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5轮SAFER++的非线性密码分析 被引量:3
作者 吴文玲 马恒太 +1 位作者 唐柳英 卿斯汉 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期961-965,共5页
SAFER + +是进入NESSIE第二轮评估的 7个算法之一 .设计者称 2 .5轮SAFER + +可以抵抗线性密码分析 .JNakahara指出对某些密钥 ,改进型线性密码分析攻击 4轮SAFER + +比强力攻击有效 .本文对SAFER + +的基础模块深入分析和测试后 ,对 5... SAFER + +是进入NESSIE第二轮评估的 7个算法之一 .设计者称 2 .5轮SAFER + +可以抵抗线性密码分析 .JNakahara指出对某些密钥 ,改进型线性密码分析攻击 4轮SAFER + +比强力攻击有效 .本文对SAFER + +的基础模块深入分析和测试后 ,对 5轮SAFER + +进行非线性密码分析 ;攻击对 2 2 52 个 2 5 6比特长度的密钥有效 ,攻击的数据复杂度为 2 12 0 .虽然此攻击对SAFER + +的实际安全构不成威胁 ,但是显示非线性密码分析攻击 5轮SAFER + +比强力攻击有效 ,也说明了非线性密码分析攻击 5轮SAFER + 展开更多
关键词 线性密码分析 非线性密码分析 线性逼近 非线性逼近 safer++
对低轮SAFER++的差分-非线性密码分析 被引量:2
作者 张文涛 卿斯汉 吴文玲 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期791-798,共8页
SAFER + +是进入NESSIE第 2轮评估的 7个分组算法之一 采用差分密码分析和非线性密码分析相结合的方法对 4轮、5轮和 6轮SAFER + +进行分析 ,结果表明 :6轮SAFER + +对这种攻击方法不免疫 ;攻击 4轮和 5轮SAFER + +时 ,与已有结果相比 ... SAFER + +是进入NESSIE第 2轮评估的 7个分组算法之一 采用差分密码分析和非线性密码分析相结合的方法对 4轮、5轮和 6轮SAFER + +进行分析 ,结果表明 :6轮SAFER + +对这种攻击方法不免疫 ;攻击 4轮和 5轮SAFER + +时 ,与已有结果相比 ,攻击复杂度大大减小 攻击对 2 2 50 个 2 5 展开更多
关键词 差分密码分析 非线性密码分析 差分-非线性密码分析 safer++ NESSIE
SAFER++的差分分析 被引量:1
作者 郑世慧 王小云 +1 位作者 王美琴 张国艳 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第30期21-23,共3页
SAFER++是欧洲信息工程的参选算法,并且是进入第2轮的7个候选算法之一。算法的设计者称5轮SAFER++算法可以抵抗差分分析。本文利用异或差分与模减差分串连得到3.75轮的高概率特征,对4轮SAFER++进行选择明文攻击。攻击过程的计算复杂度约... SAFER++是欧洲信息工程的参选算法,并且是进入第2轮的7个候选算法之一。算法的设计者称5轮SAFER++算法可以抵抗差分分析。本文利用异或差分与模减差分串连得到3.75轮的高概率特征,对4轮SAFER++进行选择明文攻击。攻击过程的计算复杂度约为298.2次加密运算,数据复杂度是296,可以恢复出12字节的密钥。而且如果存在4轮特征(设计者称已经通过搜索的方法找到),可以利用本文提出的方法得到更高轮数的特征,用于攻击5轮以上的SAFER++算法。 展开更多
关键词 密码分析 safer++ 差分分析
SERPENT和SAFER密码算法的能量攻击 被引量:1
作者 吴文玲 蒙杨 +1 位作者 冯登国 卿斯汉 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期90-92,共3页
SERPENT和SAFER是AES的两个候选算法 ,本文使用能量攻击方法对它们进行了深入分析 ,结果表明 :对于 2 5 6、192和 12 8比特密钥的SERPENT算法 ,能量攻击平均需分别进行 2 159、2 119和 2 79次试验 .虽然所需的试验次数实际没法达到 ,但... SERPENT和SAFER是AES的两个候选算法 ,本文使用能量攻击方法对它们进行了深入分析 ,结果表明 :对于 2 5 6、192和 12 8比特密钥的SERPENT算法 ,能量攻击平均需分别进行 2 159、2 119和 2 79次试验 .虽然所需的试验次数实际没法达到 ,但是此攻击方法大大地降低了SERPENT的密钥规模 ,并且发现对于能量攻击 ,SERPENT有许多弱密钥 .经过深入分析和穷尽搜索可知 :能量攻击可以获取SAFER的种子密钥 .文中还给出了两种抵抗能量攻击的SER PENT的改进密钥方案以及设计密钥方案时需注意的问题 . 展开更多
关键词 密钥 能量攻击 SERPRENT safer 密码算法
SAFER-64的多重线性密码分析 被引量:1
作者 侯宇 苏开宇 闫勇 《中国计量学院学报》 2006年第1期56-59,共4页
关键词 多重线性密码分析 线性逼近 safer-64
作者 张超 庄奕琪 +2 位作者 李振荣 牛玉峰 曾志斌 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期1010-1013,共4页
WPAN(无线个人区域网)中蓝牙微微网间的同频碰撞是影响网络数据吞吐量的主要因素。建立WPAN网络模型,分析了WPAN网络的数据传输性能与组成网络的蓝牙微微网数量以及蓝牙跳频序列性能三者之间的关系,推导了三者之间的关系式,采用Safer+... WPAN(无线个人区域网)中蓝牙微微网间的同频碰撞是影响网络数据吞吐量的主要因素。建立WPAN网络模型,分析了WPAN网络的数据传输性能与组成网络的蓝牙微微网数量以及蓝牙跳频序列性能三者之间的关系,推导了三者之间的关系式,采用Safer+算法生成跳频选择序列代替原有跳频算法,改善WPAN网络数据传输,并进行了计算机仿真。使用SOC平台和CSR公司的Bluecore4蓝牙模块组建测试WPAN进行实测,证明了仿真的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 WPAN 数据传输性能仿真 safer+ 跳频 蓝牙
SAFER-64的弱密钥 被引量:1
作者 侯宇 《中国计量学院学报》 2007年第1期54-58,共5页
通过对SARER-64系统基础模块的深入分析,构建了由6个线性逼近式组成的循环逼近式系统.由于循环性,该逼近式系统可以用来对任意轮次的SARER-64进行多重线性密码分析,从而确定系统的弱密钥.现以五轮SARER-64为例,构建多重线性逼近式并分... 通过对SARER-64系统基础模块的深入分析,构建了由6个线性逼近式组成的循环逼近式系统.由于循环性,该逼近式系统可以用来对任意轮次的SARER-64进行多重线性密码分析,从而确定系统的弱密钥.现以五轮SARER-64为例,构建多重线性逼近式并分析系统的弱密钥. 展开更多
关键词 弱密钥 多重线性密码分析 线性逼近式 循环逼近式系统 safer-64
作者 胡予濮 肖国镇 张玉清 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期730-735,共6页
给出了迭代分组密码SAFER +的一个变形算法SAFER +M ,改变了轮函数中的线性层 ,从而获得加解密钥相似性 .分析表明SAFER +M的简洁性和安全性均不弱于SAFER + .
关键词 信息安全 分组密码 safer+ 差分密码分析
作者 胡予濮 肖国镇 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第5期78-81,共4页
关键词 信息安全 分组密码 safer 差分密码分析
作者 胡予濮 肖国镇 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1999年第S1期114-119,共6页
关键词 信息安全 分组密码 safer
作者 张文涛 吴文玲 卿斯汉 《中国科学院研究生院学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期415-421,共7页
SAFER系列密码算法的总体结构采用SP 网络,它的设计具有其独到的几个特色。分析SAFER系列密码算法的设计思想,沿着设计者对它们不断改进的思路,分别描述其混淆层、扩散层、密钥扩展算法的性质和对它们的攻击。
关键词 safer系列密码算法 分组密码 混淆层 扩散层 密钥扩展算法 算法设计 SP-网络
基于SAFER+算法的跳频序列族构造 被引量:1
作者 胡斌 庄奕琪 +1 位作者 郭锋 耿阿囡 《电子器件》 CAS 2007年第3期1034-1037,共4页
跳频序列的性能对跳频通信系统性能有着决定性的影响.本文基于密码学的加密机制,提出构造一种跳频序列族的方法.在此基础上对产生的跳频序列从安全性,均匀性,线性复杂度,汉明相关性等各个方面进行了全面的理论分析和计算机仿真,证明了基... 跳频序列的性能对跳频通信系统性能有着决定性的影响.本文基于密码学的加密机制,提出构造一种跳频序列族的方法.在此基础上对产生的跳频序列从安全性,均匀性,线性复杂度,汉明相关性等各个方面进行了全面的理论分析和计算机仿真,证明了基于SAFER+算法产生的跳频序列族有着优秀的性能,满足跳频序列族的要求;利用VHDL语言通过FPGA的综合,证明了该算法的芯片可实现性. 展开更多
关键词 分组密码 safer+ 跳频序列 FPGA
SAFER-64密码分析的加速技术 被引量:2
作者 侯宇 苏开宇 闫勇 《中国计量学院学报》 2005年第1期27-30,65,共5页
关键词 加速技术 密码分析 混合差分法 选择策略 分析速度 剔除法 密钥 明文 算法 字节
Predictors of multiple injuries in individual distance runners:A retrospective study of 75,401 entrants in 4 annual races-SAFER XX 被引量:4
作者 Sonja Swanevelder Nicola Sewry +1 位作者 Martin Schwellnus Esme Jordaan 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2022年第3期339-346,共8页
Background There are limited data on factors that predict an increased risk of multiple injuries among distance runners.The objective of this study was to determine risk factors that are predictive of individual runne... Background There are limited data on factors that predict an increased risk of multiple injuries among distance runners.The objective of this study was to determine risk factors that are predictive of individual runners with a high annual multiple injury risk(MIR).Methods A retrospective,cross-sectional study at 4 annual(2012-2015)Two Oceans 21.1 km and 56.0 km races in South Africa with 75,401 consenting race entrants.Running-related injury data were collected retrospectively through an online pre-race medical screening questionnaire.The average number of injuries for each runner every year was calculated by taking a runner's race entry history and injury history into account and categorizing entrants into 4 MIR categories(high,intermediate,low,and very low(reference)).Multiple logistic regression modeling(odds ratios)was used to determine whether the following factors were predictive of a high MIR(average>1 injury/year):demographics,training and racing,chronic-disease history(composite chronic disease score(CCDS)),and history of allergies.Results Of all entrants,9.2%reported at least 1 injury,and 0.4%of entrants were in the high MIR category;the incidence rate was 2.5 injuries per 10 runner-years(95%confidence interval(95%CI):2.4-2.7).Significant factors predictive of runners in the high MIR category were:running for>20 years:OR=2.0(95%CI:1.3-3.1;p=0.0010);a higher CCDS:OR=2.2(95%CI:2.0-2.4;p<0.0001);and a history of allergies:OR=2.8(95%CI:2.0-3.8;p<0.0001).Conclusion Runners who have been running recreationally for>20 years and those with multiple chronic diseases or a history of allergies were at higher risk of multiple running-related injuries.This high-risk group can be targeted for further study and possible injury-prevention interventions. 展开更多
关键词 Allergies Chronic diseases Multiple injuries Risk factors safer study
Novel and safer endoscopic cholecystectomy using only a flexible endoscope via single port 被引量:1
作者 Hirohito Mori Nobuya Kobayashi +6 位作者 Hideki Kobara Noriko Nishiyama Shintaro Fujihara Taiga Chiyo Maki Ayaki Takashi Nagase Tsutomu Masaki 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第13期3558-3563,共6页
AIM: To apply the laparoscopic and endoscopic cooperative surgery concept, we investigated whether endoscopic cholecystectomy could be performed more safely and rapidly via only 1 port or not.METHODS: Two dogs(11 and ... AIM: To apply the laparoscopic and endoscopic cooperative surgery concept, we investigated whether endoscopic cholecystectomy could be performed more safely and rapidly via only 1 port or not.METHODS: Two dogs(11 and 13-mo-old female Beagle) were used in this study. Only 1 blunt port was created, and a flexible endoscope with a tip attachment was inserted between the fundus of gallbladder and liver. After local injection of saline to the gallbladder bed, resection of the gallbladder bed from the liver was performed. After complete resection of the gallbladder bed, the gallbladder was pulled up to resect its neck using the Ring-shaped thread technique. The neck of the gallbladder was cut using scissor forceps. Resected gallbladder was retrieved using endoscopic net forceps via a port. RESULTS: The operation times from general anesthetizing with sevoflurane to finishing the closure of the blunt port site were about 50 min and 60 min respectively. The resection times of gallbladder bed were about 15 min and 13 min respectively without liver injury and bleeding at all. Feed were given just after next day of operation, and they had a good appetite. Two dogs are in good health now and no complications for 1 mo after endoscopic cholecystectomy using only a flexible endoscope via one port.CONCLUSION: We are sure of great feasibility of endoscopic cholecystectomy via single port for human. 展开更多
关键词 Laparoscopic and endoscopic cooperative surgery Endoscopic cholecystectomy Single port safer and complete resection FEASIBILITY
Food economics and policies: Challenges and approaches toward better nutrition and safer food in China 被引量:1
作者 BAI Jun-fei ZHU Chen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第8期1737-1739,共3页
China has achieved unprecedented successes in feeding the 1.3 billion population in the past few decades. Per capita occupation of grain and milk increased from 316.6 and 1 kg in 1978 to 445.7 and 26.85 kg in 2016, re... China has achieved unprecedented successes in feeding the 1.3 billion population in the past few decades. Per capita occupation of grain and milk increased from 316.6 and 1 kg in 1978 to 445.7 and 26.85 kg in 2016, respectively. Per capita meat occupation also reached 61.9 kg in 2016 from nearly nothing at the beginning of the reform and opening (NBSC 1979-2018). With these successes in agricultural production, the quality of food consum ption has also improved significantly. 展开更多
SAFER K_(64)加密算法及其可逆性的证明
作者 杨波 王育民 《电子科技》 1998年第1期20-23,27,共5页
关键词 safer 加密 解密 密钥 可逆性 保密通信
The meaning, lived experiences and intentions for safer sex communication among young Batswana women in dyadic relationships
作者 Mabel K. M. Magowe 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2012年第3期262-269,共8页
Increased heterosexual transmission of HIV among young women and their difficulties with safer sex communication calls for women-focused research. This qualitative phenomenological study explored the meaning and lived... Increased heterosexual transmission of HIV among young women and their difficulties with safer sex communication calls for women-focused research. This qualitative phenomenological study explored the meaning and lived experiences of women, as part of larger pre-dissertation pilot on health protective sexual communication among young women in Gaborone, Botswana. This was a study conducted in two Gaborone City Council MCH clinics. Twenty women participated in individual in-depth interviews conducted in Setswana, tape-recorded, transcribed verbatim, translated into English for line by line analysis to extract themes and subthemes. Six main themes and nine subthemes emerged from the data. The main themes were: the meaning of HPSC, responsibility for HPSC, HPSC content, facilitating factors, partner’s response. Batswana women communicate with their male sexual partners about safer sex but face some difficulties. Further quantitative research can further explore women’s experiences with safer sex communication. 展开更多
关键词 LIVED Experiences safer SEX COMMUNICATION HIV Prevention
SAFER-64密码分析的混合差分法 被引量:3
作者 闫勇 苏开宇 侯宇 《中国计量学院学报》 2003年第2期109-113,共5页
 针对SARER 64密码系统给出了两种形式的差分构成混合差分对,研究了差分对与密文对分布的关系。发现不同差分对所对应的密文对集合在阶数上和元素分布上都是不均匀的,并且有许多空集,由此建立了密码分析的新方法———混合差分法。理...  针对SARER 64密码系统给出了两种形式的差分构成混合差分对,研究了差分对与密文对分布的关系。发现不同差分对所对应的密文对集合在阶数上和元素分布上都是不均匀的,并且有许多空集,由此建立了密码分析的新方法———混合差分法。理论分析和数字试验表明它是攻击SAFER 64的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 混合差分法 SARER-64密码系统 密文对 差分对 分布 密码分析
World Standards Day Message 14 October 2005 Standards for a safer world
作者 Renzo TANI Masami TANAKA Yoshio UTSUMI 《China Standardization》 2005年第5期1-2,共2页
We all want to live in a safer, more secure world. But earthquakes andhurricanes, floods, transportation and domestic accidents, epidemics and industrial disasters stillaccount for many thousands of deaths and injurie... We all want to live in a safer, more secure world. But earthquakes andhurricanes, floods, transportation and domestic accidents, epidemics and industrial disasters stillaccount for many thousands of deaths and injuries each year, in addition to material and socialdamage. International Standards offer widely accepted and recognized solutions to prevent andrespond to these threats. The role that standards can play in preventing or mitigating such humanand material losses is increasingly recognized and their use is rising as a consequence. 'Standardsfor a Safer World' is the theme of this year's World Standards Day to be celebrated on 14 October2005. The International Standards produced by the world' s leading international standards-settingorganizations-International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the International Organization forStandardization (ISO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), provide a valuable safetynet. 展开更多
关键词 World Standards Day Message 14 October 2005 Standards for a safer world ITU
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