The incremental constitutive relation and governing equations with combined stresses for phase transition wave propagation in a thin-walled tube are established based on the phase transition criterion considering both...The incremental constitutive relation and governing equations with combined stresses for phase transition wave propagation in a thin-walled tube are established based on the phase transition criterion considering both the hydrostatic pressure and the deviatoric stress. It is found that the centers of the initial and subsequent phase transition ellipses are shifted along the sigma-axis in the sigma tau-plane due to the tension-compression asymmetry induced by the hydrostatic pressure. The wave solution offers the 'fast' and 'slow' phase transition waves under combined longitudinal and torsional stresses in the phase transition region. The results show some new stress paths and wave structures in a thin-walled tube with phase transition, differing from those of conventional elastic-plastic materials.展开更多
The data of short-period (1~18 s) surface waves recorded by 23 stations belonging to the digital seismic network of Yunnan Province of China are used in this paper. From these data, the dispersion curves of phase velo...The data of short-period (1~18 s) surface waves recorded by 23 stations belonging to the digital seismic network of Yunnan Province of China are used in this paper. From these data, the dispersion curves of phase velocities of the fundamental mode Rayleigh wave along 209 paths are determined by using the two-station narrowband filtering cross-correlation method. Adopting tomography method, the distribution maps of phase velocities at various peri-ods in Yunnan region are inverted. The maps of phase velocities on profiles along 24N, 25N, 26N, 27N and 100.5E and the distribution maps of phase velocities at 3 periods in the study region are given. The results show that the phase velocity distribution in Yunnan region has strong variations in horizontal direction, and the phase velocity distribution in short-period range is closely related to the thickness of sedimentary layers in the shallow crust. The phase velocity in southern part of the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block encircled by the Honghe fault and Xiaojiang fault is obviously lower than that in surrounding areas. The epicentral locations of strong earthquakes in Yunnan region are mainly distributed in transitional zones between low and high phase velocities.展开更多
For ion cyclotron resonance heating, the current on the antenna surface exists in a form of standing wave, and the phase of the poloidal current standing wave affects significantly on the performance of the coupling. ...For ion cyclotron resonance heating, the current on the antenna surface exists in a form of standing wave, and the phase of the poloidal current standing wave affects significantly on the performance of the coupling. In this paper, a coupling calculation is carried out based on a practical model for the loop antenna. The ion cyclotron wave coupling performance depends greatly on the antenna current propagation constant and the phase of standing wave. For a small antenna-current-propagation constant, the antenna coupling performance is more sensitive to a π/2 change in the phase of standing wave.展开更多
The signal synchronization transmission of a spatiotemporal chaos network is investigated. The structure of the coupling function between connected nodes of the complex network and the value range of the linear term c...The signal synchronization transmission of a spatiotemporal chaos network is investigated. The structure of the coupling function between connected nodes of the complex network and the value range of the linear term coefficient of the separated configuration in state equation of the node are obtained through constructing an appropriate Lyapunov function. Each node of the complex network is a laser spatiotemporal chaos model in which the phase-conjugate wave and the unilateral coupled map lattice are taken as a local function and a spatially extended system, respectively. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the signal synchronization transmission principle of the network.展开更多
With the development of seismic engineering and seismic exploration of energy, the underground media that westudy are more and more complicated. Conventional anisotropy theory or two-phase isotropy theory is difficult...With the development of seismic engineering and seismic exploration of energy, the underground media that westudy are more and more complicated. Conventional anisotropy theory or two-phase isotropy theory is difficult todescribe anisotropic media containing fluid, such as fractures containing gas, shales containing water Based onBlot theory about two-phase anisotropy, with the use of elastic plane wave equations, we get Christoffel equations.We calculate and analyze the effects of frequency on phase velocity, attenuation, amplitude ratio and polarizationdirection of elastic waves of two-phase, transversely isotropic media. Results show that frequency affects slow Pwave the greatest among the four kinds of waves, i.e., fast P wave, slow P wave, fast S wave and slow S wave.Fluid phase amplitude to solid phase amplitude ratio of fast P wave, fast S wave and slow S wave approaches unitfor large dissipation coefficients. Polarization analysis shows that polarization direction of fluid phase displacement is different from, not parallel to or reverse to, that of solid phase displacement in two-phase anisotropic media.展开更多
We presented high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps at periods ranging from 5 s to 30 s in the northeast part of the North China Craton (NNCC). Continuous time-series of vertical component between October 2...We presented high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps at periods ranging from 5 s to 30 s in the northeast part of the North China Craton (NNCC). Continuous time-series of vertical component between October 2006 and December 2008, recorded by 187 broadband stations temporarily deployed in the NNCC region, have been cross-correlated to obtain estimated fundamental mode Rayleigh wave Green’s functions. Using the frequency and time analysis technique based on continuous wavelet transformation, we measured 3 667 Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves. High-resolution phase velocity maps at periods of 5, 10, 20 and 30 s were reconstructed with grid size 0.25°× 0.25°, which reveal lateral heterogeneity of shear wave structure in the crust and upper mantle of NNCC. For periods shorter than 10 s, the phase velocity variations are well correlated with the principal geological units in the NNCC, with low-speed anomalies corresponding to the major sedimentary basins and high-speed anomalies coinciding with the main mountain ranges. Within the period range from 20 s to 30 s, high phase velocity observed in eastern NCC is coincident with the thin crust, whereas low phase velocities imaged in central NCC is correlated to the thick crust. However, the low-velocity anomaly in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region displayed in the 20 s and 30 s phase maps may be associated with fluids.展开更多
The global structure stability of the impact-induced tensile waves mentioned by Huang (Huang, S. J. Impact-induced tensile waves in a kind of phase-transforming materials. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 76, 847-...The global structure stability of the impact-induced tensile waves mentioned by Huang (Huang, S. J. Impact-induced tensile waves in a kind of phase-transforming materials. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 76, 847-858 (2011)) is considered. By introducing Riemann invariants, the governing equations of motion are reduced into a 2 ~ 2 diagonally strictly hyperbolic system. Then, with the aid of the theory on the typical free boundary problem and maximally dissipative kinetics, the global structure stability of the impact-induced tensile waves propagating in a phase-transforming material is proved.展开更多
Probability distributions of wave phases in association with distributions of surface elevations are studied with wave records. Wave records of different nature are used for comparison. These are surface fluctuations ...Probability distributions of wave phases in association with distributions of surface elevations are studied with wave records. Wave records of different nature are used for comparison. These are surface fluctuations acquired during wind wave flume experiments, representing wave generation under strong wind; and wave records measured in the northern part of Taiwan for waves in natural environments. Three probability models, the unifrom distribution, the beta distribution, and a model from Tayfun and Lo (1989) are adopted to study the possible distributions of wave phases. It is found that when surface elevations become skewed, wave phases deviate from the usually assumed uniform distribution and a better model would be the beta distribution.展开更多
Four-wave mixing induced by modulation instability in a single-mode fiber is analyzed from the phase-matching point of view. For the two-channel transmission, a method is proposed to select the four-wave-mixing-induce...Four-wave mixing induced by modulation instability in a single-mode fiber is analyzed from the phase-matching point of view. For the two-channel transmission, a method is proposed to select the four-wave-mixing-induced sidebands, which is based on the proper use of a continuous-wave and a pulse as light sources. We find that a mass of sidebands are generated in the modulation instability resonance region, and the power of the sideband increases with not only the peak power of the pump pulse but also the continuous-wave power which acts as a seed. The research will provide guidance for fiber communication and sensing systems using wavelength division multiplexing technology.展开更多
The phase conjugation between the deformable mirror and the wavefront sensor in the aberration correction of a terawatt Ti:sapphire laser is studied experimentally and theoretically in this paper. At varying values o...The phase conjugation between the deformable mirror and the wavefront sensor in the aberration correction of a terawatt Ti:sapphire laser is studied experimentally and theoretically in this paper. At varying values of phase- conjugation precision, we focus the corresponding beams into spots of the same size of 5.1 μm × 5.3 μm with a f/4 parabola in the 32 TW/36 fs Ti:sapphire laser system. The results show that the precision of conjugation can induce an intensity modulation but does not significantly affect the wavefront correction.展开更多
Motivated by the discovery of a new family of 122 iron-based superconductors, we present the theoretical results on the ground state phase diagram, spin wave, and dynamic structure factor obtained from the extended J1...Motivated by the discovery of a new family of 122 iron-based superconductors, we present the theoretical results on the ground state phase diagram, spin wave, and dynamic structure factor obtained from the extended J1-J2 Heisenberg model. In the reasonable physical parameter region of K2Fe4Se5, we find that the block checkerboard antiferromagnetic order phase is stable. There are two acoustic spin wave branches and six optical spin wave branches in the block checker- board antiferromagnetic phase, which have analytic expressions at the high-symmetry points. To further compare the experimental data on neutron scattering, we investigate the saddlepoint structure of the magnetic excitation spectrum and the inelastic neutron scattering pattern based on linear spin wave theory.展开更多
In this work we investigated the geometric phases of a qubit-oscillator system beyond the conventional rotating- wave approximation. We find that in the limiting of weak coupling the results coincide with that obtaine...In this work we investigated the geometric phases of a qubit-oscillator system beyond the conventional rotating- wave approximation. We find that in the limiting of weak coupling the results coincide with that obtained under rotating-wave approximation while there exists an increasing difference with the increase of coupling constant. It was shown that the geometric phase is symmetric with respect to the sign of the detuning of the quantized field from the one-photon resonance under the conventional rotating-wave approximation while a red-blue detuning asymmetry occurs beyond the conventional rotating-wave approximation.展开更多
Charge-density-wave(CDW) materials with strongly correlated electrons have broadband light absorption and ultrafast response to light irradiation, and hence hold great potential in photodetection. 1 T-TaS2 is a typica...Charge-density-wave(CDW) materials with strongly correlated electrons have broadband light absorption and ultrafast response to light irradiation, and hence hold great potential in photodetection. 1 T-TaS2 is a typical CDW material with various thermodynamically CDW ground states at different temperatures and fertile out-of-equilibrium intermediate/hidden states. In particular, the light pulses can trigger melting of CDW ordering and also forms hidden states, which exhibits strikingly different electrical conductivity compared to the ground phase. Here, we review the recent research on phase transitions in 1 T-TaS2 and their potential applications in photodetection. We also discuss the ultrafast melting of CDW ordering by ultrafast laser irradiation and the out-of-equilibrium intermediate/hidden states by optical/electrical pulse. For photodetection, demonstrations of photoconductors and bolometers are introduced. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges that remain.展开更多
This study concerns calculation of phased array beam fields of the nonlinear Rayleigh surface waves based on the integral solutions for a nonparaxial wave equation. Since the parabolic approximation model for describi...This study concerns calculation of phased array beam fields of the nonlinear Rayleigh surface waves based on the integral solutions for a nonparaxial wave equation. Since the parabolic approximation model for describing the nonlinear Rayleigh waves has certain limitations in modeling the sound beam fields of phased arrays, a more general model equation and integral forms of quasilinear solutions are introduced. Some features of steered and focused beam fields radiated from a linear phased array of the second harmonic Rayleigh wave are presented.展开更多
We investigate the beam focusing technology of shear-vertical(SV) waves for a contact-type linear phased array to overcome the shortcomings of conventional wedge transducer arrays. The numerical simulation reveals the...We investigate the beam focusing technology of shear-vertical(SV) waves for a contact-type linear phased array to overcome the shortcomings of conventional wedge transducer arrays. The numerical simulation reveals the transient excitation and propagation characteristics of SV waves. It is found that the element size plays an important role in determining the transient radiation directivity of SV waves. The transient beam focusing characteristics of SV waves for various array parameters are deeply studied. It is particularly interesting to see that smaller element width will provide the focused beam of SV waves with higher quality, while larger element width may result in erratic fluctuation of focusing energy around the focal point. There exists a specific range of inter-element spacing for optimum focusing performance. Moreover, good beam focusing performance of SV waves can be achieved only at high steering angles.展开更多
We analyze continuous waveform data from 257 broadband stations of the portable seismic array deployed under the "China Seismic Array-northern part of NS seismic belt" project as well as data from a permanen...We analyze continuous waveform data from 257 broadband stations of the portable seismic array deployed under the "China Seismic Array-northern part of NS seismic belt" project as well as data from a permanent seismic network from January 2014 to December 2015. The phase velocity dispersion curve of 7,185 Rayleigh waves is obtained with a method based on the image analysis of phase velocity extraction, and the inversion is obtained. The period of Rayleigh wave phase velocity distribution has a range of 5–40 s, and minimum resolution close to 20 km. The results show that the phase velocity structure image well reflects the geological structural characteristics of the crust and uppermost mantle, and that the phase velocity distribution has obvious lateral heterogeneity. The phase velocity of the 5–15 s period is closely linked to the surface layer and sedimentary layer, the low-velocity anomalies correspond to loose sedimentary cover, and the high-velocity anomalies correspond to orogenic belts and uplifts and the boundary between high and low velocity anomalies is consistent with the block boundary. The phase velocity of the 5–15 s period is strongly affected by the crust layer thickness, the northeastern Tibetan plateau has low-velocity anomalies in the middle to lower crust, the west side of the Ordos block is consistent with the northeastern Tibetan plateau, which may imply the material exchange and fusion in this area. The velocity variation is inversely related to the Moho depth in the 40 s period of Swave, and the lateral velocity heterogeneity represents the lateral variation of the Moho depth. The Ordos block and the northern margin of Sichuan basin are located in the uppermost mantle at this depth, and the depth in the transition zone is still located in the lower crust.展开更多
By using two-parallel conductance probes,the instantaneous film thickness of gas-liquidtwo-phase flow within a horizontal plexiglass pipe of 50mm inner diameter was experimentallymeasured.The pipe was 6680mm long.Seve...By using two-parallel conductance probes,the instantaneous film thickness of gas-liquidtwo-phase flow within a horizontal plexiglass pipe of 50mm inner diameter was experimentallymeasured.The pipe was 6680mm long.Several wave patterns were distinguished through statisticalanalysis of signals of film thicknesses.Wave pattern maps were obtained and compared with resultsof former studies.The characteristics of the interfacial waves,such as time-averaged film thickness,wave height,wave propagation speed,wavelength and wave frequency,were systematically investigated.The effect of the exit structure of the test section on interfacial waves was experimentally examined.展开更多
Owing to the fact that the wind speed and direction of typhoon vary rapidly with time and space in typhoon fetch; the nearer to the typhoon eye the greater the wind velocity, and the shorter the wind fetch the smaller...Owing to the fact that the wind speed and direction of typhoon vary rapidly with time and space in typhoon fetch; the nearer to the typhoon eye the greater the wind velocity, and the shorter the wind fetch the smaller the wind time,as a result,the more difficult for the wind wave to fully grow. typhoon wave numerical calculation it is impossible to use the model for a fully grown wave spectrum. Lately, the author et at. presented a CHGS method for numerical forecasting of typhoon waves, where a model for the growing wave spectrum was set up (see Eq. (2) in the text). The model involves a parameter indicating the growing degree of wind wave, i. e. ,the mean wave age β. When βvalue is small, the wave energy is chiefly concentrated near the peak frequency, so that the spectral peak gets high and steep; with the increase of β the spectral shape gradually gets lower and gentler; when β=Ⅰ, the wave fully grows, the growing spectrum becomes a fully grown P-M spectrum. The model also shows a spectral “overshooting” phenomenon within the “balance zone”.展开更多
Elementary waves in Suliciu model for dynamic phase transitions are obtained through traveling wave analysis. For any given initial data with two pieces of constant states, the Riemann solutions are constructed as a c...Elementary waves in Suliciu model for dynamic phase transitions are obtained through traveling wave analysis. For any given initial data with two pieces of constant states, the Riemann solutions are constructed as a combination of elementary waves. When the initial profile contains three pieces of constant states, the solution may be constructed from the Riemann solutions, with each two adjacent states connected by elementary waves. A new Riemann problem forms when these two waves collide. Through the exploration of these Riemann problems, the outcome of wave interactions may be classified in a suitable parametric space.展开更多
基金Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (101086) and the key project Digital Crustal and Mantle Structure of Chinese Mainland from China Earthquake Administration.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11072240)
文摘The incremental constitutive relation and governing equations with combined stresses for phase transition wave propagation in a thin-walled tube are established based on the phase transition criterion considering both the hydrostatic pressure and the deviatoric stress. It is found that the centers of the initial and subsequent phase transition ellipses are shifted along the sigma-axis in the sigma tau-plane due to the tension-compression asymmetry induced by the hydrostatic pressure. The wave solution offers the 'fast' and 'slow' phase transition waves under combined longitudinal and torsional stresses in the phase transition region. The results show some new stress paths and wave structures in a thin-walled tube with phase transition, differing from those of conventional elastic-plastic materials.
基金Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (101086) and the key project "Digital Crustal and Mantle Structure of Chinese Mainland" from China Earthquake Administration.
文摘The data of short-period (1~18 s) surface waves recorded by 23 stations belonging to the digital seismic network of Yunnan Province of China are used in this paper. From these data, the dispersion curves of phase velocities of the fundamental mode Rayleigh wave along 209 paths are determined by using the two-station narrowband filtering cross-correlation method. Adopting tomography method, the distribution maps of phase velocities at various peri-ods in Yunnan region are inverted. The maps of phase velocities on profiles along 24N, 25N, 26N, 27N and 100.5E and the distribution maps of phase velocities at 3 periods in the study region are given. The results show that the phase velocity distribution in Yunnan region has strong variations in horizontal direction, and the phase velocity distribution in short-period range is closely related to the thickness of sedimentary layers in the shallow crust. The phase velocity in southern part of the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block encircled by the Honghe fault and Xiaojiang fault is obviously lower than that in surrounding areas. The epicentral locations of strong earthquakes in Yunnan region are mainly distributed in transitional zones between low and high phase velocities.
文摘For ion cyclotron resonance heating, the current on the antenna surface exists in a form of standing wave, and the phase of the poloidal current standing wave affects significantly on the performance of the coupling. In this paper, a coupling calculation is carried out based on a practical model for the loop antenna. The ion cyclotron wave coupling performance depends greatly on the antenna current propagation constant and the phase of standing wave. For a small antenna-current-propagation constant, the antenna coupling performance is more sensitive to a π/2 change in the phase of standing wave.
基金Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province,China (Grant No. 20082147)
文摘The signal synchronization transmission of a spatiotemporal chaos network is investigated. The structure of the coupling function between connected nodes of the complex network and the value range of the linear term coefficient of the separated configuration in state equation of the node are obtained through constructing an appropriate Lyapunov function. Each node of the complex network is a laser spatiotemporal chaos model in which the phase-conjugate wave and the unilateral coupled map lattice are taken as a local function and a spatially extended system, respectively. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the signal synchronization transmission principle of the network.
文摘With the development of seismic engineering and seismic exploration of energy, the underground media that westudy are more and more complicated. Conventional anisotropy theory or two-phase isotropy theory is difficult todescribe anisotropic media containing fluid, such as fractures containing gas, shales containing water Based onBlot theory about two-phase anisotropy, with the use of elastic plane wave equations, we get Christoffel equations.We calculate and analyze the effects of frequency on phase velocity, attenuation, amplitude ratio and polarizationdirection of elastic waves of two-phase, transversely isotropic media. Results show that frequency affects slow Pwave the greatest among the four kinds of waves, i.e., fast P wave, slow P wave, fast S wave and slow S wave.Fluid phase amplitude to solid phase amplitude ratio of fast P wave, fast S wave and slow S wave approaches unitfor large dissipation coefficients. Polarization analysis shows that polarization direction of fluid phase displacement is different from, not parallel to or reverse to, that of solid phase displacement in two-phase anisotropic media.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41104029)National Nonprofit Institute Research Grant of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (No.DQJB11B04)Basic Research Project of Ministry of Science and Technology China(No.2006FY110100)
文摘We presented high-resolution Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps at periods ranging from 5 s to 30 s in the northeast part of the North China Craton (NNCC). Continuous time-series of vertical component between October 2006 and December 2008, recorded by 187 broadband stations temporarily deployed in the NNCC region, have been cross-correlated to obtain estimated fundamental mode Rayleigh wave Green’s functions. Using the frequency and time analysis technique based on continuous wavelet transformation, we measured 3 667 Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves. High-resolution phase velocity maps at periods of 5, 10, 20 and 30 s were reconstructed with grid size 0.25°× 0.25°, which reveal lateral heterogeneity of shear wave structure in the crust and upper mantle of NNCC. For periods shorter than 10 s, the phase velocity variations are well correlated with the principal geological units in the NNCC, with low-speed anomalies corresponding to the major sedimentary basins and high-speed anomalies coinciding with the main mountain ranges. Within the period range from 20 s to 30 s, high phase velocity observed in eastern NCC is coincident with the thin crust, whereas low phase velocities imaged in central NCC is correlated to the thick crust. However, the low-velocity anomaly in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region displayed in the 20 s and 30 s phase maps may be associated with fluids.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11101001)the Anhui Provincial University's Excellent Youth Scholars Foundation(No.2010SQRL025)the Anhui Provincial University's Natural Science Foundation(No.KJ2010A130)
文摘The global structure stability of the impact-induced tensile waves mentioned by Huang (Huang, S. J. Impact-induced tensile waves in a kind of phase-transforming materials. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 76, 847-858 (2011)) is considered. By introducing Riemann invariants, the governing equations of motion are reduced into a 2 ~ 2 diagonally strictly hyperbolic system. Then, with the aid of the theory on the typical free boundary problem and maximally dissipative kinetics, the global structure stability of the impact-induced tensile waves propagating in a phase-transforming material is proved.
文摘Probability distributions of wave phases in association with distributions of surface elevations are studied with wave records. Wave records of different nature are used for comparison. These are surface fluctuations acquired during wind wave flume experiments, representing wave generation under strong wind; and wave records measured in the northern part of Taiwan for waves in natural environments. Three probability models, the unifrom distribution, the beta distribution, and a model from Tayfun and Lo (1989) are adopted to study the possible distributions of wave phases. It is found that when surface elevations become skewed, wave phases deviate from the usually assumed uniform distribution and a better model would be the beta distribution.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61177073)the Specialized Research Fundfor the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No.20104307110020)+1 种基金the Fund of Innovation of Graduate School of National University of Defense Technology, China (Grant No.B110703)the Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation for Postgraduate, China (Grant No. CX2011B033)
文摘Four-wave mixing induced by modulation instability in a single-mode fiber is analyzed from the phase-matching point of view. For the two-channel transmission, a method is proposed to select the four-wave-mixing-induced sidebands, which is based on the proper use of a continuous-wave and a pulse as light sources. We find that a mass of sidebands are generated in the modulation instability resonance region, and the power of the sideband increases with not only the peak power of the pump pulse but also the continuous-wave power which acts as a seed. The research will provide guidance for fiber communication and sensing systems using wavelength division multiplexing technology.
基金Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2011CB808101)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.60921004)
文摘The phase conjugation between the deformable mirror and the wavefront sensor in the aberration correction of a terawatt Ti:sapphire laser is studied experimentally and theoretically in this paper. At varying values of phase- conjugation precision, we focus the corresponding beams into spots of the same size of 5.1 μm × 5.3 μm with a f/4 parabola in the 32 TW/36 fs Ti:sapphire laser system. The results show that the precision of conjugation can induce an intensity modulation but does not significantly affect the wavefront correction.
基金supported by the Science Foundation for Post-Doctorate Research from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No.20100470589)the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No.2007CB925000)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.51071032)
文摘Motivated by the discovery of a new family of 122 iron-based superconductors, we present the theoretical results on the ground state phase diagram, spin wave, and dynamic structure factor obtained from the extended J1-J2 Heisenberg model. In the reasonable physical parameter region of K2Fe4Se5, we find that the block checkerboard antiferromagnetic order phase is stable. There are two acoustic spin wave branches and six optical spin wave branches in the block checker- board antiferromagnetic phase, which have analytic expressions at the high-symmetry points. To further compare the experimental data on neutron scattering, we investigate the saddlepoint structure of the magnetic excitation spectrum and the inelastic neutron scattering pattern based on linear spin wave theory.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11075099, 11047167, and 11105087)the Programme of State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices (Grant No. KF201002)+1 种基金the National Fundamental Fund of Personnel Training (Grant No. J1103210)the Youth Science Foundation of Shanxi Province of China (Grant No. 2010021003-2)
文摘In this work we investigated the geometric phases of a qubit-oscillator system beyond the conventional rotating- wave approximation. We find that in the limiting of weak coupling the results coincide with that obtained under rotating-wave approximation while there exists an increasing difference with the increase of coupling constant. It was shown that the geometric phase is symmetric with respect to the sign of the detuning of the quantized field from the one-photon resonance under the conventional rotating-wave approximation while a red-blue detuning asymmetry occurs beyond the conventional rotating-wave approximation.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.21673058 and 21822502)the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.QYZDB-SSW-SYS031)the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDB30000000)
文摘Charge-density-wave(CDW) materials with strongly correlated electrons have broadband light absorption and ultrafast response to light irradiation, and hence hold great potential in photodetection. 1 T-TaS2 is a typical CDW material with various thermodynamically CDW ground states at different temperatures and fertile out-of-equilibrium intermediate/hidden states. In particular, the light pulses can trigger melting of CDW ordering and also forms hidden states, which exhibits strikingly different electrical conductivity compared to the ground phase. Here, we review the recent research on phase transitions in 1 T-TaS2 and their potential applications in photodetection. We also discuss the ultrafast melting of CDW ordering by ultrafast laser irradiation and the out-of-equilibrium intermediate/hidden states by optical/electrical pulse. For photodetection, demonstrations of photoconductors and bolometers are introduced. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges that remain.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 61271356 and 51575541the National Research Foundation of Korea under Grant Nos 2013-M2A2A9043241 and 2013-R1A2A2A01016042the Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation For Postgraduate under Grant No CX2016B046
文摘This study concerns calculation of phased array beam fields of the nonlinear Rayleigh surface waves based on the integral solutions for a nonparaxial wave equation. Since the parabolic approximation model for describing the nonlinear Rayleigh waves has certain limitations in modeling the sound beam fields of phased arrays, a more general model equation and integral forms of quasilinear solutions are introduced. Some features of steered and focused beam fields radiated from a linear phased array of the second harmonic Rayleigh wave are presented.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11774377 and 11574343)。
文摘We investigate the beam focusing technology of shear-vertical(SV) waves for a contact-type linear phased array to overcome the shortcomings of conventional wedge transducer arrays. The numerical simulation reveals the transient excitation and propagation characteristics of SV waves. It is found that the element size plays an important role in determining the transient radiation directivity of SV waves. The transient beam focusing characteristics of SV waves for various array parameters are deeply studied. It is particularly interesting to see that smaller element width will provide the focused beam of SV waves with higher quality, while larger element width may result in erratic fluctuation of focusing energy around the focal point. There exists a specific range of inter-element spacing for optimum focusing performance. Moreover, good beam focusing performance of SV waves can be achieved only at high steering angles.
基金supported by the Science for Earthquake Resilience(Nos.XH17035YSX and XH19041Y)Navigation and Innovation Fund of Shaanxi Earthquake Agency of 2018(No.QC201805)
文摘We analyze continuous waveform data from 257 broadband stations of the portable seismic array deployed under the "China Seismic Array-northern part of NS seismic belt" project as well as data from a permanent seismic network from January 2014 to December 2015. The phase velocity dispersion curve of 7,185 Rayleigh waves is obtained with a method based on the image analysis of phase velocity extraction, and the inversion is obtained. The period of Rayleigh wave phase velocity distribution has a range of 5–40 s, and minimum resolution close to 20 km. The results show that the phase velocity structure image well reflects the geological structural characteristics of the crust and uppermost mantle, and that the phase velocity distribution has obvious lateral heterogeneity. The phase velocity of the 5–15 s period is closely linked to the surface layer and sedimentary layer, the low-velocity anomalies correspond to loose sedimentary cover, and the high-velocity anomalies correspond to orogenic belts and uplifts and the boundary between high and low velocity anomalies is consistent with the block boundary. The phase velocity of the 5–15 s period is strongly affected by the crust layer thickness, the northeastern Tibetan plateau has low-velocity anomalies in the middle to lower crust, the west side of the Ordos block is consistent with the northeastern Tibetan plateau, which may imply the material exchange and fusion in this area. The velocity variation is inversely related to the Moho depth in the 40 s period of Swave, and the lateral velocity heterogeneity represents the lateral variation of the Moho depth. The Ordos block and the northern margin of Sichuan basin are located in the uppermost mantle at this depth, and the depth in the transition zone is still located in the lower crust.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
文摘By using two-parallel conductance probes,the instantaneous film thickness of gas-liquidtwo-phase flow within a horizontal plexiglass pipe of 50mm inner diameter was experimentallymeasured.The pipe was 6680mm long.Several wave patterns were distinguished through statisticalanalysis of signals of film thicknesses.Wave pattern maps were obtained and compared with resultsof former studies.The characteristics of the interfacial waves,such as time-averaged film thickness,wave height,wave propagation speed,wavelength and wave frequency,were systematically investigated.The effect of the exit structure of the test section on interfacial waves was experimentally examined.
基金The research reported was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
文摘Owing to the fact that the wind speed and direction of typhoon vary rapidly with time and space in typhoon fetch; the nearer to the typhoon eye the greater the wind velocity, and the shorter the wind fetch the smaller the wind time,as a result,the more difficult for the wind wave to fully grow. typhoon wave numerical calculation it is impossible to use the model for a fully grown wave spectrum. Lately, the author et at. presented a CHGS method for numerical forecasting of typhoon waves, where a model for the growing wave spectrum was set up (see Eq. (2) in the text). The model involves a parameter indicating the growing degree of wind wave, i. e. ,the mean wave age β. When βvalue is small, the wave energy is chiefly concentrated near the peak frequency, so that the spectral peak gets high and steep; with the increase of β the spectral shape gradually gets lower and gentler; when β=Ⅰ, the wave fully grows, the growing spectrum becomes a fully grown P-M spectrum. The model also shows a spectral “overshooting” phenomenon within the “balance zone”.
基金Project supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program("Nonlinear Science")of China(No.G2000077305)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.10002002and 90407021)
文摘Elementary waves in Suliciu model for dynamic phase transitions are obtained through traveling wave analysis. For any given initial data with two pieces of constant states, the Riemann solutions are constructed as a combination of elementary waves. When the initial profile contains three pieces of constant states, the solution may be constructed from the Riemann solutions, with each two adjacent states connected by elementary waves. A new Riemann problem forms when these two waves collide. Through the exploration of these Riemann problems, the outcome of wave interactions may be classified in a suitable parametric space.