Three-dimensional geochemical modeling of ore-forming elements is crucial for predicting deep mineralization.This approach provides key information for the quantitative prediction of deep mineral localization,three-di...Three-dimensional geochemical modeling of ore-forming elements is crucial for predicting deep mineralization.This approach provides key information for the quantitative prediction of deep mineral localization,three-dimensional fine interpolation,analysis of spatial distribution patterns,and extraction of quantitative mineral-seeking markers.The Yechangping molybdenum(Mo)deposit is a significant and extensive porphyry-skarn deposit in the East Qinling-Dabie Mo polymetallic metallogenic belt at the southern margin of the North China Block.Abundant borehole data on oreforming elements underpin deep geochemical predictions.The methodology includes the following steps:(1)Threedimensional geological modeling of the deposit was established.(2)Correlation,cluster,and factor analyses post delineation of mineralization stages and determination of mineral generation sequence to identify(Cu,Pb,Zn,Ag)and(Mo,W,mfe)assemblages.(3)A three-dimensional geochemical block model was constructed for Mo,W,mfe,Cu,Zn,Pb,and Ag using the ordinary kriging method,and the variational function was developed.(4)Spatial distribution and enrichment characteristics analysis of ore-forming elements are performed to extract geological information,employing the variogram and w(Cu+Pb+Zn+Ag)/w(Mo+W)as predictive indicators.(5)Identifying the western,northwestern,and southwestern areas of the mine with limited mineralization potential,contrasted by the northeastern and southeastern areas favorable for mineral exploration.展开更多
1 Introduction.Chinese medicine has a long and rich history,dating back to the classics of the Qin and Han dynasties and extending to the integration of Chinese and Western medicine in the modern era.The vast amount o...1 Introduction.Chinese medicine has a long and rich history,dating back to the classics of the Qin and Han dynasties and extending to the integration of Chinese and Western medicine in the modern era.The vast amount of literature and scholarly works in this field makes it essential to thoroughly study the history of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)in order to understand its development path throughout the ages and boost innovation based on tradition.This is why the sages emphasized the importance of“classifying the works into different schools and tracing back to their origins”(辨章学术,考镜源流).展开更多
The northern Guangxi region is an important rare metal, rare earth metal and polymetallic metallogenic province. In the region there exist five metallogenic series and two metallogenic subseries, whose metallogenesis ...The northern Guangxi region is an important rare metal, rare earth metal and polymetallic metallogenic province. In the region there exist five metallogenic series and two metallogenic subseries, whose metallogenesis shows features of polycyclic spiral evolution throughout the geological history. As far as various cycles are concerned, mantle-derived ore substances were reduced while crust-derived ore substances increased from early to late timesfin the whole geological evolutionary history, mantle-derived substances decreased gradually while crust-derived ones increased. Meanwhile ore element associations became more and more varied. In terms of space, mineralization migrated from the old basement outwards, i.e. from west to east during the Precambrian, and from north to south during the Phanerozoic, and again from east to west during the Yanshanian.展开更多
It is one of the must-visit history museums,known for its vast collection of historical artifacts,attracting around three million domestic and international visitors each year.THE Shaanxi History Museum(SHM),in the re...It is one of the must-visit history museums,known for its vast collection of historical artifacts,attracting around three million domestic and international visitors each year.THE Shaanxi History Museum(SHM),in the renowned historic city of Xi’an in Shaanxi Province,is often regarded as one of the museums most difficult to get a ticket to in China.Each day,approximately 12,000 free online tickets are made available and are fully booked within just a couple of minutes.Its vast collection of treasured relics and numerous national treasures leave visitors in awe.展开更多
Interesting classifications of basinogenesis and basins were proposed by many scientists. They classified basinogenesis and basins mainly from a single angle, either from a historical angle or from a dynamic angle . I...Interesting classifications of basinogenesis and basins were proposed by many scientists. They classified basinogenesis and basins mainly from a single angle, either from a historical angle or from a dynamic angle . In order to more comprehensively understand them for more effectively guiding prospecting and exploration, the author integrates the two methods of analysis with each other and proposes an integrative classification .According to the historical - dynamic integrative classification,basinogenesis and basins can be.di-vided into three types :oceanic crust type ,embryo-continental (transitional )crust type and continental crust type .Oceanic crust type can be subdivided into mobile region type (mainly tenskmal )and stable region type . Embryo-continental type includes pre-geosynclinal type (divisible into several mobile region types and stable region types with tensional type predominating among mobile region types ) and ear ly-geosynclinal type (mainly tenskmal ) .Continental crust type includes late- geosynclinal (fold belt)type (compressional or tenskmal ),platform type (mainly sinking and rarely tenskmal subsidence-aulacogen)and geodepression (diwa )type (compressional , tenskmal or compresskmal-tenskmal ).展开更多
Seismic-induced liquefaction of sandy soils can fail foundations in the vicinity of buildings.To investigate the effect of a non-free field subsurface seismic history on the ability of saturated sandy soils to resist ...Seismic-induced liquefaction of sandy soils can fail foundations in the vicinity of buildings.To investigate the effect of a non-free field subsurface seismic history on the ability of saturated sandy soils to resist liquefaction,four shaking events with different accelerations were input to the sandy soils in the non-free-field.The results of the study revealed that:(1)Shallow soils that are not free-field undergo acceleration amplification effects after being subjected to seismic loading.(2)Building overburden pressure reduces the sensitivity of the shallow soils directly below in small and moderate earthquakes,which are more prone to rearranging and forming unstable structures under strong seismic effects.The excess pore pressure response on the load side resembles that of a free site,with the depth range of the liquefaction strength of soils affected by the seismic history,increasing progressively as input seismic intensity increases.(3)After experiencing earthquakes of different intensities,the excess pore pressure directly below the building overburden pressure at 0.1 m and 0.2 m is greater than that at the side.At the same time,the side of the building structure is more prone to liquefaction than the soil directly below it.展开更多
Interesting classifications of basinogenesis and basins were proposed by many seientists. They classified basinogenesis and basins mainly from a single angle, either from a historical angle or from a dynamie angle. In...Interesting classifications of basinogenesis and basins were proposed by many seientists. They classified basinogenesis and basins mainly from a single angle, either from a historical angle or from a dynamie angle. In order to more comprehensively understand them for moore effectively guidlilg prospeeting and exploration, the author integrates the two methods of analysis wilh cach other and proposes an integrative classification. According to the historieal-dynamic integrative classification, basinogenesis and basins can be divided into three types: occanic erust type. embryo-continental (transitional ) erust iype and continental crust type. Oceanie erust type call be subdivided into mobile region type (mainly tensional) and stable region type. Embryo-continental type includes pre-geosynclinal type (divisible into several mobile region types and stable region types with tensional type predoiminating among mobile region trpes) and early-geosynelinal type (mainly tensional). Continental erust type ineludes late-gcosynelinal (fold belt) type (compressional or tensional), platform type (mainly sinking and rarely tensional subsidence-aulacogen) and gcodepression (diwa) type (compressional, tensional or compressional-tensional ).展开更多
All the indium-rich deposits with indium contents in ores more than 100×10^-6 seems to be of cassiterite-sulfide deposits or Sn-bearing Pb-Zn deposits, e.g., in the Dachang Sn deposit in Guangxi, the Dulong Sn-Zn...All the indium-rich deposits with indium contents in ores more than 100×10^-6 seems to be of cassiterite-sulfide deposits or Sn-bearing Pb-Zn deposits, e.g., in the Dachang Sn deposit in Guangxi, the Dulong Sn-Zn deposit in Yunnan, and the Meng'entaolegai Ag-Pb-Zn deposit in Inner Mongolia, the indium contents in ores range from 98×10^-6 to 236×10^-6 and show a good positive correlation with contents of zinc and tin, and their correlation coefficients are 0.8781 and 0.7430, respectively. The indium contents from such Sn-poor deposits as the Fozichong Pb-Zn deposit in Guangxi and the Huanren Pb-Zn deposit in Liaoning are generally lower than 10×10^-6, i.e., whether tin is present or not in a deposit implies the enrichment extent of indium in ores. Whether the In enrichment itself in the ore -forming fluids or the ore-forming conditions has actually caused the enrichment/depletion of indium in the deposits? After studying the fluid inclusions in quartz crystallized at the main stage of mineralization of several In-rich and In-poor deposits in China, this paper analyzed the contents and studied the variation trend of In, Sn, Pb and Zn in the ore-forming fluids. The results show that the contents of lead and zinc in the ore-forming fluids of In-rich and -poor deposits are at the same level, and the lead contents range from 22×10^-6 to 81×10^-6 and zinc from 164×10^-6 to 309×10^-6, while the contents of indium and tin in the ore-forming fluids of In-rich deposits are far higher than those of Inpoor deposits, with a difference of 1-2 orders of magnitude. Indium and tin contents in ore-forming fluid of In-rich deposits are 1.9×10^-6-4.1×10^-6 and 7×10^-6-55×10^-6, and there is a very good positive correlation between the two elements, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9552. Indium and tin contents in ore-forming fluid of In-poor deposits are 0.03×10^-6-0.09×10^-6 and 0.4×10^-6-2.0×10^-6, respectively, and there is no apparent correlation between them. This indicates, on one hand, that In-rich oreforming fluids are the material basis for the formation of In-rich deposits, and, on the other hand, tin probably played a very important role in the transport and enrichment of indium.展开更多
The compositions of REE in quartz and pyrite from the main stage of the Laowan gold deposit in Henan Province and that in quartz from Laowan granite were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass-spectrometry (IC...The compositions of REE in quartz and pyrite from the main stage of the Laowan gold deposit in Henan Province and that in quartz from Laowan granite were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS) to trace the source of ore-forming materials. Meanwhile, the REE compositions of the deposit ore, granite and metamorphic wall rock were also considered for comparative studies in detail. The range of ∑REE of quartz and pyrite from the deposit ores is 4.18 × 10^-6- 30.91 × 10^-6, the average of ∑REE is 13.39 × 10^-6, and the average of ∑REE of quartz in the Laowan granite is 6.68 × 10^-6. There is no distinct difference of REE parameters between the deposit ore quartz and granite quartz. The quartz in gold deposit has the same REE particular parameters as quartzes from Laowan granite, such as δEu, δCe, (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N, partition degree of LREE to HREE, especially, the chondrite-normalized REE patterns, but no similarity to those from metamorphic wall rock, which shows that ore-forming hydrothermal fluid is mainly the fluid coming from the Laowan granite magma, rather than metamorphic fluid. Meanwhile, comparison studies on REE features between minerals from the deposit ores and related geological bodies in the deposit show that REE characteristics of minerals can serve as an indicator of ore-forming fluid properties and sources, while the REE characteristics of the bulk samples (such as deposit ores, granites and wall rocks) can not trace the source of the ore-forming materials exactly.展开更多
REE abundances in sulfides from the Huize Zn-Pb ore field were determined with the ICPMS after preconcentration. The REE abundances in 26 sulfide samples (including pyrite, galena and sphalerite) are very low, with ...REE abundances in sulfides from the Huize Zn-Pb ore field were determined with the ICPMS after preconcentration. The REE abundances in 26 sulfide samples (including pyrite, galena and sphalerite) are very low, with the ~REE ranging from 1.6×10^-9 to 166.8×10^-9. Their LREE/HREE ratios range from 7.6 to 98, showing LREE enrichment relatively. The JEu values are below 1, indicating that they were deposited from an Eu-depleted and reducing fluid-system. Similar to the ore-hosting carbonate strata, calcite separates from carbonate veinlets filling in the fractures or faults crosscutting the carbonate strata also show clear Eu-depletion. This indicates that the carbonate veinlets and their parent fluid was possibly sourced from the strata and inherited the REE geochemical features of the strata. Therefore, REE-geochemical characteristics of both the sulfides and calcites, which were deposited from an ore-forming hydrothermal system, are similar to those of carbonate strata, and strongly suggest that the ore metals were mainly sourced from carbonate strata.展开更多
Based on an analysis of the fractal structures and mass transport mechanism of typical shear-fluid-ore formation system, the fractal dispersion theory of the fluid system was used in the dynamic study of the ore forma...Based on an analysis of the fractal structures and mass transport mechanism of typical shear-fluid-ore formation system, the fractal dispersion theory of the fluid system was used in the dynamic study of the ore formation system. The model of point-source diffusive illuviation of the shear-fluid-ore formation system was constructed, and the numerical simulation of dynamics of the ore formation system was finished. The result shows that: (1) The metallogenic system have nested fractal structure. Different fractal dimension values in different systems show unbalance and inhomogeneity of ore-forming processes in the geohistory. It is an important parameter to symbolize the process of remobilization and accumulation of ore-forming materials. Also it can indicate the dynamics of the metallogenic system quantitatively to some extent. (2) In essence, the fractal dispersive ore-forming dynamics is a combination of multi-processes dominated by fluid dynamics and supplemented by molecule dispersion in fluids and fluid-rock interaction. It changes components and physico-chemical properties of primary rocks and fluids, favouring deposition and mineralization of ore-forming materials. (3) Gold ore-forming processes in different types of shear zones are quite different. (1) In a metallogenic system with inhomogeneous volumetric change and inhomogeneous shear, mineralization occurs in structural barriers in the centre of a shear zone and in geochemical barriers in the shear zone near its boundaries. But there is little possibility of mineralization out of the shear zone. (2) As to a metallogenic system with inhomogeneous volumetric change and simple shear, mineralization may occur only in structural barriers near the centre of the shear zone. (3) In a metallogenic system with homogeneous volumetric change and inhomogeneous shear, mineralization may occur in geochemical barriers both within and out of the shear zone.展开更多
The Mayuan stratabound Pb-Zn deposit in Nanzheng,Shaanxi Province,is located in the northern margin of the Yangtze Plate,in the southern margin of the Beiba Arch.The orebodies are stratiform and hosted in breciated do...The Mayuan stratabound Pb-Zn deposit in Nanzheng,Shaanxi Province,is located in the northern margin of the Yangtze Plate,in the southern margin of the Beiba Arch.The orebodies are stratiform and hosted in breciated dolostone of the Sinian Dengying Formation.The ore minerals are primarily sphalerite and galena,and the gangue minerals comprise of dolomite,quartz,barite,calcite and solid bitumen.Fluid inclusions from ore-stage quartz and calcite have homogenization tempreatures from 98 to 337℃ and salinities from 7.7 wt%to 22.2 wt%(NaCl equiv.).The vapor phase of the inclusions is mainly composed of CH_4 with minor CO_2 and H_2S.The δD_(fluid) values of fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite display a range from-68‰ to-113‰(SMOW),and the δ^(18)O_(fluid)values calculated from δ^(18)O_(quartz) and δ^(18)O_(calcite) values range from 4.5‰ to 16.7‰(SMOW).These data suggest that the ore-forming fluids may have been derived from evaporitic sea water that had reacted with organic matter.The δ^(13)C_(CH4) values of CH_4 in fluid inclusions range from-37.2‰ to-21.0‰(PDB),suggesting that the CH_4 in the ore-forming fluids was mainly derived from organic matter.This,together with the abundance of solid bitumen in the ores,suggest that organic matter played an important role in mineralization,and that the thermochemical sulfate reduction(TSR) was the main mechanism of sulfide precipitation.The Mayuan Pb-Zn deposit is a carbonate-hosted epigenetic deposit that may be classified as a Mississippi Valley type(MVT) deposit.展开更多
Fluorite is one of the main gangue minerals in the Maoniuping REE deposit, Sichuan Province, China. Fluorite with different colors occurs not only within various orebodies, but also in wallrocks of the orefield. Based...Fluorite is one of the main gangue minerals in the Maoniuping REE deposit, Sichuan Province, China. Fluorite with different colors occurs not only within various orebodies, but also in wallrocks of the orefield. Based on REE geochemistry, fluorite in the orefleld can be classified as the LREE-rich, LREE-flat and LREE-depleted types. The three types of fluorite formed at different stages from the same hydrothermal fluid source, with the LREE-rich fluorite forming at the relatively early stage, the LREE-flat fluorite in the middle, and the LREE-depleted fluorite at the latest stage. Various lines of evidence demonstrate that the variation of the REE contents of fluorite shows no relation to the color. The mineralization of the Maouiuping REE deposit is associated spatially and temporally with carbonatite-syenite magmatism and the ore-forming fluids are mainly derived from carbonatite and syenite melts.展开更多
Obvious differences in mineralization characteristics exist between the southern and northern parts of the eastern part of the Jiangnan Uplift in northern Jiangxi Province and southern Anhui Province. The regional met...Obvious differences in mineralization characteristics exist between the southern and northern parts of the eastern part of the Jiangnan Uplift in northern Jiangxi Province and southern Anhui Province. The regional metallogeny is discussed, and the ore-forming fluid systems are classified in this article. It is proposed that the fluid ore-forming activities in the Jiangnan Uplift both in northern Jiangxi and southern Anhui have close relationships with the crust-mantle interaction and magmatic-tectonic activities. The types and scales of the mineralization on the both sides of the eastern Jiangnan Uplift were determined by fluid ore-forming systems and geological backgrounds.展开更多
The Zhaxikang Pb-Zn-Sb polymetallic deposit is one of the most important deposits in the newly recognized southern Tibet antimony-gold metallogenic belt.Compared to the porphyry deposits in the Gangdese belt,much less...The Zhaxikang Pb-Zn-Sb polymetallic deposit is one of the most important deposits in the newly recognized southern Tibet antimony-gold metallogenic belt.Compared to the porphyry deposits in the Gangdese belt,much less researches have addressed these deposits,and the genesis of the Zhaxikang deposit is still controversial.Based on field investigation,petrographic,microthermometric,Laser Raman Microprobe(LRM) and SEM/EDS analyses of fluid,melt-fluid,melt and solid inclusions in quartz and beryl from pegmatite,this paper documents the characteristics and the evolution of primary magmatic fluid which was genetically related to greisenization,pegmatitization,and silification in the area.The results show that the primary magmatic fluids were derived from unmixing between melt and fluid and underwent a phase separation process soon after the exsolution.The primary magmatic fluids are of low salinity,high temperature,and can be approximated by the H_2O-NaCl-CO_2 system.The presence of Mn-Fe carbonate in melt-fluid inclusions and a Zn-bearing mineral(gahnite) trapped in beryl and in inclusions from pegmatite indicates high Mn,Fe,and Zn concentrations in the parent magma and magmatic fluids,and implies a genetic link between pegmatite and Pb-Zn-Sb mineralization.High B and F concentrations in the parent magma largely lower the solidus of the magma and lead to late fluid exsolution,thus the primary magmatic fluids related to pegmatite have much lower temperature than those in most porphyry systems.Boiling of the primary magmatic fluids leads to high-salinity and high-temperature fluids which have high capacity to transport Pb,Zn and Sb.The decrease in temperature and mixing with fluids from other sources may have caused the precipitation of Pb-Zn-Sn(Au) minerals in the distal fault systems surrounding the causative intrusion.展开更多
The Chalukou porphyry Mo deposit, located in the Great Hinggan Range, is the largest Mo deposit in northeast China, although the age and genesis of the associated magmatic intrusions remain debated.Here we report zirc...The Chalukou porphyry Mo deposit, located in the Great Hinggan Range, is the largest Mo deposit in northeast China, although the age and genesis of the associated magmatic intrusions remain debated.Here we report zircon U-Pb ages and trace elements, whole rock geochemistry and Sre Nd isotope data with a view to understand the relationship between the magmatism and molybdenum mineralization.Zircon U-Pb analysis yield an age of 475 Ma for rhyolite in the older strata, 168 Ma for the premineralization monzogranite, and 154 Ma for the syn-mineralization granite porphyry. The granite porphyry and quartz porphyry are considered as the ore-forming intrusions. These rocks are peraluminous, alkali-calcic, and belong to high-K to shoshonitic series with a strong depletion of Eu. They also display characteristics of I-type granites. The rocks exhibit wide variations of(87 Sr/86 Sr)iin the range of 0.705426 -0.707363, and ε_(Nd)(t) of -3.7 to 0.93. Zircon REE distribution patterns show characteristics between crust and the mantle, implying magma genesis through crust-mantle interaction. The Fe_2O_3/FeO values(average 1) for the whole rock and EuN/Eu*Nvalues(average 0.45), Ce^(4+)/Ce^(3+) values(average 301)for zircon grains from the granite porphyry are higher than those from other lithologies. These features suggest that the ore-forming intrusions(syn-mineralization porphyry) had higher oxygen fugacity conditions than those of the pre-mineralization and post-mineralization rocks. The Chalukou Mo deposit formed in relation to the southward subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean. Our study suggests that the subduction-related setting, crust-mantle interaction, and the large-scale magmatic intrusion were favorable factors to generate the super-large Mo deposits in this area.展开更多
The NaCl-H_2O binary system is a major component of solutions coexisting with ores. Observation ofsaturated solutions of NaCl-H_2O by using the method of hydrothermal diamond anvil cell (HDAC) is a new approach tothe ...The NaCl-H_2O binary system is a major component of solutions coexisting with ores. Observation ofsaturated solutions of NaCl-H_2O by using the method of hydrothermal diamond anvil cell (HDAC) is a new approach tothe study of ore-forming fluids. The salinities of NaCl-H_2O solutions in experimental observation are in a range of 32-55%. The observed temperature range is 25℃-850℃, and the pressure range 1 atm-10 kb. In this temperature-pressure range, the supercritical single phase, two phases (L,V) close to the critical state and two-phased (L+V) immis-cible region were observed. And for the salinity of 35% the two phase L+V immiscible region of NaCl-H_2O solutionwas observed in a range of 253-720℃. Another temperature range, 400-817℃, was observed for the immiscible two-phased region of 50% salinity solution. In the high-temperature part of the two-phased immiscible region, the phase na-ture is very unstable. A "critical phenomenon" was observed when the heating path was very close to the critical state.It is possible to observe a 'critical phenomenon': an "explosion" occurred almost constantly at the interface between theliquid and vapour and the interface is rather obscure. A continuous transition between phases L and V could be foundin the immiscible L+V phase while heating continuously. Moreover, as the NaCl-H_2O solution was separated into liq-uid and vapour phases, static charges surrounding each vapour bubble could be seen, and these bubbles were attractedtogether by the static charges to form a special solution structure. Besides, critical states of different salinities of NaCl-H_2O were observed in order to study the properties of the fluids occurring in the rocks in the earth interior, the origin ofore-bearing fluids and the significance of supercritical fluid with respect to the ore formation. The comparison of the sa-linity data of the fluid inclusions in the minerals of ore deposits with observations of NaCl-H_2O under HDAC in theconditions of high temperatures and pressures, combined with further thermodynamic analysis of ore-formation condi-tions would explain in depth the factors determining the ore formation.展开更多
The Jiama deposit is a large copper deposit in Tibet. Mineralization occurs in three different host rocks: skarn, hornfels and porphyry. A detailed fluid inclusion study was conducted for veins in the different host ...The Jiama deposit is a large copper deposit in Tibet. Mineralization occurs in three different host rocks: skarn, hornfels and porphyry. A detailed fluid inclusion study was conducted for veins in the different host rocks to investigate the relationship between fluid evolution and ore-forming processes. Based on examination of cores from 36 drill holes, three types of veins (A, B and D) were identified in the porphyries, four types (I, II, III and IV) in the skarn, and three (a, b and c) in the hornfels. The crosscutting relationships of the veins and that of the host rocks suggest two hydrothermal stages, one early and one late stage. Fluid inclusions indicate that the Jiama hydrothermal fluid system underwent at least two episodes of fluid boiling. The first boiling event occurred during the early hydrothermal stage, as recorded by fluid inclusions hosted in type A veins in the porphyries, type a veins in the hornfels, and wollastonite in the skarns. This fluid boiling event was associated with relatively weak mineralization. The second boiling event occurred in the late hydrothermal stage, as determined from fluid inclusions hosted in type B and D veins in the porphyries, type I to IV veins in the skarns, and type b and c veins in the hornfels. This late boiling event, together with mixing with meteoric water, was responsible for more than 90% of the metal accumulation in the deposit. The first boiling only occurred in the central part of the deposit and the second boiling event took place across an entire interlayered structural zone between hornfels and marble. A spatial zoning of ore-elements is evident, and appears to be related to different migration pathways and precipitation temperatures of Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, Au and Ag.展开更多
The West Kunlun ore-forming belt is located between the northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and southwestern Tarim Basin. It situated between the Paleo-Asian Tectonic Domain and Tethyan Tectonic Domain. It is an import...The West Kunlun ore-forming belt is located between the northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and southwestern Tarim Basin. It situated between the Paleo-Asian Tectonic Domain and Tethyan Tectonic Domain. It is an important component of the giant tectonic belt in central China (the Kunlun-Qilian-Qinling Tectonic Belt or the Central Orogenic Belt). Many known ore-forming belts such as the Kunlun-Qilian Qinling ore-forming zone, Sanjiang (or Three river) ore-forming zone, Central Asian ore-forming zone, etc. pass through the West Kunlun area. Three ore-forming zones and seven ore-forming subzones were classified, and eighteen mineralization areas were marked. It is indicated that the West Kunlun area is one of the most favorable region for finding out large and superlarge ore deposits.展开更多
Saishitang Cu-polymetallic deposit is located in the southeast section of Late Paleozoic arcfoid in the southeastern margin of Qaidam platform. Accoring to the geological process of the deposit, four mineralization ep...Saishitang Cu-polymetallic deposit is located in the southeast section of Late Paleozoic arcfoid in the southeastern margin of Qaidam platform. Accoring to the geological process of the deposit, four mineralization episodes were identified: melt/fluid coexisting period (O), skarn period (A), first sulfide period (B) and second sulfide period (C), and 10 stages were finally subdivided. Three types of inclusions were classified in seven stages, namely crystal bearing inclusions (type I), aqueous inclusions (type Ⅱ) and pure liquid inclusions (type Ⅲ). Type I and Ⅱ inclusions were observed in stage O1, having homogenization temperature from 252 to 431℃, and salinities ranging from 24.3% to 48.0%. Type I inclusion was present in stage A1, having homogenization temperature from 506 to 548℃, and salinities ranging from 39.4% to 44.6%. In stage B1, type Ⅱ and Ⅲ inclusions were observed, with homogenization temperature concentrating between 300-400℃, and salinities from 0.4% to 4.3%. Type II inclusions were present in stage B2, with homogenization temperature varying from 403 to 550℃. In stage C1, type I and II inclusion commonly coexisted, and constituted a boiling inclusion group, having homogenization temperatures at 187-463℃, and salinities in a range of 29.4%-46.8% and 2.2%-11.0%. Type II and III inclusions were developed in stage C2, having homogenization temperature at 124-350℃, and salinities ranging between 1.6% and 15.4%. In stage C3, type Ⅱ and Ⅲ inclusions were presented, with a homogenization temperature range of 164-360℃, and salinities varying from 4.0% to 11.0%. The results of micro-thermal analysis show that fluids are characterized by high temperature and high salinity in stage O1 and A1, and experienced slight decrease in temperature and dramatic decrease in salinity in stage B1 and B2. In stage C1, the salinity of fluid increased greatly and a further decrease of temperature and salinity occurred in stage C2 and C3. Fluids boiled in stage C1. With calculated pressure of 22 MPa from the trapping temperature of 284- 289℃, a mineralization depth of 2.2 km was inferred. Results of Laser Raman Spectroscopy show high density of H2_O, CH_4 and CO_2 were found as gas composition. H-O isotope study indicates the ore- forming fluids were the mixture of magmatic water and meteoric water. Physicochemical parameters of fluids show oxygen and sulfur fugacity experienced a decrease, and redox state is weakly reducing. Along with fluid evolution, oxidation has increased slightly. Comprehensive analysis shows that melt exsolution occurred during the formation of quartz diorite and that metal elements existed and migrated in the form of chlorine complex. Immiscible fluid separation and boiling widely occurred after addition of new fluids, bringing about dissociation of chlorine-complex, resulting in a great deal of copper precipitation. In conclusion, Saishitang deposit, controlled by regional tectonics, is formed by metasomatism between highly fractionated mineralization rock body and wall rock, and belongs to banded skarn Cu-polymetallic deposit.Abstract: Saishitang Cu-polymetallic deposit is located in the southeast section of Late Paleozoic arcfoid in the southeastern margin of Qaidam platform. Accoring to the geological process of the deposit, four mineralization episodes were identified: melt/fluid coexisting period (O), skarn period (A), first sulfide period (B) and second sulfide period (C), and 10 stages were finally subdivided. Three types of inclusions were classified in seven stages, namely crystal bearing inclusions (type I), aqueous inclusions (type Ⅱ) and pure liquid inclusions (type Ⅲ). Type I and II inclusions were observed in stage O1, having homogenization temperature from 252 to 431℃, and salinities ranging from 24.3% to 48.0%. Type I inclusion was present in stage A1, having homogenization temperature from 506 to 548℃, and salinities ranging from 39.4% to 44.6%. In stage B1, type II and III inclusions were observed, with homogenization temperature concentrating between 300-400℃, and salinities from 0.4% to 4.3%. Type II inclusions were present in stage B2, with homogenization temperature varying from 403 to 550℃. In stage C1, type I and II inclusion commonly coexisted, and constituted a boiling inclusion group, having homogenization temperatures at 187-463℃, and salinities in a range of 29.4%-46.8% and 2.2%-11.0%. Type II and III inclusions were developed in stage C2, having homogenization temperature at 124-350℃, and salinities ranging between 1.6% and 15.4%. In stage C3, type II and Ⅲ inclusions were presented, with a homogenization temperature range of 164-360℃, and salinities varying from 4.0% to 11.0%. The results of micro-thermal analysis show that fluids are characterized by high temperature and high salinity in stage O1 and A1, and experienced slight decrease in temperature and dramatic decrease in salinity in stage B1 and B2. In stage C1, the salinity of fluid increased greatly and a further decrease of temperature and salinity occurred in stage C2 and C3. Fluids boiled in stage C1. With calculated pressure of 22 MPa from the trapping temperature of 284- 289℃, a mineralization depth of 2.2 km was inferred. Results of Laser Raman Spectroscopy show high density of H_2O, CH_4 and CO_2 were found as gas composition. H-O isotope study indicates the ore- forming fluids were the mixture of magmatic water and meteoric water. Physicochemical parameters of fluids show oxygen and sulfur fugacity experienced a decrease, and redox state is weakly reducing. Along with fluid evolution, oxidation has increased slightly. Comprehensive analysis shows that melt exsolution occurred during the formation of quartz diorite and that metal elements existed and migrated in the form of chlorine complex. Immiscible fluid separation and boiling widely occurred after addition of new fluids, bringing about dissociation of chlorine-complex, resulting in a great deal of copper precipitation. In conclusion, Saishitang deposit, controlled by regional tectonics, is formed by metasomatism between highly fractionated mineralization rock body and wall rock, and belongs to banded skarn Cu-polymetallic deposit.展开更多
基金supported by the Key Research Project of China Geological Survey(Grant No.DD20230564)the Research Project of Natural Resources Department of Gansu Province(Grant No.202219)。
文摘Three-dimensional geochemical modeling of ore-forming elements is crucial for predicting deep mineralization.This approach provides key information for the quantitative prediction of deep mineral localization,three-dimensional fine interpolation,analysis of spatial distribution patterns,and extraction of quantitative mineral-seeking markers.The Yechangping molybdenum(Mo)deposit is a significant and extensive porphyry-skarn deposit in the East Qinling-Dabie Mo polymetallic metallogenic belt at the southern margin of the North China Block.Abundant borehole data on oreforming elements underpin deep geochemical predictions.The methodology includes the following steps:(1)Threedimensional geological modeling of the deposit was established.(2)Correlation,cluster,and factor analyses post delineation of mineralization stages and determination of mineral generation sequence to identify(Cu,Pb,Zn,Ag)and(Mo,W,mfe)assemblages.(3)A three-dimensional geochemical block model was constructed for Mo,W,mfe,Cu,Zn,Pb,and Ag using the ordinary kriging method,and the variational function was developed.(4)Spatial distribution and enrichment characteristics analysis of ore-forming elements are performed to extract geological information,employing the variogram and w(Cu+Pb+Zn+Ag)/w(Mo+W)as predictive indicators.(5)Identifying the western,northwestern,and southwestern areas of the mine with limited mineralization potential,contrasted by the northeastern and southeastern areas favorable for mineral exploration.
基金financed by the grant from Beijing Social Science(No. 18LSB002)。
文摘1 Introduction.Chinese medicine has a long and rich history,dating back to the classics of the Qin and Han dynasties and extending to the integration of Chinese and Western medicine in the modern era.The vast amount of literature and scholarly works in this field makes it essential to thoroughly study the history of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)in order to understand its development path throughout the ages and boost innovation based on tradition.This is why the sages emphasized the importance of“classifying the works into different schools and tracing back to their origins”(辨章学术,考镜源流).
基金This research was supported by the Chinese Foundation for Development of Geological Science and Technology (Project 49273162)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Project 49273162)
文摘The northern Guangxi region is an important rare metal, rare earth metal and polymetallic metallogenic province. In the region there exist five metallogenic series and two metallogenic subseries, whose metallogenesis shows features of polycyclic spiral evolution throughout the geological history. As far as various cycles are concerned, mantle-derived ore substances were reduced while crust-derived ore substances increased from early to late timesfin the whole geological evolutionary history, mantle-derived substances decreased gradually while crust-derived ones increased. Meanwhile ore element associations became more and more varied. In terms of space, mineralization migrated from the old basement outwards, i.e. from west to east during the Precambrian, and from north to south during the Phanerozoic, and again from east to west during the Yanshanian.
文摘It is one of the must-visit history museums,known for its vast collection of historical artifacts,attracting around three million domestic and international visitors each year.THE Shaanxi History Museum(SHM),in the renowned historic city of Xi’an in Shaanxi Province,is often regarded as one of the museums most difficult to get a ticket to in China.Each day,approximately 12,000 free online tickets are made available and are fully booked within just a couple of minutes.Its vast collection of treasured relics and numerous national treasures leave visitors in awe.
文摘Interesting classifications of basinogenesis and basins were proposed by many scientists. They classified basinogenesis and basins mainly from a single angle, either from a historical angle or from a dynamic angle . In order to more comprehensively understand them for more effectively guiding prospecting and exploration, the author integrates the two methods of analysis with each other and proposes an integrative classification .According to the historical - dynamic integrative classification,basinogenesis and basins can be.di-vided into three types :oceanic crust type ,embryo-continental (transitional )crust type and continental crust type .Oceanic crust type can be subdivided into mobile region type (mainly tenskmal )and stable region type . Embryo-continental type includes pre-geosynclinal type (divisible into several mobile region types and stable region types with tensional type predominating among mobile region types ) and ear ly-geosynclinal type (mainly tenskmal ) .Continental crust type includes late- geosynclinal (fold belt)type (compressional or tenskmal ),platform type (mainly sinking and rarely tenskmal subsidence-aulacogen)and geodepression (diwa )type (compressional , tenskmal or compresskmal-tenskmal ).
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.U21A20164National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China under Grant No.51825904。
文摘Seismic-induced liquefaction of sandy soils can fail foundations in the vicinity of buildings.To investigate the effect of a non-free field subsurface seismic history on the ability of saturated sandy soils to resist liquefaction,four shaking events with different accelerations were input to the sandy soils in the non-free-field.The results of the study revealed that:(1)Shallow soils that are not free-field undergo acceleration amplification effects after being subjected to seismic loading.(2)Building overburden pressure reduces the sensitivity of the shallow soils directly below in small and moderate earthquakes,which are more prone to rearranging and forming unstable structures under strong seismic effects.The excess pore pressure response on the load side resembles that of a free site,with the depth range of the liquefaction strength of soils affected by the seismic history,increasing progressively as input seismic intensity increases.(3)After experiencing earthquakes of different intensities,the excess pore pressure directly below the building overburden pressure at 0.1 m and 0.2 m is greater than that at the side.At the same time,the side of the building structure is more prone to liquefaction than the soil directly below it.
文摘Interesting classifications of basinogenesis and basins were proposed by many seientists. They classified basinogenesis and basins mainly from a single angle, either from a historical angle or from a dynamie angle. In order to more comprehensively understand them for moore effectively guidlilg prospeeting and exploration, the author integrates the two methods of analysis wilh cach other and proposes an integrative classification. According to the historieal-dynamic integrative classification, basinogenesis and basins can be divided into three types: occanic erust type. embryo-continental (transitional ) erust iype and continental crust type. Oceanie erust type call be subdivided into mobile region type (mainly tensional) and stable region type. Embryo-continental type includes pre-geosynclinal type (divisible into several mobile region types and stable region types with tensional type predoiminating among mobile region trpes) and early-geosynelinal type (mainly tensional). Continental erust type ineludes late-gcosynelinal (fold belt) type (compressional or tensional), platform type (mainly sinking and rarely tensional subsidence-aulacogen) and gcodepression (diwa) type (compressional, tensional or compressional-tensional ).
基金the Key 0rientation Research Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-YW- 111);the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40172037 and 40072036) for its financial support.
文摘All the indium-rich deposits with indium contents in ores more than 100×10^-6 seems to be of cassiterite-sulfide deposits or Sn-bearing Pb-Zn deposits, e.g., in the Dachang Sn deposit in Guangxi, the Dulong Sn-Zn deposit in Yunnan, and the Meng'entaolegai Ag-Pb-Zn deposit in Inner Mongolia, the indium contents in ores range from 98×10^-6 to 236×10^-6 and show a good positive correlation with contents of zinc and tin, and their correlation coefficients are 0.8781 and 0.7430, respectively. The indium contents from such Sn-poor deposits as the Fozichong Pb-Zn deposit in Guangxi and the Huanren Pb-Zn deposit in Liaoning are generally lower than 10×10^-6, i.e., whether tin is present or not in a deposit implies the enrichment extent of indium in ores. Whether the In enrichment itself in the ore -forming fluids or the ore-forming conditions has actually caused the enrichment/depletion of indium in the deposits? After studying the fluid inclusions in quartz crystallized at the main stage of mineralization of several In-rich and In-poor deposits in China, this paper analyzed the contents and studied the variation trend of In, Sn, Pb and Zn in the ore-forming fluids. The results show that the contents of lead and zinc in the ore-forming fluids of In-rich and -poor deposits are at the same level, and the lead contents range from 22×10^-6 to 81×10^-6 and zinc from 164×10^-6 to 309×10^-6, while the contents of indium and tin in the ore-forming fluids of In-rich deposits are far higher than those of Inpoor deposits, with a difference of 1-2 orders of magnitude. Indium and tin contents in ore-forming fluid of In-rich deposits are 1.9×10^-6-4.1×10^-6 and 7×10^-6-55×10^-6, and there is a very good positive correlation between the two elements, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9552. Indium and tin contents in ore-forming fluid of In-poor deposits are 0.03×10^-6-0.09×10^-6 and 0.4×10^-6-2.0×10^-6, respectively, and there is no apparent correlation between them. This indicates, on one hand, that In-rich oreforming fluids are the material basis for the formation of In-rich deposits, and, on the other hand, tin probably played a very important role in the transport and enrichment of indium.
文摘The compositions of REE in quartz and pyrite from the main stage of the Laowan gold deposit in Henan Province and that in quartz from Laowan granite were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS) to trace the source of ore-forming materials. Meanwhile, the REE compositions of the deposit ore, granite and metamorphic wall rock were also considered for comparative studies in detail. The range of ∑REE of quartz and pyrite from the deposit ores is 4.18 × 10^-6- 30.91 × 10^-6, the average of ∑REE is 13.39 × 10^-6, and the average of ∑REE of quartz in the Laowan granite is 6.68 × 10^-6. There is no distinct difference of REE parameters between the deposit ore quartz and granite quartz. The quartz in gold deposit has the same REE particular parameters as quartzes from Laowan granite, such as δEu, δCe, (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N, partition degree of LREE to HREE, especially, the chondrite-normalized REE patterns, but no similarity to those from metamorphic wall rock, which shows that ore-forming hydrothermal fluid is mainly the fluid coming from the Laowan granite magma, rather than metamorphic fluid. Meanwhile, comparison studies on REE features between minerals from the deposit ores and related geological bodies in the deposit show that REE characteristics of minerals can serve as an indicator of ore-forming fluid properties and sources, while the REE characteristics of the bulk samples (such as deposit ores, granites and wall rocks) can not trace the source of the ore-forming materials exactly.
基金This Project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (No. 40502011, 40372048 and 40425006).
文摘REE abundances in sulfides from the Huize Zn-Pb ore field were determined with the ICPMS after preconcentration. The REE abundances in 26 sulfide samples (including pyrite, galena and sphalerite) are very low, with the ~REE ranging from 1.6×10^-9 to 166.8×10^-9. Their LREE/HREE ratios range from 7.6 to 98, showing LREE enrichment relatively. The JEu values are below 1, indicating that they were deposited from an Eu-depleted and reducing fluid-system. Similar to the ore-hosting carbonate strata, calcite separates from carbonate veinlets filling in the fractures or faults crosscutting the carbonate strata also show clear Eu-depletion. This indicates that the carbonate veinlets and their parent fluid was possibly sourced from the strata and inherited the REE geochemical features of the strata. Therefore, REE-geochemical characteristics of both the sulfides and calcites, which were deposited from an ore-forming hydrothermal system, are similar to those of carbonate strata, and strongly suggest that the ore metals were mainly sourced from carbonate strata.
基金The authors acknowledge the support of the National Key Basic Research Project No.G1999043206“Advanced School Key Teachers Supporting Program”of the Ministry of Education,the National Climbing Program of China No.95-pre-25 and 95-pre-39the“100 Trans-Century Science and Technology Talented Persons Cultivating Program”Foundation of the Ministry of Land and Mineral Resources No.9808.
文摘Based on an analysis of the fractal structures and mass transport mechanism of typical shear-fluid-ore formation system, the fractal dispersion theory of the fluid system was used in the dynamic study of the ore formation system. The model of point-source diffusive illuviation of the shear-fluid-ore formation system was constructed, and the numerical simulation of dynamics of the ore formation system was finished. The result shows that: (1) The metallogenic system have nested fractal structure. Different fractal dimension values in different systems show unbalance and inhomogeneity of ore-forming processes in the geohistory. It is an important parameter to symbolize the process of remobilization and accumulation of ore-forming materials. Also it can indicate the dynamics of the metallogenic system quantitatively to some extent. (2) In essence, the fractal dispersive ore-forming dynamics is a combination of multi-processes dominated by fluid dynamics and supplemented by molecule dispersion in fluids and fluid-rock interaction. It changes components and physico-chemical properties of primary rocks and fluids, favouring deposition and mineralization of ore-forming materials. (3) Gold ore-forming processes in different types of shear zones are quite different. (1) In a metallogenic system with inhomogeneous volumetric change and inhomogeneous shear, mineralization occurs in structural barriers in the centre of a shear zone and in geochemical barriers in the shear zone near its boundaries. But there is little possibility of mineralization out of the shear zone. (2) As to a metallogenic system with inhomogeneous volumetric change and simple shear, mineralization may occur only in structural barriers near the centre of the shear zone. (3) In a metallogenic system with homogeneous volumetric change and inhomogeneous shear, mineralization may occur in geochemical barriers both within and out of the shear zone.
基金granted by the China State Mineral Resources Investigation Program(Grant No. 1212011121117)the National Natural Science Foudation of China(Grant No.41102050)the Central University Fund(310827153407)
文摘The Mayuan stratabound Pb-Zn deposit in Nanzheng,Shaanxi Province,is located in the northern margin of the Yangtze Plate,in the southern margin of the Beiba Arch.The orebodies are stratiform and hosted in breciated dolostone of the Sinian Dengying Formation.The ore minerals are primarily sphalerite and galena,and the gangue minerals comprise of dolomite,quartz,barite,calcite and solid bitumen.Fluid inclusions from ore-stage quartz and calcite have homogenization tempreatures from 98 to 337℃ and salinities from 7.7 wt%to 22.2 wt%(NaCl equiv.).The vapor phase of the inclusions is mainly composed of CH_4 with minor CO_2 and H_2S.The δD_(fluid) values of fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite display a range from-68‰ to-113‰(SMOW),and the δ^(18)O_(fluid)values calculated from δ^(18)O_(quartz) and δ^(18)O_(calcite) values range from 4.5‰ to 16.7‰(SMOW).These data suggest that the ore-forming fluids may have been derived from evaporitic sea water that had reacted with organic matter.The δ^(13)C_(CH4) values of CH_4 in fluid inclusions range from-37.2‰ to-21.0‰(PDB),suggesting that the CH_4 in the ore-forming fluids was mainly derived from organic matter.This,together with the abundance of solid bitumen in the ores,suggest that organic matter played an important role in mineralization,and that the thermochemical sulfate reduction(TSR) was the main mechanism of sulfide precipitation.The Mayuan Pb-Zn deposit is a carbonate-hosted epigenetic deposit that may be classified as a Mississippi Valley type(MVT) deposit.
文摘Fluorite is one of the main gangue minerals in the Maoniuping REE deposit, Sichuan Province, China. Fluorite with different colors occurs not only within various orebodies, but also in wallrocks of the orefield. Based on REE geochemistry, fluorite in the orefleld can be classified as the LREE-rich, LREE-flat and LREE-depleted types. The three types of fluorite formed at different stages from the same hydrothermal fluid source, with the LREE-rich fluorite forming at the relatively early stage, the LREE-flat fluorite in the middle, and the LREE-depleted fluorite at the latest stage. Various lines of evidence demonstrate that the variation of the REE contents of fluorite shows no relation to the color. The mineralization of the Maouiuping REE deposit is associated spatially and temporally with carbonatite-syenite magmatism and the ore-forming fluids are mainly derived from carbonatite and syenite melts.
基金the National NaturalScience Foundation of China(Grant No.40272048)thegeological survey project of the Ministry of Land andResource(Grant No.K1.4-2-2)+1 种基金the Anhui Provincial Exccllent Youth Science and Technology Foundation(04045063) the Anhui Provincial Natural Scicnce Foundation(Grant No.01045202).
文摘Obvious differences in mineralization characteristics exist between the southern and northern parts of the eastern part of the Jiangnan Uplift in northern Jiangxi Province and southern Anhui Province. The regional metallogeny is discussed, and the ore-forming fluid systems are classified in this article. It is proposed that the fluid ore-forming activities in the Jiangnan Uplift both in northern Jiangxi and southern Anhui have close relationships with the crust-mantle interaction and magmatic-tectonic activities. The types and scales of the mineralization on the both sides of the eastern Jiangnan Uplift were determined by fluid ore-forming systems and geological backgrounds.
基金financially supported by the State Basic Research Plan(973 project)(No.2011CB403100)IGCP/SIDA-600 project
文摘The Zhaxikang Pb-Zn-Sb polymetallic deposit is one of the most important deposits in the newly recognized southern Tibet antimony-gold metallogenic belt.Compared to the porphyry deposits in the Gangdese belt,much less researches have addressed these deposits,and the genesis of the Zhaxikang deposit is still controversial.Based on field investigation,petrographic,microthermometric,Laser Raman Microprobe(LRM) and SEM/EDS analyses of fluid,melt-fluid,melt and solid inclusions in quartz and beryl from pegmatite,this paper documents the characteristics and the evolution of primary magmatic fluid which was genetically related to greisenization,pegmatitization,and silification in the area.The results show that the primary magmatic fluids were derived from unmixing between melt and fluid and underwent a phase separation process soon after the exsolution.The primary magmatic fluids are of low salinity,high temperature,and can be approximated by the H_2O-NaCl-CO_2 system.The presence of Mn-Fe carbonate in melt-fluid inclusions and a Zn-bearing mineral(gahnite) trapped in beryl and in inclusions from pegmatite indicates high Mn,Fe,and Zn concentrations in the parent magma and magmatic fluids,and implies a genetic link between pegmatite and Pb-Zn-Sb mineralization.High B and F concentrations in the parent magma largely lower the solidus of the magma and lead to late fluid exsolution,thus the primary magmatic fluids related to pegmatite have much lower temperature than those in most porphyry systems.Boiling of the primary magmatic fluids leads to high-salinity and high-temperature fluids which have high capacity to transport Pb,Zn and Sb.The decrease in temperature and mixing with fluids from other sources may have caused the precipitation of Pb-Zn-Sn(Au) minerals in the distal fault systems surrounding the causative intrusion.
基金funded by the projects of China Geological Survey (Grant Nos. DD20160123 (DD-16-049, D1522), 12120114020901, 1212011220928 and 1212011121075)
文摘The Chalukou porphyry Mo deposit, located in the Great Hinggan Range, is the largest Mo deposit in northeast China, although the age and genesis of the associated magmatic intrusions remain debated.Here we report zircon U-Pb ages and trace elements, whole rock geochemistry and Sre Nd isotope data with a view to understand the relationship between the magmatism and molybdenum mineralization.Zircon U-Pb analysis yield an age of 475 Ma for rhyolite in the older strata, 168 Ma for the premineralization monzogranite, and 154 Ma for the syn-mineralization granite porphyry. The granite porphyry and quartz porphyry are considered as the ore-forming intrusions. These rocks are peraluminous, alkali-calcic, and belong to high-K to shoshonitic series with a strong depletion of Eu. They also display characteristics of I-type granites. The rocks exhibit wide variations of(87 Sr/86 Sr)iin the range of 0.705426 -0.707363, and ε_(Nd)(t) of -3.7 to 0.93. Zircon REE distribution patterns show characteristics between crust and the mantle, implying magma genesis through crust-mantle interaction. The Fe_2O_3/FeO values(average 1) for the whole rock and EuN/Eu*Nvalues(average 0.45), Ce^(4+)/Ce^(3+) values(average 301)for zircon grains from the granite porphyry are higher than those from other lithologies. These features suggest that the ore-forming intrusions(syn-mineralization porphyry) had higher oxygen fugacity conditions than those of the pre-mineralization and post-mineralization rocks. The Chalukou Mo deposit formed in relation to the southward subduction of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean. Our study suggests that the subduction-related setting, crust-mantle interaction, and the large-scale magmatic intrusion were favorable factors to generate the super-large Mo deposits in this area.
文摘The NaCl-H_2O binary system is a major component of solutions coexisting with ores. Observation ofsaturated solutions of NaCl-H_2O by using the method of hydrothermal diamond anvil cell (HDAC) is a new approach tothe study of ore-forming fluids. The salinities of NaCl-H_2O solutions in experimental observation are in a range of 32-55%. The observed temperature range is 25℃-850℃, and the pressure range 1 atm-10 kb. In this temperature-pressure range, the supercritical single phase, two phases (L,V) close to the critical state and two-phased (L+V) immis-cible region were observed. And for the salinity of 35% the two phase L+V immiscible region of NaCl-H_2O solutionwas observed in a range of 253-720℃. Another temperature range, 400-817℃, was observed for the immiscible two-phased region of 50% salinity solution. In the high-temperature part of the two-phased immiscible region, the phase na-ture is very unstable. A "critical phenomenon" was observed when the heating path was very close to the critical state.It is possible to observe a 'critical phenomenon': an "explosion" occurred almost constantly at the interface between theliquid and vapour and the interface is rather obscure. A continuous transition between phases L and V could be foundin the immiscible L+V phase while heating continuously. Moreover, as the NaCl-H_2O solution was separated into liq-uid and vapour phases, static charges surrounding each vapour bubble could be seen, and these bubbles were attractedtogether by the static charges to form a special solution structure. Besides, critical states of different salinities of NaCl-H_2O were observed in order to study the properties of the fluids occurring in the rocks in the earth interior, the origin ofore-bearing fluids and the significance of supercritical fluid with respect to the ore formation. The comparison of the sa-linity data of the fluid inclusions in the minerals of ore deposits with observations of NaCl-H_2O under HDAC in theconditions of high temperatures and pressures, combined with further thermodynamic analysis of ore-formation condi-tions would explain in depth the factors determining the ore formation.
基金funded by the third subject of National Natural Science Foundation of China(41302060)Geological Survey Project(12120114001304,121201004000150012)
文摘The Jiama deposit is a large copper deposit in Tibet. Mineralization occurs in three different host rocks: skarn, hornfels and porphyry. A detailed fluid inclusion study was conducted for veins in the different host rocks to investigate the relationship between fluid evolution and ore-forming processes. Based on examination of cores from 36 drill holes, three types of veins (A, B and D) were identified in the porphyries, four types (I, II, III and IV) in the skarn, and three (a, b and c) in the hornfels. The crosscutting relationships of the veins and that of the host rocks suggest two hydrothermal stages, one early and one late stage. Fluid inclusions indicate that the Jiama hydrothermal fluid system underwent at least two episodes of fluid boiling. The first boiling event occurred during the early hydrothermal stage, as recorded by fluid inclusions hosted in type A veins in the porphyries, type a veins in the hornfels, and wollastonite in the skarns. This fluid boiling event was associated with relatively weak mineralization. The second boiling event occurred in the late hydrothermal stage, as determined from fluid inclusions hosted in type B and D veins in the porphyries, type I to IV veins in the skarns, and type b and c veins in the hornfels. This late boiling event, together with mixing with meteoric water, was responsible for more than 90% of the metal accumulation in the deposit. The first boiling only occurred in the central part of the deposit and the second boiling event took place across an entire interlayered structural zone between hornfels and marble. A spatial zoning of ore-elements is evident, and appears to be related to different migration pathways and precipitation temperatures of Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, Au and Ag.
文摘The West Kunlun ore-forming belt is located between the northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and southwestern Tarim Basin. It situated between the Paleo-Asian Tectonic Domain and Tethyan Tectonic Domain. It is an important component of the giant tectonic belt in central China (the Kunlun-Qilian-Qinling Tectonic Belt or the Central Orogenic Belt). Many known ore-forming belts such as the Kunlun-Qilian Qinling ore-forming zone, Sanjiang (or Three river) ore-forming zone, Central Asian ore-forming zone, etc. pass through the West Kunlun area. Three ore-forming zones and seven ore-forming subzones were classified, and eighteen mineralization areas were marked. It is indicated that the West Kunlun area is one of the most favorable region for finding out large and superlarge ore deposits.
基金supported by the China Geological Survey Investigation Programs (No.2006BAA01B06 and No.20089942)
文摘Saishitang Cu-polymetallic deposit is located in the southeast section of Late Paleozoic arcfoid in the southeastern margin of Qaidam platform. Accoring to the geological process of the deposit, four mineralization episodes were identified: melt/fluid coexisting period (O), skarn period (A), first sulfide period (B) and second sulfide period (C), and 10 stages were finally subdivided. Three types of inclusions were classified in seven stages, namely crystal bearing inclusions (type I), aqueous inclusions (type Ⅱ) and pure liquid inclusions (type Ⅲ). Type I and Ⅱ inclusions were observed in stage O1, having homogenization temperature from 252 to 431℃, and salinities ranging from 24.3% to 48.0%. Type I inclusion was present in stage A1, having homogenization temperature from 506 to 548℃, and salinities ranging from 39.4% to 44.6%. In stage B1, type Ⅱ and Ⅲ inclusions were observed, with homogenization temperature concentrating between 300-400℃, and salinities from 0.4% to 4.3%. Type II inclusions were present in stage B2, with homogenization temperature varying from 403 to 550℃. In stage C1, type I and II inclusion commonly coexisted, and constituted a boiling inclusion group, having homogenization temperatures at 187-463℃, and salinities in a range of 29.4%-46.8% and 2.2%-11.0%. Type II and III inclusions were developed in stage C2, having homogenization temperature at 124-350℃, and salinities ranging between 1.6% and 15.4%. In stage C3, type Ⅱ and Ⅲ inclusions were presented, with a homogenization temperature range of 164-360℃, and salinities varying from 4.0% to 11.0%. The results of micro-thermal analysis show that fluids are characterized by high temperature and high salinity in stage O1 and A1, and experienced slight decrease in temperature and dramatic decrease in salinity in stage B1 and B2. In stage C1, the salinity of fluid increased greatly and a further decrease of temperature and salinity occurred in stage C2 and C3. Fluids boiled in stage C1. With calculated pressure of 22 MPa from the trapping temperature of 284- 289℃, a mineralization depth of 2.2 km was inferred. Results of Laser Raman Spectroscopy show high density of H2_O, CH_4 and CO_2 were found as gas composition. H-O isotope study indicates the ore- forming fluids were the mixture of magmatic water and meteoric water. Physicochemical parameters of fluids show oxygen and sulfur fugacity experienced a decrease, and redox state is weakly reducing. Along with fluid evolution, oxidation has increased slightly. Comprehensive analysis shows that melt exsolution occurred during the formation of quartz diorite and that metal elements existed and migrated in the form of chlorine complex. Immiscible fluid separation and boiling widely occurred after addition of new fluids, bringing about dissociation of chlorine-complex, resulting in a great deal of copper precipitation. In conclusion, Saishitang deposit, controlled by regional tectonics, is formed by metasomatism between highly fractionated mineralization rock body and wall rock, and belongs to banded skarn Cu-polymetallic deposit.Abstract: Saishitang Cu-polymetallic deposit is located in the southeast section of Late Paleozoic arcfoid in the southeastern margin of Qaidam platform. Accoring to the geological process of the deposit, four mineralization episodes were identified: melt/fluid coexisting period (O), skarn period (A), first sulfide period (B) and second sulfide period (C), and 10 stages were finally subdivided. Three types of inclusions were classified in seven stages, namely crystal bearing inclusions (type I), aqueous inclusions (type Ⅱ) and pure liquid inclusions (type Ⅲ). Type I and II inclusions were observed in stage O1, having homogenization temperature from 252 to 431℃, and salinities ranging from 24.3% to 48.0%. Type I inclusion was present in stage A1, having homogenization temperature from 506 to 548℃, and salinities ranging from 39.4% to 44.6%. In stage B1, type II and III inclusions were observed, with homogenization temperature concentrating between 300-400℃, and salinities from 0.4% to 4.3%. Type II inclusions were present in stage B2, with homogenization temperature varying from 403 to 550℃. In stage C1, type I and II inclusion commonly coexisted, and constituted a boiling inclusion group, having homogenization temperatures at 187-463℃, and salinities in a range of 29.4%-46.8% and 2.2%-11.0%. Type II and III inclusions were developed in stage C2, having homogenization temperature at 124-350℃, and salinities ranging between 1.6% and 15.4%. In stage C3, type II and Ⅲ inclusions were presented, with a homogenization temperature range of 164-360℃, and salinities varying from 4.0% to 11.0%. The results of micro-thermal analysis show that fluids are characterized by high temperature and high salinity in stage O1 and A1, and experienced slight decrease in temperature and dramatic decrease in salinity in stage B1 and B2. In stage C1, the salinity of fluid increased greatly and a further decrease of temperature and salinity occurred in stage C2 and C3. Fluids boiled in stage C1. With calculated pressure of 22 MPa from the trapping temperature of 284- 289℃, a mineralization depth of 2.2 km was inferred. Results of Laser Raman Spectroscopy show high density of H_2O, CH_4 and CO_2 were found as gas composition. H-O isotope study indicates the ore- forming fluids were the mixture of magmatic water and meteoric water. Physicochemical parameters of fluids show oxygen and sulfur fugacity experienced a decrease, and redox state is weakly reducing. Along with fluid evolution, oxidation has increased slightly. Comprehensive analysis shows that melt exsolution occurred during the formation of quartz diorite and that metal elements existed and migrated in the form of chlorine complex. Immiscible fluid separation and boiling widely occurred after addition of new fluids, bringing about dissociation of chlorine-complex, resulting in a great deal of copper precipitation. In conclusion, Saishitang deposit, controlled by regional tectonics, is formed by metasomatism between highly fractionated mineralization rock body and wall rock, and belongs to banded skarn Cu-polymetallic deposit.