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Prospects for China's New Generation Polar Orbit Meteorological Satellite Application
《Aerospace China》 1998年第2期5-8,共4页
Thispaperdiscussesthepos┐sibleselectionofremotesensorsaboardChina'ssecondgenerationpolarorbitmeteorologicals... Thispaperdiscussesthepos┐sibleselectionofremotesensorsaboardChina'ssecondgenerationpolarorbitmeteorologicalsatel┐liteanddescr... 展开更多
关键词 Prospects for China’s New Generation Polar orbit Meteorological satellite Application
New Long-Term Climate Oscillations
作者 Joseph J. Smulsky 《Natural Science》 2021年第8期354-371,共18页
The astronomical theory of climate change is based on the solution of differential equations describing Earth’s orbital and rotational motions. The equations are used to calculate the change in insolation over the Ea... The astronomical theory of climate change is based on the solution of differential equations describing Earth’s orbital and rotational motions. The equations are used to calculate the change in insolation over the Earth’s surface. As a result of the author’s solution of the orbital problem, the periods and amplitudes of Earth-orbit variations and their evolution have been refined. Unlike previous studies, the equations of Earth’s rotational motion are solved completely. The Earth’s rotational axis precesses relative to a direction different from the direction of the orbit’s axial precession, and oscillates with periods of half a month, half a year and 18.6 years. Also, its oscillations occur with irregular periods of several tens of thousands of years and more. All these motions lead to oscillations of the obliquity in the range of 14.7° to 32.1°, which prove to be 7 - 8 times larger than obtained by a previous theory. In the same proportion, the Earth’s insolation oscillations increase in amplitude, with insolation extremes occurring in other epochs than those in the previous theory. The amplitudes and the onset times of the extremes correlate with known paleoclimate changes. Thirteen insolation periods of paleoclimate variation over an interval of 200 thousand years are identified. From the insolation evolution calculated over a time interval of 1 million years, 6 climate gradations from very cold to very warm are identified. 展开更多
关键词 Earth’s orbit and Axis Evolution INsOLATION Climate Change Ice Ages
Level of the orbit's topological structure and topological semi-conjugacy 被引量:5
作者 周作领 何伟弘 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 1995年第8期897-907,共11页
For a discrete system, the idea that the orbit’s topological structure possesses three levels is proposed and the notions of the quasi-weakly almost periodic point and the minimal covering of a topological semi-conju... For a discrete system, the idea that the orbit’s topological structure possesses three levels is proposed and the notions of the quasi-weakly almost periodic point and the minimal covering of a topological semi-conjugacy are introduced. The relationship between the three levels and the recurrence of points and some properties kept under the topological semi-conjugacy is also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 compact system invariant measure LEVEL of the orbit’s TOPOLOGICAL structure quasi-weakly almost periodic point TOPOLOGICAL semi-conjugacy and minimal covering.
Space Tourist Tito's Long Journey Into Orbit
作者 Deborah Zabarenko 汪阿宝 《当代外语研究》 2001年第6期8-10,共3页
在遨游太空8天后,首位太空游客蒂托5月6日平安返回地面。人类首次太空旅游画上了圆满的句号。蒂托对记者说:太空生活超乎想象。习以为常的生活模式已全然发生了变化,这里完全是另外一个世界,处处都让人感到惊讶。这里的物品,不论大小均... 在遨游太空8天后,首位太空游客蒂托5月6日平安返回地面。人类首次太空旅游画上了圆满的句号。蒂托对记者说:太空生活超乎想象。习以为常的生活模式已全然发生了变化,这里完全是另外一个世界,处处都让人感到惊讶。这里的物品,不论大小均需加以固定,以避免自由飘浮。在确保不磕碰的前提下,宇航员可以自由自在地“滑翔”。在专业宇航员看来,这或许没有什么特别的。但对于游客来说,这种感觉无与伦比。 蒂托说。不久前,国际空间站刚从埃及上空飞过,透过太空舱的舷窗他看到了大片被耕种的土地和曲折蜿蜒的国境线。 在蒂托起程赴空间站之前,美国宇航局曾以“蒂托会防碍空间站的工作”为由,多次要求取消这次旅行。然而,据蒂托透露,空间站长期考察组的两名美国宇航员沃斯和赫尔姆斯均热情地接待了他,并领他参观了美国太空舱,为其介绍了空间站的设施。对此,蒂托激动不已。 蒂托为了这次太空旅游支付了2000万美元。他说:“这样的太空之旅,值!”文章还使用self-made millionaire来写蒂托。虽然他不是the first amateur in space,但是他是the first person to pay his own way.为此,文章亲切地称之为paying guest。 展开更多
关键词 空间站 宇航员 太空舱 space Tourist Tito’s Long Journey Into orbit 太空旅游
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