Concentrations of seventeen hazardous trace elements including As, Pb, Hg, Se, Cd, Cr, Co, Mo, Mn, Ni, U, V, Th, Be, Sb, Br and Zn in the No.ll coal seam, Antaibao surface mine, Shanxi Province were determined using I...Concentrations of seventeen hazardous trace elements including As, Pb, Hg, Se, Cd, Cr, Co, Mo, Mn, Ni, U, V, Th, Be, Sb, Br and Zn in the No.ll coal seam, Antaibao surface mine, Shanxi Province were determined using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (CV-AAS) and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GF-AAS). Comparisons with average concentrations of trace elements in Chinese coal show that the concentrations of Hg and Cd in the No. 11 coal seam, Antaibao surface mine are much higher. They may be harmful to the environment in the process of utilization. The variations of the trace elements contents and pyritic suffur in vertical section indicated that: (a) the concentrations of As, Pb, Mn, and pyritic sulfur decrease from roof to floor; (b) the concentrations of Cr, Zn and Mo are higher in roof, floor and lower in coal seam; (c) the concentration of Br, Sb, and Hg are higher in coal seam and lower in roof and floor; (d) the concentrations of Mo, V, Th and AI vary consistently with the ash yield. Cluster analysis of trace elements, pyritic sulfur, ash yield and major elements, such as AI, Fe, P, Ca shows that: (a) pyritic sulfur, Fe, As, Mn, Ni, Be are closely associated and reflect the influence of pyrite; (b) Mo, Se, Pb, Cr, Th, Co, Ca and A! are related to clay mineral, which is the main source of ash; (c) U, Zn, V, Na, P maybe controlled by phosphate or halite; (d) Hg, Br, Sb and Cd may be mainly organic-associated elements which fall outside the three main groups. The concentration distribution characteristics of trace elements in coal seam and the cluster analysis of major and trace elements showed that the contents of trace elements in the No. 11 coal seam, Antaibao surface mine, are mainly controlled by detrital input and migration from roof and floor.展开更多
Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were measured by ICP-MS for groundwater collected from deep seated Taiyuan Fm limestone aquifer (from -400 to -530 m) in Renlou Coal Mine, northern Anhui Province, China. It...Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were measured by ICP-MS for groundwater collected from deep seated Taiyuan Fm limestone aquifer (from -400 to -530 m) in Renlou Coal Mine, northern Anhui Province, China. It can be concluded that the groundwater is warm (34.0-37.2 ℃) C1-Ca, Na type water with circum-neutral pH (7.35-8.28) and high total dissolved solids (TDS, 1 746-2 849 mg/L). The groundwater exhibits heavy REEs enrichment relative to light REEs compared with Post Archean Average Shale (PAAS), as well as their aquifer rocks (limestone). The enrichment of REEs is considered to be controlled by terrigeneous materials (e.g. zircon) in aquifer rocks, whereas the fractionation of REEs is controlled by marine derived materials (e.g. calcite), to a less extent, terrigeneous materials and inorganic complexation. The Ce anomalies normalized to PAAS and aquifer rocks are weak, which probably reflects the signature of the aquifer rock rather than redox conditions or pH. The similarities of REE patterns between groundwater and aquifer rocks imply that aquifer rocks play important roles in controlling the REE characteristics of groundwater, and then provide a probability for discrimination of groundwater sources by using REEs.展开更多
Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao...Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao far away from the Bayan Obo ore deposit, and Xishan in west Beijing. The results show that both carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonates (dolomite and marble) in the main ore bodies and outside ore bodies have similarities to each other, with very extreme positive anomaly of Ba, Th, Nb, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Pb, medium positive anomaly of Y, Ho, Tb, Er, Yb and negative anomaly of Sc, Ti and Cu. The REE concentration in the mineralized carbonates changes greatly, the total REE content changes from 262×10^(-6) in both east and west ore deposits to 104562 ×10^(-6) (10.46%), which is relatively lower than those samples of carbonatite dyke, whose REE contents vary greatly, from 1% up to 20 % of mass fraction. Light REE in the carbonatites are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REE and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of both mineralized carbonate and carbonatite dyke are of some similarities. However, the sedimentary carbonate micrite of Salinhudong Group in Heilaobao far outside the ore bodies and the pure carbonates from Xishan in Beijing, central part of North China plate, have the similarities in REE distributions with much lower REE contents, which are significantly different from those of carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonate. In Bayan Obo district, both carbonates in the ore deposit and micrite mound outside the ore deposit underwent widespread metasomatism by fluids that resulted in formation of the superlager Fe-Nb-REE mineralization. It appears that the carbonates represent the evolution products of different geological stages.展开更多
Albitite often accompanies with various metal and gem mineral deposits and a large number of occurrences have been reported globally, including the South Qinling orogen, China. The Xiaozhen copper deposit is a typical...Albitite often accompanies with various metal and gem mineral deposits and a large number of occurrences have been reported globally, including the South Qinling orogen, China. The Xiaozhen copper deposit is a typical deposit in the North Daba Mountain area of the South Qinling orogen whose distribution is controlled by albitite veins and fractures. As there are few studies on the petrogenesis of albitite in Xiaozhen copper deposit, this paper focuses on the petrogenesis of albitite and its mineralization age. Detailed fieldwork and mineral microscopic observations initially suggest that albitite from the Xiaozhen copper deposit is igneous in origin. Further zircon trace element geochemistry studies indicate that these zircons have high Th/U ratios(〉0.5), low La content, high(Sm/La)N and Ce/Ce*values, and a strong negative Eu anomaly, which are commonly seen in magmatic zircons. The chondrite–normalized rare earth element(REE) patterns are consistent with magmatic zircons from throughout the world, and they fall within or near the field of magmatic zircons on discriminant diagrams. The calculated average apparent Ti–in–zircon temperature for young zircons is 780°C, consistent with magmatic zircon crystallization temperatures. Therefore, zircon geochemistry indicates that the albitite origin is magmatic. SIMS U–Pb dating on nine magmatic zircons yielded a concordia age of 154.8±2.2 Ma, which represents the formation of albitite and the metallogenic age. More importantly, it is consistent with the ages of Yanshanian magmatism and metallogenesis in the South Qinling orogen, so formation of the Xiaozhen copper deposit may be a closely related geological event.展开更多
Southwest Fujian area has experienced a large-scale transgression regression cycle in Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic and the maximum transgression has taken place in Early Jurassic. The migration and enrichment of geoc...Southwest Fujian area has experienced a large-scale transgression regression cycle in Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic and the maximum transgression has taken place in Early Jurassic. The migration and enrichment of geochemical element in the continuous fine-grained sediments in the basin recorded the paleosalinity and the paleodepth. The changes of paleosalinity and paleodepth indicate the sea(lake) level relative change in every period of Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic in southwestern Fujian. The relative change curve of sea(lake) level in southwestern Fujian is established based on the m value(m=100×w(MgO)/w(Al2 O3)) and the ratios of w(B)/w(Ga), w(Sr)/w(Ba) and w(Ca)/w(Mg). The curve indicates that level I sea-level relative change in southwestern Fujian is composed of the transgression in Late Triassic-Early Jurassic and the regression in the late period of Early Jurassic-Middle Jurassic. The level III sea-level relative change is frequent, which is composed by the lake level descent lake level rise lake level descent of Wenbin Shan formation in Late Triassic, the regression transgression regression of Lishan formation in Early Jurassic and the lake level rise lake level descent-lake level rise lake level descent of Zhangping formation in Middle Jurassic. The transgression regression cycle in southwestern Fujian is significantly controlled by the sea-level change in the north of South China Sea. The relative change curve trends of the level I sea-level in the north of South China Sea and the one in southwestern Fujian are the same. The maximum transgressions both occur in Early Jurassic. The level III sea-level curve reflects the fluctuation of a transgression and two regressions in the early period of Early Jurassic.展开更多
The analyses of different sulfur forms, the trace elements in pyrites using electron microprobe and the trace elements in coal using INAA (instrumental neutron activation analysis) of the Late Paleozoic coals from the...The analyses of different sulfur forms, the trace elements in pyrites using electron microprobe and the trace elements in coal using INAA (instrumental neutron activation analysis) of the Late Paleozoic coals from the Taozao coalfield in Shandong Province, China, conclude that most sulfur (>75 %) in high-sulfur coal of Taiyuan Formation occurred as pyrite, in which many hazardous elements co-existed and their concentrations varied with their geological origin. The concentrations of hazardous elements in high-sulfur coals from Taiyuan Formation, composing mainly of Cu, As, U, Pb, Mo and Co, are much higher than those in the low-sulfur coals from Shanxi Formation and Shihezi Formation, because the influence of seawater during and after coal accumulation in Taiyuan Formation is stronger than those in Shanxi and Shihezi formations. Moreover, the element As is related to Fe, and both elements exist mainly in the form of pyrite. The element U is richer in the coal influenced by seawater. In addition, the coal affected by the magmatism contains more U, too. When high-sulfur coals are processed with heavy media washing to remove sulfur and minerals, the majority of hazardous elements will also be removed from the coals.展开更多
Whilst traditional approaches to geochemistry provide valuable insights into magmatic processes such as melting and element fractionation,by considering entire regional data sets on an objective basis using machine le...Whilst traditional approaches to geochemistry provide valuable insights into magmatic processes such as melting and element fractionation,by considering entire regional data sets on an objective basis using machine learning algorithms(MLAs),we can highlight new facets within the broader data structure and significantly enhance previous geochemical interpretations.The platinum-group element(PGE)budget of lavas in the North Atlantic Igneous Province(NAIP)has been shown to vary systematically according to age,geographic location and geodynamic environment.Given the large multi-element geochemical data set available for the region,MLAs were employed to explore the magmatic controls on these shifting concentrations.The key advantage of using machine learning in analysis is its ability to cluster samples across multi-dimensional(i.e.,multi-element)space.The NAIP data set is manipulated using Principal Component Analysis(PCA)and t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding(t-SNE)techniques to increase separability in the data alongside clustering using the k-means MLA.The new multi-element classification is compared to the original geographic classification to assess the performance of both approaches.The workflow provides a means for creating an objective high-dimensional investigation on a geochemical data set and particularly enhances the identification of metallogenic anomalies across the region.The techniques used highlight three distinct multi-element end-members which successfully capture the variability of the majority of elements included as input variables.These end-members are seen to fluctuate in prominence throughout the NAIP,which we propose reflects the changing geodynamic environment and melting source.Crucially,the variability of Pt and Pd are not reflected in MLA-based clustering trends,suggesting that they vary independently through controls not readily demonstrated by the NAIP major or trace element data structure(i.e.,other proxies for magmatic differentiation).This data science approach thus highlights that PGE(here signalled by Pt/Pd ratio)may be used to identify otherwise localised or cryptic geochemical inputs from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM)during the ascent of plume-derived magma,and thereby impact upon the resulting metallogenic basket.展开更多
Shallow groundwater and hot springs were collected from northeastern Guangdong Province, Southeast China, to determine the concentrations and fractionation patterns of rare-earth elements(REE). The results show that t...Shallow groundwater and hot springs were collected from northeastern Guangdong Province, Southeast China, to determine the concentrations and fractionation patterns of rare-earth elements(REE). The results show that the La, Ce and Nd of REEs are abundant in groundwater and rock samples, and the ∑REE contents in groundwater and rock samples range from 126.5 to 2875.3 ng/L, and 79.44 to 385.85 mg/L, respectively. The shallow groundwater has slightly HREE-enriched PAAS-normalized patterns. However, the granitic rocks PAAS-normalized patterns, with remarkable negative Eu anomalies, are different from that of shallow groundwater. The enrichment of HREE is considered to be controlled by REE complexation and readsorption for most groundwater has Ce and Eu positive anomalies. The Ce and Eu anomalies in groundwater are controlled by redox conditions. Moreover, the Fe-contain sediments dissolution and/or the reduction of Fe oxyhydroxides are another factor contributing to Ce anomalies. The Eu anomalies in groundwater are controlled by the preferential mobilization of Eu2+ during water-rock interaction compared to Eu3+.展开更多
The effect of various depositional parameters including paleoclimate,paleosalinity and provenance,on the depositional mechanism of lacustrine shale is very important in reconstructing the depositional environment.The ...The effect of various depositional parameters including paleoclimate,paleosalinity and provenance,on the depositional mechanism of lacustrine shale is very important in reconstructing the depositional environment.The classification of shale lithofacies and the interpretation of shale depositional environment are key features used in shale oil and gas exploration and development activity.The lower 3rd member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es_(3)^(x)shale)was selected for this study,as one of the main prospective intervals for shale oil exploration and development in the intracratonic Bohai Bay Basin.Mineralogically,it is composed of quartz(avg.9.6%),calcite(avg.58.5%),dolomite(avg.7%),pyrite(avg.3.3%)and clay minerals(avg.20%).An advanced methodology(thin-section petrography,total organic carbon and total organic sulfur contents analysis,X-ray diffraction(XRD),X-ray fluorescence(XRF),field-emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM))was adopted to establish shale lithofacies and to interpret the depositional environment in the lacustrine basin.Six different types of lithofacies were recognized,based on mineral composition,total organic carbon(TOC)content and sedimentary structures.Various inorganic geochemical proxies(Rb/Sr,Ca/(Ca+Fe),Ti/Al,Al/Ca,Al/Ti,Zr/Rb)have been used to interpret and screen variations in depositional environmental parameters during the deposition of the Es_(3)^(x)shale.The experimental results indicate that the environment during the deposition of the Es_(3)^(x)shale was warm and humid with heightened salinities,moderate to limited detrital input,higher paleohydrodynamic settings and strong oxygen deficient(reducing)conditions.A comprehensive depositional model of the lacustrine shale was developed.The interpretations deduced from this research work are expected to not only expand the knowledge of shale lithofacies classification for lacustrine fine-grained rocks,but can also offer a theoretical foundation for lacustrine shale oil exploration and development.展开更多
The Baoshan Cu–Pb–Zn deposit, located in the central part of the Qin–Hang belt in South China, is closely related to the granodiorite-porphyry. However, the characteristics and the source of the ore-forming fluid a...The Baoshan Cu–Pb–Zn deposit, located in the central part of the Qin–Hang belt in South China, is closely related to the granodiorite-porphyry. However, the characteristics and the source of the ore-forming fluid are still ubiquitous. According to the crosscutting relationships between veinlets and their mineral assemblages, three stages of hydrothermal mineralization in this deposit were previously distinguished. In this contribution, two different colored fluorites from the major sulfide mineralization stage are recognized:(1) green fluorites coexisting with Pb–Zn ores;and(2) violet fluorites coexisting with pyrite ores. Y/Ho ratios verify the green fluorites and violet fluorites were co-genetic. The fluorites display elevated(La/Yb)Nratios, which decrease from 1201 to 5710 for green fluorites to 689–1568 for violet fluorites, indicating that they precipitated at the early hydrothermal sulfide stage,and Pb–Zn ores crystallized earlier than pyrite ores. The similar Tb/La ratios of the fluorites also indicate that they precipitated at an early stage within a short time. From the green fluorites to violet fluorites, the total rare earth element(ΣREE)concentrationsdecreasefrom1052–1680 ppm to 148–350 ppm, indicating that the green fluorites precipitated from a more acidic fluid. The Eu/Eu*ratios increase from 0.17 to 0.30 for green fluorites to0.29–0.48 for violet fluorites, and the Ce/Ce* ratios decrease from 1.08–1.13 to 0.93–1.11, suggesting a gradual increase in oxygen fugacity(fO_(2)) and pH value of the mineralization fluid. Though the fluorites display similar REE patterns to the granodiorite-porphyry and limestone,the ΣREE concentrations of the fluorites are significantly higher than those of limestone and the granodiorite-porphyry, suggesting that an important undetected non-magmatic source is involved to provide sufficient REE for fluorites. The most plausible mechanism is fluid mixing between magma fluid and an undetected non-magmatic fluid.展开更多
The Sanshenjiang gold deposit in southeastern Guizhou Province, China, is hosted by the Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks which experienced low-grade greenschist facies metamorphism. Gold mineralization occurs main...The Sanshenjiang gold deposit in southeastern Guizhou Province, China, is hosted by the Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks which experienced low-grade greenschist facies metamorphism. Gold mineralization occurs mainly in the ribbon chiltern slate of the first member of the Longli Formation and is controlled by both strata and faults. Ore bodies are characterized by abundant quartz-arsenopyrite-gold-pyrite-bedding veins, veinlets and small lenses within the shear zone. In this study, trace element and REE geochemistry was analyzed to constrain the origin and genesis of this deposit. The trace element signatures of wall rocks and veins display a basically similar tendency in the spider diagram, showing the genetic relationship. The values of Co/Ni, Y/Ho, Hf/Sm, Nb/La and Th/La reflect that the hydrothermal fluids of this deposit were derived from the mixture of multiple sources with marked enrichment of Cl and moderate to high temperature. There is a broad similarity in the chondrite-normalized patterns and REE fractionation between wall rocks and ore bodies, possibly reflecting their similar origin. Based on the difference in δCe and δEu, quartz veins and lenses can be subdivided into weakly negative Ce-anomalies (δCe=0.81 to 1.06) with slight Eu anomalies (δEu=0.81 to 1.06) type and the significant positive Ce-anomalies (δCe=1.13 to 1.97) with moderate negative Eu-anomalies type, probably suggesting physical-chemical changes in the evolution process of ore-forming fluids from the early to late stage. It can be concluded that the ore-forming process may have experienced three stages: formation of the original ore source bed, regional metamorphism and gold mineralization, on the basis of trace element and REE analysis and field observation.展开更多
The Paleocene coals of the Salt Range in the Punjab Province of Pakistan have great economic potential;however,their trace element and stable isotopic characteristics have not been studied in detail except for a few s...The Paleocene coals of the Salt Range in the Punjab Province of Pakistan have great economic potential;however,their trace element and stable isotopic characteristics have not been studied in detail except for a few sporadic samples.In this study,a total of 59 coal samples of which 14 are obtained from open cast mines have been investigated for elemental composition andδ^(13)C-δ^(15)N isotopic signatures.Average contents of trace elements such as Co,Cr,Cu,Pb,Sr,Th,U,V,and Zn are 7.4,41.7,11.2,12.5,90.2,4.0,1.9,128,and 31.1 mg/kg,respectively.These values,when compared with the World Coal Clarke values,were relatively higher in low-rank coals in comparison with Clarke values for brown coals.Likewise,As(20.4 mg/kg),Co(6.6 mg/kg),Cr(22.4 mg/kg),Cu(^(13).3 mg/kg),Pb(19.2 mg/kg),Sr(^(15)4.7 mg/kg),Th(2.5 mg/kg),V(47.8 mg/kg),and Zn(75.1 mg/kg)were significantly higher in the sub-bituminous to bituminous coals of the Salt Range.Mineralogical analysis,based on X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,revealed that the studied samples contain illite,kaolinite calcite,gypsum,pyrite,and quartz.Elemental affinity with organic and inorganic phases of coals calculated by an indirect statistical approach indicated a positive association of ash content with Ag,Al,Co,Cr,Cs,Cu,Mn,P,Rb,Pb,Th,U,and V,suggesting the presence of inorganic components in studied coals.However,As,Fe,Sr,and Zn exhibit negative correlations that imply their association with the organic fraction.Theδ^(13)C andδ^(15)N isotopic range and average−24.94‰to−25.86‰(−25.41‰)and−2.77‰to 3.22‰(0.96‰),respectively,reflecting 3C type modern terrestrial vegetation were common in the palaeomires of studied coal seams.In addition,the trivial variations of 0.92‰and 0.45‰among^(13)C and^(15)N values can be attributed to water level fluctuations and plant assemblies.展开更多
The Merguechoum fluorite-barite mineralization,located in the Eastern Meseta of Morocco,is hosted in the Late Hercynian granite.The ore consists of fine crystals of fluorite 1,massive barite 1,euhedral crystals of flu...The Merguechoum fluorite-barite mineralization,located in the Eastern Meseta of Morocco,is hosted in the Late Hercynian granite.The ore consists of fine crystals of fluorite 1,massive barite 1,euhedral crystals of fluorite 2,and barite 2 with calcite and minor quartz and sulfides.The Merguechoum ore deposits have never been investigated.This study was the first contribution that studied the genesis of fluorite and barite.The ore occurs as dissemination within granite intrusion and also fills the NE-SWtrending meter-sized fractures and faults.The values of the total Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium(REY)and the ratios of LREY/HREY,Y/Ho,Tb/Ca,and Tb/La indicate that the Merguechoum fluorite precipitated from hydrothermal fluids,likely basinal brines,which interacted with the Hercynian granite.The REY data indicate that the ore-forming fluids of the early stage have intensely interacted with the Hercynian granite compared to those of the late ore stage.The gradual decrease in the europium(Eu/Eu^(*)),yttrium(Y/Y^(*)),and cerium(Ce/Ce^(*))anomalies and a low concentration ofΣREY observed in the second ore stage compared to the first ore stage suggest an increase in p H and fO_(2)and by inference a decrease in temperature during the evolution of the hydrothermal system.This evolution could be explained by fluid mixing between the ascending basinal hydrothermal fluids and the diluted sulfate-rich meteoric water barite separates from selected samples reveal that the dissolved sulfates(SO_(4)^(2-))were derived from Permian–Triassic sulfates and/or coeval poreseawater sulfates.The proposed fluid mixing triggered the precipitation of an early-stage F-Ba assemblage followed by the second-stage F-Ba mineralization.Geologic fieldwork,REY inventories,and isotope data point to the ore genesis during the Permian–Triassic extensional tectonic activity concerning the Pangea rifting.This extensional tectonic environment is likely the driving force that mobilized a large amount of the ore-forming basinal brines along the available faults and fractures to the loci of ore deposition.展开更多
Objective The widely exposed granites in the Wulashan area of Inner Mongolia are an important component of intermediate-acidic magma belt at the northern margin of the North China Craton, and are also a natural labor...Objective The widely exposed granites in the Wulashan area of Inner Mongolia are an important component of intermediate-acidic magma belt at the northern margin of the North China Craton, and are also a natural laboratory to research the origin of granite bodies. The Shadegai pluton, a representative intrusion, intruded into the Wulashan Group metamorphic rocks, occurring as stock, and was controlled by the Linhe-Jining deep fracture. This pluton is composed of dominant K-feldspar granites and less biotite moyite, with abundant mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) dominated by gray black monzonite. Most MMEs have a sharp contact zone with their host granite, and few have a gradual contact relationship. Previous researches have described the characteristics of petrology and chronology of the Shadegai pluton, but few have focused on the characteristics of the petrography,展开更多
This paper deals with the high\|K, potassic dike rocks in two types of gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang, Northwest Jiaodong. The rocks can be divided into three types, i.e., (1) lamprophyre, (2) andesite p...This paper deals with the high\|K, potassic dike rocks in two types of gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang, Northwest Jiaodong. The rocks can be divided into three types, i.e., (1) lamprophyre, (2) andesite porphyrite, and (3) dacite porphyrite, based on their geological occurrence and space\|time relationship with gold mineralization. These rocks were the products of early, synchronous and late mineralization, respectively. Element geochemistry shows that variations in chemical composition of major oxides follow the general rules of magmatic fractional crystallization. The fractional crystallization of mineral phases of augite in the early stage (namely in the lamprophyre stage) and hornblende and plagioclase in the late stage (namely from the andesite\|porphyrite to dacite porphyrite stage) controlled the magma evolution. The rocks are enriched in alkali and have higher K\-2O and lower TiO\-2 contents, as well as strongly enriched in large ion lithophile elements such as Ba, Sr and Rb, and LREE but strongly depleted in transition elements such as Cr and Ni. Rb is depleted relative to Sr and Ba, and Rb/Sr ratios are low. Volatile constituents are abundant. These characteristics indicate that the initial magma originated from the metamorphic subduction ocean\|crust that had been intensively contaminated by crustal materials, and retrogressive metamorphism is characterized by low\|degree partial melting during back\|arc spreading. Varying degrees of partial melting and different emplacement environments may be the main causes for the evolution of the rocks and mineralization in different degrees in the two gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang, Shandong.展开更多
Drinking water supply for the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) area principally relies on groundwater wells and springs and is characterized by fluoride contamination. New analyses reveal that the F^- geochemical anomaly is ...Drinking water supply for the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) area principally relies on groundwater wells and springs and is characterized by fluoride contamination. New analyses reveal that the F^- geochemical anomaly is associated with other potentially toxic elements such as As,B,Mo,U,Al,Fe and Mn. Particularly,35%of the 23 investigated groundwater wells and 70%of the 14 hot springs(and展开更多
The research on the trace elements of Ordovician carbonates plays an important role in the whole research work on reservoir in Tazhong area.This work applies ICP-MS,which is a new trace elements analysis technology to...The research on the trace elements of Ordovician carbonates plays an important role in the whole research work on reservoir in Tazhong area.This work applies ICP-MS,which is a new trace elements analysis technology to measure contents of different elements,systematically in the studies of the characteristics and sedimentary settings of Ordovician dolomites in Tazhong area,Tarim Basin,and argues for their enrichment mechanisms and different elements existing pattern.The results show that there is a close relationship between geochemistry charac-展开更多
Element geochemistry of lake sediments has been widely used to detect climate change because element composition and ratios can reflect the weathering degree in the source area. Given the element composition of lake s...Element geochemistry of lake sediments has been widely used to detect climate change because element composition and ratios can reflect the weathering degree in the source area. Given the element composition of lake sediments from Gulug Co Lake, Hoh Xil, Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, chemical index of alteration (CIA), index of composition variability (ICV) and other element ratios have been used to establish the weathering sequence of this area since 1820 AD. The weathering is so weak that the element composition change is more sensitive to climate change and autochthonous processes. From 1820 to 1984 AD, there were two drier periods with a wetter interval from 1870 to 1945 AD. After 1984 the weather showed a tendency of becoming wet.展开更多
Nine samples of suspended matter at the surface or bottom and 34 elements in 20 samples of substrate sediment have been used in the neutron activation analyses. Authors study sediment and suspended matter movement by ...Nine samples of suspended matter at the surface or bottom and 34 elements in 20 samples of substrate sediment have been used in the neutron activation analyses. Authors study sediment and suspended matter movement by using the method of element geochemistry, and conclude through synthetic analysis and processing that the movement direction of suspended matter and substrate sediment tends to converge on the central area.展开更多
基金This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90010017 and No. 40272071)the National Major Fundamental Research and Development Project (2006 CB200304).
文摘Concentrations of seventeen hazardous trace elements including As, Pb, Hg, Se, Cd, Cr, Co, Mo, Mn, Ni, U, V, Th, Be, Sb, Br and Zn in the No.ll coal seam, Antaibao surface mine, Shanxi Province were determined using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), Cold-Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (CV-AAS) and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GF-AAS). Comparisons with average concentrations of trace elements in Chinese coal show that the concentrations of Hg and Cd in the No. 11 coal seam, Antaibao surface mine are much higher. They may be harmful to the environment in the process of utilization. The variations of the trace elements contents and pyritic suffur in vertical section indicated that: (a) the concentrations of As, Pb, Mn, and pyritic sulfur decrease from roof to floor; (b) the concentrations of Cr, Zn and Mo are higher in roof, floor and lower in coal seam; (c) the concentration of Br, Sb, and Hg are higher in coal seam and lower in roof and floor; (d) the concentrations of Mo, V, Th and AI vary consistently with the ash yield. Cluster analysis of trace elements, pyritic sulfur, ash yield and major elements, such as AI, Fe, P, Ca shows that: (a) pyritic sulfur, Fe, As, Mn, Ni, Be are closely associated and reflect the influence of pyrite; (b) Mo, Se, Pb, Cr, Th, Co, Ca and A! are related to clay mineral, which is the main source of ash; (c) U, Zn, V, Na, P maybe controlled by phosphate or halite; (d) Hg, Br, Sb and Cd may be mainly organic-associated elements which fall outside the three main groups. The concentration distribution characteristics of trace elements in coal seam and the cluster analysis of major and trace elements showed that the contents of trace elements in the No. 11 coal seam, Antaibao surface mine, are mainly controlled by detrital input and migration from roof and floor.
基金Project(40873015) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(08010302062) supported by the Eleventh Five-year Scientific and Technological Program of Anhui Province,China
文摘Rare earth element (REE) concentrations were measured by ICP-MS for groundwater collected from deep seated Taiyuan Fm limestone aquifer (from -400 to -530 m) in Renlou Coal Mine, northern Anhui Province, China. It can be concluded that the groundwater is warm (34.0-37.2 ℃) C1-Ca, Na type water with circum-neutral pH (7.35-8.28) and high total dissolved solids (TDS, 1 746-2 849 mg/L). The groundwater exhibits heavy REEs enrichment relative to light REEs compared with Post Archean Average Shale (PAAS), as well as their aquifer rocks (limestone). The enrichment of REEs is considered to be controlled by terrigeneous materials (e.g. zircon) in aquifer rocks, whereas the fractionation of REEs is controlled by marine derived materials (e.g. calcite), to a less extent, terrigeneous materials and inorganic complexation. The Ce anomalies normalized to PAAS and aquifer rocks are weak, which probably reflects the signature of the aquifer rock rather than redox conditions or pH. The similarities of REE patterns between groundwater and aquifer rocks imply that aquifer rocks play important roles in controlling the REE characteristics of groundwater, and then provide a probability for discrimination of groundwater sources by using REEs.
文摘Geochemical study on trace and rare earth element geochemistry was carried out for different carbonates including the very REE-rich ones in the main ore bodies, a carbonatite dyke and two micrite mounds from Heilaobao far away from the Bayan Obo ore deposit, and Xishan in west Beijing. The results show that both carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonates (dolomite and marble) in the main ore bodies and outside ore bodies have similarities to each other, with very extreme positive anomaly of Ba, Th, Nb, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Pb, medium positive anomaly of Y, Ho, Tb, Er, Yb and negative anomaly of Sc, Ti and Cu. The REE concentration in the mineralized carbonates changes greatly, the total REE content changes from 262×10^(-6) in both east and west ore deposits to 104562 ×10^(-6) (10.46%), which is relatively lower than those samples of carbonatite dyke, whose REE contents vary greatly, from 1% up to 20 % of mass fraction. Light REE in the carbonatites are enriched and highly fractionated relative to heavy REE and there is no Eu anomaly. The REE distribution patterns of both mineralized carbonate and carbonatite dyke are of some similarities. However, the sedimentary carbonate micrite of Salinhudong Group in Heilaobao far outside the ore bodies and the pure carbonates from Xishan in Beijing, central part of North China plate, have the similarities in REE distributions with much lower REE contents, which are significantly different from those of carbonatite dyke and REE mineralized carbonate. In Bayan Obo district, both carbonates in the ore deposit and micrite mound outside the ore deposit underwent widespread metasomatism by fluids that resulted in formation of the superlager Fe-Nb-REE mineralization. It appears that the carbonates represent the evolution products of different geological stages.
基金supported by the fundamental research funds for central public welfare research institutes (grant: K1313)National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant: 41302080)the geological survey project of China (grant: 1212011121091)
文摘Albitite often accompanies with various metal and gem mineral deposits and a large number of occurrences have been reported globally, including the South Qinling orogen, China. The Xiaozhen copper deposit is a typical deposit in the North Daba Mountain area of the South Qinling orogen whose distribution is controlled by albitite veins and fractures. As there are few studies on the petrogenesis of albitite in Xiaozhen copper deposit, this paper focuses on the petrogenesis of albitite and its mineralization age. Detailed fieldwork and mineral microscopic observations initially suggest that albitite from the Xiaozhen copper deposit is igneous in origin. Further zircon trace element geochemistry studies indicate that these zircons have high Th/U ratios(〉0.5), low La content, high(Sm/La)N and Ce/Ce*values, and a strong negative Eu anomaly, which are commonly seen in magmatic zircons. The chondrite–normalized rare earth element(REE) patterns are consistent with magmatic zircons from throughout the world, and they fall within or near the field of magmatic zircons on discriminant diagrams. The calculated average apparent Ti–in–zircon temperature for young zircons is 780°C, consistent with magmatic zircon crystallization temperatures. Therefore, zircon geochemistry indicates that the albitite origin is magmatic. SIMS U–Pb dating on nine magmatic zircons yielded a concordia age of 154.8±2.2 Ma, which represents the formation of albitite and the metallogenic age. More importantly, it is consistent with the ages of Yanshanian magmatism and metallogenesis in the South Qinling orogen, so formation of the Xiaozhen copper deposit may be a closely related geological event.
基金Project(XQ-2007-03(08)-03) supported by the Potential of Oil and Gas Resources Research and Strategy Selection of Mesozoic in the Southern South China SeaProject(40972074) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2013M530976) supported by the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China
文摘Southwest Fujian area has experienced a large-scale transgression regression cycle in Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic and the maximum transgression has taken place in Early Jurassic. The migration and enrichment of geochemical element in the continuous fine-grained sediments in the basin recorded the paleosalinity and the paleodepth. The changes of paleosalinity and paleodepth indicate the sea(lake) level relative change in every period of Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic in southwestern Fujian. The relative change curve of sea(lake) level in southwestern Fujian is established based on the m value(m=100×w(MgO)/w(Al2 O3)) and the ratios of w(B)/w(Ga), w(Sr)/w(Ba) and w(Ca)/w(Mg). The curve indicates that level I sea-level relative change in southwestern Fujian is composed of the transgression in Late Triassic-Early Jurassic and the regression in the late period of Early Jurassic-Middle Jurassic. The level III sea-level relative change is frequent, which is composed by the lake level descent lake level rise lake level descent of Wenbin Shan formation in Late Triassic, the regression transgression regression of Lishan formation in Early Jurassic and the lake level rise lake level descent-lake level rise lake level descent of Zhangping formation in Middle Jurassic. The transgression regression cycle in southwestern Fujian is significantly controlled by the sea-level change in the north of South China Sea. The relative change curve trends of the level I sea-level in the north of South China Sea and the one in southwestern Fujian are the same. The maximum transgressions both occur in Early Jurassic. The level III sea-level curve reflects the fluctuation of a transgression and two regressions in the early period of Early Jurassic.
文摘The analyses of different sulfur forms, the trace elements in pyrites using electron microprobe and the trace elements in coal using INAA (instrumental neutron activation analysis) of the Late Paleozoic coals from the Taozao coalfield in Shandong Province, China, conclude that most sulfur (>75 %) in high-sulfur coal of Taiyuan Formation occurred as pyrite, in which many hazardous elements co-existed and their concentrations varied with their geological origin. The concentrations of hazardous elements in high-sulfur coals from Taiyuan Formation, composing mainly of Cu, As, U, Pb, Mo and Co, are much higher than those in the low-sulfur coals from Shanxi Formation and Shihezi Formation, because the influence of seawater during and after coal accumulation in Taiyuan Formation is stronger than those in Shanxi and Shihezi formations. Moreover, the element As is related to Fe, and both elements exist mainly in the form of pyrite. The element U is richer in the coal influenced by seawater. In addition, the coal affected by the magmatism contains more U, too. When high-sulfur coals are processed with heavy media washing to remove sulfur and minerals, the majority of hazardous elements will also be removed from the coals.
基金University of Exeter’s Vice Chancellor Scholarship for funding JJL’s PhD。
文摘Whilst traditional approaches to geochemistry provide valuable insights into magmatic processes such as melting and element fractionation,by considering entire regional data sets on an objective basis using machine learning algorithms(MLAs),we can highlight new facets within the broader data structure and significantly enhance previous geochemical interpretations.The platinum-group element(PGE)budget of lavas in the North Atlantic Igneous Province(NAIP)has been shown to vary systematically according to age,geographic location and geodynamic environment.Given the large multi-element geochemical data set available for the region,MLAs were employed to explore the magmatic controls on these shifting concentrations.The key advantage of using machine learning in analysis is its ability to cluster samples across multi-dimensional(i.e.,multi-element)space.The NAIP data set is manipulated using Principal Component Analysis(PCA)and t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding(t-SNE)techniques to increase separability in the data alongside clustering using the k-means MLA.The new multi-element classification is compared to the original geographic classification to assess the performance of both approaches.The workflow provides a means for creating an objective high-dimensional investigation on a geochemical data set and particularly enhances the identification of metallogenic anomalies across the region.The techniques used highlight three distinct multi-element end-members which successfully capture the variability of the majority of elements included as input variables.These end-members are seen to fluctuate in prominence throughout the NAIP,which we propose reflects the changing geodynamic environment and melting source.Crucially,the variability of Pt and Pd are not reflected in MLA-based clustering trends,suggesting that they vary independently through controls not readily demonstrated by the NAIP major or trace element data structure(i.e.,other proxies for magmatic differentiation).This data science approach thus highlights that PGE(here signalled by Pt/Pd ratio)may be used to identify otherwise localised or cryptic geochemical inputs from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM)during the ascent of plume-derived magma,and thereby impact upon the resulting metallogenic basket.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. KZ09W312)the Program for China Geological Survey (No. 1212011220014)
文摘Shallow groundwater and hot springs were collected from northeastern Guangdong Province, Southeast China, to determine the concentrations and fractionation patterns of rare-earth elements(REE). The results show that the La, Ce and Nd of REEs are abundant in groundwater and rock samples, and the ∑REE contents in groundwater and rock samples range from 126.5 to 2875.3 ng/L, and 79.44 to 385.85 mg/L, respectively. The shallow groundwater has slightly HREE-enriched PAAS-normalized patterns. However, the granitic rocks PAAS-normalized patterns, with remarkable negative Eu anomalies, are different from that of shallow groundwater. The enrichment of HREE is considered to be controlled by REE complexation and readsorption for most groundwater has Ce and Eu positive anomalies. The Ce and Eu anomalies in groundwater are controlled by redox conditions. Moreover, the Fe-contain sediments dissolution and/or the reduction of Fe oxyhydroxides are another factor contributing to Ce anomalies. The Eu anomalies in groundwater are controlled by the preferential mobilization of Eu2+ during water-rock interaction compared to Eu3+.
基金supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project of China(Grant No.2017ZX05009-002)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.U1762217,41702139,42072164 and 41821002)+2 种基金Taishan Scholars Program(No.TSQN201812030)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(19CX07003A)the School of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum,East China,for analytical support and financial support。
文摘The effect of various depositional parameters including paleoclimate,paleosalinity and provenance,on the depositional mechanism of lacustrine shale is very important in reconstructing the depositional environment.The classification of shale lithofacies and the interpretation of shale depositional environment are key features used in shale oil and gas exploration and development activity.The lower 3rd member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es_(3)^(x)shale)was selected for this study,as one of the main prospective intervals for shale oil exploration and development in the intracratonic Bohai Bay Basin.Mineralogically,it is composed of quartz(avg.9.6%),calcite(avg.58.5%),dolomite(avg.7%),pyrite(avg.3.3%)and clay minerals(avg.20%).An advanced methodology(thin-section petrography,total organic carbon and total organic sulfur contents analysis,X-ray diffraction(XRD),X-ray fluorescence(XRF),field-emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM))was adopted to establish shale lithofacies and to interpret the depositional environment in the lacustrine basin.Six different types of lithofacies were recognized,based on mineral composition,total organic carbon(TOC)content and sedimentary structures.Various inorganic geochemical proxies(Rb/Sr,Ca/(Ca+Fe),Ti/Al,Al/Ca,Al/Ti,Zr/Rb)have been used to interpret and screen variations in depositional environmental parameters during the deposition of the Es_(3)^(x)shale.The experimental results indicate that the environment during the deposition of the Es_(3)^(x)shale was warm and humid with heightened salinities,moderate to limited detrital input,higher paleohydrodynamic settings and strong oxygen deficient(reducing)conditions.A comprehensive depositional model of the lacustrine shale was developed.The interpretations deduced from this research work are expected to not only expand the knowledge of shale lithofacies classification for lacustrine fine-grained rocks,but can also offer a theoretical foundation for lacustrine shale oil exploration and development.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.42102079)the Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province(No.22NSFSC2765)+1 种基金State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry Key Laboratory Open Project Fund(No.201804)the Southwest University of Science and Technology Doctoral Fund(No.16zx7132)。
文摘The Baoshan Cu–Pb–Zn deposit, located in the central part of the Qin–Hang belt in South China, is closely related to the granodiorite-porphyry. However, the characteristics and the source of the ore-forming fluid are still ubiquitous. According to the crosscutting relationships between veinlets and their mineral assemblages, three stages of hydrothermal mineralization in this deposit were previously distinguished. In this contribution, two different colored fluorites from the major sulfide mineralization stage are recognized:(1) green fluorites coexisting with Pb–Zn ores;and(2) violet fluorites coexisting with pyrite ores. Y/Ho ratios verify the green fluorites and violet fluorites were co-genetic. The fluorites display elevated(La/Yb)Nratios, which decrease from 1201 to 5710 for green fluorites to 689–1568 for violet fluorites, indicating that they precipitated at the early hydrothermal sulfide stage,and Pb–Zn ores crystallized earlier than pyrite ores. The similar Tb/La ratios of the fluorites also indicate that they precipitated at an early stage within a short time. From the green fluorites to violet fluorites, the total rare earth element(ΣREE)concentrationsdecreasefrom1052–1680 ppm to 148–350 ppm, indicating that the green fluorites precipitated from a more acidic fluid. The Eu/Eu*ratios increase from 0.17 to 0.30 for green fluorites to0.29–0.48 for violet fluorites, and the Ce/Ce* ratios decrease from 1.08–1.13 to 0.93–1.11, suggesting a gradual increase in oxygen fugacity(fO_(2)) and pH value of the mineralization fluid. Though the fluorites display similar REE patterns to the granodiorite-porphyry and limestone,the ΣREE concentrations of the fluorites are significantly higher than those of limestone and the granodiorite-porphyry, suggesting that an important undetected non-magmatic source is involved to provide sufficient REE for fluorites. The most plausible mechanism is fluid mixing between magma fluid and an undetected non-magmatic fluid.
基金supported jointly by the Doctoral Program of the Ministry of Education of China (20105201110002)the Program of Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources of Guizhou Province+1 种基金the Provincial Foundation of Guizhou Provincethe Doctoral Program Foundation of Guizhou University
文摘The Sanshenjiang gold deposit in southeastern Guizhou Province, China, is hosted by the Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks which experienced low-grade greenschist facies metamorphism. Gold mineralization occurs mainly in the ribbon chiltern slate of the first member of the Longli Formation and is controlled by both strata and faults. Ore bodies are characterized by abundant quartz-arsenopyrite-gold-pyrite-bedding veins, veinlets and small lenses within the shear zone. In this study, trace element and REE geochemistry was analyzed to constrain the origin and genesis of this deposit. The trace element signatures of wall rocks and veins display a basically similar tendency in the spider diagram, showing the genetic relationship. The values of Co/Ni, Y/Ho, Hf/Sm, Nb/La and Th/La reflect that the hydrothermal fluids of this deposit were derived from the mixture of multiple sources with marked enrichment of Cl and moderate to high temperature. There is a broad similarity in the chondrite-normalized patterns and REE fractionation between wall rocks and ore bodies, possibly reflecting their similar origin. Based on the difference in δCe and δEu, quartz veins and lenses can be subdivided into weakly negative Ce-anomalies (δCe=0.81 to 1.06) with slight Eu anomalies (δEu=0.81 to 1.06) type and the significant positive Ce-anomalies (δCe=1.13 to 1.97) with moderate negative Eu-anomalies type, probably suggesting physical-chemical changes in the evolution process of ore-forming fluids from the early to late stage. It can be concluded that the ore-forming process may have experienced three stages: formation of the original ore source bed, regional metamorphism and gold mineralization, on the basis of trace element and REE analysis and field observation.
基金the Higher Education Commission Pakistan for funding the lab research under its International Research Support Initiative Program (IRSIP) programthe Department of Environmental Science, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad (especially Environmental Hydro geochemistry Lab)the Environment & Sustainability Institute and Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, for technical support in conducting lab analysis
文摘The Paleocene coals of the Salt Range in the Punjab Province of Pakistan have great economic potential;however,their trace element and stable isotopic characteristics have not been studied in detail except for a few sporadic samples.In this study,a total of 59 coal samples of which 14 are obtained from open cast mines have been investigated for elemental composition andδ^(13)C-δ^(15)N isotopic signatures.Average contents of trace elements such as Co,Cr,Cu,Pb,Sr,Th,U,V,and Zn are 7.4,41.7,11.2,12.5,90.2,4.0,1.9,128,and 31.1 mg/kg,respectively.These values,when compared with the World Coal Clarke values,were relatively higher in low-rank coals in comparison with Clarke values for brown coals.Likewise,As(20.4 mg/kg),Co(6.6 mg/kg),Cr(22.4 mg/kg),Cu(^(13).3 mg/kg),Pb(19.2 mg/kg),Sr(^(15)4.7 mg/kg),Th(2.5 mg/kg),V(47.8 mg/kg),and Zn(75.1 mg/kg)were significantly higher in the sub-bituminous to bituminous coals of the Salt Range.Mineralogical analysis,based on X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,revealed that the studied samples contain illite,kaolinite calcite,gypsum,pyrite,and quartz.Elemental affinity with organic and inorganic phases of coals calculated by an indirect statistical approach indicated a positive association of ash content with Ag,Al,Co,Cr,Cs,Cu,Mn,P,Rb,Pb,Th,U,and V,suggesting the presence of inorganic components in studied coals.However,As,Fe,Sr,and Zn exhibit negative correlations that imply their association with the organic fraction.Theδ^(13)C andδ^(15)N isotopic range and average−24.94‰to−25.86‰(−25.41‰)and−2.77‰to 3.22‰(0.96‰),respectively,reflecting 3C type modern terrestrial vegetation were common in the palaeomires of studied coal seams.In addition,the trivial variations of 0.92‰and 0.45‰among^(13)C and^(15)N values can be attributed to water level fluctuations and plant assemblies.
文摘The Merguechoum fluorite-barite mineralization,located in the Eastern Meseta of Morocco,is hosted in the Late Hercynian granite.The ore consists of fine crystals of fluorite 1,massive barite 1,euhedral crystals of fluorite 2,and barite 2 with calcite and minor quartz and sulfides.The Merguechoum ore deposits have never been investigated.This study was the first contribution that studied the genesis of fluorite and barite.The ore occurs as dissemination within granite intrusion and also fills the NE-SWtrending meter-sized fractures and faults.The values of the total Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium(REY)and the ratios of LREY/HREY,Y/Ho,Tb/Ca,and Tb/La indicate that the Merguechoum fluorite precipitated from hydrothermal fluids,likely basinal brines,which interacted with the Hercynian granite.The REY data indicate that the ore-forming fluids of the early stage have intensely interacted with the Hercynian granite compared to those of the late ore stage.The gradual decrease in the europium(Eu/Eu^(*)),yttrium(Y/Y^(*)),and cerium(Ce/Ce^(*))anomalies and a low concentration ofΣREY observed in the second ore stage compared to the first ore stage suggest an increase in p H and fO_(2)and by inference a decrease in temperature during the evolution of the hydrothermal system.This evolution could be explained by fluid mixing between the ascending basinal hydrothermal fluids and the diluted sulfate-rich meteoric water barite separates from selected samples reveal that the dissolved sulfates(SO_(4)^(2-))were derived from Permian–Triassic sulfates and/or coeval poreseawater sulfates.The proposed fluid mixing triggered the precipitation of an early-stage F-Ba assemblage followed by the second-stage F-Ba mineralization.Geologic fieldwork,REY inventories,and isotope data point to the ore genesis during the Permian–Triassic extensional tectonic activity concerning the Pangea rifting.This extensional tectonic environment is likely the driving force that mobilized a large amount of the ore-forming basinal brines along the available faults and fractures to the loci of ore deposition.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.41302064)
文摘Objective The widely exposed granites in the Wulashan area of Inner Mongolia are an important component of intermediate-acidic magma belt at the northern margin of the North China Craton, and are also a natural laboratory to research the origin of granite bodies. The Shadegai pluton, a representative intrusion, intruded into the Wulashan Group metamorphic rocks, occurring as stock, and was controlled by the Linhe-Jining deep fracture. This pluton is composed of dominant K-feldspar granites and less biotite moyite, with abundant mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) dominated by gray black monzonite. Most MMEs have a sharp contact zone with their host granite, and few have a gradual contact relationship. Previous researches have described the characteristics of petrology and chronology of the Shadegai pluton, but few have focused on the characteristics of the petrography,
文摘This paper deals with the high\|K, potassic dike rocks in two types of gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang, Northwest Jiaodong. The rocks can be divided into three types, i.e., (1) lamprophyre, (2) andesite porphyrite, and (3) dacite porphyrite, based on their geological occurrence and space\|time relationship with gold mineralization. These rocks were the products of early, synchronous and late mineralization, respectively. Element geochemistry shows that variations in chemical composition of major oxides follow the general rules of magmatic fractional crystallization. The fractional crystallization of mineral phases of augite in the early stage (namely in the lamprophyre stage) and hornblende and plagioclase in the late stage (namely from the andesite\|porphyrite to dacite porphyrite stage) controlled the magma evolution. The rocks are enriched in alkali and have higher K\-2O and lower TiO\-2 contents, as well as strongly enriched in large ion lithophile elements such as Ba, Sr and Rb, and LREE but strongly depleted in transition elements such as Cr and Ni. Rb is depleted relative to Sr and Ba, and Rb/Sr ratios are low. Volatile constituents are abundant. These characteristics indicate that the initial magma originated from the metamorphic subduction ocean\|crust that had been intensively contaminated by crustal materials, and retrogressive metamorphism is characterized by low\|degree partial melting during back\|arc spreading. Varying degrees of partial melting and different emplacement environments may be the main causes for the evolution of the rocks and mineralization in different degrees in the two gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang, Shandong.
文摘Drinking water supply for the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) area principally relies on groundwater wells and springs and is characterized by fluoride contamination. New analyses reveal that the F^- geochemical anomaly is associated with other potentially toxic elements such as As,B,Mo,U,Al,Fe and Mn. Particularly,35%of the 23 investigated groundwater wells and 70%of the 14 hot springs(and
文摘The research on the trace elements of Ordovician carbonates plays an important role in the whole research work on reservoir in Tazhong area.This work applies ICP-MS,which is a new trace elements analysis technology to measure contents of different elements,systematically in the studies of the characteristics and sedimentary settings of Ordovician dolomites in Tazhong area,Tarim Basin,and argues for their enrichment mechanisms and different elements existing pattern.The results show that there is a close relationship between geochemistry charac-
文摘Element geochemistry of lake sediments has been widely used to detect climate change because element composition and ratios can reflect the weathering degree in the source area. Given the element composition of lake sediments from Gulug Co Lake, Hoh Xil, Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, chemical index of alteration (CIA), index of composition variability (ICV) and other element ratios have been used to establish the weathering sequence of this area since 1820 AD. The weathering is so weak that the element composition change is more sensitive to climate change and autochthonous processes. From 1820 to 1984 AD, there were two drier periods with a wetter interval from 1870 to 1945 AD. After 1984 the weather showed a tendency of becoming wet.
文摘Nine samples of suspended matter at the surface or bottom and 34 elements in 20 samples of substrate sediment have been used in the neutron activation analyses. Authors study sediment and suspended matter movement by using the method of element geochemistry, and conclude through synthetic analysis and processing that the movement direction of suspended matter and substrate sediment tends to converge on the central area.