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Pyroelectric Plate with Magnetoelectric Effect
作者 Pavel Grinfeld Michael Grinfeld 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第5期1616-1625,共10页
In dynamic problems the electric and magnetic fields are inseparable. At the same time, a multitude of electrostatic and magnetostatic effects permit mutually independent description. This separation appears to be pos... In dynamic problems the electric and magnetic fields are inseparable. At the same time, a multitude of electrostatic and magnetostatic effects permit mutually independent description. This separation appears to be possible and thermodynamically consistent when the bulk energy density depends only on the polarization density or, alternatively, on the magnetization density. However, when the bulk energy density depends simultaneously on the both densities, then, the electrostatic and magnetostatic effects should be studied together. There appear interesting cross-effects;among those are the change of the internal electrostatic field inside a specimen under the influence of the external magnetic fields, and vice versa. Below, in the framework of thermodynamic approach the boundary value problem for magnetoelectric plate is formulated and analyzed. The exact solution is established for the isotropic pyroelectric plate. 展开更多
关键词 Electricity and Magnetism pyroelectrics and Pyromagnetics Thermodynamics of Electromagnetostatics Exact Solutions Validation and Verification
作者 李世国 潘灿 +3 位作者 赵德峰 母江东 李军 何知益 《压电与声光》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期253-258,263,共7页
该文探讨了压电材料热释电效应产生的机理,得出压电换能器中压电陶瓷材料受温度变化会产生极化电荷,引起的热释电压会使压电换能器输出信号幅值增大,导致输出失效。因此针对热释电问题提出了两点解决方案。经过对比分析设计了一种ESD保... 该文探讨了压电材料热释电效应产生的机理,得出压电换能器中压电陶瓷材料受温度变化会产生极化电荷,引起的热释电压会使压电换能器输出信号幅值增大,导致输出失效。因此针对热释电问题提出了两点解决方案。经过对比分析设计了一种ESD保护电路来解决热释电问题。该ESD保护电路通过设计一种改进型二极管钳位电路,针对压电换能器存在的极化电荷构建热释电释放环路,消除了热释电压对有用信号收发的影响。最后,通过对比实验验证了设计方案的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 压电换能器 热释电效应 信号幅值增大 ESD保护电路 改进型二极管钳位电路
作者 张明 张俊垚 +4 位作者 张娜娇 董朋 王保柱 尚燕 段磊 《河北科技大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期141-149,共9页
为了解决传统太赫兹(THz)探测器吸收效率低,频率范围小的问题,提出将双层超表面吸收阵列结构与钽酸锂热释电探测器相贴合,构成宽带太赫兹超表面热释电探测器。采用MATLAB和CST联合仿真的优化方法对超表面结构进行按需优化;使用ANSYS对... 为了解决传统太赫兹(THz)探测器吸收效率低,频率范围小的问题,提出将双层超表面吸收阵列结构与钽酸锂热释电探测器相贴合,构成宽带太赫兹超表面热释电探测器。采用MATLAB和CST联合仿真的优化方法对超表面结构进行按需优化;使用ANSYS对热释电探测器进行仿真分析,得到敏感层、绝热层等特征参数对太赫兹热释电探测器的温度变化率以及响应电流的影响。结果表明,采用超表面阵列结构提高了全THz波段的探测性能,凳型热释电探测器在给定条件下的平均热释电电流输出为31.52 pA。使用超表面作为吸收结构可以使热释电探测器具有连续且高效的吸波特性,为宽带太赫兹探测器的设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 半导体物理学 热释电探测器 超表面 太赫兹 联合仿真 遗传算法
作者 李文治 李元宏 +3 位作者 安祥鲁 陈明雨 张新欣 陈辉 《科技资讯》 2024年第4期82-84,共3页
在平均场近似的理论框架下,采用拓展的横场伊辛模型理论,探讨温度梯度铁电材料极化偏移与热释电性质的内在联系的微观物理机制。研究表明:极化偏移的极值和材料内首发相变的梯度层的性质密切相关。极化偏移的极值和热释电系数的峰值总... 在平均场近似的理论框架下,采用拓展的横场伊辛模型理论,探讨温度梯度铁电材料极化偏移与热释电性质的内在联系的微观物理机制。研究表明:极化偏移的极值和材料内首发相变的梯度层的性质密切相关。极化偏移的极值和热释电系数的峰值总是成对出现,改变温度梯度铁电材料内首发相变层的性质是调控极化偏移、改善材料热释电性能的关键因素。 展开更多
关键词 温度梯度 极化强度 极化偏移 热释电性
作者 王奥博 李屹 +2 位作者 钟文金 胡星 凌志远 《电子元件与材料》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期558-564,共7页
针对目前PZT-4和PZT-5材料热释电性能缺乏系统研究的问题,采用固相烧结法制备了PZT-4和PZT-5材料,对所制备材料进行了SEM、XRD和介电温谱表征,应用静态和动态测量法相结合的方式,对所制备材料的热释电系数进行了研究,探究了正弦交变温... 针对目前PZT-4和PZT-5材料热释电性能缺乏系统研究的问题,采用固相烧结法制备了PZT-4和PZT-5材料,对所制备材料进行了SEM、XRD和介电温谱表征,应用静态和动态测量法相结合的方式,对所制备材料的热释电系数进行了研究,探究了正弦交变温度波振幅和频率对测试结果的影响,并对材料的热释电优值进行了计算。研究结果显示:在频率为16 mHz时,PZT-4和PZT-5材料分别于2.8 V和2.5 V获得了热释电系数的最大值;在电压为2.5 V时,PZT-4和PZT-5材料分别于24 mHz和40 mHz获得了热释电系数的最大值;两种材料的探测率优值均高于目前常用的PVDF材料。研究结果为PZT-4和PZT-5材料在热释电能量收集、非制冷红外焦平面器件等方面的潜在应用提供了定量化参考。 展开更多
关键词 PZT-4 PZT-5 热释电系数 静态测量法 动态测量法
作者 李元宏 安祥鲁 +3 位作者 陈明雨 李文治 张新欣 陈辉 《科技资讯》 2024年第3期49-51,共3页
在平均场近似的理论框架下,采用拓展的横场伊辛模型理论,引入分布函数描述材料内部的量子起伏效应和温度梯度导致的铁电畸变,探讨影响温度梯度铁电材料热释电性质的微观机制。研究表明量子起伏效应和铁电畸变是影响铁电材料热释电性质... 在平均场近似的理论框架下,采用拓展的横场伊辛模型理论,引入分布函数描述材料内部的量子起伏效应和温度梯度导致的铁电畸变,探讨影响温度梯度铁电材料热释电性质的微观机制。研究表明量子起伏效应和铁电畸变是影响铁电材料热释电性质的两个重要因素。随着量子起伏效应的增强,热释电系数峰值逐渐下降,但对热释电峰值出现的位置影响并不显著;铁电畸变的存在,大大提高了材料热释电系数的峰值;温度梯度铁电材料内第一层级发生相变的时刻是影响材料热释电峰出现的最显著的因素。 展开更多
关键词 伊辛模型 温度梯度 量子起伏 铁电畸变 热释电系数
作者 谢汉荣 杨铁锋 +2 位作者 韦玉明 关贺元 卢惠辉 《人工晶体学报》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期410-425,共16页
铌酸锂晶体具有高电光、压电和非线性光学系数,宽光学透明范围、兼容速度匹配、相位匹配和色散工程,长期稳定性以及可低成本制备光学级晶圆等众多优势,作为构筑如电光调制器、光学频率梳、光波导等光电子器件的重要平台,在信息通信领域... 铌酸锂晶体具有高电光、压电和非线性光学系数,宽光学透明范围、兼容速度匹配、相位匹配和色散工程,长期稳定性以及可低成本制备光学级晶圆等众多优势,作为构筑如电光调制器、光学频率梳、光波导等光电子器件的重要平台,在信息通信领域的光产生、光传输、光调制等领域大放异彩,被誉为“光子领域的硅”,具有巨大的集成应用潜力,受到学术界和产业界的广泛关注。然而,由于铌酸锂的绝缘体和弱光学吸收特性,基于铌酸锂平台的集成应用领域还面临光电转换效率低和探测难的问题,全光通信中光解调和光提取需要高性能探测器的支撑,因此研发基于铌酸锂的光电探测器具有重大的科学意义和应用价值。本文从铌酸锂的基本结构特性出发,详细介绍了铌酸锂的优异物性和光电转化机理,综述了国内外学者近期的一些研究成果,重点阐述了基于铌酸锂晶体的光波导集成型光电探测器和异质结型光电探测器的研究进展,探讨并比较了不同路线的优点和发展潜力,并对该领域提出展望。 展开更多
关键词 铌酸锂 光电探测器 光芯片 光波导 热释电
作者 徐玉华 陈建伟 +6 位作者 刘志明 尹炳琪 吕振川 谭景甲 马超 张志辉 罗豪甦 《光电技术应用》 2024年第1期64-69,共6页
针对太赫兹探测器的研究现状,分析研究了现有太赫兹探测器的优缺点,并对热释电型太赫兹探测器的热释电材料和吸收材料进行研究,提出了一种基于铌镁钛酸铅(PMNT)晶片的新型太赫兹探测器的设计和制作方法。用PMNT晶片作为热释电材料,碳纳... 针对太赫兹探测器的研究现状,分析研究了现有太赫兹探测器的优缺点,并对热释电型太赫兹探测器的热释电材料和吸收材料进行研究,提出了一种基于铌镁钛酸铅(PMNT)晶片的新型太赫兹探测器的设计和制作方法。用PMNT晶片作为热释电材料,碳纳米管作为吸收材料,使用精密减薄抛光工艺和溅射电极工艺等工艺技术,完成了新型热释电太赫兹探测器的设计与制作。并利用该探测器设计了一款太赫兹功率计,经测试,该功率计在0.1~30 THz宽频段、0.5~100 m W大功率动态范围内,功率测量准确度达到了±10%,综合指标达到国际同类产品先进水平,应用效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 PMNT 太赫兹探测器 热释电效应 碳纳米管 太赫兹功率计
作者 吴航杰 钟晟 魏榕山 《电视技术》 2024年第3期65-70,74,共7页
热释电红外技术已广泛应用于交通出行和智能家居等领域。用于接收、放大、处理热释电红外传感器输入信号的控制芯片的优劣,是衡量热释电红外产品性能的重要标准。设计出一款用于照明控制、防盗报警等领域的热释电红外控制芯片。该芯片... 热释电红外技术已广泛应用于交通出行和智能家居等领域。用于接收、放大、处理热释电红外传感器输入信号的控制芯片的优劣,是衡量热释电红外产品性能的重要标准。设计出一款用于照明控制、防盗报警等领域的热释电红外控制芯片。该芯片是一款基于5 V 1P3M CMOS工艺的低静态功耗、芯片面积小的热释电红外控制芯片,只有8个引脚,外围器件少,可与传感器合封,具有小型化,能有效抑制手机、Wi-Fi等射频干扰的优势。仿真结果表明,芯片的静态功耗小于20μA,动态功耗小于1 mA,在3.0~5.5 V电压范围内能正常工作,有效面积约为0.309 mm^(2)。 展开更多
关键词 热释电红外 灵敏度可调 带隙基准电流源 环形振荡器 模数转换器
基于神经网络的高寒地区CF_(4)和SF_(6)/CF_(4)检测 被引量:1
作者 马汝括 董杰 +3 位作者 王雅湉 伊国鑫 丁祥浩 马乐 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期103-112,共10页
高寒地区须携带多台仪器以满足3种不同量级SF_(6)气体中CF_(4)气体浓度的检测需求,现场运维效率低且仪器购置成本高。为此,首先设计了一种基于热释电检测技术的SF_(6)气体中CF_(4)气体浓度检测仪器,可自动选择不同的放大电阻以实现多量... 高寒地区须携带多台仪器以满足3种不同量级SF_(6)气体中CF_(4)气体浓度的检测需求,现场运维效率低且仪器购置成本高。为此,首先设计了一种基于热释电检测技术的SF_(6)气体中CF_(4)气体浓度检测仪器,可自动选择不同的放大电阻以实现多量程切换。然后提出了BP和PSO-BP2种神经网络温度-压力协同补偿模型,并通过搭建高效模拟实验平台为模型预测提供数据支撑,预测结果表明,PSO-BP神经网络优于BP神经网络。最后将PSO-BP神经网络温度-压力协同补偿模型内置于多量程检测仪器CF_(4)气体浓度检测仪器。模拟实验结果表明,该检测仪器在不同温度和压力下,小量程和大量程检测误差和重复性分别不超过±2%和1.6%,混合比量程下误差和重复性分别不超过±0.5%和0.2%,对高寒地区电网运维检修具有重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 CF_(4)气体浓度检测 热释电检测技术 高寒地区 三量程 PSO-BP神经网络模型 温度-压力协同补偿
作者 Wang, XM Shen, YP 《Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica》 SCIE EI 1995年第4期303-313,共11页
The pyroelectric medium is an important material in the application of smart materials and structures. It is necessary to systematically discuss ail kinds of variational principles which play a very significant role i... The pyroelectric medium is an important material in the application of smart materials and structures. It is necessary to systematically discuss ail kinds of variational principles which play a very significant role in the fundamental theory of mechanics and numerical analysis method. This paper firstly gives the quasi-static and the dynamic variational principles,then the principles for eigen problems. As a simple example, the principle was finally applied to derive the fundamental, equations for an anisotropic piezoelectric plate. 展开更多
关键词 continuous mechanics pyroelectricITY variational principles smart material
Pyroelectric Bi<sub>5-x</sub>(Bi<sub>2</sub>S<sub>3</sub>)<sub>39</sub>I<sub>12</sub>S: Fibonacci Superstructure, Synthesis Options and Solar Cell Potential 被引量:2
作者 Hans Hermann Otto 《World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics》 2015年第2期66-77,共12页
Previously, synthetic hexagonal bismuth sulfide iodide (polar space group P63, a = 15.629(3) ?, c = 4.018(1) ?, Z = 2) has been described by the rather unsatisfactory fractional formula Bi19/3IS9 [1] 08D0C9EA79F9BACE1... Previously, synthetic hexagonal bismuth sulfide iodide (polar space group P63, a = 15.629(3) ?, c = 4.018(1) ?, Z = 2) has been described by the rather unsatisfactory fractional formula Bi19/3IS9 [1] 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003400310037003600350038003400370039000000 -[3] 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003400310037003600350038003400370036000000 . A redetermination of the structure using old but reliable photographic intensity data indicated the presence of additional split positions and reduced atomic occupancies. From the observed pattern of this “averaged” structure a consistent model of a superstructure with lattice parameters of a' = √13·a = 56.35(1) ?, c' = c, and a formula Bi5-x(Bi2S3)39I12S emerged, with 2 formula units in a cell of likewise P63 space group. Structural modulation may be provoked by the space the lone electron pair of Bi requires. When Bi on the 0, 0, z position of the “averaged” cell is transferred to two general six-fold sites and one unoccupied twofold one of the super-cell, more structural stability is guaranteed due to compensation of its basal plane dipole momentum. Owing to the limited intensity data available, more details of the superstructure are not accessible yet. Some physical properties and solar cell application are discussed together with suggestions of ambient temperature synthesis routes of c-axis oriented nano-rod sheets. 展开更多
关键词 Hexagonal Bismuth Sulfide Iodide SUPERSTRUCTURE Sub-Cell FIBONACCI Numbers Sequence pyroelectricity Crystal Growth Nano-Rods Completely Inorganic Solar Cell Twin-Cell Photocatalyst
Gradient refractive structured NiCr thin film absorber for pyroelectric infrared detectors
作者 练芸路 于贺 +1 位作者 梁志清 董翔 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第6期419-423,共5页
A gradient refractive structured NiCr film that has a high extinction coefficient at far infrared range(8-μm–24 μm) is presented as an absorber for pyroelectric infrared detectors. The absorber features high absorp... A gradient refractive structured NiCr film that has a high extinction coefficient at far infrared range(8-μm–24 μm) is presented as an absorber for pyroelectric infrared detectors. The absorber features high absorption efficiency due to the low reflection off the structured surface and high absorption across the film thickness. The refractive index and extinction coefficient are extracted using spectroscopic ellipsometry. It is found that the single NiCr film exhibits an increasing refractive index as the gas atmosphere pressure increases, hence the three-layer gradient NiCr absorber can be fabricated by adjusting the gas atmosphere pressure during sputtering deposition. Essential Macleod software has been used to generate an efficient film structure design and the calculations show similar absorptance trend compared to the experimental measurement result. The results indicate that the gradient refractive structured metal thin film absorber can provide high absorption for applications in thermal sensing. 展开更多
关键词 pyroelectric infrared detector SPECTROSCOPIC ELLIPSOMETRY deposition thermal sensing
Electrocaloric effect and pyroelectric properties of organic–inorganic hybrid (C2H5NH3)2CuCl4
作者 刘义 畅艳芬 +3 位作者 孙阳 沈俊 闫丽琴 卢遵铭 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第11期344-348,共5页
The organic–inorganic hybrid(C2H5NH3)2 CuCl4(EA2CuCl4) single crystals are prepared by the solvothermal condition method. The x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, dielectric permittivity, pyroelectric cur... The organic–inorganic hybrid(C2H5NH3)2 CuCl4(EA2CuCl4) single crystals are prepared by the solvothermal condition method. The x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, dielectric permittivity, pyroelectric current, and heat capacity are used to systematically investigate the electrocaloric performances of EA2CuCl4. The pyroelectric currents are measured under various voltages, and the electrocaloric effect(ECE) is calculated. Its ECE exhibits an isothermal entropy change of 0.0028 J/kg·K under an electric field of 30 kV/cm associated with a relatively broad temperature span. Further, the maximum pyroelectric coefficient(p) is 4× 10^-3 C/m^2·K and the coefficient β for generating ECE from electric displacement D is 1.068× 10^8 J·cm·K^-1·C^-2 at 240 K. Our results indicate that the ECE behavior of organic–inorganic hybrid EA2CuCl4 is in accordance with Jona and Shirane’s opinion in which the ECE should occur both below and above the Curie temperature Tc. 展开更多
关键词 electrocaloric effect pyroelectric PROPERTIES organic–inorganic PEROVSKITE
Correlation between intrinsic dipole moment and pyroelectric coefficient of Fe-Mg tourmaline
作者 Chang-chun Zhao Li-bing Liao Jie Xing 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第2期105-112,共8页
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction structural data of four Fe-Mg tourmalines with different Fe contents from Xinjiang, Sichuan, and Yunnan Provinces, China, were collected at room temperature and-100oC. The intrinsic di... Single-crystal X-ray diffraction structural data of four Fe-Mg tourmalines with different Fe contents from Xinjiang, Sichuan, and Yunnan Provinces, China, were collected at room temperature and-100oC. The intrinsic dipole moments of polyhedra and the total intrinsic dipole moment of the unit cell were calculated. By comparing the intrinsic electric dipole moments of the X, Y, Z, T, and B site polyhedra, it is found that the T site polyhedron makes the greatest contribution to the total intrinsic dipole moment. The pyroelectric coefficients of four Fe-Mg tourmalines were experimentally determined, and the influence of intrinsic dipole moments on their pyroelectric properties was inves-tigated. The experimental results show that, compared with the case at room temperature, the intrinsic dipole moments change with the total Fe content at-100oC in a completely different way. With the decrease of temperature, the total intrinsic dipole moments of tourmaline de-crease. Over the same temperature interval, the pyroelectric coefficients increase with the increase in intrinsic dipole moment. 展开更多
关键词 TOURMALINE pyroelectricITY dipole moment POLYHEDRA
Dielectric and Pyroelectric Characteristics of the Infrared Sensitive (Pb_(1-x)Sr_x)TiO_3 Ceramics
作者 王茂祥 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第3期448-450,共3页
PST ferroelectric ceramics were fabricated successfully by a two-step method, i e first, PbTiO3 and SrTiO3 were sintered respectively, then mixed and sintered together. The process and characteristics of PST ferroelec... PST ferroelectric ceramics were fabricated successfully by a two-step method, i e first, PbTiO3 and SrTiO3 were sintered respectively, then mixed and sintered together. The process and characteristics of PST ferroelectric ceramics were introduced and researched. Their dielectric and pyroelectric characteristics are as follows dielectric constant 10^4 order, low dielectric loss (lower than 3.0% in the working frequency range of 1-1 000 kHz), saturation polarization intensity 10^-1 C/m^2 order, and pyroelectric coefficient 10^-3 C/m^2·K order. 展开更多
关键词 PST ferroelectric ceramics dielectric characteristics pyroelectric characteristics
Phenomenological Theory of Pyroelectricity
作者 Manfred Fähnle 《材料科学与工程(中英文B版)》 2020年第2期49-52,共4页
In pyroelectric materials there is a spontaneous dielectric polarization.When raising the temperature,then a voltage appears in the system.In the present manuscript a phenomenological theory of pyroelectricity is deve... In pyroelectric materials there is a spontaneous dielectric polarization.When raising the temperature,then a voltage appears in the system.In the present manuscript a phenomenological theory of pyroelectricity is developed. 展开更多
关键词 pyroelectricITY dielectric polarization phenomenological theory MAGNETISM MAGNETOSTRICTION thermal expansion pyromagnetism
Pyroelectric Properties of PVDF:MWCNT Nanocomposite Film for Uncooled Infrared Detectors
作者 Matthew E. Edwards Ashok K. Batra +3 位作者 Ashwith K. Chilvery Padmaja Guggilla Michael Curley Mohan D. Aggarwal 《Materials Sciences and Applications》 2012年第12期851-855,共5页
Pyroelectric multi-walled carbon nanotubes:polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF:MWCT) composite films have been fabriccated by the solution casting technique. The pyroelectric and dielectric properties of the composite films... Pyroelectric multi-walled carbon nanotubes:polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF:MWCT) composite films have been fabriccated by the solution casting technique. The pyroelectric and dielectric properties of the composite films were examined for their use in uncooled infrared detectors. The properties measured include: 1) dielectric constants and 2) pyroelec- tric coefficient as a function of temperature. From the foregoing parameters, materials Figures-of-merit, for infrared detection and thermal-vidicons, were calculated. The results indicated Figures-of-merit of composite film were higher than pristine polyvinylidene fluoride films. 展开更多
关键词 pyroelectric IR Detectors Multi-Walled CARBON NANOTUBES pyroelectric PROPERTIES
Effective Pyroelectric Coefficient and Polarization Offset of Compositionally Step-like Graded Ferroelectric Structures
作者 CAOHai-Xia WUYin-Zhong LIZhen-Ya 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5期935-940,共6页
In this paper, the effective pyroelectric coefficient and polarization offset of the compositionally step-like graded multilayer ferroelectric structures have been studied by use of the first-principles approach. It i... In this paper, the effective pyroelectric coefficient and polarization offset of the compositionally step-like graded multilayer ferroelectric structures have been studied by use of the first-principles approach. It is exhibited that the dielectric gradient has a nontrivial influence on the effective pyroelectric coefficient, but has a little influence on the polarization offset; and the polarization gradient plays an important role in the abnormal hysteresis loop phenomenon of the co.mpositionally step-like graded ferroelectric structures. Moreover, the origin of the polarization offset is explored,which can be attributed to the polarization gradient in the compositionally step-like graded structure. 展开更多
关键词 有效焦热电系数 极化偏移量 铁电结构 薄膜生长
基于CNN-LSTM神经网络的热释电红外传感器人员识别 被引量:1
作者 徐晓冰 焦宇浩 +2 位作者 李奇越 吴刚 左涛涛 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期87-90,97,共5页
针对热释电红外(PIR)传感器在室内人员识别系统的结构以及识别的准确率问题,设计了一种新型的无线分布式PIR传感器系统,并提出了一种人员识别的新方法。系统采用2只分布在不同高度的PIR传感器,结合对菲涅尔透镜的视场角调制,能够有效探... 针对热释电红外(PIR)传感器在室内人员识别系统的结构以及识别的准确率问题,设计了一种新型的无线分布式PIR传感器系统,并提出了一种人员识别的新方法。系统采用2只分布在不同高度的PIR传感器,结合对菲涅尔透镜的视场角调制,能够有效探测运动人体的红外信号。通过对2只PIR传感器时域输出信号的采集分析,采用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)算法获取时域信号特征,并将信号特征进行融合。使用深度学习卷积神经网络-长短期记忆(CNN-LSTM)神经网络进行人员的分类识别。实验结果表明:该设计方法在人员的分类识别上实现了99.29%的准确率,在室内人员识别场景中具有良好的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 热释电红外传感器 模式识别 深度学习 人员识别
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