Objectives:This study aimed to explore the status of job satisfaction,emotional labour,core competencies and job stress and the associations of emotional labour and core competencies with the job satisfaction of nurse...Objectives:This study aimed to explore the status of job satisfaction,emotional labour,core competencies and job stress and the associations of emotional labour and core competencies with the job satisfaction of nurses in China.Methods:Data were collected by using a self-designed general information questionnaire,a job satisfaction questionnaire(McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale),a nurse emotional labour questionnaire,the Competency Inventory for Registered Nurses questionnaire,and a nurse job stressor questionnaire.A total of 13,448 nurses from 92 hospitals across mainland of China were surveyed,and 11,337 respondents(84.3%response rate)completed the questionnaires.Results:The survey results indicated that Chinese nurses had average job satisfaction(24.77±5.23),moderate job stress(86.84±21.12),moderate to high emotional labour experiences(55.08±9.63)and high competency(195.77±37.61).Multiple linear regression indicated that surface acting was negatively correlated with job satisfaction(P<0.01),while deep acting(P<0.01)and nurses'core competence(P<0.01)were positively associated with job satisfaction.Besides,The results also indicated job stress,geographical distribution,hospital category,gender,work shift,only children,parenting status,monthly salary,nursing experience,professional title,hospital area were the influencing factors of job satisfaction(P<0.05).Conclusion:The improvement of the emotional labour and competency of nurses may help enhance their job satisfaction.展开更多
Objectives:Previous studies in China's Mainland found ICU nurses to be less satisfied with their jobs and more inclined to leave them than are nurses in other hospital units.We aimed to determine ICU nurses'pe...Objectives:Previous studies in China's Mainland found ICU nurses to be less satisfied with their jobs and more inclined to leave them than are nurses in other hospital units.We aimed to determine ICU nurses'perspectives on the factors that influence job satisfaction and whether or not to continue working in the ICU.Methods:Nine ICU nurses were asked five open-ended questions to elicit the nurses'perspectives on job satisfaction and intentions to leave.Data were analyzed according to the process described by Knafl and Webster(1988).Core concepts were identified using the constant comparative method.Results:Two themes emerged as major influences on job dissatisfaction:1)stress experienced from excessive workload demands and the ICU work environment,and 2)a lack of respect and recognition for the nurses'work.Two themes emerged as major influences on job satisfaction:1)recognition of work,and 2)professional opportunities and relationships with coworkers.The effects of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction on the nurses'intentions to leave their jobs varied,although three categories were identified.Conclusions:For ICU nurses in China,sources of job dissatisfaction are potentially remedied with simple interventions.Adequate staffing is necessary but not sufficient for a positive work environment.Administrators should address the factors that directly affect their nurses'levels of job satisfaction,as it will ultimately result in less staff turnover and greater patient care.展开更多
Objective:The paper aims to explore the status of intensive care unit(ICU)nurses'self-esteem,job satisfaction,and subjective well-being and to investigate the relationship among the three elements.Methods:A cross-...Objective:The paper aims to explore the status of intensive care unit(ICU)nurses'self-esteem,job satisfaction,and subjective well-being and to investigate the relationship among the three elements.Methods:A cross-sectional survey of 224 nurses from five teaching hospitals in Tianjin,China,was conducted.Self-esteem scale,job satisfaction scale,and subjective well-being scale were used to explore the status of ICU nurses'self-esteem,job satisfaction,and subjective well-being.Correlation among the three elements was calculated by SPSS 17.0.Results:The scores of three scales(i.e.,ICU nurses'self-esteem,job satisfaction,and subjective well-being)were 27.67±3.41,43.57±9.04,and 69.73±11.60,respectively.The subjective well-being was significantly positively correlated with self-esteem and job satisfaction(r=0.454,P<0.01;r=0.584,P<0.01,respectively).Conclusion:The study shows that the prevalence of subjective well-being and self-esteem with ICU nurses are at a low level,and job satisfaction is at the median level.Associations among self-esteem,job satisfaction,and subjective well-being in ICUs have been confirmed.Self-esteem and job satisfaction positively correlated with nurse subjective well-being.The higher the self-esteem and job satisfaction levels are,the stronger the subjective well-being is.The working pressure in ICUs cannot be alleviated temporarily;hence,to promote a high subjective well-being,managers and ICU nurses increase their self-esteem and job satisfaction through taking strategies that strengthen psychological construction.展开更多
Nursing is known to be a stressful profession that can lead to physical and psychological health issues and behavioural problems.In oncology,workload among nurses is believed to be increasing in conjunction with rapid...Nursing is known to be a stressful profession that can lead to physical and psychological health issues and behavioural problems.In oncology,workload among nurses is believed to be increasing in conjunction with rapidly increasing numbers of patients with cancer and staff shortages worldwide,therefore it is essential to sustain a quality oncology nurse workforce.Numerous studies have presented evidence on job strain,effects of coping strategies,and nurses'work performance within healthcare settings,but few have focused on oncology settings and none of these on nurses working in Saudi Arabia.The purpose of this review was to summarize empirical and theoretical evidence concerning job-related stressors in nurses,particularly oncology nurses,and the interrelationships among job strain,coping strategies,and work performance in this population.Search strategies identified studies published on studies in peer-reviewed journals from 2004 to 2016.Twenty-five nursing studies were found examining the relationships among the concepts of interest.Common job-related stressors among oncology nurses were high job demands,dealing with death/dying,lack of job control,and interpersonal conflicts at work.Job strain was found to be significantly linked to coping strategies,and negatively associated with work performance among nurses in general.There is no existing empirical evidence to support the relationship between coping strategies and work performance among oncology nurses.The present evidence is limited,and a considerable amount of research is required in the future to expand the oncology nursing literature.Research is needed to investigate job-related stressors and their effects on oncology nurses.展开更多
Objective:Job satisfaction is a positive emotional feeling in the working environment,and it is an essential tool with which to improve patient safety,nurses’efficiency and performance,quality of care,retention and t...Objective:Job satisfaction is a positive emotional feeling in the working environment,and it is an essential tool with which to improve patient safety,nurses’efficiency and performance,quality of care,retention and turnover of nurses,and commitment to the organization and the profession.There are few studies on job satisfaction of nurses in the country.Therefore,this review aims to estimate the pooled prevalence of job satisfaction among Ethiopian nurses using the available studies.Methods:This systematic review used the Preferred Repor ting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses(PRISMA)guideline to synthesize the evidence on the prevalence and associated factors of nurses’job satisfaction.Databases used for searching the included ar ticles from Pub Med,Embase,CINHAL,Google Scholar,HINARI,and Science Direct.All papers selected for inclusion were subjected to a rigorous appraisal using a standardized critical appraisal checklist(JBI checklist).STATA software(version 11)was used for the analysis,and 95%confidence intervals were calculated.The Cochrane Q test statistics and I2 tests were used to assess the heterogeneity prevailing between the studies.Finally,a random effect model was computed to estimate the pooled prevalence of nurses’job satisfaction in the country.Results:In this review,the data of 1,151 nurses were obtained from six studies.The pooled prevalence of nurses’job satisfaction was found to be 39.53%(24.52,54.53).The prevalence of job satisfaction in the Central part of Ethiopia was low:31.12%(95%CI 5.25,56.99)compared to the South-Eastern part of Ethiopia’s 48.01%(95%CI 36.51,59.52).The most common predictors identified were salary(P<0.05),the leadership of the organization(P<0.05),and training opportunities(P<0.05).Conclusions:The pooled prevalence of job satisfaction among nurses was found to be low in comparison with global data.The significant predictors for nurses’job satisfaction are based on the review findings,salary,leadership of organization,and training opportunities.展开更多
Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between job characteristics (job autonomy,job feedback,skill variety,task identity,task significance) and work engagement of nurses in Malaysia.Metho...Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between job characteristics (job autonomy,job feedback,skill variety,task identity,task significance) and work engagement of nurses in Malaysia.Methods: A survey using self-administered questionnaires was used to collect data from a sample of 856 staff nurses working in eight public hospitals in Malaysia.A shortened nine-item version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale(UWES-9) was used to measure work engagement.The UWES-9 comprises three dimensions,which was measured with three items each: vigor,dedication,and absorption.Job characteristics (job autonomy,job feedback,skill variety,task identity,task significance) were measured with the corresponding subscales of the Job Diagnostic Survey.Each subscale consisted of three items.Hypotheses were tested using hierarchical regression analysis.Results: Findings indicated that all the five demographic variables (age,marital status,education,organizational tenure,job tenure) were unrelated to work engagement.The results further revealed that job autonomy (β=0.19,P < 0.01),job feedback (β=0.10,P < 0.01),task identity (β=0.13,P < 0.01),and task significance (β=0.08,P< 0.05) were positively related to work engagement.Skill variety (β=0.03,P> 0.05),however,did not affect work engagement.Conclusion: Job autonomy,job feedback,task identity,and task significance are important factors in predicting work engagement.The findings of this study highlighted the need to incorporate these core dimensions in nursing management to foster work engagement.展开更多
<strong>Background:</strong> Both, job satisfaction with quality of provided health care is considered the main issue which directly influences the health care field because if nurses do not give the quali...<strong>Background:</strong> Both, job satisfaction with quality of provided health care is considered the main issue which directly influences the health care field because if nurses do not give the quality care to their patients then the patient dissatisfaction increased. Job satisfaction is defined as the extent of workers’ contentedness with their job, either they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as type of work or regulation. <strong>Objective: </strong>To assess nurses’ job satisfaction and perceived organizational support with their effect on quality of provided health care in Saudi Arabia.<strong> Methods: </strong>Nurses in Saudi Arabia governmental hospitals during the period from 1st March to 30th April 2020 were invited and consecutively included. Data were collected using online questionnaire. <strong>Results:</strong> The study included 355 nurses with their ages ranged from 25 to 55 years old. Females were 216 (60.8%) of the total participants. Exact of 267 (75.2%) nurses reported that they like the type of work they do, 245 (69%) provided with satisfactory equipment to accomplish my task. There was a significant relation between organizational support and job satisfaction with their effect on quality of care. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Organizational support positively affected nonsatisfaction which in turn positively affected quality of delivered care.展开更多
Background: Based on the experience of hospital nurses, the aim of this study is to explore the phenomenon of how work-engaged nurses stay healthy in relationally demanding jobs involving very sick and/or dying patien...Background: Based on the experience of hospital nurses, the aim of this study is to explore the phenomenon of how work-engaged nurses stay healthy in relationally demanding jobs involving very sick and/or dying patients. Method: In-depth interviews were conducted with ten work-engaged nurses employed at the main hospital in one region in Norway. The interviews were interpreted using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis method (IPA). Results: The results indicate the importance of using the personal resources: authenticity and a sense of humour for staying healthy. The nurses’ authenticity, in the sense of having a strong sense of ownership towards their personal life experiences, and a sense of having a meaningful life in line with their own values and interests, was an important element when they considered their own health to be good in spite of repetitive strain injuries and perceived stress. These personal resources seem to be positively related to their well-being and work engagement, which serves as an argument for including them among other personal resources, often conceptualized in terms of Psychological Capital (PsyCap). The results also showed that the nurses worked actively and intentionally with conditions that could contribute to safeguarding their own health. Conclusion: The results indicated the importance of stimulating the nurses’ area of knowledge about caring for themselves in order to enable them to maintain good physical and mental health. A focus on self-care should be part of the agenda as early as during nursing education.展开更多
To understand how to create a stabile workforce achieving excellent quality of care and patient safety, associations between practice environments and nurse and patient outcomes have been widely studied in acute and p...To understand how to create a stabile workforce achieving excellent quality of care and patient safety, associations between practice environments and nurse and patient outcomes have been widely studied in acute and psychiatric care hospitals. Knowing residential aged care services are challenged to tackle complex patients’ needs within certain working conditions, to what extent do nurses perceive their practice environment in geriatric care? In a cross-sectional survey, a sample of 709 registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and nurse aides employed in 25 residential aged care services completed a structured questionnaire composed of various validated instruments measuring nurse practice environment factors, nurse work characteristics, burnout, nurse reported job outcomes, quality and patient adverse events. Associations between variables across residential aged care services were examined using multilevel modelling techniques. Associations were identified between practice environment factors, work characteristics, burnout dimensions, and reported outcome variables across residential aged care services. Multiple multilevel models showed independent variables (nursing management at the unit level, workload, decision latitude, social capital, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization) as important predictors of nurse reported outcome (job satisfaction, turnover intensions), quality of care (at the unit, the last shift, and in the service within the last year) and patient adverse events (patient and family complaints, patient falls, pulmonary and urinary tract infections, and medications errors). Results suggested the importance of nurse practice environment factors, nurse work characteristics and perception of burnout on nurse and patient outcomes across their nurse practice environment. Challenging the complex care of a vulnerable and frail population executives, physicians, nursing leaders as well as nurses in their nurse practice environment shared responsibility to create working conditions achieving excellent quality and patient safety.展开更多
<strong>Objective: </strong>With the development of society, people’s requirements and standards for nursing work continue to improve, under the premise of nursing human resources are relatively insuffici...<strong>Objective: </strong>With the development of society, people’s requirements and standards for nursing work continue to improve, under the premise of nursing human resources are relatively insufficient, nursing work from nursing skills to service attitude to ensure quality, this standard brings great work pressure to nursing staff, in addition, the increasing medical disputes, It increases the risk factor of personal safety attack in the workplace of nurses, and further increases the psychological pressure of nurses, thus increasing the incidence of job burnout of nurses. <strong>Methods: </strong>A multi-stage random sampling was adopted to conduct a questionnaire survey among 1049 nursing staff on December 1, solstice and December 30, 2015. The current situation of nurses’ job satisfaction, stressors and job burnout and its influencing factors were analyzed. <strong>Results: </strong>1) The total score of nurses’ job satisfaction was 91.52 ± 17.99 points;2) The total score of nurses’ work stressors was 86.52 ± 21.95 points;3) The total score of nurses’ job burnout was 38.44 ± 7.55 points;4) The aspects of patient care, management and interpersonal relationship were significantly correlated with nurses’ burnout (P < 0.001), and the total score of job satisfaction was positively correlated with nurses’ burnout, while the total score of job satisfaction was negatively correlated with nurses’ burnout. There was a significant correlation between job title and nurse burnout (P < 0.001). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The job burnout of nurses is related to nurse satisfaction and work pressure. The problems of management and interpersonal relationship, title, total score of job satisfaction and patient care are the main problems of nurses’ job burnout.展开更多
Objective: To study factors influencing nurses' job burnout and their subjective well-being and to explore the relationships between these two phenomena. Methods: A total of 250 nurses from three hospitals in Shand...Objective: To study factors influencing nurses' job burnout and their subjective well-being and to explore the relationships between these two phenomena. Methods: A total of 250 nurses from three hospitals in Shandong were evaluated with the Maslach Burnout Inventory and a subjective well-being scale. Results: Nursing staff showed significantly different levels of job burnout (P〈0.05) according to the following characteristics: age, marital status, educational background, technical tide, years of nursing experience, monthly income, manning quotas and parental status. Level of burnout is higher for nursing staff who are under the age of 30 years, are unmarried, had secondary education, had unofficial manning quota status, are childless, hold a primary title and whose years of nursing experience are less than five years. Statistical significance was found for life satisfaction (P〈0.05) with differences in age; marital status; technical title; years of nursing experience; monthly income; manning quota status; and parental status in positive emotion, negative emotion and degree. There is a significant negative correlation between every dimension of job burnout and life satisfaction and positive emotions for subjective well-being. Every component of job burnout was significantly positively correlated with negative emotions. (P〈0.05) Conclusions: Age, marital status, educational background, technical rifle, years of nursing ex- perience, monthly income, manning quotas and parental status have different influences on occupation burnout and subjective well-being. Dimensions of occupation burnout have functions of predicting subjective well-being.展开更多
Introduction: Nursing is highly demanding and stressful profession. Negative consequences of job demands were widely discussed throughout the literature like;poor quality of care, poor health, burnout, greater intent ...Introduction: Nursing is highly demanding and stressful profession. Negative consequences of job demands were widely discussed throughout the literature like;poor quality of care, poor health, burnout, greater intent to leave and lower level of job satisfaction. Job dissatisfaction among nurses also has been discussed exhaustively in the literature in regards to its negative outcomes represented by burnout, absenteeism, turnover, greater intent to leave and finally leaving nursing profession. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine literature discussing job demands in nursing profession and its associated factors among nurses, and to provide direction as to where research needs to continue to explore and develop evidence in this area. Results: Results showed that job demands are the most influential stressor in nursing profession that associated strongly with many negative consequences on the profession in general and on the nurses on particular. Conclusion: The results supported that job demand is unavoidable stressor that leads to many negative consequences and connects directly to job dissatisfaction. Therefore, there is a need to search for alleviating factors that decrease nursing stressor, its consequences and buffer the correlation between job demand and job satisfaction.展开更多
Background: High quality care is the main concern of healthcare administrators and it was found to be related to nurses’ job satisfaction and motivation. Purpose: The study aimed to compare patients’ and nurses’ pe...Background: High quality care is the main concern of healthcare administrators and it was found to be related to nurses’ job satisfaction and motivation. Purpose: The study aimed to compare patients’ and nurses’ perceptions of nurses’ job satisfaction and motivation. Method: In this cross-sectional study the participants were 315 released patients and 329 nurses from eight hospitals in northern Israel. The participants completed three questionnaires: demographics, nursing job satisfaction, and nursing job motivation. Results: Nurses perceived both job satisfaction and motivation higher than the patients. Duration of hospitalization and being accompanied by family, were positively correlated to patients’ perceptions of these variables. Conclusion/Implications for Practice: To optimize care quality, it is important to assess both patients’ and nurses’ perceptions of nurses’ job satisfaction and motivation. Such an assessment may shed light on the nursing experience and on the way that it is reflected in the patients’ experience. A system-wide process is needed to set a national standard for service quality while emphasizing strategies that promote recognition of nurses’ work, for example, compliments and acknowledgment. This could enhance nurses’ sense of work engagement, which, in turn, may increase the patients’ perception of nurses’ job satisfaction and motivation.展开更多
Objective:The objective of the present study is to explore the effects of personality traits on job burnout among hospital nurses.Materials and Methods:This cross-sectional research was done during 2019-2020 at Kashan...Objective:The objective of the present study is to explore the effects of personality traits on job burnout among hospital nurses.Materials and Methods:This cross-sectional research was done during 2019-2020 at Kashan Shahid Beheshti Hospital.The data analysis procedures included descriptive statistics and the partial least squares-based structural equation modeling.The participants were 150 nursing professionals.A questionnaire indicating information on demographics,burnout(measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory with three dimensions of depersonalization,emotional exhaustion,and personal accomplishment),and personality profile(measured employing the neuroticism extraversion openness five-factor inventory including extroversion,conscientiousness,agreeableness,neuroticism,and openness to experience dimensions)was used to gather the required data.Results:The results of the study showed that the validity and reliability of the measurement model were desirable(factor load higher than 0.5,the Cronbach’s alpha value and the composite reliability are>0.7).Structural model showed statistically drastic,negative relationship between the nurses’burnout levels and neuroticism(β=0.722)and openness to experience(β=0.437).However,the relationship was significantly positive between the nurses’burnout levels and conscientiousness(β=0.672),agreement(β=0.594),and extraversion(β=0.559)(P<0.03).Conclusions:The present study helped the recognition of burnout among nurses working in hospitals and approved the effects of personality features on the burnout experience.展开更多
Objective:The objective of this study was to assess and compare job satisfaction and organizational commitment among nurses working on temporary versus permanent basis at a tertiary care teaching hospital,Uttarakhand,...Objective:The objective of this study was to assess and compare job satisfaction and organizational commitment among nurses working on temporary versus permanent basis at a tertiary care teaching hospital,Uttarakhand,India.Materials and Methods:A total of 250 nurses(125 temporary and 125 permanent)were selected using stratified disproportionate random sampling techniques from a tertiary care teaching hospital.Sociodemographic datasheet,Job Satisfaction Survey scale,and Organizational Commitment scale were used to collect data.Results:The study results revealed that the job satisfaction score was significantly higher in permanent nurses(139.1±15.4)than in temporary nurses(131.3±12.2)(P<0.001).However,temporary nurses(85.2±14.4)were more committed toward organization than permanent nurses(80.0±16.0)(P<0.001).There was a significant association between nurses’job satisfaction and their gross salary(P<0.001)and their organizational commitment with the selected profession by own will(P<0.001).Conclusion:The present study concluded that majority of temporary and permanent nurses reported a moderate level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment.This study suggests enhancing employee satisfaction can improve organizational commitment.As well,this study’s findings can serve as a valuable foundation for designing policies to enhance organizational commitment in the future.展开更多
Objective:This study aimed to determine the effects of job characteristics and work engagement on the nursing performance of nurses working in general hospitals.Methods:Data were collected from 169 nurses who are work...Objective:This study aimed to determine the effects of job characteristics and work engagement on the nursing performance of nurses working in general hospitals.Methods:Data were collected from 169 nurses who are working in a general hospital in South Korea by using a cross-sectional descriptive survey design.Results:Nurses’job characteristics and work engagement showed positive effects on nursing performance.This effect was magnified when work engagement was used as a mediating variable.Conclusions:The findings elucidate the factors influencing job performance and provide managers with important information for developing programs to improve the job skills and work engagement of nurses.展开更多
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between evidence-based practice (EBP) and job satisfaction among nurses working in long-term care facilities. Methods: The study used a descriptive c...Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between evidence-based practice (EBP) and job satisfaction among nurses working in long-term care facilities. Methods: The study used a descriptive cross-sectional design. A total of 146 nurses working in 6 long-term care facilities in South Korea self-reported their perception of EBP implementation, barriers to research utilization, and job satisfaction. Results: The level of job satisfaction was higher in nurses who were single, older, more experienced, and had a higher income. Lower perceived barriers to research utilization were associated with greater job satisfaction. However, there was no significant relationship between a level of EBP implementation and job satisfaction. Factors influencing job satisfaction included lower barriers to the organization and communication domains of research utilization, being unmarried and older. Conclusion: Decreasing barriers to research utilization may improve the job satisfaction of nurses working in long-term care facilities.展开更多
Objectives:This study examined the influence of Chinese nurses’personal resources(psychological capital)and access to workplace resources(structural empowerment)on their job satisfaction.Method:A cross-sectional stud...Objectives:This study examined the influence of Chinese nurses’personal resources(psychological capital)and access to workplace resources(structural empowerment)on their job satisfaction.Method:A cross-sectional study was designed during the period of January to April 2018.An anonymous questionnaire containing demographic characteristics sheet,Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire,Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II and psychological capital(PsyCap)was issued to 480 registered nurses in Tianjin,China.A total of 462 respondents became our subjects.Hierarchical regression was performed to explore the factors associated with job satisfaction.Results:The average Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire score was 65.68±12.35 in our study population.Hierarchical regression analysis showed that structural empowerment(β=0.421,P<0.01),PsyCap(β=0.227,P<0.01) and educational level(β=0.061,P<0.05) were positively associated with job satisfaction.Conclusion:The job satisfaction of Chinese nurses was at a moderate level.Structural empowerment was the most crucial predictor of job satisfaction,followed by PsyCap.Therefore,nursing administrators should take measures such as building an authorized work environment and improving nurses’PsyCap in order to promote job satisfaction among Chinese nurses.展开更多
Objective: To explore the effect of systematic pre-job training for isolation ward nurses during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: Establish a pre-job training program for the isolation ...Objective: To explore the effect of systematic pre-job training for isolation ward nurses during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: Establish a pre-job training program for the isolation ward for COVID-19, standardize the content of theoretical and skill training, formulate training SOPs, and conduct training for the nurses using online teaching assessment, video teaching, on-site scenario simulation operation drills, as well as real-time protection guidance and supervision. 60 nurses from non-infectious departments temporarily selected by the hospital were trained;the theoretical knowledge scores, quarantine techniques, and nursing quality of nurses before and after the training were compared, and the effect of the intervention was evaluated. Results: The scores of the COVID-19 protection theory test were 81.17 ± 8.46 after the nurses were trained for 3 days. The pass rates of hand hygiene compliance tests and protective clothing putting-on and taking-off practices were 96.67% and 100%, respectively. There was no significant difference between the scores of the COVID-19 protection theory test for the nurses that were trained for 3 days and the scores for the nurses originally at the quarantine zone (81.59 ± 7.59, P > 0.05). The pass rate of hand hygiene compliance and the pass rate of protective clothing putting-on and taking-off practices were significantly improved compared with those before training (81.67% and 56.67% respectively, P < 0.001). The scores of the COVID-19 protection theory test at 30 days of training were 95.67 ± 5.89, which were significantly higher than those at 3 days of training (P < 0.001). The qualified rate of disinfection and quarantine in the first month for the trained nurses entering the isolation ward was 89.47%;compared with that for the nurses originally in the isolation wards (94.7%), there was no significant difference (P > 0.05). The comprehensive nursing ability scores of bedside nurses in the first month of training were 80.14 ± 5.63, which were lower than those of nurses originally in the isolation wards (86.88 ± 4.53, P Conclusion: Systematic pre-job training for nurses in isolation wards can help improve nurses’ knowledge of the COVID-19, self-protection awareness, and protection skills, and can quickly train nurses who are competent for work in isolation wards. It is an important guarantee of “zero infection” for medical staff, and it can quickly and effectively help medical institutions respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in an emergency.展开更多
Objectives:This study aimed to assess happiness and its predictors among a group of Iranian hospital nurses.Methods:This cross-sectional study was done in 2016 on 620 hospital nurses who worked in five teaching hospit...Objectives:This study aimed to assess happiness and its predictors among a group of Iranian hospital nurses.Methods:This cross-sectional study was done in 2016 on 620 hospital nurses who worked in five teaching hospitals affiliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences,Kashan,Iran.Nurses were recruited through the census method.Data collection instruments were a researcher-made demographic and occupational characteristics questionnaire,the Oxford Happiness Inventory,and the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire.Data analysis was done through stepwise multiple linear regression analysis.Results:Among 620 recruited nurses,422 returned their questionnaires completely filled.The mean of their happiness was 123.4±18.4 in the possible score range of 29-174.The significant predictors of happiness were satisfaction with mental health,monthly salary,satisfaction with salary,quality of life,current hospital ward,the length of working in the current ward,work shift,age,job satisfaction,and satisfaction with physicians'conduct and performance.These variables explained 50.3%of the total variance of happiness.Satisfaction with mental health had the greatest proportion in explaining the variance of happiness.Conclusion:Nurses in teaching hospitals in Kashan,Iran,have moderate happiness.Their happiness is affected by different factors,particularly by satisfaction with their mental health.Health policy-makers and authorities,in developing workforce-related plans and programs,need to pay special attention to nurses'happiness and its contributing factors.展开更多
文摘Objectives:This study aimed to explore the status of job satisfaction,emotional labour,core competencies and job stress and the associations of emotional labour and core competencies with the job satisfaction of nurses in China.Methods:Data were collected by using a self-designed general information questionnaire,a job satisfaction questionnaire(McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale),a nurse emotional labour questionnaire,the Competency Inventory for Registered Nurses questionnaire,and a nurse job stressor questionnaire.A total of 13,448 nurses from 92 hospitals across mainland of China were surveyed,and 11,337 respondents(84.3%response rate)completed the questionnaires.Results:The survey results indicated that Chinese nurses had average job satisfaction(24.77±5.23),moderate job stress(86.84±21.12),moderate to high emotional labour experiences(55.08±9.63)and high competency(195.77±37.61).Multiple linear regression indicated that surface acting was negatively correlated with job satisfaction(P<0.01),while deep acting(P<0.01)and nurses'core competence(P<0.01)were positively associated with job satisfaction.Besides,The results also indicated job stress,geographical distribution,hospital category,gender,work shift,only children,parenting status,monthly salary,nursing experience,professional title,hospital area were the influencing factors of job satisfaction(P<0.05).Conclusion:The improvement of the emotional labour and competency of nurses may help enhance their job satisfaction.
基金This study was sponsored by Shanghai Pujiang Program,Shanghai Government,China.No.2005105.
文摘Objectives:Previous studies in China's Mainland found ICU nurses to be less satisfied with their jobs and more inclined to leave them than are nurses in other hospital units.We aimed to determine ICU nurses'perspectives on the factors that influence job satisfaction and whether or not to continue working in the ICU.Methods:Nine ICU nurses were asked five open-ended questions to elicit the nurses'perspectives on job satisfaction and intentions to leave.Data were analyzed according to the process described by Knafl and Webster(1988).Core concepts were identified using the constant comparative method.Results:Two themes emerged as major influences on job dissatisfaction:1)stress experienced from excessive workload demands and the ICU work environment,and 2)a lack of respect and recognition for the nurses'work.Two themes emerged as major influences on job satisfaction:1)recognition of work,and 2)professional opportunities and relationships with coworkers.The effects of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction on the nurses'intentions to leave their jobs varied,although three categories were identified.Conclusions:For ICU nurses in China,sources of job dissatisfaction are potentially remedied with simple interventions.Adequate staffing is necessary but not sufficient for a positive work environment.Administrators should address the factors that directly affect their nurses'levels of job satisfaction,as it will ultimately result in less staff turnover and greater patient care.
文摘Objective:The paper aims to explore the status of intensive care unit(ICU)nurses'self-esteem,job satisfaction,and subjective well-being and to investigate the relationship among the three elements.Methods:A cross-sectional survey of 224 nurses from five teaching hospitals in Tianjin,China,was conducted.Self-esteem scale,job satisfaction scale,and subjective well-being scale were used to explore the status of ICU nurses'self-esteem,job satisfaction,and subjective well-being.Correlation among the three elements was calculated by SPSS 17.0.Results:The scores of three scales(i.e.,ICU nurses'self-esteem,job satisfaction,and subjective well-being)were 27.67±3.41,43.57±9.04,and 69.73±11.60,respectively.The subjective well-being was significantly positively correlated with self-esteem and job satisfaction(r=0.454,P<0.01;r=0.584,P<0.01,respectively).Conclusion:The study shows that the prevalence of subjective well-being and self-esteem with ICU nurses are at a low level,and job satisfaction is at the median level.Associations among self-esteem,job satisfaction,and subjective well-being in ICUs have been confirmed.Self-esteem and job satisfaction positively correlated with nurse subjective well-being.The higher the self-esteem and job satisfaction levels are,the stronger the subjective well-being is.The working pressure in ICUs cannot be alleviated temporarily;hence,to promote a high subjective well-being,managers and ICU nurses increase their self-esteem and job satisfaction through taking strategies that strengthen psychological construction.
文摘Nursing is known to be a stressful profession that can lead to physical and psychological health issues and behavioural problems.In oncology,workload among nurses is believed to be increasing in conjunction with rapidly increasing numbers of patients with cancer and staff shortages worldwide,therefore it is essential to sustain a quality oncology nurse workforce.Numerous studies have presented evidence on job strain,effects of coping strategies,and nurses'work performance within healthcare settings,but few have focused on oncology settings and none of these on nurses working in Saudi Arabia.The purpose of this review was to summarize empirical and theoretical evidence concerning job-related stressors in nurses,particularly oncology nurses,and the interrelationships among job strain,coping strategies,and work performance in this population.Search strategies identified studies published on studies in peer-reviewed journals from 2004 to 2016.Twenty-five nursing studies were found examining the relationships among the concepts of interest.Common job-related stressors among oncology nurses were high job demands,dealing with death/dying,lack of job control,and interpersonal conflicts at work.Job strain was found to be significantly linked to coping strategies,and negatively associated with work performance among nurses in general.There is no existing empirical evidence to support the relationship between coping strategies and work performance among oncology nurses.The present evidence is limited,and a considerable amount of research is required in the future to expand the oncology nursing literature.Research is needed to investigate job-related stressors and their effects on oncology nurses.
文摘Objective:Job satisfaction is a positive emotional feeling in the working environment,and it is an essential tool with which to improve patient safety,nurses’efficiency and performance,quality of care,retention and turnover of nurses,and commitment to the organization and the profession.There are few studies on job satisfaction of nurses in the country.Therefore,this review aims to estimate the pooled prevalence of job satisfaction among Ethiopian nurses using the available studies.Methods:This systematic review used the Preferred Repor ting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses(PRISMA)guideline to synthesize the evidence on the prevalence and associated factors of nurses’job satisfaction.Databases used for searching the included ar ticles from Pub Med,Embase,CINHAL,Google Scholar,HINARI,and Science Direct.All papers selected for inclusion were subjected to a rigorous appraisal using a standardized critical appraisal checklist(JBI checklist).STATA software(version 11)was used for the analysis,and 95%confidence intervals were calculated.The Cochrane Q test statistics and I2 tests were used to assess the heterogeneity prevailing between the studies.Finally,a random effect model was computed to estimate the pooled prevalence of nurses’job satisfaction in the country.Results:In this review,the data of 1,151 nurses were obtained from six studies.The pooled prevalence of nurses’job satisfaction was found to be 39.53%(24.52,54.53).The prevalence of job satisfaction in the Central part of Ethiopia was low:31.12%(95%CI 5.25,56.99)compared to the South-Eastern part of Ethiopia’s 48.01%(95%CI 36.51,59.52).The most common predictors identified were salary(P<0.05),the leadership of the organization(P<0.05),and training opportunities(P<0.05).Conclusions:The pooled prevalence of job satisfaction among nurses was found to be low in comparison with global data.The significant predictors for nurses’job satisfaction are based on the review findings,salary,leadership of organization,and training opportunities.
文摘Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between job characteristics (job autonomy,job feedback,skill variety,task identity,task significance) and work engagement of nurses in Malaysia.Methods: A survey using self-administered questionnaires was used to collect data from a sample of 856 staff nurses working in eight public hospitals in Malaysia.A shortened nine-item version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale(UWES-9) was used to measure work engagement.The UWES-9 comprises three dimensions,which was measured with three items each: vigor,dedication,and absorption.Job characteristics (job autonomy,job feedback,skill variety,task identity,task significance) were measured with the corresponding subscales of the Job Diagnostic Survey.Each subscale consisted of three items.Hypotheses were tested using hierarchical regression analysis.Results: Findings indicated that all the five demographic variables (age,marital status,education,organizational tenure,job tenure) were unrelated to work engagement.The results further revealed that job autonomy (β=0.19,P < 0.01),job feedback (β=0.10,P < 0.01),task identity (β=0.13,P < 0.01),and task significance (β=0.08,P< 0.05) were positively related to work engagement.Skill variety (β=0.03,P> 0.05),however,did not affect work engagement.Conclusion: Job autonomy,job feedback,task identity,and task significance are important factors in predicting work engagement.The findings of this study highlighted the need to incorporate these core dimensions in nursing management to foster work engagement.
文摘<strong>Background:</strong> Both, job satisfaction with quality of provided health care is considered the main issue which directly influences the health care field because if nurses do not give the quality care to their patients then the patient dissatisfaction increased. Job satisfaction is defined as the extent of workers’ contentedness with their job, either they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as type of work or regulation. <strong>Objective: </strong>To assess nurses’ job satisfaction and perceived organizational support with their effect on quality of provided health care in Saudi Arabia.<strong> Methods: </strong>Nurses in Saudi Arabia governmental hospitals during the period from 1st March to 30th April 2020 were invited and consecutively included. Data were collected using online questionnaire. <strong>Results:</strong> The study included 355 nurses with their ages ranged from 25 to 55 years old. Females were 216 (60.8%) of the total participants. Exact of 267 (75.2%) nurses reported that they like the type of work they do, 245 (69%) provided with satisfactory equipment to accomplish my task. There was a significant relation between organizational support and job satisfaction with their effect on quality of care. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Organizational support positively affected nonsatisfaction which in turn positively affected quality of delivered care.
文摘Background: Based on the experience of hospital nurses, the aim of this study is to explore the phenomenon of how work-engaged nurses stay healthy in relationally demanding jobs involving very sick and/or dying patients. Method: In-depth interviews were conducted with ten work-engaged nurses employed at the main hospital in one region in Norway. The interviews were interpreted using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis method (IPA). Results: The results indicate the importance of using the personal resources: authenticity and a sense of humour for staying healthy. The nurses’ authenticity, in the sense of having a strong sense of ownership towards their personal life experiences, and a sense of having a meaningful life in line with their own values and interests, was an important element when they considered their own health to be good in spite of repetitive strain injuries and perceived stress. These personal resources seem to be positively related to their well-being and work engagement, which serves as an argument for including them among other personal resources, often conceptualized in terms of Psychological Capital (PsyCap). The results also showed that the nurses worked actively and intentionally with conditions that could contribute to safeguarding their own health. Conclusion: The results indicated the importance of stimulating the nurses’ area of knowledge about caring for themselves in order to enable them to maintain good physical and mental health. A focus on self-care should be part of the agenda as early as during nursing education.
文摘To understand how to create a stabile workforce achieving excellent quality of care and patient safety, associations between practice environments and nurse and patient outcomes have been widely studied in acute and psychiatric care hospitals. Knowing residential aged care services are challenged to tackle complex patients’ needs within certain working conditions, to what extent do nurses perceive their practice environment in geriatric care? In a cross-sectional survey, a sample of 709 registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and nurse aides employed in 25 residential aged care services completed a structured questionnaire composed of various validated instruments measuring nurse practice environment factors, nurse work characteristics, burnout, nurse reported job outcomes, quality and patient adverse events. Associations between variables across residential aged care services were examined using multilevel modelling techniques. Associations were identified between practice environment factors, work characteristics, burnout dimensions, and reported outcome variables across residential aged care services. Multiple multilevel models showed independent variables (nursing management at the unit level, workload, decision latitude, social capital, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization) as important predictors of nurse reported outcome (job satisfaction, turnover intensions), quality of care (at the unit, the last shift, and in the service within the last year) and patient adverse events (patient and family complaints, patient falls, pulmonary and urinary tract infections, and medications errors). Results suggested the importance of nurse practice environment factors, nurse work characteristics and perception of burnout on nurse and patient outcomes across their nurse practice environment. Challenging the complex care of a vulnerable and frail population executives, physicians, nursing leaders as well as nurses in their nurse practice environment shared responsibility to create working conditions achieving excellent quality and patient safety.
文摘<strong>Objective: </strong>With the development of society, people’s requirements and standards for nursing work continue to improve, under the premise of nursing human resources are relatively insufficient, nursing work from nursing skills to service attitude to ensure quality, this standard brings great work pressure to nursing staff, in addition, the increasing medical disputes, It increases the risk factor of personal safety attack in the workplace of nurses, and further increases the psychological pressure of nurses, thus increasing the incidence of job burnout of nurses. <strong>Methods: </strong>A multi-stage random sampling was adopted to conduct a questionnaire survey among 1049 nursing staff on December 1, solstice and December 30, 2015. The current situation of nurses’ job satisfaction, stressors and job burnout and its influencing factors were analyzed. <strong>Results: </strong>1) The total score of nurses’ job satisfaction was 91.52 ± 17.99 points;2) The total score of nurses’ work stressors was 86.52 ± 21.95 points;3) The total score of nurses’ job burnout was 38.44 ± 7.55 points;4) The aspects of patient care, management and interpersonal relationship were significantly correlated with nurses’ burnout (P < 0.001), and the total score of job satisfaction was positively correlated with nurses’ burnout, while the total score of job satisfaction was negatively correlated with nurses’ burnout. There was a significant correlation between job title and nurse burnout (P < 0.001). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The job burnout of nurses is related to nurse satisfaction and work pressure. The problems of management and interpersonal relationship, title, total score of job satisfaction and patient care are the main problems of nurses’ job burnout.
文摘Objective: To study factors influencing nurses' job burnout and their subjective well-being and to explore the relationships between these two phenomena. Methods: A total of 250 nurses from three hospitals in Shandong were evaluated with the Maslach Burnout Inventory and a subjective well-being scale. Results: Nursing staff showed significantly different levels of job burnout (P〈0.05) according to the following characteristics: age, marital status, educational background, technical tide, years of nursing experience, monthly income, manning quotas and parental status. Level of burnout is higher for nursing staff who are under the age of 30 years, are unmarried, had secondary education, had unofficial manning quota status, are childless, hold a primary title and whose years of nursing experience are less than five years. Statistical significance was found for life satisfaction (P〈0.05) with differences in age; marital status; technical title; years of nursing experience; monthly income; manning quota status; and parental status in positive emotion, negative emotion and degree. There is a significant negative correlation between every dimension of job burnout and life satisfaction and positive emotions for subjective well-being. Every component of job burnout was significantly positively correlated with negative emotions. (P〈0.05) Conclusions: Age, marital status, educational background, technical rifle, years of nursing ex- perience, monthly income, manning quotas and parental status have different influences on occupation burnout and subjective well-being. Dimensions of occupation burnout have functions of predicting subjective well-being.
文摘Introduction: Nursing is highly demanding and stressful profession. Negative consequences of job demands were widely discussed throughout the literature like;poor quality of care, poor health, burnout, greater intent to leave and lower level of job satisfaction. Job dissatisfaction among nurses also has been discussed exhaustively in the literature in regards to its negative outcomes represented by burnout, absenteeism, turnover, greater intent to leave and finally leaving nursing profession. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine literature discussing job demands in nursing profession and its associated factors among nurses, and to provide direction as to where research needs to continue to explore and develop evidence in this area. Results: Results showed that job demands are the most influential stressor in nursing profession that associated strongly with many negative consequences on the profession in general and on the nurses on particular. Conclusion: The results supported that job demand is unavoidable stressor that leads to many negative consequences and connects directly to job dissatisfaction. Therefore, there is a need to search for alleviating factors that decrease nursing stressor, its consequences and buffer the correlation between job demand and job satisfaction.
文摘Background: High quality care is the main concern of healthcare administrators and it was found to be related to nurses’ job satisfaction and motivation. Purpose: The study aimed to compare patients’ and nurses’ perceptions of nurses’ job satisfaction and motivation. Method: In this cross-sectional study the participants were 315 released patients and 329 nurses from eight hospitals in northern Israel. The participants completed three questionnaires: demographics, nursing job satisfaction, and nursing job motivation. Results: Nurses perceived both job satisfaction and motivation higher than the patients. Duration of hospitalization and being accompanied by family, were positively correlated to patients’ perceptions of these variables. Conclusion/Implications for Practice: To optimize care quality, it is important to assess both patients’ and nurses’ perceptions of nurses’ job satisfaction and motivation. Such an assessment may shed light on the nursing experience and on the way that it is reflected in the patients’ experience. A system-wide process is needed to set a national standard for service quality while emphasizing strategies that promote recognition of nurses’ work, for example, compliments and acknowledgment. This could enhance nurses’ sense of work engagement, which, in turn, may increase the patients’ perception of nurses’ job satisfaction and motivation.
基金the Vice Chancellor of Research and Technology Kashan University of Medical Sciences for providing financial support to conduct this work(Approval code:94070).
文摘Objective:The objective of the present study is to explore the effects of personality traits on job burnout among hospital nurses.Materials and Methods:This cross-sectional research was done during 2019-2020 at Kashan Shahid Beheshti Hospital.The data analysis procedures included descriptive statistics and the partial least squares-based structural equation modeling.The participants were 150 nursing professionals.A questionnaire indicating information on demographics,burnout(measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory with three dimensions of depersonalization,emotional exhaustion,and personal accomplishment),and personality profile(measured employing the neuroticism extraversion openness five-factor inventory including extroversion,conscientiousness,agreeableness,neuroticism,and openness to experience dimensions)was used to gather the required data.Results:The results of the study showed that the validity and reliability of the measurement model were desirable(factor load higher than 0.5,the Cronbach’s alpha value and the composite reliability are>0.7).Structural model showed statistically drastic,negative relationship between the nurses’burnout levels and neuroticism(β=0.722)and openness to experience(β=0.437).However,the relationship was significantly positive between the nurses’burnout levels and conscientiousness(β=0.672),agreement(β=0.594),and extraversion(β=0.559)(P<0.03).Conclusions:The present study helped the recognition of burnout among nurses working in hospitals and approved the effects of personality features on the burnout experience.
文摘Objective:The objective of this study was to assess and compare job satisfaction and organizational commitment among nurses working on temporary versus permanent basis at a tertiary care teaching hospital,Uttarakhand,India.Materials and Methods:A total of 250 nurses(125 temporary and 125 permanent)were selected using stratified disproportionate random sampling techniques from a tertiary care teaching hospital.Sociodemographic datasheet,Job Satisfaction Survey scale,and Organizational Commitment scale were used to collect data.Results:The study results revealed that the job satisfaction score was significantly higher in permanent nurses(139.1±15.4)than in temporary nurses(131.3±12.2)(P<0.001).However,temporary nurses(85.2±14.4)were more committed toward organization than permanent nurses(80.0±16.0)(P<0.001).There was a significant association between nurses’job satisfaction and their gross salary(P<0.001)and their organizational commitment with the selected profession by own will(P<0.001).Conclusion:The present study concluded that majority of temporary and permanent nurses reported a moderate level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment.This study suggests enhancing employee satisfaction can improve organizational commitment.As well,this study’s findings can serve as a valuable foundation for designing policies to enhance organizational commitment in the future.
文摘Objective:This study aimed to determine the effects of job characteristics and work engagement on the nursing performance of nurses working in general hospitals.Methods:Data were collected from 169 nurses who are working in a general hospital in South Korea by using a cross-sectional descriptive survey design.Results:Nurses’job characteristics and work engagement showed positive effects on nursing performance.This effect was magnified when work engagement was used as a mediating variable.Conclusions:The findings elucidate the factors influencing job performance and provide managers with important information for developing programs to improve the job skills and work engagement of nurses.
文摘Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between evidence-based practice (EBP) and job satisfaction among nurses working in long-term care facilities. Methods: The study used a descriptive cross-sectional design. A total of 146 nurses working in 6 long-term care facilities in South Korea self-reported their perception of EBP implementation, barriers to research utilization, and job satisfaction. Results: The level of job satisfaction was higher in nurses who were single, older, more experienced, and had a higher income. Lower perceived barriers to research utilization were associated with greater job satisfaction. However, there was no significant relationship between a level of EBP implementation and job satisfaction. Factors influencing job satisfaction included lower barriers to the organization and communication domains of research utilization, being unmarried and older. Conclusion: Decreasing barriers to research utilization may improve the job satisfaction of nurses working in long-term care facilities.
基金Financial support for this research was received from theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (No.71704132).
文摘Objectives:This study examined the influence of Chinese nurses’personal resources(psychological capital)and access to workplace resources(structural empowerment)on their job satisfaction.Method:A cross-sectional study was designed during the period of January to April 2018.An anonymous questionnaire containing demographic characteristics sheet,Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire,Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II and psychological capital(PsyCap)was issued to 480 registered nurses in Tianjin,China.A total of 462 respondents became our subjects.Hierarchical regression was performed to explore the factors associated with job satisfaction.Results:The average Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire score was 65.68±12.35 in our study population.Hierarchical regression analysis showed that structural empowerment(β=0.421,P<0.01),PsyCap(β=0.227,P<0.01) and educational level(β=0.061,P<0.05) were positively associated with job satisfaction.Conclusion:The job satisfaction of Chinese nurses was at a moderate level.Structural empowerment was the most crucial predictor of job satisfaction,followed by PsyCap.Therefore,nursing administrators should take measures such as building an authorized work environment and improving nurses’PsyCap in order to promote job satisfaction among Chinese nurses.
文摘Objective: To explore the effect of systematic pre-job training for isolation ward nurses during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: Establish a pre-job training program for the isolation ward for COVID-19, standardize the content of theoretical and skill training, formulate training SOPs, and conduct training for the nurses using online teaching assessment, video teaching, on-site scenario simulation operation drills, as well as real-time protection guidance and supervision. 60 nurses from non-infectious departments temporarily selected by the hospital were trained;the theoretical knowledge scores, quarantine techniques, and nursing quality of nurses before and after the training were compared, and the effect of the intervention was evaluated. Results: The scores of the COVID-19 protection theory test were 81.17 ± 8.46 after the nurses were trained for 3 days. The pass rates of hand hygiene compliance tests and protective clothing putting-on and taking-off practices were 96.67% and 100%, respectively. There was no significant difference between the scores of the COVID-19 protection theory test for the nurses that were trained for 3 days and the scores for the nurses originally at the quarantine zone (81.59 ± 7.59, P > 0.05). The pass rate of hand hygiene compliance and the pass rate of protective clothing putting-on and taking-off practices were significantly improved compared with those before training (81.67% and 56.67% respectively, P < 0.001). The scores of the COVID-19 protection theory test at 30 days of training were 95.67 ± 5.89, which were significantly higher than those at 3 days of training (P < 0.001). The qualified rate of disinfection and quarantine in the first month for the trained nurses entering the isolation ward was 89.47%;compared with that for the nurses originally in the isolation wards (94.7%), there was no significant difference (P > 0.05). The comprehensive nursing ability scores of bedside nurses in the first month of training were 80.14 ± 5.63, which were lower than those of nurses originally in the isolation wards (86.88 ± 4.53, P Conclusion: Systematic pre-job training for nurses in isolation wards can help improve nurses’ knowledge of the COVID-19, self-protection awareness, and protection skills, and can quickly train nurses who are competent for work in isolation wards. It is an important guarantee of “zero infection” for medical staff, and it can quickly and effectively help medical institutions respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in an emergency.
基金This article is part of the master's thesis of the first author in medical-surgical nursing.The thesis had the financial support of the Research and Technology Administration of Kashan University of Medical Sciences,Kashan,Iran
文摘Objectives:This study aimed to assess happiness and its predictors among a group of Iranian hospital nurses.Methods:This cross-sectional study was done in 2016 on 620 hospital nurses who worked in five teaching hospitals affiliated to Kashan University of Medical Sciences,Kashan,Iran.Nurses were recruited through the census method.Data collection instruments were a researcher-made demographic and occupational characteristics questionnaire,the Oxford Happiness Inventory,and the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire.Data analysis was done through stepwise multiple linear regression analysis.Results:Among 620 recruited nurses,422 returned their questionnaires completely filled.The mean of their happiness was 123.4±18.4 in the possible score range of 29-174.The significant predictors of happiness were satisfaction with mental health,monthly salary,satisfaction with salary,quality of life,current hospital ward,the length of working in the current ward,work shift,age,job satisfaction,and satisfaction with physicians'conduct and performance.These variables explained 50.3%of the total variance of happiness.Satisfaction with mental health had the greatest proportion in explaining the variance of happiness.Conclusion:Nurses in teaching hospitals in Kashan,Iran,have moderate happiness.Their happiness is affected by different factors,particularly by satisfaction with their mental health.Health policy-makers and authorities,in developing workforce-related plans and programs,need to pay special attention to nurses'happiness and its contributing factors.