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作者 梁文静 黄杰 +3 位作者 吴丹 王居里 SEITMURATOVA Eleonora 安芳 《地球化学》 北大核心 2025年第1期24-38,共15页
努尔卡斯甘斑岩型Cu-Au矿床位于哈萨克斯坦东北部,已探明Cu和Au资源量分别为393万吨和229吨。与成矿有关岩体为花岗闪长玢岩和石英闪长玢岩,由石英、斜长石和角闪石组成。石英闪长玢岩中的斜长石主要为中长石,基质中的角闪石以镁质普通... 努尔卡斯甘斑岩型Cu-Au矿床位于哈萨克斯坦东北部,已探明Cu和Au资源量分别为393万吨和229吨。与成矿有关岩体为花岗闪长玢岩和石英闪长玢岩,由石英、斜长石和角闪石组成。石英闪长玢岩中的斜长石主要为中长石,基质中的角闪石以镁质普通角闪石为主。主量元素组成显示,与成矿有关岩体的成分类似于闪长岩-花岗闪长岩,与岩石学观察结果相符,岩石属高钾钙碱性系列,表现出Rb、Th、Ba、U等大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素富集、而Nb、Ta等高场强元素亏损的特征,Sr/Y和La/Yb值与正常岛弧岩石相似。矿石中与黄铜矿伴生的辉钼矿样品的Re-Os同位素模式年龄为433±4 Ma,与前人报道的成矿岩体年龄(440~437 Ma)接近。结合前人研究成果,推断努尔卡斯甘斑岩型Cu-Au矿床是早志留世巴尔喀什-准噶尔洋壳向西北方向俯冲过程中岩浆-热液成矿作用的产物。根据与成矿有关石英闪长玢岩基质中角闪石成分确定成矿岩浆晚期温度为704~769℃,氧逸度为logfO_(2)=-13.5~-12.1、ΔFMQ=3.1~3.6,水含量为0.1%~1.9%,压力为20~250 MPa,指示基质中角闪石在岩浆侵位至0.70~7.63 km内发生结晶作用。努尔卡斯甘与成矿有关的岩浆体系具有高氧逸度和水含量,类似的岩浆环境十分有利于斑岩型矿床的形成。 展开更多
关键词 矿物学 地球化学 岩浆性质 斑岩型cu-au矿床 努尔卡斯甘
作者 张少颖 和文言 肖仪武 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期922-933,共12页
镁铁质岩浆周期性补给于硅酸质岩浆房是形成大型斑岩矿床的关键因素。本文以普朗超大型斑岩Cu-Au矿床为例,通过能量约束体系下的热力学方法模拟浅部硅酸质岩浆房中镁铁质岩浆周期性补给过程,定量评估该过程对形成大型斑岩矿床的控制作... 镁铁质岩浆周期性补给于硅酸质岩浆房是形成大型斑岩矿床的关键因素。本文以普朗超大型斑岩Cu-Au矿床为例,通过能量约束体系下的热力学方法模拟浅部硅酸质岩浆房中镁铁质岩浆周期性补给过程,定量评估该过程对形成大型斑岩矿床的控制作用。普朗矿床成矿前粗粒石英闪长玢岩(CQD)和成矿期石英二长斑岩(QMP)复式岩体中均普遍发育镁铁质暗色微粒包体(MMEs),岩相学特征显示斑岩体中角闪石和黑云母发育韵律环带结构或港湾状溶蚀结构以及针柱状磷灰石的存在均指示发生了镁铁质岩浆混合作用。与单一的分离结晶模型(FC)相比,多阶段岩浆补给-分离结晶模型(R3FC)显示,镁铁质岩浆的补给一方面会抑制长石的结晶,另一方面会促进钙铁镁和铁镁等多类型角闪石的形成,并大幅提前黑云母的结晶次序。以硅酸质岩浆物质摩尔分数变化与挥发分之间相关性为参照,获得的熔体H_(2) O、SCSS(硫化物饱和时硅酸盐熔体中的S含量)和Cl溶解度显示,镁铁质岩浆补给将在岩浆演化早期提高而在晚期降低残余熔体H_(2)O含量(0.16%、0.04%、-0.30%),持续提高熔体SCSS(78.74×10^(-6)、94.44×10^(-6)和137.88×10^(-6))和Cl溶解度(0.04%、0.10%和0.20%),但对Cu含量影响有限。结果表明,能量约束体系下的R3FC和FC热力学模型不仅能够合理解释普朗复式斑岩体矿物结构特征,也定量验证了镁铁质岩浆的补给对成矿岩体异常高H_(2) O、S和Cl含量的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 岩浆混合 热力学模拟 挥发分 普朗斑岩cu-au矿床
^40Ar/^39Ar and Rb-Sr Ages of the Tiegelongnan Porphyry Cu-(Au)Deposit in the Bangong Co-Nujiang Metallogenic Belt of Tibet,China:Implication for Generation of Super-Large Deposit 被引量:36
作者 LIN Bin CHEN Yuchuan +6 位作者 TANG Juxing WANG Qin SONG Yang YANG Chao WANG Wenlei HE Wen ZHANG Lejun 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期602-616,共15页
The Tiegelongnan deposit is a newly discovered super-large porphyry-epithermal Cu-(Au) deposit in the western part of the Bangong Co-Nujiang metallogenic belt, Tibet(China). Field geology and geochronology indicat... The Tiegelongnan deposit is a newly discovered super-large porphyry-epithermal Cu-(Au) deposit in the western part of the Bangong Co-Nujiang metallogenic belt, Tibet(China). Field geology and geochronology indicate that the porphyry mineralization was closely related to the Early Cretaceous intermediate-felsic intrusions(ca. 123–120 Ma). Various epithermal ore and gangue mineral types were discovered in the middle-shallow part of the orebody, indicating the presence of epithermal mineralization at Tiegelongnan. Potassic, propylitic, phyllic and advanced argillic alteration zones were identified. 40Ar/39Ar dating of hydrothermal biotite(potassic zone), sericite(phyllic zone), and alunite(advanced argillic zone) in/around the ore-bearing granodiorite porphyry yielded 121.1±0.6 Ma(1σ), 120.8±0.7 Ma(1σ) and 117.9±1.6 Ma(1σ), respectively. Five hydrothermal mineralization stages were identified, of which the Stage IV pyrite was Rb-Sr dated to be 117.5±1.8 Ma(2σ), representing the end of epithermal mineralization. Field geology and geochronology suggest that both the epithermal and porphyry mineralization belong to the same magmatic-hydrothermal system. The Tiegelongnan super-large Cu-(Au) deposit may have undergone a prolonged magmatichydrothermal evolution, with the major mineralization event occurring at ca.120–117Ma. 展开更多
关键词 40Ar/39Ar and Rb-Sr dating Tiegelongnan cu-au deposit Bangong Co-Nujiang metallogenic belt TIBET Proto-Tethys
Origin of the Newly Discovered Zhunuo Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposit in the Western Part of the Gangdese Porphyry Copper Belt in the Southern Tibetan Plateau,SW China 被引量:21
作者 HUANG Yong LI Guangming +4 位作者 DING Jun DAI Jie YAN Guoqiang DONG Suiliang HUANG Hanxiao 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期109-134,共26页
The newly discovered Zhunuo porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposit is located in the western part of the Gangdese porphyry copper belt in southern Tibet, SW China. The granitoid plutons in the Zhunuo region are composed of quartz ... The newly discovered Zhunuo porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposit is located in the western part of the Gangdese porphyry copper belt in southern Tibet, SW China. The granitoid plutons in the Zhunuo region are composed of quartz diorite porphyry, diorite porphyry, granodiorite porphyry, biotite monzogranite and quartz porphyry. The quartz diorite porphyry yielded zircon U-Pb ages of 51.9±0.7 Ma(Eocene) using LA-ICP-MS, whereas the diorite porphyry, granodiorite porphyry, biotite monzogranite and quartz porphyry yielded ages ranging from 16.2±0.2 to 14.0±0.2 Ma(Miocene). CuMo-Au mineralization is mainly hosted in the Miocene granodiorite porphyry. Samples from all granitoid plutons have geochemical compositions consistent with high-K calc-alkaline series magmatism. The samples display highly fractionated light rare-earth element(REE) distributions and heavy REE distributions with weakly negative Eu anomalies on chondrite-normalized REE patterns. The trace element distributions exhibit positive anomalies for large-ion lithophile elements(Rb, K, U, Th and Pb) and negative anomalies for high-field-strength elements(Nb and Ti) relative to primitive mantlenormalized values. The Eocene quartz diorite porphyry yielded εNd(t) values ranging from-3.6 to-5.2,(-(87)Sr/-(86)Sr)i values in the range 0.7046–0.7063 and initial radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions with ranges of 18.599–18.657 -(206)Pb/-(204)Pb, 15.642–15.673 -(207)Pb/-(204)Pb and 38.956–39.199 -(208)Pb/-(204)Pb. In contrast, the Miocene granitoid plutons yielded ε(Nd)(t) values ranging from-6.1 to-7.3 and(87Sr/86Sr)i values in the range 0.7071–0.7078 with similar Pb isotopic compositions to the Eocene quart diorite. The Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of the rocks are consistent with formation from magma containing a component of remelted ancient crust. Zircon grains from the Eocene quartz diorite have ε(Hf)(t) values ranging from-5.2 to +0.9 and two-stage Hf model ages ranging from 1.07 to 1.46 Ga, while zircon grains from the Miocene granitoid plutons have ε(Hf)(t) values from-9.9 to +4.2 and two-stage Hf model ages ranging from 1.05–1.73 Ga, indicating that the ancient crustal component likely derives from Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic basement. This source is distinct from that of most porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposits in the eastern part of the Gangdese porphyry copper belt, which likely originated from juvenile crust. We therefore consider melting of ancient crustal basement to have contributed significantly to the formation Miocene porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposits in the western part of the Gangdese porphyry copper belt. 展开更多
关键词 Zircon U-Pb dating Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope Zhunuo porphyry cu-Mo-au deposit Gangdese porphyry copper belt
^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar Dating of the Shaxi Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit in the Southern Tan-Lu Fault Zone, Anhui Province 被引量:6
作者 YANG Xiaoyong ZHENG Yongfei +2 位作者 XIAO Yilin DU Jianguo SUN Weidong 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期477-487,共11页
Four samples of plagioclase and biotite from the Shaxi porphyry in the lower part of the Yangtze metallogenic belt were analyzed for age determination with the ^40 Ar/^39Ar method. The results yield reproducible ages ... Four samples of plagioclase and biotite from the Shaxi porphyry in the lower part of the Yangtze metallogenic belt were analyzed for age determination with the ^40 Ar/^39Ar method. The results yield reproducible ages of 126 Ma to 135 Ma with a high level of confidence according to the agreement between isochron and plateau ages. The four Ar-Ar ages are relatively consistent within the analytical error. These ages are also consistent with, but more precise than, previous K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages and thus provide better constraints on the time of porphyry formation and associated Cu-Au mineralization along the middle to lower part of the Yangtze metallogenic belt. The ages of 126 to 135 Ma are interpreted to represent the intrusive time of the Shaxi porphyry, so that the Cu-Au mineralization should have occurred later due to the post-magmatic hydrothermal event. 展开更多
关键词 Shaxi porphyry-type cu-au deposit ^40 Ar/^39 Ar dating Yangtze metallogenic belt Tancheng -Lujiang fault belt East China
Geological, Alteration and Mineralization Characteristics of Ali Javad Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit, Arasbaran Zone, NW Iran
作者 Behzad Hajalilou Mehraj Aghazadeh 《Open Journal of Geology》 2016年第8期859-874,共17页
Ali Javad porphyry Cu-Au deposit is located 20 Km north of Ahar city in Arasbaran metallogenic zone which is considered as a part of Alp-Himalayan mineralization belt. Magmatism in this area began in Late Cretaceous, ... Ali Javad porphyry Cu-Au deposit is located 20 Km north of Ahar city in Arasbaran metallogenic zone which is considered as a part of Alp-Himalayan mineralization belt. Magmatism in this area began in Late Cretaceous, followed by extensive magmatism in Cenozoic and Quaternary periods. Porphyry type mineralization developed in Ali Javad quartz monzonitic porphyry stock and Eocene pyroclastic and volcanic country rocks. Ali Javad porphyry intrusion has shoshonitic nature and shows characteristics of volcanic arc granitoids that it is have been emplaced in a post-collision tectonic setting. Alteration zones at the deposit demonstrated zoning which is comparable with Lowel-Guilbert model proposed for quartz-monzonite type porphyry copper deposits. Phyllic, argillic, silicic and propylitic alteration zones were observed at the surface while potassic alteration zone could be observed at depth in drill core samples. Mineralization was recognized both as supergene and hypogene, the latter was as veins, veinlets and disseminations. Dominant hypogene minerals were chalcopyrite, bornite, molybdenite, pyrite and magnetite while chalcocite, covellite and limonite were dominant supergene minerals. Four mineralization zones were observed in the deposit as leached, transitional, supergene and hypogene zones. Average grades were 0.75% for copper and 1.86 ppm for gold with 81.5 Mt proved reserve for copper and 37.8 Mt for gold. 展开更多
关键词 GEOLOGY ALTERATION MINERALIZATION Ali Javad porphyry cu-au Deposit Iran
青海东昆仑托克妥Cu-Au(Mo)矿床含矿斑岩成因:锆石U-Pb年代学和地球化学约束 被引量:21
作者 夏锐 卿敏 +1 位作者 王长明 李文良 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期1502-1524,共23页
东昆仑造山带是我国斑岩型矿床的重要成矿区之一。对东昆仑托克妥Cu-Au(Mo)矿床含矿斑岩利用原位LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年和地球化学分析方法,探讨该地区岩体成因以及岩浆作用与成矿作用的深部约束机制。东昆仑托克妥Cu-Au(Mo)矿床含... 东昆仑造山带是我国斑岩型矿床的重要成矿区之一。对东昆仑托克妥Cu-Au(Mo)矿床含矿斑岩利用原位LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年和地球化学分析方法,探讨该地区岩体成因以及岩浆作用与成矿作用的深部约束机制。东昆仑托克妥Cu-Au(Mo)矿床含矿二长花岗斑岩年龄为(232.49±0.93)Ma,花岗闪长斑岩年龄为(232.6±1.2)Ma,处于东昆仑碰撞造山阶段。含矿斑岩为二长花岗斑岩和花岗闪长斑岩,具有富硅(w(SiO2)=63.11%~71.78%)、高钾(w(K2O)=2.62%~3.61%)、高镁(w(MgO)=0.52%~1.89%)、低钛(w(TiO2)=0.26%~0.53%)和偏铝质(A/CNK=1.05~1.10)的特征,富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、K和Pb等,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti和P,属于高钾钙碱性系列的I型花岗岩。研究认为,托克妥Cu-Au(Mo)矿床形成于大陆动力体制下的伸展背景,与阿尼玛卿洋壳岩石圈北向俯冲碰撞有关的俯冲板片断离有关。 展开更多
关键词 锆石U-Pb年代学 地球化学 斑岩型cu-au(Mo)矿床 托克妥 青海
云南省马厂箐Cu-Mo-Au矿床花岗斑岩成矿地质证据 被引量:5
作者 郭晓东 王治华 +3 位作者 王欣 刘烊 周晓锋 王绍明 《矿床地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期890-902,共13页
马厂箐铜钼(金)矿床是金沙江-哀牢山构造带内与喜马拉雅期富碱侵入岩有关的典型的斑岩型矿床之一,其铜钼(金)矿(化)体在空间上与花岗斑岩紧密相伴,且主要位于花岗斑岩脉(体)的上、下盘。花岗斑岩内发育有具斑岩型矿化特征的细网脉状、... 马厂箐铜钼(金)矿床是金沙江-哀牢山构造带内与喜马拉雅期富碱侵入岩有关的典型的斑岩型矿床之一,其铜钼(金)矿(化)体在空间上与花岗斑岩紧密相伴,且主要位于花岗斑岩脉(体)的上、下盘。花岗斑岩内发育有具斑岩型矿化特征的细网脉状、浸染状矿化,其上盘的(似)斑状花岗岩和下盘的向阳组围岩内均发育有脉状、细脉状矿化,且总体表现出向接触带附近花岗斑岩倾斜的特点。(似)斑状花岗岩中的矿化脉体北倾,围岩地层中的矿化脉体南倾。花岗斑岩脉(体)上、下盘的矿化脉体表现出越靠近接触带(花岗斑岩脉体)蚀变矿化越强、矿化体的规模越大、出现的频率越高,而远离接触带(花岗斑岩脉体)则蚀变矿化越弱、矿化体的规模越小、出现的频率越低。铜钼(金)的成矿时代与花岗斑岩的成岩时代较为一致,其同位素年龄集中在34~36Ma。花岗斑岩含有源于富集地幔的镁铁质暗色微粒包体,并发育浸染状的黄铁矿化、磁铁矿化。暗色微粒包体及其寄主岩(花岗斑岩)具有同源性,且与壳-幔岩混合作用及成分分异有关,具有提供成矿物质、成矿流体的基础。因此,该区的铜钼(金)成矿与花岗斑岩有关。 展开更多
关键词 地质学 花岗斑岩 成矿证据 斑岩型铜钼金矿床 马厂箐 云南
巴基斯坦雷克迪克矿集区斑岩Cu-Au矿床(点)地质及动力学研究进展 被引量:7
作者 吕鹏瑞 姚文光 +2 位作者 张海迪 王彦闻 曹凯 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期769-780,共12页
系统总结了近年来有关巴基斯坦雷克迪克斑岩型Cu-Au矿集区的地质、岩石和地球动力学演化的研究成果,指出该矿集区斑岩型Cu-Au矿床(点)的形成与板块的拼合以及特提斯构造域的演化密切相关,是在后碰撞地壳伸展阶段由早中新世和中中新世的... 系统总结了近年来有关巴基斯坦雷克迪克斑岩型Cu-Au矿集区的地质、岩石和地球动力学演化的研究成果,指出该矿集区斑岩型Cu-Au矿床(点)的形成与板块的拼合以及特提斯构造域的演化密切相关,是在后碰撞地壳伸展阶段由早中新世和中中新世的岩浆-热液作用形成的,且早中新世的斑岩型Cu(Au)矿床(点)主要受石英闪长斑岩和闪长斑岩侵入体控制,中中新世的斑岩型Cu-Au矿床(点)矿体主要受花岗闪长岩和石英闪长岩侵入体控制。 展开更多
关键词 雷克迪克 中新世 斑岩型cu-au矿床 巴基斯坦
山东七宝山隐爆角砾岩型Cu-Au矿床流体包裹体及成矿流体演化特征 被引量:8
作者 徐文刚 范宏瑞 +2 位作者 胡芳芳 王永 杨奎锋 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期1015-1030,共16页
山东七宝山隐爆角砾岩型Cu-Au矿床位于郯庐断裂带东侧,矿体主要赋存在七宝山杂岩体中。通过显微学观察,发现在深部蚀变斑岩的重结晶石英斑晶中发现了含子晶包裹体(Type 1型),同时伴生有气相(Type 2型)和富气相水溶液(Type 3型)包... 山东七宝山隐爆角砾岩型Cu-Au矿床位于郯庐断裂带东侧,矿体主要赋存在七宝山杂岩体中。通过显微学观察,发现在深部蚀变斑岩的重结晶石英斑晶中发现了含子晶包裹体(Type 1型),同时伴生有气相(Type 2型)和富气相水溶液(Type 3型)包裹体。浅部矿坑石英脉中的流体包裹体主要为气液两相包裹体,并对较为发育的石英晶柱进行了详细的阴极发光特征和显微学观察研究。从其根部到末端可以划分为三个期次,其中第一期次石英环带中主要发育富液相包裹体(Type4型),另外还发育少量的负晶形气液两相包裹体(Type 5型),第二期石英环带中主要发育Type 5型包裹体,第三期石英环带中主要发育形态各异的气液两相包裹体(Type 6型)。显微测温结果显示,Type 1型包裹体均表现为子晶熔化均一特征,均一温度介于375-450℃之间,计算获得的盐度为43.8%-52.2%NaCleqv;Type 3型包裹体表现为临界均一特征,均一温度介于347-420℃之间,估算盐度为0.8%-7.1%NaCleqv;Type 4,5和6型包裹体均均一至液相,均一温度分别为221-327℃、199-379℃以及109-193℃,相应的盐度为2.4%-7.8%NaCleqv、10.2%-16.8%NaCleqv以及0.3%-4.0%NaCleqv。热力学计算获得Type 1型包裹体均一压力为623.46-1111.82bar,平均855.70bar。Type 3型包裹体均一压力范围为139.18-362.47bar,平均为250.70bar。由此可以认为,尽管富气相包裹体和含子晶包裹体共存,并且具备相近的均一温度范围,但是压力相差极为明显,所以这种共存特征并不能表征流体沸腾作用。根据前人实验研究结果,本文认为Type 2和3型包裹体代表了斑岩体结晶早期由于上覆地层隐爆而导致的压力降低条件下分异出来的流体,由于角砾岩筒后续固结引起压力增加,由Type 1型含子晶包裹体所代表的高盐度流体逐渐从成矿岩体中分异出来。当这两种流体沿裂隙通道向上运动时,被同期石英包裹体捕获而共存。这部分流体代表了深部斑岩成矿系统的流体。根据H-O-S同位素研究,Type 4和5包裹体主要来自岩浆流体,并且在后期经历了大气降水的混合,形成了Type 6型流体。这部分流体则代表了浅成热液系统的流体。由于Type 3和4型包裹体均为岩浆成因流体,两者盐度范围一致(5.0%-7.0%NaCleqv),并且随着温度的下降,密度演化趋势明显,从0.4101增加至0.8816g/cm^3。本文认为代表斑岩系统的深部富气相成矿流体在向上逃逸过程中由于压力扰动而在超临界区域内发生相态收缩,随着温度下降形成了富液相成矿流体,转变为浅成热液系统的流体,在此过程中不会发生流体沸腾。由于Cu和Au易于被HS-络合而在气相中运移,并且液相流体之间的混合能力较强,所以当含金的富气相流体收缩成富液相流体时,可以与浅部的天然降水或者富Fe流体发生任意比例的混合,导致了Cu和Au的卸载成矿,这应该是七宝山Cu-Au矿化主要的成矿机制,但是不排除由于温度和压力的下降而引发的金属矿物沉淀成矿。 展开更多
关键词 隐爆角砾岩型cu-au矿床 斑岩系统 浅成热液系统 含子晶包裹体 气相收缩 流体沸腾 流体混合 七宝山
冈底斯东段山南地区第三纪矽卡岩-斑岩Cu-Mo-W(Au)多金属矿床勘查模型及深部找矿意义 被引量:14
作者 李光明 秦克章 +3 位作者 陈雷 陈金标 范新 琚宜太 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期20-30,共11页
冈底斯东段南缘的山南地区分布有努日、明则、克鲁、冲木达和陈坝等中到大型Cu-Mo-W(±Au)矿床,与含矿矽卡岩有关的侵入岩形成于20~30Ma之间,为高钾钙碱性中酸性岩,形成于碰撞晚期构造背景。矿化赋存于下白垩统比马组的碳酸盐岩和... 冈底斯东段南缘的山南地区分布有努日、明则、克鲁、冲木达和陈坝等中到大型Cu-Mo-W(±Au)矿床,与含矿矽卡岩有关的侵入岩形成于20~30Ma之间,为高钾钙碱性中酸性岩,形成于碰撞晚期构造背景。矿化赋存于下白垩统比马组的碳酸盐岩和其它钙质岩石与岩体的外接触带内及斑岩体内,主要矿化类型为矽卡岩型、斑岩型和热液脉型,构成完整的斑岩-矽卡岩、脉状铜-钼-钨±金多金属成矿体系,矿化组合主要为Cu-W-Mo、Mo、Cu-Au和Cu矿化。外接触带的蚀变以矽卡岩化、角岩化为主,而内接触带上主要为岩体的绢云母化、硅化、绿泥石化等,内矽卡岩不发育。山南地区的矽卡岩型铜-钼-钨(金)矿床均赋存于浅部矽卡岩中,在明则矿区矽卡岩型矿化之下发现了斑岩型钼矿化的存在,暗示该区的矽卡岩型矿化可能与冈底斯中带相似,具有统一的斑岩型-矽卡岩型成矿系统,由此建立了该地区的成矿模式,指出了找矿方向。 展开更多
关键词 成矿模型 矽卡岩 斑岩 cu-Mo-W(±au) 深部找矿潜力 冈底斯山南地区
云南省马厂箐Cu-Mo-Au多金属矿集区成矿系统 被引量:6
作者 郭晓东 牛翠祎 +2 位作者 王治华 王梁 夏锐 《矿床地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期615-628,共14页
马厂箐地区是滇西成矿带内一个典型的与喜马拉雅期富碱侵入岩有关的斑岩型铜-钼-金多金属矿集区,发育有斑岩型钼铜、接触交代型铜钼(金)和热液脉型金银铅锌等多种类型矿化。其矿化和蚀变类型及成矿元素组合,在空间上具有明显的以岩体为... 马厂箐地区是滇西成矿带内一个典型的与喜马拉雅期富碱侵入岩有关的斑岩型铜-钼-金多金属矿集区,发育有斑岩型钼铜、接触交代型铜钼(金)和热液脉型金银铅锌等多种类型矿化。其矿化和蚀变类型及成矿元素组合,在空间上具有明显的以岩体为中心的分带性;岩浆活动与铜钼金成矿作用具有同时性。这3种矿化类型的形成受控于马厂箐斑岩岩浆系统,该岩浆系统提供了成矿的物质、流体和动力。文章在分析成矿证据的基础上,通过对成矿系统结构的剖析,认为正是马厂箐岩体所提供的热动力条件促使从岩浆体中分异出来的成矿流体由岩体向外运移,随着岩体内构造裂隙、接触带构造以及围岩中破碎带等成矿物理化学条件的改变,在不同的边界条件下发生了不同性质的成矿作用,形成了不同的蚀变和矿化类型及成矿元素组合,总体显示出,随着热液成矿作用的进行,矿化由斑岩体向接触带和围岩推进,成矿由高温向低温的演化趋势。马厂箐铜-钼-金多金属矿集区成矿系统的建立,将对滇西成矿带内其他矿集区的成矿理论研究和找矿勘查实践具有借鉴和指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 地质学 地球化学 成矿系统 富碱斑岩岩浆 马厂箐铜钼金矿集区 云南省
高盐度、高温和高成矿金属的岩浆成矿流体——以格拉斯伯格Cu-Au矿为例 被引量:56
作者 卢焕章 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期465-472,共8页
印度尼西亚格拉斯伯格 Cu- Au矿是与斑状的石英二长岩体有关的斑岩矿床 ,石英二长岩遭受了以钾化为主的伴随有绢云母化和磁铁矿化的蚀变。 Cu- Au矿化可分为网脉型和浸染型 ,以前者为主 ,含金的黄铜矿石英脉切穿了岩体和钾化蚀变带。本... 印度尼西亚格拉斯伯格 Cu- Au矿是与斑状的石英二长岩体有关的斑岩矿床 ,石英二长岩遭受了以钾化为主的伴随有绢云母化和磁铁矿化的蚀变。 Cu- Au矿化可分为网脉型和浸染型 ,以前者为主 ,含金的黄铜矿石英脉切穿了岩体和钾化蚀变带。本次研究中见到四类包裹体 ,即岩浆包裹体、含子矿物包裹体、气体包裹体和液体包裹体 ,与矿化有关的是含子矿物包裹体和气体包裹体。这两类包裹体的均一温度从 40 0℃到 >70 0℃ ,含子矿物包裹体的盐度 6 0~ 78wt% Na Cl。这两类包裹体常共存 ,并且其均一温度十分相似 ,说明成矿流体经历了沸腾的阶段。黄铜矿作为子矿物出现 ,并且从含子矿物包裹体的 X萤光光谱的分析结果发现有 Cu、Pb、Zn和 Mn等金属元素存在 ,说明格拉斯伯格 Cu- Au斑岩矿床的成矿流体是高盐度。 展开更多
关键词 流体包裹体 岩浆热液 成矿作用 铜金矿床 斑岩
Geology, geochronology and geochemistry of large Duobaoshan Cu-Mo-Au orefield in NE China: Magma genesis and regional tectonic implications 被引量:6
作者 Wen-yan Cai Ke-yong Wang +3 位作者 Jian Li Li-juan Fu Chun-kit Lai Han-lun Liu 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第1期265-292,共28页
Duobaoshan is the largest porphyry-related Cu-Mo-Au orefield in northeastern(NE)Asia,and hosts a number of large-medium porphyry Cu(PCDs),epithermal Au and Fe-Cu skarn deposits.Formation ages of these deposits,from th... Duobaoshan is the largest porphyry-related Cu-Mo-Au orefield in northeastern(NE)Asia,and hosts a number of large-medium porphyry Cu(PCDs),epithermal Au and Fe-Cu skarn deposits.Formation ages of these deposits,from the oldest(Ordovician)to youngest(Jurassic),have spanned across over 300 Ma.No similar orefields of such size and geological complexity are found in NE Asia,which reflects its metallogenic uniqueness in forming and preserving porphyry-related deposits.In this study,we explore the actual number and timing of magmatic/mineralization phases,their respective magma genesis,fertility,and regional tectonic connection,together with the preservation of PCDs.We present new data on the magmatic/mineralization ages(LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb,pyrite and molybdenite Re-Os dating),whole-rock geochemistry,and zircon trace element compositions on four representative deposits in the Duobaoshan orefield,i.e.,Duobaoshan PCD,Tongshan PCD,Sankuanggou Fe-Cu skarn,and Zhengguang epithermal Au deposits,and compiled published ones from these and other mineral occurrences in the orefield.In terms of geochronology,we have newly summarized seven magmatic phases in the orefield:(1)Middle-Late Cambrian(506-491 Ma),(2)Early and Middle Ordovician(485-471 Ma and~462 Ma),(3)Late Ordovician(450-447 Ma),(4)Early Carboniferous and Late-Carboniferous to Early Permian(351-345 and 323-291 Ma),(5)Middle-Late Triassic(244-223 Ma),(6)Early-Middle and Late Jurassic(178-168 Ma and~150 Ma),and(7)Early Cretaceous(~112 Ma).Three of these seven major magmatic phases were coeval with ore formation,including(1)Early Ordovician(485-473 Ma)porphyry-type Cu-Mo-(Au),(2)Early-Middle Triassic(246-229 Ma)porphyry-related epithermal Au-(Cu-Mo),and(3)Early Jurassic(177-173 Ma)Fe-Cu skarn mineralization.Some deposits in the orefield,notably Tongshan and Zhengguang,were likely formed by more than one mineralization events.In terms of geochemistry,ore-causative granitoids in the orefield exhibit adakite-like or adakite-normal arc transitional signatures,but those forming the porphyry-/epithermal-type Cu-Mo-Au mineralization are largely confined to the former.The varying but high Sr/Y,Sm/Yb and La/Yb ratios suggest that the ore-forming magmas were mainly crustal sourced and formed at different depths(clinopyroxene-/amphibole-/garnet-stability fields).The adakite-like suites may have formed by partial melting of the thickened lower crust at 35-40 km(for the Early Ordovician arc)and>40 km(for the Middle-Late Triassic arc)depths.The Early Jurassic Fe-Cu skarn orecausative granitoids show an adakitic-normal arc transitional geochemical affinity.These granitoids were likely formed by partial melting of the juvenile lower crust(35-40 km depth),and subsequently modified by assimilation and fractional crystallization(AFC)processes.In light of the geological,geochronological and geochemical information,we proposed the following tectonometallogenic model for the Duobaoshan orefield.The Ordovician Duobaoshan may have been in a continental arc setting during the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean,and formed the porphyry-related deposits at Duobaoshan,Tongshan and Zhengguang.Subduction may have ceased in the latest Ordovician,and the regional tectonics passed into long subsidence and extension till the latest Carboniferous.This extensional tectonic regime and the Silurian terrestrial-shallow marine sedimentation had likely buried and preserved the Ordovician Duobaoshan magmatic-hydrothermal system.The south-dipping Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean subduction from north of the orefield had generated the Middle-Late Triassic continental arc magmatism and the associated Tongshan PCD and Zhengguang epithermal Au mineralization(which superimposed on the Ordovician PCD system).The Middle Jurassic closure of Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean in the northwestern Amuria block(Erguna terrane),and the accompanying Siberia-Amuria collision,may have placed the Paleo-Pacific subduction system in NE China(including the orefield)under compression,and formed the granodiorite-tonalite and Fe-Cu skarn deposits at Sankuanggou and Xiaoduobaoshan.From the Middle Jurassic,the consecutive accretion of Paleo-Pacific arc terranes(e.g.,Sikhote-Alin and Nadanhada)onto the NE Asian continental margin may have gradually distant the Duobaoshan orefield from the subduction front,and consequently arc-type magmatism and the related mineralization faded.The minor Late Jurassic and Cretaceous unmineralized magmatism in the orefield may have triggered mainly by the far-field extension led by the post-collisional(Siberia-Amuria)gravitational collapse and/or Paleo-Pacific backarc-basin opening. 展开更多
关键词 Duobaoshan cu-Mo-au orefield(NE China) porphyry Cu deposit Epithermal au deposit Paleo-Asian Ocean Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB)
Geochronology and Geochemistry of Metallogenetic Porphyry Bodies from the Nongping Au-Cu Deposit in the Eastern Yanbian Area, NE China: Implications for Metallogenic Environment 被引量:7
作者 REN Yunsheng JU Nan +3 位作者 ZHAO Hualei WANG Hui HOU Kejun LIU Shen 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期619-629,共11页
The metallogenetic porphyry bodies in the Nongping Au-Cu deposit, in the eastern Yanbian area, mainly include porphyritic granodiorite and biotite granodiorite porphyry. They are featured with high silicon and enrichm... The metallogenetic porphyry bodies in the Nongping Au-Cu deposit, in the eastern Yanbian area, mainly include porphyritic granodiorite and biotite granodiorite porphyry. They are featured with high silicon and enrichment in sodium, and classified into sodic rocks of low-K tholeiitic basalt series. Except slightly low Sr content, the rock basically has the geochemical characteristics of the adakite: relatively high A12O3 content, relatively low MgO content, depletion in Y and Yb; relative enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and light rare-earth elements (LREEs), relatively low content of high field strength elements (HFSEs); positive Eu anomaly or weak negative Eu anomaly. In situ zircon dating technology LA-MC-ICP-MS was used to conduct single-grain zircon dating of biotite granodiorite porphyry, and the results show that the age of metallogenetic porphyry body is 100.04±0.88 Ma, indicating that the porphyry bodies were emplaced in the late Cretaceous period. According to the regional tectonic setting and the comparison with the same kind of deposits, we think that the metallogenetic porphyry bodies in the Nongping Au-Cu deposit have a close genetic connection with the subduction of the Pacific plate in the late Yanshanian period. The adakitic magma generated from partial melting of the subducting plate has high formation temperature, high oxygen fugacity, and volatile constituents' enrichment, so it is helpful for enrichment of metallogenetic elements and plays an important role in the formation of porphyry Au-Cu deposits in this region. 展开更多
关键词 porphyry body zircon U-Pb dating adakitic rock Nongping au-Cu deposit
Source of the Ore-forming Adakitic Porphyry at the Beiya Super-large Au Deposit, Western Yangtze Craton: New Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Ages of the Amphibolite Xenoliths
作者 LIU Siqi ZHENG Yuanchuan +3 位作者 SHEN Yang HOU Zengqian WANG Lu WANG Zixuan 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第1期208-209,共2页
Objective The Beiya super-large Au-rich porphyry deposit(304 t Au,2.4 g/t Au)is located within the western Yangtze craton,to the southeast of the Sanjiang Tethyan Orogen(Fig.1).The ore-forming porphyry is adakitic,cha... Objective The Beiya super-large Au-rich porphyry deposit(304 t Au,2.4 g/t Au)is located within the western Yangtze craton,to the southeast of the Sanjiang Tethyan Orogen(Fig.1).The ore-forming porphyry is adakitic,characterized by high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios coupled with low Y and Yb contents,and is generally thought to be derived from partial melting of thickened mafic lower crust.The lower crust underneath the western Yangtze craton is mainly composed of ancient crust with Archean ages,juvenile crust resulting from the Neoproterozoic subduction(740–1000 Ma),and late Permian juvenile crust related to the Emeishan mantle plume.Which lower crustal end-member has played a critical role in genesis of the Beiya ore-forming porphyry can be constrained by zircon U-Pb ages of amphibolite xenoliths hosted in the ore-forming porphyry,because these xenoliths represent direct samples of the source.In this study,we present new zircon U-Pb ages of these amphibolite xenoliths to have insight into the nature of the Beiya adakitic porphyry source. 展开更多
关键词 Western Yangtze Craton New Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Ages of the AMPHIBOLITE XENOLITHS Source of the ORE-FORMING Adakitic porphyry at the Beiya SUPER-LARGE au DEPOSIT
Calculation of the Surface Segregation of Cu-0.3 at. pct Au Alloy
作者 Liping ZHENG and Risheng LI (International Center for Material Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110015, China) Yuanxun ZHANG and Shi QIU (Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China) Bingyao JI 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第6期639-640,共2页
Monte Carlo simulation technique with the energetics described by the embedded atom method has been used to calculate the surface segregation of Cu-0.3 at. pct Au alloy at T=800 K. It is found that the component Au in... Monte Carlo simulation technique with the energetics described by the embedded atom method has been used to calculate the surface segregation of Cu-0.3 at. pct Au alloy at T=800 K. It is found that the component Au in the first surface layer (i.e.(100), (110) and (111) faces) is about 50~60 times as large as that in the bulk. 展开更多
关键词 CU Calculation of the Surface Segregation of cu-0.3 at pct au Alloy
《Geotectonica et Metallogenia》 1994年第Z2期60-61,共2页
云南金平铜厂斑岩Cu(Mo-Au)矿床含矿石英正长斑岩地球化学特征及成因机制探讨 被引量:13
作者 胥磊落 毕献武 +5 位作者 苏文超 齐有强 李亮 陈佑纬 董少花 唐永永 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期3109-3122,共14页
铜厂斑岩型Cu(Mo-Au)矿床位于金沙江-红河富碱侵入岩带的南段,其含矿的石英正长斑岩侵入体属金沙江-红河富碱侵入岩带的重要组成部分。对铜厂石英正长斑岩开展详细的地球化学研究结果表明,其具有高碱、富钾及准铝质-弱过铝质等特征,属... 铜厂斑岩型Cu(Mo-Au)矿床位于金沙江-红河富碱侵入岩带的南段,其含矿的石英正长斑岩侵入体属金沙江-红河富碱侵入岩带的重要组成部分。对铜厂石英正长斑岩开展详细的地球化学研究结果表明,其具有高碱、富钾及准铝质-弱过铝质等特征,属钾玄岩系列岩石;微量和稀土元素分析表明,铜厂石英正长斑岩明显富集Rb、Ba、Th、U、K、La和Sr等大离子亲石元素,相对亏损Nb、Ta和Ti等高场强元素,具有明显的"TNT"负异常,稀土总量高,明显富集轻稀土而亏损重稀土,轻重稀土分馏显著;(87Sr/86Sr)i为0.707097~0.707138,εNd(t)为-7.1~-6.8,在Sr-Nd同位素相关图上,与EMII来源岩石相似。对比金沙江-红河富碱侵入岩带北段的玉龙含矿的二长花岗斑岩和中段的马厂箐含矿的花岗斑岩的地球化学特征,铜厂含矿斑岩具有高的全碱、微量元素和稀土元素含量、高的(87Sr/86Sr)i值和低的εNd(t)值、不具埃达克质岩属性等特征。综合研究表明,铜厂含矿的石英正长斑岩在成因类型上属于A型花岗岩类,形成于~35Ma的晚碰撞走滑环境且直接起源于EMII地幔的部分熔融。铜厂与玉龙及马厂箐斑岩型Cu(Mo-Au)矿床含矿斑岩地球化学特征和成矿规模存在差异,与源区物质的部分熔融程度和地壳物质的混染程度密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 石英正长斑岩 地球化学特征 成因机制 铜厂斑岩型Cu(Mo-au)矿床
西藏铁格隆南超大型Cu(Au、Ag)矿床S、Pb同位素地球化学研究 被引量:15
作者 王艺云 唐菊兴 +5 位作者 宋扬 林彬 杨超 王勤 高轲 丁帅 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期627-637,共11页
西藏铁格隆南矿床位于多龙矿集区北侧,是近年来在班公湖—怒江成矿带西段发现的首例与高硫化型浅成低温热液成矿作用有关的超大型斑岩-浅成低温热液型铜(金银)矿床。本文在矿石学研究的基础上,对铁格隆南矿床中代表性岩(矿)石样品进行了... 西藏铁格隆南矿床位于多龙矿集区北侧,是近年来在班公湖—怒江成矿带西段发现的首例与高硫化型浅成低温热液成矿作用有关的超大型斑岩-浅成低温热液型铜(金银)矿床。本文在矿石学研究的基础上,对铁格隆南矿床中代表性岩(矿)石样品进行了S、Pb同位素分析,探讨成矿物质来源。铁格隆南矿床硫化物及硫盐矿物的δ^(34)S值在–9.8‰~6.8‰之间,平均为–1.8‰,其频率直方图具有"塔式"分布特征,总体体现出地幔岩浆硫特征,但已受到少数地壳硫的混染。矿石(^(206)Pb/^(204)Pb=17.959~18.653,^(207)Pb/^(204)Pb=15.606~15.707,^(208)Pb/^(204)Pb=37.926~39.007)与含矿花岗闪长斑岩(^(206)Pb/^(204)Pb=18.527~18.681,^(207)Pb/^(204)Pb=15.564~15.632,^(208)Pb/^(204)Pb=38.697~38.724)以及安山岩(^(206)Pb/^(204)Pb=18.543~18.572,^(207)Pb/^(204)Pb=15.529~15.538,^(208)Pb/^(204)Pb=38.654~38.672)的初始铅组成基本一致,表明三者具有相同的来源;结合铅构造模式图及其源区判别图分析,矿床的铅主要为和岩浆作用有关的上地壳与地幔混合的俯冲带铅。铁格隆南Cu(Au、Ag)矿床的S、Pb同位素组成共同指示成矿物质主要来源于深部岩浆,这种岩浆可能主要起源于班公湖—怒江洋盆俯冲板片部分熔融与地幔物质混熔,并受到少量地壳物质的混染。斑岩成矿系统理论及矿床成矿系列的"缺位理论"指示,多龙矿集区西南部可能存在一个规模较大的斑岩-浅成低温热液-隐爆角砾成矿系统,同时北东部有寻找矽卡岩型矿床的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 S、Pb同位素 成矿物质来源 斑岩-浅成低温热液铜(金、银) 班公湖-怒江成矿带 西藏
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