[Objective] This study was conducted to evaluate the associations of many characters of male sterile lines in Brassica napus L.[Method]10 recessive genetic male sterile(RGMS)lines were used as parents to cross in a ...[Objective] This study was conducted to evaluate the associations of many characters of male sterile lines in Brassica napus L.[Method]10 recessive genetic male sterile(RGMS)lines were used as parents to cross in a half diallel cross method to produce 45 single cross hybrids.These 45 crosses and their 10 parents were evaluated at Guiyang during 2007-2008.[Result]The positive correlations of seed yield with plant height,pods per plant,days to flowering and days to maturity were significant.Their respective correlation coefficients(r)were 0.644,0.583,0.281 and 0.341.Highly significant and negative correlation was observed between seeds per pod and seed size(-0.533).Direct path coefficients were observed for pods per plant(0.556 2),seeds per pod(0.407 4),1 000-seed weight(0.481 3),and plant height(0.401 7)to seed yield.[Conclusion]Pods per plant,seeds per pod,1 000-seed weight and plant height were positive correlated with seed yield and showed high direct contributions to yield.Other characters including branches per plant,days to flowering,days to maturity and oil content had low contributions to seed yield.展开更多
Thanks to Heavens bestow me natural gift and literary talent, so that I not only like English and Chinese poems, but also can write poems in English and Chinese. After my 2nd book English Letters and Essays published ...Thanks to Heavens bestow me natural gift and literary talent, so that I not only like English and Chinese poems, but also can write poems in English and Chinese. After my 2nd book English Letters and Essays published by Sichuan University Press in March 2016, I began to write my 3rd book Voices of Heaven and Rhymes of God-My English and Chinese poetry written from the Bible in Rhyme and Rhythm. Imitating the most famous British, American and Italian poets, I have written more than one thousand English and Chinese bilingual poems from free poems, prose, addresses and narratives in the nine copies of the Bible in fourteen kinds of English metrical stanzas of poems, such as couplet, tercet, quatrain, cinquain, sixain, septet, octive, Spenserian stanza, ten-line stanza, sonnet, crown sonnet and long-stanzas (12, 13, 18) in rhyme and rhythm, in iambic pentameter and iambic tetrameter. And my Chinese poems in the version are in five, six, seven, eight and nine Chinese characters. We know the story in the Spring and Autumn Dynasty, Bian He’s Jade is the Jade of jades, the Treasure of treasures, and it is worth fifteen towns together. And I think my treasury Voices of Heaven and Rhymes of God is the Gem of jades and treasures, cause it brings us proverbs, wisdom, courage, confidence, strength, lifestyle etc. from the Bible, it really brings us heavenly grace, gift and wisdom. Voices of Heaven and Rhymes of God will be submitted out respectfully to common people;its soul is praising the Heavens sincerely, and hearing a universal singing.展开更多
The male sterile line is very important in the hybrid breeding program of rapeseed. This study was conducted to evaluate the combining ability of many characters of male sterile lines in Brassica napus L. Ten recessiv...The male sterile line is very important in the hybrid breeding program of rapeseed. This study was conducted to evaluate the combining ability of many characters of male sterile lines in Brassica napus L. Ten recessive genetic male sterile (RGMS) lines were used as parents to produce 45 single cross hybrids by using a half diallel cross method. These 45 crosses and their 10 parents were evaluated at Guiyang during 2007-2008. The results showed that both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combiing ability (SCA) effects were important for all characters, but additive gene effects were more predominant than non-additive gene effects. Qianyou 8AB and You 2894AB gave respective highly significant GCA effects of 230.94 and 127.65 kg-hm-2 for seed yield. Lines You 2894AB, QH303-4AB, You 157AB and You 2341AB gave highly significant GCA effects for oil content of 0.99, 1.62, 1.20 and 1.53%, respectively. The crosses among lines Qianyou 3AxQianyou 8B, Qianyou 8AxYou 2894B, You 2894AxQianyou 6B, Qianyou 8AxQH303-4B and Qianyou 8Ax Qianyou 6B gave high SCA effects of 616.29, 398.71,356.48, 394.24 and 303.79 kg hm-2 for seed yield, respectively. All these crosses also gave high seed yield indicating that these crosses could be used in the breeding program.展开更多
' Ji2055A' is a superior sterile line sorghum bred by Institute of Crop Resources, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It has a growing season of 112 days and a plant height of 70 cm. With a stable sterility rat...' Ji2055A' is a superior sterile line sorghum bred by Institute of Crop Resources, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It has a growing season of 112 days and a plant height of 70 cm. With a stable sterility rate of 100%, ' Ji2055A' has a stable male sterility and highly viable stignms. Selfing won't lead to seeds, This sterile line is strongly resistant to drought and lodging in addition to resistance to leaf spot and head smut. Generally, it has a yield of 3 000 -4 000 kg/hm2 and the hybrid seed yield is between 4 000 - 5 000 kg/hm2, with a high combining ability. There are six varieties approved by the state and the province, as well as another eight new combines under regional testing. The obtained hybrids are strongly resistant, widely adaptable with a great potential to increase yield, ' Ji2055A' has promoted the breeding and production of spring early maturing sorghum in China.展开更多
In the city of La Plata (Argentina) and the surroundings, there are tomato landraces, widely known as "tomate platense" and particularly prized because of their flavor. The objective was to evaluate seven promisso...In the city of La Plata (Argentina) and the surroundings, there are tomato landraces, widely known as "tomate platense" and particularly prized because of their flavor. The objective was to evaluate seven promissory lines of "tomate platense" (TL) derived from local varieties and a commercial hybrid (CH) considering yield, fruit characters and their possible associations. Nine plants per treatment were arranged in a randomized complete block design (r = 4). The following parameters were determined: diameter (cm), height (cm), diameter/height (D/H) ratio, weight per fruit (g), number of locules, the average number of fruits per plant, the average weight of fruits per plant (kg/ptant), the yield (ton/ha) and the survival percentage. ANOVA, Tukey's test and Pearson correlation coefficient were applied. The TL showed greater (P ≤ 0.01) diameter, D/H ratio and number of locules than CH. In all materials, both diameter and height were associated (P ≤ 0.05) with the weight per fruit. Six of TL had greater (P ≤ 0.01) weight per fruit than HC. Respect to number of fruits per plant, weight of fruits per plant and yield, there were no significant differences among the materials. The survival for CH was lower (P ≤0.05) than that for TL. Although fruits with a smaller size and less flattened have been selected, the lines show enough similarity in these characters that identified their common origin. With the fruits smaller and more uniform, and having no joined fruits, these lines may be of interest to be cultivated under low-input system conditions and practical for low-income producers.展开更多
In this study,it is aimed to develop an encryption algorithm by finding a third point based on the line equation and the two points taken on it.In the literature review,a method was found to find the third point based...In this study,it is aimed to develop an encryption algorithm by finding a third point based on the line equation and the two points taken on it.In the literature review,a method was found to find the third point based on the two points given on the elliptic curves y2=x3+a·x+b,where a and b are real numbers.However,it has not been found adapted to the correct equation.In this study,it is proved that this method,which is primarily used in elliptic curves,is provided in line equations that intersect both axes.Then,using this method,an encryption algorithm has been made by connecting the points where the axes are cut to ASCII Character Codes and finding the third point.Thanks to the algorithm,an encryption consisting of two numbers was made for these binary characters by taking binary characters for each character of a secret text.This algorithm has some differences from other algorithms.The first of these is that normal encryption algorithms generate a separate password for each character,while a password is created for two characters in the algorithm.The second difference is that a character can be encoded in infinitely different ways due to the formation of the algorithm.When the software of this algorithm is made,it can be used in every field where Elliptic Curve Algorithm is used.In addition,instead of finding only a third point in encryption with the correct equation,studies can be done to create different algorithms by finding a different number of third points.展开更多
A new rapeseed TGMS line 402S has been bred through six years with seven generations by hybridization and systematic breeding.402S possesses the similar thermo-sensitive male sterility to its female parent Xiangyou 91...A new rapeseed TGMS line 402S has been bred through six years with seven generations by hybridization and systematic breeding.402S possesses the similar thermo-sensitive male sterility to its female parent Xiangyou 91S which performed fertile,partially sterile and sterile throughout the flowering stage,and resembles its male parent Zhongshuang 4 on agronomic traits.And 402S has the double-low (low erutic acid and low glucosinolate) quality like its original parents.展开更多
To understand the responses of flag leaf shape in rice to elevated CO2 environment and their genetic characteristics, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for flag leaf shape in rice were mapped onto the molecular marker ...To understand the responses of flag leaf shape in rice to elevated CO2 environment and their genetic characteristics, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for flag leaf shape in rice were mapped onto the molecular marker linkage map of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from a cross between a japonica variety Asominori and an indica variety IR24 under free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE, 200 μmol/mol above current levels) and current CO2 concentration (Ambient, about 370 μmol/mol). Three flag-leaf traits, flag-leaf length (LL), width (LW) and the ratio of LL to LW (RLW), were estimated for each CSSL and their parental varieties. The differences in LL, LW and RLW between parents and in LL and LW within IR24 between FACE and Ambient were significant at 1% level. The continuous distributions and transgressive segregations of LL, LW and RLW were also observed in CSSL population, showing that the three traits were quantitatively inherited under both FACE and Ambient. A total of 16 QTLs for the three traits were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 11 with LOD (Log10-1ikelihood ratio) scores ranging from 3.0 to 6.7. Among them, four QTLs (qLL-6*, qLL-8* qLW-4* and qRLW-6*) were commonly detected under both FACE and Ambient. Therefore, based on the different responses to elevated CO2 in comparison with current CO2 level, it can be suggested that the expressions of several QTLs associated with flag-leaf shape in rice could be induced by the high CO2 level.展开更多
Several languages use the Arabic alphabets and Arabic scripts present challenges because the letter shape is context sensitive. For the past three decades, there has been a mounting interest among researchers in this ...Several languages use the Arabic alphabets and Arabic scripts present challenges because the letter shape is context sensitive. For the past three decades, there has been a mounting interest among researchers in this problem. In this paper we present an Arabic Character Recognition system and review the theory behind the Arabic recognition system, the characteristics of Arabic writing, the sequence steps of recognizing Arabic text. These steps are separately discussed, and previous research work on each step is reviewed. Also in this paper we give some samples of Arabic fonts.展开更多
OBJECTIVE: To recognize the significances of the classification, evaluation, treatment, pathogenesis, etiological factors and related loci of hemispatial neglect (HSN) in the treatment and prognosis of stroke patie...OBJECTIVE: To recognize the significances of the classification, evaluation, treatment, pathogenesis, etiological factors and related loci of hemispatial neglect (HSN) in the treatment and prognosis of stroke patients. DATA SOURCES: Articles related to HSN in stroke published in English from January 1985 to December 2002 were searched in Medline database by using the keywords of "stroke, hemispatial neglect (HSN), rehabilitation". Chinese relevant professional works and articles were also referred to. STUDY SELECTION: The data were primarily checked. Inclusive criteria: ① articles about the HSN symptoms in stroke; ② articles about the classification, evaluation, treatment, pathogenesis, etiological factors and related loci of HSN, as well as the treatment and prognosis of stroke. The repetitive studies or reviews were excluded. DATA EXTRACTION : Totally 474 articles related to HSN in stroke were collected, 43 of them were involved and 431 repetitive studies or reviews were excluded. DATA SYNTHESES: HSN can be classified as sensory neglect and motor neglect. Because HSN is caused by the injury of network structure which mediated directed attention, it is generally believed that the inferior parietal Iobule of dominant hemisphere is the most closely correlated with neglect. The main theories related to the pathogenesis of HSN at present include "internal instruction", "directed bradykinesia", "sensory attention", etc. The main clinical manifestations are setover in drawing lines, picture drawing towards one side, imitation towards one side, picture description towards one side, etc., which can be evaluated by the line bisection test, target cancellation test, picture drawing test and pegboard test. The most important thing for the treatment is to make the patients continuously concentrate on the neglected side. CONCLUSION: HSN is an indicator for the bad outcome of cerebrovascular disease, the symptoms take longer time to rehabilitate with slow recovery, but quite a few HSN patients will get good prognosis if timely treatment and proper program are given.展开更多
Manuscript preprocessing is the earliest stage in transliteration process of manuscripts in Javanese scripts. Manuscript preprocessing stage is aimed to produce images of letters which form the manuscripts to be proce...Manuscript preprocessing is the earliest stage in transliteration process of manuscripts in Javanese scripts. Manuscript preprocessing stage is aimed to produce images of letters which form the manuscripts to be processed further in manuscript transliteration system. There are four main steps in manuscript preprocessing, which are manuscript binarization, noise reduction, line segmentation, and character segmentation for every line image produced by line segmentation. The result of the test on parts of PB.A57 manuscript which contains 291 character images, with 95% level of confidence concluded that the success percentage of preprocessing in producing Javanese character images ranged 85.9% - 94.82%.展开更多
When reading apoem the first thing we come across is the forms of poetrywith different versification.Let’s make them as our starting point.One of the fundamental differences between verse and prose lies in meterand r...When reading apoem the first thing we come across is the forms of poetrywith different versification.Let’s make them as our starting point.One of the fundamental differences between verse and prose lies in meterand rhyme.We can’t appreciate any poems without a knowledgeof its rhyme-scheme.Therefore,we need some elementary knowledge of versification.It is the metrical feet that make up a verse and verses are grouped intostanzas;so the fundamental structural unit of a poem is the verse or the line;展开更多
The stroke segments:' are proposed to be used as the basic features for handwritten Chinese character recognition. In this way, it is possible to overcome the difFiculties of unstable stroke information caused by ...The stroke segments:' are proposed to be used as the basic features for handwritten Chinese character recognition. In this way, it is possible to overcome the difFiculties of unstable stroke information caused by stroke Joinings. The techniques of data pre-processing and stroke segment extraction have been described. In extracting stroke segment, not only the characteristics of the stroke itself, but also its absolute positions as well as relative positions with other strokes in the character have been taken into account.The primitive features for recognition were extracted under these comprehensive considerations.展开更多
基金Supportd by the 11th Five Year Plan of Rapeseed Program in Guizhou Province,Scientific Contract of Guizhou N2(20053006-02-03)~~
文摘[Objective] This study was conducted to evaluate the associations of many characters of male sterile lines in Brassica napus L.[Method]10 recessive genetic male sterile(RGMS)lines were used as parents to cross in a half diallel cross method to produce 45 single cross hybrids.These 45 crosses and their 10 parents were evaluated at Guiyang during 2007-2008.[Result]The positive correlations of seed yield with plant height,pods per plant,days to flowering and days to maturity were significant.Their respective correlation coefficients(r)were 0.644,0.583,0.281 and 0.341.Highly significant and negative correlation was observed between seeds per pod and seed size(-0.533).Direct path coefficients were observed for pods per plant(0.556 2),seeds per pod(0.407 4),1 000-seed weight(0.481 3),and plant height(0.401 7)to seed yield.[Conclusion]Pods per plant,seeds per pod,1 000-seed weight and plant height were positive correlated with seed yield and showed high direct contributions to yield.Other characters including branches per plant,days to flowering,days to maturity and oil content had low contributions to seed yield.
文摘Thanks to Heavens bestow me natural gift and literary talent, so that I not only like English and Chinese poems, but also can write poems in English and Chinese. After my 2nd book English Letters and Essays published by Sichuan University Press in March 2016, I began to write my 3rd book Voices of Heaven and Rhymes of God-My English and Chinese poetry written from the Bible in Rhyme and Rhythm. Imitating the most famous British, American and Italian poets, I have written more than one thousand English and Chinese bilingual poems from free poems, prose, addresses and narratives in the nine copies of the Bible in fourteen kinds of English metrical stanzas of poems, such as couplet, tercet, quatrain, cinquain, sixain, septet, octive, Spenserian stanza, ten-line stanza, sonnet, crown sonnet and long-stanzas (12, 13, 18) in rhyme and rhythm, in iambic pentameter and iambic tetrameter. And my Chinese poems in the version are in five, six, seven, eight and nine Chinese characters. We know the story in the Spring and Autumn Dynasty, Bian He’s Jade is the Jade of jades, the Treasure of treasures, and it is worth fifteen towns together. And I think my treasury Voices of Heaven and Rhymes of God is the Gem of jades and treasures, cause it brings us proverbs, wisdom, courage, confidence, strength, lifestyle etc. from the Bible, it really brings us heavenly grace, gift and wisdom. Voices of Heaven and Rhymes of God will be submitted out respectfully to common people;its soul is praising the Heavens sincerely, and hearing a universal singing.
基金Supportd by the 11th Five-year Plan of Rapeseed Program in Guizhou Province [N2 No. (2005) 3006-02-03]
文摘The male sterile line is very important in the hybrid breeding program of rapeseed. This study was conducted to evaluate the combining ability of many characters of male sterile lines in Brassica napus L. Ten recessive genetic male sterile (RGMS) lines were used as parents to produce 45 single cross hybrids by using a half diallel cross method. These 45 crosses and their 10 parents were evaluated at Guiyang during 2007-2008. The results showed that both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combiing ability (SCA) effects were important for all characters, but additive gene effects were more predominant than non-additive gene effects. Qianyou 8AB and You 2894AB gave respective highly significant GCA effects of 230.94 and 127.65 kg-hm-2 for seed yield. Lines You 2894AB, QH303-4AB, You 157AB and You 2341AB gave highly significant GCA effects for oil content of 0.99, 1.62, 1.20 and 1.53%, respectively. The crosses among lines Qianyou 3AxQianyou 8B, Qianyou 8AxYou 2894B, You 2894AxQianyou 6B, Qianyou 8AxQH303-4B and Qianyou 8Ax Qianyou 6B gave high SCA effects of 616.29, 398.71,356.48, 394.24 and 303.79 kg hm-2 for seed yield, respectively. All these crosses also gave high seed yield indicating that these crosses could be used in the breeding program.
基金Supported by Special Fund for the Industrial Technology System Construction of Modern Agriculture(CARS-06-01-03)
文摘' Ji2055A' is a superior sterile line sorghum bred by Institute of Crop Resources, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It has a growing season of 112 days and a plant height of 70 cm. With a stable sterility rate of 100%, ' Ji2055A' has a stable male sterility and highly viable stignms. Selfing won't lead to seeds, This sterile line is strongly resistant to drought and lodging in addition to resistance to leaf spot and head smut. Generally, it has a yield of 3 000 -4 000 kg/hm2 and the hybrid seed yield is between 4 000 - 5 000 kg/hm2, with a high combining ability. There are six varieties approved by the state and the province, as well as another eight new combines under regional testing. The obtained hybrids are strongly resistant, widely adaptable with a great potential to increase yield, ' Ji2055A' has promoted the breeding and production of spring early maturing sorghum in China.
文摘In the city of La Plata (Argentina) and the surroundings, there are tomato landraces, widely known as "tomate platense" and particularly prized because of their flavor. The objective was to evaluate seven promissory lines of "tomate platense" (TL) derived from local varieties and a commercial hybrid (CH) considering yield, fruit characters and their possible associations. Nine plants per treatment were arranged in a randomized complete block design (r = 4). The following parameters were determined: diameter (cm), height (cm), diameter/height (D/H) ratio, weight per fruit (g), number of locules, the average number of fruits per plant, the average weight of fruits per plant (kg/ptant), the yield (ton/ha) and the survival percentage. ANOVA, Tukey's test and Pearson correlation coefficient were applied. The TL showed greater (P ≤ 0.01) diameter, D/H ratio and number of locules than CH. In all materials, both diameter and height were associated (P ≤ 0.05) with the weight per fruit. Six of TL had greater (P ≤ 0.01) weight per fruit than HC. Respect to number of fruits per plant, weight of fruits per plant and yield, there were no significant differences among the materials. The survival for CH was lower (P ≤0.05) than that for TL. Although fruits with a smaller size and less flattened have been selected, the lines show enough similarity in these characters that identified their common origin. With the fruits smaller and more uniform, and having no joined fruits, these lines may be of interest to be cultivated under low-input system conditions and practical for low-income producers.
文摘In this study,it is aimed to develop an encryption algorithm by finding a third point based on the line equation and the two points taken on it.In the literature review,a method was found to find the third point based on the two points given on the elliptic curves y2=x3+a·x+b,where a and b are real numbers.However,it has not been found adapted to the correct equation.In this study,it is proved that this method,which is primarily used in elliptic curves,is provided in line equations that intersect both axes.Then,using this method,an encryption algorithm has been made by connecting the points where the axes are cut to ASCII Character Codes and finding the third point.Thanks to the algorithm,an encryption consisting of two numbers was made for these binary characters by taking binary characters for each character of a secret text.This algorithm has some differences from other algorithms.The first of these is that normal encryption algorithms generate a separate password for each character,while a password is created for two characters in the algorithm.The second difference is that a character can be encoded in infinitely different ways due to the formation of the algorithm.When the software of this algorithm is made,it can be used in every field where Elliptic Curve Algorithm is used.In addition,instead of finding only a third point in encryption with the correct equation,studies can be done to create different algorithms by finding a different number of third points.
文摘A new rapeseed TGMS line 402S has been bred through six years with seven generations by hybridization and systematic breeding.402S possesses the similar thermo-sensitive male sterility to its female parent Xiangyou 91S which performed fertile,partially sterile and sterile throughout the flowering stage,and resembles its male parent Zhongshuang 4 on agronomic traits.And 402S has the double-low (low erutic acid and low glucosinolate) quality like its original parents.
基金The study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant Nos. 30270800 and 40231003)
文摘To understand the responses of flag leaf shape in rice to elevated CO2 environment and their genetic characteristics, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for flag leaf shape in rice were mapped onto the molecular marker linkage map of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from a cross between a japonica variety Asominori and an indica variety IR24 under free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE, 200 μmol/mol above current levels) and current CO2 concentration (Ambient, about 370 μmol/mol). Three flag-leaf traits, flag-leaf length (LL), width (LW) and the ratio of LL to LW (RLW), were estimated for each CSSL and their parental varieties. The differences in LL, LW and RLW between parents and in LL and LW within IR24 between FACE and Ambient were significant at 1% level. The continuous distributions and transgressive segregations of LL, LW and RLW were also observed in CSSL population, showing that the three traits were quantitatively inherited under both FACE and Ambient. A total of 16 QTLs for the three traits were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 11 with LOD (Log10-1ikelihood ratio) scores ranging from 3.0 to 6.7. Among them, four QTLs (qLL-6*, qLL-8* qLW-4* and qRLW-6*) were commonly detected under both FACE and Ambient. Therefore, based on the different responses to elevated CO2 in comparison with current CO2 level, it can be suggested that the expressions of several QTLs associated with flag-leaf shape in rice could be induced by the high CO2 level.
文摘Several languages use the Arabic alphabets and Arabic scripts present challenges because the letter shape is context sensitive. For the past three decades, there has been a mounting interest among researchers in this problem. In this paper we present an Arabic Character Recognition system and review the theory behind the Arabic recognition system, the characteristics of Arabic writing, the sequence steps of recognizing Arabic text. These steps are separately discussed, and previous research work on each step is reviewed. Also in this paper we give some samples of Arabic fonts.
文摘OBJECTIVE: To recognize the significances of the classification, evaluation, treatment, pathogenesis, etiological factors and related loci of hemispatial neglect (HSN) in the treatment and prognosis of stroke patients. DATA SOURCES: Articles related to HSN in stroke published in English from January 1985 to December 2002 were searched in Medline database by using the keywords of "stroke, hemispatial neglect (HSN), rehabilitation". Chinese relevant professional works and articles were also referred to. STUDY SELECTION: The data were primarily checked. Inclusive criteria: ① articles about the HSN symptoms in stroke; ② articles about the classification, evaluation, treatment, pathogenesis, etiological factors and related loci of HSN, as well as the treatment and prognosis of stroke. The repetitive studies or reviews were excluded. DATA EXTRACTION : Totally 474 articles related to HSN in stroke were collected, 43 of them were involved and 431 repetitive studies or reviews were excluded. DATA SYNTHESES: HSN can be classified as sensory neglect and motor neglect. Because HSN is caused by the injury of network structure which mediated directed attention, it is generally believed that the inferior parietal Iobule of dominant hemisphere is the most closely correlated with neglect. The main theories related to the pathogenesis of HSN at present include "internal instruction", "directed bradykinesia", "sensory attention", etc. The main clinical manifestations are setover in drawing lines, picture drawing towards one side, imitation towards one side, picture description towards one side, etc., which can be evaluated by the line bisection test, target cancellation test, picture drawing test and pegboard test. The most important thing for the treatment is to make the patients continuously concentrate on the neglected side. CONCLUSION: HSN is an indicator for the bad outcome of cerebrovascular disease, the symptoms take longer time to rehabilitate with slow recovery, but quite a few HSN patients will get good prognosis if timely treatment and proper program are given.
文摘Manuscript preprocessing is the earliest stage in transliteration process of manuscripts in Javanese scripts. Manuscript preprocessing stage is aimed to produce images of letters which form the manuscripts to be processed further in manuscript transliteration system. There are four main steps in manuscript preprocessing, which are manuscript binarization, noise reduction, line segmentation, and character segmentation for every line image produced by line segmentation. The result of the test on parts of PB.A57 manuscript which contains 291 character images, with 95% level of confidence concluded that the success percentage of preprocessing in producing Javanese character images ranged 85.9% - 94.82%.
文摘When reading apoem the first thing we come across is the forms of poetrywith different versification.Let’s make them as our starting point.One of the fundamental differences between verse and prose lies in meterand rhyme.We can’t appreciate any poems without a knowledgeof its rhyme-scheme.Therefore,we need some elementary knowledge of versification.It is the metrical feet that make up a verse and verses are grouped intostanzas;so the fundamental structural unit of a poem is the verse or the line;
文摘The stroke segments:' are proposed to be used as the basic features for handwritten Chinese character recognition. In this way, it is possible to overcome the difFiculties of unstable stroke information caused by stroke Joinings. The techniques of data pre-processing and stroke segment extraction have been described. In extracting stroke segment, not only the characteristics of the stroke itself, but also its absolute positions as well as relative positions with other strokes in the character have been taken into account.The primitive features for recognition were extracted under these comprehensive considerations.