Pile foundations are still the preferred foundation system for high-rise structures in earthquake-prone regions.Pile foundations have experienced failures in past earthquakes due to liquefaction.Research on pile found...Pile foundations are still the preferred foundation system for high-rise structures in earthquake-prone regions.Pile foundations have experienced failures in past earthquakes due to liquefaction.Research on pile foundations in liquefiable soils has primarily focused on the pile foundation behavior in two or three-layered soil profiles.However,in natural occurrence,it may occur in alternative layers of liquefiable and non-liquefiable soil.However,the experimental and/or numerical studies on the layered effect on pile foundations have not been widely addressed in the literature.Most of the design codes across the world do not explicitly mention the effect of sandwiched non-liquefiable soil layers on the pile response.In the present study,the behavior of an end-bearing pile in layered liquefiable and non-liquefiable soil deposit is studied numerically.This study found that the kinematic bending moment is higher and governs the design when the effect of the sandwiched non-liquefied layer is considered in the analysis as opposed to when its effect is ignored.Therefore,ignoring the effect of the sandwiched non-liquefied layer in a liquefiable soil deposit might be a nonconservative design approach.展开更多
Urban infrastructure has become more complex with the rapid development of urban transportation networks.In urban environments with limited space,construction of facilities like subways and bridges may mutually influe...Urban infrastructure has become more complex with the rapid development of urban transportation networks.In urban environments with limited space,construction of facilities like subways and bridges may mutually influence each other,especially when subway construction requires passing under bridges.In such cases,pile foundation replacement technology is often necessary.However,this technology is highly specialized,with a lengthy and risky construction period,and high costs.Personnel must be proficient in key technical aspects to ensure construction quality.This article discusses the technical principle,construction process,and core technology of pile foundation replacement,along with the application of this technology in subway tunnel crossing bridge projects,supported by engineering examples for reference.展开更多
Based on reasonable assumptions that simplified the calculational model,a simple and practical method was proposed to calculate the post-construction settlement of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation by using th...Based on reasonable assumptions that simplified the calculational model,a simple and practical method was proposed to calculate the post-construction settlement of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation by using the Mesri creep model to describe the soil characteristics and the Mindlin-Geddes method considering pile diameter to calculate the vertical additional stress of pile bottom.A program named CPPS was designed for this method to calculate the post-construction settlement of a high-speed railway bridge pile foundation.The result indicates that the post-construction settlement in 100 years meets the requirements of the engineering specifications,and in the first two decades,the post-construction settlement is about 80% of its total settlement,while the settlement in the rest eighty years tends to be stable.Compared with the measured settlement after laying railway tracks,the calculational result is closed to that of the measured,and the results are conservative with a high computational accuracy.It is noted that the method can be used to calculate the post-construction settlement for the preliminary design of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation.展开更多
Although the load applied to pile foundations is usually a combination of vertical and lateral components,there have been few investigations on the behavior of piles subjected to combined loadings.Those few studies le...Although the load applied to pile foundations is usually a combination of vertical and lateral components,there have been few investigations on the behavior of piles subjected to combined loadings.Those few studies led to inconsistent results with regard to the effects of vertical loads on the lateral response of piles.A series of three-dimensional(3D) finite differences analyses is conducted to evaluate the influence of vertical loads on the lateral performance of pile foundations.Three idealized sandy and clayey soil profiles are considered:a homogeneous soil layer,a layer with modulus proportional to depth,and two-layered strata.The pile material is modeled as linearly elastic,while the soil is idealized using the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model with a non-associated flow rule.In order to confirm the findings of this study,soils in some cases are further modeled using more sophisticated models(i.e.CYsoil model for sandy soils and modified Cam-Clay(MCC) model for clayey soils).Numerical results showed that the lateral resistance of the piles does not appear to vary considerably with the vertical load in sandy soil especially at the loosest state.However,the presence of a vertical load on a pile embedded in homogeneous or inhomogeneous clay is detrimental to its lateral capacity,and it is unconservative to design piles in clays assuming that there is no interaction between vertical and lateral loads.Moreover,the current results indicate that the effect of vertical loads on the lateral response of piles embedded in twolayered strata depends on the characteristics of soil not only surrounding the piles but also located beneath their tips.展开更多
Based on the characteristic that the potential sliding surfaces of rock slope are commonly in the shape of either line or fold line,analysis thought of conventional pile foundation in the flat ground under complex loa...Based on the characteristic that the potential sliding surfaces of rock slope are commonly in the shape of either line or fold line,analysis thought of conventional pile foundation in the flat ground under complex load condition was applied and the upper-bound theorem of limit analysis was used to compute thrust of rock layers with all possible distribution shapes. The interaction of slope and pile was considered design load in terms of slope thrust,and the finite difference method was derived to calculate inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation in rock slope under complex load condition. The result of example shows that the distribution model of slope thrust has certain impact on displacement and inner-force of bridge pile foundation. The maximum displacement growth rate reaches 54% and the maximum moment and shear growth rates reach only 15% and 20%,respectively,but the trends of inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation are basically the same as those of the conventional pile foundation in the flat ground. When the piles bear the same level lateral thrust,the distribution shapes of slope thrust have different influence on inner-force of pile foundation,especially the rectangle distribution,and the triangle thrust has the smallest displacement and inner-force of pile foundation.展开更多
At present,shield tunneling often needs to pass through a large number of bridge pile foundations.However,there are few studies on the influence of shield tunneling on adjacent pile foundations by combining with groun...At present,shield tunneling often needs to pass through a large number of bridge pile foundations.However,there are few studies on the influence of shield tunneling on adjacent pile foundations by combining with groundwater seepage.Based on Winkler model,the calculation equations of shield tunneling on vertical and horizontal displacement of adjacent bridge pile are derived.Meanwhile,full and part three-dimensional finite element models are established to analyze the trend of bridge pier settlement,ground surface settlement trough,vertical and horizontal displacement of the pile and pile stress under three calculation conditions,i.e.,not considering groundwater effect,considering stable groundwater effect and fluid-soil interaction.The results show that the calculated value is small when the effect of groundwater is not considered;the seepage velocity of the soil above the excavation face is faster than that of the surrounding soil under fluid-soil interaction,and after the shield passing,the groundwater on both sides shows a flow trend of“U”shape on the ground surface supplying to the upper part of the tunnel;the vertical displacement of the pile body is bounded by the horizontal position of the top of the tunnel,the upper pile body settles,and the lower pile body deforms upward.The horizontal displacement of pile body presents a continuous“S”shape distribution,causing stress concentration near the tunnel.The calculated results of fluid-soil interaction are in good agreement with the field measured data and accord with the actual situation.展开更多
Case history investigations have shown that pile foundations are more critically damaged in liquefiable soils than non-liquefiable soils.This study examines the differences in seismic response of pile foundations in l...Case history investigations have shown that pile foundations are more critically damaged in liquefiable soils than non-liquefiable soils.This study examines the differences in seismic response of pile foundations in liquefiable and non-liquefiable soils and their sensitivity to numerical model parameters.A two-dimensional finite element(FE)model is developed to simulate the experiment of a single pile foundation centrifuge in liquefiable soil subjected to earthquake motions and is validated against real-world test results.The differences in soil-pile seismic response of liquefiable and non-liquefiable soils are explored.Specifically,the first-order second-moment method(FOSM)is used for sensitivity analysis of the seismic response.The results show significant differences in seismic response for a soil-pile system between liquefiable and non-liquefiable soil.The seismic responses are found to be significantly larger in liquefiable soil than in non-liquefiable soil.Moreover,the pile bending moment was mainly affected by the kinematic effect in liquefiable soil,while the inertial effect was more significant in non-liquefiable soil.The controlling parameters of seismic response were PGA,soil density,and friction angle in liquefiable soil,while the pile bending moment was mainly controlled by PGA,the friction angle of soil,and shear modulus of loose sand in non-liquefiable soil.展开更多
A three-dimensional finite element simulation was carried out to investigate the effects of tunnel construction on nearby pile foundation.The displacement controlled model (DCM) was used to simulate the tunneling-indu...A three-dimensional finite element simulation was carried out to investigate the effects of tunnel construction on nearby pile foundation.The displacement controlled model (DCM) was used to simulate the tunneling-induced volume loss effects.The numerical model was verified based on the results of a centrifuge test and a set of parametric studies was implemented based on this model.There is good agreement between the trend of the results of the centrifuge test and the present model.The results of parametric studies show that the tunnelling-induced pile internal force and deformation depend mainly on the pile?tunnel distance,the pile length to tunnel depth ratio and the volume loss.Two different zones are separated by a 45° line projected from the tunnel springline.Within the zone of influence,the pile is subjected to tensile force and large settlement;whereas outside the zone of influence,dragload and small settlement are induced.It is also established that the impact of tunnelling on a pile group is substantially smaller as compared with a single pile in the same location with the rear pile in a group,demonstrating a positive pile group effect.展开更多
Geotechnical engineering deals with materials(e.g. soil and rock) that, by their very nature, exhibit varied and uncertain behavior due to the imprecise physical processes associated with the formation of these mate...Geotechnical engineering deals with materials(e.g. soil and rock) that, by their very nature, exhibit varied and uncertain behavior due to the imprecise physical processes associated with the formation of these materials. Modeling the behavior of such materials in geotechnical engineering applications is complex and sometimes beyond the ability of most traditional forms of physically-based engineering methods. Artificial intelligence(AI) is becoming more popular and particularly amenable to modeling the complex behavior of most geotechnical engineering applications because it has demonstrated superior predictive ability compared to traditional methods. This paper provides state-of-the-art review of some selected AI techniques and their applications in pile foundations, and presents the salient features associated with the modeling development of these AI techniques. The paper also discusses the strength and limitations of the selected AI techniques compared to other available modeling approaches.展开更多
The process and characteristics of loading on high-speed railway bridge pile foundation were firstly obtained by means of field research and analysis,and the corresponding loading function was presented.One-dimensiona...The process and characteristics of loading on high-speed railway bridge pile foundation were firstly obtained by means of field research and analysis,and the corresponding loading function was presented.One-dimensional consolidation equation of elastic multilayered soils was then established with single drainage or double drainages under multilevel loading.Moreover,the formulas for calculating effective stress and settlement were derived from the Laplace numerical inversion transform.The three-dimensional composite analysis method of bridge pile group was improved,where the actual load conditions of pile foundation could be simulated,and the consolidation characteristics of soil layers beneath pile were also taken into account.Eventually,a corresponding program named LTPGS was developed to improve the calculation efficiency.The comparison between long-term settlement obtained from the proposed method and the in-situ measurements of pile foundation was illustrated,and a close agreement is obtained.The error between computed and measured results is less than 1 mm,and it gradually reduces with time.It is shown that the proposed method can effectively simulate the long-term settlement of pile foundation and program LTPGS can provide a reliable estimation.展开更多
The pile-soil system interaction computational model in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground was established by the finite difference numerical method.Considering an elastic-plastic subgrade reaction method,n...The pile-soil system interaction computational model in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground was established by the finite difference numerical method.Considering an elastic-plastic subgrade reaction method,numerical methods involving finite difference approach of pile in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground were derived and implemented into a finite difference program.Based on the monotonic loading tests on saturated sand after liquefaction,the liquefaction lateral deformation of the site where group piles are located was predicted.The effects of lateral ground deformation after liquefaction on a group of pile foundations were studied using the fmite difference program mentioned above,and the failure mechanism of group piles in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground was obtained.The applicability of the program was preliminarily verified.The results show that the bending moments at the interfaces between liquefied and non-liquefied soil layers are larger than those at the pile's top when the pile's top is embedded.The value of the additional static bending moment is larger than the peak dynamic bending moment during the earthquake,so in the pile foundation design,more than the superstructure's dynamics should be considered and the effect of lateral ground deformation on pile foundations cannot be neglected.展开更多
Bridges designed following a conventional approach minimize the risk of collapse,but often require challenging,costly,and time-consuming restoration after an earthquake occurs.The new seismic design philosophy require...Bridges designed following a conventional approach minimize the risk of collapse,but often require challenging,costly,and time-consuming restoration after an earthquake occurs.The new seismic design philosophy requires bridges to maintain functionality even after severe earthquakes.In this context,this paper proposes a controlled rocking pile foundation(CRPF)system and numerically evaluates bridges′degree of seismic resilience.The CRPF system allows a pile cap to rock on a pile foundation and dissipate seismic energy through inelastic deformations of replaceable bar fuses that connect a pile cap and piles.Following the conceptual design of the CRPF system,two analytical models were developed for a bridge pier utilizing the CRPF system and a pier designed to develop a plastic hinge in its column.The analytical results indicate that,after experiencing a severe earthquake,a conventionally designed bridge pier sustained substantial damage in its column and exhibited significant residual displacement.In contrast,a pier using the CRPF system showed negligible residual displacement and maintained elastic behavior except,as expected,for bar fuses.The damaged fuses can be rapidly replaced to recover bridge seismic resistance following an earthquake.Therefore,the CRPF system helps to achieve the desired postearthquake performance objectives.展开更多
Liquefaction has b e e n a m ain cause o f dam ag e to civil en g in eerin g stru ctu res in seism ically active areas.The effects o f dam ag e o f liquefaction o n d eep foundations are v ery d estructive. Seism ic b...Liquefaction has b e e n a m ain cause o f dam ag e to civil en g in eerin g stru ctu res in seism ically active areas.The effects o f dam ag e o f liquefaction o n d eep foundations are v ery d estructive. Seism ic beh av io r o f pilefoundations is w idely discussed by m any researchers for safer an d m ore econom ic design purposes. Thisp a p e r p resen ts a p se u d o -static m eth o d for analysis o f piles in liquefiable soil u n d e r seism ic loads. A freefieldsite resp o n se analysis using th ree-d im en sio n al (3D) num erical m odeling w as p erfo rm ed to d e te rmine kin em atic loads from lateral g ro u n d disp lacem en ts an d inertial loads from vib ratio n o f th e supe rstru ctu re . The effects o f various p aram eters, such as soil layering, k in em atic and inertial forces,b o u n d ary con d itio n o f pile h ead an d gro u n d slope, o n pile resp o n se w e re studied. By com paring th enum erical results w ith th e centrifuge te s t results, it can be concluded th a t th e use o f th e p-y curves w ithvarious d eg rad atio n factors in liquefiable sand gives reasonable results.展开更多
To reveal the bearing capacity of the X-section concrete piles pile raft foundation in silica sand,a series of vertical load tests are carried out.The X-section concrete piles are compared with circular section pile w...To reveal the bearing capacity of the X-section concrete piles pile raft foundation in silica sand,a series of vertical load tests are carried out.The X-section concrete piles are compared with circular section pile with the same section area.The load−settlement curves,axial force and skin friction,strain on concave and convex edge of the pile,pile-sand stress ratio,distributions of side and tip resistance are presented.The results show that bearing capacity of the X section concrete pile raft foundation is much larger than that of the circular pile raft foundation.Besides,compared with the circular pile,the peak axial force of X-section piles under raft is deeper and smaller while the neutral point of X-section concrete pile is deeper.Moreover,the strain on the concave edge is much larger than that on the convex edge of the pile,and the convex edge has more potential in bearing capacity as the vertical load increases.The X-section pile has higher pile-sand stress ratios and load-sharing between side resistance and tip resistance.Above all,the X-section concrete pile can significantly increase the bearing capacity of pile-raft foundations in silica sand.展开更多
As the top of the pile foundation in high-pile wharf is connected to the superstructure and most of the pile bodies are located below the water surface, traditional damage detection methods are greatly limited in thei...As the top of the pile foundation in high-pile wharf is connected to the superstructure and most of the pile bodies are located below the water surface, traditional damage detection methods are greatly limited in their application to pile foundation in service. In the present study, a new method for pile foundation damage detection is developed based on the curve shape of the curvature mode difference(CMD) before and after damage. In the method, the influence at each node on the overall CMD curve shape is analyzed through a data deletion model, statistical characteristic indexes are established to reflect the difference between damaged and undamaged units, and structural damage is accurately detected. The effectiveness and robustness of the method are verified by a finite element model(FEM) of high-pile wharf under different damage conditions and different intensities of Gaussian white noise. The applicability of the method is then experimentally validated by a physical model of high-pile wharf. Both the FEM and the experimental results show that the method is capable of detecting pile foundation damage in noisy curvature mode and has strong application potential.展开更多
Negative skin friction (NSF) is one of the important problems when designing a pile foundation. However, the influence of loading sequence on the dragload and downdrag for pile foundation is seldom studied. In this pa...Negative skin friction (NSF) is one of the important problems when designing a pile foundation. However, the influence of loading sequence on the dragload and downdrag for pile foundation is seldom studied. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model was established using FLAC3D. Compared with the results of model test, the established model could be used to study the NSF of pile foundation. The influencing factors were discussed including the length-diameter ratio of pile and the loading sequence of pile head load and surcharge. A case history was analyzed using FLAC3D. The calculated results are in good agreement with the measured results. It is concluded that the dragload and downdrag are remarkably influenced by the loading sequence of pile head load and surcharge. The dragload and downdrag reach the maximum values under the condition of surcharge after pile head load.展开更多
Randomness and fuzziness are among the attributes of the influential factors for stability assessment of pile foundation. According to these two characteristics, the triangular fuzzy number analysis approach was intro...Randomness and fuzziness are among the attributes of the influential factors for stability assessment of pile foundation. According to these two characteristics, the triangular fuzzy number analysis approach was introduced to determine the probability-distributed function of mechanical parameters. Then the functional function of reliability analysis was constructed based on the study of bearing mechanism of pile foundation, and the way to calculate interval values of the functional function was developed by using improved interval-truncation approach and operation rules of interval numbers. Afterwards, the non-probabilistic fuzzy reliability analysis method was applied to assessing the pile foundation, from which a method was presented for non- probabilistic fuzzy reliability analysis of pile foundation stability by interval theory. Finally, the probability distribution curve of non- probabilistic fuzzy reliability indexes of practical pile foundation was concluded. Its failure possibility is 0.91%, which shows that the pile foundation is stable and reliable.展开更多
Two major earthquakes in Alaska, namely the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake and the 2002 Denali Earthquake, occurred in winter seasons when the ground crust was frozen. None of the then-existing foundation types was able...Two major earthquakes in Alaska, namely the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake and the 2002 Denali Earthquake, occurred in winter seasons when the ground crust was frozen. None of the then-existing foundation types was able to withstand the force from the lateral spreading of frozen crust. This paper presents results from the analysis of pile foundations in frozen ground overlying lique- fiable soil utilizing the Beam-on-Nonlinear-Winlder-Foundation (BNWF) (or p-y approach). P-multipliers were applied on tradi- tional sandy soil p-y curves to simulate soil strength degradation during liquefaction. Frozen soil p-y curves were constructed based on a model proposed in a recent study and the frozen soil mechanical properties obtained from testing of naturally frozen soils. Pile response results from the p-y approach were presented along with those from fluid-solid coupled Finite Element (FE) modeling for comparison purpose. Finally, the sensitivity of pile response to frozen soil parameters was investigated and a brief discussion is presented.展开更多
An efficient computational approach based on substructure methodology is proposed to analyze the viaduct-pile foundation-soil dynamic interaction under train loads.Thetrain-viaductsubsystemissolvedusingthe dynamic sti...An efficient computational approach based on substructure methodology is proposed to analyze the viaduct-pile foundation-soil dynamic interaction under train loads.Thetrain-viaductsubsystemissolvedusingthe dynamic stiffness integration method,and its accuracy is verified by the existing analytical solution for a moving vehicle on a simply supported beam.For the pile foundation-soil subsystem,the geometric and material properties of piles and soils are assumed to be invariable along the azimuth direction.By introducing the equivalent stiffness of grouped piles,the governing equations of pile foundation-soil interaction are simplified based on Fourier decomposition method,so the three-dimensional problem is decomposedintoseveraltwo-dimensionalaxisymmetricfinite element models.The pile foundation-soil interaction model is verified by field measurements due to shaker loading at pile foundation top.In addition,these two substructures are coupled with the displacement compatibility condition at interface of pier bottom and pile foundation top.Finally,the proposed train-viaduct-pile foundation-soil interaction model was validated by field tests.The results show that the proposed model can predict vibrations of pile foundation and soil accurately,thereby providing a basis for the prediction of pile-soil foundation settlement.The frequency spectra of the vibration in Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway demonstrated that the main frequencies of the pier top and ground surface are below 100 and 30 Hz,respectively.展开更多
The bearing capacity of pile foundations is affected by the temperature of the frozen soil around pile foundations.The construction process and the hydration heat of cast-in-place(CIP)pile foundations affect the therm...The bearing capacity of pile foundations is affected by the temperature of the frozen soil around pile foundations.The construction process and the hydration heat of cast-in-place(CIP)pile foundations affect the thermal stability of permafrost.In this paper,temperature data from inside multiple CIP piles,borehole observations of ground thermal status adjacent to the foundations and local weather stations were monitored in warm permafrost regions to study the thermal influence process of CIP pile foundations.The following conclusions are drawn from the field observation data.(1)The early temperature change process of different CIP piles is different,and the differences gradually diminish over time.(2)The initial concrete temperature is linearly related with the air temperature,net radiation and wind speed within 1 h before the completion of concrete pouring;the contributions of the air temperature,net radiation,and wind speed to the initial concrete temperature are 51.9%,20.3%and 27.9%,respectively.(3)The outer boundary of the thermal disturbance annulus is approximately 2 m away from the pile center.It took more than 224 days for the soil around the CIP piles to return to the natural permafrost temperature at the study site.展开更多
基金The Ministry of Education,Government of India,for the financial assistance provided during the research work。
文摘Pile foundations are still the preferred foundation system for high-rise structures in earthquake-prone regions.Pile foundations have experienced failures in past earthquakes due to liquefaction.Research on pile foundations in liquefiable soils has primarily focused on the pile foundation behavior in two or three-layered soil profiles.However,in natural occurrence,it may occur in alternative layers of liquefiable and non-liquefiable soil.However,the experimental and/or numerical studies on the layered effect on pile foundations have not been widely addressed in the literature.Most of the design codes across the world do not explicitly mention the effect of sandwiched non-liquefiable soil layers on the pile response.In the present study,the behavior of an end-bearing pile in layered liquefiable and non-liquefiable soil deposit is studied numerically.This study found that the kinematic bending moment is higher and governs the design when the effect of the sandwiched non-liquefied layer is considered in the analysis as opposed to when its effect is ignored.Therefore,ignoring the effect of the sandwiched non-liquefied layer in a liquefiable soil deposit might be a nonconservative design approach.
文摘Urban infrastructure has become more complex with the rapid development of urban transportation networks.In urban environments with limited space,construction of facilities like subways and bridges may mutually influence each other,especially when subway construction requires passing under bridges.In such cases,pile foundation replacement technology is often necessary.However,this technology is highly specialized,with a lengthy and risky construction period,and high costs.Personnel must be proficient in key technical aspects to ensure construction quality.This article discusses the technical principle,construction process,and core technology of pile foundation replacement,along with the application of this technology in subway tunnel crossing bridge projects,supported by engineering examples for reference.
基金Projects(2009G008-B,2010G018-E-3) supported by Key Projects of China Railway Ministry Science and Technology Research and Development ProgramProject(CX2013B076) supported by Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation For Postgraduate,China
文摘Based on reasonable assumptions that simplified the calculational model,a simple and practical method was proposed to calculate the post-construction settlement of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation by using the Mesri creep model to describe the soil characteristics and the Mindlin-Geddes method considering pile diameter to calculate the vertical additional stress of pile bottom.A program named CPPS was designed for this method to calculate the post-construction settlement of a high-speed railway bridge pile foundation.The result indicates that the post-construction settlement in 100 years meets the requirements of the engineering specifications,and in the first two decades,the post-construction settlement is about 80% of its total settlement,while the settlement in the rest eighty years tends to be stable.Compared with the measured settlement after laying railway tracks,the calculational result is closed to that of the measured,and the results are conservative with a high computational accuracy.It is noted that the method can be used to calculate the post-construction settlement for the preliminary design of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation.
文摘Although the load applied to pile foundations is usually a combination of vertical and lateral components,there have been few investigations on the behavior of piles subjected to combined loadings.Those few studies led to inconsistent results with regard to the effects of vertical loads on the lateral response of piles.A series of three-dimensional(3D) finite differences analyses is conducted to evaluate the influence of vertical loads on the lateral performance of pile foundations.Three idealized sandy and clayey soil profiles are considered:a homogeneous soil layer,a layer with modulus proportional to depth,and two-layered strata.The pile material is modeled as linearly elastic,while the soil is idealized using the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model with a non-associated flow rule.In order to confirm the findings of this study,soils in some cases are further modeled using more sophisticated models(i.e.CYsoil model for sandy soils and modified Cam-Clay(MCC) model for clayey soils).Numerical results showed that the lateral resistance of the piles does not appear to vary considerably with the vertical load in sandy soil especially at the loosest state.However,the presence of a vertical load on a pile embedded in homogeneous or inhomogeneous clay is detrimental to its lateral capacity,and it is unconservative to design piles in clays assuming that there is no interaction between vertical and lateral loads.Moreover,the current results indicate that the effect of vertical loads on the lateral response of piles embedded in twolayered strata depends on the characteristics of soil not only surrounding the piles but also located beneath their tips.
基金Project(50578060) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘Based on the characteristic that the potential sliding surfaces of rock slope are commonly in the shape of either line or fold line,analysis thought of conventional pile foundation in the flat ground under complex load condition was applied and the upper-bound theorem of limit analysis was used to compute thrust of rock layers with all possible distribution shapes. The interaction of slope and pile was considered design load in terms of slope thrust,and the finite difference method was derived to calculate inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation in rock slope under complex load condition. The result of example shows that the distribution model of slope thrust has certain impact on displacement and inner-force of bridge pile foundation. The maximum displacement growth rate reaches 54% and the maximum moment and shear growth rates reach only 15% and 20%,respectively,but the trends of inner-force and displacement of bridge pile foundation are basically the same as those of the conventional pile foundation in the flat ground. When the piles bear the same level lateral thrust,the distribution shapes of slope thrust have different influence on inner-force of pile foundation,especially the rectangle distribution,and the triangle thrust has the smallest displacement and inner-force of pile foundation.
基金Project(52078060)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2020JJ4606)supported by the National Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China+1 种基金Project(18A127)supported by the Key Foundation of Education Department of Hunan Province,ChinaProject(2018IC19)supported by the International Cooperation and Development Project of Double-First-Class Scientific Research in Changsha University of Science&Technology,China。
文摘At present,shield tunneling often needs to pass through a large number of bridge pile foundations.However,there are few studies on the influence of shield tunneling on adjacent pile foundations by combining with groundwater seepage.Based on Winkler model,the calculation equations of shield tunneling on vertical and horizontal displacement of adjacent bridge pile are derived.Meanwhile,full and part three-dimensional finite element models are established to analyze the trend of bridge pier settlement,ground surface settlement trough,vertical and horizontal displacement of the pile and pile stress under three calculation conditions,i.e.,not considering groundwater effect,considering stable groundwater effect and fluid-soil interaction.The results show that the calculated value is small when the effect of groundwater is not considered;the seepage velocity of the soil above the excavation face is faster than that of the surrounding soil under fluid-soil interaction,and after the shield passing,the groundwater on both sides shows a flow trend of“U”shape on the ground surface supplying to the upper part of the tunnel;the vertical displacement of the pile body is bounded by the horizontal position of the top of the tunnel,the upper pile body settles,and the lower pile body deforms upward.The horizontal displacement of pile body presents a continuous“S”shape distribution,causing stress concentration near the tunnel.The calculated results of fluid-soil interaction are in good agreement with the field measured data and accord with the actual situation.
基金National Science Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars of China under Grant No.51722801National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.51808006 and 52078016。
文摘Case history investigations have shown that pile foundations are more critically damaged in liquefiable soils than non-liquefiable soils.This study examines the differences in seismic response of pile foundations in liquefiable and non-liquefiable soils and their sensitivity to numerical model parameters.A two-dimensional finite element(FE)model is developed to simulate the experiment of a single pile foundation centrifuge in liquefiable soil subjected to earthquake motions and is validated against real-world test results.The differences in soil-pile seismic response of liquefiable and non-liquefiable soils are explored.Specifically,the first-order second-moment method(FOSM)is used for sensitivity analysis of the seismic response.The results show significant differences in seismic response for a soil-pile system between liquefiable and non-liquefiable soil.The seismic responses are found to be significantly larger in liquefiable soil than in non-liquefiable soil.Moreover,the pile bending moment was mainly affected by the kinematic effect in liquefiable soil,while the inertial effect was more significant in non-liquefiable soil.The controlling parameters of seismic response were PGA,soil density,and friction angle in liquefiable soil,while the pile bending moment was mainly controlled by PGA,the friction angle of soil,and shear modulus of loose sand in non-liquefiable soil.
文摘A three-dimensional finite element simulation was carried out to investigate the effects of tunnel construction on nearby pile foundation.The displacement controlled model (DCM) was used to simulate the tunneling-induced volume loss effects.The numerical model was verified based on the results of a centrifuge test and a set of parametric studies was implemented based on this model.There is good agreement between the trend of the results of the centrifuge test and the present model.The results of parametric studies show that the tunnelling-induced pile internal force and deformation depend mainly on the pile?tunnel distance,the pile length to tunnel depth ratio and the volume loss.Two different zones are separated by a 45° line projected from the tunnel springline.Within the zone of influence,the pile is subjected to tensile force and large settlement;whereas outside the zone of influence,dragload and small settlement are induced.It is also established that the impact of tunnelling on a pile group is substantially smaller as compared with a single pile in the same location with the rear pile in a group,demonstrating a positive pile group effect.
文摘Geotechnical engineering deals with materials(e.g. soil and rock) that, by their very nature, exhibit varied and uncertain behavior due to the imprecise physical processes associated with the formation of these materials. Modeling the behavior of such materials in geotechnical engineering applications is complex and sometimes beyond the ability of most traditional forms of physically-based engineering methods. Artificial intelligence(AI) is becoming more popular and particularly amenable to modeling the complex behavior of most geotechnical engineering applications because it has demonstrated superior predictive ability compared to traditional methods. This paper provides state-of-the-art review of some selected AI techniques and their applications in pile foundations, and presents the salient features associated with the modeling development of these AI techniques. The paper also discusses the strength and limitations of the selected AI techniques compared to other available modeling approaches.
基金Project(2012QNZT050)supported by the Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research of Central Colleges,ChinaProjects(51208518,U1361204,51208519,51108464)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China+1 种基金Project supported by the Postdoctoral Foundation of Central South University,ChinaProjects(2013RS4030,2012RS4002)sponsored by Hunan Postdoctoral Scientific Program,China
文摘The process and characteristics of loading on high-speed railway bridge pile foundation were firstly obtained by means of field research and analysis,and the corresponding loading function was presented.One-dimensional consolidation equation of elastic multilayered soils was then established with single drainage or double drainages under multilevel loading.Moreover,the formulas for calculating effective stress and settlement were derived from the Laplace numerical inversion transform.The three-dimensional composite analysis method of bridge pile group was improved,where the actual load conditions of pile foundation could be simulated,and the consolidation characteristics of soil layers beneath pile were also taken into account.Eventually,a corresponding program named LTPGS was developed to improve the calculation efficiency.The comparison between long-term settlement obtained from the proposed method and the in-situ measurements of pile foundation was illustrated,and a close agreement is obtained.The error between computed and measured results is less than 1 mm,and it gradually reduces with time.It is shown that the proposed method can effectively simulate the long-term settlement of pile foundation and program LTPGS can provide a reliable estimation.
基金Project(51109208)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2013M531688)supported by the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China+1 种基金Project(Z012009)supported by the Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering(Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)Project(CKSF2012054)supported by the Foundation of Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute,China
文摘The pile-soil system interaction computational model in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground was established by the finite difference numerical method.Considering an elastic-plastic subgrade reaction method,numerical methods involving finite difference approach of pile in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground were derived and implemented into a finite difference program.Based on the monotonic loading tests on saturated sand after liquefaction,the liquefaction lateral deformation of the site where group piles are located was predicted.The effects of lateral ground deformation after liquefaction on a group of pile foundations were studied using the fmite difference program mentioned above,and the failure mechanism of group piles in liquefaction-induced lateral spreading ground was obtained.The applicability of the program was preliminarily verified.The results show that the bending moments at the interfaces between liquefied and non-liquefied soil layers are larger than those at the pile's top when the pile's top is embedded.The value of the additional static bending moment is larger than the peak dynamic bending moment during the earthquake,so in the pile foundation design,more than the superstructure's dynamics should be considered and the effect of lateral ground deformation on pile foundations cannot be neglected.
基金Supported by:National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.52008092,U1934205,51908123the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant No.2021M690034+1 种基金the International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program of Chinathe Zhishan Postdoctoral Fellowship Program。
文摘Bridges designed following a conventional approach minimize the risk of collapse,but often require challenging,costly,and time-consuming restoration after an earthquake occurs.The new seismic design philosophy requires bridges to maintain functionality even after severe earthquakes.In this context,this paper proposes a controlled rocking pile foundation(CRPF)system and numerically evaluates bridges′degree of seismic resilience.The CRPF system allows a pile cap to rock on a pile foundation and dissipate seismic energy through inelastic deformations of replaceable bar fuses that connect a pile cap and piles.Following the conceptual design of the CRPF system,two analytical models were developed for a bridge pier utilizing the CRPF system and a pier designed to develop a plastic hinge in its column.The analytical results indicate that,after experiencing a severe earthquake,a conventionally designed bridge pier sustained substantial damage in its column and exhibited significant residual displacement.In contrast,a pier using the CRPF system showed negligible residual displacement and maintained elastic behavior except,as expected,for bar fuses.The damaged fuses can be rapidly replaced to recover bridge seismic resistance following an earthquake.Therefore,the CRPF system helps to achieve the desired postearthquake performance objectives.
文摘Liquefaction has b e e n a m ain cause o f dam ag e to civil en g in eerin g stru ctu res in seism ically active areas.The effects o f dam ag e o f liquefaction o n d eep foundations are v ery d estructive. Seism ic beh av io r o f pilefoundations is w idely discussed by m any researchers for safer an d m ore econom ic design purposes. Thisp a p e r p resen ts a p se u d o -static m eth o d for analysis o f piles in liquefiable soil u n d e r seism ic loads. A freefieldsite resp o n se analysis using th ree-d im en sio n al (3D) num erical m odeling w as p erfo rm ed to d e te rmine kin em atic loads from lateral g ro u n d disp lacem en ts an d inertial loads from vib ratio n o f th e supe rstru ctu re . The effects o f various p aram eters, such as soil layering, k in em atic and inertial forces,b o u n d ary con d itio n o f pile h ead an d gro u n d slope, o n pile resp o n se w e re studied. By com paring th enum erical results w ith th e centrifuge te s t results, it can be concluded th a t th e use o f th e p-y curves w ithvarious d eg rad atio n factors in liquefiable sand gives reasonable results.
基金Project(51878103)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2016YFE0200100)supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China。
文摘To reveal the bearing capacity of the X-section concrete piles pile raft foundation in silica sand,a series of vertical load tests are carried out.The X-section concrete piles are compared with circular section pile with the same section area.The load−settlement curves,axial force and skin friction,strain on concave and convex edge of the pile,pile-sand stress ratio,distributions of side and tip resistance are presented.The results show that bearing capacity of the X section concrete pile raft foundation is much larger than that of the circular pile raft foundation.Besides,compared with the circular pile,the peak axial force of X-section piles under raft is deeper and smaller while the neutral point of X-section concrete pile is deeper.Moreover,the strain on the concave edge is much larger than that on the convex edge of the pile,and the convex edge has more potential in bearing capacity as the vertical load increases.The X-section pile has higher pile-sand stress ratios and load-sharing between side resistance and tip resistance.Above all,the X-section concrete pile can significantly increase the bearing capacity of pile-raft foundations in silica sand.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51709093 and 51679081)Fujian Provincial Department of Transportation Science and Technology Development Project (Grant No. 201708)Hohai University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Project (Grant No. 201910294014Z)。
文摘As the top of the pile foundation in high-pile wharf is connected to the superstructure and most of the pile bodies are located below the water surface, traditional damage detection methods are greatly limited in their application to pile foundation in service. In the present study, a new method for pile foundation damage detection is developed based on the curve shape of the curvature mode difference(CMD) before and after damage. In the method, the influence at each node on the overall CMD curve shape is analyzed through a data deletion model, statistical characteristic indexes are established to reflect the difference between damaged and undamaged units, and structural damage is accurately detected. The effectiveness and robustness of the method are verified by a finite element model(FEM) of high-pile wharf under different damage conditions and different intensities of Gaussian white noise. The applicability of the method is then experimentally validated by a physical model of high-pile wharf. Both the FEM and the experimental results show that the method is capable of detecting pile foundation damage in noisy curvature mode and has strong application potential.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50679015)China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.20090461062)
文摘Negative skin friction (NSF) is one of the important problems when designing a pile foundation. However, the influence of loading sequence on the dragload and downdrag for pile foundation is seldom studied. In this paper, a three-dimensional numerical model was established using FLAC3D. Compared with the results of model test, the established model could be used to study the NSF of pile foundation. The influencing factors were discussed including the length-diameter ratio of pile and the loading sequence of pile head load and surcharge. A case history was analyzed using FLAC3D. The calculated results are in good agreement with the measured results. It is concluded that the dragload and downdrag are remarkably influenced by the loading sequence of pile head load and surcharge. The dragload and downdrag reach the maximum values under the condition of surcharge after pile head load.
基金Project(50378036) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(03JJY5024) supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China
文摘Randomness and fuzziness are among the attributes of the influential factors for stability assessment of pile foundation. According to these two characteristics, the triangular fuzzy number analysis approach was introduced to determine the probability-distributed function of mechanical parameters. Then the functional function of reliability analysis was constructed based on the study of bearing mechanism of pile foundation, and the way to calculate interval values of the functional function was developed by using improved interval-truncation approach and operation rules of interval numbers. Afterwards, the non-probabilistic fuzzy reliability analysis method was applied to assessing the pile foundation, from which a method was presented for non- probabilistic fuzzy reliability analysis of pile foundation stability by interval theory. Finally, the probability distribution curve of non- probabilistic fuzzy reliability indexes of practical pile foundation was concluded. Its failure possibility is 0.91%, which shows that the pile foundation is stable and reliable.
基金funding from Alaska University Transportation Center (AUTC)the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) under projects AUTC Projects #309011 and #510021
文摘Two major earthquakes in Alaska, namely the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake and the 2002 Denali Earthquake, occurred in winter seasons when the ground crust was frozen. None of the then-existing foundation types was able to withstand the force from the lateral spreading of frozen crust. This paper presents results from the analysis of pile foundations in frozen ground overlying lique- fiable soil utilizing the Beam-on-Nonlinear-Winlder-Foundation (BNWF) (or p-y approach). P-multipliers were applied on tradi- tional sandy soil p-y curves to simulate soil strength degradation during liquefaction. Frozen soil p-y curves were constructed based on a model proposed in a recent study and the frozen soil mechanical properties obtained from testing of naturally frozen soils. Pile response results from the p-y approach were presented along with those from fluid-solid coupled Finite Element (FE) modeling for comparison purpose. Finally, the sensitivity of pile response to frozen soil parameters was investigated and a brief discussion is presented.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.52125803,51988101 and 52008369)。
文摘An efficient computational approach based on substructure methodology is proposed to analyze the viaduct-pile foundation-soil dynamic interaction under train loads.Thetrain-viaductsubsystemissolvedusingthe dynamic stiffness integration method,and its accuracy is verified by the existing analytical solution for a moving vehicle on a simply supported beam.For the pile foundation-soil subsystem,the geometric and material properties of piles and soils are assumed to be invariable along the azimuth direction.By introducing the equivalent stiffness of grouped piles,the governing equations of pile foundation-soil interaction are simplified based on Fourier decomposition method,so the three-dimensional problem is decomposedintoseveraltwo-dimensionalaxisymmetricfinite element models.The pile foundation-soil interaction model is verified by field measurements due to shaker loading at pile foundation top.In addition,these two substructures are coupled with the displacement compatibility condition at interface of pier bottom and pile foundation top.Finally,the proposed train-viaduct-pile foundation-soil interaction model was validated by field tests.The results show that the proposed model can predict vibrations of pile foundation and soil accurately,thereby providing a basis for the prediction of pile-soil foundation settlement.The frequency spectra of the vibration in Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway demonstrated that the main frequencies of the pier top and ground surface are below 100 and 30 Hz,respectively.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No.41101065)the State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering Funds (SKLFSE-ZT-34,SKLFSE-ZQ-202103).
文摘The bearing capacity of pile foundations is affected by the temperature of the frozen soil around pile foundations.The construction process and the hydration heat of cast-in-place(CIP)pile foundations affect the thermal stability of permafrost.In this paper,temperature data from inside multiple CIP piles,borehole observations of ground thermal status adjacent to the foundations and local weather stations were monitored in warm permafrost regions to study the thermal influence process of CIP pile foundations.The following conclusions are drawn from the field observation data.(1)The early temperature change process of different CIP piles is different,and the differences gradually diminish over time.(2)The initial concrete temperature is linearly related with the air temperature,net radiation and wind speed within 1 h before the completion of concrete pouring;the contributions of the air temperature,net radiation,and wind speed to the initial concrete temperature are 51.9%,20.3%and 27.9%,respectively.(3)The outer boundary of the thermal disturbance annulus is approximately 2 m away from the pile center.It took more than 224 days for the soil around the CIP piles to return to the natural permafrost temperature at the study site.