Based on conventional static line rating method, the actual current carrying capability of overhead conductors cannot be judged. Due to continuous increment in electricity demand and the difficulties associated with n...Based on conventional static line rating method, the actual current carrying capability of overhead conductors cannot be judged. Due to continuous increment in electricity demand and the difficulties associated with new line constructions, the overhead lines are therefore required to be rated based on a method that should establish their real-time capability in terms of electricity transmission. The method used to determine the real-time ampacity of overhead conductors not only can enhance their transmission capacity but can also help in allowing excessive renewable generation in the electricity network. In this research work, the issues related to analyzing an impact of wind power on periodical loading of overhead line as well as finding its static and dynamic ampacities with line current are investigated in detail. Moreover, the investigation related to finding a suitable location for the construction of a 60 MW wind farm is taken on board. Thereafter, the wind park is integrated with a regional grid, owned by Fortum Distribution AB. In addition to that, the electricity generated from the wind park is also calculated in this project. Later on, the work is devoted to finding the static and dynamic line ratings for “VL3” overhead conductor by using IEEE-738-2006 standard. Furthermore, the project also deals with finding the line current and making its comparison with maximum capacity of overhead conductor (VL3) for loading it in such a way that no any violation of safe ground clearance requirements is observed at all. Besides, the line current, knowing the conductor temperature when it transmits the required electricity in the presence of wind power generation is also an important factor to be taken into consideration. Therefore, based on real-time ambient conditions with actual line loading and with the help of IEEE-738-2006 standard, the conductor temperature is also calculated in this project. At the end, an economic analysis is performed to evaluate the financial advantages related to applying the dynamic line ratings approach in place of traditional static line ratings technique across an overhead conductor (VL3) and to know how much beneficial it is to temporarily postpone the rebuilding and/or construction of a new transmission line. Furthermore, an economic analysis related to wind power system is taken into consideration as well to get familiar with the costs related to building and connecting a 60 MW wind farm with the regional grid.展开更多
随着国内柔性直流输电技术的快速发展,基于真双极接线的多端柔性输电技术将被越来越多地应用到实际工程中。不同于单极线路或换流器退出运行时,伪双极系统下会出现的线路过载和切机切负荷现象,对于运行方式更为灵活的真双极系统,由于非...随着国内柔性直流输电技术的快速发展,基于真双极接线的多端柔性输电技术将被越来越多地应用到实际工程中。不同于单极线路或换流器退出运行时,伪双极系统下会出现的线路过载和切机切负荷现象,对于运行方式更为灵活的真双极系统,由于非故障极可转代故障极的部分功率,使得电网可靠性和整体输电能力的提升成为可能。提出了一种适用于真双极多端柔性直流输电(VSC-MTDC)系统的功率转代策略:基于真双极系统正负极电网可独立控制功率的特点,当直流系统在非正常运行状况下出现非对称拓扑时,在确保各元件不越限的前提下使非故障极电网转代故障极电网部分功率,以提高VSC-MTDC系统的总传输容量。同时,基于张北±500 k V柔性直流输电示范工程,搭建了真双极四端柔性直流输电PSCAD/EMTDC仿真系统,对所提策略进行了有效性验证。展开更多
采用架空线柔性直流输电技术进行远距离输电是大规模风电场友好型并网的有效手段。针对架空线路易发生故障的问题,采用对称双极主接线并配置直流断路器是其主要解决方案之一。该文基于双极接线方案运行方式灵活及直流断路器的故障清除能...采用架空线柔性直流输电技术进行远距离输电是大规模风电场友好型并网的有效手段。针对架空线路易发生故障的问题,采用对称双极主接线并配置直流断路器是其主要解决方案之一。该文基于双极接线方案运行方式灵活及直流断路器的故障清除能力,提出风电经架空线基于模块化多电平换流器的柔性直流输电(modular multilevel converter based high voltage direct current,MMC-HVDC)并网的直流故障穿越协调控制策略。根据非故障极的功率转带能力,将故障清除后的不平衡功率分配划分为自消纳情景和非自消纳情景。针对自消纳情景,通过合理切换双极MMC的控制模式,可在提高非故障极功率转带能力的同时自主消纳不平衡功率,进而有效降低转移功率的影响范围;针对非自消纳情景,设计考虑风机转速约束的风电场超速减载协调控制策略,优化分配各风电机组承担的减载功率,充分利用其转子动能和捕获风功率的变化实现精确减载;同时通过控制模式切换使非故障极MMC自主运行于满载状态,减小单极退出运行对受端交流系统的影响。最后,基于Matlab/Simulink仿真模型验证所提直流故障穿越协调控制策略的有效性。展开更多
文摘Based on conventional static line rating method, the actual current carrying capability of overhead conductors cannot be judged. Due to continuous increment in electricity demand and the difficulties associated with new line constructions, the overhead lines are therefore required to be rated based on a method that should establish their real-time capability in terms of electricity transmission. The method used to determine the real-time ampacity of overhead conductors not only can enhance their transmission capacity but can also help in allowing excessive renewable generation in the electricity network. In this research work, the issues related to analyzing an impact of wind power on periodical loading of overhead line as well as finding its static and dynamic ampacities with line current are investigated in detail. Moreover, the investigation related to finding a suitable location for the construction of a 60 MW wind farm is taken on board. Thereafter, the wind park is integrated with a regional grid, owned by Fortum Distribution AB. In addition to that, the electricity generated from the wind park is also calculated in this project. Later on, the work is devoted to finding the static and dynamic line ratings for “VL3” overhead conductor by using IEEE-738-2006 standard. Furthermore, the project also deals with finding the line current and making its comparison with maximum capacity of overhead conductor (VL3) for loading it in such a way that no any violation of safe ground clearance requirements is observed at all. Besides, the line current, knowing the conductor temperature when it transmits the required electricity in the presence of wind power generation is also an important factor to be taken into consideration. Therefore, based on real-time ambient conditions with actual line loading and with the help of IEEE-738-2006 standard, the conductor temperature is also calculated in this project. At the end, an economic analysis is performed to evaluate the financial advantages related to applying the dynamic line ratings approach in place of traditional static line ratings technique across an overhead conductor (VL3) and to know how much beneficial it is to temporarily postpone the rebuilding and/or construction of a new transmission line. Furthermore, an economic analysis related to wind power system is taken into consideration as well to get familiar with the costs related to building and connecting a 60 MW wind farm with the regional grid.
文摘随着国内柔性直流输电技术的快速发展,基于真双极接线的多端柔性输电技术将被越来越多地应用到实际工程中。不同于单极线路或换流器退出运行时,伪双极系统下会出现的线路过载和切机切负荷现象,对于运行方式更为灵活的真双极系统,由于非故障极可转代故障极的部分功率,使得电网可靠性和整体输电能力的提升成为可能。提出了一种适用于真双极多端柔性直流输电(VSC-MTDC)系统的功率转代策略:基于真双极系统正负极电网可独立控制功率的特点,当直流系统在非正常运行状况下出现非对称拓扑时,在确保各元件不越限的前提下使非故障极电网转代故障极电网部分功率,以提高VSC-MTDC系统的总传输容量。同时,基于张北±500 k V柔性直流输电示范工程,搭建了真双极四端柔性直流输电PSCAD/EMTDC仿真系统,对所提策略进行了有效性验证。
文摘采用架空线柔性直流输电技术进行远距离输电是大规模风电场友好型并网的有效手段。针对架空线路易发生故障的问题,采用对称双极主接线并配置直流断路器是其主要解决方案之一。该文基于双极接线方案运行方式灵活及直流断路器的故障清除能力,提出风电经架空线基于模块化多电平换流器的柔性直流输电(modular multilevel converter based high voltage direct current,MMC-HVDC)并网的直流故障穿越协调控制策略。根据非故障极的功率转带能力,将故障清除后的不平衡功率分配划分为自消纳情景和非自消纳情景。针对自消纳情景,通过合理切换双极MMC的控制模式,可在提高非故障极功率转带能力的同时自主消纳不平衡功率,进而有效降低转移功率的影响范围;针对非自消纳情景,设计考虑风机转速约束的风电场超速减载协调控制策略,优化分配各风电机组承担的减载功率,充分利用其转子动能和捕获风功率的变化实现精确减载;同时通过控制模式切换使非故障极MMC自主运行于满载状态,减小单极退出运行对受端交流系统的影响。最后,基于Matlab/Simulink仿真模型验证所提直流故障穿越协调控制策略的有效性。