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Quality of Service (QoS) Provisions in Wireless Sensor Networks and Related Challenges 被引量:1
作者 Bhaskar Bhuyan Hiren Kumar Deva Sarma +2 位作者 Nityananda Sarma Avijit Kar Rajib Mall 《Wireless Sensor Network》 2010年第11期861-868,共8页
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are required to provide different levels of Quality of Services (QoS) based on the type of applications. Providing QoS support in wireless sensor networks is an emerging area of researc... Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are required to provide different levels of Quality of Services (QoS) based on the type of applications. Providing QoS support in wireless sensor networks is an emerging area of research. Due to resource constraints like processing power, memory, bandwidth and power sources in sensor networks, QoS support in WSNs is a challenging task. In this paper, we discuss the QoS requirements in WSNs and present a survey of some of the QoS aware routing techniques in WSNs. We also explore the middleware approaches for QoS support in WSNs and finally, highlight some open issues and future direction of research for providing QoS in WSNs. 展开更多
关键词 WIRELESS Sensor Network quality of service MIDDLEWARE ROUTING
Web services composition with QoS bound based on simulated annealing algorithm 被引量:6
作者 刘青 张世龙 +1 位作者 杨锐 连祥鉴 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期308-311,共4页
In order to enable quality-aware web services selection in the process of service composition,this paper first describes the non-functional requirements of service consumers and the quality of elementary service or co... In order to enable quality-aware web services selection in the process of service composition,this paper first describes the non-functional requirements of service consumers and the quality of elementary service or composite service as a quality vector,and then models the QoS(quality of service)-aware composition as a multiple criteria optimization problem in extending directed graph.A novel simulated annealing algorithm for QoS-aware web services composition is presented.A normalizing for composite service QoS values is made,and a secondary iterative optimization is used in the algorithm.Experimental results show that the simulated annealing algorithm can satisfy the multiple criteria and global QoS requirements of service consumers.The algorithm produces near optimum solution with much less computation cost. 展开更多
关键词 web services quality of service(qos service composition simulated annealing
基于时间序列分析的Web Service QoS预测方法 被引量:21
作者 华哲邦 李萌 +1 位作者 赵俊峰 谢冰 《计算机科学与探索》 CSCD 2013年第3期218-226,共9页
通过网络提供服务的Web Service的服务质量会随着网络环境、服务器负载等因素的变化而变化,如何更好地帮助用户选择在未来一段时间内符合服务质量需求的Web Service,是目前服务计算领域中需要解决的关键问题之一。针对上述问题,提出了... 通过网络提供服务的Web Service的服务质量会随着网络环境、服务器负载等因素的变化而变化,如何更好地帮助用户选择在未来一段时间内符合服务质量需求的Web Service,是目前服务计算领域中需要解决的关键问题之一。针对上述问题,提出了一种基于时间序列分析的Web Service QoS预测方法,并实现了相应的Web Service QoS自动预测工具。该工具能够根据Web Service的历史QoS数据,有效地预测未来短期内的QoS信息。以17832个Web Service的历史数据为基础,设计了相关实验,并验证了方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 WEB service 服务质量(qos) 预测 自回归求和移动平均(ARIMA) 时间序列
一种可扩展的Web Service QoS管理框架 被引量:32
作者 邵凌霜 李田 +3 位作者 赵俊峰 王亚沙 谢冰 梅宏 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1458-1470,共13页
Web Service是目前研究界和产业界广泛关注的技术之一.随着Web Service的广泛应用,研究者们普遍认识到,服务的非功能属性,即服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)是面向服务的应用能否成功的关键因素之一.因此,研究者们尝试从多个角度对Qo... Web Service是目前研究界和产业界广泛关注的技术之一.随着Web Service的广泛应用,研究者们普遍认识到,服务的非功能属性,即服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)是面向服务的应用能否成功的关键因素之一.因此,研究者们尝试从多个角度对QoS相关问题展开了研究.然而,现有工作普遍关注基于QoS的动态服务选择和组装等上层应用技术,而对于如何获取、存储、度量QoS等基础支持技术研究较少,而这些基础性工作对QoS相关的研究工作具有显著的重要性.此外,不同应用领域对Web Service QoS的需求不尽相同,因此,需要有一套灵活的机制支持在QoS模型定义、QoS度量方法、QoS信息采集等方面体现出的领域特性.针对这个问题,文中提出了一个可扩展的Web Service QoS信息管理框架,详细分析了该框架涉及到的重要方法与核心技术,并给出了该框架在北京大学软件构件库系统中的设计决策和方案.最后,介绍了文中框架在一个863计划项目中的应用实例,该实例展示了用户根据其应用的领域需求对本框架进行扩展并进行Web Service QoS管理的方法,从而验证了本管理框架的可扩展性及实用性. 展开更多
关键词 WEB服务组装 服务质量 qos建模 qos信息采集 qos度量
Interactive Web service choice-making based on extended QoS model 被引量:3
作者 MOU Yu-jie CAO Jian ZHANG Shen-sheng ZHANG Jian-hong 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第4期483-492,共10页
Quality of Service (QoS) is a key factor in Web service advertising, choosing and runtime monitoring. Web service QoS is multi-faceted, fuzzy and dynamic. Current researches focus on implementation level performance a... Quality of Service (QoS) is a key factor in Web service advertising, choosing and runtime monitoring. Web service QoS is multi-faceted, fuzzy and dynamic. Current researches focus on implementation level performance assurance, ignoring domain specific or application level metrics which are also very important to service users. Industry Web service standards lack QoS expression. The support for QoS based service choice-making is very limited. We proposed an extended Web service QoS model based on configurable fuzzy synthetic evaluation system. Web service QoS is evaluated dynamically according to the service context. A QoS requirement description model is also given for service QoS requirement definition. An interactive Web service choice-making process is described, which takes QoS as a key factor when choosing from functionally equivalent services. 展开更多
关键词 quality of service (qos Web service Choice-making Fuzzy synthetic evaluation
一种基于Web Service的分级QoS的研究与实现 被引量:12
作者 徐明伟 胡春明 +1 位作者 刘旭东 马殿富 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期669-675,共7页
随着WebService技术的广泛应用,QoS成为一个非常重要的问题.以服务响应时间为QoS参数,验证了一种基于WebService的分级QoS方法,提出了目标时间预设模型,并针对优化问题提出一种基于动态规划的解决方法,并实现了原型系统.实验数据表明这... 随着WebService技术的广泛应用,QoS成为一个非常重要的问题.以服务响应时间为QoS参数,验证了一种基于WebService的分级QoS方法,提出了目标时间预设模型,并针对优化问题提出一种基于动态规划的解决方法,并实现了原型系统.实验数据表明这种方法有效地控制了负载平衡,实现了服务分级. 展开更多
关键词 WEB服务质量 服务分级 服务水平协商 权重循环 响应时间 WEB服务
Web Services内部架构对QoS的影响 被引量:3
作者 刘友生 陈一平 曹光忠 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第1期128-131,共4页
为了研究Web Services的内部构建对Web Services服务质量(QoS)的影响,设计了对应的ACTTest程序来分析Web Services内部构建中的字符串连接连接方法、数据库操作方式、序列化、输出缓存、调用开销及集群等对Web Services的QoS影响,结果表... 为了研究Web Services的内部构建对Web Services服务质量(QoS)的影响,设计了对应的ACTTest程序来分析Web Services内部构建中的字符串连接连接方法、数据库操作方式、序列化、输出缓存、调用开销及集群等对Web Services的QoS影响,结果表明Web Services内部构建对QoS有着重要影响。实验结果对优化Web Services的内部架构和网络结构,提高网络及WS的性能和可扩展性具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 WEB serviceS 服务质量 数据库 字符串 序列化 调用开销 集群
基于代理的Web Services QoS模型研究 被引量:1
作者 吴虹 尹华 《煤炭技术》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期204-206,共3页
服务质量(QoS)描述了服务满足消费者需求的能力,提供有保证的QoS是Web服务在商业应用中获得成功的关键。本文分析了Web Services QoS的特点和实现过程,提出一种更适合于Web Services环境下的QoS建模过程,提出一种基于代理的有QoS保障的W... 服务质量(QoS)描述了服务满足消费者需求的能力,提供有保证的QoS是Web服务在商业应用中获得成功的关键。本文分析了Web Services QoS的特点和实现过程,提出一种更适合于Web Services环境下的QoS建模过程,提出一种基于代理的有QoS保障的Web Services模型。通过在传统的Web Services架构的基础上进行扩展,增加一个代理,充分发挥代理技术的灵活性、可扩充性、可重用性等优点。将QoS的相关工作完全交给代理来完成,实现一个改进的Web Services QoS架构。 展开更多
关键词 WEB服务 服务质量 代理
一种环境因素敏感的WebServiceQoS监控方法 被引量:8
作者 庄媛 张鹏程 +2 位作者 李雯睿 冯钧 朱跃龙 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1978-1992,共15页
面向服务系统的执行能力依赖第三方提供的服务,在复杂多变的网络环境中,这种依赖会带来服务质量(QoS)的不确定性.而QoS是衡量第三方服务质量的重要标准,因此,有效监控QoS是对Web服务实现质量控制的必要过程.现有监控方法都未考虑环境因... 面向服务系统的执行能力依赖第三方提供的服务,在复杂多变的网络环境中,这种依赖会带来服务质量(QoS)的不确定性.而QoS是衡量第三方服务质量的重要标准,因此,有效监控QoS是对Web服务实现质量控制的必要过程.现有监控方法都未考虑环境因素的影响,比如服务器位置、用户使用服务的位置和使用时间段负载等,而这些影响在实际监控中是存在的,忽略环境因素会导致监控结果与实际结果有悖.针对这一问题,提出了一种基于加权朴素贝叶斯算法w BSRM(weightednaive Bayes running monitoring)的Web Service QoS监控方法.受机器学习分类方法的启发,通过TF-IDF(term frequency-inverse document frequency)算法计算环境因素的影响,通过对部分样本进行学习,构建加权朴素贝叶斯分类器.将监控结果分类,满足QoS标准为c_0,不满足QoS标准为c_1,监控时调用分类器得到c_0和c_1的后验概率之比,对比值进行分析,可得监控结果满足QoS属性标准、不满足QoS属性标准和不能判断这3种情况.在网络开源数据以及随机数据集上的实验结果表明:利用TF-IDF算法能够准确地估算环境因子权值,通过加权朴素贝叶斯分类器,能够更好地监控QoS,效率显著优于现有方法. 展开更多
关键词 服务质量 影响因子 TF-IDF算法 加权朴素贝叶斯分类器 监控
QoS驱动的Web services动态计价机制研究
作者 吴建斌 王晓虎 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期1307-1309,共3页
结合Web services的服务质量(QoS)因素和用户经验,对Web services的计价机制进行研究,提出一种QoS驱动的Web services动态计价模型,描述其计价过程,并给出相应的实现算法。通过对模型的简单实现,经测试这一计价模型在准确性和合理性上... 结合Web services的服务质量(QoS)因素和用户经验,对Web services的计价机制进行研究,提出一种QoS驱动的Web services动态计价模型,描述其计价过程,并给出相应的实现算法。通过对模型的简单实现,经测试这一计价模型在准确性和合理性上具有一定优势。 展开更多
关键词 WEB serviceS 服务质量 动态计价 计价机制
多元时间序列的Web Service QoS预测方法 被引量:2
作者 张鹏程 王丽艳 +1 位作者 吉顺慧 李雯睿 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1742-1758,共17页
为准确并多步预测 Web 服务的服务质量(quality of service,简称 QoS),方便用户选择更好的 Web 服务,提出了一种基于多元时间序列的 QoS 预测方法 MulA-LMRBF(multiple step forecasting with advertisement-levenbergmarquardt radial ... 为准确并多步预测 Web 服务的服务质量(quality of service,简称 QoS),方便用户选择更好的 Web 服务,提出了一种基于多元时间序列的 QoS 预测方法 MulA-LMRBF(multiple step forecasting with advertisement-levenbergmarquardt radial basis function).充分考虑多个 QoS 属性序列之间的关联,采用平均位移法(average dimension,简称AD)确定相空间重构的嵌入维数和延迟时间,将 QoS 属性历史数据映射到一个动力系统中,近似恢复多个 QoS 属性之间的多维非线性关系.将短期服务提供商 QoS 广告数据加入数据集中,采用列文伯格-马夸尔特法(Levenberg-Marquardt,简称 LM)算法改进的径向基(radial basis function,简称 RBF)神经网络预测模型,动态更新神经网络的权重,提高预测精度,实现 QoS 动态多步预测.通过网络开源数据和自测数据的实验结果表明,该方法与传统方法相比有较好预测效果,更适合动态多步预测. 展开更多
关键词 服务质量 多元时间序列 相空间重构 LM算法 RBF神经网络 动态多步预测
Multi-attribute group decision making algorithm for web services selection based on QoS 被引量:2
作者 童红霞 张申生 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期302-305,共4页
To address the problem of web services selection based on quality, an approach of multi-attribute group decision making algorithm is proposed. Based on the Borda social choice function, the group decision making algor... To address the problem of web services selection based on quality, an approach of multi-attribute group decision making algorithm is proposed. Based on the Borda social choice function, the group decision making algorithm aggregates the results of multiple methods with different principles which are used to obtain constantly changing quality of service, thus increasing the confidence to select the most appropriate web service for a special task. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach has better scalability and can be applied to large-scale distributed service computing environments. It is also shown that the proposed group decision making approach can effectively optimize the services selection and outperforms the random and robin policies. By using this approach, it can extend a method to obtain constantly changing quality of service and construct a synthetic information entity with multi-level knowledge, which guarantees the accuracy of services selection. 展开更多
关键词 web services quality of service group decision making Borda function
Effect analysis of applying high-quality service model to surgical nursing
作者 Li Chen Qiu-Mei Tu +4 位作者 Zhao-Di Guo Xiao-Wei Zhu Wei Wang Hui-Fang Xie Yuan Ye 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2024年第19期3744-3751,共8页
BACKGROUND Surgical care of the hand plays a crucial role in the medical field,as problems with the hand can profoundly affect a patient's quality of life and function.In order to meet the needs of patients,improv... BACKGROUND Surgical care of the hand plays a crucial role in the medical field,as problems with the hand can profoundly affect a patient's quality of life and function.In order to meet the needs of patients,improve patient satisfaction and improve treatment outcomes,high-quality service models have been introduced in the field of nursing.AIM To explore the effect analysis of applying high-quality service model to surgical nursing.METHODS We conducted a retrospective study of patients who underwent hand surgery at our hospital between 2019 and 2022,using a quality service model that included improved patient education,pain management,care team collaboration,and effective communication.Another group of patients received traditional care as a control group.We compared postoperative recovery,satisfaction,complication rate,and length of hospital stay between the two groups.Inferential statistics were used to compare the difference between the two groups by independent sample t test,Chi-square test and other methods to evaluate the effect of intervention measures.RESULTS Postoperative recovery time decreased from 17.8±2.3 d to 14.5±2.1 d,pain score decreased from 4.7±1.9 to 3.2±1.4,and hand function score increased from 78.4±7.1 to 88.5±6.2.In terms of patient satisfaction,the quality service model group scored 87.3±5.6 points,which was significantly higher than that of the traditional care group(74.6±6.3 points).At the same time,patients'understanding of medical information also improved from 6.9±1.4 to 8.6±1.2.In terms of postoperative complications,the application of the quality service model reduced the incidence of postoperative complications from 26%to 10%,the incidence of infection from 12%to 5%,and the incidence of bleeding from 10%to 3%.The reduction in these data indicates that the quality service model plays a positive role in reducing the risk of complications.In addition,the average hospital stay of patients in the quality service model group was shortened from 6.8±1.5 d to 5.2±1.3 d,and the hospitalization cost was also reduced from 2800±600 yuan to 2500±500 yuan.CONCLUSION Applying a quality service model to hand surgery care can significantly improve patient clinical outcomes,including faster recovery,less pain,greater satisfaction,and reduced complication rates. 展开更多
关键词 Hand surgery nursing quality service model Clinical outcomes Patient satisfaction COLLABORATION Pain management
基于QoS的Web Services发现 被引量:3
作者 江涛 段富 《太原理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第3期288-290,共3页
出于对组合Web服务中QoS管理的目的,对WSDL进行扩展提出了新的服务描述语言,并扩展了Web服务的角色,提出了服务代理角色,在传统的Web Services架构的基础上进行扩展给出了一个改进的Web Services架构,最后给出了原型系统的实现方案和试... 出于对组合Web服务中QoS管理的目的,对WSDL进行扩展提出了新的服务描述语言,并扩展了Web服务的角色,提出了服务代理角色,在传统的Web Services架构的基础上进行扩展给出了一个改进的Web Services架构,最后给出了原型系统的实现方案和试验;并对试验结果作了分析,得出了改进后的Web service架构在服务发现时性能、效率优于传统的web services架构。 展开更多
关键词 WEB服务 qos WSDL WEB服务架构
The Chinese Consumers’Service Quality Satisfaction Differences of Cruise Tourism and Precision Marketing Strategy
作者 ZHANG Lingling CHEN Yu GUO Yingzhi 《Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management》 2024年第1期1-11,共11页
The paper selected Chinese Cruise Line as the case study. Having based on the survey data of Chinese cruise tourism consumers, the factor analysis method, one-way analysis of variances method, cluster analysis method,... The paper selected Chinese Cruise Line as the case study. Having based on the survey data of Chinese cruise tourism consumers, the factor analysis method, one-way analysis of variances method, cluster analysis method, and other quantitative and qualitative methods were taken to analyze Chinese consumers’ satisfaction differences of cruise tourism service quality with different segmentation markets and clusters markets, and the reasons of satisfaction differences were also explored. Then precision marketing strategy of Chinese cruise tourism with different segmentation markets and clusters markets from the supply-side reform perspective was discussed. The purpose of current research was to provide suggestions of precision management and precision marketing of Chinese cruise tourism for relevant enterprises and government departments. 展开更多
关键词 cruise tourism service quality SATISFACTION market segmentation precision marketing
Quality of Service and Security on Cisco Network Devices, Coupled with the Development of a Mobile Application Prototype Software for Server Room Temperature Monitoring
作者 Desire Mudenda Charles Smart Lubobya 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2024年第8期123-140,共18页
In an era where digital technology is paramount, higher education institutions like the University of Zambia (UNZA) are employing advanced computer networks to enhance their operational capacity and offer cutting-edge... In an era where digital technology is paramount, higher education institutions like the University of Zambia (UNZA) are employing advanced computer networks to enhance their operational capacity and offer cutting-edge services to their academic fraternity. Spanning across the Great East Road campus, UNZA has established one of the most extensive computer networks in Zambia, serving a burgeoning community of over 20,000 active users through a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). However, as the digital landscape continues to evolve, it is besieged with burgeoning challenges that threaten the very fabric of network integrity—cyber security threats and the imperatives of maintaining high Quality of Service (QoS). In an effort to mitigate these threats and ensure network efficiency, the development of a mobile application to monitor temperatures in the server room was imperative. According to L. Wei, X. Zeng, and T. Shen, the use of wireless sensory networks to monitor the temperature of train switchgear contact points represents a cost-effective solution. The system is based on wireless communication technology and is detailed in their paper, “A wireless solution for train switchgear contact temperature monitoring and alarming system based on wireless communication technology”, published in the International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 79-87, 2015 [1]. Therefore, in this study, a mobile application technology was explored for monitoring of temperatures in the server room in order to aid Cisco device performance. Additionally, this paper also explores the hardening of Cisco device security and QoS which are the cornerstones of this study. 展开更多
关键词 quality of service (qos) Network Security Temperature Monitoring Mobile Application Cisco Devices
The Digitization of Public Services and Its Contribution to the Quality of Service in Relation to User Satisfaction
作者 Bernabé Fochie Tuebou 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第9期2697-2716,共20页
In recent years, some governments have been working on solutions to transform public administrations and provide high-quality services to users. The United Nations has recommended integrating digital technology into v... In recent years, some governments have been working on solutions to transform public administrations and provide high-quality services to users. The United Nations has recommended integrating digital technology into various aspects of life, including public services. The objective is to offer real-time, high-quality digital services, improve the delivery of public services, enhance their effectiveness and efficiency, while achieving objectives such as transparency, interoperability and citizen satisfaction. However, most governments in developing countries are unable to keep up with this trend. As a result, they often create digital public services that fall short of users’ expectations. This study aims to identify the fundamental factors influencing the quality of service in relation to user satisfaction and to explore the relevance of digital technology in implementing this quality within Cameroon public administrations. To achieve this, we used a qualimetric research method, which included non-directive interviews, questionnaires, and structured observations. The results showed that the public services offered in our study environment did not meet users’ expectations. However, the study identified the fundamental aspects to be considered in providing quality public services connected to user satisfaction, as well as the strengths of digitization in achieving this quality. 展开更多
关键词 Digital Transformation Public services quality of service User Satisfaction
Assessing the Impact of Petrol Service Stations on Selected Physico-Chemical Water Quality Parameters within Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria
作者 William Azuka Iyama Obrieze Chekwa Nnadi +7 位作者 Ini Ubong Michael Nakara Timothy Chukwudi Osademe Dollah Yenor Lekie Gbode Chukwudi Omeni Egbunefu Woboroma Stella Emejuru Preye Nimame Williams Chinedu Onuegbu 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2024年第10期204-220,共17页
This study assessed the impact of petrol service stations on physico-chemical water quality in Port Harcourt metropolis, Rivers State. This threw light on the extent of damage and alteration of water quality in Port H... This study assessed the impact of petrol service stations on physico-chemical water quality in Port Harcourt metropolis, Rivers State. This threw light on the extent of damage and alteration of water quality in Port Harcourt metropolis as a result of the proliferation of petrol service stations especially the condition of ground and nearby surface water. This serves as a useful tool to government and regulatory authorities for planning especially due to lack of central water supply system in Port Harcourt metropolis. The parameters studied were sampled, measured and analyzed using in situ and other standard methods. Remarkable results above permissible limits of interest for physicochemical parameter analysis revealed pH values from 4.6 to 6.8, electrical conductivity from 0.002 µS/cm to 0.42 µS/cm, salinity from 3 ppm to 4050 ppm, and temperatures from 19.9˚C to 32.6˚C. Total dissolved solids (TDS) varied from 7 ppm to 1000 ppm, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) from 0.167 mg/L to 2.167 mg/L, chemical oxygen demand (COD) from 0.257 mg/L to 3.253 mg/L, and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations from 1.70 mg/L to 4.30 mg/L. Specifically, water samples from NNPC Filling Station (Choba) and Eneka Pond displayed “Poor” water quality with WQI values of 112.003 and 112.076, respectively. Similarly, ALLTEC Filling Station (Eneka) and TOTAL Filling Station (Rumuomasi) had “Poor” water quality with WQI values of 173.707 and 180.946, respectively. In contrast, Excelsis Filling Station (Akpajo) demonstrated “Good” water quality with a WQI of 85.2072, while Total Filling Stations (Slaughter) and Choba River revealed “unsuitable for drinking” water quality with WQI values of 552.461 and 654.601, respectively. Slaughter River also indicated very poor water quality with a WQI of 442.024. The physicochemical and nutrient analyses of the water samples showed that activities of the filling stations within the study area may have polluted groundwater in the environment posing poor aesthetics and great health risk to consumers of the water bodies. The findings underscore the need for immediate remediation efforts and stricter regulatory measures to protect water quality. The study concluded that surface and groundwater near petrol service stations in Port Harcourt are unfit for drinking and irrigation purposes without adequate treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Water quality Index Petrol service Stations Contamination Environmental Impact Assessment Eneka Drilling Points
Research on the Construction and Application of Service Quality Evaluation Models for Scenic Spots:Taking Chongqing Ciqikou as an Example
作者 Ziyan Zhao Yanling Jiang 《Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies》 2024年第4期73-79,共7页
In the current environment of increasingly fierce competition in the tourism industry,service quality has become crucial for enhancing the competitiveness of scenic spots.This paper uses the SERVQUAL model to design a... In the current environment of increasingly fierce competition in the tourism industry,service quality has become crucial for enhancing the competitiveness of scenic spots.This paper uses the SERVQUAL model to design a service quality evaluation questionnaire that captures the gap between tourists’expectations and perceptions,using the Ciqikou Scenic Spot as a case study.Data collected from field surveys are used to comprehensively and meticulously evaluate the service quality of the Ciqikou Scenic Spot.The analysis results show that the scenic spot,with its unique folk culture experience and beautiful ecological environment,has certain advantages in terms of service quality.However,significant deficiencies exist in infrastructure and environmental hygiene.Accordingly,targeted improvement suggestions are proposed to further enhance the service quality of the Ciqikou Scenic Spot and meet the increasingly diverse and personalized needs of tourists.This study provides not only a specific service quality improvement strategy for the Ciqikou Scenic Spot but also a valuable reference for other tourist attractions. 展开更多
关键词 service quality SERVQUAL model Tourists’perception Tourists’expectation CIQIKOU
Affordability, Accessibility, and Quality of Maternal Health Care Services and Level of Satisfaction of Mothers in Rural Areas in China
作者 Teng Sun Rebecca A.Guariño 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2024年第8期218-231,共14页
Objective:This study aimed to understand the affordability,accessibility,and quality of maternal and child health services for postpartum mothers,and their impact on satisfaction.Methods:The study utilized the Anderso... Objective:This study aimed to understand the affordability,accessibility,and quality of maternal and child health services for postpartum mothers,and their impact on satisfaction.Methods:The study utilized the Anderson model and revised the Maternal Pregnancy and Perinatal Health Service Questionnaire.A survey was conducted among 289 mothers aged 20–49 in Feicheng City.Results:Regarding accessibility,most respondents(133)reported that travel time to healthcare services exceeded 60 minutes,while 99 respondents indicated a travel time of 16–30 minutes.The issue of affordability was highlighted,with 86.85%of participants perceiving maternal healthcare services as costly,indicating a significant financial burden.More than 50%of respondents were satisfied with two specific dimensions(P<0.05)regarding the quality of maternal healthcare services.Conclusion:The study found that accessibility,affordability,and quality significantly affect mothers’satisfaction with maternal health services.Future research should focus on developing more suitable service pathways for rural mothers. 展开更多
关键词 AFFORDABILITY ACCESSIBILITY quality Maternal health care services Level of satisfaction Rural area
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