soils formerly colonized by G. banksii. According to the nutrients availability on each soil type, the development of G. banksii was accompanied or not by a high formation of cluster roots. The authors' results also show that soil occupied by G. banksii decreased the global microbial and phosphatase activities of soil especially on soil within a high density of cluster roots. Moderately mycotrophic, G. banksii disturbs the structure and the dynamics of symbiotic microflora such as endomycorrhizal fungi (MA) and rhizobia associated with the two native tree species. The findings illustrate the negative impact of G. banksii propagation on the regeneration and the conservation of native tree species in Madagascarian forest.展开更多
In order to systematically study the diversity of plant communities in park green space,78 plant communities of 10 representative parks in Wuhan City were investigated.The total 449 species belonging to 275 genera and...In order to systematically study the diversity of plant communities in park green space,78 plant communities of 10 representative parks in Wuhan City were investigated.The total 449 species belonging to 275 genera and 112 families were found in this investigation.The communities were divided into 35 dominant-species,13 life-forms and 6 vegetation-forms.The community structures and the composition of dominant species were also studied.The results showed that the shortages of the low diversity,high proportion of exotic species and simple community structures appeared in plant community of park green space in Wuhan City.It is proposed that species,especially native ones,should be abundant to keep a high level species diversity.At the same time,more simulated native communities should be utilized to build the natural,multi-layers,bright local vegetation characteristics landscape of urban parks.展开更多
In modern green land planning, it should highlight the application of native plants and the construction of urban three-dimensional greening. By taking green land reconstruction of Yangliu River of Wenjiang City as an...In modern green land planning, it should highlight the application of native plants and the construction of urban three-dimensional greening. By taking green land reconstruction of Yangliu River of Wenjiang City as an example, the site condition and design concept have been analyzeds; and furthermore, reconstruction schemes have been explained in detail based on five themes. It has emphasized composing landscape based on sections, enriching plant levels, improve forest canopy line and enrich tour space. Plants on green lands can be moved, adjusted, transformed, added and supplemented.展开更多
Sloping and mountainous olive production systems are widespread, occupying large parts of the Mediterranean landscape prone to water erosion. Soil erosion, runoff, and soil water content patterns over a three-year per...Sloping and mountainous olive production systems are widespread, occupying large parts of the Mediterranean landscape prone to water erosion. Soil erosion, runoff, and soil water content patterns over a three-year period were monitored in erosion plots on a mountainside with rainfed olive (Olea europaea cv. Picual) trees under: 1) non-tillage with barley strips of 4 m width (BS); 2) non-tillage with native vegetation strips of 4 m width (NVS); and 3) non-tillage without plant strips (NT). The erosion plots, located in Lanjaron (Granada, south-eastern Spain), on a 30% slope, were 192 m2 in area. For assessing soil water dynamics in real-time and near-continuous soil water content measurements, multisensor capacitance probes were installed in the middle of plant strips and beneath the olive tree at five soil depths (10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 cm). The highest erosion and runoff rates were measured under NT, with a mean of 17.3 Mg ha-1 year-1 and 140.0 mm year-1, respectively, over the entire study period. The BS and NVS with respect to the NT reduced erosion by 71% and 59% and runoff by 95% and 94%, respectively. In general, greater available soil water content was found under BS than NVS and NT, especially beneath the olive tree canopies. These results supported the recommendation of non-tillage with barley strips in order to reduce erosion and to preserve soil water for trees in traditional mountainous olive-producing areas, where orchards cover vast tracts of land.展开更多
Water is a limited and valuable resource.Singapore has four national sources of water supply,one of which is natural precipitation.Pollutants collected in stormwater runoff are deposited into drainage systems and rese...Water is a limited and valuable resource.Singapore has four national sources of water supply,one of which is natural precipitation.Pollutants collected in stormwater runoff are deposited into drainage systems and reservoirs.Major nutrient pollutants found in local stormwater runoff include nitrate and phosphate,which may cause eutrophication.Bioretention systems are efficient in removing these pollutants in the presence of plants.This paper discusses plant traits that can enhance the phytoremediation of nutrient pollutants in stormwater runoff for application in bioretention systems.The plant species studied showed variations in chlorophyll florescence,leaf greenness,biomass production,and nitrate and phosphate removal.In general,dry biomass was moderately correlated to nitrate and phosphate removal(r=0.339–0.501).Root,leaf,and total dry biomass of the native tree species showed a moderate to strong correlation with nitrate removal(r=0.811,0.657,and 0.727,respectively).Leaf dry biomass of fastgrowing plants also showed a moderate to strong relationship with the removal of both pollutants(r=0.707 and 0.609,respectively).Root dry biomass of slow-growing plants showed a strong relationship with phosphate removal(r=0.707),but the correlation was weaker for nitrate removal(r=0.557).These results are valuable for choosing plants for application in bioretention systems.展开更多
The developmental activities, particularly the construction of hydroelectric projects are causing a great loss of biodiversity in the Indian Himalayan Region. The Himaehal Pradesh, a part of IHR is well known for the ...The developmental activities, particularly the construction of hydroelectric projects are causing a great loss of biodiversity in the Indian Himalayan Region. The Himaehal Pradesh, a part of IHR is well known for the development of hydroelectric projects. The Parbati H.E. Project is amongst the major projects of the State. The different stages of the project are all causing loss of biodiversity of the area. Stage Ⅲ of the Parbati H.E. Project is a run of the river scheme on the Sainj River downstream of Power House of Parbati H.E. Project Stage Ⅱ. The project shall utilize regulated discharge of Parbati H.E. Project Stage Ⅱ and inflow of River Sainj for power generation, and has been contemplated as a peaking station operating in tandem with Stage Ⅱ. The present study has been undertaken to see the impact of hydroelectric project on the biodiversity, particularly on medicinal plants. A total of 104 species of medicinal plants, belonging to different life forms, i.e., trees (23 spp.), shrubs (22 spp.), herbs (57 spp.) and ferns (2 spp.) were recorded. The species have been analyzed and studied for their distribution, classification, altitudinal zones, part (s) used, indigenous uses, nativity, endemism and rarity.Different parts of these species, such as whole plants, roots (including rhizomes and tubers), leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, barks, spikes, nuts and insect galls are used by the inhabitants for curing various diseases and ailments. 3o species are native to the Himalayan region, 9 species native to the Himalayan region and adjacent countries also and 65 species are non-natives. 9 species are near endemics. Considering the whole Himalaya as a biogeographie unit (sensu lato), the near endemics are endemic to the Himalaya. Among these species, Zanthoxylum armature is categorized as Endangered and Valeriana wallichii as Vulnerable. Hedychium spicatum, Rhus javanica, Berberis lycium, Thalictrum foliolossum, Salvia lanata, Rubia cordifolia and Bergenia ligulata may be considered as threatened species due to their over exploitation for trade. 90 species are propagated by seeds, 8 species by seeds and rhizomes/roots/tubers, 4 species by seeds and cuttings, and 2 species by sori. A management plan for the cultivation and conservation of the medicinal plants in the dam submergence area, and the commercially viable medicinal plants with high value in the catchment area is suggested.展开更多
Many native plants in traditional medicine have been used for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis and the recent clinical trials have proven the efficacy of some of them. Researches conducted on these plants have...Many native plants in traditional medicine have been used for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis and the recent clinical trials have proven the efficacy of some of them. Researches conducted on these plants have shown that garlic, shallots, wormwood, yarrow, walnuts, thyme, henna plant, mimosa, aloe, wood betony, medlar, periwinkle, yeah, savory, black beans, etc. are ef ective on cutaneous leishmania. Synthetic agents in Iranian market have some disadvantages such as high cost and side ef ects and are painful in injections. Given the ef ectiveness of these plants, they can be a source of natural and safe compounds for the treatment of Leishmania. Therefore, more clinical researches should be done to determine the ef ectiveness and safety of these medicinal plants, their active ingredients and their possible toxic substances which can lead to the production of ef ective and safe drugs for leishmaniasis. It also might be an ef ective way to prepare herbal ointment on wound healing.展开更多
Many of the abandoned mining and industrial land in villages and towns are seriously polluted by heavy metals in China,it is necessary for sustainable development to adopt efficient and economical ways to restore the ...Many of the abandoned mining and industrial land in villages and towns are seriously polluted by heavy metals in China,it is necessary for sustainable development to adopt efficient and economical ways to restore the ecology of abandoned mining and industrial land.Pollution level of topsoil contaminated with metallurgical slag from nonferrous metal smelting waste site in Baoding,North China and the heavy metals(HMs)accumulation behavior of Bidens pilosa L.(B.pilosa,native pioneer plant)were studied.Two selected study sites were mainly contaminated by As(270~434 mg/kg),Cd(63~95 mg/kg),Pb(5496~24504 mg/kg)and Zn(4500~21300 mg/kg),which exceed the national standard severely.Investigation of multi-metal accumulation in different parts of B.pilosa indicated that the absorption of toxic metals varied by types,concentration and species of HMs under stress conditions,soil property and plant tissues.The results showed that B.pilosa had excellent ability to accumulate HMs under different HMs stress condition,with the highest accumulation concentration of 85 mg/kg for As,380 mg/kg for Cd,4000 mg/kg for Pb,and 7500 mg/kg for Zn in roots under experimental conditions,respectively.The growth trend of B.pilosa declined with the increase of HMs stress concentration in tested soils.HMs stress led to different degrees of plant toxicity and obstruction of physiological metabolism.Among the plant physiological index,Chla and ChlT decreased 28.0%and 28.1%,37.3%and 35.5%under different stress treatments,respectively.Indicators related to physiological metabolic strength and stress resistance of plant,such as MDA(Malondiadehyde),CAT(catalase),SOD(superoxide dismutase)and SP(soluble protein),all increased with the increase of HMs stress concentration.展开更多
Nitrogen(N)deposition,precipitation and their interaction affect plant invasions in temperate ecosystems with limiting N and water resources,but whether and how they affect plant invasions in subtropical native commun...Nitrogen(N)deposition,precipitation and their interaction affect plant invasions in temperate ecosystems with limiting N and water resources,but whether and how they affect plant invasions in subtropical native communities with abundant N and precipitation remains unclear.We constructed in situ artificial communities with 12 common native plant species in a subtropical system and introduced four common invasive plant species and their native counterparts to these communities.We compared plant growth and establishment of introduced invasive species and native counterparts in communities exposed to ambient(CK),N addition(N+),increased precipitation(P+)and N addition plus increased precipitation(P+N+).We also investigated the density and aboveground biomass of communities under such conditions.P+alone did not enhance the performance of invasive species or native counterparts.N+enhanced only the aboveground biomass and relative density of invasive species.P+N+enhanced the growth and establishment performance of both invasive species and native counterparts.Most growth and establishment parameters of invasive species were greater than those of native counterparts under N+,P+and P+N+conditions.The density and aboveground biomass of native communities established by invasive species were significantly lower than those of native communities established by native counterparts under P+N+conditions.These results suggest that P+may magnify the effects of N+on performance of invasive species in subtropical native communities where N and water are often abundant,which may help to understand the effect of global change on plant invasion in subtropical ecosystems.展开更多
文摘With PVESM point of view, this study analyzed comprehensive functions of native plants, which including natural function, visual function, ecological function, social function and spiritual function, the advantages of native plants in landscaping and the effects of it on human living environment were expounded. Based on analyzing the present situations of native plants in landscaping, the relative improvement measures were put forward.
文摘A native plant of Biome Pampa (Southern Brazil), the Glandularia peruviana (L.) Small species has been, until now, little studied as ornamental plant for use as mulch and formation of massifs. Whilst this species didn’t suffer any genetic improvement process, it is extremely ornamental by its color and size. In order to promote its comercial propagation and its use to improve the Pampa biodiversity, this study was conducted to know, as a ruderal plant native from South America, how the behavior of the plants was when employed plant propagation and use of artificial auxin on the cuttings. The test consisted of assessing the growth of cuttings treated or not with indol-butyric acid, analyzed at diferent ages, at 21, 24, 27 and 31 days in the University of Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, Brazil. It was observed that the plant total dry mass values showed no standard of behavior, values for dry matter, whether of leaves, stem, root, shoot and total not responded to treatments and analyzed ages. The same occurred for specific leaf weight, plant height, number of green leaves, number of dead leaves, average leaf length and average number of stems. The lack of significant treatment and age effects may be explained by the plant primitiveness, which is ruderal, so its development has little influenced by the propagation practices.
文摘An intelligent method of shifting cultivation to regenerate vegetation after a long fallow period is critical information for restoration strategies. The literature review identified that the assessment of woody plant species on abandoned farmland has never been done before in Kamwatta, Moruca Region 1. In addition, more information should be available in indigenous communities and at the national level, including more documentation of the utilization of natural resources by the Warrau community. This study assessed the valuable woody plant species that grew during the fallow periods. Nine farmlands were randomly selected along a 100 m transect, each with varying fallow periods. In order to collect information on the age of farm abandonment, the researcher employed a mixed-methods approach. First, we found how long each farm had been fallow by administering a semi-structured questionnaire. Then, we conducted a flora survey to gain information on the variety and abundance of valuable plants using the age of farm abandonment as a dependent variable. The data analysis included the number of valuable woody trees with a diameter of >10 cm, seedlings and saplings with a diameter of <10 cm, the location of identified trees, and the uses of identified tree species. Microsoft Excel was used to code and analyze the questionnaire, while QGIS, Shannon’s Index of Diversity, and Simple Linear Regression were used to analyze the inventory data. The results showed that the respondents listed 38 valuable woody species, and 79% occurred in the studied area. The field verification revealed that the dominant family in the area was Mimosaceae. Species abundance increased with fallow up to 10 years before declining in the latter years. Plant diversity and abundance had a weak relationship with the age of abandoned farmlands for woody trees, while the seedlings and saplings showed no relationship.
文摘In this paper we analyze and compare natural regeneration in shrub-tree community in three areas below Pinus caribaea stands and a natural area (cerrado sensu stricto). We also analyze the influence of biophysical and environmental variables on the distribution of regenerating shrub-tree species. The areas were analyzed and compared in relation to dispersal syndromes as well, being zoochory and anemochory the prevailing syndroms in the four areas. The sites below P. caribaea show a heterogeneous regen- eration with the number of species ranging from 18 to 42. We analyzed the influence of the biophysical and envi- ronmental variables performing a canonical correspon- dence analyses, being found significant values for variables distance from remnant and basal area. The species Si- paruna guianensis, Miconia albicans, Xylopia aromatica, Sclerolobium paniculatum, Casearia sylvestris and P. caribaea were the most importante ones in the four areas,
文摘In-vitro propagation is a technique that provides a vital solution for the conservation of endangered orchid species. The media used in tissue culture can be modified through the addition of inexpensive organic materials as an alternative to expensive synthetic additives. Some organic sources, such as coconut water and fruit juice, contain significant amounts of vitamins, amino acids, and organic compounds which can act as growth regulators, making these organic sources excellent additives for in-vitro cultivation. The aim of this study was to develop a protocol for in-vitro micropropagation and acclimatization of Epidendrum nocturnum using organic supplements in the growth media and various substrates at the acclimatization stage. Banana powder, coconut water, and potato dextrose were added to a basal seed sowing media and evaluated for seed germination percentage and plantlet growth. In addition, various substrates such as coconut coir, horticultural charcoal, sphagnum moss, and wood bark were evaluated for height, number of leaves, and number of shoots in the acclimatization portion of this study. The culture medium with coconut water showed a greater germination percentage (71.00% and 76.75%) compared with the control (37.50% and 45.50%) at 60 and 90 days after seed sowing, respectively. Media with organic supplements showed greater values of plant length and number of roots compared with the control. The combination of coconut coir and horticultural charcoal was shown to be more efficient than the combination of sphagnum moss, horticultural charcoal, and wood bark, as results showed greater values of plant height and number of leaves at 30, 90, and 120 days after transplantation in acclimatization of E. nocturnum.
文摘Propagation of exotic plant species is found in many regions of Madagascar Island. This work aims to describe the impacts of the propagation of Grevillea banksii on soil microbial activities and on the regeneration of two native tree species (Intsia bij'uga and Dalbergia trichocarpa) in the eastern part of Madagascar. The study was conducted within Ianjomara forest where some types of the vegetation are observed such as an area characterized by grassland (P 1), by homogeneous population of G. banksii (P2) and by a natural forest composed mainly of L bijuga or D. trichocarpa (P3 and P4). Structure of mycorrhizal fungi communities and associated microorganisms were described on soils from each study plot. The development of I. b^juga and 1). trichocarpa, was evaluated 4 months after planting on P1, P2, P3, P4 soils formerly colonized by G. banksii. According to the nutrients availability on each soil type, the development of G. banksii was accompanied or not by a high formation of cluster roots. The authors' results also show that soil occupied by G. banksii decreased the global microbial and phosphatase activities of soil especially on soil within a high density of cluster roots. Moderately mycotrophic, G. banksii disturbs the structure and the dynamics of symbiotic microflora such as endomycorrhizal fungi (MA) and rhizobia associated with the two native tree species. The findings illustrate the negative impact of G. banksii propagation on the regeneration and the conservation of native tree species in Madagascarian forest.
文摘In order to systematically study the diversity of plant communities in park green space,78 plant communities of 10 representative parks in Wuhan City were investigated.The total 449 species belonging to 275 genera and 112 families were found in this investigation.The communities were divided into 35 dominant-species,13 life-forms and 6 vegetation-forms.The community structures and the composition of dominant species were also studied.The results showed that the shortages of the low diversity,high proportion of exotic species and simple community structures appeared in plant community of park green space in Wuhan City.It is proposed that species,especially native ones,should be abundant to keep a high level species diversity.At the same time,more simulated native communities should be utilized to build the natural,multi-layers,bright local vegetation characteristics landscape of urban parks.
文摘In modern green land planning, it should highlight the application of native plants and the construction of urban three-dimensional greening. By taking green land reconstruction of Yangliu River of Wenjiang City as an example, the site condition and design concept have been analyzeds; and furthermore, reconstruction schemes have been explained in detail based on five themes. It has emphasized composing landscape based on sections, enriching plant levels, improve forest canopy line and enrich tour space. Plants on green lands can be moved, adjusted, transformed, added and supplemented.
基金Project supported by the European Union (No.EU QLK5-CT2002-01841)
文摘Sloping and mountainous olive production systems are widespread, occupying large parts of the Mediterranean landscape prone to water erosion. Soil erosion, runoff, and soil water content patterns over a three-year period were monitored in erosion plots on a mountainside with rainfed olive (Olea europaea cv. Picual) trees under: 1) non-tillage with barley strips of 4 m width (BS); 2) non-tillage with native vegetation strips of 4 m width (NVS); and 3) non-tillage without plant strips (NT). The erosion plots, located in Lanjaron (Granada, south-eastern Spain), on a 30% slope, were 192 m2 in area. For assessing soil water dynamics in real-time and near-continuous soil water content measurements, multisensor capacitance probes were installed in the middle of plant strips and beneath the olive tree at five soil depths (10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 cm). The highest erosion and runoff rates were measured under NT, with a mean of 17.3 Mg ha-1 year-1 and 140.0 mm year-1, respectively, over the entire study period. The BS and NVS with respect to the NT reduced erosion by 71% and 59% and runoff by 95% and 94%, respectively. In general, greater available soil water content was found under BS than NVS and NT, especially beneath the olive tree canopies. These results supported the recommendation of non-tillage with barley strips in order to reduce erosion and to preserve soil water for trees in traditional mountainous olive-producing areas, where orchards cover vast tracts of land.
基金funded by the Public Utilities Board, Singapore (R-706-000-020-490)
文摘Water is a limited and valuable resource.Singapore has four national sources of water supply,one of which is natural precipitation.Pollutants collected in stormwater runoff are deposited into drainage systems and reservoirs.Major nutrient pollutants found in local stormwater runoff include nitrate and phosphate,which may cause eutrophication.Bioretention systems are efficient in removing these pollutants in the presence of plants.This paper discusses plant traits that can enhance the phytoremediation of nutrient pollutants in stormwater runoff for application in bioretention systems.The plant species studied showed variations in chlorophyll florescence,leaf greenness,biomass production,and nitrate and phosphate removal.In general,dry biomass was moderately correlated to nitrate and phosphate removal(r=0.339–0.501).Root,leaf,and total dry biomass of the native tree species showed a moderate to strong correlation with nitrate removal(r=0.811,0.657,and 0.727,respectively).Leaf dry biomass of fastgrowing plants also showed a moderate to strong relationship with the removal of both pollutants(r=0.707 and 0.609,respectively).Root dry biomass of slow-growing plants showed a strong relationship with phosphate removal(r=0.707),but the correlation was weaker for nitrate removal(r=0.557).These results are valuable for choosing plants for application in bioretention systems.
文摘The developmental activities, particularly the construction of hydroelectric projects are causing a great loss of biodiversity in the Indian Himalayan Region. The Himaehal Pradesh, a part of IHR is well known for the development of hydroelectric projects. The Parbati H.E. Project is amongst the major projects of the State. The different stages of the project are all causing loss of biodiversity of the area. Stage Ⅲ of the Parbati H.E. Project is a run of the river scheme on the Sainj River downstream of Power House of Parbati H.E. Project Stage Ⅱ. The project shall utilize regulated discharge of Parbati H.E. Project Stage Ⅱ and inflow of River Sainj for power generation, and has been contemplated as a peaking station operating in tandem with Stage Ⅱ. The present study has been undertaken to see the impact of hydroelectric project on the biodiversity, particularly on medicinal plants. A total of 104 species of medicinal plants, belonging to different life forms, i.e., trees (23 spp.), shrubs (22 spp.), herbs (57 spp.) and ferns (2 spp.) were recorded. The species have been analyzed and studied for their distribution, classification, altitudinal zones, part (s) used, indigenous uses, nativity, endemism and rarity.Different parts of these species, such as whole plants, roots (including rhizomes and tubers), leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, barks, spikes, nuts and insect galls are used by the inhabitants for curing various diseases and ailments. 3o species are native to the Himalayan region, 9 species native to the Himalayan region and adjacent countries also and 65 species are non-natives. 9 species are near endemics. Considering the whole Himalaya as a biogeographie unit (sensu lato), the near endemics are endemic to the Himalaya. Among these species, Zanthoxylum armature is categorized as Endangered and Valeriana wallichii as Vulnerable. Hedychium spicatum, Rhus javanica, Berberis lycium, Thalictrum foliolossum, Salvia lanata, Rubia cordifolia and Bergenia ligulata may be considered as threatened species due to their over exploitation for trade. 90 species are propagated by seeds, 8 species by seeds and rhizomes/roots/tubers, 4 species by seeds and cuttings, and 2 species by sori. A management plan for the cultivation and conservation of the medicinal plants in the dam submergence area, and the commercially viable medicinal plants with high value in the catchment area is suggested.
基金Supported by Razi Herbal Medicines Research Center,Lorestan University of Medical Sciences,Khorramabad,Iran(Grant No.659-009)
文摘Many native plants in traditional medicine have been used for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis and the recent clinical trials have proven the efficacy of some of them. Researches conducted on these plants have shown that garlic, shallots, wormwood, yarrow, walnuts, thyme, henna plant, mimosa, aloe, wood betony, medlar, periwinkle, yeah, savory, black beans, etc. are ef ective on cutaneous leishmania. Synthetic agents in Iranian market have some disadvantages such as high cost and side ef ects and are painful in injections. Given the ef ectiveness of these plants, they can be a source of natural and safe compounds for the treatment of Leishmania. Therefore, more clinical researches should be done to determine the ef ectiveness and safety of these medicinal plants, their active ingredients and their possible toxic substances which can lead to the production of ef ective and safe drugs for leishmaniasis. It also might be an ef ective way to prepare herbal ointment on wound healing.
基金funded by National Natural Science Foundation(Grant No.42177236)Taishan Scholars Project Foundation(tsqn202211185)+1 种基金Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation(Grant No.2020A1515011077)Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(Grant No.ZR2020MD119)。
文摘Many of the abandoned mining and industrial land in villages and towns are seriously polluted by heavy metals in China,it is necessary for sustainable development to adopt efficient and economical ways to restore the ecology of abandoned mining and industrial land.Pollution level of topsoil contaminated with metallurgical slag from nonferrous metal smelting waste site in Baoding,North China and the heavy metals(HMs)accumulation behavior of Bidens pilosa L.(B.pilosa,native pioneer plant)were studied.Two selected study sites were mainly contaminated by As(270~434 mg/kg),Cd(63~95 mg/kg),Pb(5496~24504 mg/kg)and Zn(4500~21300 mg/kg),which exceed the national standard severely.Investigation of multi-metal accumulation in different parts of B.pilosa indicated that the absorption of toxic metals varied by types,concentration and species of HMs under stress conditions,soil property and plant tissues.The results showed that B.pilosa had excellent ability to accumulate HMs under different HMs stress condition,with the highest accumulation concentration of 85 mg/kg for As,380 mg/kg for Cd,4000 mg/kg for Pb,and 7500 mg/kg for Zn in roots under experimental conditions,respectively.The growth trend of B.pilosa declined with the increase of HMs stress concentration in tested soils.HMs stress led to different degrees of plant toxicity and obstruction of physiological metabolism.Among the plant physiological index,Chla and ChlT decreased 28.0%and 28.1%,37.3%and 35.5%under different stress treatments,respectively.Indicators related to physiological metabolic strength and stress resistance of plant,such as MDA(Malondiadehyde),CAT(catalase),SOD(superoxide dismutase)and SP(soluble protein),all increased with the increase of HMs stress concentration.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31460165,31960282)Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi Province(2018GXNSFAA281112)Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Conservation and Restoration Ecology in Karst Terrain(19-050-6).
文摘Nitrogen(N)deposition,precipitation and their interaction affect plant invasions in temperate ecosystems with limiting N and water resources,but whether and how they affect plant invasions in subtropical native communities with abundant N and precipitation remains unclear.We constructed in situ artificial communities with 12 common native plant species in a subtropical system and introduced four common invasive plant species and their native counterparts to these communities.We compared plant growth and establishment of introduced invasive species and native counterparts in communities exposed to ambient(CK),N addition(N+),increased precipitation(P+)and N addition plus increased precipitation(P+N+).We also investigated the density and aboveground biomass of communities under such conditions.P+alone did not enhance the performance of invasive species or native counterparts.N+enhanced only the aboveground biomass and relative density of invasive species.P+N+enhanced the growth and establishment performance of both invasive species and native counterparts.Most growth and establishment parameters of invasive species were greater than those of native counterparts under N+,P+and P+N+conditions.The density and aboveground biomass of native communities established by invasive species were significantly lower than those of native communities established by native counterparts under P+N+conditions.These results suggest that P+may magnify the effects of N+on performance of invasive species in subtropical native communities where N and water are often abundant,which may help to understand the effect of global change on plant invasion in subtropical ecosystems.