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Instant-Form and Light-Front Hamiltonian and Path Integral Formulations of the Conformally Gauge-Fixed Polyakov D1-Brane Action in the Presence of a Scalar Axion Field and an <i>U</i>(1) Gauge Field
作者 Usha Kulshreshtha Daya S. Kulshreshtha 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2013年第4期57-69,共13页
Recently we have studied the instant-form quantization (IFQ) and the light-front quantization (LFQ) of the conformally gauge-fixed Polyakov D1 brane action using the Hamiltonian and path integral formulations. The IFQ... Recently we have studied the instant-form quantization (IFQ) and the light-front quantization (LFQ) of the conformally gauge-fixed Polyakov D1 brane action using the Hamiltonian and path integral formulations. The IFQ is studied in the equal world-sheet time framework on the hyperplanes defined by the world-sheet time σ0=τ=constant and the LFQ in the equal light-cone world-sheet time framework, on the hyperplanes of the light-front defined by the light-cone world-sheet time σ+= (τ+σ) =constant. The light-front theory is seen to be a constrained system in the sense of Dirac in contrast to the instant-form theory. However, owing to the gauge anomalous nature of these theories, both of these theories are seen to lack the usual string gauge symmetries defined by the world-sheet reparametrization invariance (WSRI) and the Weyl invariance (WI). In the present work we show that these theories when considered in the presence of background gauge fields such as the NSNS 2-form gauge field Bαβ(σ,τ) or in the presence of U(1) gauge field Aα(σ,τ) and the constant scalar axion field C(σ,τ), then they are seen to possess the usual string gauge symmetries (WSRI and WI). In fact, these background gauge fields are seen to behave as the Wess-Zumino or Stueckelberg fields and the terms containing these fields are seen to behave as Wess-Zumino or Stueckelberg terms for these theories. 展开更多
关键词 Lagrangian and HAMILTONIAN Approach HAMILTONIAN QUANTIZATION path Integral QUANTIZATION LIGHT-FRONT QUANTIZATION Theory of Quantized Fields Constrained Dynamics D-Brane Actions Polyakov Action Strings and Branes String GAUGE Symmetry GAUGE FIELD Theories
Modeling of UAV path planning based on IMM under POMDP framework 被引量:4
作者 YANG Qiming ZHANG Jiandong SHI Guoqing 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2019年第3期545-554,共10页
In order to enhance the capability of tracking targets autonomously of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) model for UAV path planning is established based on the PO... In order to enhance the capability of tracking targets autonomously of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) model for UAV path planning is established based on the POMDP framework. The elements of the POMDP model are analyzed and described. The state transfer law in the model can be described by the method of interactive multiple model (IMM) due to the diversity of the target motion law, which is used to switch the motion model to accommodate target maneuvers, and hence improving the tracking accuracy. The simulation results show that the model can achieve efficient planning for the UAV route, and effective tracking for the target. Furthermore, the path planned by this model is more reasonable and efficient than that by using the single state transition law. 展开更多
关键词 PARTIALLY OBSERVABLE MARKOV decision process (POMDP) interactive multiple model (IMM) filtering path planning target tracking state transfer law
Light-Front Hamiltonian and Path Integral Formulations of the Conformally Gauge-Fixed Polyakov D1 Brane Action 被引量:1
作者 Usha Kulshreshtha Daya Shankar Kulshreshtha 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2011年第5期335-340,共6页
In a recent paper we have studied the Hamiltonian and path integral quantizations of the conformally gauge-fixed Polyakov D1 brane action in the instant-form of dynamics using the equal world-sheet time framework on t... In a recent paper we have studied the Hamiltonian and path integral quantizations of the conformally gauge-fixed Polyakov D1 brane action in the instant-form of dynamics using the equal world-sheet time framework on the hyperplanes defined by the world- sheet time . In the present work we quantize the same theory in the equal light-cone world-sheet time framework, on the hyperplanes of the light-front defined by the light-cone world-sheet time , using the standard constraint quantization techniques in the Hamiltonian and path integral formulations. The light-front theory is seen to be a constrained system in the sense of Dirac, which is in contrast to the corresponding case of the instant-form theory, where the theory remains unconstrained in the sense of Dirac. The light-front theory is seen to possess a set of twenty six primary second-class contraints. In the present work Hamiltonian and path integral quantizations of this theory are studied on the light-front. 展开更多
Light-Front Hamiltonian, Path Integral and BRST Formulations of the Chern-Simons Theory under Appropriate Gauge-Fixing 被引量:6
作者 Usha Kulshreshtha Daya Shankar Kulshreshtha James P. Vary 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2010年第6期385-392,共8页
The Chern-Simons theory in two-space one-time dimensions is quantized on the light-front under appropriate gauge-fixing conditions using the Hamiltonian, path integral and BRST formulations.
Light-Front Hamiltonian, Path Integral and BRST Formulations of the Chern-Simons-Higgs Theory in the Broken Symmetry Phase
作者 Usha Kulshreshtha Daya S. Kulshreshtha James P. Vary 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2013年第4期38-48,共11页
In the present work we study the Hamiltonian, path integral and BRST formulations of the Chern-Simons-Higgs theory in two-space one-time dimensions, in the so-called broken symmetry phase of the Higgs potential (where... In the present work we study the Hamiltonian, path integral and BRST formulations of the Chern-Simons-Higgs theory in two-space one-time dimensions, in the so-called broken symmetry phase of the Higgs potential (where the phase φ(xμ) of the complex matter field Φ(xμ) carries the charge degree of freedom of the complex matter field and is akin to the Goldstone boson) on the light-front (i.e., on the hyperplanes defined by the fixed light-cone time). The theory is seen to possess a set of first-class constraints and the local vector gauge symmetry. The theory being gauge-invariant is quantized under appropriate gauge-fixing conditions. The explicit Hamiltonian and path integral quantization is achieved under the above light-cone gauges. The Heisenberg equations of motion of the system are derived for the physical degrees of freedom of the system. Finally the BRST quantization of the system is achieved under appropriate BRST gauge-fixing, where the BRST symmetry is maintained even under the BRST light-cone gauge-fixing. 展开更多
A Reanalysis of the Two Swimmers Problem, as Frequent Model of Michelson’s Interferometric Experiment Demonstrating that Transversal Path Is Not an Isosceles but a Right Triangle and the Race Will End in a Tie
作者 Ioan Has Simona Miclaus Aurelian Has 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2018年第7期1507-1521,共15页
The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson’s interferometric experiment (ME), represented by the race between two swimmers Sw1, Sw2 (or boats, or planes, or sound sign... The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson’s interferometric experiment (ME), represented by the race between two swimmers Sw1, Sw2 (or boats, or planes, or sound signals, etc.). The two swimmers must each swim the same distance, but Sw1 will swim along the river flow, and Sw2 will swim perpendicularly to this direction. In all such works, it is considered that Sw2’s path will require less time and that it will reach the start point first. However, in this work, it has been determined that in order to make this possible, Sw2 must not observe the orthogonality rule of his start direction. This action would be deceitful to the arbiters and thus considered as non-fair-play towards Sw1. The article proves by swimming times calculus, that if the fair-play rules are observed, then the correct crosswise path (in water reference frame) is a right triangle instead of the isosceles triangle considered by Michelson. Consequently, the two times shall be perfectly equal and the race ends in a tie, and the myth of Sw2 as the race winner shall be debunked. Note that the same result shall also be applicable to Michelson’s interferometric experiment (ME) as well as to any similar experiment. Therefore, utilising the isosceles triangle as the transversal path in PM and also in ME is an erroneous act. 展开更多
关键词 Michelson EXPERIMENT TWO SWIMMERS Model Swimming Times Calculation Right TRIANGLE Correct TRANSVERSAL path Error of Isosceles TRIANGLE for TRANSVERSAL path
Light-Front Hamiltonian and Path Integral Formulations of the Conformally Gauge-Fixed Polyakov D1 Brane Action with a Scalar Dilation Field
作者 Usha Kulshreshtha Daya Shankar Kulshreshtha 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2011年第8期826-833,共8页
Recently we have studied the instant-form quantization (IFQ) of the conformally gauge-fixed Polyakov D1 brane action with and without a scalar dilaton field using the Hamiltonian and path integral formulations in the ... Recently we have studied the instant-form quantization (IFQ) of the conformally gauge-fixed Polyakov D1 brane action with and without a scalar dilaton field using the Hamiltonian and path integral formulations in the equal world-sheet time framework on the hyperplanes defined by the world- sheet time σ0=τ=constant . The light-front quantization (LFQ) of this theory without a scalar dilaton field has also been studied by us recently. In the present work we study the LFQ of this theory in the equal light-cone world-sheet time framework, on the hyperplanes of the light-front defined by the light-cone world-sheet time σ+=τ+σ=constant , using the Hamiltonian and path integral formulations. The light-front theory is seen to be a constrained system in the sense of Dirac. The light-front theory is seen to possess a set of twenty seven primary second-class contraints. In the present work Hamiltonian and path integral quantizations of this theory are studied on the light-front. 展开更多
阿尔金淡水泉早古生代泥质高压麻粒岩及其P-T演化轨迹 被引量:37
作者 曹玉亭 刘良 +2 位作者 王超 陈丹玲 张安达 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期2260-2270,共11页
南阿尔金构造带淡水泉一带出露的含石榴石蓝晶石黑云母片麻岩是一套典型的泥质高压麻粒岩,其峰期特征矿物组合为石榴子石+蓝晶石+钾长石+金红石+石英。根据矿物内部一致性热力学数据和Thermocalc 3.23程序计算,确定其峰期变质温压条件为... 南阿尔金构造带淡水泉一带出露的含石榴石蓝晶石黑云母片麻岩是一套典型的泥质高压麻粒岩,其峰期特征矿物组合为石榴子石+蓝晶石+钾长石+金红石+石英。根据矿物内部一致性热力学数据和Thermocalc 3.23程序计算,确定其峰期变质温压条件为T>850℃和P>11kbar。结合岩相学研究和P-T视剖面图计算,可识别出该岩石经历了4个阶段的变质演化,构成了一个早期快速等温降压,后期近等压降温的顺时针型的退变质P-T演化轨迹,为与陆壳俯冲碰撞有关的高压变质事件的产物。该岩石锆石阴极发光图像显示其内部具有明显的核-边结构,核部为残留的原岩碎屑锆石,边部则表现为面状或扇状生长的变质锆石的特征。微区原位LA-ICP-Ms微量元素分析表明,核部测点的重稀土含量较高,对应Th/U接近于0.4,具有岩浆锆石的特征;边部测点的重稀土相对亏损,重稀土配分曲线平坦,对应Th/U比值均小于0.1,显示与石榴子石平衡共生的变质锆石特征。LA-ICP-MS微区定年获得其变质年龄为486±5Ma,该年龄值与阿尔金江尕勒萨依和英格利萨依两地超高压变质岩石的变质年龄相近,进一步证明沿阿尔金构造带南缘断续存在一条早古生代的高压-超高压变质岩带。另外,本次研究在获得该泥质高压麻粒岩峰期变质时代的同时,还获得该岩石原岩的形成时代上限值约为719Ma,从而限定阿尔金构造带南缘阿尔金群的形成时代可能不属古元古代,而应属新元古代。 展开更多
关键词 Altyn Tagh area metamorphic age mineral assemblage internal structure pelitic GRANULITE rapid EXHUMATION
Intelligent and Predictive Vehicular Networks
作者 Schmidt Shilukobo Chintu Richard Anthony +1 位作者 Maryam Roshanaei Constantinos Ierotheou 《Intelligent Control and Automation》 2014年第2期60-71,共12页
Seeking shortest travel times through smart algorithms may not only optimize the travel times but also reduce carbon emissions, such as CO2, CO and Hydro-Carbons. It can also result in reduced driver frustrations and ... Seeking shortest travel times through smart algorithms may not only optimize the travel times but also reduce carbon emissions, such as CO2, CO and Hydro-Carbons. It can also result in reduced driver frustrations and can increase passenger expectations of consistent travel times, which in turn points to benefits in overall planning of day schedules. Fuel consumption savings are another benefit from the same. However, attempts to elect the shortest path as an assumption of quick travel times, often work counter to the very objective intended and come with the risk of creating a “Braess Paradox” which is about congestion resulting when several drivers attempt to elect the same shortest route. The situation that arises has been referred to as the price of anarchy! We propose algorithms that find multiple shortest paths between an origin and a destination. It must be appreciated that these will not yield the exact number of Kilometers travelled, but favourable weights in terms of travel times so that a reasonable allowable time difference between the multiple shortest paths is attained when the same Origin and Destinations are considered and favourable responsive routes are determined as variables of traffic levels and time of day. These routes are selected on the paradigm of route balancing, re-routing algorithms and traffic light intelligence all coming together to result in optimized consistent travel times whose benefits are evenly spread to all motorist, unlike the Entropy balanced k shortest paths (EBkSP) method which favours some motorists on the basis of urgency. This paper proposes a Fully Balanced Multiple-Candidate shortest path (FBMkP) by which we model in SUMO to overcome the computational overhead of assigning priority differently to each travelling vehicle using intelligence at intersections and other points on the vehicular network. The FBMkP opens up traffic by fully balancing the whole network so as to benefit every motorist. Whereas the EBkSP reserves some routes for cars on high priority, our algorithm distributes the benefits of smart routing to all vehicles on the network and serves the road side units such as induction loops and detectors from having to remember the urgency of each vehicle. Instead, detectors and induction loops simply have to poll the destination of the vehicle and not any urgency factor. The minimal data being processed significantly reduce computational times and the benefits all vehicles. The multiple-candidate shortest paths selected on the basis of current traffic status on each possible route increase the efficiency. Routes are fewer than vehicles so possessing weights of routes is smarter than processing individual vehicle weights. This is a multi-objective function project where improving one factor such as travel times improves many more cost, social and environmental factors. 展开更多
关键词 Simulation of Urban Mobility SUMO Duarouter Fully Balanced Multiple-Candidate Shortest paths (FBMKP) E1 Induction Loop E3 Detector Re-Routing Braess PARADOX TRAFFIC CONTROL INTELLIGENT (TraCI) Partially Re-Routed Shortest path Method TRAFFIC Light CONTROL FBMKP
An Optimal Feed Interpolator Based on G^2 Continuous Bézier Curves for High-Speed Machining of Linear Tool Path 被引量:6
作者 Yongqiao Jin Sheng Zhao Yuhan Wang 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第3期109-118,共10页
A numerical control (NC) tool path of digital CAD model is widely generated as a set of short line segments in machining. However, there are three shortcomings in the linear tool path, such as discontinuities of tange... A numerical control (NC) tool path of digital CAD model is widely generated as a set of short line segments in machining. However, there are three shortcomings in the linear tool path, such as discontinuities of tangency and curvature, huge number of line segments, and short lengths of line segments. These disadvantages hinder the development of high speed machining. To smooth the linear tool path and improve machining efficiency of short line segments, this paper presents an optimal feed interpolator based on G^2 continuous Bézier curves for the linear tool path. First, the areas suitable for fitting are screened out based on the geometric characteristics of continuous short segments (CSSs). CSSs in every area are compressed and fitted into a G^2 Continuous Bézier curve by using the least square method. Then a series of cubic Bézier curves are generated. However, the junction between adjacent Bézier curves is only G^0 continuous. By adjusting the control points and inserting Bézier transition curves between adjacent Bézier curves, the G^2 continuous tool path is constructed. The fitting error is estimated by the second-order Taylor formula. Without iteration, the fitting algorithm can be implemented in real-time environment. Second, the optimal feed interpolator considering the comprehensive constraints (such as the chord error constraint, the maximum normal acceleration, servo capacity of each axis, etc.) is proposed. Simulation and experiment are conducted. The results shows that the proposed method can generate smooth path, decrease the amount of segments and reduce machining time for machining of linear tool path. The proposed research provides an effective method for high-speed machining of complex 2-D/3-D profiles described by short line segments. 展开更多
关键词 G^2 CONTINUOUS path Least SQUARE method High-speed MACHINING CONTINUOUS short SEGMENTS Optimal FEED INTERPOLATOR Data compression
On the Strategic Paths of the Going Global Strategy of Chinese Literature
作者 He Hongli 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第8期259-267,共9页
The going global strategy of Chinese literature is a vital part of the going global strategy of Chinese culture. In recent years,the Chinese government has launched and strongly supported a series of activities and pr... The going global strategy of Chinese literature is a vital part of the going global strategy of Chinese culture. In recent years,the Chinese government has launched and strongly supported a series of activities and projects to promote this strategy,but little effect has been produced. Starting from analyzing the predicament and reasons of the current strategy,the essay suggests four strategic paths: enhancing the overall strength of the country to promote the international influence of Chinese culture,strengthening cultural awareness and cultural introspection,integrating the nationality and cosmopolitan of literature and establishing a market-oriented literary translation mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 GOING global of CHINESE LITERATURE strategic path international influence of CHINESE culture CULTURAL AWARENESS and INTROSPECTION translation mechanism
宁夏平原春小麦品种更替中农艺性状的演变规律研究 被引量:7
作者 康建宏 周续莲 +1 位作者 代晓华 吴宏亮 《农业科学研究》 2005年第1期6-9,17,共5页
通过对建国以来宁夏平原春小麦4次更新品种的主要农艺性状的演变规律研究表明,宁夏平原春小麦籽粒和生物产量有了明显提高,随着品种的更替,收获指数、每穗粒重、每穗粒数均呈上升趋势,株高则明显下降.相关和通径分析表明,生物产量、收... 通过对建国以来宁夏平原春小麦4次更新品种的主要农艺性状的演变规律研究表明,宁夏平原春小麦籽粒和生物产量有了明显提高,随着品种的更替,收获指数、每穗粒重、每穗粒数均呈上升趋势,株高则明显下降.相关和通径分析表明,生物产量、收获指数与籽粒产量呈极显著正相关且对籽粒产量的直接影响最大,产量构成因素对籽粒产量的直接作用大小依次为穗粒数>千粒重>穗数.因此,宁夏平原高产品种的培育主要应考虑提高生物产量,适当增大收获指数,在稳定现有群体(穗数)的前提下,增加穗粒数和千粒重. 展开更多
Existence of Solutions to Path-Dependent Kinetic Equations and Related Forward-Backward Systems
作者 Vassili Kolokoltsov Wei Yang 《Open Journal of Optimization》 2013年第2期39-44,共6页
This paper is devoted to path-dependent kinetics equations arising, in particular, from the analysis of the coupled backward-forward systems of equations of mean field games. We present local well-posedness, global ex... This paper is devoted to path-dependent kinetics equations arising, in particular, from the analysis of the coupled backward-forward systems of equations of mean field games. We present local well-posedness, global existence and some regularity results for these equations. 展开更多
关键词 Kinetic Equation Mean Field Control Global EXISTENCE path Dependence Nonlinear MARKOV Process Coupled Backward-Forward SYSTEMS
A Modified Four Path Method for Calculating Coupling Field of Super-Low Altitude Aircraft Target
作者 Gaoxiang Zou Chuangming Tong +2 位作者 Binglin Yu Hualong Sun Tao Song 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2018年第12期64-73,共10页
A novel modified four path method (FPM) is presented for calculating coupling field of super-low altitude aircraft target. Based on the hybrid method PO + MEC (Physical Optics and Method of Equivalent Currents), the a... A novel modified four path method (FPM) is presented for calculating coupling field of super-low altitude aircraft target. Based on the hybrid method PO + MEC (Physical Optics and Method of Equivalent Currents), the antenna radiation pattern is introduced to consider the multipath interference from side lobe of seeker. The modified FPM is used to calculate the coupling field from super-low altitude aircraft target above different terrestrial environments. The curves of scattering coefficient are analyzed. The influences of height of target, root mean square (RMS), and incident angle on coupling field characteristics are discussed. The simulation results can be used for reference in detection for super-low altitude target and optimization for radar system. 展开更多
关键词 MODIFIED FOUR path Method Antenna Radiation Pattern Super-Low ALTITUDE AIRCRAFT TARGET Coupling Field BREWSTER Angle
Real-time accurate hand path tracking and joint trajectory planning for industrial robots(Ⅱ)
作者 谭冠政 胡生员 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2002年第4期273-278,共6页
Previously, researchers raised the accuracy for a robot′s hand to track a specified path in Cartesian space mainly through increasing the number of knots on the path and the segments of the path. But, this method res... Previously, researchers raised the accuracy for a robot′s hand to track a specified path in Cartesian space mainly through increasing the number of knots on the path and the segments of the path. But, this method resulted in the heavier on line computational burden for the robot controller. In this paper, aiming at this drawback, the authors propose a new kind of real time accurate hand path tracking and joint trajectory planning method for robots. Through selecting some extra knots on the specified hand path by a certain rule, which enables the number of knots on each segment to increase from two to four, and through introducing a sinusoidal function and a cosinoidal function to the joint displacement equation of each segment, this method can raise the path tracking accuracy of robot′s hand greatly but does not increase the computational burden of robot controller markedly. 展开更多
关键词 industrial robot REAL-TIME ACCURATE HAND path tracking JOINT trajectory planning extra KNOT sinusoidal FUNCTION cosinoidal FUNCTION
遥感傅里叶变换红外光谱测定气体污染物在单光程上的浓度分布 被引量:2
作者 李燕 王连军 王俊德 《分析化学》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期825-827,共3页
采用开路傅里叶变换红外光谱(OPFTIR),对室内固定点源排放的污染物丙酮进行了实时遥感监测。给出了丙酮在同一条光路上,不同光程长的积分浓度和采用多项式拟合出的积分浓度,并且利用一种一维计算机层析算法(CT)模型,分别用高斯模型和多... 采用开路傅里叶变换红外光谱(OPFTIR),对室内固定点源排放的污染物丙酮进行了实时遥感监测。给出了丙酮在同一条光路上,不同光程长的积分浓度和采用多项式拟合出的积分浓度,并且利用一种一维计算机层析算法(CT)模型,分别用高斯模型和多项式模型,重构出了丙酮在所测光路上的浓度分布曲线。两种方法重构出丙酮在所测光路上,浓度的最大值分别为0.0190mg/L和0.0213mg/L,最大值分别位于坐标3.11m和3.09m处。研究结果表明两种方法对浓度的分布能够得到较为一致的结果。可见,OPFTIR与一维CT模型联用,可以给出污染物的单光程浓度分布,该技术应用于工业或环境卫生监测,具有预警作用。 展开更多
关键词 线 T
Hamiltonian, Path Integral and BRST Formulations of the Restricted Gauge Theory of <i>QCD<sub>2</sub></i>
作者 Usha Kulshreshtha Daya Shankar Kulshreshtha James P. Vary 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2018年第14期2355-2369,共15页
We study the Hamiltonian, path integral and Becchi-Rouet-Stora and Tyutin (BRST) formulations of the restricted gauge theory of QCD2 à la Cho et al. under appropriate gauge-fixing conditions.
关键词 HAMILTONIAN QUANTIZATION path Integral QUANTIZATION BRST QUANTIZATION Quantum CHROMODYNAMICS QCD2 Field Theories in Lower Dimensions Gauge-Invariant Theories Gauge-Fixing
井眼轨道预测的实现 被引量:6
作者 李敬元 李子丰 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期62-64,共3页
利用下部钻具力学分析和钻头与地层相互作用模型来预测和控制井眼轨道对于大多数钻井作业来说仍是一个难题。文章分析了沿钻头的瞬时钻进方向向前差分存在的问题;在分析井眼轨道形状的基础上,提出了井眼轨道预测的4点新认识,建立了侧向... 利用下部钻具力学分析和钻头与地层相互作用模型来预测和控制井眼轨道对于大多数钻井作业来说仍是一个难题。文章分析了沿钻头的瞬时钻进方向向前差分存在的问题;在分析井眼轨道形状的基础上,提出了井眼轨道预测的4点新认识,建立了侧向钻速等于零的预测和控制准则;分别建立了井眼轨道预测方程、井眼轨道控制方程、钻具导向能力预测方程,并应用于国家重点科技攻关项目和“863”项目中。预测数据与实测结果误差较小。以井眼轨迹光滑为目标,将下部钻具组合三维力学分析与三维钻速方程相结合建立的井眼轨迹预测方程较其它轨迹预测方法具有明显的理论上的先进性和实际应用上的可靠性与准确性。 展开更多
西伯利亚克拉通南缘奥里洪地块麻粒相变质作用及构造意义 被引量:3
作者 李晓春 于津海 +2 位作者 桑丽芹 罗莉 朱国荣 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期3346-3356,共11页
早古生代西伯利亚克拉通南缘发生了大规模的增生-碰撞造山运动,本文研究的地区——奥里洪地块记录了巴尔古津微板块与西伯利亚克拉通碰撞造山的事件。对奥里洪地块出露的两种典型的高级变质岩——石榴辉石岩和石榴黑云片麻岩的矿物成分... 早古生代西伯利亚克拉通南缘发生了大规模的增生-碰撞造山运动,本文研究的地区——奥里洪地块记录了巴尔古津微板块与西伯利亚克拉通碰撞造山的事件。对奥里洪地块出露的两种典型的高级变质岩——石榴辉石岩和石榴黑云片麻岩的矿物成分分析和变质温压计算,表明它们都经历了麻粒岩相的峰期变质作用,峰期变质温度达到770~800℃,而压力曾达到1.0GPa左右;峰后的退变质作用仍具有较高的温度,但压力明显降低(700~730℃,0.65GPa和710~766℃,0.50GPa),显示了一个近等温降压(ITD)的顺时针P-T轨迹特征。石榴黑云片麻岩中变质锆石的原位LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年表明,麻粒岩相峰期变质年龄为479±2Ma,而峰前变质可能在500Ma就已经开始。峰后的退变质作用很可能发生在475~460Ma之后。整个造山作用持续了至少35Ma。对比蒙古-图瓦地块及中国东北佳木斯-额尔古纳地块已厘定出的变质作用及岩浆活动年龄可以发现,西伯利亚克拉通南缘不同地区增生-碰撞造山作用发生的时间是不同的,奥里洪地区造山作用相对年轻。 展开更多
关键词 西 退 tectonic significance retrograde METAMORPHISM granulite facies METAMORPHISM southern Mineral composition metamorphic rocks garnet PYROXENITE collision orogeny high temperature
部分转Bt基因棉与常规棉品种农艺性状的比较及产量通径分析 被引量:4
作者 秦素平 陈于和 周丽艳 《河北科技师范学院学报》 CAS 2005年第1期7-10,共4页
以3个陆地棉抗虫品种和3个常规品种为材料,采用随机区组试验设计,分析了产量性状及纤维品质性状的差异,并对产量相关因素进行了通径分析。在所考察的19个性状中,籽棉产量、皮棉产量、单株铃数、单铃重、衣分、单株果节数、蕾铃脱落率、... 以3个陆地棉抗虫品种和3个常规品种为材料,采用随机区组试验设计,分析了产量性状及纤维品质性状的差异,并对产量相关因素进行了通径分析。在所考察的19个性状中,籽棉产量、皮棉产量、单株铃数、单铃重、衣分、单株果节数、蕾铃脱落率、籽指、衣指、黄度和反射率品种间差异均达到显著或极显著水平。转基因棉的籽棉产量、皮棉产量、单铃重、衣分、籽指和衣指显著高于常规棉品种,但转基因棉与常规棉品种间纤维品质无明显差异。通径分析表明,单株铃数是转基因棉皮棉产量提高的主要因素,而衣分和单株铃数则是常规棉品种皮棉产量提高的主要因素。 展开更多
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