A boundary element method based on non-overlapping domain decomposition method to solve the time-dependent diffusion equations is presented. The time-dependent fundamental solution is used in the formulation of bounda...A boundary element method based on non-overlapping domain decomposition method to solve the time-dependent diffusion equations is presented. The time-dependent fundamental solution is used in the formulation of boundary integrals and the time integration process always restarts from the initial time condition. The process of replacing the interface values, which needs a summation of boundary integrals related to the boundary values at previous time steps can be treated in parallel iterative procedure. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the implementation of the present algorithm is efficient.展开更多
In this paper, a new domain decomposition method based on the natural boundary reduction, which solves wave problems over an unbounded domain, is suggestted. An circular artifcial boundary is introduced. The original ...In this paper, a new domain decomposition method based on the natural boundary reduction, which solves wave problems over an unbounded domain, is suggestted. An circular artifcial boundary is introduced. The original unbounded domain is divided into two subdomains, an internal bounded region and external unbounded region outside the artificial boundary. A Dirichlet-Neumann(D-N) alternating iteration algorithm is constructed. We prove that the algorithm is equavilent to preconditional Richardson iteration method. Numerical studies are performed by finite element method. The numerical results show that the convergence rate of the discrete D-N iteration is independent of the fnite element mesh size.展开更多
To study the domain decomposition algorithms for the equations of elliptic type, the method of optimal boundary control was used to advance a new procedure for domain decomposition algorithms and regularization method...To study the domain decomposition algorithms for the equations of elliptic type, the method of optimal boundary control was used to advance a new procedure for domain decomposition algorithms and regularization method to deal with the ill posedness of the control problem. The determination of the value of the solution of the partial differential equation on the interface——the key of the domain decomposition algorithms——was transformed into a boundary control problem and the ill posedness of the control problem was overcome by regularization. The convergence of the regularizing control solution was proven and the equations which characterize the optimal control were given therefore the value of the unknown solution on the interface of the domain would be obtained by solving a series of coupling equations. Using the boundary control method the domain decomposion algorithm can be carried out.展开更多
This paper presents a parallel two-level evolutionary algorithm based on domain decomposition for solving function optimization problem containing multiple solutions. By combining the characteristics of the global sea...This paper presents a parallel two-level evolutionary algorithm based on domain decomposition for solving function optimization problem containing multiple solutions. By combining the characteristics of the global search and local search in each sub-domain, the former enables individual to draw closer to each optima and keeps the diversity of individuals, while the latter selects local optimal solutions known as latent solutions in sub-domain. In the end, by selecting the global optimal solutions from latent solutions in each sub-domain, we can discover all the optimal solutions easily and quickly.展开更多
A domain decomposition and matching method in the time-domain is outlined for simulating the motions of ships advancing in waves. The flow field is decomposed into inner and outer domains by an imaginary control surfa...A domain decomposition and matching method in the time-domain is outlined for simulating the motions of ships advancing in waves. The flow field is decomposed into inner and outer domains by an imaginary control surface, and the Rankine source method is applied to the inner domain while the transient Green function method is used in the outer domain. Two initial boundary value problems are matched on the control surface. The corresponding numerical codes are developed, and the added masses, wave exciting forces and ship motions advancing in head sea for Series 60 ship and S175 containership, are presented and verified. A good agreement has been obtained when the numerical results are compared with the experimental data and other references. It shows that the present method is more efficient because of the panel discretization only in the inner domain during the numerical calculation, and good numerical stability is proved to avoid divergence problem regarding ships with flare.展开更多
We focus on the single layer formulation which provides an integral equation of the first kind that is very badly conditioned. The condition number of the unpreconditioned system increases exponentially with the multi...We focus on the single layer formulation which provides an integral equation of the first kind that is very badly conditioned. The condition number of the unpreconditioned system increases exponentially with the multiscale levels. A remedy utilizing overlapping domain decompositions applied to the Boundary Element Method by means of wavelets is examined. The width of the overlapping of the subdomains plays an important role in the estimation of the eigenvalues as well as the condition number of the additive domain decomposition operator. We examine the convergence analysis of the domain decomposition method which depends on the wavelet levels and on the size of the subdomain overlaps. Our theoretical results related to the additive Schwarz method are corroborated by numerical outputs.展开更多
Output-only structural identification is developed by a refined Frequency Domain Decomposition(rFDD) approach, towards assessing current modal properties of heavy-damped buildings(in terms of identification challe...Output-only structural identification is developed by a refined Frequency Domain Decomposition(rFDD) approach, towards assessing current modal properties of heavy-damped buildings(in terms of identification challenge), under strong ground motions. Structural responses from earthquake excitations are taken as input signals for the identification algorithm. A new dedicated computational procedure, based on coupled Chebyshev Type Ⅱ bandpass filters, is outlined for the effective estimation of natural frequencies, mode shapes and modal damping ratios. The identification technique is also coupled with a Gabor Wavelet Transform, resulting in an effective and self-contained time-frequency analysis framework. Simulated response signals generated by shear-type frames(with variable structural features) are used as a necessary validation condition. In this context use is made of a complete set of seismic records taken from the FEMA P695 database, i.e. all 44 "Far-Field"(22 NS, 22 WE) earthquake signals. The modal estimates are statistically compared to their target values, proving the accuracy of the developed algorithm in providing prompt and accurate estimates of all current strong ground motion modal parameters. At this stage, such analysis tool may be employed for convenient application in the realm of Earthquake Engineering, towards potential Structural Health Monitoring and damage detection purposes.展开更多
In this paper, wave simulation with the finite difference method for the Helmholtz equation based on the domain decomposition method is investigated. The method solves the problem by iteratively solving subproblems de...In this paper, wave simulation with the finite difference method for the Helmholtz equation based on the domain decomposition method is investigated. The method solves the problem by iteratively solving subproblems defined on smaller subdomains. Two domain decomposition algorithms both for nonoverlapping and overlapping methods are described. More numerical computations including the benchmark Marmousi model show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. This method can be expected to be used in the full-waveform inversion in the future.展开更多
A higher-order boundary element method(HOBEM) for simulating the fully nonlinear regular wave propagation and diffraction around a fixed vertical circular cylinder is investigated. The domain decomposition method with...A higher-order boundary element method(HOBEM) for simulating the fully nonlinear regular wave propagation and diffraction around a fixed vertical circular cylinder is investigated. The domain decomposition method with continuity conditions enforced on the interfaces between the adjacent sub-domains is implemented for reducing the computational cost. By adjusting the algorithm of iterative procedure on the interfaces, four types of coupling strategies are established, that is, Dirchlet/Dirchlet-Neumman/Neumman(D/D-N/N), Dirchlet-Neumman(D-N),Neumman-Dirchlet(N-D) and Mixed Dirchlet-Neumman/Neumman-Dirchlet(Mixed D-N/N-D). Numerical simulations indicate that the domain decomposition methods can provide accurate results compared with that of the single domain method. According to the comparisons of computational efficiency, the D/D-N/N coupling strategy is recommended for the wave propagation problem. As for the wave-body interaction problem, the Mixed D-N/N-D coupling strategy can obtain the highest computational efficiency.展开更多
In this paper, an absorbing Fictitious Boundary Condition (FBC) is presented to generate an iterative Domain Decomposition Method (DDM) for analyzing waveguide problems.The relaxed algorithm is introduced to improve t...In this paper, an absorbing Fictitious Boundary Condition (FBC) is presented to generate an iterative Domain Decomposition Method (DDM) for analyzing waveguide problems.The relaxed algorithm is introduced to improve the iterative convergence. And the matrix equations are solved using the multifrontal algorithm. The resulting CPU time is greatly reduced.Finally, a number of numerical examples are given to illustrate its accuracy and efficiency.展开更多
Recent advances in deep learning have expanded new possibilities for fluid flow simulation in petroleum reservoirs.However,the predominant approach in existing research is to train neural networks using high-fidelity ...Recent advances in deep learning have expanded new possibilities for fluid flow simulation in petroleum reservoirs.However,the predominant approach in existing research is to train neural networks using high-fidelity numerical simulation data.This presents a significant challenge because the sole source of authentic wellbore production data for training is sparse.In response to this challenge,this work introduces a novel architecture called physics-informed neural network based on domain decomposition(PINN-DD),aiming to effectively utilize the sparse production data of wells for reservoir simulation with large-scale systems.To harness the capabilities of physics-informed neural networks(PINNs)in handling small-scale spatial-temporal domain while addressing the challenges of large-scale systems with sparse labeled data,the computational domain is divided into two distinct sub-domains:the well-containing and the well-free sub-domain.Moreover,the two sub-domains and the interface are rigorously constrained by the governing equations,data matching,and boundary conditions.The accuracy of the proposed method is evaluated on two problems,and its performance is compared against state-of-the-art PINNs through numerical analysis as a benchmark.The results demonstrate the superiority of PINN-DD in handling large-scale reservoir simulation with limited data and show its potential to outperform conventional PINNs in such scenarios.展开更多
The numerical solution of large scale multi-dimensional convection diffusion equations often requires efficient parallel algorithms.In this work,we consider the extension of a recently proposed non-overlapping domain ...The numerical solution of large scale multi-dimensional convection diffusion equations often requires efficient parallel algorithms.In this work,we consider the extension of a recently proposed non-overlapping domain decomposition method for two dimensional time dependent convection diffusion equations with variable coefficients. By combining predictor-corrector technique,modified upwind differences with explicitimplicit coupling,the method under consideration provides intrinsic parallelism while maintaining good stability and accuracy.Moreover,for multi-dimensional problems, the method can be readily implemented on a multi-processor system and does not have the limitation on the choice of subdomains required by some other similar predictor-corrector or stabilized schemes.These properties of the method are demonstrated in this work through both rigorous mathematical analysis and numerical experiments.展开更多
Conventional element based methods for modeling acoustic problems are limited to low-frequency applications due to the huge computational efforts. For high-frequency applications, probabilistic techniques, such as sta...Conventional element based methods for modeling acoustic problems are limited to low-frequency applications due to the huge computational efforts. For high-frequency applications, probabilistic techniques, such as statistical energy analysis (SEA), are used. For mid-frequency range, currently no adequate and mature simulation methods exist. Recently, wave based method has been developed which is based on the indirect TREFFTZ approach and has shown to be able to tackle problems in the mid-frequency range. In contrast with the element based methods, no discretization is required. A sufficient, but not necessary, condition for convergence of this method is that the acoustic problem domain is convex. Non-convex domains have to be partitioned into a number of (convex) subdomains. At the interfaces between subdomains, specific coupling conditions have to be imposed. The considered two-dimensional coupled vibro-acoustic problem illustrates the beneficial convergence rate of the proposed wave based prediction technique with high accuracy. The results show the new technique can be applied up to much higher frequencies.展开更多
This paper presents a high-order coupled compact integrated RBF(CC IRBF)approximation based domain decomposition(DD)algorithm for the discretisation of second-order differential problems.Several Schwarz DD algorithms,...This paper presents a high-order coupled compact integrated RBF(CC IRBF)approximation based domain decomposition(DD)algorithm for the discretisation of second-order differential problems.Several Schwarz DD algorithms,including one-level additive/multiplicative and two-level additive/multiplicative/hybrid,are employed.The CCIRBF based DD algorithms are analysed with different mesh sizes,numbers of subdomains and overlap sizes for Poisson problems.Our convergence analysis shows that the CCIRBF two-level multiplicative version is the most effective algorithm among various schemes employed here.Especially,the present CCIRBF two-level method converges quite rapidly even when the domain is divided into many subdomains,which shows great promise for either serial or parallel computing.For practical tests,we then incorporate the CCIRBF into serial and parallel two-level multiplicative Schwarz.Several numerical examples,including those governed by Poisson and Navier-Stokes equations are analysed to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the serial and parallel algorithms implemented with the CCIRBF.Numerical results show:(i)the CCIRBF-Serial and-Parallel algorithms have the capability to reach almost the same solution accuracy level of the CCIRBF-Single domain,which is ideal in terms of computational calculations;(ii)the CCIRBF-Serial and-Parallel algorithms are highly accurate in comparison with standard finite difference,compact finite difference and some other schemes;(iii)the proposed CCIRBF-Serial and-Parallel algorithms may be used as alternatives to solve large-size problems which the CCIRBF-Single domain may not be able to deal with.The ability of producing stable and highly accurate results of the proposed serial and parallel schemes is believed to be the contribution of the coarse mesh of the two-level domain decomposition and the CCIRBF approximation.It is noted that the focus of this paper is on the derivation of highly accurate serial and parallel algorithms for second-order differential problems.The scope of this work does not cover a thorough analysis of computational time.展开更多
To solve electrically large scattering problems with limited memory, a Gauss-Seidel iteration scheme is applied to solve the interior penalty integral equation domain decomposition method. Since the original stabiliza...To solve electrically large scattering problems with limited memory, a Gauss-Seidel iteration scheme is applied to solve the interior penalty integral equation domain decomposition method. Since the original stabilization parameter in this method is frequency-dependent, the convergence of stationary iterations shows obvious dependence on frequency and slow convergence can be observed in some frequency bands. To avoid this dependence and obtain fast convergence in a wide frequency band, a frequency-independent stabilization parameter is introduced. This parameter is chosen proportionally to the average mesh length and inversely proportionally to the wavelength. Numerical examples are proposed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.展开更多
At recent, Hourgat et gave a domain decomposition algorithm for elliptic problems which can be implemented in parallel. Many numerical experiments have illustrated its efficiency. In the present paper, we apply this a...At recent, Hourgat et gave a domain decomposition algorithm for elliptic problems which can be implemented in parallel. Many numerical experiments have illustrated its efficiency. In the present paper, we apply this algorithm to solve the discrete parabolic problems, analyse its convergence and show that its convergence rale is about (1 - 2p + σp2 ) which is nearly optimal and independent of the parameter τ, where σ τ O((1 +H )(1 + ln(H / h))2 ). 0 【 p 【 1 / σ,τ,h,H are the time step size, finite element parameter and subdomain diameter, respectively.展开更多
In this paper the parallel computing of a grid-point nine-level atmospheric general circulation model on the Dawn 1000 is introduced. The model was developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Acad...In this paper the parallel computing of a grid-point nine-level atmospheric general circulation model on the Dawn 1000 is introduced. The model was developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The Dawn 1000 is a MIMD massive parallel computer made by National Research Center for Intelligent Computer (NCIC), CAS. A two-dimensional domain decomposition method is adopted to perform the parallel computing. The potential ways to increase the speed-up ratio and exploit more resources of future massively parallel supercomputation are also discussed.展开更多
Parallel finite element method using domain decomposition technique is adapted to a distributed parallel environment of workstation cluster. The algorithm is presented for parallelization of the preconditioned conjuga...Parallel finite element method using domain decomposition technique is adapted to a distributed parallel environment of workstation cluster. The algorithm is presented for parallelization of the preconditioned conjugate gradient method based on domain decomposition. Using the developed code, a dam structural analysis problem is solved on workstation cluster and results are given. The parallel performance is analyzed.展开更多
Schwarz methods are an important type of domain decomposition methods. Using the Fourier transform, we derive error propagation matrices and their spectral radii of the classical Schwarz alternating method and the add...Schwarz methods are an important type of domain decomposition methods. Using the Fourier transform, we derive error propagation matrices and their spectral radii of the classical Schwarz alternating method and the additive Schwarz method for the biharmonic equation in this paper. We prove the convergence of the Schwarz methods from a new point of view, and provide detailed information about the convergence speeds and their dependence on the overlapping size of subdomains. The obtained results are independent of any unknown constant and discretization method, showing that the Schwarz alternating method converges twice as quickly as the additive Schwarz method.展开更多
This paper presents a modified domain decomposition method for the numerical solution of discrete Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations arising from a class of optimal control problems using diffusion models. A convergenc...This paper presents a modified domain decomposition method for the numerical solution of discrete Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations arising from a class of optimal control problems using diffusion models. A convergence theorem is established. Numerical results indicate the effectiveness and accuracy of the method.展开更多
文摘A boundary element method based on non-overlapping domain decomposition method to solve the time-dependent diffusion equations is presented. The time-dependent fundamental solution is used in the formulation of boundary integrals and the time integration process always restarts from the initial time condition. The process of replacing the interface values, which needs a summation of boundary integrals related to the boundary values at previous time steps can be treated in parallel iterative procedure. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the implementation of the present algorithm is efficient.
文摘In this paper, a new domain decomposition method based on the natural boundary reduction, which solves wave problems over an unbounded domain, is suggestted. An circular artifcial boundary is introduced. The original unbounded domain is divided into two subdomains, an internal bounded region and external unbounded region outside the artificial boundary. A Dirichlet-Neumann(D-N) alternating iteration algorithm is constructed. We prove that the algorithm is equavilent to preconditional Richardson iteration method. Numerical studies are performed by finite element method. The numerical results show that the convergence rate of the discrete D-N iteration is independent of the fnite element mesh size.
文摘To study the domain decomposition algorithms for the equations of elliptic type, the method of optimal boundary control was used to advance a new procedure for domain decomposition algorithms and regularization method to deal with the ill posedness of the control problem. The determination of the value of the solution of the partial differential equation on the interface——the key of the domain decomposition algorithms——was transformed into a boundary control problem and the ill posedness of the control problem was overcome by regularization. The convergence of the regularizing control solution was proven and the equations which characterize the optimal control were given therefore the value of the unknown solution on the interface of the domain would be obtained by solving a series of coupling equations. Using the boundary control method the domain decomposion algorithm can be carried out.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(60133010,60073043,70071042)
文摘This paper presents a parallel two-level evolutionary algorithm based on domain decomposition for solving function optimization problem containing multiple solutions. By combining the characteristics of the global search and local search in each sub-domain, the former enables individual to draw closer to each optima and keeps the diversity of individuals, while the latter selects local optimal solutions known as latent solutions in sub-domain. In the end, by selecting the global optimal solutions from latent solutions in each sub-domain, we can discover all the optimal solutions easily and quickly.
基金financially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program,Grant No.2014CB046203)
文摘A domain decomposition and matching method in the time-domain is outlined for simulating the motions of ships advancing in waves. The flow field is decomposed into inner and outer domains by an imaginary control surface, and the Rankine source method is applied to the inner domain while the transient Green function method is used in the outer domain. Two initial boundary value problems are matched on the control surface. The corresponding numerical codes are developed, and the added masses, wave exciting forces and ship motions advancing in head sea for Series 60 ship and S175 containership, are presented and verified. A good agreement has been obtained when the numerical results are compared with the experimental data and other references. It shows that the present method is more efficient because of the panel discretization only in the inner domain during the numerical calculation, and good numerical stability is proved to avoid divergence problem regarding ships with flare.
文摘We focus on the single layer formulation which provides an integral equation of the first kind that is very badly conditioned. The condition number of the unpreconditioned system increases exponentially with the multiscale levels. A remedy utilizing overlapping domain decompositions applied to the Boundary Element Method by means of wavelets is examined. The width of the overlapping of the subdomains plays an important role in the estimation of the eigenvalues as well as the condition number of the additive domain decomposition operator. We examine the convergence analysis of the domain decomposition method which depends on the wavelet levels and on the size of the subdomain overlaps. Our theoretical results related to the additive Schwarz method are corroborated by numerical outputs.
基金Public research funding from“Fondi di Ricerca d’Ateneo ex 60%” and a ministerial doctoral grantfunds at the ISA Doctoral School,University of Bergamo,Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Dalmine)
文摘Output-only structural identification is developed by a refined Frequency Domain Decomposition(rFDD) approach, towards assessing current modal properties of heavy-damped buildings(in terms of identification challenge), under strong ground motions. Structural responses from earthquake excitations are taken as input signals for the identification algorithm. A new dedicated computational procedure, based on coupled Chebyshev Type Ⅱ bandpass filters, is outlined for the effective estimation of natural frequencies, mode shapes and modal damping ratios. The identification technique is also coupled with a Gabor Wavelet Transform, resulting in an effective and self-contained time-frequency analysis framework. Simulated response signals generated by shear-type frames(with variable structural features) are used as a necessary validation condition. In this context use is made of a complete set of seismic records taken from the FEMA P695 database, i.e. all 44 "Far-Field"(22 NS, 22 WE) earthquake signals. The modal estimates are statistically compared to their target values, proving the accuracy of the developed algorithm in providing prompt and accurate estimates of all current strong ground motion modal parameters. At this stage, such analysis tool may be employed for convenient application in the realm of Earthquake Engineering, towards potential Structural Health Monitoring and damage detection purposes.
文摘In this paper, wave simulation with the finite difference method for the Helmholtz equation based on the domain decomposition method is investigated. The method solves the problem by iteratively solving subproblems defined on smaller subdomains. Two domain decomposition algorithms both for nonoverlapping and overlapping methods are described. More numerical computations including the benchmark Marmousi model show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. This method can be expected to be used in the full-waveform inversion in the future.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51490673)the Pre-Research Field Fund Project of the Central Military Commission of China(Grant No.61402070201)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.DUT18LK09)
文摘A higher-order boundary element method(HOBEM) for simulating the fully nonlinear regular wave propagation and diffraction around a fixed vertical circular cylinder is investigated. The domain decomposition method with continuity conditions enforced on the interfaces between the adjacent sub-domains is implemented for reducing the computational cost. By adjusting the algorithm of iterative procedure on the interfaces, four types of coupling strategies are established, that is, Dirchlet/Dirchlet-Neumman/Neumman(D/D-N/N), Dirchlet-Neumman(D-N),Neumman-Dirchlet(N-D) and Mixed Dirchlet-Neumman/Neumman-Dirchlet(Mixed D-N/N-D). Numerical simulations indicate that the domain decomposition methods can provide accurate results compared with that of the single domain method. According to the comparisons of computational efficiency, the D/D-N/N coupling strategy is recommended for the wave propagation problem. As for the wave-body interaction problem, the Mixed D-N/N-D coupling strategy can obtain the highest computational efficiency.
文摘In this paper, an absorbing Fictitious Boundary Condition (FBC) is presented to generate an iterative Domain Decomposition Method (DDM) for analyzing waveguide problems.The relaxed algorithm is introduced to improve the iterative convergence. And the matrix equations are solved using the multifrontal algorithm. The resulting CPU time is greatly reduced.Finally, a number of numerical examples are given to illustrate its accuracy and efficiency.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.52274048)Beijing Natural Science Foundation(Grant No.3222037)+1 种基金the CNPC 14th Five-Year Perspective Fundamental Research Project(Grant No.2021DJ2104)the Science Foundation of China University of Petroleum-Beijing(No.2462021YXZZ010).
文摘Recent advances in deep learning have expanded new possibilities for fluid flow simulation in petroleum reservoirs.However,the predominant approach in existing research is to train neural networks using high-fidelity numerical simulation data.This presents a significant challenge because the sole source of authentic wellbore production data for training is sparse.In response to this challenge,this work introduces a novel architecture called physics-informed neural network based on domain decomposition(PINN-DD),aiming to effectively utilize the sparse production data of wells for reservoir simulation with large-scale systems.To harness the capabilities of physics-informed neural networks(PINNs)in handling small-scale spatial-temporal domain while addressing the challenges of large-scale systems with sparse labeled data,the computational domain is divided into two distinct sub-domains:the well-containing and the well-free sub-domain.Moreover,the two sub-domains and the interface are rigorously constrained by the governing equations,data matching,and boundary conditions.The accuracy of the proposed method is evaluated on two problems,and its performance is compared against state-of-the-art PINNs through numerical analysis as a benchmark.The results demonstrate the superiority of PINN-DD in handling large-scale reservoir simulation with limited data and show its potential to outperform conventional PINNs in such scenarios.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.10571017)supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.60533020)supported in part by NSF DMS 0712744
文摘The numerical solution of large scale multi-dimensional convection diffusion equations often requires efficient parallel algorithms.In this work,we consider the extension of a recently proposed non-overlapping domain decomposition method for two dimensional time dependent convection diffusion equations with variable coefficients. By combining predictor-corrector technique,modified upwind differences with explicitimplicit coupling,the method under consideration provides intrinsic parallelism while maintaining good stability and accuracy.Moreover,for multi-dimensional problems, the method can be readily implemented on a multi-processor system and does not have the limitation on the choice of subdomains required by some other similar predictor-corrector or stabilized schemes.These properties of the method are demonstrated in this work through both rigorous mathematical analysis and numerical experiments.
基金This project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10472035).
文摘Conventional element based methods for modeling acoustic problems are limited to low-frequency applications due to the huge computational efforts. For high-frequency applications, probabilistic techniques, such as statistical energy analysis (SEA), are used. For mid-frequency range, currently no adequate and mature simulation methods exist. Recently, wave based method has been developed which is based on the indirect TREFFTZ approach and has shown to be able to tackle problems in the mid-frequency range. In contrast with the element based methods, no discretization is required. A sufficient, but not necessary, condition for convergence of this method is that the acoustic problem domain is convex. Non-convex domains have to be partitioned into a number of (convex) subdomains. At the interfaces between subdomains, specific coupling conditions have to be imposed. The considered two-dimensional coupled vibro-acoustic problem illustrates the beneficial convergence rate of the proposed wave based prediction technique with high accuracy. The results show the new technique can be applied up to much higher frequencies.
文摘This paper presents a high-order coupled compact integrated RBF(CC IRBF)approximation based domain decomposition(DD)algorithm for the discretisation of second-order differential problems.Several Schwarz DD algorithms,including one-level additive/multiplicative and two-level additive/multiplicative/hybrid,are employed.The CCIRBF based DD algorithms are analysed with different mesh sizes,numbers of subdomains and overlap sizes for Poisson problems.Our convergence analysis shows that the CCIRBF two-level multiplicative version is the most effective algorithm among various schemes employed here.Especially,the present CCIRBF two-level method converges quite rapidly even when the domain is divided into many subdomains,which shows great promise for either serial or parallel computing.For practical tests,we then incorporate the CCIRBF into serial and parallel two-level multiplicative Schwarz.Several numerical examples,including those governed by Poisson and Navier-Stokes equations are analysed to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the serial and parallel algorithms implemented with the CCIRBF.Numerical results show:(i)the CCIRBF-Serial and-Parallel algorithms have the capability to reach almost the same solution accuracy level of the CCIRBF-Single domain,which is ideal in terms of computational calculations;(ii)the CCIRBF-Serial and-Parallel algorithms are highly accurate in comparison with standard finite difference,compact finite difference and some other schemes;(iii)the proposed CCIRBF-Serial and-Parallel algorithms may be used as alternatives to solve large-size problems which the CCIRBF-Single domain may not be able to deal with.The ability of producing stable and highly accurate results of the proposed serial and parallel schemes is believed to be the contribution of the coarse mesh of the two-level domain decomposition and the CCIRBF approximation.It is noted that the focus of this paper is on the derivation of highly accurate serial and parallel algorithms for second-order differential problems.The scope of this work does not cover a thorough analysis of computational time.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.11647095
文摘To solve electrically large scattering problems with limited memory, a Gauss-Seidel iteration scheme is applied to solve the interior penalty integral equation domain decomposition method. Since the original stabilization parameter in this method is frequency-dependent, the convergence of stationary iterations shows obvious dependence on frequency and slow convergence can be observed in some frequency bands. To avoid this dependence and obtain fast convergence in a wide frequency band, a frequency-independent stabilization parameter is introduced. This parameter is chosen proportionally to the average mesh length and inversely proportionally to the wavelength. Numerical examples are proposed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
基金The work of the first author is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaThe work of the second author is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Tsinghua University.
文摘At recent, Hourgat et gave a domain decomposition algorithm for elliptic problems which can be implemented in parallel. Many numerical experiments have illustrated its efficiency. In the present paper, we apply this algorithm to solve the discrete parabolic problems, analyse its convergence and show that its convergence rale is about (1 - 2p + σp2 ) which is nearly optimal and independent of the parameter τ, where σ τ O((1 +H )(1 + ln(H / h))2 ). 0 【 p 【 1 / σ,τ,h,H are the time step size, finite element parameter and subdomain diameter, respectively.
文摘In this paper the parallel computing of a grid-point nine-level atmospheric general circulation model on the Dawn 1000 is introduced. The model was developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The Dawn 1000 is a MIMD massive parallel computer made by National Research Center for Intelligent Computer (NCIC), CAS. A two-dimensional domain decomposition method is adopted to perform the parallel computing. The potential ways to increase the speed-up ratio and exploit more resources of future massively parallel supercomputation are also discussed.
基金Project supported by Key Project Science Foundation of ShanghaiMunicipal Commission of Education (Grant No .03AZ03)
文摘Parallel finite element method using domain decomposition technique is adapted to a distributed parallel environment of workstation cluster. The algorithm is presented for parallelization of the preconditioned conjugate gradient method based on domain decomposition. Using the developed code, a dam structural analysis problem is solved on workstation cluster and results are given. The parallel performance is analyzed.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10671154)the Na-tional Basic Research Program (No. 2005CB321703)the Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province of China (No. [2008]2123)
文摘Schwarz methods are an important type of domain decomposition methods. Using the Fourier transform, we derive error propagation matrices and their spectral radii of the classical Schwarz alternating method and the additive Schwarz method for the biharmonic equation in this paper. We prove the convergence of the Schwarz methods from a new point of view, and provide detailed information about the convergence speeds and their dependence on the overlapping size of subdomains. The obtained results are independent of any unknown constant and discretization method, showing that the Schwarz alternating method converges twice as quickly as the additive Schwarz method.
文摘This paper presents a modified domain decomposition method for the numerical solution of discrete Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations arising from a class of optimal control problems using diffusion models. A convergence theorem is established. Numerical results indicate the effectiveness and accuracy of the method.