The time-dependent Hartree-Fock approach in three dimensions is employed to study the multi-nucleon transfer reaction 132Sn + 208spb at various incident energies above the Coulomb barrier. Probabilities for different...The time-dependent Hartree-Fock approach in three dimensions is employed to study the multi-nucleon transfer reaction 132Sn + 208spb at various incident energies above the Coulomb barrier. Probabilities for different transfer channels are calculated by using the particle-number projection method. The results indicate that neutron stripping (transfer from the projectile to the target) and proton pick-up (transfer from the target to the projectile) are favored. De-excitation of the primary fragments is treated by using the state-of-art statistical code GEMINI++. Primary and final production cross sections of the target-like fragments (with Z=77 to Z=87) are investigated. The results reveal that fission decay of heavy nuclei plays an important role in the de-excitation process of nuclei with Z 〉 82. It is also found that the final production cross sections of neutron-rich nuclei depend only slightly on the incident energy, while those of neutron-deficient nuclei depend strongly on the incident energy.展开更多
文摘修正极坐标表示(Modified Polar Representation,MPR)实现了近场定位与远场测向模型的统一表达,克服了定位或测向对目标距离先验信息的依赖,巧妙地规避了传统坐标系下因远场距离模糊及距离-角度相互耦合导致的定位精度下降.然而现有MPR定位方法存在性能和稳健性不足、边界条件不清晰等问题,无法满足工程应用的实际需求.本文从子空间的角度着手以求解MPR下的时差(Time Difference Of Arrival,TDOA)定位问题,将角度和逆距离的估计分离到两个正交的空间,从而提高算法性能和稳健性.首先利用零空间投影消除逆距离以求解角度的最优估计,然后再代回原方程求解逆距离.在求解逆距离估计时,考虑角度估计误差使得矩阵出现秩亏,可通过向矩阵非零特征值对应的子空间投影解决秩亏的问题,再由加权最小二乘直接求得逆距离的最优估计.与现有研究中最优闭式解广义信赖域子问题(Generalized Trust Region Sub-problem,GTRS)相比,分析和仿真实验都证实所提算法具有更好的性能和大噪声场景下的稳健性.本文还分析了包括所提算法在内的现有基于MPR的TDOA定位算法的局限性,明确了不同算法对最小传感器数量和适用场景的的要求,为工程中算法的选择提供参考.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(11705118,11475115,11647026)Natural Science Foundation of SZU(2016017)
文摘The time-dependent Hartree-Fock approach in three dimensions is employed to study the multi-nucleon transfer reaction 132Sn + 208spb at various incident energies above the Coulomb barrier. Probabilities for different transfer channels are calculated by using the particle-number projection method. The results indicate that neutron stripping (transfer from the projectile to the target) and proton pick-up (transfer from the target to the projectile) are favored. De-excitation of the primary fragments is treated by using the state-of-art statistical code GEMINI++. Primary and final production cross sections of the target-like fragments (with Z=77 to Z=87) are investigated. The results reveal that fission decay of heavy nuclei plays an important role in the de-excitation process of nuclei with Z 〉 82. It is also found that the final production cross sections of neutron-rich nuclei depend only slightly on the incident energy, while those of neutron-deficient nuclei depend strongly on the incident energy.