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一种改进的TRIAD飞行器姿态确定方法 被引量:6
作者 陈浩 谭久彬 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期2101-2104,共4页
为了提高飞行器姿态测量精度和简化姿态确定的复杂性,提出了一种基于加权矢量和的TRIAD飞行器姿态确定算法。该算法基于TRIAD姿态确定原理,通过对观测矢量加权求和的方式以获得一个较传感器观测矢量更精确的矢量,并以此矢量作为TRIAD算... 为了提高飞行器姿态测量精度和简化姿态确定的复杂性,提出了一种基于加权矢量和的TRIAD飞行器姿态确定算法。该算法基于TRIAD姿态确定原理,通过对观测矢量加权求和的方式以获得一个较传感器观测矢量更精确的矢量,并以此矢量作为TRIAD算法的基准矢量,然后运用TRIAD算法进行姿态计算。仿真结果表明,这种算法获得的飞行器姿态精度优于传统的TRIAD算法,与优化的TRIAD算法精度近似,但简化了姿态确定的过程,提高了姿态确定的速度。 展开更多
关键词 飞行器 姿态确定 矢量观测 triad算法
河流沉积物重金属污染质量控制基准的研究 Ⅰ.C-B-T质量三合一方法(Triad) 被引量:29
作者 刘文新 汽鸿霄 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第2期120-126,共7页
在综合数据库CERPDBMS支持下,利用水体沉积物质量三合一工具(Triad),初步建立江西乐安江表层沉积物中重金属污染的质量控制基准(SQC).通过将化学分析(C)、毒性鉴定(T)和底栖群落结构变化(B)三基元集... 在综合数据库CERPDBMS支持下,利用水体沉积物质量三合一工具(Triad),初步建立江西乐安江表层沉积物中重金属污染的质量控制基准(SQC).通过将化学分析(C)、毒性鉴定(T)和底栖群落结构变化(B)三基元集成为一体的三轴图和相应的响应信息判断矩阵,基于现场生物响应的沉积物质量基准能较为清晰地指示乐安江流域表层沉积物中重金属污染的相对程度和分布模式,体现底栖生物对沉积物重金属污染的剂量响应关系,为进一步制订该区域沉积质量管理标准(SQS)、开展后续的污染治理与恢复工程提供技术保证和科学依据. 展开更多
关键词 沉积物 质量基准 质量三合一法 重金属 河流
能量平台(ForceTriad^(TM))在低位直肠癌手术中的应用价值 被引量:1
作者 李炳军 郝晓妍 +2 位作者 苏毅 张卫群 艾尼.沙塔尔 《实用癌症杂志》 2015年第7期1074-1077,共4页
目的探讨能量平台(Force TriadTM)在低位直肠癌手术中的应用价值。方法选取经过病理检查确诊的低位直肠癌患者.将经使用能量平台后行手术治疗低位直肠癌患者作为治疗组,选取行传统的直肠癌根治术的患者作为对照组,各40例。比较两组手术... 目的探讨能量平台(Force TriadTM)在低位直肠癌手术中的应用价值。方法选取经过病理检查确诊的低位直肠癌患者.将经使用能量平台后行手术治疗低位直肠癌患者作为治疗组,选取行传统的直肠癌根治术的患者作为对照组,各40例。比较两组手术时间、术中出血、进食时间、术后住院天数、切口长度、术后并发症、保肛率、用止痛药例数、淋巴结个数、切缘、费用、生存率、无瘤生存率等方面。结果在手术时间、术中出血、进食时间、术后住院天数、切口长度、术后并发症、用止痛药例、费用、和无瘤生存率等方面比较,观察组均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组在淋巴结个数、切缘阳性率和总生存率等方面无明显差异,无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论能量平台在低位直肠癌根治术中的使用改善了手术难度、手术止血困难,提高了手术效率,而且创伤小、患者恢复快、术后并发症少,提高了患者的生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 能量平台 低位直肠癌 应用价值
Chiari三联征(Chiari's triad) 被引量:2
作者 田子强 《食管外科电子杂志》 2013年第4期185-,共1页
指各种原因所致的主动脉食管瘘发病时的一组特异性临床表现,首先是胸痛(一般为胸中部疼痛),随即出现前兆性动脉出血,一段时间间隔后出现致命性大出血,这一时间间隔可以是数小时至数天不等。Dubrueil于1818年第一次描述了主动脉食... 指各种原因所致的主动脉食管瘘发病时的一组特异性临床表现,首先是胸痛(一般为胸中部疼痛),随即出现前兆性动脉出血,一段时间间隔后出现致命性大出血,这一时间间隔可以是数小时至数天不等。Dubrueil于1818年第一次描述了主动脉食管瘘这一病症[1]。Chiari于1914年首先描述了主动脉食管瘘三联征并因之得名[2],当时Chiari的描述是胸中部疼痛或吞咽困难,前兆性出血和致命性出血。Carter等于1978年对24例主动脉食管瘘的尸检研究发现[3]:80%的患者在致命性大出血前有前兆性出血。有关Chiari三联征的发生机制, Amin等认为[4],胸痛可能是由于主动脉壁的扩张、腐蚀或局部切割,纵隔炎,食管穿孔,或肿瘤侵犯主动脉、胸膜等所致。前兆出血暂时停止可能是由于动脉壁痉挛,血管内压力下降或主动脉周围血肿等因素而致瘘口暂时闭塞。随后闭塞的瘘口被感染或胃肠道消化液再次腐蚀掉,出现致命性大出血。Chiari三联征可发生于任何原因所致的主动脉食管瘘患者,包括主动脉夹层动脉瘤,食管及气管的恶性肿瘤,手术后并发症,食管异物等。Chiari三联征的提出对我们进一步认识主动脉食管瘘这一高度致命性疾病的发病机制及发病规律具有重大的理论意义和临床价值。在前兆性出血后的数小时至数天的时间内,外科医生有了较充足的诊断及处理时间,使得主动脉食管瘘的手术治愈成为可能[5]。 展开更多
关键词 三联征 Chiari’s triad 前兆 患者 疼痛 主动脉食管瘘 CHIARI
近端胃癌根治术使用Force Triad能量平台的护理配合体会
作者 潘惠萍 黎海芹 +1 位作者 袁步芳 陆燕弟 《消化肿瘤杂志(电子版)》 2015年第2期106-108,共3页
目的总结能量平台(Force Triad)在近端胃癌根治术中的应用及护理配合体会。方法回顾性分析佛山市第一人民医院自2014年2月至2015年4月完成的112例近端胃癌根治术患者临床资料,总结能量平台在术中的应用及配合经验。结果本组全部患者手... 目的总结能量平台(Force Triad)在近端胃癌根治术中的应用及护理配合体会。方法回顾性分析佛山市第一人民医院自2014年2月至2015年4月完成的112例近端胃癌根治术患者临床资料,总结能量平台在术中的应用及配合经验。结果本组全部患者手术顺利,血管闭合及止血可靠,对于大块组织的闭合离断亦安全可靠,尤其是脾胃韧带、肝胃韧带、胃胰皱襞的闭合离断以及沿胃小弯No.1、No.3淋巴结的清扫,可以很大程度地节约手术时间。本组患者平均手术时间(152±35.6)min,出血(66±9.5)ml,术后无腹腔感染、出血或吻合口瘘等并发症,无手术死亡患者。结论 Force Triad用于近端胃癌根治手术可减少手术出血与创伤,术野清晰,大幅缩短手术时间,是一种安全、可行的手术方法,值得临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 能量平台 胃癌 手术 护理体会
融合TRIAD算法用于GPS姿态确定 被引量:11
作者 黎湧 吴宏鑫 刘良栋 《中国空间科学技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期30-37,共8页
研究把观测矢量定姿算法用于 GPS姿态确定。传统的 TRIAD算法利用两个非平行矢量确定载体的三轴姿态 ,但它存在对主矢量敏感 ,且不能利用第3根矢量的测量信息等缺点。文章提出一种改进的 TRIAD算法 ,克服了主矢量敏感问题 ;为了能利用 ... 研究把观测矢量定姿算法用于 GPS姿态确定。传统的 TRIAD算法利用两个非平行矢量确定载体的三轴姿态 ,但它存在对主矢量敏感 ,且不能利用第3根矢量的测量信息等缺点。文章提出一种改进的 TRIAD算法 ,克服了主矢量敏感问题 ;为了能利用 3根基线的观测信息 ,在 OPTTRIAD算法的基础上提出融合TRIAD算法 ,它可以提高定姿精度。用接收机进行了实验 ,结果表明改进的TRIAD算法确实克服了主矢量敏感问题 ;较之传统的 TRIAD算法 ,融合 TRIAD算法的偏航角、俯仰角和滚动角精度分别提高了 35 % ,19%和 34 % 展开更多
关键词 全球定位系统 姿态确定 融合算法 triad GPS卫星
TRIaD指标与药物所致的尖端扭转性室性心动过速 被引量:3
作者 关敬树 徐涛 +1 位作者 王昊 廖德宁 《中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志》 2012年第2期98-100,共3页
以往人们多认为QT间期延长是药源性尖端扭转性室性心动过速(TdP)的重要机制。但是QT间期延长并不都能引发TdP,而TdP的发生也并不都伴随着QT间期延长,甚至在一些QT间期缩短的情况下,也有恶性室性心律失常的发生。因此近年来有学者提出TR... 以往人们多认为QT间期延长是药源性尖端扭转性室性心动过速(TdP)的重要机制。但是QT间期延长并不都能引发TdP,而TdP的发生也并不都伴随着QT间期延长,甚至在一些QT间期缩短的情况下,也有恶性室性心律失常的发生。因此近年来有学者提出TRIaD的概念,其为心肌细胞动作电位三角形化(triangulation)、逆向频率依赖性(reverse use dependency)、不稳定性(instability)以及离散(dispersion)等指标的合称。越来越多的研究证明,TRIaD指标的变化是药源性TdP发生的共同基质;药物应用后表现出动作电位三角形化、逆向频率依赖性、不稳定性、离散增加等反应,无论有无QT间期的延长,均易发生室性心律失常,包括TdP。反之,即使QT间期延长,致心律失常作用也很小。 展开更多
关键词 电生理学 尖端扭转型室性心动过速 综述 QT间期 triad
Expression of fragile histidine triad in primary hepatocellular carcinoma and its relation with cell proliferation and apoptosis 被引量:33
作者 Ke-JunNan Zhi-PingRuan +4 位作者 ZhaoJing Hai-XiaQin Hong-YanWang HuiGuo RuiXu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期228-231,共4页
AIM: To evaluate the expression of fragile histidine triad (FHIT) gene protein, product of a candidate tumor suppressor, and to investigate the relationship between FHIT, cell apoptosis and proliferation, and patholog... AIM: To evaluate the expression of fragile histidine triad (FHIT) gene protein, product of a candidate tumor suppressor, and to investigate the relationship between FHIT, cell apoptosis and proliferation, and pathological features of primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: Forty-seven HCC and ten normal liver specimens were collected during surgical operation between 2001 and 2003. FHIT and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression were detected by immunohistochemistry, and apoptotic level was evaluated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay on the tissue sections. RESULTS: All normal liver tissues showed a strong expression of FHIT, whereas 28 of 47 (59.6%) carcinomas showed a significant loss or absence of FHIT expression (P= 0.001). The proportion of reduced FHIT expression in those carcinomas at stages Ⅲ-Ⅳ (70.6%) and in those with extrahepatic metastasis (86.7%) showed an increasing trend compared with those at stages HI (30.8%, P= 0.013) and those without metastasis (46.9%, P = 0.010) respectively. Apoptotic incidence in advanced TNM stage carcinoma and those with positive FHIT expression was higher than that in early stage carcinoma (P=0.030) and in those with negative FHIT expression (P=0.044) respectively. The proliferating potential of hepatocellular carcinoma was associated with FHIT expression (P= 0.016) and the aggressive feature (P = 0.019). Kaplan-Meier analysis demonstrated that the survival time of these 47 patients correlated with TNM stage, FHIT expression and metastasis. CONCLUSION: There is marked loss or absence of FHIT expression, as well as abnormal apoptosis-prdiferation balance in HCC. FHIT may play an important role in carcinogenesis and development of HCC. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma Fragile histidine triad protein Cell proliferation APOPTOSIS
Decreased fragile histidine triad expression in colorectal cancer and its association with apoptosis inhibition 被引量:12
作者 Jie Cao Xiao-Ping Chen +7 位作者 Wang-Lin Li JieXia Hong Du Wei-Biao Tang Hui Wang Xi-Wen then Huan-Qing Xiao Yu-Yuan Li 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第7期1018-1026,共9页
AIM: To detect the expression of fragile histidine triad (FHIT) in normal colorectal tissue, colorectal adenoma and colorectal cancer (CRC) tissue, and to analyze its relationship with the clinicopathological fea... AIM: To detect the expression of fragile histidine triad (FHIT) in normal colorectal tissue, colorectal adenoma and colorectal cancer (CRC) tissue, and to analyze its relationship with the clinicopathological features of CRC, and apoptosis-associatecl proteins (Bcl-2, Bax, survivin) and apoptosis in colorectal cancer. METHODS: FHIT mRNA analysis was performed by nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay. Tissue microarray (TMA) was established to detect the expression of FHIT, Bcl-2, Bax and survivin genes in 80 CRC tissue specimens, 16 colorectal adenoma tissue specimens and 16 hemorrhoid (PPH) tissue specimens during the same period of time as the control. Citrate-microwave-SP was used as immunohistochemical method. The relationship between clinicopathological factors, such as differentiation grades and 5-year survival rate was observed. TUNEL assay was used to detect the apoptosis index in 80 CRC tissue specimens. RESULTS: Ten out of 26 (38.5%) CRC tissue specimens expressed aberrant FHIT transcripts, none of the aberrant FHIT transcripts was observed in the matchednormal tissue and colorectal adenoma tissue by nested RT-PCR assay. The positive rate of FHIT gene expression in normal colorectal tissue, colorectal adenoma and carcinoma tissue was 93.75%, 68.75% and 46.25%, respectively. Clinicopathological analysis of patients showed that the decreased FHIT gene expression was not associated with age, sex, serum CEA levels, tumor site and size, histological classification. However, the expression of FHIT was correlated with differentiation grades, pathological stages, lymph node metastases and 5-year survival rate after operation. The positive rate of apoptosis-associated proteins (Bax, Bcl-2 and survivin) in CRC tissue was 72.50%, 51.25% and 77.50%, respectively. The expression of these apoptosisassociated proteins in CRC tissue was correlated with the expression of FHIT. The mean apoptosis index in FHIT negative tumors was significantly lower than that in FHIT- positive tumors (5.41 ± 0.23 vs 0.56 ± 0.10, P 〈 0.01). CONCLUSION: The FHIT gene plays an important role in the regulation of apoptosis and decreased FHIT expression plays a key role in the initiation and progression of colorectal carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal cancer Fragile histidine triad EXPRESSION APOPTOSIS
Aberrant crypt focus and fragile histidine triad protein in sporadic colorectal carcinoma 被引量:2
作者 Kim Vaiphei Aruna Rangan Rajinder Singh 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology》 SCIE CAS 2012年第12期250-258,共9页
AIM:To characterize aberrant crypt focus (ACF) in adjoining mucosa in sporadic colorectal carcinoma and to evaluate fragile histidine triad (Fhit) protein and Ki67. METHODS:ACF was identified grossly and classified hi... AIM:To characterize aberrant crypt focus (ACF) in adjoining mucosa in sporadic colorectal carcinoma and to evaluate fragile histidine triad (Fhit) protein and Ki67. METHODS:ACF was identified grossly and classified histologically in 75 resected specimens. ACF was typed into hyperplastic ACF (HACF) and dysplastic ACF (DACF). Sections of ACF, carcinoma and normal colonic mucosa as control were studied for Fhit and Ki67 expressions by immunohistochemistry and were grouped according to staining intensity and the number of positive stained cells observed in different histological groups. Comparison was done between the different groups by Pearson's χ 2 test and γ test for the ordinal data. P value < 0.05 was considered as significant.RESULTS:Age range was 40 to 86 years in males (mean = 43.36) and 45 to 70 years in females (mean = 56). HACF was identified in all cases studied in the non-tumorous colonic mucosa; ACF was observed as non-contiguous scattered foci, which supports the hypothesis of acquisition of single focus monoclonality by colonic epithelial cells in tumor generation. Twenty-four (32%) had DACF and were observed as closure to carcinoma foci. Intensity of Fhit expression:(1) HACF 40% exhibited strong intensity, similar to normal, moderate in 36% and weak in 24%; (2) DACF strong in 25%, moderate in 37.5% and weak in 37.5%; and (3) carcinoma negative in 16%, strong in 43% and moderate and weak in 28.5% each. Significant difference was observed in intensity of the Fhit protein expressions by HACF and DACF (P < 0.05). Tumor in older patients showed a stronger Fhit intensity compared to younger patients (P = 0.036). Vegetarian diet intake and nonsmokers showed stronger Fhit intensities. Advanced stage tumor, non-vegetarian diet and younger age was associated with loss of Fhit protein. Ki67 positivity was an extended crypt pattern in HACF and DACF showed extension up to the neck region of the crypts and surface epithelium. Carcinomas showed a marked increase in Ki67 expression (P < 0.05). Fhit protein had an inverse association with Ki67 expression. CONCLUSION:Weaker Fhit intensity was associated with smoking, non-vegetarian diet intake and increasing Ki67 expression. Loss of Fhit protein expression is possibly influenced by environmental factors like smoking and non-vegetarian diet intake. 展开更多
关键词 ABERRANT CRYPT FOCUS Carcinogenesis Colorectal carcinoma Dysplasia Fragile HISTIDINE triad PROTEIN Ki67
Gallstone ileus with multiple stones:Where Rigler triad meets Bouveret's syndrome 被引量:1
作者 Vinaya Gaduputi Hassan Tariq +2 位作者 Amir A Rahnemai-Azar Anil Dev Daniel T Farkas 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE CAS 2015年第12期394-397,共4页
A 53-year-old man with multiple medical conditions presented to the emergency department with complaints of vomiting, anorexia and diffuse colicky abdominal pain for 3 d. A computed tomography scan of the abdomen and ... A 53-year-old man with multiple medical conditions presented to the emergency department with complaints of vomiting, anorexia and diffuse colicky abdominal pain for 3 d. A computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis showed radiographic findings consistent with Rigler triad seen in small proportion of patients with small bowel obstruction secondary to gallstone impaction. In addition there was a gastric outlet obstruction, consistent with Bouveret's syndrome. The patient underwent an exploratory laparotomy and enterotomy with multiple stones extracted. The patient had an uneventful post-surgical clinical course and was discharged home. 展开更多
关键词 Rigler triad GALLSTONE ILEUS Bouveret'ssyndrome Small BOWEL OBSTRUCTION
Effect of fragile histidine triad gene transduction on proliferation and apoptosis of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells 被引量:4
作者 Rong-Hua Xu Liang-Yan Zheng +7 位作者 Dong-Lei He Jian Tong Li-Ping Zheng Wu-Ping Zheng Jin Meng Li-Ping Xia Cong-Jun Wang Ji-Lin Yi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第23期3754-3758,共5页
AIM:To evaluate the inhibitory effects of human fragile histidine triad(FHIT) gene on cell proliferation and apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma line Hep3B in vitro. METHODS:A recombinant pcDNA3.1(+) /FHIT inc... AIM:To evaluate the inhibitory effects of human fragile histidine triad(FHIT) gene on cell proliferation and apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma line Hep3B in vitro. METHODS:A recombinant pcDNA3.1(+) /FHIT including the functional region of FHIT gene was constructed and transferred into human hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro. mRNA and protein expression of the FHIT gene in the transfected cells was detected by RT-PCR and Western blot,respectively. The effect of FHIT on proliferation was detected by MTT assay. Changes in cell cycle and apoptosis were assayed by flow cytometry. Five mice received subcutaneous transplantation of Hep3B-FHIT;5 mice received subcutaneous transplantation of normal Hep3B and Hep3B-C as controls. The body weight of nude mice and tumor growth were measured. RESULTS:RT-PCR and Western blot analysis showed that the expression level of FHIT-mRNA and FHIT protein was higher in Hep3B cells after infection withpcDNA3.1(+) /FHIT. The growth of Hep3B cells treated with pcDNA3.1(+) /FHIT was significantly inhibited. The pcDNA3.1(+) /FHIT-transfected Hep3B cells showed a significantly higher cell rate at G0-G1 phase and increased apoptosis in comparison with controls(P < 0.05) . The growth of transplanted tumor was inhibited markedly by FHIT. Tumors arising from the Hep3B-FHIT cells occurred much later than those arising from the Hep3B and Hep3B-C cells. The growth of Hep3B-FHIT cells was slow and the tumor volume was low. CONCLUSION:Transduction of FHIT gene inhibits the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and induces cell apoptosis in vivo and in vitro. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma Gene therapy Fragile histidine triad gene
Triad Philosophy:An Initiative Idea for Merging Western and Eastern Thoughts 被引量:2
作者 Fred Y.Ye 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2019年第8期445-451,共7页
The core of triad philosophy consists of triad ontology, triad epistemology, and triad axiology based on triad logic. The triad ontology is characterized by objective knowledge (Li), objective matter (Ch’i), and subj... The core of triad philosophy consists of triad ontology, triad epistemology, and triad axiology based on triad logic. The triad ontology is characterized by objective knowledge (Li), objective matter (Ch’i), and subjective spirit (Hs’in);triad epistemology by experiencing, studying, and thinking;and triad axiology by honesty, charity, and forgiveness. The idea could merge Western and Eastern thoughts into one philosophical system. 展开更多
关键词 triad PHILOSOPHY triad ontology triad EPISTEMOLOGY triad AXIOLOGY
Fragile histidine triad gene alterations are not essential for hepatocellular carcinoma development in South Korea 被引量:2
作者 Chang Woo Nam Jung Woo Shin Neung Hwa Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第22期3526-3533,共8页
AIM: To establish the role of FHIT in the pathogenesis hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: We examined genomic alterations, as well as, mRNA and protein expression patterns from the FHIT gene, in 48 surgically re... AIM: To establish the role of FHIT in the pathogenesis hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: We examined genomic alterations, as well as, mRNA and protein expression patterns from the FHIT gene, in 48 surgically resected hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tissues. Additionally, p53 mutations were analyzed. RESULTS: Aberrant FHIT transcripts were detected in 11 of 48 surrounding non-tumor liver tissues and 27 of 48 HCC samples (22.9% vs 56.3%, P = 0.002). No point mutations were identified within the open reading frame region of FHIT. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of the FHIT locus was detected in 4 of 42 informative cases for D3S1300, and 3 of 29 informative cases for D3S1313. Reduced expression of FHIT protein (Fhit) was observed in 8 (16.7%) of 48 HCC samples, with complete loss of Fhit in only 1 case. There were no associations with abnormal transcripts, LOH, and Fhit expression. p53 mutations were identified in 9 of the 48 HCC cases. However, none of the cases displayed a G to T transversion at p53 codon 249. CONCLUSION: Aberrant FHIT transcripts were more common in HCC tissues as compared to non-cancerous liver tissues. However, Fhit expression was lost or reduced in a minor fraction of HCC tissues, while it was strongly expressed in non-cancerous liver tissues.Therefore, our study suggests that FHIT plays a role in relatively few HCC cases in South Korea. 展开更多
关键词 Fragile histidine triad Aberrant transcripts Microsatellite instability Protein expression Hepatocellular carcinoma
Loss of fragile histidine triad protein expression in inflammatory bowel disease 被引量:2
作者 Chun-Mei Xu Chuan-Hu Qiao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第45期7355-7360,共6页
AIM: To investigate the expression of fragile histidine triad (FHIT) protein in 64 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD), and its relation with clinicopathological data. METHODS: Rabb... AIM: To investigate the expression of fragile histidine triad (FHIT) protein in 64 patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD), and its relation with clinicopathological data. METHODS: Rabbit-anti-FHIT antibody was used to detect FHIT protein expression in 64 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue specimens of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) by citrate-microwave-streptavidin (SP)-HRP immunohistochemical method. RESULTS: The positive FHIT protein expression was 22.79% ± 16.16%, 42.14% ± 16.82% in active and remittent phases of UC, 36.07% ± 19.23% in CD, and 57.05% ±8.86% in normal colon mucosa. Statistically significant differences in FHIT protein expression were observed between the active and remittent phases of UC, between the active phase of UC and normal colon mucosa, as well as between the remittent phase of UC and normal colon mucosa, and between CD and normal colon mucosa. CONCLUSION: Our results show that FHIT protein expression is completely absent or reduced in IBD, suggesting that the FHIT gene might be associated with the oncogenesis and progression of IBD, an early event from inflammatory conditions to carcinoma in IBD. 展开更多
关键词 Fragile histidine triad protein expression Ulcerative colitis Crohn's disease Inflammatory bowel disease
Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Adults: Role of a Simple Clinical Diagnostic Triad 被引量:1
作者 Kassem Alubaidi Malik Aikoye P. S. Basnyat 《Surgical Science》 2016年第4期191-194,共4页
Objectives: Acute appendicitis remains the commonest intra-abdominal surgical emergency. This study sought to identify the clinical factors that are most reliable in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Methods: This ... Objectives: Acute appendicitis remains the commonest intra-abdominal surgical emergency. This study sought to identify the clinical factors that are most reliable in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Methods: This was a retrospective review of consecutive adult appendicectomies over a 6 months period. The frequency of different clinical parameters was assessed to determine the most reliable predictors of acute appendicitis. A simple triad of 3 of the most frequent clinical parameters was examined for diagnostic potential by calculating its sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. Results: There were a total of 124 patients. The median age was 33 years while the gender distribution was 54 males to 70 females. The most common clinical parameters in the patients with appendicitis were right iliac fossa tenderness or peritonism (100.0%), anorexia (78.8%), nausea (75.9%), migratory abdominal pain i.e. pain migrating to right lower quadrant (55.7%), tachycardia (41.3%) and pyrexia i.e. body temperature of 37.8 degrees Celsius and above (22.1%). The simple triad of anorexia, right iliac fossa tenderness and migratory abdominal pain showed specificity for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis of 84.2% and sensitivity of 45.7%. The positive predictive value of this triad was 94.1% while the negative predictive value was 21.9%. Conclusion: Our study reveals that the positivity for this simple clinical triad strongly rules in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Its specificity and positive predictive value compares with the most reliable scoring systems for acute appendicitis in literature. Further approaches to diagnosis such as imaging and diagnostic laparoscopy should be considered when this triad is negative and appendicitis is suspected. This simple diagnostic approach allows for prompt diagnosis and treatment which expectedly would improve the morbidity associated with acute appendicitis. 展开更多
关键词 Acute Appendicitis Diagnostic triad
Force Triad能量平台辅助甲状腺手术与传统甲状腺手术临床对比研究 被引量:4
作者 邵荣金 王建 龚伟达 《中国肿瘤外科杂志》 CAS 2016年第5期324-326,共3页
目的评价在开放甲状腺手术中使用Force Triad能量平台的临床价值。方法选取宜兴市肿瘤医院2013年1月至2015年6月期间收治的甲状腺手术患者92例,其中56例术中使用Force Triad能量平台,36例选择高频电刀传统方法。比较两组的手术时间、术... 目的评价在开放甲状腺手术中使用Force Triad能量平台的临床价值。方法选取宜兴市肿瘤医院2013年1月至2015年6月期间收治的甲状腺手术患者92例,其中56例术中使用Force Triad能量平台,36例选择高频电刀传统方法。比较两组的手术时间、术中出血量、术后引流量、引流天数、切口长度、住院时间、住院费用以及术后并发症等。结果 Force Triad能量平台组的手术时间、术中出血量、术后引流量、引流天数、切口长度、住院时间均小于传统手术组(P<0.05),住院费用也高于传统手术组(P<0.05);手术并发症方面,能量平台组有2例(3.6%)喉返神经损伤,而传统手术组有1例(2.9%),能量平台组与传统手术组间的手术并发症发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 Force Triad能量平台辅助甲状腺手术安全、可靠、有效,具有手术时间短,术中出血少,切口小,术后住院时间短等优势,虽然住院总费用较传统手术组高,但差距在逐步缩小。 展开更多
关键词 能量平台 甲状腺手术 术后并发症
Loss of fragile histidine triad and amplification of 1p36.22 and 11p15.5 in primary gastric adenocarcinomas 被引量:1
作者 Ji-Yun Lee 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第33期4522-4532,共11页
AIM: To investigate the genomic copy number alterations that may harbor key driver genes in gastric tumorigenesis. METHODS: Using high-resolution array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), we investigated the geno... AIM: To investigate the genomic copy number alterations that may harbor key driver genes in gastric tumorigenesis. METHODS: Using high-resolution array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), we investigated the genomic alterations of 20 advanced primary gastric adenocarcinomas (seventeen tubular and three mucinous) of Chinese patients from the Jilin province. Ten matching adjacent normal regions from the same patients were also studied. RESULTS: The most frequent imbalances detected in these cancer samples were gains of 3q26.31-q27.2, 5p, 8q, 11p, 18p, 19q and 20q and losses of 3p, 4p,18q and 21q. The use of high-resolution array CGH increased the resolution and sensitivity of the observed genomic changes and identified focal genetic imbalances, which included 54 gains and 16 losses that were smaller than 1 Mb in size. The most interesting focal imbalances were the intergenic loss/homozygous deletion of the fragile histidine triad gene and the amplicons 11q13, 18q11.2 and 19q12, as well as the novel amplicons 1p36.22 and 11p15.5. CONCLUSION: These regions, especially the focal amplicons, may harbor key driver genes that will serve as biomarkers for either the diagnosis or the prognosis of gastric cancer, and therefore, a large-scale investigation is recommended. 展开更多
关键词 Array comparative genomic hybridization Amplicon Gastric adenocarcinoma Oncogene Fragile histidine triad
Hepatic paraganglioma and multifocal gastrointestinal stromal tumor in a female: Incomplete Carney triad
作者 Seong Woo Hong Woo Yong Lee Hye Kyung Lee 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 SCIE CAS 2013年第7期229-232,共4页
The Carney triad (CT) describes the coexistence of multiple neoplasms including gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), extra-adrenal paraganglioma and pulmonary chondroma. At least two neoplastic tumors are required... The Carney triad (CT) describes the coexistence of multiple neoplasms including gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), extra-adrenal paraganglioma and pulmonary chondroma. At least two neoplastic tumors are required for diagnosis. In most cases, however, CT is incomplete. We report a case of an incomplete CT in a 34-year-old woman with a multifocal GIST and non-functional paraganglioma of the liver. Preoperative evaluation with a gastrofiberscope and abdominal computed tomography revealed multiple gastric tumors resembling GISTs and a single liver lesion which was assumed to have metastasized from the gastric tumors. The patient underwent total gastrectomy and partial hepatectomy. Histologic findings confirmed multiple gastric GISTs and paraganglioma of the liver. We report a case of a patient with incomplete expression of CT. 展开更多
A case of type Ⅰ variant Kounis syndrome with Samter-Beer triad
作者 Jayesh S Prajapati Kapil M Virpariya +1 位作者 Ashok S Thakkar Atul D Abhyankar 《World Journal of Cardiology》 CAS 2013年第4期112-114,共3页
Kounis syndrome is defined as the coexistence of acute coronary syndromes with situations associated with allergy or hypersensitivity,as well as anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reactions,to a variety of medical conditio... Kounis syndrome is defined as the coexistence of acute coronary syndromes with situations associated with allergy or hypersensitivity,as well as anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reactions,to a variety of medical conditions,environmental and medication exposures.We report a case of Kounis-Zavras syndrome type Ⅰ variant in the setting of aspirin-induced asthma,or the Samter-Beer triad of asthma,nasal polyps and aspirin allergy.When there is a young individual with no predisposing factors of atherosclerosis and apparent coronary lesion,with or without electrocardiography and biochemical markers of infarction,the possibility of Kounis syndrome should be kept in mind. 展开更多
关键词 Kounis syndrome Samter-Beer triad Nasal POLYPS Coronary SPASM Aspirin ALLERGY
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