Surface texture of the mouthguard affects the sense of adaptation in the athlete and further affects hygiene. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes over time in surface roughness after finish polishing ...Surface texture of the mouthguard affects the sense of adaptation in the athlete and further affects hygiene. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes over time in surface roughness after finish polishing of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) sheets and before and after finishing liquid application, and to evaluate its effectiveness. Total of 160 specimens of EVA (3 × 3 mm) were divided into 4 groups according to polishing condition (control = unpolished;RB = Robinson-brush;LF = Lisko-Fine, and MW = Mouthguard-wheel). Polishing was performed at low speed by using a straight headpiece. The rotation speed was 5000, 4000 and 6000 rpm for RB, LF, and MW, respectively. Next, a finishing liquid was applied to each specimen. Changes over time in surface roughness before and after application of the finishing liquid were compared by a non-contact surface shape measuring machine. The arithmetic average height (Sa) was measured. The measurement time points were before application, immediately after application, and at 5, 10, and 15 min after application. The changes over time of the surface roughness of the sheet before and after application of the finishing liquid were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Bonferroni’s multiple comparison tests. Surface roughness of the specimen before application became coarse in the order of control;MW, LF and RB, and Sa were about 0.21 μm, 2.03 μm, 2.94 μm, and 4.72 μm, respectively. That showed the same order after finishing liquid application. Significant decrease in Sa for RB and LF were seen at 10 min after application and at 5 min after application, respectively. Sa of MW was not significantly different before and after application. The results of this study showed that a lubricity of about 1.0 μm increases within 5 - 10 min of application of finishing liquid, but in cases where polishing was performed to about 2.0 μm;the application of finishing liquid has no ef-fect.展开更多
The perceptions of fishers towards the Arrábida Marine Park,a marine protected area(MPA)in the west coast of Portugal,were studied through face-to-face interviews in two different moments of the MPA life cycle.Fi...The perceptions of fishers towards the Arrábida Marine Park,a marine protected area(MPA)in the west coast of Portugal,were studied through face-to-face interviews in two different moments of the MPA life cycle.Fishers'perceptions about the MPA and the impact it had on the fishing activity over time were identified just before the full implementation of the zoning and regulations of the management plan and 10 years later.This study aimed to investigate fishers'knowledge,acceptance and perceptions about the MPA changed with time,if support for the MPA was linked to the impact of the MPA on the fishing activity,and if fishers'perceptions about the impact of the MPA on the fishing activity match with local landings trends.Results show that although knowledge about the marine park significantly improved over time,fishers'acceptance did not.A decrease on fishers'support was not substantial but occurred.Issues such as the disagreement with regulations reinforced concerns raised during the implementation of the marine park,particularly in relation to the top-down decision-making,which commonly confers minor participation,recognition and legitimacy to fishers.Apparently,fisheries benefits were still not perceived by local fishers,though they are central for fishers'support.Further,the perceived negative impacts of the park seemed to be more related to social aspects and individual interests than to impacts on catches.Addressing adequate management,enforcement and participation of local fishers is still possible and are advocated here as to contribute to the expected socioecological outcomes and respective support,leading to the future successful performance of the Arrábida Marine Park.Assessing fishers’perceptions towards an MPA over time is central and should be included on periodical socioecological monitoring and inform an effective adaptive management.展开更多
Marriages differ for a family of women from three different generations,as told by Cao Xiuhua My mother,Li Shuyun,wasborn in Dong’e County,eastChina’s Shandong Province,
爱美之心,人皆有之,但研究人员发现:Individual and social attitudes to-ward what’s acceptable,and what’s beautiful,change over time,因此尽管有Survival of the Prettiest(靓者生存)的说法,在目前轰轰烈烈的“人造”美女与帅...爱美之心,人皆有之,但研究人员发现:Individual and social attitudes to-ward what’s acceptable,and what’s beautiful,change over time,因此尽管有Survival of the Prettiest(靓者生存)的说法,在目前轰轰烈烈的“人造”美女与帅哥的潮流中,是否选择plastic-surgery(整形手术)最好还是三思而行。展开更多
A novel front-end circuit designed for PMT signals processing considering the solution of "Time Walk" correction is discussed in this paper. We are trying to apply the TOT (Time over Threshold) technique to ...A novel front-end circuit designed for PMT signals processing considering the solution of "Time Walk" correction is discussed in this paper. We are trying to apply the TOT (Time over Threshold) technique to our research. Different from traditional ways, where amplitude is measured, time width is measured for slew correction here, which takes the advantage of TDC. Expensive fast ADCs are abandoned and the whole time measurement electronics design becomes more effective and economical. Test boards have been developed and a convenient method is introduced to evaluate our TOT technique. Results have shown that a 10ps slew correction resolution is achieved throughout the amplitude range from -108mV to -2000mV for negative signals of both 5 ns leading and trailing edge with 10 ns 50%-50% pulse width.展开更多
The rapid growth of IP traffic has contributed to wide deployment of optical devices in elastic optical network.However,the passband shape of wavelength selective switches(WSSs)that are used in reconfigurable optical ...The rapid growth of IP traffic has contributed to wide deployment of optical devices in elastic optical network.However,the passband shape of wavelength selective switches(WSSs)that are used in reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer(ROADM)/optical cross connect(OXC)is not ideal,causing the narrowing of spectrum.Spectral narrowing will lead to signal impairment.Therefore,guard-bands need to be inserted between adjacent paths which will cause the waste of resources.In this paper,we propose a service-based intelligent aggregation node selection and area division(ANS-AD)algorithm.For the rationality of the aggregation node selection,the ANS-AD algorithm chooses the aggregation nodes according to historical traffic information based on big data analysis.Then the ANS-AD algorithm divides the topology into areas according to the result of the aggregation node selection.Based on the ANS-AD algorithm,we propose a time-domain and spectral-domain flow aggregation(TS-FA)algorithm.For the purpose of reducing resources'waste,the TS-FA algorithm attempts to reduce the insertion of guard-bands by time-domain and spectral-domain flow aggregation.Moreover,we design a time-domain and spectral-domain flow aggregation module on software defined optical network(SDON)architecture.Finally,a simulation is designed to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms and the results show that our proposed algorithms can effectively reduce the resource waste.展开更多
IP over DVB,即DVB卫星宽带IP接入技术是通过卫星通信网络传输IP数据业务的关键技术。为了保证传输的质量,IP over DVB中的音频数据主要通过实时传输协议(RTP)承载。文章研究了IP over DVB中RTP的音频数据的传输方式,最后给出了音频数...IP over DVB,即DVB卫星宽带IP接入技术是通过卫星通信网络传输IP数据业务的关键技术。为了保证传输的质量,IP over DVB中的音频数据主要通过实时传输协议(RTP)承载。文章研究了IP over DVB中RTP的音频数据的传输方式,最后给出了音频数据提取与恢复的方法和流程。展开更多
论述了TDM over IP技术出现的背景、实现过程以及实际应用方案。利用伪线路仿真技术实现在以太网上传送实时业务,将语音、图像等信息直接装入以太网(或IP网)数据包,然后依照IP路由进行简单高效的传送。此技术可广泛应用于PON、基站回传...论述了TDM over IP技术出现的背景、实现过程以及实际应用方案。利用伪线路仿真技术实现在以太网上传送实时业务,将语音、图像等信息直接装入以太网(或IP网)数据包,然后依照IP路由进行简单高效的传送。此技术可广泛应用于PON、基站回传、接口转换以及传统业务线路的改造等方面。展开更多
High precision time measurement is required in the readout of the neutron wall and TOF walls in the external target experiment of the Cooling Storage Ring(CSR) project in the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIR...High precision time measurement is required in the readout of the neutron wall and TOF walls in the external target experiment of the Cooling Storage Ring(CSR) project in the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL).Considering the time walk correction,both time and charge are measured in the readout electronics.In this 16-channel measurement module,time and charge information are digitized by TDCs at the same time based on the Time-Over-Threshold(TOT) method;meanwhile,by employing high-density ASIC chips,the electronics complexity is effectively reduced.Test results indicate that this module achieves a time resolution better than 25 ps and a charge resolution better than 5%over the input amplitude range from 50 mV to 3V.展开更多
This research considers the time-dependent vehicle routing problem (TDVRP). The time-dependent VRP does not assume constant speeds of the vehicles. The speeds of the vehicles vary during the various times of the day, ...This research considers the time-dependent vehicle routing problem (TDVRP). The time-dependent VRP does not assume constant speeds of the vehicles. The speeds of the vehicles vary during the various times of the day, based on the traffic conditions. During the periods of peak traffic hours, the vehicles travel at low speeds and during non-peak hours, the vehicles travel at higher speeds. A survey by TCI and IIM-C (2014) found that stoppage delay as percentage of journey time varied between five percent and 25 percent, and was very much dependent on the characteristics of routes. Costs of delay were also estimated and found not to affect margins by significant amounts. This study aims to overcome such problems arising out of traffic congestions that lead to unnecessary delays and hence, loss in customers and thereby valuable revenues to a company. This study suggests alternative routes to minimize travel times and travel distance, assuming a congestion in traffic situation. In this study, an efficient GA-based algorithm has been developed for the TDVRP, to minimize the total distance travelled, minimize the total number of vehicles utilized and also suggest alternative routes for congestion avoidance. This study will help to overcome and minimize the negative effects due to heavy traffic congestions and delays in customer service. The proposed algorithm has been shown to be superior to another existing algorithm in terms of the total distance travelled and also the number of vehicles utilized. Also the performance of the proposed algorithm is as good as the mathematical model for small size problems.展开更多
The voltage stability is substantially a dynamic stability, but the primary method which is more mature and engineering practical to analyze the stability of voltage is still static analysis. The time-domain simulatio...The voltage stability is substantially a dynamic stability, but the primary method which is more mature and engineering practical to analyze the stability of voltage is still static analysis. The time-domain simulation is an important measure in research of complex power grid. With the development of full dynamic simulation technology, the research of dynamic voltage stability by using full dynamic simulation program which is based on time-domain simulation can be carried out. This paper uses full dynamic simulation program in dynamic voltage stability research, lays special stress on research in how generator over-excitation limiter functioned and influence in dynamic voltage stability research, and raise 2 methods and steps to figure out dynamic stable voltage in both over-excitation counted and not counted. The simulation results of examples indicate the correctness and effectiveness of these methods, and also fully verify the function and influence of generator over-excitation limiter in full dynamic voltage stability research.展开更多
根据对DVB-H协议中的关键技术—时间切片、多协议封装及前向纠错编码(MPE-FEC)以及相关信道编码技术的研究,设计实现了基于IP over DVB的DVB-H仿真系统。实验表明,在所设计系统中,接收端能够完全恢复DVB码流,并利用DirectShow技术实现...根据对DVB-H协议中的关键技术—时间切片、多协议封装及前向纠错编码(MPE-FEC)以及相关信道编码技术的研究,设计实现了基于IP over DVB的DVB-H仿真系统。实验表明,在所设计系统中,接收端能够完全恢复DVB码流,并利用DirectShow技术实现了对传输码流的实时同步播放。展开更多
Slag carry-over during the draining of molten steel from a teeming ladle is numerically studied here. Two-phase isothermal transient 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations were employed to simulate the draining p...Slag carry-over during the draining of molten steel from a teeming ladle is numerically studied here. Two-phase isothermal transient 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations were employed to simulate the draining process. Two nozzle diameters, two nozzle positions and three slag heights were considered. From mass balances, the slag carry-over in terms of mass flow rate was obtained for each of the above variables. Besides, the draining times of the teeming ladle were estimated from theoretical considerations and CDF simulations, and compared.展开更多
This paper presents a study on protection coordination of over current relays (OCRs) in a distributed system by considering its different operating modes. Two different case studies which are considered in present wor...This paper presents a study on protection coordination of over current relays (OCRs) in a distributed system by considering its different operating modes. Two different case studies which are considered in present work for protection coordination include: (i) DG interfaced distribution system in grid connected mode and (ii) DG interfaced distribution system in islanded mode of operation. The proposed approach is tested on the Canadian urban benchmark distribution system consisting of 9 buses. On the occurrence of fault, level of fault current changes which in turn changes the operating time of various OCRs. Therefore, it is important to calculate and suggest method of the relay setting in order to minimize the operating time of relays and also to avoid its mal-operation. In this paper, the protection scheme is optimally designed by taking into account the above mentioned conditions. The operating time of relays can be decreased and, at the same time, coordination can be maintained by considering the optimum values of time dial setting (TDS). Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been used for determining the optimum values of TDS and hence operating time.展开更多
文摘Surface texture of the mouthguard affects the sense of adaptation in the athlete and further affects hygiene. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes over time in surface roughness after finish polishing of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) sheets and before and after finishing liquid application, and to evaluate its effectiveness. Total of 160 specimens of EVA (3 × 3 mm) were divided into 4 groups according to polishing condition (control = unpolished;RB = Robinson-brush;LF = Lisko-Fine, and MW = Mouthguard-wheel). Polishing was performed at low speed by using a straight headpiece. The rotation speed was 5000, 4000 and 6000 rpm for RB, LF, and MW, respectively. Next, a finishing liquid was applied to each specimen. Changes over time in surface roughness before and after application of the finishing liquid were compared by a non-contact surface shape measuring machine. The arithmetic average height (Sa) was measured. The measurement time points were before application, immediately after application, and at 5, 10, and 15 min after application. The changes over time of the surface roughness of the sheet before and after application of the finishing liquid were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Bonferroni’s multiple comparison tests. Surface roughness of the specimen before application became coarse in the order of control;MW, LF and RB, and Sa were about 0.21 μm, 2.03 μm, 2.94 μm, and 4.72 μm, respectively. That showed the same order after finishing liquid application. Significant decrease in Sa for RB and LF were seen at 10 min after application and at 5 min after application, respectively. Sa of MW was not significantly different before and after application. The results of this study showed that a lubricity of about 1.0 μm increases within 5 - 10 min of application of finishing liquid, but in cases where polishing was performed to about 2.0 μm;the application of finishing liquid has no ef-fect.
基金The authors would like to acknowledge the BIOMARES LIFE project(LIFE06 NAT/P/000192)the ERA-Net BiodivERsA project“BUFFER-Partially protected areas as buffers to increase the linked social-ecological resilience”,with the national funders ANR(France),FCT(Portugal),FOR-MAS and SEPA(Sweden)and RCN(Norway).C.P.would also like to acknowledge FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM(UID/AMB/50017/2019)+2 种基金through national funds.B.H.C.was supported by national funds through FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology,I.P.,in the scope of Norma Transitória DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0038.G.Fwas supported by a PhD grant from Programas de Doutoramento FCT.I.S.was financed by a PhD grant from FCT,SFRH/BD/80771/2011This study received Portuguese national funds from FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology through the strategic project UID/Multi/04326/2019 and UID/MAR/04292/2019.
文摘The perceptions of fishers towards the Arrábida Marine Park,a marine protected area(MPA)in the west coast of Portugal,were studied through face-to-face interviews in two different moments of the MPA life cycle.Fishers'perceptions about the MPA and the impact it had on the fishing activity over time were identified just before the full implementation of the zoning and regulations of the management plan and 10 years later.This study aimed to investigate fishers'knowledge,acceptance and perceptions about the MPA changed with time,if support for the MPA was linked to the impact of the MPA on the fishing activity,and if fishers'perceptions about the impact of the MPA on the fishing activity match with local landings trends.Results show that although knowledge about the marine park significantly improved over time,fishers'acceptance did not.A decrease on fishers'support was not substantial but occurred.Issues such as the disagreement with regulations reinforced concerns raised during the implementation of the marine park,particularly in relation to the top-down decision-making,which commonly confers minor participation,recognition and legitimacy to fishers.Apparently,fisheries benefits were still not perceived by local fishers,though they are central for fishers'support.Further,the perceived negative impacts of the park seemed to be more related to social aspects and individual interests than to impacts on catches.Addressing adequate management,enforcement and participation of local fishers is still possible and are advocated here as to contribute to the expected socioecological outcomes and respective support,leading to the future successful performance of the Arrábida Marine Park.Assessing fishers’perceptions towards an MPA over time is central and should be included on periodical socioecological monitoring and inform an effective adaptive management.
文摘Marriages differ for a family of women from three different generations,as told by Cao Xiuhua My mother,Li Shuyun,wasborn in Dong’e County,eastChina’s Shandong Province,
文摘爱美之心,人皆有之,但研究人员发现:Individual and social attitudes to-ward what’s acceptable,and what’s beautiful,change over time,因此尽管有Survival of the Prettiest(靓者生存)的说法,在目前轰轰烈烈的“人造”美女与帅哥的潮流中,是否选择plastic-surgery(整形手术)最好还是三思而行。
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (10405023)National Large-Scale Science Project BEPCII
文摘A novel front-end circuit designed for PMT signals processing considering the solution of "Time Walk" correction is discussed in this paper. We are trying to apply the TOT (Time over Threshold) technique to our research. Different from traditional ways, where amplitude is measured, time width is measured for slew correction here, which takes the advantage of TDC. Expensive fast ADCs are abandoned and the whole time measurement electronics design becomes more effective and economical. Test boards have been developed and a convenient method is introduced to evaluate our TOT technique. Results have shown that a 10ps slew correction resolution is achieved throughout the amplitude range from -108mV to -2000mV for negative signals of both 5 ns leading and trailing edge with 10 ns 50%-50% pulse width.
基金funded by ZTE Industry-Academia-Research Cooperation Funds under Grant No.2017110031005226
文摘The rapid growth of IP traffic has contributed to wide deployment of optical devices in elastic optical network.However,the passband shape of wavelength selective switches(WSSs)that are used in reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer(ROADM)/optical cross connect(OXC)is not ideal,causing the narrowing of spectrum.Spectral narrowing will lead to signal impairment.Therefore,guard-bands need to be inserted between adjacent paths which will cause the waste of resources.In this paper,we propose a service-based intelligent aggregation node selection and area division(ANS-AD)algorithm.For the rationality of the aggregation node selection,the ANS-AD algorithm chooses the aggregation nodes according to historical traffic information based on big data analysis.Then the ANS-AD algorithm divides the topology into areas according to the result of the aggregation node selection.Based on the ANS-AD algorithm,we propose a time-domain and spectral-domain flow aggregation(TS-FA)algorithm.For the purpose of reducing resources'waste,the TS-FA algorithm attempts to reduce the insertion of guard-bands by time-domain and spectral-domain flow aggregation.Moreover,we design a time-domain and spectral-domain flow aggregation module on software defined optical network(SDON)architecture.Finally,a simulation is designed to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms and the results show that our proposed algorithms can effectively reduce the resource waste.
基金Supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.KJCX2-YW-N27)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11079003)
文摘High precision time measurement is required in the readout of the neutron wall and TOF walls in the external target experiment of the Cooling Storage Ring(CSR) project in the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL).Considering the time walk correction,both time and charge are measured in the readout electronics.In this 16-channel measurement module,time and charge information are digitized by TDCs at the same time based on the Time-Over-Threshold(TOT) method;meanwhile,by employing high-density ASIC chips,the electronics complexity is effectively reduced.Test results indicate that this module achieves a time resolution better than 25 ps and a charge resolution better than 5%over the input amplitude range from 50 mV to 3V.
文摘This research considers the time-dependent vehicle routing problem (TDVRP). The time-dependent VRP does not assume constant speeds of the vehicles. The speeds of the vehicles vary during the various times of the day, based on the traffic conditions. During the periods of peak traffic hours, the vehicles travel at low speeds and during non-peak hours, the vehicles travel at higher speeds. A survey by TCI and IIM-C (2014) found that stoppage delay as percentage of journey time varied between five percent and 25 percent, and was very much dependent on the characteristics of routes. Costs of delay were also estimated and found not to affect margins by significant amounts. This study aims to overcome such problems arising out of traffic congestions that lead to unnecessary delays and hence, loss in customers and thereby valuable revenues to a company. This study suggests alternative routes to minimize travel times and travel distance, assuming a congestion in traffic situation. In this study, an efficient GA-based algorithm has been developed for the TDVRP, to minimize the total distance travelled, minimize the total number of vehicles utilized and also suggest alternative routes for congestion avoidance. This study will help to overcome and minimize the negative effects due to heavy traffic congestions and delays in customer service. The proposed algorithm has been shown to be superior to another existing algorithm in terms of the total distance travelled and also the number of vehicles utilized. Also the performance of the proposed algorithm is as good as the mathematical model for small size problems.
文摘The voltage stability is substantially a dynamic stability, but the primary method which is more mature and engineering practical to analyze the stability of voltage is still static analysis. The time-domain simulation is an important measure in research of complex power grid. With the development of full dynamic simulation technology, the research of dynamic voltage stability by using full dynamic simulation program which is based on time-domain simulation can be carried out. This paper uses full dynamic simulation program in dynamic voltage stability research, lays special stress on research in how generator over-excitation limiter functioned and influence in dynamic voltage stability research, and raise 2 methods and steps to figure out dynamic stable voltage in both over-excitation counted and not counted. The simulation results of examples indicate the correctness and effectiveness of these methods, and also fully verify the function and influence of generator over-excitation limiter in full dynamic voltage stability research.
文摘Slag carry-over during the draining of molten steel from a teeming ladle is numerically studied here. Two-phase isothermal transient 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations were employed to simulate the draining process. Two nozzle diameters, two nozzle positions and three slag heights were considered. From mass balances, the slag carry-over in terms of mass flow rate was obtained for each of the above variables. Besides, the draining times of the teeming ladle were estimated from theoretical considerations and CDF simulations, and compared.
文摘This paper presents a study on protection coordination of over current relays (OCRs) in a distributed system by considering its different operating modes. Two different case studies which are considered in present work for protection coordination include: (i) DG interfaced distribution system in grid connected mode and (ii) DG interfaced distribution system in islanded mode of operation. The proposed approach is tested on the Canadian urban benchmark distribution system consisting of 9 buses. On the occurrence of fault, level of fault current changes which in turn changes the operating time of various OCRs. Therefore, it is important to calculate and suggest method of the relay setting in order to minimize the operating time of relays and also to avoid its mal-operation. In this paper, the protection scheme is optimally designed by taking into account the above mentioned conditions. The operating time of relays can be decreased and, at the same time, coordination can be maintained by considering the optimum values of time dial setting (TDS). Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been used for determining the optimum values of TDS and hence operating time.