The equations for two-dimensional flow of an upper convected Maxwell (UCM) fluid in a rotating frame are modeled. The resulting equations are first simplified by a boundary layer approach and then solved by a homoto...The equations for two-dimensional flow of an upper convected Maxwell (UCM) fluid in a rotating frame are modeled. The resulting equations are first simplified by a boundary layer approach and then solved by a homotopy analysis method (HAM). Convergence of series solution is discussed through residual error curves. The results of the influence of viscoelastic and rotation parameters are plotted and discussed.展开更多
The method in [1] has been extended to the case of rotational flow in this paper. A new method for dealing with the shock wave is presented. This method has the advantages of both the shock-fitting and the shock captu...The method in [1] has been extended to the case of rotational flow in this paper. A new method for dealing with the shock wave is presented. This method has the advantages of both the shock-fitting and the shock capturing methods. The direct problem and the mixed direct-inverse prob- lem of the rotational flow in a transonic plane cascade at both design and off design conditions are solved, and the results show that the present method has rapid convergence rate and high accuracy even for the flow with moderately strong shocks. The calculations have been carried out on the DPS-8 computer, and for the direct problem, only 50-80 iterations are needed, and 50-80 seconds of CPU time are required.展开更多
An inverse method of characteristics was introduced into the design concept of using osculating cones (OC) in the supersonic flow, which can extend the domain of options for generating the aerospace vehicle configura...An inverse method of characteristics was introduced into the design concept of using osculating cones (OC) in the supersonic flow, which can extend the domain of options for generating the aerospace vehicle configurations with supersonic leading edge as well as inlet diffusers. Some more practical waverider shapes with higher volumetric efficiency can be obtained through using the concept of osculating axisymmetric (OA) flows with rotationality in the post shock flow field by inputting curved shocks.展开更多
The velocity, pressure and temperature distributions of the flow in the gap between hydro-viscous drive friction disks are the key parameters in the design of hydro-viscous drive and angular velocity controller. In th...The velocity, pressure and temperature distributions of the flow in the gap between hydro-viscous drive friction disks are the key parameters in the design of hydro-viscous drive and angular velocity controller. In the previous works dealing with the flow in the gap between disks in hydro-viscous drive, few authors considered the effect of Coriolis force on the flow. The object of this work is to investigate the flow with consideration of the effects of centrifugal force, Coriolis force and variable viscosity. A simplified mathematical model based on steady and laminar flow is presented. An approximate solution to the simplified mathematical model is obtained by using the iteration method assuming that the fluid viscosity remains constant. Then the model considering the effect of variable viscosity is solved by means of computational fluid dynamics code FLUENT. Numerical results of the flow are obtained. It is found that radial velocity profile diverges from the ideal parabolic curve due to inertial forces and tangential velocity profile is nonlinear due to Coriolis force, and pressure has two possible solution branches. In addition, it is found that variable viscosity plays an important role on pressure profiles which are significantly different from those of fluid with constant viscosity. The experimental device designed for this work consists of two disks, and one of them is fixed. Experimental pressure and temperature of the flow within test rig are obtained. It is shown that the trend of numerical results is in agreement with that of experimental ones. The research provides a theoretical foundation for hydro-viscous drive design.展开更多
A combination of the computational symbolic calculation, mathematical approach and physico-mechanical model lends to a computational intellectual analytical approach developed by the author. There is a principal diffe...A combination of the computational symbolic calculation, mathematical approach and physico-mechanical model lends to a computational intellectual analytical approach developed by the author. There is a principal difference between the computer proof and the computer derivation completed by the computer, also difference between the numerical and symbolic calculations. In this investigation the computational analytical approach is extended, and an unsteady flow of non-Newtonian fluid in the gap between two rotating coaxial cylinders is studied. The Oldroyd fluid B model is used by which the Weissenberg effects are explained in a good comparison with the experiments. The governing equations are reduced to a partial differential equation of 3 rd order for the dimensionless velocity. Using the computer software Macsyma and an improved variational approach the problem with the initial and boundary conditions is then reduced to a problem of an ordinary differential equation for different approximations. The analytical solutions are given for the 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd approximations. The present investigation shows the ability of the computational symbolic manipulation in solving the problems of non-Newtonian fluid flows. There is a possibility of that to solve the problems in mathematics and mechanics. An important conclusion can be drawn from the results that the transition from a steady state to another steady state is non-unique.展开更多
This paper presents numerical simulations of viscous flow past a submarine model in steady turn by solving the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations(RANSE) for incompressible, steady flows. The rotating coordina...This paper presents numerical simulations of viscous flow past a submarine model in steady turn by solving the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations(RANSE) for incompressible, steady flows. The rotating coordinate system was adopted to deal with the rotation problem. The Coriolis force and centrifugal force due to the computation in a bodyfixed rotating frame of reference were treated explicitly and added to momentum equations as source terms. Furthermore, velocities of entrances were coded to give the correct magnitude and direction needed. Two turbulence closure models(TCMs), the RNG k-ε model with wall functions and curvature correction and the Shear Stress Transport(SST) k-ω model without the use of wall functions, but with curvature correction and low-Re correction were introduced, respectively. Take DARPA SUBOFF model as the test case, a series of drift angle varying between 0° and 16° at a Reynolds number of 6.53×10^6 undergoing rotating arm test simulations were conducted. The computed forces and moment as a function of drift angle during the steady turn are mostly in close agreement with available experimental data. Though the difference between the pressure coefficients around the hull form was observed, they always show the same trend. It was demonstrated that using sufficiently fine grids and advanced turbulence models will lead to accurate prediction of the flow field as well as the forces and moments on the hull.展开更多
Gaseous detonation propagating in a toroidal chamber was numerically studied for hydrogen/oxygen/nitrogen mixtures. The numerical method used is based on the three-dimensional Euler equations with detailed finiterate ...Gaseous detonation propagating in a toroidal chamber was numerically studied for hydrogen/oxygen/nitrogen mixtures. The numerical method used is based on the three-dimensional Euler equations with detailed finiterate chemistry. The results show that the calculated streak picture is in qualitative agreement with the picture recorded by a high speed streak camera from published literature. The three-dimensional flow field induced by a continuously rotating detonation was visualized and distinctive features of the rotating detonations were clearly depicted. Owing to the unconfined character of detonation wavelet, a deficit of detonation parameters was observed. Due to the effects of wall geometries, the strength of the outside detonation front is stronger than that of the inside portion. The detonation thus propagates with a constant circular velocity. Numerical simulation also shows three-dimensional rotating detonation structures, which display specific feature of the detonation- shock combined wave. Discrete burning gas pockets are formed due to instability of the discontinuity. It is believed that the present study could give an insight into the interest- ing properties of the continuously rotating detonation, and is thus beneficial to the design of continuous detonation propulsion systems.展开更多
The present analysis shows that the EVM can not reflect the turbulence physics in non-inertial frame. The effects of Coriolis force on turbulence is embodied naturally in the Reynolds-stress transport equation. It is ...The present analysis shows that the EVM can not reflect the turbulence physics in non-inertial frame. The effects of Coriolis force on turbulence is embodied naturally in the Reynolds-stress transport equation. It is observed that the existing second-moment closure model with appropriate near-wall treatment can adequately predict flows in rotating channel and in axially rotating pipe for moderate rotation rate.展开更多
The transformation groups and symmetries of the baroclinic mode for rotating stratified flow can be obtained via the standard approach. Applying the symmetry group on some special solutions, the newly obtained results...The transformation groups and symmetries of the baroclinic mode for rotating stratified flow can be obtained via the standard approach. Applying the symmetry group on some special solutions, the newly obtained results disprove a known conjecture.展开更多
An analysis is performed for the hydromagnetic second grade fluid flow between two horizontal plates in a rotating system in the presence of a magnetic field. The lower sheet is considered to be a stretching sheet, an...An analysis is performed for the hydromagnetic second grade fluid flow between two horizontal plates in a rotating system in the presence of a magnetic field. The lower sheet is considered to be a stretching sheet, and the upper sheet is a porous solid plate. By suitable transformations, the equations of conservation of mass and momentum are reduced to a system of coupled non-linear ordinary differential equations. A series of solutions to this coupled non-linear system are obtained by a powerful analytic technique, i.e., the homotopy analysis method (HAM). The results are presented with graphs. The effects of non-dimensional parameters R, A, M2, a, and K2 on the velocity field are discussed in detail.展开更多
This paper solves the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation by a fractional-step method with the Reynolds number Reτ=194 and the rotation number Nτ=0-0.12. When Nτ is less than 0.06, the turbulence statistics re...This paper solves the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation by a fractional-step method with the Reynolds number Reτ=194 and the rotation number Nτ=0-0.12. When Nτ is less than 0.06, the turbulence statistics relevant to the spanwise velocity fluctuation are enhanced, but other statistics are suppressed. When Nτ is larger than 0.06, all the turbulence statistics decrease significantly. Reynolds stress budgets elucidate that turbulence kinetic energy in the vertical direction is transferred into the streamwise and spanwise directions. The flow structures exhibit that the bursting processes near the bottom wall are ejected toward the free surface. Evident change of near-surface streak structures of the velocity fluctuations are revealed.展开更多
The equations describing the flow of a viscoplastic fluid on a rotating disk are de-rived and are solved by perturbation technique and nurmerical computation respectivelyfor 2 cases. This makes it possible to calculat...The equations describing the flow of a viscoplastic fluid on a rotating disk are de-rived and are solved by perturbation technique and nurmerical computation respectivelyfor 2 cases. This makes it possible to calculate the thickness distribution of film. Twokinds of distribution of thickness have been found. For the viscoplastic fluid for whichboth viscosity and yield stress are independent of radial coordinate r, the thickness hdecreases with increasing r. For a Bingham fluid for which both viscosity and yieldstress are function of time and r. the thickness h increases with increasing r.展开更多
A series of experiments were performed in a rotating annulus of fluid to study effects of rotation rate on pianeta ry-scale baroclinic wave flows. The experiments reveal that change in rotation rate of fluid container...A series of experiments were performed in a rotating annulus of fluid to study effects of rotation rate on pianeta ry-scale baroclinic wave flows. The experiments reveal that change in rotation rate of fluid container causes variation in Rossby number and Taylor number in flows and leads to change in flow patterns and in phase and amplitude of quasi-stationary waves. For instance, with increasing rotation rate, amplitude of quasi-stationary waves increases and phase shifts upstream. On the contrary, with decreasing rotation rate, amplitude of quasi-stationary waves de creases and phase shifts downstream. In the case of the earth's atmosphere, although magnitude of variation in earth's rotation rate is very small, yet it causes a very big change in zonal velocity component of wind in the atmosphere and of currents in the ocean, and therefore causes a remarkable change in Rossby number and Taylor number determining regimes in planetary-scale geophysical flows. 1 he observation reveals that intensity and geographic location of subtropic anticyclones in both of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres change consistently with the variation in earth's rotation rate. The results of fluid experiments are consistent, qualitatively, with observed phenomena in the atmospheric circulation.展开更多
The nature of turbulent swirling and rotating flow in a straight pipe is investigated using a family of near-wall two-equation models. Specifically, the viability of three different near-wall two-equation models is as...The nature of turbulent swirling and rotating flow in a straight pipe is investigated using a family of near-wall two-equation models. Specifically, the viability of three different near-wall two-equation models is assessed. These models are asymptotically consistent near the wall. The first two models, one with isotropic and another with anisotropic eddy viscosity invoked, solved a dissipation rate equation with no explicit correction made to account for swirl and flow rotation. The third model assumes an isotropic eddy viscosity but solves an improved dissipation rate equation that has explicit corrections made to account for swirl and flow rotation. Calculations of turbulent flows in the swirl number range 0.25 - 1.3 with and without a central recirculation region reveal that, with the exception of the third model, neither one of the other two models can replicate the mean field at the swirl numbers tested. Furthermore, taking stress anisotropy into account also fails to model swirl effect correctly. Significant improvements can be realized from the third model, which is based on an improved dissipation rate equation and the assumption of isotropic eddy viscosity. The predicted mean flow and turbulence statistics correlate well with measurements at low swirl. At high swirl, the two-equation model with an improved dissipation rate equation can still be used to model swirling and rotating pipe flows with a central recirculation region. However, its simulation of flows without a central recirculation region is not as satisfactory.展开更多
The unsteady mixed convection squeezing flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid between two vertical parallel planes is discussed. The fluid is electrically conducting. The governing equations are transformed into o...The unsteady mixed convection squeezing flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid between two vertical parallel planes is discussed. The fluid is electrically conducting. The governing equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations (ODEs) by appropriate transformations. The transformed equations are solved successfully by a modern and powerful technique. The effects of the emerging parameters on the flow and heat transfer characteristics are studied and examined. The values of the skin friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number are tabulated and analyzed.展开更多
It is found that the anomalous eutectics can be separated on macroscopic scale by flow caused by electromagnetic stirring, and the separated phase is the leading faceted phase with the solution entropy over 23 J/(mol&...It is found that the anomalous eutectics can be separated on macroscopic scale by flow caused by electromagnetic stirring, and the separated phase is the leading faceted phase with the solution entropy over 23 J/(mol·K). By using this technology, a new kind of composite pipe and gear with good abrasive properties were made without adding any reinforced particles. Emphases were paid on the researches about formation mechanism of separated eutectic and abrasive property of the composite pipe or gear. The result shows that the entropy of solution controlling the eutectic microstructure is also valid and useful as a criterion of separated eutectic, and the kind and its chemical scope of the off-eutectic used to make composite can be calculated according to this theory.展开更多
Heavy ingots are widely used in many industrial fields. The coarse grains formed during the process of in- got solidification influence the properties and fracture behaviors of the final products. The coarse grain gro...Heavy ingots are widely used in many industrial fields. The coarse grains formed during the process of in- got solidification influence the properties and fracture behaviors of the final products. The coarse grain growth was simulated under different thermal gradients. A 30Cr2Ni4MoV steel ingot was melted in a cubic crucible with dimen-sions of 15 cm×10 cm×23 cm, and the cooling conditions on each side of the crucible were controlled by different thermal curves. The influences of thermal gradients and rotational flows on grain growth in heavy steel ingots were then investigated both numerically and experimentally. The results showed that when the amplitude of the rotation angle was 60°, the metal was solidified under a reciprocating horizontal rotational condition when the angular velocity was 10 (°)/s or 20 (°)/s. As the thermal gradient increased, the lengths of the primary columnar grains in- creased, and the diameters of equiaxed grains decreased. When the direction of flow rotation was perpendicular to the direction of grain growth, the columnar grain zone was nearly eliminated, and the average diameter of equiaxed grains was 0.5 mm.展开更多
As an integral part of the internal air system of aero-engines,the axial throughflow of the cooling air can interact with the cavity flow between the rotating compressor disks,forming a threedimensional,unsteady,and u...As an integral part of the internal air system of aero-engines,the axial throughflow of the cooling air can interact with the cavity flow between the rotating compressor disks,forming a threedimensional,unsteady,and unstable flow field.The flow characteristics in an engine-like rotating multi-stage cavity with throughflow were investigated using particle image velocimetry,flow visualization technology and three-dimensional unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)simulations.The focus of current research was to understand the distribution of the mean swirl ratio and its variation with a wide range of non-dimensional parameters in the co-rotating cavity with high inlet pre-swirl axial throughflow.The maximum axial Reynolds number and rotational Reynolds numbers could reach 4.41×10^(4)and 1.24×10^(6),respectively.The velocity measurement results indicate that the mean swirl ratio is greater than 1 and decreases with an increase in the radial position.The flow structure is dominated by the Rossby number,and two different flow patterns (flow penetration and flow stratification) are identified and confirmed by flow visualization images.In the absence of buoyancy,the flow penetration caused by the precession of the throughflow makes it easier for the throughflow to reach a high radius region.Satisfactory consistency of results between measurements and numerical calculations is obtained.This study provides a theoretical basis and data support for toroidal vortex breakdown,which is of practical significance for the design of high-pressure compressor cavities.展开更多
In this article, we investigate three-dimensional solution with helical symmetry in a gap between two concentric rotating cylinders, inside is a helicoidal surface(screw propeller)while outside is a cylindrical surf...In this article, we investigate three-dimensional solution with helical symmetry in a gap between two concentric rotating cylinders, inside is a helicoidal surface(screw propeller)while outside is a cylindrical surface. Establish the partial differential equations and its variational formulation satisfied by a helical solution in a helical coordinate system using tensor analysis method, we provide a computational method for the power and propulsion of the screw. The existence and uniqueness of weak helical solutions are proved.展开更多
The rotational incremental pressure-correction(RIPC)scheme,described in Timmermans et al.[Int.J.Numer.Methods.Fluids.,22(1996)]and Shen et al.[Math.Comput.,73(2003)]for non-rotational Navier-Stokes equations,is extend...The rotational incremental pressure-correction(RIPC)scheme,described in Timmermans et al.[Int.J.Numer.Methods.Fluids.,22(1996)]and Shen et al.[Math.Comput.,73(2003)]for non-rotational Navier-Stokes equations,is extended to rotating incompressible flows.The method is implemented in the context of a pseudo Fourier-spectral code and applied to several rotating laminar and turbulent flows.The performance of the scheme and the computational results are compared to the socalled diagonalization method(DM)developed by Morinishi et al.[Int.J.Heat.Fluid.Flow.,22(2001)].The RIPC predictions are in excellent agreement with the DM predictions,while being simpler to implement and computationally more efficient.The RIPC scheme is not in anyway limited to implementation in a pseudo-spectral code or periodic boundary conditions,and can be used in complex geometries and with other suitable boundary conditions.展开更多
基金the support of Global Research Network for Computational Mathematies and King Saud University for this research
文摘The equations for two-dimensional flow of an upper convected Maxwell (UCM) fluid in a rotating frame are modeled. The resulting equations are first simplified by a boundary layer approach and then solved by a homotopy analysis method (HAM). Convergence of series solution is discussed through residual error curves. The results of the influence of viscoelastic and rotation parameters are plotted and discussed.
文摘The method in [1] has been extended to the case of rotational flow in this paper. A new method for dealing with the shock wave is presented. This method has the advantages of both the shock-fitting and the shock capturing methods. The direct problem and the mixed direct-inverse prob- lem of the rotational flow in a transonic plane cascade at both design and off design conditions are solved, and the results show that the present method has rapid convergence rate and high accuracy even for the flow with moderately strong shocks. The calculations have been carried out on the DPS-8 computer, and for the direct problem, only 50-80 iterations are needed, and 50-80 seconds of CPU time are required.
文摘An inverse method of characteristics was introduced into the design concept of using osculating cones (OC) in the supersonic flow, which can extend the domain of options for generating the aerospace vehicle configurations with supersonic leading edge as well as inlet diffusers. Some more practical waverider shapes with higher volumetric efficiency can be obtained through using the concept of osculating axisymmetric (OA) flows with rotationality in the post shock flow field by inputting curved shocks.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50475106)
文摘The velocity, pressure and temperature distributions of the flow in the gap between hydro-viscous drive friction disks are the key parameters in the design of hydro-viscous drive and angular velocity controller. In the previous works dealing with the flow in the gap between disks in hydro-viscous drive, few authors considered the effect of Coriolis force on the flow. The object of this work is to investigate the flow with consideration of the effects of centrifugal force, Coriolis force and variable viscosity. A simplified mathematical model based on steady and laminar flow is presented. An approximate solution to the simplified mathematical model is obtained by using the iteration method assuming that the fluid viscosity remains constant. Then the model considering the effect of variable viscosity is solved by means of computational fluid dynamics code FLUENT. Numerical results of the flow are obtained. It is found that radial velocity profile diverges from the ideal parabolic curve due to inertial forces and tangential velocity profile is nonlinear due to Coriolis force, and pressure has two possible solution branches. In addition, it is found that variable viscosity plays an important role on pressure profiles which are significantly different from those of fluid with constant viscosity. The experimental device designed for this work consists of two disks, and one of them is fixed. Experimental pressure and temperature of the flow within test rig are obtained. It is shown that the trend of numerical results is in agreement with that of experimental ones. The research provides a theoretical foundation for hydro-viscous drive design.
文摘A combination of the computational symbolic calculation, mathematical approach and physico-mechanical model lends to a computational intellectual analytical approach developed by the author. There is a principal difference between the computer proof and the computer derivation completed by the computer, also difference between the numerical and symbolic calculations. In this investigation the computational analytical approach is extended, and an unsteady flow of non-Newtonian fluid in the gap between two rotating coaxial cylinders is studied. The Oldroyd fluid B model is used by which the Weissenberg effects are explained in a good comparison with the experiments. The governing equations are reduced to a partial differential equation of 3 rd order for the dimensionless velocity. Using the computer software Macsyma and an improved variational approach the problem with the initial and boundary conditions is then reduced to a problem of an ordinary differential equation for different approximations. The analytical solutions are given for the 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd approximations. The present investigation shows the ability of the computational symbolic manipulation in solving the problems of non-Newtonian fluid flows. There is a possibility of that to solve the problems in mathematics and mechanics. An important conclusion can be drawn from the results that the transition from a steady state to another steady state is non-unique.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51179199)
文摘This paper presents numerical simulations of viscous flow past a submarine model in steady turn by solving the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations(RANSE) for incompressible, steady flows. The rotating coordinate system was adopted to deal with the rotation problem. The Coriolis force and centrifugal force due to the computation in a bodyfixed rotating frame of reference were treated explicitly and added to momentum equations as source terms. Furthermore, velocities of entrances were coded to give the correct magnitude and direction needed. Two turbulence closure models(TCMs), the RNG k-ε model with wall functions and curvature correction and the Shear Stress Transport(SST) k-ω model without the use of wall functions, but with curvature correction and low-Re correction were introduced, respectively. Take DARPA SUBOFF model as the test case, a series of drift angle varying between 0° and 16° at a Reynolds number of 6.53×10^6 undergoing rotating arm test simulations were conducted. The computed forces and moment as a function of drift angle during the steady turn are mostly in close agreement with available experimental data. Though the difference between the pressure coefficients around the hull form was observed, they always show the same trend. It was demonstrated that using sufficiently fine grids and advanced turbulence models will lead to accurate prediction of the flow field as well as the forces and moments on the hull.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10872096)the Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing University of Science and Technology (KFJJ09-13)
文摘Gaseous detonation propagating in a toroidal chamber was numerically studied for hydrogen/oxygen/nitrogen mixtures. The numerical method used is based on the three-dimensional Euler equations with detailed finiterate chemistry. The results show that the calculated streak picture is in qualitative agreement with the picture recorded by a high speed streak camera from published literature. The three-dimensional flow field induced by a continuously rotating detonation was visualized and distinctive features of the rotating detonations were clearly depicted. Owing to the unconfined character of detonation wavelet, a deficit of detonation parameters was observed. Due to the effects of wall geometries, the strength of the outside detonation front is stronger than that of the inside portion. The detonation thus propagates with a constant circular velocity. Numerical simulation also shows three-dimensional rotating detonation structures, which display specific feature of the detonation- shock combined wave. Discrete burning gas pockets are formed due to instability of the discontinuity. It is believed that the present study could give an insight into the interest- ing properties of the continuously rotating detonation, and is thus beneficial to the design of continuous detonation propulsion systems.
基金The project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaState Education Commission and Tsinghua University
文摘The present analysis shows that the EVM can not reflect the turbulence physics in non-inertial frame. The effects of Coriolis force on turbulence is embodied naturally in the Reynolds-stress transport equation. It is observed that the existing second-moment closure model with appropriate near-wall treatment can adequately predict flows in rotating channel and in axially rotating pipe for moderate rotation rate.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.10735030,10675065,and 90503006PCSIRT (IRT0734)+1 种基金the National Basic Research Programme of China under Grant Nos.2007CB814800K.C.Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University
文摘The transformation groups and symmetries of the baroclinic mode for rotating stratified flow can be obtained via the standard approach. Applying the symmetry group on some special solutions, the newly obtained results disprove a known conjecture.
文摘An analysis is performed for the hydromagnetic second grade fluid flow between two horizontal plates in a rotating system in the presence of a magnetic field. The lower sheet is considered to be a stretching sheet, and the upper sheet is a porous solid plate. By suitable transformations, the equations of conservation of mass and momentum are reduced to a system of coupled non-linear ordinary differential equations. A series of solutions to this coupled non-linear system are obtained by a powerful analytic technique, i.e., the homotopy analysis method (HAM). The results are presented with graphs. The effects of non-dimensional parameters R, A, M2, a, and K2 on the velocity field are discussed in detail.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos10772166and10672151)the Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics(Grant No20050104)
文摘This paper solves the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation by a fractional-step method with the Reynolds number Reτ=194 and the rotation number Nτ=0-0.12. When Nτ is less than 0.06, the turbulence statistics relevant to the spanwise velocity fluctuation are enhanced, but other statistics are suppressed. When Nτ is larger than 0.06, all the turbulence statistics decrease significantly. Reynolds stress budgets elucidate that turbulence kinetic energy in the vertical direction is transferred into the streamwise and spanwise directions. The flow structures exhibit that the bursting processes near the bottom wall are ejected toward the free surface. Evident change of near-surface streak structures of the velocity fluctuations are revealed.
文摘The equations describing the flow of a viscoplastic fluid on a rotating disk are de-rived and are solved by perturbation technique and nurmerical computation respectivelyfor 2 cases. This makes it possible to calculate the thickness distribution of film. Twokinds of distribution of thickness have been found. For the viscoplastic fluid for whichboth viscosity and yield stress are independent of radial coordinate r, the thickness hdecreases with increasing r. For a Bingham fluid for which both viscosity and yieldstress are function of time and r. the thickness h increases with increasing r.
文摘A series of experiments were performed in a rotating annulus of fluid to study effects of rotation rate on pianeta ry-scale baroclinic wave flows. The experiments reveal that change in rotation rate of fluid container causes variation in Rossby number and Taylor number in flows and leads to change in flow patterns and in phase and amplitude of quasi-stationary waves. For instance, with increasing rotation rate, amplitude of quasi-stationary waves increases and phase shifts upstream. On the contrary, with decreasing rotation rate, amplitude of quasi-stationary waves de creases and phase shifts downstream. In the case of the earth's atmosphere, although magnitude of variation in earth's rotation rate is very small, yet it causes a very big change in zonal velocity component of wind in the atmosphere and of currents in the ocean, and therefore causes a remarkable change in Rossby number and Taylor number determining regimes in planetary-scale geophysical flows. 1 he observation reveals that intensity and geographic location of subtropic anticyclones in both of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres change consistently with the variation in earth's rotation rate. The results of fluid experiments are consistent, qualitatively, with observed phenomena in the atmospheric circulation.
文摘The nature of turbulent swirling and rotating flow in a straight pipe is investigated using a family of near-wall two-equation models. Specifically, the viability of three different near-wall two-equation models is assessed. These models are asymptotically consistent near the wall. The first two models, one with isotropic and another with anisotropic eddy viscosity invoked, solved a dissipation rate equation with no explicit correction made to account for swirl and flow rotation. The third model assumes an isotropic eddy viscosity but solves an improved dissipation rate equation that has explicit corrections made to account for swirl and flow rotation. Calculations of turbulent flows in the swirl number range 0.25 - 1.3 with and without a central recirculation region reveal that, with the exception of the third model, neither one of the other two models can replicate the mean field at the swirl numbers tested. Furthermore, taking stress anisotropy into account also fails to model swirl effect correctly. Significant improvements can be realized from the third model, which is based on an improved dissipation rate equation and the assumption of isotropic eddy viscosity. The predicted mean flow and turbulence statistics correlate well with measurements at low swirl. At high swirl, the two-equation model with an improved dissipation rate equation can still be used to model swirling and rotating pipe flows with a central recirculation region. However, its simulation of flows without a central recirculation region is not as satisfactory.
文摘The unsteady mixed convection squeezing flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid between two vertical parallel planes is discussed. The fluid is electrically conducting. The governing equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations (ODEs) by appropriate transformations. The transformed equations are solved successfully by a modern and powerful technique. The effects of the emerging parameters on the flow and heat transfer characteristics are studied and examined. The values of the skin friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number are tabulated and analyzed.
文摘It is found that the anomalous eutectics can be separated on macroscopic scale by flow caused by electromagnetic stirring, and the separated phase is the leading faceted phase with the solution entropy over 23 J/(mol·K). By using this technology, a new kind of composite pipe and gear with good abrasive properties were made without adding any reinforced particles. Emphases were paid on the researches about formation mechanism of separated eutectic and abrasive property of the composite pipe or gear. The result shows that the entropy of solution controlling the eutectic microstructure is also valid and useful as a criterion of separated eutectic, and the kind and its chemical scope of the off-eutectic used to make composite can be calculated according to this theory.
基金Sponsored by National Basic Research Program of China(2011CB012900)
文摘Heavy ingots are widely used in many industrial fields. The coarse grains formed during the process of in- got solidification influence the properties and fracture behaviors of the final products. The coarse grain growth was simulated under different thermal gradients. A 30Cr2Ni4MoV steel ingot was melted in a cubic crucible with dimen-sions of 15 cm×10 cm×23 cm, and the cooling conditions on each side of the crucible were controlled by different thermal curves. The influences of thermal gradients and rotational flows on grain growth in heavy steel ingots were then investigated both numerically and experimentally. The results showed that when the amplitude of the rotation angle was 60°, the metal was solidified under a reciprocating horizontal rotational condition when the angular velocity was 10 (°)/s or 20 (°)/s. As the thermal gradient increased, the lengths of the primary columnar grains in- creased, and the diameters of equiaxed grains decreased. When the direction of flow rotation was perpendicular to the direction of grain growth, the columnar grain zone was nearly eliminated, and the average diameter of equiaxed grains was 0.5 mm.
文摘As an integral part of the internal air system of aero-engines,the axial throughflow of the cooling air can interact with the cavity flow between the rotating compressor disks,forming a threedimensional,unsteady,and unstable flow field.The flow characteristics in an engine-like rotating multi-stage cavity with throughflow were investigated using particle image velocimetry,flow visualization technology and three-dimensional unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)simulations.The focus of current research was to understand the distribution of the mean swirl ratio and its variation with a wide range of non-dimensional parameters in the co-rotating cavity with high inlet pre-swirl axial throughflow.The maximum axial Reynolds number and rotational Reynolds numbers could reach 4.41×10^(4)and 1.24×10^(6),respectively.The velocity measurement results indicate that the mean swirl ratio is greater than 1 and decreases with an increase in the radial position.The flow structure is dominated by the Rossby number,and two different flow patterns (flow penetration and flow stratification) are identified and confirmed by flow visualization images.In the absence of buoyancy,the flow penetration caused by the precession of the throughflow makes it easier for the throughflow to reach a high radius region.Satisfactory consistency of results between measurements and numerical calculations is obtained.This study provides a theoretical basis and data support for toroidal vortex breakdown,which is of practical significance for the design of high-pressure compressor cavities.
基金supported by NSFC(91330116)NSFC(11371289)+1 种基金NSFC(11371288)State Major Basic Research and Development Project(2011CB 706505)
文摘In this article, we investigate three-dimensional solution with helical symmetry in a gap between two concentric rotating cylinders, inside is a helicoidal surface(screw propeller)while outside is a cylindrical surface. Establish the partial differential equations and its variational formulation satisfied by a helical solution in a helical coordinate system using tensor analysis method, we provide a computational method for the power and propulsion of the screw. The existence and uniqueness of weak helical solutions are proved.
基金This work is partially supported by NSF grants CBET-0651788 and DMS-0915066.
文摘The rotational incremental pressure-correction(RIPC)scheme,described in Timmermans et al.[Int.J.Numer.Methods.Fluids.,22(1996)]and Shen et al.[Math.Comput.,73(2003)]for non-rotational Navier-Stokes equations,is extended to rotating incompressible flows.The method is implemented in the context of a pseudo Fourier-spectral code and applied to several rotating laminar and turbulent flows.The performance of the scheme and the computational results are compared to the socalled diagonalization method(DM)developed by Morinishi et al.[Int.J.Heat.Fluid.Flow.,22(2001)].The RIPC predictions are in excellent agreement with the DM predictions,while being simpler to implement and computationally more efficient.The RIPC scheme is not in anyway limited to implementation in a pseudo-spectral code or periodic boundary conditions,and can be used in complex geometries and with other suitable boundary conditions.