The integration of remotely sensed data allowed the successful characterization of the mineral alteration zones of the Oudiane Elkharoub area in the Northeastern part of Reguibat Shield using image transformation tech...The integration of remotely sensed data allowed the successful characterization of the mineral alteration zones of the Oudiane Elkharoub area in the Northeastern part of Reguibat Shield using image transformation techniques. As both chemical and geochemical analyses showed significant Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Mn, Cr, Ni, Th and Y anomalies, it’s very interesting to apply the remote sensing and GIS in mineral resources mapping. The remote sensing is a direct adjunct to the field, lithologic and structural mapping, and more recently, GIS has played an important role in the study of mineralization areas. The integration of several evidential maps highlighted the plausible areas with high concentrations of chlorite, epidote, kaolinite, calcite, alunite, hematite, illite and sulfur among other key mineral alterations that reflect the intensity of hydrothermal effects and the probable sites of ore bodies. The methodological approach integrates geological information acquired from Aster and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (Operational Land Imager/Thermal InfraRed Sensor) images and a multi-criteria GIS analysis. The superimposition of various lineament and hydrothermal alteration maps and the consideration of precious and base metal indicators allowed the zoning of sites likely to contain mineral concentrations. Remote sensing becomes an important tool for locating mineral deposits in its own right, when the primary and secondary processes of mineralization result in the formation of spectral anomalies. Reconnaissance lithological mapping is usually the first step of mineral resource mapping. This is complimented with structural mapping, as mineral deposits usually occur along or adjacent to geologic structures, and alteration mapping, as mineral deposits are commonly associated with hydrothermal alteration of the surrounding rocks. Ground truthing and laboratory studies including XRD analysis were utilized to verify the results.展开更多
Based on the statistical characteristics of remote sensing data, the spatial geometric structure characteristics of spectral data and distribution of background, interference and alteration information in characterist...Based on the statistical characteristics of remote sensing data, the spatial geometric structure characteristics of spectral data and distribution of background, interference and alteration information in characteristic space were researched through the analysis of two-dimensional and three-dimensional scatter diagrams. The results indicate that the hyper-space of remote sensing multi-data aggregation belongs to low-dimensional geometric structure, i.e. hyperplane form, and anomalous point groups including alteration information usually dissociate out of hyperplane. Scatter diagrams of remote sensing data band are mainly presented as two distribution forms of single-ellipse and dual-ellipse. Clarifying the relations of three objects of background, disturbance and alteration information in remote sensing images provides an important technical thought and guidance for accurately detecting and extracting remote sensing alteration information.展开更多
Remote sensing technique plays an important role in geological prospecting in Altay because of the remote location and steep terrain with mountains. Pegmatite has important implications for metallogenic prospecting as...Remote sensing technique plays an important role in geological prospecting in Altay because of the remote location and steep terrain with mountains. Pegmatite has important implications for metallogenic prospecting as most of rare metals occurs in it. Pegmatite information from optical and radar images was extracted, and the spatial distribution and scale of pegmatite were generalized in Azubai, Altay. Three mining targets, that is, Halon-Azubai, Kuermutu-Tuyibaguo and Zhuolute-Akuoyige, were delineated based on the analysis of pegmatite information, structure interpretation and other geological data.展开更多
Based on specific well-exposed rocks useful for high-quality remote sensing interpretation in the gold-prospecting area in the eastern Tianshan, this paper gives a detailed description of a remote sensing model for me...Based on specific well-exposed rocks useful for high-quality remote sensing interpretation in the gold-prospecting area in the eastern Tianshan, this paper gives a detailed description of a remote sensing model for metallogenic prediction. The model reveals that multi-spectral remote sensing data are integrated with high-resolution remote sensing data, and enhanced extraction and visual description of weak remote sensing information are used for prospecting. This model has tested in the given gold deposit, and used successfully in Au-Cu prospecting in the Kalatage area.展开更多
In this paper,I propose a personal view on the general contents of remote sensing science and technology,which includes sensor research and manufacturing,remotely sensed data acquisition,data processing,information ex...In this paper,I propose a personal view on the general contents of remote sensing science and technology,which includes sensor research and manufacturing,remotely sensed data acquisition,data processing,information extraction and remote sensing applications.Serving as the basis for all these components is radiative transfer process modeling and inversion.Also of importance is the effective visualization of remotely sensed data and their efficient distribution to end users.In all these areas,there are critical research questions.In particular,I consider 4 fundamental areas for improved application of remote sensing.These include the scale and angular issues in remote sensing,removal of topographic effects on the radiance and geometry of remotely sensed imagery and the related question of multisource and multitemporal data registration,integrating knowledge and remotely sensed data into effective information extraction,and four dimensional data assimilation techniques.Strategies of information extraction can be broadly divided into manual visual analysis and computer-based analysis.The computer based information analysis include radiative transfer model inversion,image classification,regression analysis,three dimensional information extraction,shape analysis and change detection.Successful information extraction is the key to the success of remote sensing.There are many important issues that need to be solved including how to make better use of the spatial and temporal data present in remotely sensed data in information extraction.How to effectively combine the strength of both computer analysis and human interpretation? Finally,4D data assimilation is the new direction that allows for the integration of instantaneous observation with process-based climate,hydrological and ecological models.Further work along this direction will enhance the contribution of remote sensing in global change studies.In return,the quality of remotely sensed parameters can be improved.展开更多
Accurate estimation of soil lead pollution degree is one of the key steps in controlling soil lead pollution; vegetable hyperspectral features research provided a new approach to discovering and monitoring soil heavy ...Accurate estimation of soil lead pollution degree is one of the key steps in controlling soil lead pollution; vegetable hyperspectral features research provided a new approach to discovering and monitoring soil heavy metal pollution.Spectral reflectance implies information of pollution impacts on vegetation;estimation of lead pollution degree based on the spectral reflectance is equivalent to extraction of weak information.This study puts forward a new feature extraction method based展开更多
利用遥感技术快速准确地提取耕地信息是耕地保护的关键环节。以山东省商河县为例,提出了一种基于多季相分形特征的Landsat 8 OLI影像耕地信息提取方法。首先采用毯子覆盖法计算多季相遥感影像每个像元的上分形信号和下分形信号,对比分...利用遥感技术快速准确地提取耕地信息是耕地保护的关键环节。以山东省商河县为例,提出了一种基于多季相分形特征的Landsat 8 OLI影像耕地信息提取方法。首先采用毯子覆盖法计算多季相遥感影像每个像元的上分形信号和下分形信号,对比分析耕地和其他土地利用类型的分形特征,选取上分形信号的第3尺度作为特征尺度,提取商河县耕地空间分布特征;其次采用同时期的土地利用矢量数据、Esri land cover数据和统计数据进行耕地信息提取精度评价;最后分别设置多季相分形提取与单季相分形提取、现有土地利用数据产品的对比实验,并基于点位匹配度和面积匹配度进行评价。结果表明:多季相数据更能反映农作物生长的复杂性,有助于提高耕地信息的提取精度;不同土地利用类型在不同分形尺度的信号值各不相同,分形特征可以在不同尺度上清晰地刻画出不同土地利用类型的分异性;基于矢量数据和Esri land cover数据评价的多季相分形特征耕地提取点位匹配度为87.13%和89.83%,面积匹配度为99.73%和97.91%,均比单季相分形提取结果精度高;综合考虑点位匹配度、面积匹配度和空间分布特征,研发方法能有效区分耕地和其他土地利用类型,提取结果更优,且与统计数据有更高的一致性。该方法可准确提取耕地信息,为耕地的动态监测和损害评估提供技术支撑。展开更多
Mapping from remote sensing has become more effective in the field of geology, mainly in lithological discrimination and identification of hydrothermal alteration zones. The use of this technique consists in obtaining...Mapping from remote sensing has become more effective in the field of geology, mainly in lithological discrimination and identification of hydrothermal alteration zones. The use of this technique consists in obtaining information about the rock mass and the main ones existing in the inaccessible areas. Satellite data from the ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) sensor represent a favorable potential for detecting the spectral signatures of mineral zones and identifying their nature. These data are more reliable in places where the climate is arid with less abundant vegetation, as at the Oumjrane-Boukerzia mining district. This region which is part of the Eastern Anti-Atlas, is composed of several mineralized veins which still require detailed studies and exploration by the technique of remote sensing. In this work we applied several processing techniques on ASTER imagery such as Colored Composition, Principal Component Analysis and Ratio Bands. The use of the reports of the specialized Bands makes it possible to identify some hydrothermal alteration minerals within the mining district of Oumjrane Boukerzia. These minerals are represented mainly by iron oxides and hydroxides (Hematite, jarosite, limonite and goethite), carbonate minerals (dolomite, calcite), clay minerals (Illite, kaolinite and chlorite) and quartz minerals. This work allows us to produce a map of hydrothermal alteration zones which can be used as a valuable reference in the strategy of mining exploration for the base metals (Cu, Pb, Zn and Ba), in the mining district of Oumjrane-Boukerzia and in the entire Eastern Anti-Atlas.展开更多
Because of the developed economy and lush vegetation in southern China, the following obstacles or difficulties exist in remote sensing land surface classification: 1) Diverse surface composition types;2) Undulating t...Because of the developed economy and lush vegetation in southern China, the following obstacles or difficulties exist in remote sensing land surface classification: 1) Diverse surface composition types;2) Undulating terrains;3) Small fragmented land;4) Indistinguishable shadows of surface objects. It is our top priority to clarify how to use the concept of big data (Data mining technology) and various new technologies and methods to make complex surface remote sensing information extraction technology develop in the direction of automation, refinement and intelligence. In order to achieve the above research objectives, the paper takes the Gaofen-2 satellite data produced in China as the data source, and takes the complex surface remote sensing information extraction technology as the research object, and intelligently analyzes the remote sensing information of complex surface on the basis of completing the data collection and preprocessing. The specific extraction methods are as follows: 1) extraction research on fractal texture features of Brownian motion;2) extraction research on color features;3) extraction research on vegetation index;4) research on vectors and corresponding classification. In this paper, fractal texture features, color features, vegetation features and spectral features of remote sensing images are combined to form a combination feature vector, which improves the dimension of features, and the feature vector improves the difference of remote sensing features, and it is more conducive to the classification of remote sensing features, and thus it improves the classification accuracy of remote sensing images. It is suitable for remote sensing information extraction of complex surface in southern China. This method can be extended to complex surface area in the future.展开更多
In this paper, we propose a fast registration scheme for remote-sensing images for use as a fundamental technique in large-scale online remote-sensing data processing tasks. First, we introduce priori-information imag...In this paper, we propose a fast registration scheme for remote-sensing images for use as a fundamental technique in large-scale online remote-sensing data processing tasks. First, we introduce priori-information images,and use machine learning techniques to identify robust remote-sensing image features from state-of-the-art ScaleInvariant Feature Transform(SIFT) features. Next, we apply a hierarchical coarse-to-fine feature matching and image registration scheme on the basis of additional priori information, including a robust feature location map and platform imaging parameters. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed scheme increases position repetitiveness by 34%, and can speed up the overall image registration procedure by a factor of 7:47 while maintaining the accuracy of the image registration performance.展开更多
应用遥感技术进行精细地物信息提取是研究生态系统结构、过程和功能的重要手段之一。由于热带地区生态系统复杂,为精细地物信息提取带来很大的不确定性,极易产生"同物异谱"、"同谱异物"的现象。研究以地处热带地区...应用遥感技术进行精细地物信息提取是研究生态系统结构、过程和功能的重要手段之一。由于热带地区生态系统复杂,为精细地物信息提取带来很大的不确定性,极易产生"同物异谱"、"同谱异物"的现象。研究以地处热带地区的海南岛精细地物遥感信息提取为例,在综合分析典型地物光谱特征、空间分布、斑块形状等基础上,构建和优化了水陆指数WLI(Water andLand differing Index)、乔灌草指数GSI(Grass and Shrub differing Index)、旱地-沙地指数SSI(Field and Sand differing Index),并结合新型通用植被指数VIUPD(Vegetation Index of the Universal Pattern Decomposition Method)及DEM(Digital Elevation Model)等多源数据,提出基于决策树的面向对象遥感信息提取方法。该方法首先确定要提取的对象,明确对象类别与对象隶属关系,然后逐层逐项的提取天然林、橡胶林、浆纸林等地物信息。结果表明,综合提取的精度达88%,相比传统的监督分类方法精度(66%)提高22个百分点,精度明显提高。展开更多
文摘The integration of remotely sensed data allowed the successful characterization of the mineral alteration zones of the Oudiane Elkharoub area in the Northeastern part of Reguibat Shield using image transformation techniques. As both chemical and geochemical analyses showed significant Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Mn, Cr, Ni, Th and Y anomalies, it’s very interesting to apply the remote sensing and GIS in mineral resources mapping. The remote sensing is a direct adjunct to the field, lithologic and structural mapping, and more recently, GIS has played an important role in the study of mineralization areas. The integration of several evidential maps highlighted the plausible areas with high concentrations of chlorite, epidote, kaolinite, calcite, alunite, hematite, illite and sulfur among other key mineral alterations that reflect the intensity of hydrothermal effects and the probable sites of ore bodies. The methodological approach integrates geological information acquired from Aster and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (Operational Land Imager/Thermal InfraRed Sensor) images and a multi-criteria GIS analysis. The superimposition of various lineament and hydrothermal alteration maps and the consideration of precious and base metal indicators allowed the zoning of sites likely to contain mineral concentrations. Remote sensing becomes an important tool for locating mineral deposits in its own right, when the primary and secondary processes of mineralization result in the formation of spectral anomalies. Reconnaissance lithological mapping is usually the first step of mineral resource mapping. This is complimented with structural mapping, as mineral deposits usually occur along or adjacent to geologic structures, and alteration mapping, as mineral deposits are commonly associated with hydrothermal alteration of the surrounding rocks. Ground truthing and laboratory studies including XRD analysis were utilized to verify the results.
基金Project(2006BAB01A06) supported by the National Science and Technology Pillar Program Project during the 11th Five-Year Plan PeriodProject(1212010761503) supported by Land and Resources Investigation Project
文摘Based on the statistical characteristics of remote sensing data, the spatial geometric structure characteristics of spectral data and distribution of background, interference and alteration information in characteristic space were researched through the analysis of two-dimensional and three-dimensional scatter diagrams. The results indicate that the hyper-space of remote sensing multi-data aggregation belongs to low-dimensional geometric structure, i.e. hyperplane form, and anomalous point groups including alteration information usually dissociate out of hyperplane. Scatter diagrams of remote sensing data band are mainly presented as two distribution forms of single-ellipse and dual-ellipse. Clarifying the relations of three objects of background, disturbance and alteration information in remote sensing images provides an important technical thought and guidance for accurately detecting and extracting remote sensing alteration information.
基金Project(11JJ6029)supported by Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,ChinaProject(2011QNZT006)supported by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,China
文摘Remote sensing technique plays an important role in geological prospecting in Altay because of the remote location and steep terrain with mountains. Pegmatite has important implications for metallogenic prospecting as most of rare metals occurs in it. Pegmatite information from optical and radar images was extracted, and the spatial distribution and scale of pegmatite were generalized in Azubai, Altay. Three mining targets, that is, Halon-Azubai, Kuermutu-Tuyibaguo and Zhuolute-Akuoyige, were delineated based on the analysis of pegmatite information, structure interpretation and other geological data.
文摘Based on specific well-exposed rocks useful for high-quality remote sensing interpretation in the gold-prospecting area in the eastern Tianshan, this paper gives a detailed description of a remote sensing model for metallogenic prediction. The model reveals that multi-spectral remote sensing data are integrated with high-resolution remote sensing data, and enhanced extraction and visual description of weak remote sensing information are used for prospecting. This model has tested in the given gold deposit, and used successfully in Au-Cu prospecting in the Kalatage area.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(30590370)National High-Tech Program(2006AA12Z112)National Scientific Support program(2006BAJ01B02)
文摘In this paper,I propose a personal view on the general contents of remote sensing science and technology,which includes sensor research and manufacturing,remotely sensed data acquisition,data processing,information extraction and remote sensing applications.Serving as the basis for all these components is radiative transfer process modeling and inversion.Also of importance is the effective visualization of remotely sensed data and their efficient distribution to end users.In all these areas,there are critical research questions.In particular,I consider 4 fundamental areas for improved application of remote sensing.These include the scale and angular issues in remote sensing,removal of topographic effects on the radiance and geometry of remotely sensed imagery and the related question of multisource and multitemporal data registration,integrating knowledge and remotely sensed data into effective information extraction,and four dimensional data assimilation techniques.Strategies of information extraction can be broadly divided into manual visual analysis and computer-based analysis.The computer based information analysis include radiative transfer model inversion,image classification,regression analysis,three dimensional information extraction,shape analysis and change detection.Successful information extraction is the key to the success of remote sensing.There are many important issues that need to be solved including how to make better use of the spatial and temporal data present in remotely sensed data in information extraction.How to effectively combine the strength of both computer analysis and human interpretation? Finally,4D data assimilation is the new direction that allows for the integration of instantaneous observation with process-based climate,hydrological and ecological models.Further work along this direction will enhance the contribution of remote sensing in global change studies.In return,the quality of remotely sensed parameters can be improved.
基金supported the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences[grant number XDB42000000]the National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant number U2006211]+1 种基金the Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Projects in Shandong Province[grant number 2019JZZY010102]the Chinese Academy of Sciences program[grant number Y9KY04101L].
文摘Accurate estimation of soil lead pollution degree is one of the key steps in controlling soil lead pollution; vegetable hyperspectral features research provided a new approach to discovering and monitoring soil heavy metal pollution.Spectral reflectance implies information of pollution impacts on vegetation;estimation of lead pollution degree based on the spectral reflectance is equivalent to extraction of weak information.This study puts forward a new feature extraction method based
文摘利用遥感技术快速准确地提取耕地信息是耕地保护的关键环节。以山东省商河县为例,提出了一种基于多季相分形特征的Landsat 8 OLI影像耕地信息提取方法。首先采用毯子覆盖法计算多季相遥感影像每个像元的上分形信号和下分形信号,对比分析耕地和其他土地利用类型的分形特征,选取上分形信号的第3尺度作为特征尺度,提取商河县耕地空间分布特征;其次采用同时期的土地利用矢量数据、Esri land cover数据和统计数据进行耕地信息提取精度评价;最后分别设置多季相分形提取与单季相分形提取、现有土地利用数据产品的对比实验,并基于点位匹配度和面积匹配度进行评价。结果表明:多季相数据更能反映农作物生长的复杂性,有助于提高耕地信息的提取精度;不同土地利用类型在不同分形尺度的信号值各不相同,分形特征可以在不同尺度上清晰地刻画出不同土地利用类型的分异性;基于矢量数据和Esri land cover数据评价的多季相分形特征耕地提取点位匹配度为87.13%和89.83%,面积匹配度为99.73%和97.91%,均比单季相分形提取结果精度高;综合考虑点位匹配度、面积匹配度和空间分布特征,研发方法能有效区分耕地和其他土地利用类型,提取结果更优,且与统计数据有更高的一致性。该方法可准确提取耕地信息,为耕地的动态监测和损害评估提供技术支撑。
文摘Mapping from remote sensing has become more effective in the field of geology, mainly in lithological discrimination and identification of hydrothermal alteration zones. The use of this technique consists in obtaining information about the rock mass and the main ones existing in the inaccessible areas. Satellite data from the ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) sensor represent a favorable potential for detecting the spectral signatures of mineral zones and identifying their nature. These data are more reliable in places where the climate is arid with less abundant vegetation, as at the Oumjrane-Boukerzia mining district. This region which is part of the Eastern Anti-Atlas, is composed of several mineralized veins which still require detailed studies and exploration by the technique of remote sensing. In this work we applied several processing techniques on ASTER imagery such as Colored Composition, Principal Component Analysis and Ratio Bands. The use of the reports of the specialized Bands makes it possible to identify some hydrothermal alteration minerals within the mining district of Oumjrane Boukerzia. These minerals are represented mainly by iron oxides and hydroxides (Hematite, jarosite, limonite and goethite), carbonate minerals (dolomite, calcite), clay minerals (Illite, kaolinite and chlorite) and quartz minerals. This work allows us to produce a map of hydrothermal alteration zones which can be used as a valuable reference in the strategy of mining exploration for the base metals (Cu, Pb, Zn and Ba), in the mining district of Oumjrane-Boukerzia and in the entire Eastern Anti-Atlas.
文摘Because of the developed economy and lush vegetation in southern China, the following obstacles or difficulties exist in remote sensing land surface classification: 1) Diverse surface composition types;2) Undulating terrains;3) Small fragmented land;4) Indistinguishable shadows of surface objects. It is our top priority to clarify how to use the concept of big data (Data mining technology) and various new technologies and methods to make complex surface remote sensing information extraction technology develop in the direction of automation, refinement and intelligence. In order to achieve the above research objectives, the paper takes the Gaofen-2 satellite data produced in China as the data source, and takes the complex surface remote sensing information extraction technology as the research object, and intelligently analyzes the remote sensing information of complex surface on the basis of completing the data collection and preprocessing. The specific extraction methods are as follows: 1) extraction research on fractal texture features of Brownian motion;2) extraction research on color features;3) extraction research on vegetation index;4) research on vectors and corresponding classification. In this paper, fractal texture features, color features, vegetation features and spectral features of remote sensing images are combined to form a combination feature vector, which improves the dimension of features, and the feature vector improves the difference of remote sensing features, and it is more conducive to the classification of remote sensing features, and thus it improves the classification accuracy of remote sensing images. It is suitable for remote sensing information extraction of complex surface in southern China. This method can be extended to complex surface area in the future.
基金supported by the National Key Basic Research and Development (973) Program of China (No. 2013CB329006)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61471220 and 61021001)
文摘In this paper, we propose a fast registration scheme for remote-sensing images for use as a fundamental technique in large-scale online remote-sensing data processing tasks. First, we introduce priori-information images,and use machine learning techniques to identify robust remote-sensing image features from state-of-the-art ScaleInvariant Feature Transform(SIFT) features. Next, we apply a hierarchical coarse-to-fine feature matching and image registration scheme on the basis of additional priori information, including a robust feature location map and platform imaging parameters. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed scheme increases position repetitiveness by 34%, and can speed up the overall image registration procedure by a factor of 7:47 while maintaining the accuracy of the image registration performance.
文摘应用遥感技术进行精细地物信息提取是研究生态系统结构、过程和功能的重要手段之一。由于热带地区生态系统复杂,为精细地物信息提取带来很大的不确定性,极易产生"同物异谱"、"同谱异物"的现象。研究以地处热带地区的海南岛精细地物遥感信息提取为例,在综合分析典型地物光谱特征、空间分布、斑块形状等基础上,构建和优化了水陆指数WLI(Water andLand differing Index)、乔灌草指数GSI(Grass and Shrub differing Index)、旱地-沙地指数SSI(Field and Sand differing Index),并结合新型通用植被指数VIUPD(Vegetation Index of the Universal Pattern Decomposition Method)及DEM(Digital Elevation Model)等多源数据,提出基于决策树的面向对象遥感信息提取方法。该方法首先确定要提取的对象,明确对象类别与对象隶属关系,然后逐层逐项的提取天然林、橡胶林、浆纸林等地物信息。结果表明,综合提取的精度达88%,相比传统的监督分类方法精度(66%)提高22个百分点,精度明显提高。