The pegmatite province of the Southeastern Desert (SED) is part of a pegmatite district that extends from Egypt (extends to 1200 km2). Rare metal pegmatites are divided into (1) unzoned, Sn-mineralized; (2) zoned Li, ...The pegmatite province of the Southeastern Desert (SED) is part of a pegmatite district that extends from Egypt (extends to 1200 km2). Rare metal pegmatites are divided into (1) unzoned, Sn-mineralized; (2) zoned Li, Nb, Ta and Be-bearing; and (3) pegmatites and pegmatites containing colored, gem-quality tourmaline. The Rb/Sr data reflect a crustal origin for the rare metal pegmatites and indicate that the original SED magma was generated during the peak of regional metamorphism and predates the intrusion of post-tectonic leucogranites. These bodies developed an early border zone consisting of coarse to very coarse muscovite+quartz+alkali feldspar, followed by an intermediate zone of dominant quartz+feldspar+muscovite rock. Garnet, tourmaline, beryl, galena, pyrite, amblygonite, apatite and monazite are rare accessories in both zones. Cassiterite tends to concentrate in replacement zones and along fractures in albite+quartz+muscovite-rich portions. The highest concentrations of cassiterite occur in irregular greisenized zones which consist dominantly of micaceous aggregates of green Li-rich muscovite, quartz, albite and coarse-grained cassiterite. The different metasomatic post-solidification alterations include sodic and potassic metasomatism, greisenization and tourmalinization. Geochemically, the pegmatite-generating granites have a metaluminous composition, showing a differentiation trend from coarse-grained, unfractionated plagioclase-rich granite towards highly fractionated fine- to medium-grained, local albite-rich rock. Economically important ore minerals introduced by volatile-rich, rare metal-bearing fluids, either primarily or during the breakdown of the primary mineral assemblages, are niobium-tantalum oxides, Sn-oxides (cassiterite), Li-silicates (petalite, spodumene, euctyptite, and pollucite), Li-phosphates (amblygonite, montebrasite and lithopilite) and minor REE-minerals (Hf-zircon, monazite, xenotime, thorian, loparite and yttrio-fluorite). The pollucite is typically associated with spodumene, petalite, amblygonite, quartz and feldspar. The primary pollucite has Si/Al (at) ratios of 2.53-2.65 and CRK of 79.5- 82.2. Thorian loparite is essentially a member of the loparite (NaLREETi2O6)-lueshite (NaNbO3)-ThTi2O6-ThNb4O12 quaternary system with low or negligible contents of other end-member compositions. The mineral compositionally evolved from niobian loparite to niobian thorian and thorian loparite gave rise to ceriobetafite and belyankinite with high ThO2 contents. Thorian loparite is metamict or partly metamict and upon heating regains a structure close to that of synthetic loparite NaLaTi2O6.展开更多
The lithium potential in the Aïr massif is represented by mineral index of spodumene pegmatites and, lepidolite pegmatites. The mineral deposits of lithium occur in cluster or veins that cut the host rock or are ...The lithium potential in the Aïr massif is represented by mineral index of spodumene pegmatites and, lepidolite pegmatites. The mineral deposits of lithium occur in cluster or veins that cut the host rock or are located near the contact between the greenstone belt and granitic massif. The evidence of lithium is in the form of clusters or disseminated and stockwerk. Mineralogical characteristics show similarities between the Air Massif pegmatites and indicate the same homogenous source during the magma-generation process. The pegmatite rocks attracted the attention due to their wide exposure and composition, well appearance, and economically hosting of significant rare earth metals such as Sn and W. The mineralogical and petrographical investigations on the eight pegmatites rocks samples observed have a relative similarity, while a little difference in the shapes attributed to the ratio in the pegmatite rocks of the minerals. The occurrence of the kink band indicates the influence of the tectonic processes which affected the Aïr massif after the emplacement of late magmatic or post-magmatic pegmatites by injection into fractured rocks in the upper part of the crust. The Air Massif pegmatite has higher concentrations Li and of all trace elements except Hf and occasionally Zr, Ti, Sn and Mg of for the economic exploration.展开更多
Granitic pegmatites are commonly thought to form by fractional crystallization or by liquid immiscibility of granitic magma; however, these proposals are based mainly on analyses of fluid and melt inclusions. Here, we...Granitic pegmatites are commonly thought to form by fractional crystallization or by liquid immiscibility of granitic magma; however, these proposals are based mainly on analyses of fluid and melt inclusions. Here, we use the Jiajika pegmatite deposit, the largest spodumene deposit in Asia, as a case study to investigate ore forming processes using isotope dating. Dating of a single granite sample from the Jiajika deposit using multiple methods gave a zircon U-Pb SHRIMP age of 208.4 ~ 3.9 Ma, an 4~Ar/39Ar age for muscovite of 182.9 ~ 1.7 Ma, and an 4~Ar/39Ar age for biotite of 169.9 + 1.6 Ma. Based on these dating results and the 4~Ar/39Ar age of muscovite from the Jiajika pegmatite, a temperature-time cooling track for the Jiajika granite was constructed using closure temperatures of the different isotope systems. This track indicates that the granite cooled over ^-40 m. y., with segregation of the pegmatite fluid from the granitic magma at a temperature of ~700~C. This result suggests that the Jiajika pegmatite formed not by fractional crystallization, but by segregation of an immiscible liquid from the granitic magma. When compared with fractional crystallization, the relatively early timing of segregation of an immiscible liquid from a granitic magma can prevent the precipitation of ore-forming elements during crystallization, and suggests that liquid immiscibility could be an important ore-forming process for rare metal pegmatities. We also conclude that isotope dating is a method that can potentially be used to determine the dominant ore-forming processes that occurred during the formation of granite-related ore deposits, and suggest that this method can be employed to determine the formation history of the W-Sn ore deposits found elsewhere within the Nanling Metallogenic Belt.展开更多
This work reviews the geology, geochemistry and geochronology and discusses the spatial and temporal relationship of the granite pegmatite and the rare metal mineralization of the Kenticha granite pegmatite, southern ...This work reviews the geology, geochemistry and geochronology and discusses the spatial and temporal relationship of the granite pegmatite and the rare metal mineralization of the Kenticha granite pegmatite, southern Ethiopia using published and unpublished works to give a comprehensive understanding about the formation of the mineral deposit. The Kenticha rare metal pegmatite belt comprises several groups of pegmatites which show a high magmatic fractionation, regional and compositional zoning, mineralogical assemblage, and secondary alterations. The internal zonation shows high degree of evolution from the border to the core zone during crystallization and solidification of the leucogranitic to pegmatitic melt. Tantalum mineralization at Kenticha includes zoned tantalite-(Mn) and columbite-(Mn), as well as microlite, pyrochlore, uranmicrolite, and rare tapiolite, ixiolite/wodginite and Ta-bearing rutile. The tectonic setting of the Kenticha granite pegmatite in the Within Plate Granite (WPG) to syn-Collisional Granite (syn-COLG) granite and probably sourced from extreme fractionation of syn-to late tectonic granites or anatexis process of the metasedimentary rocks in the area. The emplacement of the Kenticha pegmatite was at ca. 530 Ma and temporally related to the post-collisional phase of granitic magmatism at 570 - 520 Ma, after the last tectonic stage of east African orogeny during the late stage of Gondwana assembly.展开更多
The study was carried out to determine the rare metal mineralization potential of some pegmatites associated with metasediments in the Igangan 240 NW sheet. Geological mapping on a scale of 1:50,000 revealed the pegma...The study was carried out to determine the rare metal mineralization potential of some pegmatites associated with metasediments in the Igangan 240 NW sheet. Geological mapping on a scale of 1:50,000 revealed the pegmatites intrude metasediments and geochemical analysis for major, trace and rare earth elements were carried out using ICP MS/AES. Petrographic studies reveal a mineral assemblage of quartz, microcline and tourmaline;SEM studies revealed garnet and tourmaline to be close to the spessartine end-member and schorl respectively with albite occurring as the dominant plagioclase feldspar in the pegmatites. Result of geochemical analysis revealed SiO2 with an average of 73.91% in the whole rock pegmatite Al2O3 with an average of 13.93%, and average concentration of 0.57%, 4.3% and 4.77% for CaO, Na2O and K2O respectively. It also revealed average concentration of 29 ppm, 153 ppm, 30 ppm, 118 ppm and 129 ppm for W, Li, Ta, Nb and Sn in the mica respectively which is above the average values in the whole rock, felspars and tourmaline extracts. REE abundance in the whole rock pegmatites is low to moderate with ∑REE varying between 8 - 220 ppm, 2 - 23 ppm in feldspars and 3 - 32 ppm in mica signifying no form of REE enrichment. Geochemical analysis results and trace elemental plots such as K/Rb vs. Rb, Ta vs. Ga, Ta vs. Cs were used to assess rare metal mineralization and it revealed the pegmatites have low level of rare metal and rare earth element mineralization with average k/Rb values of 177 indicative of low fractionation levels in the pegmatites.展开更多
The Zhawulong granitic pegmatite lithium deposit is located in the Ganzi-Songpan orogenic belt.Fluid inclusions in spodumene and coexisting quartz were studied to understand the cooling path and evolution of fluid wit...The Zhawulong granitic pegmatite lithium deposit is located in the Ganzi-Songpan orogenic belt.Fluid inclusions in spodumene and coexisting quartz were studied to understand the cooling path and evolution of fluid within albite–spodumene pegmatite.There are three distinguishable types of fluid inclusions:crystal-rich,CO2–NaCl–H2 O,and NaCl–H2 O.At more than 500°C and 350~480 MPa,crystal-rich fluid inclusions were captured during the pegmatitic magma-hydrothermal transition stage,characterized by a dense hydrous alkali borosilicate fluid with a carbonate component.Between 412°C and 278°C,CO2–Na Cl–H2 Ofluid inclusions developed in spodumene(I)and quartz(II)with a low salinity(3.3–11.9 wt%NaCl equivalent)and a high volatile content,which represent the boundary between the transition stage and the hydrothermal stage.The subsequentNaCl–H2 Ofluid inclusions from the hydrothermal stage,between 189°C and 302°C,have a low salinity(1.1–13.9 wt%NaCl equivalent).The various types of fluid inclusions reveal the P–T conditions of pegmatite formation,which marks the transition process from magmatic to hydrothermal.The oreforming fluids from the Zhawulong deposit have many of the same characteristics as those from the Jiajika lithium deposit.The ore-forming fluid provided not only materials for crystallization of rare metal minerals,such as spodumene and beryl,but also the ideal conditions forthe growth of ore minerals.Therefore,this area has favorable conditions for lithium enrichment and excellent prospecting potential.展开更多
Petrography and geochemistry of the altered and unaltered host rocks surrounding the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite revealed that the unaltered amphibolite is mainly composed of hornblende, plagioclase, and ilmenite.Beyond t...Petrography and geochemistry of the altered and unaltered host rocks surrounding the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite revealed that the unaltered amphibolite is mainly composed of hornblende, plagioclase, and ilmenite.Beyond these primary components, the altered host rocks contain a few newly formed minerals, including biotite,tourmaline, chlorine, and muscovite. The alteration zone surrounding the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite is limited to 2.0 m, characterized by biotitization, tourmalization, and chloritization. In the altered host rocks, the contents of SiO2, MgO, MnO, Na2O, and TiO2 did not vary greatly.However, Al2O3 showed a weak decreasing trend with the increasing distance from the pegmatite contact zone, while Fe2O3 and CaO showed an increasing trend. The contents of Li, Rb, and Cs in the altered host rocks were much higher than those in the unaltered host rocks, decreasing with distance from the contact. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element(REE) pattern of the altered and unaltered host rock was right-inclined from La to Lu, but enriched in light REEs over heavy REEs after hydrothermal alteration. An isocon plot shows that some oxides migrated in with an order of P2O5〉K2O 〉TiO2〉Al2O3〉SiO2〉MnO≥MgO, while others migrated out with an order of Na2O 〉CaO 〉Fe2O3. For REEs, the migration ratios are positive values withCs 〉Rb 〉Li 〉Nb 〉Ta 〉Be, signifying that all REEs migrated from the exsolved magmatic fluid into the altered host rocks. It was concluded that diffusion was the only mechanism for migration of ore-forming elements in the alteration zone. The effective diffusion coefficients(Deff)of LiF, RbF, and CsF were estimated under a fluid temperature of 500–550℃. Using a function of concentration(C(x,t)) and distance(x), the order of migration distance was determined to be LiF 〉CsF 〉RbF, with diffusion times of (3.39 ± 0.35)× 10^6,(3.19 ± 0.28) × 10^5 and(6.33 ± 0.05) × 10^5 years, respectively.展开更多
The Oban Basement Massif of southeastern Nigeria is composed of metamorphosed rocks including phyllites, schists, gneisses and amphibolites cut by pegmatitic dykes of varying length and thickness, which intruded the m...The Oban Basement Massif of southeastern Nigeria is composed of metamorphosed rocks including phyllites, schists, gneisses and amphibolites cut by pegmatitic dykes of varying length and thickness, which intruded the metamorphic rocks. Preliminary geochemical study and analysis of these pegmatites from western Oban Massif at Uyanga, Akwa Ibami, Iwuru I, Iwuru Ⅱ and Igbofia showed that the pegmatites are highly albitized. This is incon-sistent with earlier postulations that the pegmatites in this part of Nigeria are barren. Indices of fractionation such as Ba/Rb, K/Rb, Na/K, K/Cs, K/Ba reveal that the pegmatites are mineralized and different discrimination plots show that they are enriched in Li, Be, Sn, Ba, Ta, Ni, Cs, Sn and Zn. Rare metal indicative elements such as Ta, Nb, Rb, Cs, and Sn are enriched in the pegmatites, confirming that the pegmatites are mineralized.展开更多
In the article the features of the formation and metallogeny of the geological structures of Great Altai (Rudny Altai, Kalba-Narym, Western Kalba and Jarma-Saur) which are included into the system of the Central Asian...In the article the features of the formation and metallogeny of the geological structures of Great Altai (Rudny Altai, Kalba-Narym, Western Kalba and Jarma-Saur) which are included into the system of the Central Asian mobile belt are considered. The characteristic of the main types of rare metal minefields of the Kalba-Narymsky belt genetically connected with the Perm granitoid magmatism of the post-conflict orogenny stage of activization is given. The rhythmical and pulsation model of pegmatitovy ore formation in the conditions of the half-closed magmatic system, reflecting the phasic development of mineral complexes from graphic and oligoclase-microcline (barren) to microcline-albite and albite-spodumene ore (Ta, Nb, Be, Li, Sn, etc.) is developed. On the basis of the revealed criteria of ore formation recommendations about the direction of the further researches are made.展开更多
South-central Chile has some potential mineral resources including radioactive and rare earth elements (REE) minerals. This study reports some basic characteristics of the mineralogy of a radioactive-rare earth elemen...South-central Chile has some potential mineral resources including radioactive and rare earth elements (REE) minerals. This study reports some basic characteristics of the mineralogy of a radioactive-rare earth elements occurrence, related to a pegmatitic outcrop “Vertientes Pegmatite” hosted on Paleozoic granitic rocks of the South Coastal Batholith and discusses potential areas for REE deposits, particularly beach placers along the coastline of the BioBío region. In this pegmatite, X-ray diffraction analysis shows uranium-bearing minerals such as coffinite and metaschoepite, along with microcline, anorthoclase, albite, quartz and illite. Through optical microscopy and electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA), rare earth minerals (monazite and xenotime) and radioactive minerals (thorite and thorium silicate ± uranium) were identified. Additionally, granitic rocks of the South Coastal Batholith around this pegmatite show rare earth minerals (monazite and allanite).展开更多
文摘The pegmatite province of the Southeastern Desert (SED) is part of a pegmatite district that extends from Egypt (extends to 1200 km2). Rare metal pegmatites are divided into (1) unzoned, Sn-mineralized; (2) zoned Li, Nb, Ta and Be-bearing; and (3) pegmatites and pegmatites containing colored, gem-quality tourmaline. The Rb/Sr data reflect a crustal origin for the rare metal pegmatites and indicate that the original SED magma was generated during the peak of regional metamorphism and predates the intrusion of post-tectonic leucogranites. These bodies developed an early border zone consisting of coarse to very coarse muscovite+quartz+alkali feldspar, followed by an intermediate zone of dominant quartz+feldspar+muscovite rock. Garnet, tourmaline, beryl, galena, pyrite, amblygonite, apatite and monazite are rare accessories in both zones. Cassiterite tends to concentrate in replacement zones and along fractures in albite+quartz+muscovite-rich portions. The highest concentrations of cassiterite occur in irregular greisenized zones which consist dominantly of micaceous aggregates of green Li-rich muscovite, quartz, albite and coarse-grained cassiterite. The different metasomatic post-solidification alterations include sodic and potassic metasomatism, greisenization and tourmalinization. Geochemically, the pegmatite-generating granites have a metaluminous composition, showing a differentiation trend from coarse-grained, unfractionated plagioclase-rich granite towards highly fractionated fine- to medium-grained, local albite-rich rock. Economically important ore minerals introduced by volatile-rich, rare metal-bearing fluids, either primarily or during the breakdown of the primary mineral assemblages, are niobium-tantalum oxides, Sn-oxides (cassiterite), Li-silicates (petalite, spodumene, euctyptite, and pollucite), Li-phosphates (amblygonite, montebrasite and lithopilite) and minor REE-minerals (Hf-zircon, monazite, xenotime, thorian, loparite and yttrio-fluorite). The pollucite is typically associated with spodumene, petalite, amblygonite, quartz and feldspar. The primary pollucite has Si/Al (at) ratios of 2.53-2.65 and CRK of 79.5- 82.2. Thorian loparite is essentially a member of the loparite (NaLREETi2O6)-lueshite (NaNbO3)-ThTi2O6-ThNb4O12 quaternary system with low or negligible contents of other end-member compositions. The mineral compositionally evolved from niobian loparite to niobian thorian and thorian loparite gave rise to ceriobetafite and belyankinite with high ThO2 contents. Thorian loparite is metamict or partly metamict and upon heating regains a structure close to that of synthetic loparite NaLaTi2O6.
文摘The lithium potential in the Aïr massif is represented by mineral index of spodumene pegmatites and, lepidolite pegmatites. The mineral deposits of lithium occur in cluster or veins that cut the host rock or are located near the contact between the greenstone belt and granitic massif. The evidence of lithium is in the form of clusters or disseminated and stockwerk. Mineralogical characteristics show similarities between the Air Massif pegmatites and indicate the same homogenous source during the magma-generation process. The pegmatite rocks attracted the attention due to their wide exposure and composition, well appearance, and economically hosting of significant rare earth metals such as Sn and W. The mineralogical and petrographical investigations on the eight pegmatites rocks samples observed have a relative similarity, while a little difference in the shapes attributed to the ratio in the pegmatite rocks of the minerals. The occurrence of the kink band indicates the influence of the tectonic processes which affected the Aïr massif after the emplacement of late magmatic or post-magmatic pegmatites by injection into fractured rocks in the upper part of the crust. The Air Massif pegmatite has higher concentrations Li and of all trace elements except Hf and occasionally Zr, Ti, Sn and Mg of for the economic exploration.
基金supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40702014)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2008044018,200902580)+1 种基金the Chinese SinoProbe Project (SinoProbe-03-01)the National Nonprofit Institute Research Grant of IMR,GAGS(K1001)
文摘Granitic pegmatites are commonly thought to form by fractional crystallization or by liquid immiscibility of granitic magma; however, these proposals are based mainly on analyses of fluid and melt inclusions. Here, we use the Jiajika pegmatite deposit, the largest spodumene deposit in Asia, as a case study to investigate ore forming processes using isotope dating. Dating of a single granite sample from the Jiajika deposit using multiple methods gave a zircon U-Pb SHRIMP age of 208.4 ~ 3.9 Ma, an 4~Ar/39Ar age for muscovite of 182.9 ~ 1.7 Ma, and an 4~Ar/39Ar age for biotite of 169.9 + 1.6 Ma. Based on these dating results and the 4~Ar/39Ar age of muscovite from the Jiajika pegmatite, a temperature-time cooling track for the Jiajika granite was constructed using closure temperatures of the different isotope systems. This track indicates that the granite cooled over ^-40 m. y., with segregation of the pegmatite fluid from the granitic magma at a temperature of ~700~C. This result suggests that the Jiajika pegmatite formed not by fractional crystallization, but by segregation of an immiscible liquid from the granitic magma. When compared with fractional crystallization, the relatively early timing of segregation of an immiscible liquid from a granitic magma can prevent the precipitation of ore-forming elements during crystallization, and suggests that liquid immiscibility could be an important ore-forming process for rare metal pegmatities. We also conclude that isotope dating is a method that can potentially be used to determine the dominant ore-forming processes that occurred during the formation of granite-related ore deposits, and suggest that this method can be employed to determine the formation history of the W-Sn ore deposits found elsewhere within the Nanling Metallogenic Belt.
文摘This work reviews the geology, geochemistry and geochronology and discusses the spatial and temporal relationship of the granite pegmatite and the rare metal mineralization of the Kenticha granite pegmatite, southern Ethiopia using published and unpublished works to give a comprehensive understanding about the formation of the mineral deposit. The Kenticha rare metal pegmatite belt comprises several groups of pegmatites which show a high magmatic fractionation, regional and compositional zoning, mineralogical assemblage, and secondary alterations. The internal zonation shows high degree of evolution from the border to the core zone during crystallization and solidification of the leucogranitic to pegmatitic melt. Tantalum mineralization at Kenticha includes zoned tantalite-(Mn) and columbite-(Mn), as well as microlite, pyrochlore, uranmicrolite, and rare tapiolite, ixiolite/wodginite and Ta-bearing rutile. The tectonic setting of the Kenticha granite pegmatite in the Within Plate Granite (WPG) to syn-Collisional Granite (syn-COLG) granite and probably sourced from extreme fractionation of syn-to late tectonic granites or anatexis process of the metasedimentary rocks in the area. The emplacement of the Kenticha pegmatite was at ca. 530 Ma and temporally related to the post-collisional phase of granitic magmatism at 570 - 520 Ma, after the last tectonic stage of east African orogeny during the late stage of Gondwana assembly.
文摘The study was carried out to determine the rare metal mineralization potential of some pegmatites associated with metasediments in the Igangan 240 NW sheet. Geological mapping on a scale of 1:50,000 revealed the pegmatites intrude metasediments and geochemical analysis for major, trace and rare earth elements were carried out using ICP MS/AES. Petrographic studies reveal a mineral assemblage of quartz, microcline and tourmaline;SEM studies revealed garnet and tourmaline to be close to the spessartine end-member and schorl respectively with albite occurring as the dominant plagioclase feldspar in the pegmatites. Result of geochemical analysis revealed SiO2 with an average of 73.91% in the whole rock pegmatite Al2O3 with an average of 13.93%, and average concentration of 0.57%, 4.3% and 4.77% for CaO, Na2O and K2O respectively. It also revealed average concentration of 29 ppm, 153 ppm, 30 ppm, 118 ppm and 129 ppm for W, Li, Ta, Nb and Sn in the mica respectively which is above the average values in the whole rock, felspars and tourmaline extracts. REE abundance in the whole rock pegmatites is low to moderate with ∑REE varying between 8 - 220 ppm, 2 - 23 ppm in feldspars and 3 - 32 ppm in mica signifying no form of REE enrichment. Geochemical analysis results and trace elemental plots such as K/Rb vs. Rb, Ta vs. Ga, Ta vs. Cs were used to assess rare metal mineralization and it revealed the pegmatites have low level of rare metal and rare earth element mineralization with average k/Rb values of 177 indicative of low fractionation levels in the pegmatites.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41703048,41872096)the Chinese National Nonprofit Institute Research Grant of CAGS,CGS(YYWF201520,JYYWF201814)the China Geological Survey(DD20160055,DD20190173)
文摘The Zhawulong granitic pegmatite lithium deposit is located in the Ganzi-Songpan orogenic belt.Fluid inclusions in spodumene and coexisting quartz were studied to understand the cooling path and evolution of fluid within albite–spodumene pegmatite.There are three distinguishable types of fluid inclusions:crystal-rich,CO2–NaCl–H2 O,and NaCl–H2 O.At more than 500°C and 350~480 MPa,crystal-rich fluid inclusions were captured during the pegmatitic magma-hydrothermal transition stage,characterized by a dense hydrous alkali borosilicate fluid with a carbonate component.Between 412°C and 278°C,CO2–Na Cl–H2 Ofluid inclusions developed in spodumene(I)and quartz(II)with a low salinity(3.3–11.9 wt%NaCl equivalent)and a high volatile content,which represent the boundary between the transition stage and the hydrothermal stage.The subsequentNaCl–H2 Ofluid inclusions from the hydrothermal stage,between 189°C and 302°C,have a low salinity(1.1–13.9 wt%NaCl equivalent).The various types of fluid inclusions reveal the P–T conditions of pegmatite formation,which marks the transition process from magmatic to hydrothermal.The oreforming fluids from the Zhawulong deposit have many of the same characteristics as those from the Jiajika lithium deposit.The ore-forming fluid provided not only materials for crystallization of rare metal minerals,such as spodumene and beryl,but also the ideal conditions forthe growth of ore minerals.Therefore,this area has favorable conditions for lithium enrichment and excellent prospecting potential.
基金supported jointly by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.41372104)Research Project of Xinjiang Nonferrous Metals Industry (Group) Co.,Ltd.(Grant No.YSKY2011-02)
文摘Petrography and geochemistry of the altered and unaltered host rocks surrounding the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite revealed that the unaltered amphibolite is mainly composed of hornblende, plagioclase, and ilmenite.Beyond these primary components, the altered host rocks contain a few newly formed minerals, including biotite,tourmaline, chlorine, and muscovite. The alteration zone surrounding the Koktokay No.3 pegmatite is limited to 2.0 m, characterized by biotitization, tourmalization, and chloritization. In the altered host rocks, the contents of SiO2, MgO, MnO, Na2O, and TiO2 did not vary greatly.However, Al2O3 showed a weak decreasing trend with the increasing distance from the pegmatite contact zone, while Fe2O3 and CaO showed an increasing trend. The contents of Li, Rb, and Cs in the altered host rocks were much higher than those in the unaltered host rocks, decreasing with distance from the contact. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element(REE) pattern of the altered and unaltered host rock was right-inclined from La to Lu, but enriched in light REEs over heavy REEs after hydrothermal alteration. An isocon plot shows that some oxides migrated in with an order of P2O5〉K2O 〉TiO2〉Al2O3〉SiO2〉MnO≥MgO, while others migrated out with an order of Na2O 〉CaO 〉Fe2O3. For REEs, the migration ratios are positive values withCs 〉Rb 〉Li 〉Nb 〉Ta 〉Be, signifying that all REEs migrated from the exsolved magmatic fluid into the altered host rocks. It was concluded that diffusion was the only mechanism for migration of ore-forming elements in the alteration zone. The effective diffusion coefficients(Deff)of LiF, RbF, and CsF were estimated under a fluid temperature of 500–550℃. Using a function of concentration(C(x,t)) and distance(x), the order of migration distance was determined to be LiF 〉CsF 〉RbF, with diffusion times of (3.39 ± 0.35)× 10^6,(3.19 ± 0.28) × 10^5 and(6.33 ± 0.05) × 10^5 years, respectively.
文摘The Oban Basement Massif of southeastern Nigeria is composed of metamorphosed rocks including phyllites, schists, gneisses and amphibolites cut by pegmatitic dykes of varying length and thickness, which intruded the metamorphic rocks. Preliminary geochemical study and analysis of these pegmatites from western Oban Massif at Uyanga, Akwa Ibami, Iwuru I, Iwuru Ⅱ and Igbofia showed that the pegmatites are highly albitized. This is incon-sistent with earlier postulations that the pegmatites in this part of Nigeria are barren. Indices of fractionation such as Ba/Rb, K/Rb, Na/K, K/Cs, K/Ba reveal that the pegmatites are mineralized and different discrimination plots show that they are enriched in Li, Be, Sn, Ba, Ta, Ni, Cs, Sn and Zn. Rare metal indicative elements such as Ta, Nb, Rb, Cs, and Sn are enriched in the pegmatites, confirming that the pegmatites are mineralized.
文摘In the article the features of the formation and metallogeny of the geological structures of Great Altai (Rudny Altai, Kalba-Narym, Western Kalba and Jarma-Saur) which are included into the system of the Central Asian mobile belt are considered. The characteristic of the main types of rare metal minefields of the Kalba-Narymsky belt genetically connected with the Perm granitoid magmatism of the post-conflict orogenny stage of activization is given. The rhythmical and pulsation model of pegmatitovy ore formation in the conditions of the half-closed magmatic system, reflecting the phasic development of mineral complexes from graphic and oligoclase-microcline (barren) to microcline-albite and albite-spodumene ore (Ta, Nb, Be, Li, Sn, etc.) is developed. On the basis of the revealed criteria of ore formation recommendations about the direction of the further researches are made.
文摘South-central Chile has some potential mineral resources including radioactive and rare earth elements (REE) minerals. This study reports some basic characteristics of the mineralogy of a radioactive-rare earth elements occurrence, related to a pegmatitic outcrop “Vertientes Pegmatite” hosted on Paleozoic granitic rocks of the South Coastal Batholith and discusses potential areas for REE deposits, particularly beach placers along the coastline of the BioBío region. In this pegmatite, X-ray diffraction analysis shows uranium-bearing minerals such as coffinite and metaschoepite, along with microcline, anorthoclase, albite, quartz and illite. Through optical microscopy and electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA), rare earth minerals (monazite and xenotime) and radioactive minerals (thorite and thorium silicate ± uranium) were identified. Additionally, granitic rocks of the South Coastal Batholith around this pegmatite show rare earth minerals (monazite and allanite).