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作者 LIU Dong-xi(刘东喜) +3 位作者 LI Xiao-yong(李晓勇) BAI Ying-cai(白英彩) 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2002年第1期23-25,35,共4页
Specification language is used to provide enough information for the model of the cryptographic protocol. This paper first extends strand space model to dynamic strand model, and then a formal specification language f... Specification language is used to provide enough information for the model of the cryptographic protocol. This paper first extends strand space model to dynamic strand model, and then a formal specification language for this model is defined by using BNF grammar. Compared with those in literatures, it is simpler because of only concerning the algebraic properties of cryptographic protocols. 展开更多
关键词 DYNAMIC STRAND SPACE CRYPTOGRAPHIC protocols formal specification LANGUAGE
A Conflicts Detection Approach for Merging Formal Specification Views
作者 Fathi Taibi Fouad Mohammed Abbou Md. Jahangir Alam 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2010年第5期460-471,共12页
Specifying software requirements is an important, complicated and error prone task. It involves the collaboration of several people specifying requirements that are gathered through several stakeholders. During this p... Specifying software requirements is an important, complicated and error prone task. It involves the collaboration of several people specifying requirements that are gathered through several stakeholders. During this process, developers working in parallel introduce and make modifications to requirements until reaching a specification that satisfies the stakeholders’ requirements. Merge conflicts are inevitable when integrating the modifications made by different developers to a shared specification. Thus, detecting and resolving these conflicts is critical to ensure a consistent resulting specification. A conflicts detection approach for merging Object-Oriented formal specifications is proposed in this paper. Conflicts are classified, formally defined and detected based on the results of a proposed differencing algorithm. The proposed approach has been empirically evaluated, and the experimental results are discussed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 formal specification object-oriented Collaboration MERGE Conflicts CONSISTENCY
An Integration of UML Sequence Diagram with Formal Specification Methods—A Formal Solution Based on Z
作者 Nasir Mehmood Minhas Asad Masood Qazi +1 位作者 Sidra Shahzadi Shumaila Ghafoor 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2015年第8期372-383,共12页
UML Diagrams are considered as a main component in requirement engineering process and these become an industry standard in many organizations. UML diagrams are useful to show an interaction, behavior and structure of... UML Diagrams are considered as a main component in requirement engineering process and these become an industry standard in many organizations. UML diagrams are useful to show an interaction, behavior and structure of the system. Similarly, in requirement engineering, formal specification methods are also being used in crucial systems where precise information is required. It is necessary to integrate System Models with such formal methods to overcome the requirements errors i.e. contradiction, ambiguities, vagueness, incompleteness and mixed values of abstraction. Our objective is to integrate the Formal Specification Language (Z) with UML Sequence diagram, as sequence diagram is an interaction diagram which shows the interaction and proper sequence of components (Methods, procedures etc.) of the system. In this paper, we focus on components of UML Sequence diagram and then implement these components in formal specification language Z. And the results of this research papers are complete integrated components of Sequence diagram with Z schemas, which are verified by using tools and model based testing technique of Formal Specifications. Results can be more improved by integrating remaining components of Sequence and other UML diagrams into Formal Specification Language. 展开更多
关键词 formal specificationS SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT specificationS formal Notations
Formalization of the Abstract Architecture of MAS Based on FIPA Specification
作者 郑丽伟 YU +2 位作者 Xueli Feng Xiufang 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2003年第4期5-7,共3页
The FIPA specification of MAS (multi agent system)is accepted by most of the applications of MAS in the world, and has been used in many projects. This paper draws an Abstract architecture from the FIPA based MAS, and... The FIPA specification of MAS (multi agent system)is accepted by most of the applications of MAS in the world, and has been used in many projects. This paper draws an Abstract architecture from the FIPA based MAS, and gives formalization about it. 展开更多
关键词 多代理系统 MAS 抽象结构 FIPA协议 网络技术
为SOFL Specification自动生成消息序列(MSC)
作者 王浩 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第16期114-117,共4页
形式化方法以其精确的描述能力,可验证性,和自动化潜力而得到了人们的关注。特别是在一些对安全性要求非常高的领域,已经有了很多成功的案例。但他始终没有在业界得到推广。原因之一就是基于数学符号的形式化语法十分晦涩难懂,这给开发... 形式化方法以其精确的描述能力,可验证性,和自动化潜力而得到了人们的关注。特别是在一些对安全性要求非常高的领域,已经有了很多成功的案例。但他始终没有在业界得到推广。原因之一就是基于数学符号的形式化语法十分晦涩难懂,这给开发人员之间,开发人员和客户之间的交流造成了巨大的障碍。我们认为要解决这一问题,就需要为形式化规范提供更直观,更为大家所熟悉的行为表现方式。文章介绍如何自动生成MSC(messagesequencechart)来描述SOFL(StructuredObjectorientedFormalLanguage)[12]specification的行为。通过用MSC来动态模拟规范的行为的执行过程,可以很好地帮助人们理解规范内容,这对于规范校验(specificationvalidation)有重要的意义。此外,我们为支持这一MSC自动生成过程编写的一款工具原形,也会在文中作简要介绍。 展开更多
关键词 形式化方法 SOFL MSC 模拟 规范校验
作者 WuFangjun YiTong 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2005年第2期201-204,共4页
The lack of existing solutions makes it really hard to understand formal specification languages since the application domain for representations is useful for the purpose of carrying out certain software engineering ... The lack of existing solutions makes it really hard to understand formal specification languages since the application domain for representations is useful for the purpose of carrying out certain software engineering operations such as slicing and the computation of program metrics.A Z specification dependence graph is presented in this letter. It draws on the strengths of a range of earlier works and adapts them, if necessary, to the Z language. 展开更多
关键词 PDG SDG 形式说明说言 软件工程
作者 刘林 吴金南 梅强 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期9-19,共11页
为揭示员工安全生产违规(EWSV)与其前因条件之间的复杂因果关系,提升安全治理效能,首先,基于复杂性理论,构建一个整合当代威慑理论、保护动机理论和社会学习理论的综合模型,从领导、同事和员工3个视角识别出影响EWSV的6种前因条件;然后... 为揭示员工安全生产违规(EWSV)与其前因条件之间的复杂因果关系,提升安全治理效能,首先,基于复杂性理论,构建一个整合当代威慑理论、保护动机理论和社会学习理论的综合模型,从领导、同事和员工3个视角识别出影响EWSV的6种前因条件;然后,使用模糊集定性比较分析法(fsQCA)揭示什么样的前因条件组态会导致高EWSV。研究结果表明:单一条件并不构成高EWSV的必要条件,但是,领导安全惩罚缺失(SLPO)和同事安全生产违规(CWSV)在产生高EWSV上发挥较普适的作用;5种条件组态构成的3类驱动模式均可导致高EWSV。3种条件组态导致非高EWSV,降低CWSV和提高员工感知正式惩罚对促成非高EWSV至关重要;多种前因条件的不同组合方式均可导致高EWSV,高EWSV与其多种前因条件之间存在并发性、等效性和非对称性的复杂因果关系。 展开更多
关键词 复杂性理论 员工安全生产违规(EWSV) 前因组态 正式惩罚 安全道德信念 模糊集定性比较分析(fsQCA)
一种基于无锁队列的运行时多线程并行验证方法 被引量:1
作者 李佳洁 陈哲 陈龙腾 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1249-1256,共8页
运行时验证是一种动态的软件验证技术,主要包括使用形式化规约描述待验证性质、自动生成对应监控器以及监控器的插桩.然而现有的面向C语言程序的运行时验证技术存在一些局限性,主要体现在多监控器的情况下,现有的运行时验证工具只能使... 运行时验证是一种动态的软件验证技术,主要包括使用形式化规约描述待验证性质、自动生成对应监控器以及监控器的插桩.然而现有的面向C语言程序的运行时验证技术存在一些局限性,主要体现在多监控器的情况下,现有的运行时验证工具只能使用串行的方式处理,这大大降低了验证效率.因此,本文在分析了形式化规约的基础上,提出了一种基于无锁队列的运行时多线程并行验证方法.方法在现有工具MOVEC上实现并在测试集mibench上插桩运行,并与相关工具ACC、AC++和串行机制下的MOVEC进行了对比实验.实验结果表明,本文所实现的基于无锁队列的运行时多线程并行算法可以在有多个监控器的情况下有效地对C语言程序进行并行的运行时验证,且并行验证算法的性能比串行验证算法提升了约83%. 展开更多
关键词 运行时验证 形式化规约 多线程 无锁队列 C语言程序
作者 李晓劼 杨志斌 +2 位作者 王翰丰 周勇 李维 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期84-92,共9页
安全关键系统和软件的安全性、可靠性需要形式化验证来保障,使用形式化验证的前提是从自然语言需求文本中提取相关验证性质并将其转化为形式化规约,这已成为当前形式化验证领域研究的热点和难点.当前的形式化规约提取工作大多针对英文需... 安全关键系统和软件的安全性、可靠性需要形式化验证来保障,使用形式化验证的前提是从自然语言需求文本中提取相关验证性质并将其转化为形式化规约,这已成为当前形式化验证领域研究的热点和难点.当前的形式化规约提取工作大多针对英文需求,较少针对中文自然语言需求.此外,由于AADL具有强大的表达能力和完善的验证机制,已成为航空航天领域的主要建模语言之一,而现有的工作较少考虑如何从需求中提取AADL模型的验证性质.为了解决上述问题,本文提出一种面向自然语言需求的AADL模型验证性质自动生成方法,从自然语言需求中提取验证的相关性质,并将其转化为AADL模型验证工具AGREE可识别的形式化规约.首先,定义了模式定义语言(Contract Pattern Language,CPL),将需求划分为不同模式,并给出由固定句型和占位符组成的需求模板;其次,通过自然语言处理技术解析需求文本,获取替换需求模板中占位符的原子命题,以便生成完整的形式化规约;最后,设计并实现了相关工具,并将其用于工业界实际案例来说明该方法的可用性和有效性. 展开更多
关键词 形式化验证 模式定义语言 自然语言处理 规约生成
Towards a Methodology for Formal Design and Analysis of Agent Interaction Protocols ——An Investigation in Electronic Commerce
作者 Wei Jun 1,2 , Cheung Shing Chi 1, Wang Xu 1 1. Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China 2. Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100080, Ch 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2001年第Z1期126-139,共14页
Various extensions of UML have been developed to meet the challenges of designing modern software systems, such as agent based electronic commerce applications. Recent advances in model checking technology have led i... Various extensions of UML have been developed to meet the challenges of designing modern software systems, such as agent based electronic commerce applications. Recent advances in model checking technology have led it to be introduced into the development of approaches and tools to check the correctness of electronic commerce protocols. This paper focuses on the research of a method that connects an extension of AUML to model checker SPIN/Promela for the specification and verification of agent interaction protocols (AIP) in electronic commerce. The method presented here allows us to combine the benefits of visual specification with the power of some static analysis and model checking. Some algorithms and rules are developed to permit all visual modeling constructs translated mechanically into some Promela models of AIP, as supported by the model checker SPIN. Moreover, a process is illustrated to guide the specification and verification of AIP. The method is demonstrated thoroughly using the e commerce protocol NetBill as an example. 展开更多
关键词 agent UML interaction protocol software agent model checking formal specification electronic commerce protocol
DEPICT:A High-level Formal Language for Modeling Constraint Satisfaction Problems
作者 Abdulwahed M.Abbas Edward P.K.Tsang Ahmad H.Nasri 《International Journal of Automation and computing》 EI 2008年第2期208-216,共9页
The past decade witnessed rapid development of constraint satisfaction technologies, where algorithms are now able to cope with larger and harder problems. However, owing to the fact that constraints are inherently de... The past decade witnessed rapid development of constraint satisfaction technologies, where algorithms are now able to cope with larger and harder problems. However, owing to the fact that constraints are inherently declarative, attention is quickly turning toward developing high-level programming languages within which such problems can be modeled and also solved. Along these lines, this paper presents DEPICT, the language. Its use is illustrated through modeling a number of benchmark examples. The paper continues with a description of a prototype system within which such models may be interpreted. The paper concludes with a description of a sample run of this interpreter showing how a problem modeled as such is typically solved. 展开更多
关键词 Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) and languages formal specifications typed predicate calculus language interpreter
Integrating Formal Methods in XP—A Conceptual Solution
作者 Shagufta Shafiq Nasir Mehmood Minhas 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2014年第4期299-310,共12页
Formal methods can be used at any stage of product development process to improve the software quality and efficiency using mathematical models for analysis and verification. From last decade, researchers and practiti... Formal methods can be used at any stage of product development process to improve the software quality and efficiency using mathematical models for analysis and verification. From last decade, researchers and practitioners are trying to establish successful transfer of practices of formal methods into industrial process development. In the last couple of years, numerous analysis approaches and formal methods have been applied in different settings to improve software quality. In today’s highly competitive software development industry, companies are striving to deliver fast with low cost and improve quality solutions and agile methodologies have proved their efficiency in acquiring these. Here, we will present an integration of formal methods, specifications and verification practices in the most renowned process development methodology of agile i.e. extreme programming with a conceptual solution. That leads towards the development of a complete formalized XP process in future. This will help the practitioners to understand the effectiveness of formal methods using in agile methods that can be helpful in utilizing the benefits of formal methods in industry. 展开更多
关键词 formal Methods specification Verification AGILE EXTREME PROGRAMMING
A Formal Model of Conformity and Security Testing of Inheritance for Object Oriented Constraint Programming
作者 Khalid Benlhachmi Mohammed Benattou 《Journal of Information Security》 2013年第2期113-123,共11页
This paper presents an approach for extending the constraint model defined for conformity testing of a given method of class to its overriding method in subclass using inheritance principle. The first objective of the... This paper presents an approach for extending the constraint model defined for conformity testing of a given method of class to its overriding method in subclass using inheritance principle. The first objective of the proposed work is to find the relationship between the test model of an overriding method and its overridden method using the constraint propagation. In this context the approach shows that the test cases developed for testing an original method can be used for testing its overriding method in a subclass and then the number of test cases can be reduced considerably. The second objective is the use of invalid data which do not satisfy the precondition constraint and induce valid output values for introducing a new concept of test called secure testing. The implementation of this approach is based on a random generation of test data and analysis by formal proof. 展开更多
Formalization of Federated Schema Architectural Style Variability
作者 Wilhelm Hasselbring 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2015年第2期72-92,共21页
Data integration requires managing heterogeneous schema information. A federated database system integrates heterogeneous, autonomous database systems on the schema level, whereby both local applications and global ap... Data integration requires managing heterogeneous schema information. A federated database system integrates heterogeneous, autonomous database systems on the schema level, whereby both local applications and global applications accessing multiple component database systems are supported. Such a federated database system is a complex system of systems which requires a well-designed organization at the system and software architecture level. A specific challenge that federated database systems face is the organization of schemas into a schema architecture. This paper provides a detailed, formal investigation of variability in the family of schema architectures, which are central components in the architecture of federated database systems. It is shown how the variability of specific architectures can be compared to the reference architecture and to each other. To achieve this, we combine the semi-formal object-oriented modeling language UML with the formal object-oriented specification language Object-Z. Appropriate use of inheritance in the formal specification, as enabled by Object-Z, greatly supports specifying and analyzing the variability among the studied schema architectures. The investigation also serves to illustrate the employed specification techniques for analyzing and comparing software architecture specifications. 展开更多
关键词 Federated Database Systems SOFTWARE Architecture formal specification SOFTWARE Product Fami-lies SOFTWARE VARIABILITY
作者 王霞 王恪铭 +1 位作者 徐扬 唐伟健 《西南交通大学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期109-116,共8页
铁路平交道口控制系统是一种典型的安全苛求系统,为提高铁路平交道口的安全性,提出一个能适应双线双向接车的自动控制系统.首先,分析现有铁路平交道口的作业流程,利用新的控制系统解决现有系统中常见的三个问题,即出清检查、制动距离限... 铁路平交道口控制系统是一种典型的安全苛求系统,为提高铁路平交道口的安全性,提出一个能适应双线双向接车的自动控制系统.首先,分析现有铁路平交道口的作业流程,利用新的控制系统解决现有系统中常见的三个问题,即出清检查、制动距离限制、连续接车中防护门短时间开放问题;其次,基于Event-B语言以及精化策略对设计的自动控制系统建立形式化模型;最后,检查证明义务以验证需求属性是否被满足,并应用动画器Animation展示系统功能的正确性.结果显示:相比传统的道口管理系统,本文提出的自动控制系统增加了双线连续接车功能,且使用形式化建模和验证,避免系统设计中存在的二义性,对平交道口安全管理有一定的参考意义. 展开更多
关键词 平交道口 控制系统 需求规范 安全苛求系统 形式化方法
作者 杨科 肖美华 +1 位作者 钟小妹 占东明 《华东交通大学学报》 2023年第2期57-70,共14页
时序逻辑是研究状态随时间变化系统的逻辑特性,在软硬件验证中有着广泛应用,是模型检测的基础。基于对时间模型的不同描述以及为了处理更加复杂的计算特征,衍生出各种时序逻辑,具有不同的表达能力,正确理解其表达能力对于系统模型的形... 时序逻辑是研究状态随时间变化系统的逻辑特性,在软硬件验证中有着广泛应用,是模型检测的基础。基于对时间模型的不同描述以及为了处理更加复杂的计算特征,衍生出各种时序逻辑,具有不同的表达能力,正确理解其表达能力对于系统模型的形式化规约尤为重要。首先,介绍基于离散时间模型的线性时序逻辑LTL、计算树逻辑CTL和CTL*,以及基于连续时间模型的区间时序逻辑ITL和投影时序逻辑PTL,对它们的表达能力及区别进行了详细阐述;然后,概述为了描述随机、实时、混成、开放系统中的复杂行为而提出的不同时序逻辑,指出它们的特点及适用范围;最后,对时序逻辑的未来研究方向进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 时序逻辑 表达能力 形式化方法 逻辑系统 形式化规约
作者 管金平 杨晋吉 杨成龙 《计算机与现代化》 2023年第9期77-81,86,共6页
共识协议作为分布式系统的关键要素和核心组件,用于解决分布式场景下可能出现故障的节点间保证同一数据一致的问题,其准确性和高效性直接决定了系统的性能。Raft共识协议是目前分布式系统中常见且有效的算法。本文首先使用概率模型检测... 共识协议作为分布式系统的关键要素和核心组件,用于解决分布式场景下可能出现故障的节点间保证同一数据一致的问题,其准确性和高效性直接决定了系统的性能。Raft共识协议是目前分布式系统中常见且有效的算法。本文首先使用概率模型检测方法对Raft共识协议进行形式化建模,然后利用概率模型检测的属性规约技术对它的相关属性进行描述,最后通过模型检测工具验证并分析Raft共识协议的一致性和高效性。实验结果表明,Raft共识协议满足一致性,但是在领导者选举阶段,当跟随者维护的最新日志序号的差值范围增加时,选举回合数也会增多,使得整个服务周期选举时间增加,从而影响协议的执行效率。 展开更多
关键词 分布式系统 Raft共识协议 概率模型检测 形式化验证 属性规约
A survey on formal specification and verification of separation kernels 被引量:1
作者 Yongwang ZHAO Zhibin YANG Dianfu MA 《Frontiers of Computer Science》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第4期585-607,共23页
Abstract Separation kernels are fundamental software of safety and security-critical systems, which provide their hosted applications with spatial and temporal separation as well as controlled information flows among ... Abstract Separation kernels are fundamental software of safety and security-critical systems, which provide their hosted applications with spatial and temporal separation as well as controlled information flows among partitions. The application of separation kernels in critical domain demands the correctness of the kernel by formal verification. To the best of our knowledge, there is no survey paper on this topic. This paper presents an overview of formal specification and verification of separation kernels. We first present the back- ground including the concept of separation kernel and the comparisons among different kernels. Then, we survey the state of the art on this topic since 2000. Finally, we summa- rize research work by detailed comparison and discussion. 展开更多
关键词 real-time operating systems separation kernel survey formal specification formal verification
Pre-post notation is questionable in effectively specifying operations of object-oriented systems
作者 Shaoying LIU 《Frontiers of Materials Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第3期341-352,共12页
There is a growing tendency for people in the community of object-oriented methods to use preand post-conditions to write formal specifications for opera- tions (methods) of classes. The motivation for trying to tak... There is a growing tendency for people in the community of object-oriented methods to use preand post-conditions to write formal specifications for opera- tions (methods) of classes. The motivation for trying to take advantage of well established formalism in precisely defining the functionality of operations is laudable, but unfortunately this exercise may be flawed because the use of pre- and post-conditions containing method calls (or similar) with side effects are likely to cause confusion in the interpretation of specifications. This paper analyzes, with comprehensible examples, why using pre-post notation is not effective to specify operations in objectoriented systems in general, discusses existing approaches to using pre-post notation for object-oriented systems, and offers some solutions to the problem. 展开更多
关键词 formal specification object-oriented systems software development
形式化方法概貌 被引量:75
作者 王戟 詹乃军 +1 位作者 冯新宇 刘志明 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期33-61,共29页
形式化方法是基于严格数学基础,对计算机硬件和软件系统进行描述、开发和验证的技术.其数学基础建立在形式语言、语义和推理证明三位一体的形式逻辑系统之上.形式化方法已经以不同程度和不同方式愈来愈多地应用在计算系统生命周期的各... 形式化方法是基于严格数学基础,对计算机硬件和软件系统进行描述、开发和验证的技术.其数学基础建立在形式语言、语义和推理证明三位一体的形式逻辑系统之上.形式化方法已经以不同程度和不同方式愈来愈多地应用在计算系统生命周期的各个阶段.介绍了形式化方法的发展历程和基本方法体系;以形式规约和形式验证为主线,综述了形式化方法的理论、方法、工具和应用的现状,展示了形式化方法与软件学科其他领域的交叉和融合;分析了形式化方法的启示,并展望了其面临的发展机遇和未来趋势.形式化方法的发展和研究现状表明:其应用已经取得了长足的进步,在提高计算系统的可靠性和安全性方面发挥了重要作用.在当今软件日益成为社会基础设施的时代,形式化方法将与人工智能、网络空间安全、量子计算、生物计算等领域和方向交叉融合,得到更加广阔的应用.研究和建立这种交叉融合的理论和方法不仅重要,而且具有挑战性. 展开更多
关键词 形式化方法 形式规约 形式验证 程序设计方法学 软件开发
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