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Applications of seismic moment tensor inversion in fast response to earthquakes 被引量:1
作者 刘瑞丰 陈运泰 +2 位作者 周公威 涂毅敏 陈培善 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 1999年第2期129-136,共8页
Using the technique of seismic moment tensor inversion, the source mechanisms of 10 earthquakes with Ms5.2that occurred in China from November 1996 to January 1998 were determined rapidly. The determined resultswere s... Using the technique of seismic moment tensor inversion, the source mechanisms of 10 earthquakes with Ms5.2that occurred in China from November 1996 to January 1998 were determined rapidly. The determined resultswere sent as 'Bulletins of Source Mechanism Parameters of Earthquakes' to the Seismic Regime Guards' Office,China Seismological Bureau, and the relevant provincial seismological bureaus. These bulletins have played rolein the fast response to large earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 seismic moment tensor INVERSION seismic source mechanism fault plane solution earthquake monitoring
作者 Xu Caijun Liu Jingnan +1 位作者 Li Zhicai Dong Lixiang 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2000年第4期54-60,共7页
We have determined approximate average rates of deformation in the Qinghai_Tibet plateau and its margins from the GPS data for last 10 years and the moment tensors from earthquakes between 1900 and 1999.We also determ... We have determined approximate average rates of deformation in the Qinghai_Tibet plateau and its margins from the GPS data for last 10 years and the moment tensors from earthquakes between 1900 and 1999.We also determined the strain rate (seismic strain rate) associated with the seismic deformation using 254 M w ≥5.0 earthquakes,and estimated the shortening and extension rates for every block in the area as well.We also estimated the strain rate (geodetic strain rate)by 80 GPS sites’ velocity vectors and analyzed characteristic of kinematics by two kinds of strain rates and discussed earthquake potential in the area.As a result,the deformation rates from seismic moment tensors and from GPS velocities are basically agreed with each other.It is feasible to analyze seismic risk by comparing geodetic strain rate with seismic strain rate based on the opinion that strain energy will be released through earthquake.It is concluded that there is no strong earthquake potential (>M7) in the Qinghai_Tibet plateau and its margins,but there is earthquake potential (>M5) in middle Tibet in a few years. 展开更多
关键词 deformation kinematics earthquake strain rates GPS seismic moment tensor Qinghai_Tibet PLATEAU
作者 夏国朝 刘凤和 +3 位作者 杨艳 周宗良 何雄涛 张凡磊 《工程地球物理学报》 2024年第1期62-71,共10页
北大港构造带千米桥奥陶系潜山顶部发育的碳酸盐岩古岩溶残丘作为一种重要的古地貌和油气储集单元,具备良好的成藏条件,有效地刻画古岩溶残丘储层对于残丘储层的油气运移聚集分析及勘探开发有着非常重要的意义。本文首先应用地震印模法... 北大港构造带千米桥奥陶系潜山顶部发育的碳酸盐岩古岩溶残丘作为一种重要的古地貌和油气储集单元,具备良好的成藏条件,有效地刻画古岩溶残丘储层对于残丘储层的油气运移聚集分析及勘探开发有着非常重要的意义。本文首先应用地震印模法对千米桥奥陶系潜山风化壳岩溶古地貌进行精细刻画,揭示该区发育5个岩溶残丘,4个岩溶沟谷,表现为山上有山的特征;同时井震融合分析认为潜山风化壳储层大多分布在风化壳面以下0~200 m范围内,主潜山各区块风化壳残余厚度差别较大,岩溶残丘之上构造高点残余厚度大。通过成像测井和常规测井曲线上异常显示识别残丘风化壳内幕发育的岩溶洞穴,主要有大溶洞和中小溶蚀孔洞两种。应用提频地震体开展正演模拟,明确优势缝洞体储层的地震反射特征,结合张量方向场裂缝定量预测技术,能精细地预测碳酸盐岩缝洞复合体储层,以指导残丘风化壳储层油气潜力目标区的评价开发。 展开更多
关键词 古岩溶残丘 井震融合 古地貌恢复 张量方向场 岩溶储层
作者 刘俊清 张小刚 +3 位作者 张宇 蔡宏雷 陈卓 包秀敏 《地震》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期169-177,共9页
基于区域宽频带数字地震台网观测到的地震记录,采用多点源地震矩张量反演方法对2023年甘肃积石山M_(S)6.2地震进行了地震矩张量反演研究。结果显示,该地震震源机制解的NE倾的节面(走向312°,倾角48°,滑动角76°)为发震断裂... 基于区域宽频带数字地震台网观测到的地震记录,采用多点源地震矩张量反演方法对2023年甘肃积石山M_(S)6.2地震进行了地震矩张量反演研究。结果显示,该地震震源机制解的NE倾的节面(走向312°,倾角48°,滑动角76°)为发震断裂,主体地震矩从震源向地表沿滑动矢量的方向(方位角236°,倾伏角40.5°)释放,主破裂持续时间约为5.8 s,与此同时,地震破裂区断层面上发生了次级的双侧破裂。 展开更多
关键词 积石山6.2级地震 地震矩张量 多点源 发震构造
作者 韩光洁 徐泰然 +3 位作者 戴丹青 刘敬光 邓文泽 席楠 《中国地震》 北大核心 2024年第1期208-222,共15页
地震时空强参数已不能满足日益增长的最大限度减轻地震灾害的需求。作为国家级地震监测中心,中国地震台网中心联合各研究所和试点省局,建设了大震应急产品产出与服务平台。中强震发生后,该平台准实时产出除地震三要素之外的多类地震参... 地震时空强参数已不能满足日益增长的最大限度减轻地震灾害的需求。作为国家级地震监测中心,中国地震台网中心联合各研究所和试点省局,建设了大震应急产品产出与服务平台。中强震发生后,该平台准实时产出除地震三要素之外的多类地震参数和图件,为及时准确评估受灾区域和灾损程度、揭示地震成因和致灾机理提供了丰富的基础资料,第一时间服务于救援决策和震情会商,显著提升了国家级地震监测中心的应急处置和践行减轻地震灾害的能力。 展开更多
关键词 大震应急产品 地震矩张量 震源破裂过程 地震烈度
Higher degree moment tensor inversion of Mani earthquake using far-field broadband recording 被引量:2
作者 刘瑞丰 陈运泰 +3 位作者 成瑾 杨辉 韩炜 牟磊育 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 2000年第3期241-248,共8页
Breakthrough point source model, extended earthquake source model is used to calculate more seismic source parameters in this paper. We express seismic source using higher degree moment tensors, to reduce a Iarge numb... Breakthrough point source model, extended earthquake source model is used to calculate more seismic source parameters in this paper. We express seismic source using higher degree moment tensors, to reduce a Iarge number terms originally presenting in higher degree moment tensor representation, Haskell rupture model is used. We in verted the source parameters of Mani earthquake in Tibet using broad-band body wave of 32 stations of Global Seismograph Network (GSN), the results show that it is a strike-slip fault, rupture direction is 75°, rupture duration is 19 s, the fault plan is φ=77°, δ5=88°, A=0°, the auxiliare plane is φ=347°, δ=90°, k=178°, and the fault dimension is 47 km×28 km. These results will give new quantitative data for earth dynamics and have practical meaning for seismic source tomography research. 展开更多
关键词 Mani earthquake higher degree moment tensor seismic source parameters broad band DIGITIZATION
Studies on seismic source
作者 李世愚 陈运泰 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 2003年第5期479-491,共13页
During the period of 1999~2002, the Chinese seismologists made a serious of developments in the study on seismic sources including observations, experiments and theory. In the field of observation, the methods of the ... During the period of 1999~2002, the Chinese seismologists made a serious of developments in the study on seismic sources including observations, experiments and theory. In the field of observation, the methods of the accuracy location of earthquake sources, the inversion of seismic moment tensor and the mechanism of earthquake source are improved and developed. A lot of important earthquake events are studied by using these methods. The rupture processes of these events are inverted and investigated combined with the local stress fields and the tectonic moment by using the measurements of surface deformation. In the fields of experiments and theory, many developments are obtained in cause of seismic formation, condition of stress and tectonics, dynamics of earthquake rupture, rock fracture and nucleation of strong earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 seismic moment tensor source parameter of earthquake physics of earthquake source
Moment tensor inversion of near-source broadband data
作者 吴忠良 陈运泰 +2 位作者 倪江川 王培德 王鸣 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 1994年第2期187-199,共13页
Moment tensor inversion was carried out for small and moderate earthquakes with near-source broadband data recorded by a temporal small-aperture network consisting of three component accelerographs. Accelerograms were... Moment tensor inversion was carried out for small and moderate earthquakes with near-source broadband data recorded by a temporal small-aperture network consisting of three component accelerographs. Accelerograms were integrated twice to produce displacement seismograms and filtered by a Butterworth band-pass filter. Green's functions were calculated for a homogeneous semi-infinite elastic medium in the inversion. Direct P,S and converted SP phases were identified for the inversion with reference to the synthetic seismograms. Through the moment tensor inversion it is demonstrated that with very simple structure model and selected phases, one is able to retrieve the source mechanism and the seismic moment for small events, andthe source mechanism for moderate events. It is also demonstrated that the technique described in this studyis convenient for the determination of source mechanismal and stress state in dealing with numbers of small andmoderate earthquakes without detailed knowledge about the structure. As an application of the present technique, moment tensors of 15 aftershocks of the Ms 6. 1 earthquake occurred on April 18, 1985 in Luquan,Yunnan Province, China were retrieved. The inversion results show that these events can be reasonably modeled by a predominant double couple. It can be found from the distribution of principal stress axes and the average moment tensor that the pressure axis in this area lies horizontally in the NNW direction, which is consistent with the results obtained from previous studies. It implies that the occurrence of the Luquan earthquake sequence is tectonically related to the relative collision motion between the Indian and Eurasian Plates. 展开更多
关键词 near-source broadband data seismic moment tensor stress state Luquan earthquake
GNSS资料解译2022年泸定M_(W)6.6地震 被引量:1
作者 徐锐 陈聪 +2 位作者 饶太国 刘雪梅 罗凌 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期1409-1418,共10页
使用泸定M_(W)6.6地震100 km范围内的10个高频GNSS站点和150 km范围内的36个静态GNSS站点资料解译了本次地震的发震特征.高频GNSS观测结果表明,(1)本次地震总的能量释放时间约为17 s,主要能量释放时间约为11 s;(2)距离起始震中约7.6 km... 使用泸定M_(W)6.6地震100 km范围内的10个高频GNSS站点和150 km范围内的36个静态GNSS站点资料解译了本次地震的发震特征.高频GNSS观测结果表明,(1)本次地震总的能量释放时间约为17 s,主要能量释放时间约为11 s;(2)距离起始震中约7.6 km的磨西(MOXI)站点,其东西向震动幅度(约29 cm)略大于南北向(约26 cm),但南北向同震位移(约9.31 cm)却明显大于东西向(约1.80 cm).MOXI站高程方向似乎在瞬间发生了下沉错动;(3)根据地震起始时间与GNSS地震动峰值到达时间推测,地震动峰值能量向南北两侧传播的速度基本相当;(4)高频GNSS资料反演得到的本次地震的矩心深度(2 km)明显浅于GCMT结果(18.4 km).使用36个静态GNSS站点资料进一步反演了矩心深度和断层滑动模型.结果表明,近场GNSS资料约束的本次地震的矩心深度较浅(不超过6 km)、断层面倾角较陡(86°或者更大),且产生了明显的地表破裂. 展开更多
关键词 泸定地震 GNSS 反演 发震特征 矩张量 矩心深度
Seismic Waves in Layered Media
作者 Dmytro Malytskyy Eduard Kozlovskyy 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第5期311-325,共15页
关键词 水平层状介质 地震波 边界条件 微分方程组 自由表面 分层介质 生理参数 任意方向
Physics of Seismic Sources Ⅰ. Presentation of Seismic Sources
作者 Chen Yuntai and Wu ZhongliangInstitute of Geophysics, CSB, Beijing 100081, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 1999年第2期17-30,共14页
The description of a seismic source in terms of seismic moment tensors is one of the most important advances in the physics of seismic sources. In this article, the fundamental concepts associated with seismic moment ... The description of a seismic source in terms of seismic moment tensors is one of the most important advances in the physics of seismic sources. In this article, the fundamental concepts associated with seismic moment tensors are introduced, with emphasis on application of the interpretation of broadband digital seismograms. The introduction includes the representation theorem, concepts of seismic moment tensors, geometry of seismic moment tensors, moment tensor inversion, source time function, empirical Green’s function, and the spatio-temporal slip function. The physical significance of the concept of a point source is also discussed from the perspective of broadband seismology. 展开更多
关键词 seismic MOMENT tensor Source time FUNCTION Empirical Green’s FUNCTION
Using Long-Period Body Wave to Inverse Moment Tensors of the M_S6.8 Jiashi,Xinjiang Earthquake in 2003 and the Moderate and Small Earthquakes before and after It
作者 Tu Hongwei Wan Xiuhong +2 位作者 Zhao Cuiping Wang Haitao Luo Guofu 《Earthquake Research in China》 2008年第4期460-469,共10页
An M_S6.8 strong earthquake took place in Jiashi,Xinjiang on February 24 of 2003.The digital wave form data recorded in Kashi and Wushi stations are selected to inverse the moment tensor solutions for the strong earth... An M_S6.8 strong earthquake took place in Jiashi,Xinjiang on February 24 of 2003.The digital wave form data recorded in Kashi and Wushi stations are selected to inverse the moment tensor solutions for the strong earthquake and the moderate and small earthquakes before and after it(108 earthquakes in 2001~2004).67 focal mechanism solutions have been calculated,and the results agree with those from Harvard University and USGS.The analysis reveals that before the strong earthquake,the moderate and small earthquake distribution was dispersed,and after the event the distribution was mainly concentrated around the strong earthquake.Before the strong earthquake,the seismic faults of the mid and small events had the character of strike-slip and normal faulting,and after the event,they exhibit strike-slip and thrust faulting.The region is dominated by near-NS horizontal compression from the southern block after the strong earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 新疆 地震 长周期身体波 力矩张量 可靠性
Location and moment tensor inversion of small earthquakes using 3D Green's functions in models with rugged topography: application to the Longmenshan fault zone
作者 Li Zhou Wei Zhang +2 位作者 Yang Shen Xiaofei Chen Jie Zhang 《Earthquake Science》 CSCD 2016年第3期139-151,共13页
With dense seismic arrays and advanced imaging methods, regional three-dimensional (3D) Earth models have become more accurate. It is now increasingly feasible and advantageous to use a 3D Earth model to better loca... With dense seismic arrays and advanced imaging methods, regional three-dimensional (3D) Earth models have become more accurate. It is now increasingly feasible and advantageous to use a 3D Earth model to better locate earthquakes and invert their source mechanisms by fitting synthetics to observed waveforms. In this study, we develop an approach to determine both the earthquake location and source mechanism from waveform information. The observed waveforms are filtered in different frequency bands and separated into windows for the individual phases. Instead of picking the arrival times, the traveltime differences are measured by cross-correlation between synthetic waveforms based on the 3D Earth model and observed waveforms. The earthquake location is determined by minimizing the cross-correlation traveltime differences. We then fix the horizontal location of the earthquake and perform a grid search in depth to determine the source mechanism at each point by fitting the synthetic and observed waveforms. This new method is verified by a synthetic test with noise added to the synthetic waveforms and a realistic station distribution. We apply this method to a series of Mw3.4-5.6 earthquakes in the Longmenshan fault (LMSF) zone, a region with rugged topography between the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau and the western part of the Sichuan basin. The results show that our solutions result in improved waveform fits compared to the source parameters from the catalogs we used and the location can be better constrained than the amplitude-only approach. Furthermore, the source solutions with realistic topography provide a better fit to the observed waveforms than those without the topography, indicating the need to take the topography into account in regions with rugged topography. 展开更多
关键词 Source mechanism inversion seismic location 3D strain Green's tensors Tibetan plateau TOPOGRAPHY
基于模板匹配技术的微地震事件检测在水平井立体开发井网中的应用 被引量:2
作者 范希彬 张景 +2 位作者 丁艺 朱世杰 边树涛 《石油物探》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期940-951,共12页
2019年,新疆玛湖油田玛131井区首次在致密砾岩油藏中采用双井(水平井+直井)微地震监测的方式采集微地震数据,但采用传统的长短时窗比(STA/LTA)微地震事件检测算法在两个阵列上仅检测出少量的可对应微地震事件,无法开展双井同时定位和矩... 2019年,新疆玛湖油田玛131井区首次在致密砾岩油藏中采用双井(水平井+直井)微地震监测的方式采集微地震数据,但采用传统的长短时窗比(STA/LTA)微地震事件检测算法在两个阵列上仅检测出少量的可对应微地震事件,无法开展双井同时定位和矩张量反演,也不能获得震源机制特征。为此,采用基于模板匹配技术的微地震事件检测对采集的微地震数据进行了重新处理,检测出了大量微地震事件,并开展了双井定位和矩张量反演应用分析,获得了微地震事件震源机制特征和破裂参数。结果表明:模板匹配算法可以在多井阵列中识别出更多的有效微地震事件,使矩张量反演成为可能;针对玛131井区天然裂缝不发育的致密砾岩储层,水力裂缝破裂具有多种走向,可形成复杂缝网;T_(1)b_(2)小层的单段最佳压裂液量在1700 m^(3)左右,T 1b 3小层的单段最佳压裂液量在820 m^(3)左右,进一步加大压裂规模对产量的贡献作用降低。 展开更多
关键词 微地震监测 微地震事件检测 双井监测 模板匹配 矩张量反演 震源机制 井中微地震
作者 张丽丽 乔增强 王德华 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期158-167,191,共11页
随着我国油气勘探工作的不断推进,地震勘探面临着重大挑战。受到复杂的勘探环境、采集方式、检波器灵敏度等因素的影响,野外采集的地震数据中往往混杂着大量随机噪声,导致后续地震数据处理的保真度、信噪比和分辨率降低,并且最终影响地... 随着我国油气勘探工作的不断推进,地震勘探面临着重大挑战。受到复杂的勘探环境、采集方式、检波器灵敏度等因素的影响,野外采集的地震数据中往往混杂着大量随机噪声,导致后续地震数据处理的保真度、信噪比和分辨率降低,并且最终影响地质解释的精确性、可靠性。为了突破传统地震数据处理问题的局限性,提出了一种用于地震数据随机噪声压制的空间自适应方向全变分正则化模型。首先,针对地震反射同相轴具有空间变化的方向性和倾角计算抗噪性差的问题,提出了基于梯度结构张量的空变倾角逐点估计公式来获取同相轴的方向信息;然后,建立空间自适应方向全变分地震数据去噪模型,并采用优化最小化算法求解模型;最后,讨论了该模型的参数选取方法,将合成地震数据和实际地震数据的去噪结果与同类方法进行比较。实验结果表明,所提出的模型不但能较好地提高地震剖面的垂直分辨率和同相轴的横向连续性,而且在提高信噪比的同时能够保留更多的地质特征信息。 展开更多
关键词 地震数据 随机噪声 全变分 MM算法 梯度结构张量
利用绕射信息在裂缝型地层中进行钻前风险评估 被引量:1
作者 梁瑶 霍守东 +3 位作者 李学良 舒梦珵 杨晓 石太昆 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期46-53,共8页
钻前风险评估是智能导钻过程中减少井漏井塌等事故的关键环节.在裂缝型地层中,特别是在深层、超深层地区,井筒的承压能力极易受到地层中天然裂缝带的影响,较易出现井漏、井塌等钻井事故,亟需在钻进前进行基于裂缝带的风险评估.绕射波由... 钻前风险评估是智能导钻过程中减少井漏井塌等事故的关键环节.在裂缝型地层中,特别是在深层、超深层地区,井筒的承压能力极易受到地层中天然裂缝带的影响,较易出现井漏、井塌等钻井事故,亟需在钻进前进行基于裂缝带的风险评估.绕射波由于对裂缝等小地质体较为敏感,是描述天然裂缝带的有效手段,但是目前的绕射波成像结果通常信噪比不高,较难直接应用于钻前风险评估.论文通过分析绕射波均方根振幅能量,发展适用于绕射波成像的构造平滑技术,提出了基于绕射波信息的天然裂缝带描述方法,提高了数据信噪比,更好地描述了天然裂缝带的空间分布.该方法应用于顺北地区某钻井的深部裂缝型地层中,所得的目标层段预测结果与实钻的漏失、卡钻井段具有较好的对应关系,验证了方法有效性. 展开更多
关键词 钻前风险评估 裂缝带 绕射波 梯度结构张量
作者 陈永波 杨超 +3 位作者 马斯骏 茹琦 陈雪珍 王晓辉 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期1182-1191,共10页
准噶尔盆地环玛湖凹陷西斜坡区三叠系百口泉组二段(T1b2)发育砂砾岩岩性油气藏,成藏主控因素受扇三角洲前缘亚相有利相带、优质储层厚度、孔隙度和油源断裂等四重因素控制,储层单层厚度小、横向变化较快、埋深大,且储层与围岩波阻抗差异... 准噶尔盆地环玛湖凹陷西斜坡区三叠系百口泉组二段(T1b2)发育砂砾岩岩性油气藏,成藏主控因素受扇三角洲前缘亚相有利相带、优质储层厚度、孔隙度和油源断裂等四重因素控制,储层单层厚度小、横向变化较快、埋深大,且储层与围岩波阻抗差异小,地震预测难度大,利用单一的地球物理方法无法准确地预测“甜点”储层平面分布,同时也受地震资料信噪比低、保幅性差等因素的影响,预测精度不高,钻探成功率低。为此,采用“五步法”逐级控制的测井—地质—地震一体化研究思路,预测砂砾岩“甜点”储层平面分布范围。利用“分相带道集叠加”OVT域技术精细处理百口泉组(T1b)目标,为储层预测奠定了资料基础。对OVT域三维地震资料进行全三维自动地震层序解释,精细地恢复了古地貌,结合单井相、地震属性准确刻画了扇三角洲亚相边界。通过叠前反演预测优质储层的厚度、范围和孔隙度,利用结构张量矩阵特征值构建断裂属性数据体,从而预测油源断裂剖面、平面展布特征,其中扇三角洲前缘亚相的储层厚度、孔隙度高值区及存在油源断裂的部位为“甜点”储层发育区。根据研究成果部署的预探井成功率达92%以上,值得在类似的地质背景条件下推广、应用。 展开更多
关键词 玛湖凹陷 三叠系百口泉组 OVT 域分相带道集叠加 叠前反演 梯度结构张量断裂属性 “甜点”
作者 许月娇 徐婉婷 陈兴荣 《工程地球物理学报》 2023年第3期402-410,共9页
三维地震数据采集方位已达到了五维(5-Dimension,5D)。相比于常规的三维(3-Dimension,3D)重建,5D重建能够充分利用高维数据中不同方位角、偏移距等的相关特性以及更多的空间信息特点,更准确地预测缺失道。基于阻尼降秩(Damped Rank Redu... 三维地震数据采集方位已达到了五维(5-Dimension,5D)。相比于常规的三维(3-Dimension,3D)重建,5D重建能够充分利用高维数据中不同方位角、偏移距等的相关特性以及更多的空间信息特点,更准确地预测缺失道。基于阻尼降秩(Damped Rank Reduction,DRR)等的矩阵降秩方法对由5D数据频率切片构成的块Hankel矩阵进行多次奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition,SVD),计算效率较低。基于高阶正交迭代(High Order Orthogonal Iteration,HOOI)等的张量降秩方法对频率切片4D张量进行降秩重建,但是在强噪声和高缺失情况下重建精度不高。本文采用全连接张量网络(Fully Connected Tensor Network,FCTN)分解方法对5D数据重建,将频率切片4D张量分解成低维度张量收缩的形式。该方法无需SVD运算,而且更精确的张量分解形式可以得到更高精度的重建结果。仿真和真实地震数据实验结果表明:相比于HOOI方法,重建数据的信噪比提高了约8~9 dB;相比于DRR方法,重建数据的信噪比提高了约6~7 dB。 展开更多
关键词 低秩重建 5D地震数据 张量分解
作者 陈秋 刘一凡 +6 位作者 金雪 林睿 潘曰卓 解经宇 杨现禹 蒋国盛 乔伟 《钻探工程》 2023年第S01期50-55,共6页
干热岩型地热作为一种大储量的清洁能源,在日趋严峻的环保形势下,正在逐渐影响着世界能源格局,并成为学术界、政府和企业关注的焦点。开发花岗岩型干热岩需要建立增强型地热系统(EGS),其核心是向储层钻井并压裂形成一定规模的裂缝网络,... 干热岩型地热作为一种大储量的清洁能源,在日趋严峻的环保形势下,正在逐渐影响着世界能源格局,并成为学术界、政府和企业关注的焦点。开发花岗岩型干热岩需要建立增强型地热系统(EGS),其核心是向储层钻井并压裂形成一定规模的裂缝网络,构建注入井和生产井的循环回路来提取热能发电。从瑞士Basel EGS工程、韩国Pohang EGS工程等花岗岩型干热岩EGS压裂工程案例可以发现,诱发地震已成为制约花岗岩型干热岩开发的关键因素,其原因在于未明确大尺寸高倾角结构面的具体位置,无法预测压裂液在压裂过程中的流动方向,导致压裂液进入此类结构面造成结构面滑移从而诱发地震。本文将针对此问题通过查明干热岩所在储层的信息对开发花岗岩型干热岩控震压裂人工热储建造方法进行介绍。 展开更多
关键词 花岗岩型干热岩 增强型地热系统 诱发地震 水力压裂 矩张量反演 信息获取 控震压裂
作者 张杏莉 刘作刚 +1 位作者 张亚萍 赵卫东 《山东科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第6期85-96,共12页
地震数据处理一直是地震学研究的热点,地震数据重建是地震数据处理中不可或缺的一环。本研究提出一种基于张量环分解的三维地震数据重建方法。通过张量环分解将大的三维数据转换成小的三维数据的乘积,利用张量环隐空间的低秩结构对张量... 地震数据处理一直是地震学研究的热点,地震数据重建是地震数据处理中不可或缺的一环。本研究提出一种基于张量环分解的三维地震数据重建方法。通过张量环分解将大的三维数据转换成小的三维数据的乘积,利用张量环隐空间的低秩结构对张量环因子施加低秩约束,在使用交替方向乘子法和增广拉格朗日函数求解过程中对张量环因子进行核范数正则化和奇异值分解,通过循环多线性乘积将小的三维数据恢复为大的三维数据,最终获得三维地震数据重建结果。仿真数据和真实数据的实验结果表明,与正交矩阵追踪汉克尔重建方法和数据驱动紧致框架方法相比,本方法具有更好的重建效果和计算效率。 展开更多
关键词 张量环分解 地震数据重建 核范数正则化 交替方向乘子法 低秩约束
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