Aiming at actual condition of poor effect of hole sealing for the reason of poor cement paste fluidity in the process of coal mine gas drainage,by adding a water reducing agent,cement paste for hole sealing was produc...Aiming at actual condition of poor effect of hole sealing for the reason of poor cement paste fluidity in the process of coal mine gas drainage,by adding a water reducing agent,cement paste for hole sealing was produced.The changes of initial distribution,weighted average values and total relaxation signal intensity of transverse relaxation time(T 2) of water in pure cement paste and water reducing agent added cement paste were studied with low field proton nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR).The results show that there are four peaks in T2 distribution curves of cement paste:the first peak is related to the bound water in flocculation,the second and the third peaks are related to the water in flocculation,water reducing agent makes it extending towards the long relaxation time,increasing its liquidity,and the fourth peak is related to the free water.By using weighted average values of T2 and total relaxation signal intensity,hydration process of cement pastes could be roughly divided into four stages:the initial period,reaction period,accelerated period and steady period.By analyzing the periods,it makes sure that the grouting process should be completed in the reaction period in the site,and the drainage process should be started in the steady period.The results have great guiding significance to the hole sealing and methane drainage.展开更多
致密砂岩气藏孔隙度、渗透率较低,微观孔喉尺度细小,在生产及压裂过程中极易产生水锁伤害。为开展致密储层防水锁作用机理研究,将常规岩心自吸实验、防水锁剂抑制水锁伤害实验与低场核磁共振技术(nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR)相结合...致密砂岩气藏孔隙度、渗透率较低,微观孔喉尺度细小,在生产及压裂过程中极易产生水锁伤害。为开展致密储层防水锁作用机理研究,将常规岩心自吸实验、防水锁剂抑制水锁伤害实验与低场核磁共振技术(nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR)相结合,从微观角度揭示致密砂岩储层微纳米级孔喉中的防水锁作用机理,为致密砂岩气藏防水锁相关研究提供理论依据。结果表明:加入防水锁添加剂后,流体表面张力下降,接触角增大,自吸速率变慢,渗透率有一定程度恢复;在此基础上,通过核磁共振T 2谱从微观角度评价缓慢自吸阶段液体在不同孔喉尺度范围内的液相水锁滞留现象,其中加入防水锁添加剂后在自吸20 h时在较小孔喉处自吸液相平均占比为38.61%,整体孔喉平均液相占比为35.79%。而在未加入防水锁试剂的样品中在自吸20 h时在较小孔喉处液相占比为67.48%,整体孔喉占比为54.52%;通过防水锁剂抑制水锁伤害实验得出,加入防水锁剂后渗透率恢复程度在15.38%~20.19%,整体液相滞留占比平均下降幅度在10.73%。防水锁剂有效地降低较小孔候处液相滞留占比,降低流体表面张力以及增大岩心疏水性能,揭示了致密砂岩气藏防水锁作用机理,为致密砂岩气藏降低水锁伤害程度、提高返排效率,为实现高效开发提供理论支撑。展开更多
基金provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.50804048 and 51274195)the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(No.BK2012571)the State Key Basic Research Program of China(No.2011CB201205)
文摘Aiming at actual condition of poor effect of hole sealing for the reason of poor cement paste fluidity in the process of coal mine gas drainage,by adding a water reducing agent,cement paste for hole sealing was produced.The changes of initial distribution,weighted average values and total relaxation signal intensity of transverse relaxation time(T 2) of water in pure cement paste and water reducing agent added cement paste were studied with low field proton nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR).The results show that there are four peaks in T2 distribution curves of cement paste:the first peak is related to the bound water in flocculation,the second and the third peaks are related to the water in flocculation,water reducing agent makes it extending towards the long relaxation time,increasing its liquidity,and the fourth peak is related to the free water.By using weighted average values of T2 and total relaxation signal intensity,hydration process of cement pastes could be roughly divided into four stages:the initial period,reaction period,accelerated period and steady period.By analyzing the periods,it makes sure that the grouting process should be completed in the reaction period in the site,and the drainage process should be started in the steady period.The results have great guiding significance to the hole sealing and methane drainage.
文摘目的:探讨瘦素(leptin)基因启动子区-2548G/A功能多态性是否与首次抗精神病药物(antipsychotic agents,APS)治疗精神分裂症(schizophrenia,SCH)患者急性期体质量增加相关。方法:APS(利培酮或氯丙嗪)单药治疗10周,治疗前后测量体质量并计算体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)。采用PCR-RFLP技术分析84例首次治疗精神分裂症患者(包含完整核心家系70个)瘦素基因-2548 G/A基因型和等位基因分布频率,APS治疗所致体质量增加与瘦素-2548G/A多态性的关联分析及核心家系关联分析,采用传递不平衡检验(TDT)和数量性状传递不平衡检验(QTDT)。结果:治疗后患者体质量增加是基础体质量的(8.00±6.13)%。体质量增加≥7%和<7%患者组间瘦素基因-2548G/A多态性的等位基因在两组的分布差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.031,P=0.045)。核心家系分析采用TDT发现,在体质量增加≥7%组患者组存在传递不平衡,等位基因A更多的由杂合子父母传递给体质量增加≥7%的患者。结论:瘦素基因启动子区-2548G/A功能多态性与APS急性期治疗致精神分裂症患者体质量增加相关,-2548A等位基因可能是APS治疗所致肥胖的危险因素。