This study examines temporal patterns of software systems defects using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) approach. Defect reports from ten software application projects are analyzed;five of these p...This study examines temporal patterns of software systems defects using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) approach. Defect reports from ten software application projects are analyzed;five of these projects are open source and five are closed source from two software vendors. Across all sampled projects, the ARIMA time series modeling technique provides accurate estimates of reported defects during software maintenance, with organizationally dependent parameterization. In contrast to causal models that require extraction of source-code level metrics, this approach is based on readily available defect report data and is less computation intensive. This approach can be used to improve software maintenance and evolution resource allocation decisions and to identify outlier projects—that is, to provide evidence of unexpected defect reporting patterns that may indicate troubled projects.展开更多
This paper proposes an evolutionary optimized recurrent neural network for inspection of open/short defects on thin film transistor (TFT) lines of flat panel displays (FPD). The inspection is performed on digitized wa...This paper proposes an evolutionary optimized recurrent neural network for inspection of open/short defects on thin film transistor (TFT) lines of flat panel displays (FPD). The inspection is performed on digitized waveform data of voltage signals that are captured by a capacitor based non-contact sensor through scanning over TFT lines on the surface of mother glass of FPD. Irregular patterns on the waveform, sudden deep falls (open circuits) or sharp rises (short circuits), are classified and detected by employing the optimized recurrent neural network. The topology parameters of the recurrent neural network are optimized by a multiobjective evolutionary optimization process using a selected training data set. This method is an extension to our previous work, which utilized a feed-forward neural network, to address the drawbacks in it. Experimental results show that this method can detect defects on more realistic and noisy data than both of the previous method and the conventional threshold based method.展开更多
目的 探讨使用Orthofix单边外固定架通过骨短缩-延长肢体治疗下肢开放性粉碎性骨折临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析2017年1月~2022年3月深圳市龙华区中心医院创伤骨科使用Orthofix单边外固定架通过骨短缩-延长肢体治疗下肢开放性粉碎性骨折患...目的 探讨使用Orthofix单边外固定架通过骨短缩-延长肢体治疗下肢开放性粉碎性骨折临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析2017年1月~2022年3月深圳市龙华区中心医院创伤骨科使用Orthofix单边外固定架通过骨短缩-延长肢体治疗下肢开放性粉碎性骨折患者25例,男性18例,女7例,年龄20~57岁,平均38.6岁,股骨8例,胫骨17例,左侧14例,右侧11例,GustiloⅢC型5例,GustiloⅢB型20例,交通事故17例,重物砸伤8例,2例合并2型糖尿病,合并软组织缺损23例,合并大动静脉缺损3例(缺损长度分别为9 cm, 5 cm, 4 cm),合并踝关节骨折5例。所有病例经清创后出现骨缺损,骨缺损长度5~23 cm,平均缺损长度10 cm,软组织缺损面积8 cm×5 cm~18 cm×10 cm。GustiloⅢC型患者根据缺损动静脉长度进行相应长度骨短缩并用组合式外固定架固定,直接闭合创面或封闭负压引流。GustiloⅢB型患者一期骨短缩3~7 cm并用组合式外固定支架固定,创面直接闭合或封闭负压引流,合并大动静脉缺损患者1.5月后安装Orthofix单边外固定架,并行股骨或胫骨截骨延长术,未合并大动静脉缺损患者术后1周左右复查白细胞计数、中性粒细胞计数、C反应蛋白及降钙素原正常后,安装Orthofix单边外固定架+股骨或胫骨截骨延长术。结果 随访12~36个月,所有患者骨及软组织缺损均愈合,未出现下肢不等长>2.5 cm、骨延长区域或骨折端再发骨折等并发症。骨性愈合时间为12~24个月,平均18.6个月;骨性愈合指数为31.7~120.2 d/cm,平均63.8 d/cm;外固定时间为12~30个月,平均20.6个月;外固定指数为32.3~117.2 d/cm,平均56.8 d/cm。Ilizarov技术研究与应用学会(Association for Study and Application of Method of Ilizarov, ASAMI)骨愈合评价:优23例,良2例;ASAMI下肢功能评价:优17例,良7例,可1例。结论 使用Orthofix单边外固定架通过骨短缩-延长肢体治疗下肢开放性粉碎性骨折可同时修复骨与软组织缺损,无须移植血管神经及皮瓣修复,降低手术难度,值得临床推广。展开更多
文摘This study examines temporal patterns of software systems defects using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) approach. Defect reports from ten software application projects are analyzed;five of these projects are open source and five are closed source from two software vendors. Across all sampled projects, the ARIMA time series modeling technique provides accurate estimates of reported defects during software maintenance, with organizationally dependent parameterization. In contrast to causal models that require extraction of source-code level metrics, this approach is based on readily available defect report data and is less computation intensive. This approach can be used to improve software maintenance and evolution resource allocation decisions and to identify outlier projects—that is, to provide evidence of unexpected defect reporting patterns that may indicate troubled projects.
文摘This paper proposes an evolutionary optimized recurrent neural network for inspection of open/short defects on thin film transistor (TFT) lines of flat panel displays (FPD). The inspection is performed on digitized waveform data of voltage signals that are captured by a capacitor based non-contact sensor through scanning over TFT lines on the surface of mother glass of FPD. Irregular patterns on the waveform, sudden deep falls (open circuits) or sharp rises (short circuits), are classified and detected by employing the optimized recurrent neural network. The topology parameters of the recurrent neural network are optimized by a multiobjective evolutionary optimization process using a selected training data set. This method is an extension to our previous work, which utilized a feed-forward neural network, to address the drawbacks in it. Experimental results show that this method can detect defects on more realistic and noisy data than both of the previous method and the conventional threshold based method.
文摘目的 探讨使用Orthofix单边外固定架通过骨短缩-延长肢体治疗下肢开放性粉碎性骨折临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析2017年1月~2022年3月深圳市龙华区中心医院创伤骨科使用Orthofix单边外固定架通过骨短缩-延长肢体治疗下肢开放性粉碎性骨折患者25例,男性18例,女7例,年龄20~57岁,平均38.6岁,股骨8例,胫骨17例,左侧14例,右侧11例,GustiloⅢC型5例,GustiloⅢB型20例,交通事故17例,重物砸伤8例,2例合并2型糖尿病,合并软组织缺损23例,合并大动静脉缺损3例(缺损长度分别为9 cm, 5 cm, 4 cm),合并踝关节骨折5例。所有病例经清创后出现骨缺损,骨缺损长度5~23 cm,平均缺损长度10 cm,软组织缺损面积8 cm×5 cm~18 cm×10 cm。GustiloⅢC型患者根据缺损动静脉长度进行相应长度骨短缩并用组合式外固定架固定,直接闭合创面或封闭负压引流。GustiloⅢB型患者一期骨短缩3~7 cm并用组合式外固定支架固定,创面直接闭合或封闭负压引流,合并大动静脉缺损患者1.5月后安装Orthofix单边外固定架,并行股骨或胫骨截骨延长术,未合并大动静脉缺损患者术后1周左右复查白细胞计数、中性粒细胞计数、C反应蛋白及降钙素原正常后,安装Orthofix单边外固定架+股骨或胫骨截骨延长术。结果 随访12~36个月,所有患者骨及软组织缺损均愈合,未出现下肢不等长>2.5 cm、骨延长区域或骨折端再发骨折等并发症。骨性愈合时间为12~24个月,平均18.6个月;骨性愈合指数为31.7~120.2 d/cm,平均63.8 d/cm;外固定时间为12~30个月,平均20.6个月;外固定指数为32.3~117.2 d/cm,平均56.8 d/cm。Ilizarov技术研究与应用学会(Association for Study and Application of Method of Ilizarov, ASAMI)骨愈合评价:优23例,良2例;ASAMI下肢功能评价:优17例,良7例,可1例。结论 使用Orthofix单边外固定架通过骨短缩-延长肢体治疗下肢开放性粉碎性骨折可同时修复骨与软组织缺损,无须移植血管神经及皮瓣修复,降低手术难度,值得临床推广。