As a case study of spatial and temporal variations in earthquake stress drops between the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan and 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan earthquakes,we computed 1828 stress-drop values for earthquakes with magnitudes 1.7...As a case study of spatial and temporal variations in earthquake stress drops between the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan and 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan earthquakes,we computed 1828 stress-drop values for earthquakes with magnitudes 1.7≤ML≤5.0 during an eight-year time span before and after major earthquakes.We divide the study area into three subregions(the southern segment of the Longmen Shan fault zone;the southwestern junction of the Longmen Shan and Sichuan Basin;and the southwestern margin of the Sichuan Basin)and calculate individual event stress drops in each.The results show that regions of alternating high and low stress drop are found on either side of the southwestern segment of the Longmen Shan fault zone.During the two-year period after the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake,the stress state of the southern Longmen Shan fault shows no significant change.A marked increase in stress level appears about 18 months before the 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan earthquake near the Lushan hypocenter zone.Two months after the Ms 7.0 event,the stress drops suddenly attenuate,with significantly less seismic energy release per event.We find that changes in the patterns of high and low stress drop values are consistent with the process of stress accumulation or transfer from the pre-mainshock to postmainshock periods.The results indicate that major earthquakes are the dominant cause of temporal and spatial evolution in stress levels.Stress drop variations show obvious temporal and spatial patterns that may suggests subtle changes in the character of stress fields on faults and spatial variations related to local intense compression and tectonic effects.展开更多
Aiming at the circular chamber under uniform stress field in deep energy storage and mining,analytical solutions of stress and plastic zone of the surrounding rock under different far-field stress and internal pressur...Aiming at the circular chamber under uniform stress field in deep energy storage and mining,analytical solutions of stress and plastic zone of the surrounding rock under different far-field stress and internal pressure were derived based on bi-modulus theory and the elastic-brittle-ideal plastic constitutive model.Evolution trend of the elasticplastic stress and plastic region with different elastic constant ratios and residual strength coefficients were analyzed in details.Results revealed that when the internal pressure was small,the three-direction principal stress was compressive stress and the stress field distribution of the surrounding rock was not affected by the moduli difference.The obtained solution was consistent with the solution from the elastic-brittle plastic drop model under the equal modulus theory.On the other hand,when the internal pressure was large,the tangential stress was changed.The surrounding rock can be divided into three zones,i.e.,tensile plastic zone(TPZ),tensile elastic zone(TEZ)and compressive elastic zone(CEZ).The tensile and compressive dual modulus had significant influence on the demarcation point between TEZ and CEZ.In addition,the strength drop and the dual modulus characteristic had a coupling effect on the stress distribution in the surrounding rock.The related achievements further enrich the theory of deep rock mechanics.展开更多
Investigating the stress drop of abutment pressure is the key to a deep quantitative analysis of the discontinuous stress redistribution under mining.In the present study,uniaxial and triaxial compression tests are ca...Investigating the stress drop of abutment pressure is the key to a deep quantitative analysis of the discontinuous stress redistribution under mining.In the present study,uniaxial and triaxial compression tests are carried out separately to determine the bulk and shear moduli,the cohesion,and the internal friction angle of the coal samples.By extending the meaning of Mohr’s circle referring to yield stress instead of the maximum principal stress,a yield line is introduced to illustrate the stress drop of Mohr’s circle referring to yield stress instead of the maximum principal stress at the elastoplastic boundary.Furthermore,a theoretical solution of the stress drop as a function of the damage is proposed to investigate how the abutment pressure differs considering the yield line and failure line.In addition,applying the stress drop at the yield line in non-pillar mining,top coal mining,and protective coal mining shows that the damage has a nonlinearly positive influence on the stress drop.The results shows that the bulk modulus and internal friction angle have a more sensitive influence on the stress drop than do the shear modulus and cohesion.Finally,the stress drop is divided into a discontinuous stress drop at the yield line and a structural stress drop at the failure line.The stress drop is effective in describing the discontinuous stress redistribution and shows a clear difference in the movement direction of Mohr’s circle considering the unloading pressure.展开更多
It has been observed for a long time that the high-frequency fall-off constant of source spectra is about 2 for 'large'earthquakes and about 3 for 'small' earthquakes. For earthquakes between 'larg...It has been observed for a long time that the high-frequency fall-off constant of source spectra is about 2 for 'large'earthquakes and about 3 for 'small' earthquakes. For earthquakes between 'large' and 'small', the high-frequencyfall-off constant is not an integer and varies with the size of the earthquake. In this article such a variation is explainedin the perspective of the scaling of stress drop, which proposes a new approach to the study of the scaling of stress dropusing seismic data with lower quality of completeness and high-frequency characteristics. The study on the sourcespectra of the aftershocks of the 1988 Lancang-Gengma, Yunnan, China earthquake shows that the high-frequencyfall-off of source spectra and its variation with the size of earthquake can be well explained by the model that for 'large'earthquakes the stress drop is a constant while for ',small' earthquakes the stress drop increases with the size of theearthquake.展开更多
To obtain the stress level at the earthquake source, this paper sets forth the solution of the stress magnitude at the earthquake source by seismic stress drop and the stress axis deflections before and after large ea...To obtain the stress level at the earthquake source, this paper sets forth the solution of the stress magnitude at the earthquake source by seismic stress drop and the stress axis deflections before and after large earthquakes. The pre-seismic and post-seismic stress direction can be statistically determined by a large collection of foreshock and aftershock focal mechanism data while the stress drop can be determined through the source fracture inversion from seismic wave data or crust deformation data. The paper attempts to make a fundamental contribution to seismic dynamics.展开更多
By using a broadband Lg attenuation model developed for the Tibetan Plateau,we isolate source terms by removing attenuation and site effects from the observed Lg-wave displacement spectra of the M 7.0 earthquake that ...By using a broadband Lg attenuation model developed for the Tibetan Plateau,we isolate source terms by removing attenuation and site effects from the observed Lg-wave displacement spectra of the M 7.0 earthquake that occurred on August 8,2017,in Jiuzhaigou,China,and its aftershock sequence.Thus,the source parameters,including the scalar seismic moment,comer frequency and stress drop,of these events can be further estimated.The estimated stress drops vary from 47.1 kPa to 7149.6 kPa,with a median value of 59.4 kPa and most values falling between 50 kPa and 75 kPa.The estimated stress drops show significant spatial variations.Lower stress drops were mainly found close to the mainshock and on the seismogenic fault plane with large coseismic slip.In contrast,the highest stress drop was 7.1 MPa for the mainshock,and relatively large stress drops were also found for aftershocks away from the major seismogenic fault and at depths deeper than the zone with large coseismic slip.By using a statistical method,we found self-similarity among some of the aftershocks with a nearly constant stress drop.In contrast,the stress drop increased with the seismic moment for other aftershocks.The amount of stress released during earthquakes is a fundamental characteristic of the earthquake rupture process.As such,the stress drop represents a key parameter for improving our understanding of earthquake source physics.展开更多
It is revealed in frictional experiments on medium-scale samples that period doubling bifurcation of stress drop for stick-slip occurs due to macroscopic heterogeneity of the sliding surface under conditions for typic...It is revealed in frictional experiments on medium-scale samples that period doubling bifurcation of stress drop for stick-slip occurs due to macroscopic heterogeneity of the sliding surface under conditions for typical stick-slip.The observed data show that the period doubling bifurcation of stress drop results from the alternate occurrence of strain release along the whole fault and along part of fault.This implies that complicated nonlinear behavior corresponds to clear physical implication in some cases.展开更多
According to the source dislocation model suggested by Brune(1970), the authors have calculated the displacement spectra of S wave and source parameters of the Heqing M S 5 3 earthquake sequence, using th...According to the source dislocation model suggested by Brune(1970), the authors have calculated the displacement spectra of S wave and source parameters of the Heqing M S 5 3 earthquake sequence, using the digital data of this sequence obtained in the Western Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Experimental Field (WYEPEF). Based on this calculation we have studied the dependence of the peak velocity ( rv ) of ground motion on the seismic stress drop Δ σ . From the seismic scaling law we obtained ( rv )∝Δ σ 2/3 , thus the three formulae of calculating seismic stress drop Δ σ using the peak velocity parameters can be derived: lg( rv)=d 1+13lg M 0+23lgΔ σ ; lg( rv) =d 2+13 M L+23lgΔ σ ; lgΔ σ =-1 0+1 5lg( rv ) Assuming that the average stress drop Δ σ =3.0×10 6 Pa for great and small earthquakes, then the constants d 1=-3 88 and d 2=-0 38 are determined by the observational data of the Heqing M S5 3 sequence. Results of the source parameters for this sequence show that the seismic moment M 0 is between 10 11 N·m and 10 15 N·m, the rupture radius a of the source is between 200 m and 600 m, the stress drop Δ σ is between 0 1 MPa and 10 MPa and the average stress drop Δ σ =3 7 MPa calculated from the peak velocity parameter of the ground motion. Δσ values measured from these scaling relations are basically in agreement with the results given by Brune′s method( 1970). Results of this study show that the dependence of the ground motion peak velocity parameter (rv) on the stress drop Δσ is even stronger than that on the seismic moment M 0 .展开更多
Based on the digital waveform data recorded by Xinjiang Digital Seismic Network for the Xinyuan-Hejing M_L6.8 earthquake sequences of June 30,2012,this paper analyzes the stress drops of earthquake sequences and the c...Based on the digital waveform data recorded by Xinjiang Digital Seismic Network for the Xinyuan-Hejing M_L6.8 earthquake sequences of June 30,2012,this paper analyzes the stress drops of earthquake sequences and the correlation coefficients of focal mechanisms significant for strong aftershocks.Firstly,the source parameters of the Xinyuan-Hejing M_L6.8 earthquake sequences are obtained by applying the spectrum analysis and the Brunes source model.Then,the correlation coefficients of spectral amplitudes are calculated using the low-frequency spectral amplitude recorded by the same station for the different events.Finally,based on the results of the correlation coefficients of spectral amplitudes,the events with similar focal mechanisms are grouped using the clustering method.The results show that:(1)The stress drop values show a steady trend in the aftershock sequence calm period and the stress drop values show a rise-fall in strong aftershocks.(2)The moving average correlation coefficient of amplitude spectrum begins to spread after the main shock.It shows that the correlation decreases between the main shock and the aftershocks in mechanisms.(3)The results of focal mechanism groups show that the earthquake sequences are mainly strike slips.The stress distribution of the main pressure axis is nearly NS,which is the same as the structural stress field.(4)The magnitude and mechanism show that there is an agreement before the strong aftershock,which shows that the regional stress field is enhanced.展开更多
According to the rupture dynamics of earthquakes, variations of the apparent stress and the difference between the static stress drop and the dynamic stress drop during the rupture of earthquakes are analyzed for the ...According to the rupture dynamics of earthquakes, variations of the apparent stress and the difference between the static stress drop and the dynamic stress drop during the rupture of earthquakes are analyzed for the July 20, 1995 ML=4.1 Shacheng, Hebei, China, earthquake sequence. Results obtained show that the apparent stress for main-shock is about 5 MPa, and the average apparent stress for aftershocks 0.047 MPa. During the rupture of the main-shock, the dynamic stress drop is approximately 1.6 times greater than the static stress drop with the difference of nearly 2.7 MPa. The dynamic stress drop is less than the static stress drop for all aftershocks with the average difference of -0.75 MPa. Therefore, when the mainshock occurs the final stress on the focal fault is higher than the dynamic frictional stress, corresponding to that the fault is abruptly locked. When the aftershocks occur the final stress on the focal fault is lower than the dynamic frictional stress, corresponding to that the fault overshoots. It can be seen from the above results that there could be some differences in the physic processes between the mainshock and the aftershocks.展开更多
A boundary integral method was developed for simulating the motion and deformation of a viscous drop in an axisymmetric ambient Stokes flow near a rigid wall and for direct calculating the stress on the wall. Numerica...A boundary integral method was developed for simulating the motion and deformation of a viscous drop in an axisymmetric ambient Stokes flow near a rigid wall and for direct calculating the stress on the wall. Numerical experiments by the method were performed for different initial stand-off distances of the drop to the wall, viscosity ratios, combined surface tension and buoyancy parameters and ambient flow parameters. Numerical results show that due to the action of ambient flow and buoyancy the drop is compressed and stretched respectively in axial and radial directions when time goes. When the ambient flow action is weaker than that of the buoyancy the drop raises and bends upward and the stress on the wall induced by drop motion decreases when time advances. When the ambient flow action is stronger than that of the buoyancy the drop descends and becomes flatter and flatter as time goes. In this case when the initial stand-off distance is large the stress on the wall increases as the drop evolutes but when the stand-off distance is small the stress on the wall decreases as a result of combined effects of ambient flow, buoyancy and the stronger wall action to the flow. The action of the stress on the wall induced by drop motion is restricted in an area near the symmetric axis, which increases when the initial stand-off distance increases. When the initial stand-off distance increases the stress induced by drop motion decreases substantially. The surface tension effects resist the deformation and smooth the profile of the drop surfaces. The drop viscosity will reduce the deformation and migration of the drop.展开更多
Recent numerical studies on pressure-drops in contraction flows have introduced a variety of constitutive models to compare and contrast the competing influences of extensional vis-cosity, normal stress and shear-thin...Recent numerical studies on pressure-drops in contraction flows have introduced a variety of constitutive models to compare and contrast the competing influences of extensional vis-cosity, normal stress and shear-thinning. Early work on pressure-drops employed the constant viscosity Oldroyd-B and Upper Convected Max- well (UCM) models to represent the behavior of so-called Boger fluids in axisymmetric contrac-tion flows, in (unsuccessful) attempts to predict the very large enhancements that were ob-served experimentally. In more recent studies, other constitutive models have been employed to interpret observed behavior and some pro-gress has been made, although finding a (re-spectable) model to describe observed contrac-tion-flow behavior, even qualitatively, has been frustratingly difficult. With this in mind, the present study discusses the ability of a well- known FENE type model (the so-called FENE- CR model) to describe observed behavior. For various reasons, an axisymmetric (4:1:4) con-traction/expansion geometry, with rounded corners, is singled out for special attention, and a new hybrid finite element/volume algo-rithm is utilized to conduct the modeling, which reflects an incremental pressure-correction time-stepping structure. New to this algo-rithmic formulation are techniques in time discretization, discrete treatment of pressure terms, and compatible stress/velocity-gradient representation. We shall argue that the current simulations for the FENE-CR model have re-sulted in a major improvement in the sort-for agreement between theory and experiment in this important bench-mark problem.展开更多
Objective: To study the effects of adjuvant Qishen Yiqi Drop Pill therapy on renal function changes and prognosis of patients with early diabetic nephropathy. Methods: The patients with early diabetic nephropathy trea...Objective: To study the effects of adjuvant Qishen Yiqi Drop Pill therapy on renal function changes and prognosis of patients with early diabetic nephropathy. Methods: The patients with early diabetic nephropathy treated in our hospital between February 2015 and April 2017 were chosen and divided into two groups by random number table, observation group received Qishen Yiqi Drop Pill combined with conventional therapy and control group accepted conventional therapy. The renal function indexes, cytokine contents and oxygen free radical generation were compared before treatment and 3 months after treatment. Results:Urine UREA levels as well as serum β2 microglobulin (β2-MG), cystatin C (CysC), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1), interleukin-17 (IL-17), transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), malondialdehyde (MDA) and 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α (8-iso-PGF2α) contents of both groups were significantly lower while superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) contents were significantly higher after treatment, and urine UREA level as well as serum β2-MG, CysC, TNF-α, IL-6, SDF-1, IL-17, TGF-β1, MDA and 8-iso-PGF2α contents of observation group after treatment was significantly lower than those of control group while SOD and T-AOC contents were significantly higher than those of control group. Conclusion: Adjuvant Qishen Yiqi Drop Pill therapy can improve the renal function and reduce the inflammatory response and oxidative stress response in early diabetic nephropathy.展开更多
Athletes and military recruits are often afflicted by stress fractures. Rigorous training programs consisting of increased repetitive mechanical loading may contribute to the high incidence of tibia stress fracture in...Athletes and military recruits are often afflicted by stress fractures. Rigorous training programs consisting of increased repetitive mechanical loading may contribute to the high incidence of tibia stress fracture in the athletic and army populations. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of incremented height on tibia bone strains and strain rates during landing. Seven healthy college males performed drop-landing tasks from 26 cm, 39 cm, and 52 cm, respectively. Tibia bone strains and strain rates were obtained through subject-specific multi-body dynamic computer simulations and finite element analyses. One-way repeated measures ANOVAs were conducted. Both 39 cm and 52 cm conditions resulted in larger tibia bone strains and strain rates than the 26 cm condition. The 52 cm condition also resulted in greater bone strains and strain rates than the 39 cm condition. A dose-response relationship exists between incremented landing height and bone strains and strain rates. Activities consisting of high impact landings are associated with increased risk of developing tibia stress fracture. When designing training programs involved high impact activities, athletes and military recruits should consider the effect of impact loading on tibia bone health and giving enough time for bones to adapt to new trainings.展开更多
基于浙江测震台网记录到的2017年2—9月磐安地区发生的地震序列资料,采用Brune震源模型理论和波谱分析方法,得到磐安震群序列的应力降、视应力等震源参数。利用台站的零频幅值,计算谱振幅相关系数。采用聚类分组,并结合Cut and Paste(C...基于浙江测震台网记录到的2017年2—9月磐安地区发生的地震序列资料,采用Brune震源模型理论和波谱分析方法,得到磐安震群序列的应力降、视应力等震源参数。利用台站的零频幅值,计算谱振幅相关系数。采用聚类分组,并结合Cut and Paste(CAP)反演方法得到ML4.0主地震事件的震源机制解,系统分析小地震的震源机制的一致性程度。结果显示:震源区应力降值在0.00~0.80 MPa之间,整体构造应力较低;谱振幅相关系数较低,在0.86~0.95之间,震源机制整体相似程度不高;应力积累没有形成一个优势方向,可能指示磐安序列为低摩擦应力的断层作用。研究结果表明:磐安地震序列为普通的小震序列,其震源机制类型与构造应力场基本一致;谱振幅相关分析法可为小震序列的震后快速判定提供重要依据。展开更多
基金supported by the China Seismic Experiment Site Project(Grant No.2018CSES0209)the Project of Science for Earthquake Resilience(Grant No.XH202302),part of the China Earthquake Administration。
文摘As a case study of spatial and temporal variations in earthquake stress drops between the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan and 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan earthquakes,we computed 1828 stress-drop values for earthquakes with magnitudes 1.7≤ML≤5.0 during an eight-year time span before and after major earthquakes.We divide the study area into three subregions(the southern segment of the Longmen Shan fault zone;the southwestern junction of the Longmen Shan and Sichuan Basin;and the southwestern margin of the Sichuan Basin)and calculate individual event stress drops in each.The results show that regions of alternating high and low stress drop are found on either side of the southwestern segment of the Longmen Shan fault zone.During the two-year period after the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake,the stress state of the southern Longmen Shan fault shows no significant change.A marked increase in stress level appears about 18 months before the 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan earthquake near the Lushan hypocenter zone.Two months after the Ms 7.0 event,the stress drops suddenly attenuate,with significantly less seismic energy release per event.We find that changes in the patterns of high and low stress drop values are consistent with the process of stress accumulation or transfer from the pre-mainshock to postmainshock periods.The results indicate that major earthquakes are the dominant cause of temporal and spatial evolution in stress levels.Stress drop variations show obvious temporal and spatial patterns that may suggests subtle changes in the character of stress fields on faults and spatial variations related to local intense compression and tectonic effects.
基金Projects(51774196,52074169)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China。
文摘Aiming at the circular chamber under uniform stress field in deep energy storage and mining,analytical solutions of stress and plastic zone of the surrounding rock under different far-field stress and internal pressure were derived based on bi-modulus theory and the elastic-brittle-ideal plastic constitutive model.Evolution trend of the elasticplastic stress and plastic region with different elastic constant ratios and residual strength coefficients were analyzed in details.Results revealed that when the internal pressure was small,the three-direction principal stress was compressive stress and the stress field distribution of the surrounding rock was not affected by the moduli difference.The obtained solution was consistent with the solution from the elastic-brittle plastic drop model under the equal modulus theory.On the other hand,when the internal pressure was large,the tangential stress was changed.The surrounding rock can be divided into three zones,i.e.,tensile plastic zone(TPZ),tensile elastic zone(TEZ)and compressive elastic zone(CEZ).The tensile and compressive dual modulus had significant influence on the demarcation point between TEZ and CEZ.In addition,the strength drop and the dual modulus characteristic had a coupling effect on the stress distribution in the surrounding rock.The related achievements further enrich the theory of deep rock mechanics.
基金The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support received from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.51504257 and 51674266)the State Key Research Development Program of China(Grant No.2016YFC0600704)+1 种基金the Fund of Yue Qi Outstanding Scholars(Grant No.2018A16)the Open Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control at Chongqing University(Grant No.2011DA105287-FW201604).
文摘Investigating the stress drop of abutment pressure is the key to a deep quantitative analysis of the discontinuous stress redistribution under mining.In the present study,uniaxial and triaxial compression tests are carried out separately to determine the bulk and shear moduli,the cohesion,and the internal friction angle of the coal samples.By extending the meaning of Mohr’s circle referring to yield stress instead of the maximum principal stress,a yield line is introduced to illustrate the stress drop of Mohr’s circle referring to yield stress instead of the maximum principal stress at the elastoplastic boundary.Furthermore,a theoretical solution of the stress drop as a function of the damage is proposed to investigate how the abutment pressure differs considering the yield line and failure line.In addition,applying the stress drop at the yield line in non-pillar mining,top coal mining,and protective coal mining shows that the damage has a nonlinearly positive influence on the stress drop.The results shows that the bulk modulus and internal friction angle have a more sensitive influence on the stress drop than do the shear modulus and cohesion.Finally,the stress drop is divided into a discontinuous stress drop at the yield line and a structural stress drop at the failure line.The stress drop is effective in describing the discontinuous stress redistribution and shows a clear difference in the movement direction of Mohr’s circle considering the unloading pressure.
文摘It has been observed for a long time that the high-frequency fall-off constant of source spectra is about 2 for 'large'earthquakes and about 3 for 'small' earthquakes. For earthquakes between 'large' and 'small', the high-frequencyfall-off constant is not an integer and varies with the size of the earthquake. In this article such a variation is explainedin the perspective of the scaling of stress drop, which proposes a new approach to the study of the scaling of stress dropusing seismic data with lower quality of completeness and high-frequency characteristics. The study on the sourcespectra of the aftershocks of the 1988 Lancang-Gengma, Yunnan, China earthquake shows that the high-frequencyfall-off of source spectra and its variation with the size of earthquake can be well explained by the model that for 'large'earthquakes the stress drop is a constant while for ',small' earthquakes the stress drop increases with the size of theearthquake.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China (40374012) and State Key Fundamental Research Development Plan Project (2001CB711005).
文摘To obtain the stress level at the earthquake source, this paper sets forth the solution of the stress magnitude at the earthquake source by seismic stress drop and the stress axis deflections before and after large earthquakes. The pre-seismic and post-seismic stress direction can be statistically determined by a large collection of foreshock and aftershock focal mechanism data while the stress drop can be determined through the source fracture inversion from seismic wave data or crust deformation data. The paper attempts to make a fundamental contribution to seismic dynamics.
基金The authors are grateful to the two anonymous reviewers,whose constructive comments have improved this paperThis work was supported by the Special Fund of China Seismic Experimental Site(Nos.2019CSES0103,2018CESE0102 and 2016CESE0203)+1 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41630210,41674060 and 41974054)the 13th Five-year Informatization Plan of Chinese Academy of Sciences(grant No.XXH13505-06)。
文摘By using a broadband Lg attenuation model developed for the Tibetan Plateau,we isolate source terms by removing attenuation and site effects from the observed Lg-wave displacement spectra of the M 7.0 earthquake that occurred on August 8,2017,in Jiuzhaigou,China,and its aftershock sequence.Thus,the source parameters,including the scalar seismic moment,comer frequency and stress drop,of these events can be further estimated.The estimated stress drops vary from 47.1 kPa to 7149.6 kPa,with a median value of 59.4 kPa and most values falling between 50 kPa and 75 kPa.The estimated stress drops show significant spatial variations.Lower stress drops were mainly found close to the mainshock and on the seismogenic fault plane with large coseismic slip.In contrast,the highest stress drop was 7.1 MPa for the mainshock,and relatively large stress drops were also found for aftershocks away from the major seismogenic fault and at depths deeper than the zone with large coseismic slip.By using a statistical method,we found self-similarity among some of the aftershocks with a nearly constant stress drop.In contrast,the stress drop increased with the seismic moment for other aftershocks.The amount of stress released during earthquakes is a fundamental characteristic of the earthquake rupture process.As such,the stress drop represents a key parameter for improving our understanding of earthquake source physics.
文摘It is revealed in frictional experiments on medium-scale samples that period doubling bifurcation of stress drop for stick-slip occurs due to macroscopic heterogeneity of the sliding surface under conditions for typical stick-slip.The observed data show that the period doubling bifurcation of stress drop results from the alternate occurrence of strain release along the whole fault and along part of fault.This implies that complicated nonlinear behavior corresponds to clear physical implication in some cases.
文摘According to the source dislocation model suggested by Brune(1970), the authors have calculated the displacement spectra of S wave and source parameters of the Heqing M S 5 3 earthquake sequence, using the digital data of this sequence obtained in the Western Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Experimental Field (WYEPEF). Based on this calculation we have studied the dependence of the peak velocity ( rv ) of ground motion on the seismic stress drop Δ σ . From the seismic scaling law we obtained ( rv )∝Δ σ 2/3 , thus the three formulae of calculating seismic stress drop Δ σ using the peak velocity parameters can be derived: lg( rv)=d 1+13lg M 0+23lgΔ σ ; lg( rv) =d 2+13 M L+23lgΔ σ ; lgΔ σ =-1 0+1 5lg( rv ) Assuming that the average stress drop Δ σ =3.0×10 6 Pa for great and small earthquakes, then the constants d 1=-3 88 and d 2=-0 38 are determined by the observational data of the Heqing M S5 3 sequence. Results of the source parameters for this sequence show that the seismic moment M 0 is between 10 11 N·m and 10 15 N·m, the rupture radius a of the source is between 200 m and 600 m, the stress drop Δ σ is between 0 1 MPa and 10 MPa and the average stress drop Δ σ =3 7 MPa calculated from the peak velocity parameter of the ground motion. Δσ values measured from these scaling relations are basically in agreement with the results given by Brune′s method( 1970). Results of this study show that the dependence of the ground motion peak velocity parameter (rv) on the stress drop Δσ is even stronger than that on the seismic moment M 0 .
基金sponsored by the Earthquake Situation Tracking Program of 2014 (2014020110)the Science and Technological Fund of Earthquake Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,China (201402)
文摘Based on the digital waveform data recorded by Xinjiang Digital Seismic Network for the Xinyuan-Hejing M_L6.8 earthquake sequences of June 30,2012,this paper analyzes the stress drops of earthquake sequences and the correlation coefficients of focal mechanisms significant for strong aftershocks.Firstly,the source parameters of the Xinyuan-Hejing M_L6.8 earthquake sequences are obtained by applying the spectrum analysis and the Brunes source model.Then,the correlation coefficients of spectral amplitudes are calculated using the low-frequency spectral amplitude recorded by the same station for the different events.Finally,based on the results of the correlation coefficients of spectral amplitudes,the events with similar focal mechanisms are grouped using the clustering method.The results show that:(1)The stress drop values show a steady trend in the aftershock sequence calm period and the stress drop values show a rise-fall in strong aftershocks.(2)The moving average correlation coefficient of amplitude spectrum begins to spread after the main shock.It shows that the correlation decreases between the main shock and the aftershocks in mechanisms.(3)The results of focal mechanism groups show that the earthquake sequences are mainly strike slips.The stress distribution of the main pressure axis is nearly NS,which is the same as the structural stress field.(4)The magnitude and mechanism show that there is an agreement before the strong aftershock,which shows that the regional stress field is enhanced.
文摘According to the rupture dynamics of earthquakes, variations of the apparent stress and the difference between the static stress drop and the dynamic stress drop during the rupture of earthquakes are analyzed for the July 20, 1995 ML=4.1 Shacheng, Hebei, China, earthquake sequence. Results obtained show that the apparent stress for main-shock is about 5 MPa, and the average apparent stress for aftershocks 0.047 MPa. During the rupture of the main-shock, the dynamic stress drop is approximately 1.6 times greater than the static stress drop with the difference of nearly 2.7 MPa. The dynamic stress drop is less than the static stress drop for all aftershocks with the average difference of -0.75 MPa. Therefore, when the mainshock occurs the final stress on the focal fault is higher than the dynamic frictional stress, corresponding to that the fault is abruptly locked. When the aftershocks occur the final stress on the focal fault is lower than the dynamic frictional stress, corresponding to that the fault overshoots. It can be seen from the above results that there could be some differences in the physic processes between the mainshock and the aftershocks.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10272032)
文摘A boundary integral method was developed for simulating the motion and deformation of a viscous drop in an axisymmetric ambient Stokes flow near a rigid wall and for direct calculating the stress on the wall. Numerical experiments by the method were performed for different initial stand-off distances of the drop to the wall, viscosity ratios, combined surface tension and buoyancy parameters and ambient flow parameters. Numerical results show that due to the action of ambient flow and buoyancy the drop is compressed and stretched respectively in axial and radial directions when time goes. When the ambient flow action is weaker than that of the buoyancy the drop raises and bends upward and the stress on the wall induced by drop motion decreases when time advances. When the ambient flow action is stronger than that of the buoyancy the drop descends and becomes flatter and flatter as time goes. In this case when the initial stand-off distance is large the stress on the wall increases as the drop evolutes but when the stand-off distance is small the stress on the wall decreases as a result of combined effects of ambient flow, buoyancy and the stronger wall action to the flow. The action of the stress on the wall induced by drop motion is restricted in an area near the symmetric axis, which increases when the initial stand-off distance increases. When the initial stand-off distance increases the stress induced by drop motion decreases substantially. The surface tension effects resist the deformation and smooth the profile of the drop surfaces. The drop viscosity will reduce the deformation and migration of the drop.
文摘Recent numerical studies on pressure-drops in contraction flows have introduced a variety of constitutive models to compare and contrast the competing influences of extensional vis-cosity, normal stress and shear-thinning. Early work on pressure-drops employed the constant viscosity Oldroyd-B and Upper Convected Max- well (UCM) models to represent the behavior of so-called Boger fluids in axisymmetric contrac-tion flows, in (unsuccessful) attempts to predict the very large enhancements that were ob-served experimentally. In more recent studies, other constitutive models have been employed to interpret observed behavior and some pro-gress has been made, although finding a (re-spectable) model to describe observed contrac-tion-flow behavior, even qualitatively, has been frustratingly difficult. With this in mind, the present study discusses the ability of a well- known FENE type model (the so-called FENE- CR model) to describe observed behavior. For various reasons, an axisymmetric (4:1:4) con-traction/expansion geometry, with rounded corners, is singled out for special attention, and a new hybrid finite element/volume algo-rithm is utilized to conduct the modeling, which reflects an incremental pressure-correction time-stepping structure. New to this algo-rithmic formulation are techniques in time discretization, discrete treatment of pressure terms, and compatible stress/velocity-gradient representation. We shall argue that the current simulations for the FENE-CR model have re-sulted in a major improvement in the sort-for agreement between theory and experiment in this important bench-mark problem.
文摘Objective: To study the effects of adjuvant Qishen Yiqi Drop Pill therapy on renal function changes and prognosis of patients with early diabetic nephropathy. Methods: The patients with early diabetic nephropathy treated in our hospital between February 2015 and April 2017 were chosen and divided into two groups by random number table, observation group received Qishen Yiqi Drop Pill combined with conventional therapy and control group accepted conventional therapy. The renal function indexes, cytokine contents and oxygen free radical generation were compared before treatment and 3 months after treatment. Results:Urine UREA levels as well as serum β2 microglobulin (β2-MG), cystatin C (CysC), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1), interleukin-17 (IL-17), transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), malondialdehyde (MDA) and 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α (8-iso-PGF2α) contents of both groups were significantly lower while superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) contents were significantly higher after treatment, and urine UREA level as well as serum β2-MG, CysC, TNF-α, IL-6, SDF-1, IL-17, TGF-β1, MDA and 8-iso-PGF2α contents of observation group after treatment was significantly lower than those of control group while SOD and T-AOC contents were significantly higher than those of control group. Conclusion: Adjuvant Qishen Yiqi Drop Pill therapy can improve the renal function and reduce the inflammatory response and oxidative stress response in early diabetic nephropathy.
文摘Athletes and military recruits are often afflicted by stress fractures. Rigorous training programs consisting of increased repetitive mechanical loading may contribute to the high incidence of tibia stress fracture in the athletic and army populations. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of incremented height on tibia bone strains and strain rates during landing. Seven healthy college males performed drop-landing tasks from 26 cm, 39 cm, and 52 cm, respectively. Tibia bone strains and strain rates were obtained through subject-specific multi-body dynamic computer simulations and finite element analyses. One-way repeated measures ANOVAs were conducted. Both 39 cm and 52 cm conditions resulted in larger tibia bone strains and strain rates than the 26 cm condition. The 52 cm condition also resulted in greater bone strains and strain rates than the 39 cm condition. A dose-response relationship exists between incremented landing height and bone strains and strain rates. Activities consisting of high impact landings are associated with increased risk of developing tibia stress fracture. When designing training programs involved high impact activities, athletes and military recruits should consider the effect of impact loading on tibia bone health and giving enough time for bones to adapt to new trainings.
文摘基于浙江测震台网记录到的2017年2—9月磐安地区发生的地震序列资料,采用Brune震源模型理论和波谱分析方法,得到磐安震群序列的应力降、视应力等震源参数。利用台站的零频幅值,计算谱振幅相关系数。采用聚类分组,并结合Cut and Paste(CAP)反演方法得到ML4.0主地震事件的震源机制解,系统分析小地震的震源机制的一致性程度。结果显示:震源区应力降值在0.00~0.80 MPa之间,整体构造应力较低;谱振幅相关系数较低,在0.86~0.95之间,震源机制整体相似程度不高;应力积累没有形成一个优势方向,可能指示磐安序列为低摩擦应力的断层作用。研究结果表明:磐安地震序列为普通的小震序列,其震源机制类型与构造应力场基本一致;谱振幅相关分析法可为小震序列的震后快速判定提供重要依据。