As pesticide residues in bayberry has raised serious concern from the public in China, a monitoring survey was carried out during 2013–2014 and 157 samples were analyzed in total. Twenty-three pesticides were detecte...As pesticide residues in bayberry has raised serious concern from the public in China, a monitoring survey was carried out during 2013–2014 and 157 samples were analyzed in total. Twenty-three pesticides were detected among the 44 pesticides analyzed and at least one pesticide was detected in 63% of 99 samples. Whereas 45.6% of samples were found with two or more pesticide residues, and 23.6% of samples with four or more pesticide residues. Probabilistic risk assessments indicated that estimated daily intake(EDI) of cyhalothrin at the P97.5th percentile level is 1.11 times larger than the acceptable daily intake(ADI) for children, the estimated short-term intake(ESTI) at the P97.5th percentile level is 1.9 and 1.78 times larger than the acute reference dose(ARf D) for adult and children, respectively, indicating the potential risk concern from pyrethroids. EDI of the pesticides with anti-androgenic effects ranged from 0.15–2.46 of ADI, the probability of exposure exceeding the ADI was 7.1 and 31.1% for adults and children, respectively, the probability of exposure of pyrethroids exceeding the ADI was 3.8% for children. Exposures for other pesticides and groups were below 1.0. Because the co-occurrence of frequency of cyhalothrin and cypermethrin was 9.55%, the combinations of pesticides detected with anti-androgenic effects has not been found in the present monitoring, the results indicate that the pesticide residues in bayberry will not constitute serious public health risk, however, they are significant for the management of pesticide use on bayberry and dietary health risk in China.展开更多
Application of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and Deterministic Risk Assessment (DRA) at a coking plant site was compared. By DRA, Hazard Quotient (HQ) following exposure to Naphthalene (Nap) and Incremen...Application of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and Deterministic Risk Assessment (DRA) at a coking plant site was compared. By DRA, Hazard Quotient (HQ) following exposure to Naphthalene (Nap) and Incremental Life Cancer Risk (ILCR) following exposure to Benzo(a)pyrene (Bap) were 1.87 and 2.12 × 104. PRA revealed valuable information regarding the possible distribution of risk, and risk estimates of DRA located at the 99.59th and 99.76th percentiles in the risk outputs of PRA, which indicated that DRA overestimated the risk. Cleanup levels corresponding acceptable HQ level of 1 and ILCR level of 104 were also calculated for both DRA and PRA. Nap and Bap cleanup levels were 192.85 and by DRA, which would result in only 0.25% and 0.06% of the exposed population to have a risk higher than the acceptable risk, according to the outputs of PRA. The application of PRA on cleanup levels derivation would lift the cleanup levels 1.9 times for Nap and 2.4 times for Bap than which derived by DRA. For this coking plant site, the remediation scale and cost will be reduced in a large portion once the method of PRA is used. Sensitivity analysis was done by calculating the contribution to variance for each exposure parameter and it was found that contaminant concentration in the soil (Cs), exposure duration (ED), total hours spent outdoor per day (ETout), soil ingestion rate (IRs), the air breathing rate (IRa) and bodyweight (BW) were the most important parameters for risk and cleanup levels calculations.展开更多
Predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) is often used in ecological risk assessment to determine low-risk concentrations for chemicals. In the present study, the chronic data from native saltwater species were used...Predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) is often used in ecological risk assessment to determine low-risk concentrations for chemicals. In the present study, the chronic data from native saltwater species were used to calculated PNEC values using four methods: log-normal distribution (ETX 2.0), log-triangle distribution (US EPA's water quality criteria procedure), burr III distribution (BurrliOZ) and traditional assessment fac-tor (AF). The PNECs that were calculated using four methods ranged from 0.08 μg/L to 1.8 μg/L. Three of the SSD-derived PNECs range from 0.94 to 1.8 μg/L, about a factor of two apart. To demonstrate the use of SSD-based PNEC values and comprehensively estimate the regional ecological risk for cadmium in surface water of the Bohai Sea, in the Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay, and Laizhou Bay, China, the dissolved cadmium con-centrations were measured and obtained 753 valid data covering 190 stations from July 2006 to November 2007. Based on three ecological risk assessment approaches, namely hazard quotient (HQ), probabilistic risk quotient and joint probability curve (JPC), the potential ecological risk of cadmium in surface water of the Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay, and Laizahou Bay were estimated. Overall, the ecological risk of cadmium to aquatic ecosystem in the whole Bohai Sea was at acceptable ecological risk level, the order of ecological risk was Liaodong Bay〉Bohai Bay〉Laizhou Bay. However, more concerns should be paid to aquatic ecological risk in the Liaodong Bay which is the home of many steel, metallurgy and petrochemical industrial in China.展开更多
This paper attempts to provide an overview of risk assessment and management practice in underground rock engineering based on a review of the international literature and some personal experience. It is noted that th...This paper attempts to provide an overview of risk assessment and management practice in underground rock engineering based on a review of the international literature and some personal experience. It is noted that the terminologies used in risk assessment and management studies may vary from country to country. Probabilistic risk analysis is probably the most widely-used approach to risk assessment in rock engineering and in geotechnical engineering more broadly. It is concluded that great potential exists to augment the existing probabilistic methods by the use of Bayesian networks and decision analysis techniques to allow reasoning under uncertainty and to update probabilities, material properties and analyses as further data become available throughout the various stages of a project. Examples are given of the use of these methods in underground excavation engineering in China and elsewhere, and opportunities for their further application are identified.展开更多
Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) uses probability theory to quantify the probability of occurrence of an event. In this study, PRA was conducted for the discharge of excess nitrogen (N) from an agricultural (J...Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) uses probability theory to quantify the probability of occurrence of an event. In this study, PRA was conducted for the discharge of excess nitrogen (N) from an agricultural (Jiulong River) watershed in Southeast China. Using fault tree analysis, a type of PRA, the probability of occurrence of excess N discharge into the river during a runoff event was evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. Land use maps, soil maps, fertilizer use records, and expert opinions were used to determine probabilities of individual events within the fault tree and to calculate the overall probability of excess N discharge during a runoff event. Qualitative analysis showed that the risk of excess N discharge was mainly related to crop and livestock practices in the watershed. Proper management of tillage, fertilizer, and manure was necessary to control N releases. Quantitative assessment results indicated that alternative practices including reduction of fertilization, installation of vegetative strip buffer around the pig farms, and installation of more riparian buffers along the Jiulong River could reduce the likelihood of N discharge through runoff.展开更多
This paper reviews the risk assessment method of an underground pressure pipeline, introduces the risk assessment method of expert grading, fuzzy integrative assessment, probabilistic risk assessment and extenics asse...This paper reviews the risk assessment method of an underground pressure pipeline, introduces the risk assessment method of expert grading, fuzzy integrative assessment, probabilistic risk assessment and extenics assessment in an underground pressure pipeline. Moreover, it puts forward the developing orientation of risk assessment.展开更多
This paper reviews the early development of design requirements for seismic events in USA early developing nuclear electric generating fleet. Notable safety studies,including WASH-1400,Sandia Siting Study and the NURE...This paper reviews the early development of design requirements for seismic events in USA early developing nuclear electric generating fleet. Notable safety studies,including WASH-1400,Sandia Siting Study and the NUREG1150 probabilistic risk study,are briefly reviewed in terms of their relevance to extreme accidents arising from seismic and other severe accident initiators. Specific characteristic about the nature of severe accidents in nuclear power plant (NPP) are reviewed along with present day state-of-art analysis methodologies (methods for estimation of leakages and consequences of releases (MELCOR) and MELCOR accident consequence code system (MACCS)) that are used to evaluate severe accidents and to optimize mitigative and protective actions against such accidents. It is the aim of this paper to make nuclear operating nations aware of the risks that accompany a much needed energy resource and to identify some of the tools,techniques and landmark safety studies that serve to make the technology safer and to maintain vigilance and adequate safety culture for the responsible management of this valuable but unforgiving technology.展开更多
Fennovoima is planning to build a new nuclear power plant unit-Hanhikivi 1, on a greenfield site in Northern Finland. A nearby maritime oil spill accident is one of the external events analysed in the probabilistic ri...Fennovoima is planning to build a new nuclear power plant unit-Hanhikivi 1, on a greenfield site in Northern Finland. A nearby maritime oil spill accident is one of the external events analysed in the probabilistic risk assessment of the plant. In the worst case, the oil could cause a loss of the ultimate heat sink by blocking the sea water intake screens. By considering the maritime traffic, oil transport and oil spill accident data in the Baltic Sea area, the annual probabilities of nearby, significant oil spills are evaluated. Event tree analysis is used to evaluate the probability that significant amount of oil enters the plant intake tunnel. The spill behaviour is considered, including oil spreading, dissolution, dispersion and movement due to wind and currents. In addition, oil combat measures including the use ofoil booms and skimmers are evaluated.展开更多
Individual and combined assessment of risks of adverse effects to aquatic ecosystems of three chlorophenols(CPs),including 2,4dichlorophenol(2,4-DCP),2,4,6-trichlorophenol(2,4,6-TCP) and pentachlorophenol(PCP)...Individual and combined assessment of risks of adverse effects to aquatic ecosystems of three chlorophenols(CPs),including 2,4dichlorophenol(2,4-DCP),2,4,6-trichlorophenol(2,4,6-TCP) and pentachlorophenol(PCP),were conducted.A probabilistic approach based on the concentrations of CPs in surface waters of China was used to determine the likelihood of adverse effects.The potential risk of CPs in surface waters of China was determined to be of concern,especially PCP and mixtures of CPs.The risks of adverse effects were examined as the joint probabilities of exposure and response.The joint probability for PCP was 0.271 in the worst case and 0.111 in the median case,respectively.Based on the cumulative probability,5% of aquatic organisms included in the assessment would be affected 21.36% of the time in the worst case and 5.99% of the time in median case,respectively.For the mixtures of CPs,the joint probability were 0.171 in the worst case and 0.503 in median case,respectively and 5% of species would be affected 49.83% of the time for the worst case and 12.72% in the median case,respectively.Risks of effects of the individual CPs,2,4-DCP and 2,4,6-TCP were deemed to be acceptable with a overlapping probability of 0.1 with 5% of species being affected less than 4% of the time.展开更多
A novel approach for engineering application to human error probability quantification is presented based on an overview of the existing human reliability analysis methods. The set of performance shaping factors is cl...A novel approach for engineering application to human error probability quantification is presented based on an overview of the existing human reliability analysis methods. The set of performance shaping factors is classified as two subsets of dominant factors and adjusting factors respectively. Firstly, the dominant factors are used to determine the probabilities of three behavior modes. The basic probability and its interval of human error for each behavior mode are given. Secondly, the basic probability and its interval are modified by the adjusting factors, and the total probability of human error is calculated by a total probability formula. Finally, a simple example is introduced, and the consistency and validity of the presented approach are illustrated.展开更多
The details of a multi-hazard and probabilistic risk assessment, developed for urban planning and emergency response activities in Manizales, Colombia, are presented in this article. This risk assessment effort was de...The details of a multi-hazard and probabilistic risk assessment, developed for urban planning and emergency response activities in Manizales, Colombia, are presented in this article. This risk assessment effort was developed under the framework of an integral disaster risk management project whose goal was to connect risk reduction activities by using open access and state-of-theart risk models. A probabilistic approach was used for the analysis of seismic, landslide, and volcanic hazards to obtain stochastic event sets suitable for probabilistic loss estimation and to generate risk results in different metrics after aggregating in a rigorous way the losses associated to the different hazards. Detailed and high resolution exposure databases were used for the building stock and infrastructure of the city together with a set of vulnerability functions for each of the perils considered. The urban and territorial ordering plan of the city was updated for socioeconomic development and land use using the hazard and risk inputs and determinants, which cover not only the current urban area but also those adjacent areas where the expansion of Manizales is expected to occur. The emergency response capabilities of the city were improved by taking into account risk scenarios and after updating anautomatic and real-time post-earthquake damage assessment.展开更多
A simplified fragility analysis of fan type cable stayed bridges usingProbabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) procedure is presented for determining their failure probabilityunder random ground motion. Seismic input to the ...A simplified fragility analysis of fan type cable stayed bridges usingProbabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) procedure is presented for determining their failure probabilityunder random ground motion. Seismic input to the bridge support is considered to be a riskconsistent response spectrum which is obtained from a separate analysis. For the response analysis,the bridge deck is modeled as a beam supported on springs at different points. The stiffnesses ofthe springs are determined by a separate 2D static analysis of cable-tower-deck system. The analysisprovides a coupled stiffness matrix for the spring system. A continuum method of analysis usingdynamic stiffness is Used to determine the dynamic properties of the bridges .The response of thebridge deck is obtained by the response spectrum method of analysis as applied to multi-degree offreedom system which duly takes into account the quasi - static component of bridge deck vibration.The fragility analysis includes uncertainties arising due to the variation in ground motion,material property, modeling, method of analysis, ductility factor and damage concentration effect.Probability of failure of the bridge deck is determined by the First Order Second Moment (FOSM)method of reliability. A three span double plane symmetrical fan type cable stayed bridge of totalspan 689 m, is used as an illustrative example. The fragility curves for the bridge deck failure areobtained under a number of parametric variations. Some of the important conclusions of the studyindicate that (ⅰ) not only vertical component but also the horizontal component of ground motionhas considerable effect on the probability of failure; (ⅱ) ground motion with no time lag betweensupport excitations provides a smaller probability of failure as compared to ground motion with verylarge time lag between support excitation; and (ⅲ) probability of failure may considerablyincrease for soft soil condition.展开更多
The countermeasures are the actions that should be taken, after the occurrence of a nuclear accident to protect the public against the associated risks. These actions may be represented by sheltering, evacuation, dist...The countermeasures are the actions that should be taken, after the occurrence of a nuclear accident to protect the public against the associated risks. These actions may be represented by sheltering, evacuation, distribution of stable iodine tablets and/or relocation. This study represents a comprehensive probabilistic study to investigate the role of the adoption of the countermeasures in case of a hypothetical accident of type LOCA for nuclear power plant of PWR (1000 Mw). The effective doses in different organs, short and long health effects, and the associated risks are calculated with and without countermeasures. In addition, the overall costs of the accident and the costs of countermeasures are estimated which represent our first trials to know how much the proposed accident cost. The results showed that, the area around the site requires early and late countermeasures action after the accident especially in the downwind sectors. For late countermeasures, the duration time of relocation ranged from about two to 10 years. The adoption of the countermeasures increases the costs of emergency plan by 40% but reduces the risk associated the accident.展开更多
In order to overcome the limitations of traditional methods in uncertainty analysis, a modified Bayesian network(BN), which is called evidence network(EN), was proposed with evidence theory to handle epistemic uncerta...In order to overcome the limitations of traditional methods in uncertainty analysis, a modified Bayesian network(BN), which is called evidence network(EN), was proposed with evidence theory to handle epistemic uncertainty in probabilistic risk assessment(PRA). Fault trees(FTs) and event trees(ETs) were transformed into an EN which is used as a uniform framework to represent accident scenarios. Epistemic uncertainties of basic events in PRA were presented in evidence theory form and propagated through the network. A case study of a highway tunnel risk analysis was discussed to demonstrate the proposed approach. Frequencies of end states are obtained and expressed by belief and plausibility measures. The proposed approach addresses the uncertainties in experts' knowledge and can be easily applied to uncertainty analysis of FTs/ETs that have dependent events.展开更多
A fully probabilistic seismic risk assessment was developed in Manizales, Colombia, considering assets of different types. The first type includes elements that are part of the water and sewage network, and the second...A fully probabilistic seismic risk assessment was developed in Manizales, Colombia, considering assets of different types. The first type includes elements that are part of the water and sewage network, and the second type includes public and private buildings. This assessment required the development of a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis that accounts for the dynamic soil response,assembling high resolution exposure databases, and the development of damage models for different types of elements. The economic appraisal of the exposed assets was developed together with specialists of the water utilities company of Manizales and the city administration. The risk assessment was performed using several Comprehensive Approach to Probabilistic Risk Assessment modules as well as the R-System, obtaining results in terms of traditional metrics such as loss exceedance curve, average annual loss, and probable maximum loss. For the case of pipelines, repair rates were also estimated. The results for the water and sewage network were used in activities related to the expansion and maintenance strategies, as well as for the exploration of financial retention and transfer alternatives using insurance schemes based on technical,probabilistic, and prospective damage and loss estimations.In the case of the buildings, the results were used in the update of the technical premium values of the existing collective insurance scheme.展开更多
Agricultural activities may promote the conversion of inorganic Hg to MeHg in soil.Hg and As present an extremely and a moderately contaminated level,respectively.The human health risks posed by As,Hg,and Ni merit mor...Agricultural activities may promote the conversion of inorganic Hg to MeHg in soil.Hg and As present an extremely and a moderately contaminated level,respectively.The human health risks posed by As,Hg,and Ni merit more attention.Pokeweed may be considered as a potential Hg hyperaccumulator.Soil pollution caused by potentially toxic metal(loid)s(PTMs)near mercury(Hg)mines has attracted extensive attention,yet the status and potential health risks of PTM contamination in soils near Hg mining sites have rarely been investigated on a large scale.Global data on methylmercury(MeHg),Hg,Cd,Cr,As,Pb,Cu,Zn,Mn,and Ni concentrations in soils from Hg mining areas were obtained from published research articles(1999–2023).Based on the database,pollution levels,spatial distributions,and potential health risks were investigated.Results indicated that the average percentage of MeHg to total Hg in agricultural soils(0.19%)was significantly higher than that in non-agricultural soils(0.013%).Indeed,72.4%of these study sites were extremely contaminated with Hg.Approximately 45%of the examined sites displayed a moderate level of As contamination or even more.Meanwhile,the examined sites in Spain and Turkey exhibited considerably higher pollution levels of Hg and As than other regions.The mean hazard indices of the nine PTMs were 2.91 and 0.59 for children and adults,with 85.6%and 13.3%of non-carcinogenic risks for children and adults that exceeded the safe level of 1,respectively.In addition,70.2%and 56.7%of the total cancer risks through exposure to five carcinogenic PTMs in children and adults,respectively,exceeded the safety level.As and Hg showed a high exceedance of non-carcinogenic risks,while As and Ni were the leading contributors to carcinogenic risks.This study demonstrates the urgent necessity for controlling PTM pollution and reducing the health risks in soils near Hg mining sites and provides an important basis for soil remediation.展开更多
This paper reviewed the main target,functions,tool( Open Quake software) and research achievements of the Global Earthquake Model( GEM) Foundation,and made a simple prospect on the development and application of proje...This paper reviewed the main target,functions,tool( Open Quake software) and research achievements of the Global Earthquake Model( GEM) Foundation,and made a simple prospect on the development and application of projects of GEM in the future. Learning from GEM and Open Quake is helpful to improve the seismic hazard model of China and enhance the scientificity of the seismic hazard assessment for metropolitans and major engineering facilities near major seismogenic structures.展开更多
Disaster risk depends on both the physical vulnerability and a wide range of social, economic, and environmental aspects of a society. For a better risk understanding, a holistic or integrated perspective was consider...Disaster risk depends on both the physical vulnerability and a wide range of social, economic, and environmental aspects of a society. For a better risk understanding, a holistic or integrated perspective was considered when risk was assessed for the city of Manizales, Colombia. This assessment accounts not only for the expected physical damage and loss, but also for the socioeconomic vulnerability factors that favor secondorder effects in a disaster. This comprehensive approach allows the identification of different aspects related to physical vulnerability, social fragility, and lack of resilience that can be improved, thus enhancing integrated disaster risk management actions. The outcomes of this comprehensive assessment are currently being used as input to update the disaster risk management plan of Manizales.展开更多
Modern society is confronted with emerging threats from chemical,biological,and radiological(CBR)hazardous substances,which are intensively utilized in the chemical,medical,and energy industries.The atmospheric dis-pe...Modern society is confronted with emerging threats from chemical,biological,and radiological(CBR)hazardous substances,which are intensively utilized in the chemical,medical,and energy industries.The atmospheric dis-persion of released CBR hazardous pollutants can influence a large percentage of the population owing to their rapid process with extensive spatial coverage.It is important to comprehensively understand the behaviors of the released CBR pollutants in the atmosphere to fully evaluate the risks and protect public safety.In this study,we reviewed the advancements in the atmospheric transport of CBR pollutants,including the urban atmospheric boundary layer,unique concepts,and models for CBR pollutants.We underlined the development of innovative methodologies(e.g.,inverse estimation and data assimilation methods)for the atmospheric transport of acciden-tally released CBR pollutants to reduce uncertainties in emissions and accumulated errors during dispersion by combining numerical models with monitoring data.Finally,we introduced progress in quantitative risk assess-ment,including exposure assessment and dose-response relationships for CBR hazardous pollutants.A framework,source,assimilation,fundamentals,exposure,and risk(SAFER),has been proposed to integrate the key compo-nents in the risk assessment of airborne CBR hazardous pollutants.These methods and models can contribute to effective risk preparedness,prevention,evidence-based policymaking,and emergency response to airborne CBR pollutants.展开更多
Integration testing is an integral part of software testing.Prior studies have focused on reducing test cost in integration test order generation.However,there are no studies concerning the testing priorities of criti...Integration testing is an integral part of software testing.Prior studies have focused on reducing test cost in integration test order generation.However,there are no studies concerning the testing priorities of critical classes when generating integration test orders.Such priorities greatly affect testing efficiency.In this study,we propose an effective strategy that considers both test cost and efficiency when generating test orders.According to a series of dynamic execution scenarios,the software is mapped into a multi-layer dynamic execution network(MDEN)model.By analyzing the dynamic structural complexity,an evaluation scheme is proposed to quantify the class testing priority with the defined class risk index.Cost–benefit analysis is used to perform cycle-breaking operations,satisfying two principles:assigning higher priorities to higher-risk classes and minimizing the total complexity of test stubs.We also present a strategy to evaluate the effectiveness of integration test order algorithms by calculating the reduction of software risk during their testing process.Experiment results show that our approach performs better across software of different scales,in comparison with the existing algorithms that aim only to minimize test cost.Finally,we implement a tool,ITOsolution,to help practitioners automatically generate test orders.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31301490)the Zhejiang Provincial Major Scientific and Technology Project for Agriculture,China(2015C02043)the Zhejiang Provincial Major Scientific and Research Project for Agriculture,China(ZJNY2017001)
文摘As pesticide residues in bayberry has raised serious concern from the public in China, a monitoring survey was carried out during 2013–2014 and 157 samples were analyzed in total. Twenty-three pesticides were detected among the 44 pesticides analyzed and at least one pesticide was detected in 63% of 99 samples. Whereas 45.6% of samples were found with two or more pesticide residues, and 23.6% of samples with four or more pesticide residues. Probabilistic risk assessments indicated that estimated daily intake(EDI) of cyhalothrin at the P97.5th percentile level is 1.11 times larger than the acceptable daily intake(ADI) for children, the estimated short-term intake(ESTI) at the P97.5th percentile level is 1.9 and 1.78 times larger than the acute reference dose(ARf D) for adult and children, respectively, indicating the potential risk concern from pyrethroids. EDI of the pesticides with anti-androgenic effects ranged from 0.15–2.46 of ADI, the probability of exposure exceeding the ADI was 7.1 and 31.1% for adults and children, respectively, the probability of exposure of pyrethroids exceeding the ADI was 3.8% for children. Exposures for other pesticides and groups were below 1.0. Because the co-occurrence of frequency of cyhalothrin and cypermethrin was 9.55%, the combinations of pesticides detected with anti-androgenic effects has not been found in the present monitoring, the results indicate that the pesticide residues in bayberry will not constitute serious public health risk, however, they are significant for the management of pesticide use on bayberry and dietary health risk in China.
文摘Application of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and Deterministic Risk Assessment (DRA) at a coking plant site was compared. By DRA, Hazard Quotient (HQ) following exposure to Naphthalene (Nap) and Incremental Life Cancer Risk (ILCR) following exposure to Benzo(a)pyrene (Bap) were 1.87 and 2.12 × 104. PRA revealed valuable information regarding the possible distribution of risk, and risk estimates of DRA located at the 99.59th and 99.76th percentiles in the risk outputs of PRA, which indicated that DRA overestimated the risk. Cleanup levels corresponding acceptable HQ level of 1 and ILCR level of 104 were also calculated for both DRA and PRA. Nap and Bap cleanup levels were 192.85 and by DRA, which would result in only 0.25% and 0.06% of the exposed population to have a risk higher than the acceptable risk, according to the outputs of PRA. The application of PRA on cleanup levels derivation would lift the cleanup levels 1.9 times for Nap and 2.4 times for Bap than which derived by DRA. For this coking plant site, the remediation scale and cost will be reduced in a large portion once the method of PRA is used. Sensitivity analysis was done by calculating the contribution to variance for each exposure parameter and it was found that contaminant concentration in the soil (Cs), exposure duration (ED), total hours spent outdoor per day (ETout), soil ingestion rate (IRs), the air breathing rate (IRa) and bodyweight (BW) were the most important parameters for risk and cleanup levels calculations.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.41106089the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China under contract No.2010BAC69B01the Scientific Research Special Fund of Marine Public Welfare Industry under contract No.201005008-1
文摘Predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) is often used in ecological risk assessment to determine low-risk concentrations for chemicals. In the present study, the chronic data from native saltwater species were used to calculated PNEC values using four methods: log-normal distribution (ETX 2.0), log-triangle distribution (US EPA's water quality criteria procedure), burr III distribution (BurrliOZ) and traditional assessment fac-tor (AF). The PNECs that were calculated using four methods ranged from 0.08 μg/L to 1.8 μg/L. Three of the SSD-derived PNECs range from 0.94 to 1.8 μg/L, about a factor of two apart. To demonstrate the use of SSD-based PNEC values and comprehensively estimate the regional ecological risk for cadmium in surface water of the Bohai Sea, in the Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay, and Laizhou Bay, China, the dissolved cadmium con-centrations were measured and obtained 753 valid data covering 190 stations from July 2006 to November 2007. Based on three ecological risk assessment approaches, namely hazard quotient (HQ), probabilistic risk quotient and joint probability curve (JPC), the potential ecological risk of cadmium in surface water of the Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay, and Laizahou Bay were estimated. Overall, the ecological risk of cadmium to aquatic ecosystem in the whole Bohai Sea was at acceptable ecological risk level, the order of ecological risk was Liaodong Bay〉Bohai Bay〉Laizhou Bay. However, more concerns should be paid to aquatic ecological risk in the Liaodong Bay which is the home of many steel, metallurgy and petrochemical industrial in China.
文摘This paper attempts to provide an overview of risk assessment and management practice in underground rock engineering based on a review of the international literature and some personal experience. It is noted that the terminologies used in risk assessment and management studies may vary from country to country. Probabilistic risk analysis is probably the most widely-used approach to risk assessment in rock engineering and in geotechnical engineering more broadly. It is concluded that great potential exists to augment the existing probabilistic methods by the use of Bayesian networks and decision analysis techniques to allow reasoning under uncertainty and to update probabilities, material properties and analyses as further data become available throughout the various stages of a project. Examples are given of the use of these methods in underground excavation engineering in China and elsewhere, and opportunities for their further application are identified.
基金the Department of Science and Technology of Fujian Province,China (No.2002H009).
文摘Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) uses probability theory to quantify the probability of occurrence of an event. In this study, PRA was conducted for the discharge of excess nitrogen (N) from an agricultural (Jiulong River) watershed in Southeast China. Using fault tree analysis, a type of PRA, the probability of occurrence of excess N discharge into the river during a runoff event was evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. Land use maps, soil maps, fertilizer use records, and expert opinions were used to determine probabilities of individual events within the fault tree and to calculate the overall probability of excess N discharge during a runoff event. Qualitative analysis showed that the risk of excess N discharge was mainly related to crop and livestock practices in the watershed. Proper management of tillage, fertilizer, and manure was necessary to control N releases. Quantitative assessment results indicated that alternative practices including reduction of fertilization, installation of vegetative strip buffer around the pig farms, and installation of more riparian buffers along the Jiulong River could reduce the likelihood of N discharge through runoff.
文摘This paper reviews the risk assessment method of an underground pressure pipeline, introduces the risk assessment method of expert grading, fuzzy integrative assessment, probabilistic risk assessment and extenics assessment in an underground pressure pipeline. Moreover, it puts forward the developing orientation of risk assessment.
文摘This paper reviews the early development of design requirements for seismic events in USA early developing nuclear electric generating fleet. Notable safety studies,including WASH-1400,Sandia Siting Study and the NUREG1150 probabilistic risk study,are briefly reviewed in terms of their relevance to extreme accidents arising from seismic and other severe accident initiators. Specific characteristic about the nature of severe accidents in nuclear power plant (NPP) are reviewed along with present day state-of-art analysis methodologies (methods for estimation of leakages and consequences of releases (MELCOR) and MELCOR accident consequence code system (MACCS)) that are used to evaluate severe accidents and to optimize mitigative and protective actions against such accidents. It is the aim of this paper to make nuclear operating nations aware of the risks that accompany a much needed energy resource and to identify some of the tools,techniques and landmark safety studies that serve to make the technology safer and to maintain vigilance and adequate safety culture for the responsible management of this valuable but unforgiving technology.
文摘Fennovoima is planning to build a new nuclear power plant unit-Hanhikivi 1, on a greenfield site in Northern Finland. A nearby maritime oil spill accident is one of the external events analysed in the probabilistic risk assessment of the plant. In the worst case, the oil could cause a loss of the ultimate heat sink by blocking the sea water intake screens. By considering the maritime traffic, oil transport and oil spill accident data in the Baltic Sea area, the annual probabilities of nearby, significant oil spills are evaluated. Event tree analysis is used to evaluate the probability that significant amount of oil enters the plant intake tunnel. The spill behaviour is considered, including oil spreading, dissolution, dispersion and movement due to wind and currents. In addition, oil combat measures including the use ofoil booms and skimmers are evaluated.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.20737001,20977047)the Major State Basic Research Development Program (No.2008CB418102)+3 种基金the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education(No. 200802841030)the National Major Project of Science & Technology Ministry of China(No.2008ZX08526-003)supported by the Canada Research Chair Program,and is at-large Chair Professor at the Department of Biology and Chemistry and State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution,City University of Hong Kongthe Einstein Professor Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Visiting Professor Program of King Saud University
文摘Individual and combined assessment of risks of adverse effects to aquatic ecosystems of three chlorophenols(CPs),including 2,4dichlorophenol(2,4-DCP),2,4,6-trichlorophenol(2,4,6-TCP) and pentachlorophenol(PCP),were conducted.A probabilistic approach based on the concentrations of CPs in surface waters of China was used to determine the likelihood of adverse effects.The potential risk of CPs in surface waters of China was determined to be of concern,especially PCP and mixtures of CPs.The risks of adverse effects were examined as the joint probabilities of exposure and response.The joint probability for PCP was 0.271 in the worst case and 0.111 in the median case,respectively.Based on the cumulative probability,5% of aquatic organisms included in the assessment would be affected 21.36% of the time in the worst case and 5.99% of the time in median case,respectively.For the mixtures of CPs,the joint probability were 0.171 in the worst case and 0.503 in median case,respectively and 5% of species would be affected 49.83% of the time for the worst case and 12.72% in the median case,respectively.Risks of effects of the individual CPs,2,4-DCP and 2,4,6-TCP were deemed to be acceptable with a overlapping probability of 0.1 with 5% of species being affected less than 4% of the time.
文摘A novel approach for engineering application to human error probability quantification is presented based on an overview of the existing human reliability analysis methods. The set of performance shaping factors is classified as two subsets of dominant factors and adjusting factors respectively. Firstly, the dominant factors are used to determine the probabilities of three behavior modes. The basic probability and its interval of human error for each behavior mode are given. Secondly, the basic probability and its interval are modified by the adjusting factors, and the total probability of human error is calculated by a total probability formula. Finally, a simple example is introduced, and the consistency and validity of the presented approach are illustrated.
文摘The details of a multi-hazard and probabilistic risk assessment, developed for urban planning and emergency response activities in Manizales, Colombia, are presented in this article. This risk assessment effort was developed under the framework of an integral disaster risk management project whose goal was to connect risk reduction activities by using open access and state-of-theart risk models. A probabilistic approach was used for the analysis of seismic, landslide, and volcanic hazards to obtain stochastic event sets suitable for probabilistic loss estimation and to generate risk results in different metrics after aggregating in a rigorous way the losses associated to the different hazards. Detailed and high resolution exposure databases were used for the building stock and infrastructure of the city together with a set of vulnerability functions for each of the perils considered. The urban and territorial ordering plan of the city was updated for socioeconomic development and land use using the hazard and risk inputs and determinants, which cover not only the current urban area but also those adjacent areas where the expansion of Manizales is expected to occur. The emergency response capabilities of the city were improved by taking into account risk scenarios and after updating anautomatic and real-time post-earthquake damage assessment.
文摘A simplified fragility analysis of fan type cable stayed bridges usingProbabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) procedure is presented for determining their failure probabilityunder random ground motion. Seismic input to the bridge support is considered to be a riskconsistent response spectrum which is obtained from a separate analysis. For the response analysis,the bridge deck is modeled as a beam supported on springs at different points. The stiffnesses ofthe springs are determined by a separate 2D static analysis of cable-tower-deck system. The analysisprovides a coupled stiffness matrix for the spring system. A continuum method of analysis usingdynamic stiffness is Used to determine the dynamic properties of the bridges .The response of thebridge deck is obtained by the response spectrum method of analysis as applied to multi-degree offreedom system which duly takes into account the quasi - static component of bridge deck vibration.The fragility analysis includes uncertainties arising due to the variation in ground motion,material property, modeling, method of analysis, ductility factor and damage concentration effect.Probability of failure of the bridge deck is determined by the First Order Second Moment (FOSM)method of reliability. A three span double plane symmetrical fan type cable stayed bridge of totalspan 689 m, is used as an illustrative example. The fragility curves for the bridge deck failure areobtained under a number of parametric variations. Some of the important conclusions of the studyindicate that (ⅰ) not only vertical component but also the horizontal component of ground motionhas considerable effect on the probability of failure; (ⅱ) ground motion with no time lag betweensupport excitations provides a smaller probability of failure as compared to ground motion with verylarge time lag between support excitation; and (ⅲ) probability of failure may considerablyincrease for soft soil condition.
文摘The countermeasures are the actions that should be taken, after the occurrence of a nuclear accident to protect the public against the associated risks. These actions may be represented by sheltering, evacuation, distribution of stable iodine tablets and/or relocation. This study represents a comprehensive probabilistic study to investigate the role of the adoption of the countermeasures in case of a hypothetical accident of type LOCA for nuclear power plant of PWR (1000 Mw). The effective doses in different organs, short and long health effects, and the associated risks are calculated with and without countermeasures. In addition, the overall costs of the accident and the costs of countermeasures are estimated which represent our first trials to know how much the proposed accident cost. The results showed that, the area around the site requires early and late countermeasures action after the accident especially in the downwind sectors. For late countermeasures, the duration time of relocation ranged from about two to 10 years. The adoption of the countermeasures increases the costs of emergency plan by 40% but reduces the risk associated the accident.
基金Project(71201170)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘In order to overcome the limitations of traditional methods in uncertainty analysis, a modified Bayesian network(BN), which is called evidence network(EN), was proposed with evidence theory to handle epistemic uncertainty in probabilistic risk assessment(PRA). Fault trees(FTs) and event trees(ETs) were transformed into an EN which is used as a uniform framework to represent accident scenarios. Epistemic uncertainties of basic events in PRA were presented in evidence theory form and propagated through the network. A case study of a highway tunnel risk analysis was discussed to demonstrate the proposed approach. Frequencies of end states are obtained and expressed by belief and plausibility measures. The proposed approach addresses the uncertainties in experts' knowledge and can be easily applied to uncertainty analysis of FTs/ETs that have dependent events.
文摘A fully probabilistic seismic risk assessment was developed in Manizales, Colombia, considering assets of different types. The first type includes elements that are part of the water and sewage network, and the second type includes public and private buildings. This assessment required the development of a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis that accounts for the dynamic soil response,assembling high resolution exposure databases, and the development of damage models for different types of elements. The economic appraisal of the exposed assets was developed together with specialists of the water utilities company of Manizales and the city administration. The risk assessment was performed using several Comprehensive Approach to Probabilistic Risk Assessment modules as well as the R-System, obtaining results in terms of traditional metrics such as loss exceedance curve, average annual loss, and probable maximum loss. For the case of pipelines, repair rates were also estimated. The results for the water and sewage network were used in activities related to the expansion and maintenance strategies, as well as for the exploration of financial retention and transfer alternatives using insurance schemes based on technical,probabilistic, and prospective damage and loss estimations.In the case of the buildings, the results were used in the update of the technical premium values of the existing collective insurance scheme.
基金supported by the Joint Key Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.U21A20237)the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDB40020202).
文摘Agricultural activities may promote the conversion of inorganic Hg to MeHg in soil.Hg and As present an extremely and a moderately contaminated level,respectively.The human health risks posed by As,Hg,and Ni merit more attention.Pokeweed may be considered as a potential Hg hyperaccumulator.Soil pollution caused by potentially toxic metal(loid)s(PTMs)near mercury(Hg)mines has attracted extensive attention,yet the status and potential health risks of PTM contamination in soils near Hg mining sites have rarely been investigated on a large scale.Global data on methylmercury(MeHg),Hg,Cd,Cr,As,Pb,Cu,Zn,Mn,and Ni concentrations in soils from Hg mining areas were obtained from published research articles(1999–2023).Based on the database,pollution levels,spatial distributions,and potential health risks were investigated.Results indicated that the average percentage of MeHg to total Hg in agricultural soils(0.19%)was significantly higher than that in non-agricultural soils(0.013%).Indeed,72.4%of these study sites were extremely contaminated with Hg.Approximately 45%of the examined sites displayed a moderate level of As contamination or even more.Meanwhile,the examined sites in Spain and Turkey exhibited considerably higher pollution levels of Hg and As than other regions.The mean hazard indices of the nine PTMs were 2.91 and 0.59 for children and adults,with 85.6%and 13.3%of non-carcinogenic risks for children and adults that exceeded the safe level of 1,respectively.In addition,70.2%and 56.7%of the total cancer risks through exposure to five carcinogenic PTMs in children and adults,respectively,exceeded the safety level.As and Hg showed a high exceedance of non-carcinogenic risks,while As and Ni were the leading contributors to carcinogenic risks.This study demonstrates the urgent necessity for controlling PTM pollution and reducing the health risks in soils near Hg mining sites and provides an important basis for soil remediation.
基金sponsored by the Specific Fund of Fundamental Research,Institute of Geophysics,China Earthquake Administration (DQJB16B19)
文摘This paper reviewed the main target,functions,tool( Open Quake software) and research achievements of the Global Earthquake Model( GEM) Foundation,and made a simple prospect on the development and application of projects of GEM in the future. Learning from GEM and Open Quake is helpful to improve the seismic hazard model of China and enhance the scientificity of the seismic hazard assessment for metropolitans and major engineering facilities near major seismogenic structures.
基金the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain ‘‘Evaluación de la Vulnerabilidad y el Riesgo de Zonas Urbanas Expuestas a Amenazas Naturales y Antrópicas-EZUANA’’ (BIA2016-78544-R)
文摘Disaster risk depends on both the physical vulnerability and a wide range of social, economic, and environmental aspects of a society. For a better risk understanding, a holistic or integrated perspective was considered when risk was assessed for the city of Manizales, Colombia. This assessment accounts not only for the expected physical damage and loss, but also for the socioeconomic vulnerability factors that favor secondorder effects in a disaster. This comprehensive approach allows the identification of different aspects related to physical vulnerability, social fragility, and lack of resilience that can be improved, thus enhancing integrated disaster risk management actions. The outcomes of this comprehensive assessment are currently being used as input to update the disaster risk management plan of Manizales.
文摘Modern society is confronted with emerging threats from chemical,biological,and radiological(CBR)hazardous substances,which are intensively utilized in the chemical,medical,and energy industries.The atmospheric dis-persion of released CBR hazardous pollutants can influence a large percentage of the population owing to their rapid process with extensive spatial coverage.It is important to comprehensively understand the behaviors of the released CBR pollutants in the atmosphere to fully evaluate the risks and protect public safety.In this study,we reviewed the advancements in the atmospheric transport of CBR pollutants,including the urban atmospheric boundary layer,unique concepts,and models for CBR pollutants.We underlined the development of innovative methodologies(e.g.,inverse estimation and data assimilation methods)for the atmospheric transport of acciden-tally released CBR pollutants to reduce uncertainties in emissions and accumulated errors during dispersion by combining numerical models with monitoring data.Finally,we introduced progress in quantitative risk assess-ment,including exposure assessment and dose-response relationships for CBR hazardous pollutants.A framework,source,assimilation,fundamentals,exposure,and risk(SAFER),has been proposed to integrate the key compo-nents in the risk assessment of airborne CBR hazardous pollutants.These methods and models can contribute to effective risk preparedness,prevention,evidence-based policymaking,and emergency response to airborne CBR pollutants.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.61902056,61977014,and 61603082)the Shenyang Young and Middle-Aged Talent Support Program,China(No.ZX20200272)+1 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,China(No.N2017011)the Open Fund of State Key Lab for Novel Software Technology,Nanjing University,China(No.KFKT2021B01)。
文摘Integration testing is an integral part of software testing.Prior studies have focused on reducing test cost in integration test order generation.However,there are no studies concerning the testing priorities of critical classes when generating integration test orders.Such priorities greatly affect testing efficiency.In this study,we propose an effective strategy that considers both test cost and efficiency when generating test orders.According to a series of dynamic execution scenarios,the software is mapped into a multi-layer dynamic execution network(MDEN)model.By analyzing the dynamic structural complexity,an evaluation scheme is proposed to quantify the class testing priority with the defined class risk index.Cost–benefit analysis is used to perform cycle-breaking operations,satisfying two principles:assigning higher priorities to higher-risk classes and minimizing the total complexity of test stubs.We also present a strategy to evaluate the effectiveness of integration test order algorithms by calculating the reduction of software risk during their testing process.Experiment results show that our approach performs better across software of different scales,in comparison with the existing algorithms that aim only to minimize test cost.Finally,we implement a tool,ITOsolution,to help practitioners automatically generate test orders.