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作者 叶堂林 张彦淑 《北京社会科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期15-27,共13页
基于2013—2022年京津冀地区13个城市的行业数据,采用首位度指数、Zipf位序—规模法则和标准差椭圆法,从产业规模、创新能力和引资能力三个层面,对京津冀地区数字产业发展的时空特征与动态演进趋势进行了深入分析,结果显示:京津冀地区... 基于2013—2022年京津冀地区13个城市的行业数据,采用首位度指数、Zipf位序—规模法则和标准差椭圆法,从产业规模、创新能力和引资能力三个层面,对京津冀地区数字产业发展的时空特征与动态演进趋势进行了深入分析,结果显示:京津冀地区数字产业规模差异仍然较大,但规模分布日趋合理;产业规模的空间分布呈显著扩张趋势,但其分布在径向上的不均衡性较为突出。京津冀地区数字产业创新能力不断提升,且地区间差距不断缩小;创新能力呈“先扩张,后集中,再扩张”的空间分布特征,但创新活动主要聚集在北京。京津冀地区数字产业引资能力逐年提高,但分散化的区域集聚特征逐步显现;数字经济服务业的引资能力主要聚集在北京,而数字产品制造业的引资能力则逐步向天津聚集。未来,应从共享共用数字产业创新资源平台、培强做优京津冀地区数字产业集群等方面促进京津冀数字产业发展。 展开更多
关键词 数字产业 标准差椭圆法 位序—规模法则 京津冀 动态演化
作者 朱诗能 韩萌 +3 位作者 杨书蓉 代震龙 杨文艳 丁剑 《计算机工程与应用》 北大核心 2025年第2期59-72,共14页
现实世界的场景中,从数据流中学习会面临着类不平衡的问题,学习算法由于缺少训练数据而无法有效识别少数类样本。为了介绍不平衡数据流集成分类的研究现状和面临的挑战,依据近年来的不平衡数据流集成分类领域文献,从基于加权、选择和投... 现实世界的场景中,从数据流中学习会面临着类不平衡的问题,学习算法由于缺少训练数据而无法有效识别少数类样本。为了介绍不平衡数据流集成分类的研究现状和面临的挑战,依据近年来的不平衡数据流集成分类领域文献,从基于加权、选择和投票的决策规则和基于代价敏感学习、主动学习和增量学习的学习方式的角度详细分析和总结了不平衡数据流的集成方法,并比较了使用相同数据集的算法的性能。针对处理不同类型复杂数据流中的不平问题,从概念漂移、多类、噪声和类重叠四个方面对其集成分类算法进行总结,分析了经典算法的时间复杂度。对动态数据流、缺失信息的数据流、多标签数据流和不确定数据流中不平衡问题的分类挑战提出了下一步的集成策略研究。 展开更多
关键词 不平衡数据流 集成分类 决策规则 学习方式 复杂数据流
作者 薛江林 刘雨欣 +7 位作者 钟佩 刘产明 陆兔林 李林 颜晓静 朱月琴 华丰 黄玮 《中国药房》 北大核心 2025年第1期44-50,共7页
目的优化孟河医派大黄煨制工艺,并比较炮制前后的化学成分含量差异。方法以外观性状评分以及没食子酸、5-羟甲基糠醛、番泻苷A+番泻苷B、结合蒽醌、游离蒽醌含量为评价指标,采用层次分析(AHP)-熵权法计算评价指标的综合评分;再以文火温... 目的优化孟河医派大黄煨制工艺,并比较炮制前后的化学成分含量差异。方法以外观性状评分以及没食子酸、5-羟甲基糠醛、番泻苷A+番泻苷B、结合蒽醌、游离蒽醌含量为评价指标,采用层次分析(AHP)-熵权法计算评价指标的综合评分;再以文火温度、煨制时间、纸张层数、纸裹时间为考察因素,采用正交实验优选大黄煨制工艺,并进行验证。比较按最优工艺制备的煨大黄和生大黄中5种蒽醌类成分(芦荟大黄素、大黄酸、大黄素、大黄酚和大黄素甲醚)、5种蒽醌苷类成分(芦荟大黄素苷、大黄酸苷、大黄素苷、大黄酚苷和大黄素甲醚苷)、2种番泻苷类成分(番泻苷A、番泻苷B)以及没食子酸和5-羟甲基糠醛的含量变化。结果大黄的最优煨制工艺为:每80 g大黄用1层湿纸包裹0.5 h,大火煨制20 min后转文火140℃煨制,总煨制时间2.5 h;3次验证实验的综合评分均值为94.10(RSD<1.0%)。大黄煨制后,5种蒽醌苷类成分和2种番泻苷类成分的含量均大幅降低,而5种游离蒽醌类成分和没食子酸的含量均不同程度升高,且有新成分5-羟甲基糠醛生成。结论本研究成功优化了大黄的煨制工艺;大黄煨制前后化学成分含量差异较大,其成分变化可阐释煨制对生大黄缓性增效的作用。 展开更多
关键词 煨大黄 大黄 层次分析 熵权法 正交实验 成分变化规律 孟河医派
Differently implicational α-universal triple I restriction method of (1, 2, 2) type 被引量:5
作者 Yiming Tang Fuji Ren Yanxiang Chen 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2012年第4期560-573,共14页
From the viewpoints of both fuzzy system and fuzzy reasoning, a new fuzzy reasoning method which contains the α- triple I restriction method as its particular case is proposed. The previous α-triple I restriction pr... From the viewpoints of both fuzzy system and fuzzy reasoning, a new fuzzy reasoning method which contains the α- triple I restriction method as its particular case is proposed. The previous α-triple I restriction principles are improved, and then the optimal restriction solutions of this new method are achieved, especially for seven familiar implications. As its special case, the corresponding results of α-triple I restriction method are obtained and improved. Lastly, it is found by examples that this new method is more reasonable than the α-triple I restriction method. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy reasoning fuzzy system triple I method triple Irestriction method compositional rule of inference method.
作者 曾国艳 徐扬 +1 位作者 陈树伟 姜世攀 《西南交通大学学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期185-193,共9页
基于一阶逻辑的自动定理证明器(ATP)在知识表达和自动推理研究中占据重要地位,而启发式策略则是提升ATP性能的关键研究方向.主流的启发式策略通常通过描述子句属性来确定属性优先级,从而选择子句,但属性优先级受人为因素影响,且评估子... 基于一阶逻辑的自动定理证明器(ATP)在知识表达和自动推理研究中占据重要地位,而启发式策略则是提升ATP性能的关键研究方向.主流的启发式策略通常通过描述子句属性来确定属性优先级,从而选择子句,但属性优先级受人为因素影响,且评估子句耗时较长.为此,本文基于矛盾体分离(S-CS)规则,提出一种新的多属性决策(MCDM)子句评估方法.首先,利用熵权法对子句属性进行客观赋权;其次,结合偏好顺序结构评估法(PROMETHEEⅡ)对子句进行评估,得到子句的完全排序;最后,将提出的MCDM方法加入自动定理证明器CSE 1.5(contradiction separation extension 1.5)、Vampire 4.7和Eprover(E 2.6)中,分别形成新的证明器MCDM_CSE、MCDM_V和MCDM_E.对MCDM_CSE测试了国际定理证明器问题库TPTP(Thousands of Problems for Theorem Provers)中一阶逻辑格式的定理,并对MCDM_V和MCDM_E测试了2022年CADE(Conference on Automated Deduction)竞赛例(一阶逻辑组).实验表明:MCDM_CSE比CSE 1.5多证明了151个定理(来自TPTP),并且能够证明Vampire 4.7无法证明的5个定理、E 2.6无法证明的41个定理以及Prover9无法证明的293个定理;在更短的平均时间内,MCDM_V比Vampire 4.7多证明了6个定理(来自CADE 2022),MCDM_E比E 2.6多证明了8个定理. 展开更多
关键词 一阶逻辑 矛盾体分离规则 启发式策略 多属性决策 熵权法
Recognizing Expression Variant and Occluded Face Images Based on Nested HMM and Fuzzy Rule Based Approach 被引量:1
作者 Parvathi Ramalingam Shanthi Dhanushkodi 《Circuits and Systems》 2016年第6期983-994,共12页
The face recognition with expression and occlusion variation becomes the greatest challenge in biometric applications to recognize people. The proposed work concentrates on recognizing occlusion and seven kinds of exp... The face recognition with expression and occlusion variation becomes the greatest challenge in biometric applications to recognize people. The proposed work concentrates on recognizing occlusion and seven kinds of expression variations such as neutral, surprise, happy, sad, fear, disgust and angry. During enrollment process, principle component analysis (PCA) detects facial regions on the input image. The detected facial region is converted into fuzzy domain data to make decision during recognition process. The Haar wavelet transform extracts features from the detected facial regions. The Nested Hidden markov model is employed to train these features and each feature of face image is considered as states in a Markov chain to perform learning among the features. The maximum likelihood for the input image was estimated by using Baum Welch algorithm and these features were kept on database. During recognition process, the expression and occlusion varied face image is taken as the test image and maximum likelihood for test image is found by following same procedure done in enrollment process. The matching score between maximum likelihood of input image and test image is computed and it is utilized by fuzzy rule based method to decide whether the test image belongs to authorized or unauthorized. The proposed work was tested among several expression varied and occluded face images of JAFFE and AR datasets respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Face Recognition Fuzzy rule Based method Expression and Occlusion Variation Baum Welch Algorithm Nested Hidden Markov Model
Error Control Strategies for Numerical Integrations in Fast Collocation Methods 被引量:2
作者 陈仲英 巫斌 许跃生 《Northeastern Mathematical Journal》 CSCD 2005年第2期233-252,共20页
We propose two error control techniques for numerical integrations in fast multiscale collocation methods for solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with weakly singular kernels. Both techniques utiliz... We propose two error control techniques for numerical integrations in fast multiscale collocation methods for solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with weakly singular kernels. Both techniques utilize quadratures for singular integrals using graded points. One has a polynomial order of accuracy if the integrand has a polynomial order of smoothness except at the singular point and the other has exponential order of accuracy if the integrand has an infinite order of smoothness except at the singular point. We estimate the order of convergence and computational complexity of the corresponding approximate solutions of the equation. We prove that the second technique preserves the order of convergence and computational complexity of the original collocation method. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the theoretical estimates. 展开更多
关键词 Fredholm integral equation of the second kind fast collocation method quadrature rule error control
作者 徐慧福 《Numerical Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities(English Series)》 SCIE 1994年第2期126-134,共9页
A kind of nondecreasing subgradient algorithm with appropriate stopping rule has been proposed for nonsmooth constrained minimization problem. The dual theory is invoked in dealing with the stopping rule and general g... A kind of nondecreasing subgradient algorithm with appropriate stopping rule has been proposed for nonsmooth constrained minimization problem. The dual theory is invoked in dealing with the stopping rule and general global minimiizing algorithm is employed as a subroutine of the algorithm. The method is expected to tackle a large class of nonsmooth constrained minimization problem. 展开更多
Designing fuzzy inference system based on improved gradient descent method
作者 Zhang Liquan Shao Cheng 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2006年第4期853-857,863,共6页
The distribution of sampling data influences completeness of rule base so that extrapolating missing rules is very difficult. Based on data mining, a self-learning method is developed for identifying fuzzy model and e... The distribution of sampling data influences completeness of rule base so that extrapolating missing rules is very difficult. Based on data mining, a self-learning method is developed for identifying fuzzy model and extrapolating missing rules, by means of confidence measure and the improved gradient descent method. The proposed approach can not only identify fuzzy model, update its parameters and determine optimal output fuzzy sets simultaneously, but also resolve the uncontrollable problem led by the regions that data do not cover. The simulation results show the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed approach with the classical truck backer-upper control problem verifying. 展开更多
关键词 data mining fuzzy system gradient descent method missing rule.
Quantization rules for low dimensional quantum dots
作者 许田 曹庄琪 方靖淮 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第12期4378-4381,共4页
This paper applies the analytical transfer matrix method (ATMM) to calculate energy eigenvalues of a particle in low dimensional sharp confining potential for the first time, and deduces the quantization rules of th... This paper applies the analytical transfer matrix method (ATMM) to calculate energy eigenvalues of a particle in low dimensional sharp confining potential for the first time, and deduces the quantization rules of this system. It presents three cases in which the applied method works very well. In the first quantum dot, the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunction are obtained, and compared with those acquired from the exact numerical analysis and the WKB (Wentzel, Kramers and Brillouin) method; in the second or the third case, we get the energy eigenvalues by the ATMM, and compare them with the EBK (Einstein, Brillouin and Keller) results or the wavefunction outcomes. From the comparisons, we find that the semiclassical method (WKB, EBK or wavefunction) is inexact in such systems. 展开更多
关键词 analytical transfer matrix method quantization rules energy eigenvalues confining potential
作者 王梅 张天时 +1 位作者 王志宝 任怡果 《计算机技术与发展》 2024年第4期24-29,共6页
数据不仅能产生价值,还对统计学的科学发展提供了动力。随着科技的飞速发展,海量数据得以涌现,但大规模的数据会导致很多传统处理方法很难满足各领域对数据分析的需求。面对海量数据时代学习算法的低效性,分治法通常被认为是解决这一问... 数据不仅能产生价值,还对统计学的科学发展提供了动力。随着科技的飞速发展,海量数据得以涌现,但大规模的数据会导致很多传统处理方法很难满足各领域对数据分析的需求。面对海量数据时代学习算法的低效性,分治法通常被认为是解决这一问题最直接、最广泛使用的策略。SVR是一种强大的回归算法,在模式识别和数据挖掘等领域有广泛应用。然而在处理大规模数据时,SVR训练效率低。为此,该文利用分治思想提出一种基于空间投影和聚类划分的SVR加速算法(PKM-SVR)。利用投影向量将数据投影到二维空间;利用聚类方法将数据空间划分为k个互不相交的区域;在每个区域上训练SVR模型;利用每个区域的SVR模型预测落入同一区域的待识别样本。在标准数据集上与传统的数据划分方法进行对比实验,实验结果表明该算法训练速度较快,并表现出更好的预测性能。 展开更多
关键词 大规模数据 分治法 支持向量回归 主成分分析 聚类
Tunable structure priors for Bayesian rule learning for knowledge integrated biomarker discovery
作者 Jeya Balaji Balasubramanian Vanathi Gopalakrishnan 《World Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2018年第5期98-109,共12页
AIM To develop a framework to incorporate background domain knowledge into classification rule learning for knowledge discovery in biomedicine.METHODS Bayesian rule learning(BRL) is a rule-based classifier that uses a... AIM To develop a framework to incorporate background domain knowledge into classification rule learning for knowledge discovery in biomedicine.METHODS Bayesian rule learning(BRL) is a rule-based classifier that uses a greedy best-first search over a space of Bayesian belief-networks(BN) to find the optimal BN to explain the input dataset, and then infers classification rules from this BN. BRL uses a Bayesian score to evaluate the quality of BNs. In this paper, we extended the Bayesian score to include informative structure priors, which encodes our prior domain knowledge about the dataset. We call this extension of BRL as BRL_p. The structure prior has a λ hyperparameter that allows the user to tune the degree of incorporation of the prior knowledge in the model learning process. We studied the effect of λ on model learning using a simulated dataset and a real-world lung cancer prognostic biomarker dataset, by measuring the degree of incorporation of our specified prior knowledge. We also monitored its effect on the model predictive performance. Finally, we compared BRL_p to other stateof-the-art classifiers commonly used in biomedicine.RESULTS We evaluated the degree of incorporation of prior knowledge into BRL_p, with simulated data by measuring the Graph Edit Distance between the true datagenerating model and the model learned by BRL_p. We specified the true model using informative structurepriors. We observed that by increasing the value of λ we were able to increase the influence of the specified structure priors on model learning. A large value of λ of BRL_p caused it to return the true model. This also led to a gain in predictive performance measured by area under the receiver operator characteristic curve(AUC). We then obtained a publicly available real-world lung cancer prognostic biomarker dataset and specified a known biomarker from literature [the epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) gene]. We again observed that larger values of λ led to an increased incorporation of EGFR into the final BRL_p model. This relevant background knowledge also led to a gain in AUC.CONCLUSION BRL_p enables tunable structure priors to be incorporated during Bayesian classification rule learning that integrates data and knowledge as demonstrated using lung cancer biomarker data. 展开更多
关键词 Supervised machine learning rule-BASED models BAYESIAN methods Background KNOWLEDGE INFORMATIVE PRIORS BIOMARKER discovery
Employ Game Teaching Methodinthe Primary School English Classroom 被引量:1
作者 吕春佳 《海外英语》 2015年第6期17-18,共2页
on the basis of linguistics, psychology and other related theory, we should carry outgame teaching method to make students learn easily and happily because of the lack of interestand other problems in some parts of ou... on the basis of linguistics, psychology and other related theory, we should carry outgame teaching method to make students learn easily and happily because of the lack of interestand other problems in some parts of our country. 展开更多
关键词 game teaching method theory basic PRINCIPLES USAGE ruleS
Heuristic Method for Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Combination Processing
作者 YI Ping LI Jian-jun XIONG He-gen 《Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing》 2009年第1期56-63,共8页
A job shop scheduling problem with a combination processing in complex production environment is proposed. Based on the defining of "non-elastic combination processing relativity" and "virtual process", the proble... A job shop scheduling problem with a combination processing in complex production environment is proposed. Based on the defining of "non-elastic combination processing relativity" and "virtual process", the problem can be simplified and transformed to a traditional one. On the basis of the dispatching rules select engine and considered factors of complex production environment, a heuristic method is designed. The algorithm has been applied to a mould enterprise in Shenzhen for half a year. The practice showed that by using the method suggested the number of delayed orders was decreased about 20% and the productivity was increased by 10 to 20%. 展开更多
关键词 combination processing relativity dispatching rules select engine heuristic method
Laplace Discrete Adomian Decomposition Method for Solving Nonlinear Integro Differential Equations
作者 H. O. Bakodah M. Al-Mazmumy +1 位作者 S. O. Almuhalbedi Lazim Abdullah 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2019年第6期1388-1407,共20页
This paper proposes the Laplace Discrete Adomian Decomposition Method and its application for solving nonlinear integro-differential equations. This method is based upon the Laplace Adomian decomposition method couple... This paper proposes the Laplace Discrete Adomian Decomposition Method and its application for solving nonlinear integro-differential equations. This method is based upon the Laplace Adomian decomposition method coupled with some quadrature rules of numerical integration. Four numerical examples of integro-differential equations in both Volterra and Fredholm integrals are used to be solved by the proposed method. The performance of the proposed method is verified through absolute error measures between the approximated solutions and exact solutions. The series of experimental numerical results show that our proposed method performs in high accuracy and efficiency. The study clearly highlights that the proposed method could be used to overcome the analytical approaches in solving nonlinear integro-differential equations. 展开更多
关键词 Integro-Differential EQUATION VOLTERRA Integro-Differential EQUATION FREDHOLM Integro-Differential EQUATION LAPLACE Adomian Decomposition method QUADRATURE rules
The Traveling Wave Solutions of Space-Time Fractional Differential Equation Using Fractional Riccati Expansion Method
作者 Xiaohua Liu 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2018年第10期1957-1967,共11页
In this paper, we firstly give a counterexample to indicate that the chain rule is lack of accuracy. After that, we put forward the fractional Riccati expansion method. No need to use the chain rule, we apply this met... In this paper, we firstly give a counterexample to indicate that the chain rule is lack of accuracy. After that, we put forward the fractional Riccati expansion method. No need to use the chain rule, we apply this method to fractional KdV-type and fractional Telegraph equations and obtain the tangent and cotangent functions solutions of these fractional equations for the first time. 展开更多
关键词 Conformable FRACTIONAL DERIVATIVE The Chain rule EXACT Solution FRACTIONAL RICCATI Expansion method
作者 陈金钊 《扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2024年第6期52-71,共20页
据法阐释依法办事之法的第一次确定,是指立法者创设制定法的活动。由于制定法规范是一般性、体系性的抽象存在,因而其实施需要在语境中具体化。制定法的具体化是抽象法律的重新确定。重新确定的实质是“法律注我,我注法律”的双向思维,... 据法阐释依法办事之法的第一次确定,是指立法者创设制定法的活动。由于制定法规范是一般性、体系性的抽象存在,因而其实施需要在语境中具体化。制定法的具体化是抽象法律的重新确定。重新确定的实质是“法律注我,我注法律”的双向思维,是人与法关系的互动,既需要克服惯常思维中存在的据法阐释依法办事思维的单向性,也需要防止主体性的随意发挥,在抽象法律具体化过程中使用法律方法。在语境中重新确定法律意义的总体方法,就是认同法治理想所设定的三段论思维方式,但需要打开制定法的封闭性,区分制定法与法,把法律价值以及其他社会规范等附条件地拟制为法;然后经过法源思维的过滤或使用法律思维规则,最终确定据法阐释依法办事之法。 展开更多
关键词 据法阐释 依法办事 法源思维 法律思维规则 法律方法
A Newton type iterative method for heat-conduction inverse problems
作者 贺国强 孟泽红 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI 2007年第4期531-539,共9页
An inverse problem for identification of the coefficient in heat-conduction equation is considered. After reducing the problem to a nonlinear ill-posed operator equation, Newton type iterative methods are considered. ... An inverse problem for identification of the coefficient in heat-conduction equation is considered. After reducing the problem to a nonlinear ill-posed operator equation, Newton type iterative methods are considered. The implicit iterative method is applied to the linearized Newton equation, and the key step in the process is that a new reasonable a posteriori stopping rule for the inner iteration is presented. Numerical experiments for the new method as well as for Tikhonov method and Bakushikskii method are given, and these results show the obvious advantages of the new method over the other ones. 展开更多
关键词 inverse problems nonlinear ill-posed operator equations Newton type method implicit iterative method iteration stopping rule
GB/T 13476-2023《先张法预应力混凝土管桩》主要条款解读
作者 田寅 匡红杰 +2 位作者 骆静静 王涛 张立力 《混凝土与水泥制品》 2024年第6期75-82,共8页
新修订的国家标准GB/T 13476—2023《先张法预应力混凝土管桩》已于2024年3月1日实施。为便于该标准的各使用方准确理解标准条款的具体含义,正确贯彻实施标准条款的具体要求和规定,介绍了该标准的修订背景和意义,并对标准的主要条款进... 新修订的国家标准GB/T 13476—2023《先张法预应力混凝土管桩》已于2024年3月1日实施。为便于该标准的各使用方准确理解标准条款的具体含义,正确贯彻实施标准条款的具体要求和规定,介绍了该标准的修订背景和意义,并对标准的主要条款进行了解读。 展开更多
关键词 预应力混凝土管桩 国家标准 要求 试验方法 检验规则
作者 陈琦 王冠楠 王华 《工程管理科技前沿》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期1-8,共8页
农产品区块链溯源系统能够有效降低传统溯源系统中溯源信息失效风险,保障农产品安全。但在实际应用中也面临着消费者信任难以建立的问题,严重阻碍了区块链技术在农产品行业的普及和发展。本文利用内容分析、机器学习和关联规则方法,基... 农产品区块链溯源系统能够有效降低传统溯源系统中溯源信息失效风险,保障农产品安全。但在实际应用中也面临着消费者信任难以建立的问题,严重阻碍了区块链技术在农产品行业的普及和发展。本文利用内容分析、机器学习和关联规则方法,基于期望违背理论,探讨了溯源系统中消费者信任的影响因素及其作用机制。研究发现,农产品区块链溯源系统的信息认证和技术特性能够提升消费者的信任水平。此外,消费者期望违背、农产品地理标志和产品类别在系统特性与消费者信任之间起到显著的调节作用。本文拓展了区块链溯源场景下消费者信任的相关研究,同时也为区块链在农产品溯源领域的进一步落地应用提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 农产品区块链溯源系统 消费者信任 关联规则 内容分析法 期望违背理论
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