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Periodic Sequences of p-Class Tower Groups
作者 Daniel C. Mayer 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2015年第7期746-756,共11页
Recent examples of periodic bifurcations in descendant trees of finite p-groups with ?are used to show that the possible p-class tower groups G of certain multiquadratic fields K with p- class group of type (2,2,2) , ... Recent examples of periodic bifurcations in descendant trees of finite p-groups with ?are used to show that the possible p-class tower groups G of certain multiquadratic fields K with p- class group of type (2,2,2) , resp. (3,3), form periodic sequences in the descendant tree of the elementary Abelian root , resp. . The particular vertex of the periodic sequence which occurs as the p-class tower group G of an assigned field K is determined uniquely by the p-class number of a quadratic, resp. cubic, auxiliary field k, associated unambiguously to K. Consequently, the hard problem of identifying the p-class tower group G is reduced to an easy computation of low degree arithmetical invariants. 展开更多
关键词 p-Class Field Towers p-principalization p-Class GROUPS Quadratic FIELDS Multiquadratic FIELDS Cubic FIELDS Finite P-GROUPS Parametrized Pc-Presentations P-GROUP Generation Algorithm
Criteria for Three-Stage Towers of <i>p</i>-Class Fields
作者 Daniel C. Mayer 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2017年第2期135-179,共45页
Let p be a prime and K be a number field with non-trivial p-class group ClpK. A crucial step in identifying the Galois group G∞p of the maximal unramified pro-p extension of K is to determine its two-stage approximat... Let p be a prime and K be a number field with non-trivial p-class group ClpK. A crucial step in identifying the Galois group G∞p of the maximal unramified pro-p extension of K is to determine its two-stage approximation M=G2pk, that is the second derived quotient M&simeq;G/Gn. The family τ1K of abelian type invariants of the p-class groups ClpL of all unramified cyclic extensions L/K of degree p is called the index- abelianization data (IPAD) of K. It is able to specify a finite batch of contestants for the second p-class group M of K. In this paper we introduce two different kinds of generalized IPADs for obtaining more sophisticated results. The multi-layered IPAD (τ1Kτ(2)K) includes data on unramified abelian extensions L/K of degree p2 and enables sharper bounds for the order of M in the case Clpk&simeq;(p,p,p), where current im-plementations of the p-group generation algorithm fail to produce explicit contestants for M , due to memory limitations. The iterated IPAD of second order τ(2)K contains information on non-abelian unramified extensions L/K of degree p2, or even p3, and admits the identification of the p-class tower group G for various infinite series of quadratic fields K=Q(√d) with ClpK&simeq;(p,p) possessing a p-class field tower of exact length lpK=3 as a striking novelty. 展开更多
关键词 Hilbert p-Class FIELD TOWER p-Class GROUP p-principalization Types Quadratic Fields Unramified Cyclic Cubic FIELD Extensions p-Class TOWER GROUP Relation Rank Metabelianization Coclass Graphs
Index-<i>p</i>Abelianization Data of <i>p</i>-Class Tower Groups
作者 Daniel C. Mayer 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2015年第5期286-313,共28页
Given a fixed prime number p, the multiplet of abelian type invariants of the p-class groups of all unramified cyclic degree p extensions of a number field K is called its IPAD (index-p abeliani- zation data). These i... Given a fixed prime number p, the multiplet of abelian type invariants of the p-class groups of all unramified cyclic degree p extensions of a number field K is called its IPAD (index-p abeliani- zation data). These invariants have proved to be a valuable information for determining the Galois group of the second Hilbert p-class field and the p-capitulation type of K. For p=3 and a number field K with elementary p-class group of rank two, all possible IPADs are given in the complete form of several infinite sequences. Iterated IPADs of second order are used to identify the group of the maximal unramified pro-p extension of K. 展开更多
关键词 p-Class GROUPS p-principalization Types p-Class Field Towers Quadratic Fields Second p-Class GROUPS p-Class TOWER GROUPS Coclass Graphs
Deep Transfers of p-Class Tower Groups
作者 Daniel C. Mayer 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2018年第1期36-50,共15页
Let p be a prime. For any finite p-group G, the deep transfers T H,G ' : H / H ' → G ' / G " from the maximal subgroups H of index (G:H) = p in G to the derived subgroup G ' are introduced as an ... Let p be a prime. For any finite p-group G, the deep transfers T H,G ' : H / H ' → G ' / G " from the maximal subgroups H of index (G:H) = p in G to the derived subgroup G ' are introduced as an innovative tool for identifying G uniquely by means of the family of kernels ùd(G) =(ker(T H,G ')) (G: H) = p. For all finite 3-groups G of coclass cc(G) = 1, the family ùd(G) is determined explicitly. The results are applied to the Galois groups G =Gal(F3 (∞)/ F) of the Hilbert 3-class towers of all real quadratic fields F = Q(√d) with fundamental discriminants d > 1, 3-class group Cl3(F) □ C3 × C3, and total 3-principalization in each of their four unramified cyclic cubic extensions E/F. A systematic statistical evaluation is given for the complete range 1 d 7, and a few exceptional cases are pointed out for 1 d 8. 展开更多
关键词 Hilbert p-Class Field Towers p-Class GROUPS p-principalization Quadratic FIELDS Dihedral FIELDS of Degree 2p Finite p-Groups Two-Step Centralizers Polarization PRINCIPLE Descendant Trees p-Group Generation Algorithm p-Multiplicator RANK Relation RANK Generator RANK Deep Transfers Shallow Transfers Partial Order and Monotony PRINCIPLE of Artin Patterns Parametrized Polycyclic pc-Presentations Commutator Calculus
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