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Identifying the closeness of eigenstates in quantum many-body systems
作者 李海彬 杨扬 +1 位作者 王沛 王晓光 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期66-73,共8页
We propose a quantity called modulus fidelity to measure the closeness of two quantum pure states. We use it to investigate the closeness of eigenstates in one-dimensional hard-core bosons. When the system is integrab... We propose a quantity called modulus fidelity to measure the closeness of two quantum pure states. We use it to investigate the closeness of eigenstates in one-dimensional hard-core bosons. When the system is integrable, eigenstates close to their neighbor or not, which leads to a large fluctuation in the distribution of modulus fidelity. When the system becomes chaos, the fluctuation is reduced dramatically, which indicates all eigenstates become close to each other. It is also found that two kind of closeness, i.e., closeness of eigenstates and closeness of eigenvalues, are not correlated at integrability but correlated at chaos. We also propose that the closeness of eigenstates is the underlying mechanism of eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) which explains the thermalization in quantum many-body systems. 展开更多
关键词 quantum chaos thermalization fidelity
Effect of Dissipative Environments on Atomic-State Quantum Teleportation
作者 潘长宁 方见树 +1 位作者 廖湘萍 方卯发 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期579-582,共4页
In the paper, taking the atomic EPR entanglement of quantum teleportation of atomic state in thermal environment damping-density operator approach, and the average fidelities are channel state |φ = (1/√2)(|00)... In the paper, taking the atomic EPR entanglement of quantum teleportation of atomic state in thermal environment damping-density operator approach, and the average fidelities are channel state |φ = (1/√2)(|00) + |11〉) is more robust than |φ| they are subject to the dissipative environments. states as quantum channel, we investigate the fidelity and vacuum reservoir by means of quantum theory of calculated, the results show that the atomic quantum = (1/√2)(|01〉 + |10〉) in teleportation process when they are subject to the dissipative environments. 展开更多
关键词 quantum teleportation fidelity thermal reservoir vacuum reservoir
自旋链中的热纠缠、混合度和量子通讯 被引量:6
作者 李春先 靳丽娟 王成志 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期51-56,共6页
研究了热平衡态下具有三个自旋的自旋链中的两体热纠缠和混合度,讨论了温度和外界磁场对量子纠缠和混合度的影响。发现系统处于基态时,通过调节外界磁场可以得到一种重要的量子混合态-最大纠缠混合态,这为制备最大纠缠混合态和调控纠缠... 研究了热平衡态下具有三个自旋的自旋链中的两体热纠缠和混合度,讨论了温度和外界磁场对量子纠缠和混合度的影响。发现系统处于基态时,通过调节外界磁场可以得到一种重要的量子混合态-最大纠缠混合态,这为制备最大纠缠混合态和调控纠缠提供了另一种途径。在此基础上,利用自旋链量子态作为量子信道进行量子通讯.讨论了温度和外界磁场对保真度的影响,发现温度和外界磁场对通讯保真度有重要影响;给出了保真度和两体热纠缠的关系,发现两体热纠缠越大不一定意味着保真度越高。 展开更多
关键词 量子光学 自旋链 热纠缠 混合度 保真度
含Dzyaloshinski-Moriya相互作用的三量子位HeisenbergXX链的热纠缠 被引量:1
作者 谢利军 张登玉 +4 位作者 唐世清 詹孝贵 陈银花 游开明 高峰 《量子光学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期93-100,共8页
研究了外加磁场下具有Dzyaloshinski-Moriya(DM)各向异性反对称相互作用的三量子位Heisenberg XX链的对热纠缠以及在热平衡下用该链作为信道来传输未知的量子态。详细地给出了磁场、DM相互作用及温度对热纠缠和平均传输保真度的影响。... 研究了外加磁场下具有Dzyaloshinski-Moriya(DM)各向异性反对称相互作用的三量子位Heisenberg XX链的对热纠缠以及在热平衡下用该链作为信道来传输未知的量子态。详细地给出了磁场、DM相互作用及温度对热纠缠和平均传输保真度的影响。结果表明:磁场和DM相互作用可以有效地调控对热纠缠;在温度较低情况下,关闭磁场和DM相互作用,顺铁磁链可以很好地用来做隐形传态的信道;纠缠不能完全反映平均传输保真度,相同的纠缠可以导致不同的平均传输保真度。 展开更多
关键词 热纠缠 量子隐形传态 保真度 磁场 Dzyaloshinski-Moriya相互作用
磁场作用下海森堡模型的热纠缠传态 被引量:1
作者 陈涛 刘霞 《河北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第2期184-188,共5页
关键词 热纠缠态 纠缠度 保真度 量子传态
作者 邹艳 李永平 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期728-733,共6页
用全量子理论方法研究了环境的非马尔可夫效应、原子间的偶极相互作用以及原子的本征频率同腔模中心频率之间的失谐量对原子量子态保真度的影响。研究表明:两原子初态处于纠缠态时,在非马尔可夫机制下,原子的量子态保真度可以达到较大... 用全量子理论方法研究了环境的非马尔可夫效应、原子间的偶极相互作用以及原子的本征频率同腔模中心频率之间的失谐量对原子量子态保真度的影响。研究表明:两原子初态处于纠缠态时,在非马尔可夫机制下,原子的量子态保真度可以达到较大的稳定值,特别是原子的本征频率同腔模中心频率有一定失谐量时,原子间的偶极相互作用可以明显地改进原子的量子态保真度。无论热库环境有无马尔可夫效应,两原子初态处于分离态时,原子的保真度都不理想。 展开更多
关键词 量子光学 量子态保真度 全量子理论 热库环境 非马尔可夫效应 偶极相互作用
基于电磁诱导透明机制的压缩光场量子存储 被引量:8
作者 邓瑞婕 闫智辉 贾晓军 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期297-304,共8页
光场的量子存储不仅是构建量子计算机的重要基础,而且是实现量子中继和远距离量子通信的核心部分.由于存在不可避免的光学损耗,光学参量放大器产生的压缩真空态光场将变为压缩热态光场,不再是最小不确定态.因此,压缩热态光场的量子存储... 光场的量子存储不仅是构建量子计算机的重要基础,而且是实现量子中继和远距离量子通信的核心部分.由于存在不可避免的光学损耗,光学参量放大器产生的压缩真空态光场将变为压缩热态光场,不再是最小不确定态.因此,压缩热态光场的量子存储是实现量子互联网的关键.在原子系综中利用电磁诱导透明机制能够实现量子态在光场正交分量和原子自旋波之间的相互映射,即受控量子存储.本文根据量子存储的保真度边界,研究了实现压缩热态光场量子存储的条件.量子存储的保真度边界是通过经典手段能够达到的最大保真度,当保真度大于该边界时,就实现了量子存储.通过数值计算分析了不同情况下压缩热态光场的量子存储保真度边界,以及存储保真度随存储效率的变化关系,得到了实现量子存储的条件,为连续变量量子存储实验设计提供了直接参考. 展开更多
关键词 量子存储 压缩热态光场 保真度
作者 张融 邓玲玲 《苏州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第2期62-66,70,共6页
分析了量子态在包括长程相互作用自旋系统中的传输过程,分自旋传输系统处于基态和热平衡态两种不同情形进行讨论.通过自旋系统随时间的自由演化,不需要对系统进行其它的操作,就可以实现量子态从自旋链一端向另一端的传输.再选择合适的... 分析了量子态在包括长程相互作用自旋系统中的传输过程,分自旋传输系统处于基态和热平衡态两种不同情形进行讨论.通过自旋系统随时间的自由演化,不需要对系统进行其它的操作,就可以实现量子态从自旋链一端向另一端的传输.再选择合适的时间进行测量,可以提取得到保真度接近1的量子态.初始时刻自旋系统处于基态时,保真度随着测量时间呈准周期变化,并在0.5~1之间震荡.当自旋传输系统处于热平衡态时,最大保真度随着温度的降低而升高.无论体系初始时刻是处于基态还是处于热平衡态,当系统处于适当的外加恒定磁场中,传输效率都会提高. 展开更多
关键词 量子态传输 自旋系统 热平衡态 保真度
Entanglement and Teleportation via Thermally Entangled State of Anisotropic Heisenberg XYZ Chain with Inhomogeneous External Magnetic Field
作者 NI Hui-Ying FANG Jian-Xing ZHU Shi-Qun SHA Jin-Qiao JIANG Wei-Xing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期333-337,共5页
In this paper we study the entanglement in a two-qubit spin in the XYZ model, and teleport a two-qubit entangled state using this spin chain in the condition of the thermal equilibrium as a quantum channel. We investi... In this paper we study the entanglement in a two-qubit spin in the XYZ model, and teleport a two-qubit entangled state using this spin chain in the condition of the thermal equilibrium as a quantum channel. We investigate the effects of the interaction of z-component Jz, the inhomogeneous magnetic field b, the anisotropy γ and the temperature T on the entanglement and fidelity. In order to characterize the quality of the teleported state, we research the average fidelity Fα. High average fidelity of the teleportation is obtained when the temperature is very low. Under some condition, we also find that when innomogeneity increases to a certain value, the average fidelity can exhibit a larger revival than that for less values of b. 展开更多
关键词 Heisenberg chain thermal entanglement quantum teleportation fidelity
New Scenario for Transition to Slow 3-D Turbulence
作者 Jaykov Foukzon 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2015年第3期371-389,共19页
Analytical non-perturbative study of the three-dimensional nonlinear stochastic partial differential equation with additive thermal noise, analogous to that proposed by V. N. Nikolaevskii [1] 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200A... Analytical non-perturbative study of the three-dimensional nonlinear stochastic partial differential equation with additive thermal noise, analogous to that proposed by V. N. Nikolaevskii [1] 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003400310035003200310033003400300034000000 -[5] 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003400310035003200310033003400300035000000 to describe longitudinal seismic waves, is presented. The equation has a threshold of short-wave instability and symmetry, providing long wave dynamics. New mechanism of quantum chaos generating in nonlinear dynamical systems with infinite number of degrees of freedom is proposed. The hypothesis is said, that physical turbulence could be identified with quantum chaos of considered type. It is shown that the additive thermal noise destabilizes dramatically the ground state of the Nikolaevskii system thus causing it to make a direct transition from a spatially uniform to a turbulent state. 展开更多
关键词 3D TURBULENCE chaos quantum chaos ADDITIVE Thermal Noise Nikolaevskii System
Steady-state relation of a two-level system strongly coupled to a many-body quantum chaotic environment
作者 Hua Yan Jiaozi Wang Wen-ge Wang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第2期56-59,共4页
We study the long-time average of the reduced density matrix(RDM)of a two-level system as the central system,which is locally coupled to a many-body quantum chaotic system as the environment,under an overall Schr?ding... We study the long-time average of the reduced density matrix(RDM)of a two-level system as the central system,which is locally coupled to a many-body quantum chaotic system as the environment,under an overall Schr?dinger evolution.A phenomenological relation among elements of the RDM is proposed for a dissipative interaction in the strong coupling regime and is tested numerically with the environment as a defect Ising chain,as well as a mixed-field Ising chain. 展开更多
关键词 steady-state relations eigenstate thermalization hypothesis quantum chaos two-level system
Thermodynamic witness of quantum probing 被引量:3
作者 DONG Hui LIU XuFeng SUN ChangPu 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第29期3256-3260,共5页
The thermodynamic influence of quantum probing on an object is studied.Here,quantum probing is understood to be a pre-measurement based on a non-demolition interaction,which records some information of the probed obje... The thermodynamic influence of quantum probing on an object is studied.Here,quantum probing is understood to be a pre-measurement based on a non-demolition interaction,which records some information of the probed object but does not change its energy state when both the probing apparatus and the probed object are isolated from the environment.It is argued that when the probing apparatus and the probed object are immersed in the same equilibrium environment,the probing can affect the effective temperature of the object or induce a quantum isothermal process for the object to transfer its energy.This thermodynamic feature can be regarded as a witness of quantum probing. 展开更多
关键词 热力学特性 探测仪器 量子 能量转移 等温过程 有效积温 环境
周期驱动的Harper模型的量子计算鲁棒性与量子混沌 被引量:5
作者 叶宾 谷瑞军 须文波 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期3709-3718,共10页
以周期驱动的量子Harper(quantum kicked Harper,QKH)模型为例,研究复杂量子动力系统的量子计算在各种干扰下的稳定性.通过对Floquet算子本征态的统计遍历性及其Husimi函数的分析,比较随机噪声干扰和静态干扰对量子计算不同程度的影响.... 以周期驱动的量子Harper(quantum kicked Harper,QKH)模型为例,研究复杂量子动力系统的量子计算在各种干扰下的稳定性.通过对Floquet算子本征态的统计遍历性及其Husimi函数的分析,比较随机噪声干扰和静态干扰对量子计算不同程度的影响.进一步的保真度摄动分析表明,在随机噪声干扰下保真度随系统演化呈指数衰减,而静态干扰下的保真度为高斯衰减,并通过数值计算得到了干扰下的可信计算时间尺度.与经典混沌仿真中误差使状态产生指数分离不同,量子计算对状态干扰的稳定性和仿真模型的动力学特性无关. 展开更多
关键词 量子Harper模型 量子计算 量子混沌 保真度
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