Software Defined Networking(SDN)is programmable by separation of forwarding control through the centralization of the controller.The controller plays the role of the‘brain’that dictates the intelligent part of SDN t...Software Defined Networking(SDN)is programmable by separation of forwarding control through the centralization of the controller.The controller plays the role of the‘brain’that dictates the intelligent part of SDN technology.Various versions of SDN controllers exist as a response to the diverse demands and functions expected of them.There are several SDN controllers available in the open market besides a large number of commercial controllers;some are developed tomeet carrier-grade service levels and one of the recent trends in open-source SDN controllers is the Open Network Operating System(ONOS).This paper presents a comparative study between open source SDN controllers,which are known as Network Controller Platform(NOX),Python-based Network Controller(POX),component-based SDN framework(Ryu),Java-based OpenFlow controller(Floodlight),OpenDayLight(ODL)and ONOS.The discussion is further extended into ONOS architecture,as well as,the evolution of ONOS controllers.This article will review use cases based on ONOS controllers in several application deployments.Moreover,the opportunities and challenges of open source SDN controllers will be discussed,exploring carriergrade ONOS for future real-world deployments,ONOS unique features and identifying the suitable choice of SDN controller for service providers.In addition,we attempt to provide answers to several critical questions relating to the implications of the open-source nature of SDN controllers regarding vendor lock-in,interoperability,and standards compliance,Similarly,real-world use cases of organizations using open-source SDN are highlighted and how the open-source community contributes to the development of SDN controllers.Furthermore,challenges faced by open-source projects,and considerations when choosing an open-source SDN controller are underscored.Then the role of Artificial Intelligence(AI)and Machine Learning(ML)in the evolution of open-source SDN controllers in light of recent research is indicated.In addition,the challenges and limitations associated with deploying open-source SDN controllers in production networks,how can they be mitigated,and finally how opensource SDN controllers handle network security and ensure that network configurations and policies are robust and resilient are presented.Potential opportunities and challenges for future Open SDN deployment are outlined to conclude the article.展开更多
For technical and other reasons there is a dilemma that data providers cannot find an appropriate way to redistribute spatial forest data and data users who need spatial data cannot access and integrate available fore...For technical and other reasons there is a dilemma that data providers cannot find an appropriate way to redistribute spatial forest data and data users who need spatial data cannot access and integrate available forest resources information. To overcome this dilemma, this paper proposed a spatial forest information system based on Web service using an open source software approach. With Web service based architecture, the system can enable interoperability, integrate Web services from other application servers, reuse codes, and shorten the development time and cost. At the same time, it is possible to extend the local system to a regional or national spatial forest information system. The growth of Open Source Software (OSS) provides an alternative choice to proprietary software for operating systems, web servers, Web-based GIS applications and database management systems. Using open source software to develop spatial forest information systems can greatly reduce the cost while providing high performance and sharing spatial forest information. We chose open source software to build a prototype system for Xixia County, Henan Province, China. By integrating OSS packages Deegree and UMN MapServer which are compliant to the OGC open specifications, the prototype system enables users to access spatial forest information and travelling information of Xixia County which come from two different data servers via a standard Web browser and promotes spatial forest information sharing.展开更多
Tourism in developing countries are some means of solving their economic problems and improving live standards of people and creates job opportunity for the host people in getting additional income and improve the dev...Tourism in developing countries are some means of solving their economic problems and improving live standards of people and creates job opportunity for the host people in getting additional income and improve the developments of the country. The result of tourism in terms of environmental, cultural, economic and social aspects has a greater effect for Ethiopia. Gondar, the center of Ethiopian art and culture, is famous in its many Imperial castles and the design and decoration of its churches. This land of castles and churches was founded by Emperor Fasiladas in 1930s and served as tourist attraction sites all over the world. The main challenge to attract international tourists in the study area is Scarce and insufficient promotion of the tourist attraction sites, Lack of broad information based on the internet about tourism information, and lack of organized information about tourism facilities & destinations. This study tries to identify tourist attraction elements of Gondor town and its surrounding area & to identify non spatial data’s essential for touristic activities to develop & propose a web based GIS portal for the improvement of tourism activity in the town. The main target of developing a web based GIS interactive map is to promote and improve tourism industry of the area. It has been produced using free and open source software’s for fast processing, displaying, sharing, and distribution of tourism information using world wide web. For the web services PHP, HTML script language and QGIS2leaflet plugins are used in the development of web GIS portal.展开更多
This paper gave a general evaluation on existing three popular free and open source desktop GIS projects,according to the selected evaluation criteria.To further the understanding of the open source software,this pape...This paper gave a general evaluation on existing three popular free and open source desktop GIS projects,according to the selected evaluation criteria.To further the understanding of the open source software,this paper also presented a customization example of QGIS with python and PyQT.展开更多
Although open source softwares (OSS) for GIS and Remote Sensing are rapidly expanding and improving in the global context, there has been uncertainty at higher education institutions in developing countries, such as t...Although open source softwares (OSS) for GIS and Remote Sensing are rapidly expanding and improving in the global context, there has been uncertainty at higher education institutions in developing countries, such as the department of forestry (Dfo) at Unitech, Papua New Guinea (PNG), regarding appropriate GIS softwares and hardware to acquire and use for teaching and research purposes. The paper briefly describes the characteristics of some mature OSS and discusses their main capabilities, advantages and disadvantages. Their adoption in the Dfo curricula may be advantageous in the long term, considering issues of learning curve steepness, versatility, affordability, effectiveness, and documentation available on them.展开更多
Currently, open-source software is gradually being integrated into industrial software, while industry protocolsin industrial software are also gradually transferred to open-source community development. Industrial pr...Currently, open-source software is gradually being integrated into industrial software, while industry protocolsin industrial software are also gradually transferred to open-source community development. Industrial protocolstandardization organizations are confronted with fragmented and numerous code PR (Pull Request) and informalproposals, and differentworkflowswill lead to increased operating costs. The open-source community maintenanceteam needs software that is more intelligent to guide the identification and classification of these issues. To solvethe above problems, this paper proposes a PR review prediction model based on multi-dimensional features. Weextract 43 features of PR and divide them into five dimensions: contributor, reviewer, software project, PR, andsocial network of developers. The model integrates the above five-dimensional features, and a prediction model isbuilt based on a Random Forest Classifier to predict the review results of PR. On the other hand, to improve thequality of rejected PRs, we focus on problems raised in the review process and review comments of similar PRs.Wepropose a PR revision recommendation model based on the PR review knowledge graph. Entity information andrelationships between entities are extracted from text and code information of PRs, historical review comments,and related issues. PR revisions will be recommended to code contributors by graph-based similarity calculation.The experimental results illustrate that the above twomodels are effective and robust in PR review result predictionand PR revision recommendation.展开更多
This study examines temporal patterns of software systems defects using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) approach. Defect reports from ten software application projects are analyzed;five of these p...This study examines temporal patterns of software systems defects using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) approach. Defect reports from ten software application projects are analyzed;five of these projects are open source and five are closed source from two software vendors. Across all sampled projects, the ARIMA time series modeling technique provides accurate estimates of reported defects during software maintenance, with organizationally dependent parameterization. In contrast to causal models that require extraction of source-code level metrics, this approach is based on readily available defect report data and is less computation intensive. This approach can be used to improve software maintenance and evolution resource allocation decisions and to identify outlier projects—that is, to provide evidence of unexpected defect reporting patterns that may indicate troubled projects.展开更多
The successful experience of adopting distributed development models in such open source projects includes GNU/Linux operating system, Apache HTTP server, Android, BusyBox, and so on. The open source project contains ...The successful experience of adopting distributed development models in such open source projects includes GNU/Linux operating system, Apache HTTP server, Android, BusyBox, and so on. The open source project contains special features so-called software composition by which several geographically-dispersed compo-nents are developed in all parts of the world. We propose a method of component-oriented reliability as-sessment based on hierarchical Bayesian model and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Especially, we fo-cus on the fault-detection rate for each component reported to the bug tracking system. We can assess the reliability for the whole open source software system by using the confidence interval for each component. Also, we analyze actual software fault-count data to show numerical examples of reliability assessment for OSS.展开更多
Based on the concepts of social inclusion, universal design and accessibility, this paper aims to describe the stages of the development and implementation of a Web GIS (geographic information system for the internet...Based on the concepts of social inclusion, universal design and accessibility, this paper aims to describe the stages of the development and implementation of a Web GIS (geographic information system for the internet) based on OS (open source) software The Web GIS developed is called "accessibility to Campinas tourist attractions", which provides information about cultural and natural attractions in Campinas/SP-Brazil, especially for people with disabilities or reduced mobility that prevents access these sites via public and private transportation. The verification of the existence or lack of accessibility equipment at bus stops and parking areas close to tourist attractions relies on current legislation (NBR 9050/1994) that establishes the right to accessibility for disabled people to transportation, local culture and leisure. An application that facilitates this recognition with low operating costs and high performance was developed using the OS software Quantum GIS 1.0.2, Apache 2.2.4, Mapserver 5.0.2, I3GEO 4.0, PostgreSQL 8.3 and PostGIS 1.3.5. This software is able to integrate the management of tourist areas and the advertisement of tourist information regarding accessibility devices at sights recognized as tourist attractions by Campinas city hall.展开更多
Over the past decade, open-source software use has grown. Today, many companies including Google, Microsoft, Meta, RedHat, MongoDB, and Apache are major participants of open-source contributions. With the increased us...Over the past decade, open-source software use has grown. Today, many companies including Google, Microsoft, Meta, RedHat, MongoDB, and Apache are major participants of open-source contributions. With the increased use of open-source software or integration of open-source software into custom-developed software, the quality of this software component increases in importance. This study examined a sample of open-source applications from GitHub. Static software analytics were conducted, and each application was classified for its risk level. In the analyzed applications, it was found that 90% of the applications were classified as low risk or moderate low risk indicating a high level of quality for open-source applications.展开更多
The evolutionary complexity of modem media systems represents an area of research that would benefit from further description and debate. In order to better understand the challenges and considerations associated with...The evolutionary complexity of modem media systems represents an area of research that would benefit from further description and debate. In order to better understand the challenges and considerations associated with the new, constantly changing media ecology, a more holistic worldview must be catapulted to the forefront of the collective discussion. To that effect, the following essay examines the open source software movement from the philosophical perspective of Tibetan Buddhism. Using the principles of interconnectedness, impermanence, and the illusory nature of self and reality, all fundamental elements of Buddhist philosophy, this discussion provides a renewed framework for exploring the ethical implications of open sourcing. A review of Buddhist teachings, coupled with literature from foundational media theorists such as Neil Postman and Marshall and Eric McLuhan, will set the stage for contemplating the ethics of the modem information ecology, epitomized by the collaborative spirit and community connections of open source software.展开更多
The </span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">software reliability model is the stochastic model to measure the software <span>reliability quantitatively....The </span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">software reliability model is the stochastic model to measure the software <span>reliability quantitatively. A Hazard-Rate Model is </span></span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">the </span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">well</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">-</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">known one as the</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:""> typical software reliability model. We propose Hazard-Rate Models Consider<span>ing Fault Severity Levels (CFSL) for Open Source Software (OSS). The purpose of </span><span>this research is to </span></span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">make </span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">the Hazard-Rate Model considering CFSL adapt to</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:""> </span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">baseline hazard function and 2 kinds of faults data in Bug Tracking System <span>(BTS)</span></span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">,</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:""> <i>i.e.</i>, we use the covariate vectors in Cox proportional Hazard-Rate</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:""> Model. Also, <span>we show the numerical examples by evaluating the performance of our pro</span><span>posed model. As the result, we compare the performance of our model with the</span> Hazard-Rate Model CFSL.展开更多
Open source software (OSS) has become an indispensable part of society, not only for personal use but also for corporate use. Projects developed and operated by OSS are called open source projects, and the number of s...Open source software (OSS) has become an indispensable part of society, not only for personal use but also for corporate use. Projects developed and operated by OSS are called open source projects, and the number of such projects is increasing. On the other hand, because anyone can participate in an open source project, the progress of the project is uncertain due to differences in project members’ skills, development environments, and time zones of activity. Therefore, many users and companies need to understand the development and operation status of open source project. Then, the developers carefully make decisions on upgrading or installing new OSS. In this paper, we focus on the maintenance effort estimation for open source projects considering uncertainty. Also, we evaluate the project quantitatively using Earned Value Management (EVM). Moreover, we examine the appropriateness of the model for predicting the maintenance effort expeditures. Furthermore, we discuss the appropriateness of this EVM method.展开更多
The use of open-source data and tools in disaster exposure mapping is presented in this paper. Disaster exposure is a collection of the element at risk to potential loss. Gampaha divisional secretariat (DS) is a study...The use of open-source data and tools in disaster exposure mapping is presented in this paper. Disaster exposure is a collection of the element at risk to potential loss. Gampaha divisional secretariat (DS) is a study area laid on the lower part of the Attanagalu Oya river basin. As the geospatial tools, OpenStreetMap (OSM), Java OpenStreetMap (JOSM), QGIS, GPS Essentials, and Open Map Kit (OMK) are used. The elements of disaster exposure, including the number of people or types of assets, are surveyed and inventoried using the OSM platforms. Local, national, and international agencies produce and evaluate the data. The study developed spatial data for building footprints of 165,000 households, street lengths of 2300 km, hospital units of 16, and utility units of 2300. This could overcome the main challenges of exposure mapping in the area. The procedure developed in the exposure mapping can be used in a data-sparse environment. Exposure mapping is generally used to estimate the impact of hazards or disasters, which are essential in effective disaster management. How are there still remaining challenges in disaster exposure mapping such as less awareness about the mapping procedure, lack of government support, internet access, hardware, and inability to understand the value of exposure mapping?展开更多
Decentralized autonomous organizations(DAOs)have found use in the governance of open source software(OSS)projects.However,the governance of an OSS producing DAO should match the particularities of OSS production while...Decentralized autonomous organizations(DAOs)have found use in the governance of open source software(OSS)projects.However,the governance of an OSS producing DAO should match the particularities of OSS production while also overcoming the existing challenges of decentralized governance.The existing decentralized governance frameworks do not include all the governance activities of OSS projects.Therefore,this study presents a governance framework for DAOs that produce OSS.The framework is built upon a total of 34 articles on DAO and OSS governance.The framework was evaluated in three leading DAOs that produce OSS.The evaluation underscores the significance of the framework and proves the potential of the systematic categorization of governance mechanisms.Finally,we list emerging governance practices in various governance domains in this developing field.展开更多
基金supported by UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia,under Dana Impak Perdana 2.0.(Ref:DIP–2022–020).
文摘Software Defined Networking(SDN)is programmable by separation of forwarding control through the centralization of the controller.The controller plays the role of the‘brain’that dictates the intelligent part of SDN technology.Various versions of SDN controllers exist as a response to the diverse demands and functions expected of them.There are several SDN controllers available in the open market besides a large number of commercial controllers;some are developed tomeet carrier-grade service levels and one of the recent trends in open-source SDN controllers is the Open Network Operating System(ONOS).This paper presents a comparative study between open source SDN controllers,which are known as Network Controller Platform(NOX),Python-based Network Controller(POX),component-based SDN framework(Ryu),Java-based OpenFlow controller(Floodlight),OpenDayLight(ODL)and ONOS.The discussion is further extended into ONOS architecture,as well as,the evolution of ONOS controllers.This article will review use cases based on ONOS controllers in several application deployments.Moreover,the opportunities and challenges of open source SDN controllers will be discussed,exploring carriergrade ONOS for future real-world deployments,ONOS unique features and identifying the suitable choice of SDN controller for service providers.In addition,we attempt to provide answers to several critical questions relating to the implications of the open-source nature of SDN controllers regarding vendor lock-in,interoperability,and standards compliance,Similarly,real-world use cases of organizations using open-source SDN are highlighted and how the open-source community contributes to the development of SDN controllers.Furthermore,challenges faced by open-source projects,and considerations when choosing an open-source SDN controller are underscored.Then the role of Artificial Intelligence(AI)and Machine Learning(ML)in the evolution of open-source SDN controllers in light of recent research is indicated.In addition,the challenges and limitations associated with deploying open-source SDN controllers in production networks,how can they be mitigated,and finally how opensource SDN controllers handle network security and ensure that network configurations and policies are robust and resilient are presented.Potential opportunities and challenges for future Open SDN deployment are outlined to conclude the article.
基金the National 863 program (2003AA131020-06)the programme Young scientists from extra-European countries to Lower Saxony.
文摘For technical and other reasons there is a dilemma that data providers cannot find an appropriate way to redistribute spatial forest data and data users who need spatial data cannot access and integrate available forest resources information. To overcome this dilemma, this paper proposed a spatial forest information system based on Web service using an open source software approach. With Web service based architecture, the system can enable interoperability, integrate Web services from other application servers, reuse codes, and shorten the development time and cost. At the same time, it is possible to extend the local system to a regional or national spatial forest information system. The growth of Open Source Software (OSS) provides an alternative choice to proprietary software for operating systems, web servers, Web-based GIS applications and database management systems. Using open source software to develop spatial forest information systems can greatly reduce the cost while providing high performance and sharing spatial forest information. We chose open source software to build a prototype system for Xixia County, Henan Province, China. By integrating OSS packages Deegree and UMN MapServer which are compliant to the OGC open specifications, the prototype system enables users to access spatial forest information and travelling information of Xixia County which come from two different data servers via a standard Web browser and promotes spatial forest information sharing.
文摘Tourism in developing countries are some means of solving their economic problems and improving live standards of people and creates job opportunity for the host people in getting additional income and improve the developments of the country. The result of tourism in terms of environmental, cultural, economic and social aspects has a greater effect for Ethiopia. Gondar, the center of Ethiopian art and culture, is famous in its many Imperial castles and the design and decoration of its churches. This land of castles and churches was founded by Emperor Fasiladas in 1930s and served as tourist attraction sites all over the world. The main challenge to attract international tourists in the study area is Scarce and insufficient promotion of the tourist attraction sites, Lack of broad information based on the internet about tourism information, and lack of organized information about tourism facilities & destinations. This study tries to identify tourist attraction elements of Gondor town and its surrounding area & to identify non spatial data’s essential for touristic activities to develop & propose a web based GIS portal for the improvement of tourism activity in the town. The main target of developing a web based GIS interactive map is to promote and improve tourism industry of the area. It has been produced using free and open source software’s for fast processing, displaying, sharing, and distribution of tourism information using world wide web. For the web services PHP, HTML script language and QGIS2leaflet plugins are used in the development of web GIS portal.
文摘This paper gave a general evaluation on existing three popular free and open source desktop GIS projects,according to the selected evaluation criteria.To further the understanding of the open source software,this paper also presented a customization example of QGIS with python and PyQT.
文摘Although open source softwares (OSS) for GIS and Remote Sensing are rapidly expanding and improving in the global context, there has been uncertainty at higher education institutions in developing countries, such as the department of forestry (Dfo) at Unitech, Papua New Guinea (PNG), regarding appropriate GIS softwares and hardware to acquire and use for teaching and research purposes. The paper briefly describes the characteristics of some mature OSS and discusses their main capabilities, advantages and disadvantages. Their adoption in the Dfo curricula may be advantageous in the long term, considering issues of learning curve steepness, versatility, affordability, effectiveness, and documentation available on them.
基金support of National Social Science Fund(NSSF)under Grant(No.22BTQ033).
文摘Currently, open-source software is gradually being integrated into industrial software, while industry protocolsin industrial software are also gradually transferred to open-source community development. Industrial protocolstandardization organizations are confronted with fragmented and numerous code PR (Pull Request) and informalproposals, and differentworkflowswill lead to increased operating costs. The open-source community maintenanceteam needs software that is more intelligent to guide the identification and classification of these issues. To solvethe above problems, this paper proposes a PR review prediction model based on multi-dimensional features. Weextract 43 features of PR and divide them into five dimensions: contributor, reviewer, software project, PR, andsocial network of developers. The model integrates the above five-dimensional features, and a prediction model isbuilt based on a Random Forest Classifier to predict the review results of PR. On the other hand, to improve thequality of rejected PRs, we focus on problems raised in the review process and review comments of similar PRs.Wepropose a PR revision recommendation model based on the PR review knowledge graph. Entity information andrelationships between entities are extracted from text and code information of PRs, historical review comments,and related issues. PR revisions will be recommended to code contributors by graph-based similarity calculation.The experimental results illustrate that the above twomodels are effective and robust in PR review result predictionand PR revision recommendation.
文摘This study examines temporal patterns of software systems defects using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) approach. Defect reports from ten software application projects are analyzed;five of these projects are open source and five are closed source from two software vendors. Across all sampled projects, the ARIMA time series modeling technique provides accurate estimates of reported defects during software maintenance, with organizationally dependent parameterization. In contrast to causal models that require extraction of source-code level metrics, this approach is based on readily available defect report data and is less computation intensive. This approach can be used to improve software maintenance and evolution resource allocation decisions and to identify outlier projects—that is, to provide evidence of unexpected defect reporting patterns that may indicate troubled projects.
文摘The successful experience of adopting distributed development models in such open source projects includes GNU/Linux operating system, Apache HTTP server, Android, BusyBox, and so on. The open source project contains special features so-called software composition by which several geographically-dispersed compo-nents are developed in all parts of the world. We propose a method of component-oriented reliability as-sessment based on hierarchical Bayesian model and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Especially, we fo-cus on the fault-detection rate for each component reported to the bug tracking system. We can assess the reliability for the whole open source software system by using the confidence interval for each component. Also, we analyze actual software fault-count data to show numerical examples of reliability assessment for OSS.
文摘Based on the concepts of social inclusion, universal design and accessibility, this paper aims to describe the stages of the development and implementation of a Web GIS (geographic information system for the internet) based on OS (open source) software The Web GIS developed is called "accessibility to Campinas tourist attractions", which provides information about cultural and natural attractions in Campinas/SP-Brazil, especially for people with disabilities or reduced mobility that prevents access these sites via public and private transportation. The verification of the existence or lack of accessibility equipment at bus stops and parking areas close to tourist attractions relies on current legislation (NBR 9050/1994) that establishes the right to accessibility for disabled people to transportation, local culture and leisure. An application that facilitates this recognition with low operating costs and high performance was developed using the OS software Quantum GIS 1.0.2, Apache 2.2.4, Mapserver 5.0.2, I3GEO 4.0, PostgreSQL 8.3 and PostGIS 1.3.5. This software is able to integrate the management of tourist areas and the advertisement of tourist information regarding accessibility devices at sights recognized as tourist attractions by Campinas city hall.
文摘Over the past decade, open-source software use has grown. Today, many companies including Google, Microsoft, Meta, RedHat, MongoDB, and Apache are major participants of open-source contributions. With the increased use of open-source software or integration of open-source software into custom-developed software, the quality of this software component increases in importance. This study examined a sample of open-source applications from GitHub. Static software analytics were conducted, and each application was classified for its risk level. In the analyzed applications, it was found that 90% of the applications were classified as low risk or moderate low risk indicating a high level of quality for open-source applications.
文摘The evolutionary complexity of modem media systems represents an area of research that would benefit from further description and debate. In order to better understand the challenges and considerations associated with the new, constantly changing media ecology, a more holistic worldview must be catapulted to the forefront of the collective discussion. To that effect, the following essay examines the open source software movement from the philosophical perspective of Tibetan Buddhism. Using the principles of interconnectedness, impermanence, and the illusory nature of self and reality, all fundamental elements of Buddhist philosophy, this discussion provides a renewed framework for exploring the ethical implications of open sourcing. A review of Buddhist teachings, coupled with literature from foundational media theorists such as Neil Postman and Marshall and Eric McLuhan, will set the stage for contemplating the ethics of the modem information ecology, epitomized by the collaborative spirit and community connections of open source software.
文摘The </span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">software reliability model is the stochastic model to measure the software <span>reliability quantitatively. A Hazard-Rate Model is </span></span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">the </span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">well</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">-</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">known one as the</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:""> typical software reliability model. We propose Hazard-Rate Models Consider<span>ing Fault Severity Levels (CFSL) for Open Source Software (OSS). The purpose of </span><span>this research is to </span></span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">make </span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">the Hazard-Rate Model considering CFSL adapt to</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:""> </span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">baseline hazard function and 2 kinds of faults data in Bug Tracking System <span>(BTS)</span></span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:"">,</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:""> <i>i.e.</i>, we use the covariate vectors in Cox proportional Hazard-Rate</span></span></span><span><span><span style="font-family:""> Model. Also, <span>we show the numerical examples by evaluating the performance of our pro</span><span>posed model. As the result, we compare the performance of our model with the</span> Hazard-Rate Model CFSL.
文摘Open source software (OSS) has become an indispensable part of society, not only for personal use but also for corporate use. Projects developed and operated by OSS are called open source projects, and the number of such projects is increasing. On the other hand, because anyone can participate in an open source project, the progress of the project is uncertain due to differences in project members’ skills, development environments, and time zones of activity. Therefore, many users and companies need to understand the development and operation status of open source project. Then, the developers carefully make decisions on upgrading or installing new OSS. In this paper, we focus on the maintenance effort estimation for open source projects considering uncertainty. Also, we evaluate the project quantitatively using Earned Value Management (EVM). Moreover, we examine the appropriateness of the model for predicting the maintenance effort expeditures. Furthermore, we discuss the appropriateness of this EVM method.
文摘The use of open-source data and tools in disaster exposure mapping is presented in this paper. Disaster exposure is a collection of the element at risk to potential loss. Gampaha divisional secretariat (DS) is a study area laid on the lower part of the Attanagalu Oya river basin. As the geospatial tools, OpenStreetMap (OSM), Java OpenStreetMap (JOSM), QGIS, GPS Essentials, and Open Map Kit (OMK) are used. The elements of disaster exposure, including the number of people or types of assets, are surveyed and inventoried using the OSM platforms. Local, national, and international agencies produce and evaluate the data. The study developed spatial data for building footprints of 165,000 households, street lengths of 2300 km, hospital units of 16, and utility units of 2300. This could overcome the main challenges of exposure mapping in the area. The procedure developed in the exposure mapping can be used in a data-sparse environment. Exposure mapping is generally used to estimate the impact of hazards or disasters, which are essential in effective disaster management. How are there still remaining challenges in disaster exposure mapping such as less awareness about the mapping procedure, lack of government support, internet access, hardware, and inability to understand the value of exposure mapping?
文摘Decentralized autonomous organizations(DAOs)have found use in the governance of open source software(OSS)projects.However,the governance of an OSS producing DAO should match the particularities of OSS production while also overcoming the existing challenges of decentralized governance.The existing decentralized governance frameworks do not include all the governance activities of OSS projects.Therefore,this study presents a governance framework for DAOs that produce OSS.The framework is built upon a total of 34 articles on DAO and OSS governance.The framework was evaluated in three leading DAOs that produce OSS.The evaluation underscores the significance of the framework and proves the potential of the systematic categorization of governance mechanisms.Finally,we list emerging governance practices in various governance domains in this developing field.