Bayesian inference model is an optimal processing of incomplete information that, more than other models, better captures the way in which any decision-maker learns and updates his degree of rational beliefs about pos...Bayesian inference model is an optimal processing of incomplete information that, more than other models, better captures the way in which any decision-maker learns and updates his degree of rational beliefs about possible states of nature, in order to make a better judgment while taking new evidence into account. Such a scientific model proposed for the general theory of decision-making, like all others in general, whether in statistics, economics, operations research, A.I., data science or applied mathematics, regardless of whether they are time-dependent, have in common a theoretical basis that is axiomatized by relying on related concepts of a universe of possibles, especially the so-called universe (or the world), the state of nature (or the state of the world), when formulated explicitly. The issue of where to stand as an observer or a decision-maker to reframe such a universe of possibles together with a partition structure of knowledge (i.e. semantic formalisms), including a copy of itself as it was initially while generalizing it, is not addressed. Memory being the substratum, whether human or artificial, wherein everything stands, to date, even the theoretical possibility of such an operation of self-inclusion is prohibited by pure mathematics. We make this blind spot come to light through a counter-example (namely Archimedes’ Eureka experiment) and explore novel theoretical foundations, fitting better with a quantum form than with fuzzy modeling, to deal with more than a reference universe of possibles. This could open up a new path of investigation for the general theory of decision-making, as well as for Artificial Intelligence, often considered as the science of the imitation of human abilities, while being also the science of knowledge representation and the science of concept formation and reasoning.展开更多
佳能打印机广告"impossible made possible"有着显著的文体特征:一是语音方面,各种押韵被用到,如头韵、尾韵等;音调重音在末尾;元辅音的频繁重复使用。二是词汇方面,形容词占据着极大的比重;反义词possible与impossible强烈...佳能打印机广告"impossible made possible"有着显著的文体特征:一是语音方面,各种押韵被用到,如头韵、尾韵等;音调重音在末尾;元辅音的频繁重复使用。二是词汇方面,形容词占据着极大的比重;反义词possible与impossible强烈的对比效果。三是句法方面,过去简单小句的使用使句子短小精湛。四是语义方面,修辞手法—"重复"的使用。五是语篇方面,情态的精准把握与极性词的使用;语言组织时概念主位与述位精确的定位;口语与书面语的交替使用。基于以上文体特征,该广告大获成功。展开更多
Let P=(po, p1,..., pn-1 ) and Q=(qo,q1..., qm-1) be two arbitrary convex polygonsin plane. In this paper, the author studies the problems of how to quickly determine their possiblecollision range and movable range. In...Let P=(po, p1,..., pn-1 ) and Q=(qo,q1..., qm-1) be two arbitrary convex polygonsin plane. In this paper, the author studies the problems of how to quickly determine their possiblecollision range and movable range. In the paper, a new sufficient and necessary condition for decidingpossible collision is proposed,and the basic characters of the oblique supporting lines are investigated,and on these grounds the problem to determine the possible collision range is transformed into thatof searching the supporting points on the sets of convex polygon vertexs. Using the strategy ofsearching simultaneously the sets of vertexes of P and Q, the author constructs the fast algorithmfor finding the supporting points, the time-complexity of which is O(log2(m + n)). Based on theseresults, the algorithms to quickly determine the range are given, which possess the time-complexityof O(log2(m+n)).展开更多
Traditionally, in a teacher-centered class, students are deprived of right, for teachers take up the platform and play a “leading” role. What are the college English teacher′s possible roles? The paper tends to she...Traditionally, in a teacher-centered class, students are deprived of right, for teachers take up the platform and play a “leading” role. What are the college English teacher′s possible roles? The paper tends to shed light on it by kicking the teacher′s traditional roles.展开更多
中介语研究是二语习得理论的重要内容。传统的观点认为,中介语是与二语习得有关的五种认知过程的产物。按母语是否介入,中介语的成因可分为语际干扰和语内干扰,语内干扰以超度归纳为典型。本文从*as possible as I can/could这一中介语...中介语研究是二语习得理论的重要内容。传统的观点认为,中介语是与二语习得有关的五种认知过程的产物。按母语是否介入,中介语的成因可分为语际干扰和语内干扰,语内干扰以超度归纳为典型。本文从*as possible as I can/could这一中介语形式入手,借助CLEC语料库,试图分析其成因。分析后发现:*as possible as I can/could主要源自于语内干扰,但不是超度归纳,而是因语内同义形似干扰而形成。因此,本文提出,语内干扰的形式,除了传统的超度归纳,还应包括语内同义形似干扰。这种干扰易错误石化,应予以及时纠正。展开更多
Solar radiation is often shielded by terrain relief, especially in mountainous areas, before reaching the surface of the Earth. The objective of this paper is to study the spatial structures of the shielded astronomic...Solar radiation is often shielded by terrain relief, especially in mountainous areas, before reaching the surface of the Earth. The objective of this paper is to study the spatial structures of the shielded astronomical solar radiation(SASR) and the possible sunshine duration(PSD) over the Loess Plateau. To this end, we chose six test areas representing different landforms over the Loess Plateau and the software package of Matlab was used as the main computing platform. In each test area, 5-m-resolution digital elevation model established from 1:10,000 scale topographic maps was used to compute the corresponding slope, SASR and PSD. Then, we defined the concepts of the slope-mean SASR spectrum and the slope-mean PSD spectrum, and proposed a method to extract them from the computed slope, SASR and PSD over rectangular analysis windows. Using this method, we found both spectrums in a year or in a season for each of the four seasons in the six test areas. Each spectrum was found only when the area of the corresponding rectangular analysis window was greater than the corresponding stable area of the spectrum. The values of the two spectrums decreased when the slope increased.Furthermore, the values of the stable areas of the spectrums in a year or in a season were positively correlated with the variable coefficients of the slope or the profile curvature. The values of the stable areas of the two spectrums in a year or in a season may represent the minimum value of test areas for corresponding future research on the spatial structures of the SASR or PSD. All the findings herein suggest that the spatial structures of the PSD and the SASR are caused by the interactions between solar radiation and terrain relief and that the method for extracting either spectrum is effective for detecting their spatial structures. This study may deepen our understanding of the spatial structure of solar radiation and help us further explore the distribution of solar energy in mountainous regions.展开更多
Overweight or obesity has become a serious public health problem in the world, scientists are concentrating their efforts on exploring novel ways to treat obesity. Nowadays, the availabilities of bariatric surgery and...Overweight or obesity has become a serious public health problem in the world, scientists are concentrating their efforts on exploring novel ways to treat obesity. Nowadays, the availabilities of bariatric surgery and pharmacotherapy have enhanced obesity treatment, but it should has support from diet, physical exercise and lifestyle modification, especially the functional food. Resistant starch, an indigestible starch, has been studied for years for its beneficial effects on regulating blood glucose level and lipid metabolism. The aim of this review is to summarize the effect of resistant starch on weight loss and the possible mechanisms. According to numerous previous studies it could be concluded that resistant starch can reduce fat accumulation, enhance insulin sensitivity, regulate blood glucose level and lipid metabolism. Recent investigations have focused on the possible associations between resistant starch and incretins as well as gut microbiota. Resistant starch seems to be a promising dietary fiber for the prevention or treatment of obesity and its related diseases.展开更多
A data-based hypothesis on the role of the South China Sea (SCS) in ENSO cycle is proposed: during El Nino, there are westerly wind anomaly over the western equatorial Pacific and positive SST anomaly in the eastern e...A data-based hypothesis on the role of the South China Sea (SCS) in ENSO cycle is proposed: during El Nino, there are westerly wind anomaly over the western equatorial Pacific and positive SST anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Meanwhile anomalous convection moves to the central Pacific with anomalous sinking over Indonesian Archipelago. The latter can cause southerly wind anomaly over the north of South China Sea (NSCS) and makes the NSCS warmer. The warm NSCS can attract the anomalous convection to it in some degree. This attraction is in favor for producing easterly wind anomaly over the western equatorial Pacific, so it helps to form a cycle.展开更多
Neurodevelopmental disorders are characterized by an abnormal development of the central nervous system, leading to a myriad of symptoms and diseases, including intellectual disability, attention deficits, impairments...Neurodevelopmental disorders are characterized by an abnormal development of the central nervous system, leading to a myriad of symptoms and diseases, including intellectual disability, attention deficits, impairments in learning and memory, speech disorders and repetitive behavior (Telias and Ben-Yosef, 2014). Common major neurodevelopmental disorders include autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), fragile X syndrome (FXS), Down syndrome (DS), and Rett syndrome (RTT). They can be collectively described as disorders in which the plasticity of the brain has been severely impaired. The concept of plasticity refers to the brain's ability to adapt to and process new information and react accordingly, and it can be classified into three categories: a) molecular plasticity, whenever specific receptors, ion channels, enzymes,展开更多
A total of 26 leptospirosis cases occurred in the outbreak, of whom six died after hospitalization. All 26 patients were clinically diagnosed as leptospirosis Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) revealed that 13 of...A total of 26 leptospirosis cases occurred in the outbreak, of whom six died after hospitalization. All 26 patients were clinically diagnosed as leptospirosis Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) revealed that 13 of 26 patients were affected with laboratory confirmed leptospirosis. Furthermore, MAT data suggested that serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae were the main pathogens responsible for this outbreak. And the rainfall data suggested that the increased rainfall might be responsible for the leptospirosis outbreak in Lezhi County. This outbreak has reminded us that leptospirosis should not be neglected, especially during flood season, although its incidence rate is low.展开更多
Depression refers to a series of mental health issues characterized by loss of interest and enjoyment in everyday life,low mood and selected emotional,cognitive,physical and behavioral symptoms.Depression is a common ...Depression refers to a series of mental health issues characterized by loss of interest and enjoyment in everyday life,low mood and selected emotional,cognitive,physical and behavioral symptoms.Depression is a common disorder,affecting 5–15%of the general population.When diagnosed as major depressive disorder(MDD),patients are currentlytreated with pharmacological agents such as serotonin or noradren- aline uptake inhibitors (SSRI or SNRI) or tricyclics.展开更多
The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, CMAP rainfall and Hadley Centre sea surface temperature(SST) datasets are used to investigate the relationship between the seasonal transition of East Asian monsoon and Asian-Pacific thermal ...The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, CMAP rainfall and Hadley Centre sea surface temperature(SST) datasets are used to investigate the relationship between the seasonal transition of East Asian monsoon and Asian-Pacific thermal contrast, together with the possible causes. Based on the 250 h Pa air temperature over two selected key areas, the Asian-Pacific thermal difference(APTD) index is calculated. Results show that the APTD index is highly consistent with the Asian-Pacific Oscillation(APO) index defined by Zhao et al., in terms of different key areas in different seasons. Moreover, the time point of the seasonal transition of the Asian-Pacific thermal contrast can be well determined by the APTD index, indicative of seasonal variation in East Asian atmospheric circulation from winter to summer. The transition characteristic of the circulation can be summarized as follows. The continental cold high at lower tropospheric level moves eastward to the East China Sea and decreases rapidly in intensity, while the low-level northerlies turn to southerlies. At middle tropospheric level, the East Asia major trough is reduced and moves eastward. Furthermore, the subtropical high strengthens and appears near Philippines. The South Asia high shifts from the east of Philippines to the west of Indochina Peninsula, and the prevailing southerlies change into northerlies in upper troposphere. Meanwhile,both the westerly and easterly jets both jump to the north. The seasonal transition of atmospheric circulation is closely related to the thermal contrast, and the possible mechanism can be concluded as follows. Under the background of the APTD seasonal transition, the southerly wind appears firstly at lower troposphere, which triggers the ascending motion via changing vertical shear of meridional winds. The resultant latent heating accelerates the transition of heating pattern from winter to summer. The summer heating pattern can further promote the adjustment of circulation, which favors the formation and strengthening of the low-level southerly and upper-level northerly winds. As a result, the meridional circulation of the East Asian subtropical monsoon is established through a positive feedback between the circulation and thermal fields. Moreover, the time point of this seasonal transition has a significant positive correlation with the SST anomalies over the tropical central-eastern Pacific Ocean, providing a basis for the short-term climate prediction.展开更多
Superconductivity (SC) is one of the most intriguing physical phenomena in nature. Nucleation of SC has long been considered highly unfavorable if not impossible near ferromagnetism, in low dimensionality and, above...Superconductivity (SC) is one of the most intriguing physical phenomena in nature. Nucleation of SC has long been considered highly unfavorable if not impossible near ferromagnetism, in low dimensionality and, above all, out of non-superconductor. Here we report observation of SC with TC near 4K in Ni/Bi bilayers that defies all known paradigms of superconductivity, where neither ferromagnetic Ni film nor rhombohedra Bi film is superconducting in isolation. This highly unusual SC is independent of the growth order (Ni/Bi or Bi/Ni), but highly sensitive to the constituent layer thicknesses. Most importantly, the SC, distinctively non-s pairing, is triggered from, but does not occur at, the Bi/Ni interface. Using point contact Andreev reflection, we show evidences that the unique SC, naturally compatible with magnetism, is triplet p-wave pairing.展开更多
Antibodies to the ubiquitous group of stress proteins known as heat shock proteins (Hsps) have been found to be associated with a number of diseases in humans. Hsps are known to be induced by certain xenobiotics, some...Antibodies to the ubiquitous group of stress proteins known as heat shock proteins (Hsps) have been found to be associated with a number of diseases in humans. Hsps are known to be induced by certain xenobiotics, some of which are common in the working environment. The biological significance of the presence of such autoantibodies is presently unclear. In the present study, we used immunoblotting to investigate the presence of antibodies against the different stress proteins, Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp71, Hse (heat shock cognate ) 73 and Hsp89a and D in groups of workers exposed to high temperature or carbon monoxide. These data were related to a detailed clinical evaluation and to various laboratory measurements including electrocardiogram (ECG), B echogram, white blood cell counts and typing, the activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), acid phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lymphocyte DNA damage. Antibodies to Hsp27 and Hsp71 were found more frequently in the high temperature and carbon monoxide-exposed groups than in controls (P (0.05 ). The carbon monoxide-exposed group showed the highest incidence of anti-Hsp antibodies. Anti-Hsp60 antibodies were only detected in workers exposed to high temperature or carbon monoxide. The percentage of workers with abnormal ECG, B echogram changes and displaying hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg ) was higher in the carbon monoxide group than in the control group (P<0.05 ).There was a significant inerease in the activity of ALT in the high temperature and carbon monoxide groups and in the activities of ACP and ALP in the carbon monoxide group (P<0.05 ). The extent of DNA damage measured in lymphoeytes was higher in workers from the high temperature and carbon monoxide-cxposed groups. We suggest that the increased frequeney of antibodies to Hsps is the result of these damages, of the release of denatured Hsps and of a decrease in the phagocytic ability of macrophages in these workers. The data gathered in the present study show a statistical relation between the occurrence of antibodies against Hsps and the frequency of health problems in workers and suggest a potential role for the antibodies as useful biomarkers to assess whether workers are experieneing environmental stress展开更多
Pairing in the cuprate high-temperature superconductors and its origin remain among the most enduring mysteries in condensed matter physics. With cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, we clearly ...Pairing in the cuprate high-temperature superconductors and its origin remain among the most enduring mysteries in condensed matter physics. With cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, we clearly reveal the spatial-dependence or inhomogeneity of the superconducting gap structure of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi2212) and YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) along their c-axes on a scale shorter than the interlayer spacing. By tunneling into the (100) plane of a Bi2212 single crystal and a YBCO film, we observe both U-shaped tunneling spectra with extended fiat zero-conductance bottoms, and V-shaped gap structures, in different regions of each sample. On the YBCO film, tunneling into a (110) surface only reveals a U-shaped gap without any zero-bias peak. Our analysis suggests that the U-shaped gap is likely a nodeless superconducting gap. The V-shaped gap has a very small amplitude, and is likely proximity-induced by regions having the larger U-shaped gap.展开更多
In this paper, we develop a modified accelerated stochastic simulation method for chemically reacting systems, called the "final all possible steps" (FAPS) method, which obtains the reliable statistics of all spec...In this paper, we develop a modified accelerated stochastic simulation method for chemically reacting systems, called the "final all possible steps" (FAPS) method, which obtains the reliable statistics of all species in any time during the time course with fewer simulation times. Moreover, the FAPS method can be incorporated into the leap methods, which makes the simulation of larger systems more efficient. Numerical results indicate that the proposed methods can be applied to a wide range of chemically reacting systems with a high-precision level and obtain a significant improvement on efficiency over the existing methods.展开更多
We report a very rare case of mitral valve dissection and aorticleft ventricular tunnel caused by possible autoimmune vasculitis.We suspected Behcet’s disease in this patient.There was no obvious clinical evidence of...We report a very rare case of mitral valve dissection and aorticleft ventricular tunnel caused by possible autoimmune vasculitis.We suspected Behcet’s disease in this patient.There was no obvious clinical evidence of infective endocarditis.Echocardiography is the diagnostic tool of choice to recognize valvular dysfunction,related pathology and possible complications.The patient may require immunosuppressive therapy due to the high likelihood of recurrence perioperation period.展开更多
Dear Editor,cleral penetration during strabismus surgery was k3 first reported over 50 years ago[1].Early manuscripts reported the incidence of this complication around 10%[1].However,more recent studies suggest that ...Dear Editor,cleral penetration during strabismus surgery was k3 first reported over 50 years ago[1].Early manuscripts reported the incidence of this complication around 10%[1].However,more recent studies suggest that this rate may have decreased[2-3].展开更多
Venusian coronae are large(60-2600 km diameter)tectono-magmatic features characterized by quasi-circular graben-fissure systems and topographic features such as a central dome,central depression,circular rim or circular
文摘Bayesian inference model is an optimal processing of incomplete information that, more than other models, better captures the way in which any decision-maker learns and updates his degree of rational beliefs about possible states of nature, in order to make a better judgment while taking new evidence into account. Such a scientific model proposed for the general theory of decision-making, like all others in general, whether in statistics, economics, operations research, A.I., data science or applied mathematics, regardless of whether they are time-dependent, have in common a theoretical basis that is axiomatized by relying on related concepts of a universe of possibles, especially the so-called universe (or the world), the state of nature (or the state of the world), when formulated explicitly. The issue of where to stand as an observer or a decision-maker to reframe such a universe of possibles together with a partition structure of knowledge (i.e. semantic formalisms), including a copy of itself as it was initially while generalizing it, is not addressed. Memory being the substratum, whether human or artificial, wherein everything stands, to date, even the theoretical possibility of such an operation of self-inclusion is prohibited by pure mathematics. We make this blind spot come to light through a counter-example (namely Archimedes’ Eureka experiment) and explore novel theoretical foundations, fitting better with a quantum form than with fuzzy modeling, to deal with more than a reference universe of possibles. This could open up a new path of investigation for the general theory of decision-making, as well as for Artificial Intelligence, often considered as the science of the imitation of human abilities, while being also the science of knowledge representation and the science of concept formation and reasoning.
文摘佳能打印机广告"impossible made possible"有着显著的文体特征:一是语音方面,各种押韵被用到,如头韵、尾韵等;音调重音在末尾;元辅音的频繁重复使用。二是词汇方面,形容词占据着极大的比重;反义词possible与impossible强烈的对比效果。三是句法方面,过去简单小句的使用使句子短小精湛。四是语义方面,修辞手法—"重复"的使用。五是语篇方面,情态的精准把握与极性词的使用;语言组织时概念主位与述位精确的定位;口语与书面语的交替使用。基于以上文体特征,该广告大获成功。
文摘Let P=(po, p1,..., pn-1 ) and Q=(qo,q1..., qm-1) be two arbitrary convex polygonsin plane. In this paper, the author studies the problems of how to quickly determine their possiblecollision range and movable range. In the paper, a new sufficient and necessary condition for decidingpossible collision is proposed,and the basic characters of the oblique supporting lines are investigated,and on these grounds the problem to determine the possible collision range is transformed into thatof searching the supporting points on the sets of convex polygon vertexs. Using the strategy ofsearching simultaneously the sets of vertexes of P and Q, the author constructs the fast algorithmfor finding the supporting points, the time-complexity of which is O(log2(m + n)). Based on theseresults, the algorithms to quickly determine the range are given, which possess the time-complexityof O(log2(m+n)).
文摘Traditionally, in a teacher-centered class, students are deprived of right, for teachers take up the platform and play a “leading” role. What are the college English teacher′s possible roles? The paper tends to shed light on it by kicking the teacher′s traditional roles.
文摘中介语研究是二语习得理论的重要内容。传统的观点认为,中介语是与二语习得有关的五种认知过程的产物。按母语是否介入,中介语的成因可分为语际干扰和语内干扰,语内干扰以超度归纳为典型。本文从*as possible as I can/could这一中介语形式入手,借助CLEC语料库,试图分析其成因。分析后发现:*as possible as I can/could主要源自于语内干扰,但不是超度归纳,而是因语内同义形似干扰而形成。因此,本文提出,语内干扰的形式,除了传统的超度归纳,还应包括语内同义形似干扰。这种干扰易错误石化,应予以及时纠正。
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41771423, 41930102, 41601408 and 41491339)the industry-university-research cooperation project for the social development of Fujian province, China (grant number 2018Y0054)
文摘Solar radiation is often shielded by terrain relief, especially in mountainous areas, before reaching the surface of the Earth. The objective of this paper is to study the spatial structures of the shielded astronomical solar radiation(SASR) and the possible sunshine duration(PSD) over the Loess Plateau. To this end, we chose six test areas representing different landforms over the Loess Plateau and the software package of Matlab was used as the main computing platform. In each test area, 5-m-resolution digital elevation model established from 1:10,000 scale topographic maps was used to compute the corresponding slope, SASR and PSD. Then, we defined the concepts of the slope-mean SASR spectrum and the slope-mean PSD spectrum, and proposed a method to extract them from the computed slope, SASR and PSD over rectangular analysis windows. Using this method, we found both spectrums in a year or in a season for each of the four seasons in the six test areas. Each spectrum was found only when the area of the corresponding rectangular analysis window was greater than the corresponding stable area of the spectrum. The values of the two spectrums decreased when the slope increased.Furthermore, the values of the stable areas of the spectrums in a year or in a season were positively correlated with the variable coefficients of the slope or the profile curvature. The values of the stable areas of the two spectrums in a year or in a season may represent the minimum value of test areas for corresponding future research on the spatial structures of the SASR or PSD. All the findings herein suggest that the spatial structures of the PSD and the SASR are caused by the interactions between solar radiation and terrain relief and that the method for extracting either spectrum is effective for detecting their spatial structures. This study may deepen our understanding of the spatial structure of solar radiation and help us further explore the distribution of solar energy in mountainous regions.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation major international(regional)joint research project(81220108006)to WJYoung Scientists Fund of National Natural Science Foundation(81200292),Young Scientists Fund of National Natural Science Foundation(81200655)to LSShanghai Rising-Star Program(13QA1402900)and Hong Kong Scholars Program(XJ2013035)to HL
文摘Overweight or obesity has become a serious public health problem in the world, scientists are concentrating their efforts on exploring novel ways to treat obesity. Nowadays, the availabilities of bariatric surgery and pharmacotherapy have enhanced obesity treatment, but it should has support from diet, physical exercise and lifestyle modification, especially the functional food. Resistant starch, an indigestible starch, has been studied for years for its beneficial effects on regulating blood glucose level and lipid metabolism. The aim of this review is to summarize the effect of resistant starch on weight loss and the possible mechanisms. According to numerous previous studies it could be concluded that resistant starch can reduce fat accumulation, enhance insulin sensitivity, regulate blood glucose level and lipid metabolism. Recent investigations have focused on the possible associations between resistant starch and incretins as well as gut microbiota. Resistant starch seems to be a promising dietary fiber for the prevention or treatment of obesity and its related diseases.
基金Wang Qi is the advanced visiting scholar of the Chinese Academy of Sciences supported by Grant No. KZCX2 - 205. This work was also supported by the National Key Program for Developing Basic Science Research on the Formation Mechanism and Prediction
文摘A data-based hypothesis on the role of the South China Sea (SCS) in ENSO cycle is proposed: during El Nino, there are westerly wind anomaly over the western equatorial Pacific and positive SST anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Meanwhile anomalous convection moves to the central Pacific with anomalous sinking over Indonesian Archipelago. The latter can cause southerly wind anomaly over the north of South China Sea (NSCS) and makes the NSCS warmer. The warm NSCS can attract the anomalous convection to it in some degree. This attraction is in favor for producing easterly wind anomaly over the western equatorial Pacific, so it helps to form a cycle.
文摘Neurodevelopmental disorders are characterized by an abnormal development of the central nervous system, leading to a myriad of symptoms and diseases, including intellectual disability, attention deficits, impairments in learning and memory, speech disorders and repetitive behavior (Telias and Ben-Yosef, 2014). Common major neurodevelopmental disorders include autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), fragile X syndrome (FXS), Down syndrome (DS), and Rett syndrome (RTT). They can be collectively described as disorders in which the plasticity of the brain has been severely impaired. The concept of plasticity refers to the brain's ability to adapt to and process new information and react accordingly, and it can be classified into three categories: a) molecular plasticity, whenever specific receptors, ion channels, enzymes,
基金supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30970125,81101264,and 81171587)
文摘A total of 26 leptospirosis cases occurred in the outbreak, of whom six died after hospitalization. All 26 patients were clinically diagnosed as leptospirosis Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) revealed that 13 of 26 patients were affected with laboratory confirmed leptospirosis. Furthermore, MAT data suggested that serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae were the main pathogens responsible for this outbreak. And the rainfall data suggested that the increased rainfall might be responsible for the leptospirosis outbreak in Lezhi County. This outbreak has reminded us that leptospirosis should not be neglected, especially during flood season, although its incidence rate is low.
基金funded by Ministry of Education,University and Research(MIUR)ex-60% research fund University of Brescia,Italy
文摘Depression refers to a series of mental health issues characterized by loss of interest and enjoyment in everyday life,low mood and selected emotional,cognitive,physical and behavioral symptoms.Depression is a common disorder,affecting 5–15%of the general population.When diagnosed as major depressive disorder(MDD),patients are currentlytreated with pharmacological agents such as serotonin or noradren- aline uptake inhibitors (SSRI or SNRI) or tricyclics.
基金National Basic Research and Development(973)Program of China(2013CB430202)Natural Science Foundation of China(41490643,41575077,41375089)+4 种基金China Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest(GYHY201406018)"333"Project of Jiangsu Province(BRA2015290)Priority Academic Program Development(PAPD) of Jiangsu Higher Education InstitutionsProgram for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University(PCSIRT)"Qinglan"Project of Jiangsu Province for Cultivating Research Teams
文摘The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, CMAP rainfall and Hadley Centre sea surface temperature(SST) datasets are used to investigate the relationship between the seasonal transition of East Asian monsoon and Asian-Pacific thermal contrast, together with the possible causes. Based on the 250 h Pa air temperature over two selected key areas, the Asian-Pacific thermal difference(APTD) index is calculated. Results show that the APTD index is highly consistent with the Asian-Pacific Oscillation(APO) index defined by Zhao et al., in terms of different key areas in different seasons. Moreover, the time point of the seasonal transition of the Asian-Pacific thermal contrast can be well determined by the APTD index, indicative of seasonal variation in East Asian atmospheric circulation from winter to summer. The transition characteristic of the circulation can be summarized as follows. The continental cold high at lower tropospheric level moves eastward to the East China Sea and decreases rapidly in intensity, while the low-level northerlies turn to southerlies. At middle tropospheric level, the East Asia major trough is reduced and moves eastward. Furthermore, the subtropical high strengthens and appears near Philippines. The South Asia high shifts from the east of Philippines to the west of Indochina Peninsula, and the prevailing southerlies change into northerlies in upper troposphere. Meanwhile,both the westerly and easterly jets both jump to the north. The seasonal transition of atmospheric circulation is closely related to the thermal contrast, and the possible mechanism can be concluded as follows. Under the background of the APTD seasonal transition, the southerly wind appears firstly at lower troposphere, which triggers the ascending motion via changing vertical shear of meridional winds. The resultant latent heating accelerates the transition of heating pattern from winter to summer. The summer heating pattern can further promote the adjustment of circulation, which favors the formation and strengthening of the low-level southerly and upper-level northerly winds. As a result, the meridional circulation of the East Asian subtropical monsoon is established through a positive feedback between the circulation and thermal fields. Moreover, the time point of this seasonal transition has a significant positive correlation with the SST anomalies over the tropical central-eastern Pacific Ocean, providing a basis for the short-term climate prediction.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant Nos 2015CB921400 and 2011CB921802the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 11374057,11434003 and 11421404the research of Andreev reflection was supported as part of the SHINES,an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S.Department of Energy,Office of Science under Award SC0012670
文摘Superconductivity (SC) is one of the most intriguing physical phenomena in nature. Nucleation of SC has long been considered highly unfavorable if not impossible near ferromagnetism, in low dimensionality and, above all, out of non-superconductor. Here we report observation of SC with TC near 4K in Ni/Bi bilayers that defies all known paradigms of superconductivity, where neither ferromagnetic Ni film nor rhombohedra Bi film is superconducting in isolation. This highly unusual SC is independent of the growth order (Ni/Bi or Bi/Ni), but highly sensitive to the constituent layer thicknesses. Most importantly, the SC, distinctively non-s pairing, is triggered from, but does not occur at, the Bi/Ni interface. Using point contact Andreev reflection, we show evidences that the unique SC, naturally compatible with magnetism, is triplet p-wave pairing.
文摘Antibodies to the ubiquitous group of stress proteins known as heat shock proteins (Hsps) have been found to be associated with a number of diseases in humans. Hsps are known to be induced by certain xenobiotics, some of which are common in the working environment. The biological significance of the presence of such autoantibodies is presently unclear. In the present study, we used immunoblotting to investigate the presence of antibodies against the different stress proteins, Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp71, Hse (heat shock cognate ) 73 and Hsp89a and D in groups of workers exposed to high temperature or carbon monoxide. These data were related to a detailed clinical evaluation and to various laboratory measurements including electrocardiogram (ECG), B echogram, white blood cell counts and typing, the activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), acid phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lymphocyte DNA damage. Antibodies to Hsp27 and Hsp71 were found more frequently in the high temperature and carbon monoxide-exposed groups than in controls (P (0.05 ). The carbon monoxide-exposed group showed the highest incidence of anti-Hsp antibodies. Anti-Hsp60 antibodies were only detected in workers exposed to high temperature or carbon monoxide. The percentage of workers with abnormal ECG, B echogram changes and displaying hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg ) was higher in the carbon monoxide group than in the control group (P<0.05 ).There was a significant inerease in the activity of ALT in the high temperature and carbon monoxide groups and in the activities of ACP and ALP in the carbon monoxide group (P<0.05 ). The extent of DNA damage measured in lymphoeytes was higher in workers from the high temperature and carbon monoxide-cxposed groups. We suggest that the increased frequeney of antibodies to Hsps is the result of these damages, of the release of denatured Hsps and of a decrease in the phagocytic ability of macrophages in these workers. The data gathered in the present study show a statistical relation between the occurrence of antibodies against Hsps and the frequency of health problems in workers and suggest a potential role for the antibodies as useful biomarkers to assess whether workers are experieneing environmental stress
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of Chinathe National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant No 2016YFA0300203
文摘Pairing in the cuprate high-temperature superconductors and its origin remain among the most enduring mysteries in condensed matter physics. With cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy, we clearly reveal the spatial-dependence or inhomogeneity of the superconducting gap structure of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi2212) and YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) along their c-axes on a scale shorter than the interlayer spacing. By tunneling into the (100) plane of a Bi2212 single crystal and a YBCO film, we observe both U-shaped tunneling spectra with extended fiat zero-conductance bottoms, and V-shaped gap structures, in different regions of each sample. On the YBCO film, tunneling into a (110) surface only reveals a U-shaped gap without any zero-bias peak. Our analysis suggests that the U-shaped gap is likely a nodeless superconducting gap. The V-shaped gap has a very small amplitude, and is likely proximity-induced by regions having the larger U-shaped gap.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.30571059)the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China(No.2006AA02Z190)
文摘In this paper, we develop a modified accelerated stochastic simulation method for chemically reacting systems, called the "final all possible steps" (FAPS) method, which obtains the reliable statistics of all species in any time during the time course with fewer simulation times. Moreover, the FAPS method can be incorporated into the leap methods, which makes the simulation of larger systems more efficient. Numerical results indicate that the proposed methods can be applied to a wide range of chemically reacting systems with a high-precision level and obtain a significant improvement on efficiency over the existing methods.
文摘We report a very rare case of mitral valve dissection and aorticleft ventricular tunnel caused by possible autoimmune vasculitis.We suspected Behcet’s disease in this patient.There was no obvious clinical evidence of infective endocarditis.Echocardiography is the diagnostic tool of choice to recognize valvular dysfunction,related pathology and possible complications.The patient may require immunosuppressive therapy due to the high likelihood of recurrence perioperation period.
基金Supported in part by the National Institute of Health,Bethesda,Maryland(No.P30-EY014801)An unrestricted grant to the University of Miami from Research to Prevent Blindness,New York,USA.
文摘Dear Editor,cleral penetration during strabismus surgery was k3 first reported over 50 years ago[1].Early manuscripts reported the incidence of this complication around 10%[1].However,more recent studies suggest that this rate may have decreased[2-3].
文摘Venusian coronae are large(60-2600 km diameter)tectono-magmatic features characterized by quasi-circular graben-fissure systems and topographic features such as a central dome,central depression,circular rim or circular