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Seismites、地震岩、震积岩和软沉积物变形构造等术语问题的讨论 被引量:10
作者 冯增昭 《中国科技术语》 2018年第6期28-32,38,共6页
文章主要内容为:(1)同意山穆玕(Shanmugam)的观点,即赛拉赫提出的seismites这一术语有问题。它不是具软沉积物变形构造的岩层,也没有地震成因的证据,因此应当否定。(2)不同意龚一鸣把赛拉赫提出的seismites译为"震积岩",应把... 文章主要内容为:(1)同意山穆玕(Shanmugam)的观点,即赛拉赫提出的seismites这一术语有问题。它不是具软沉积物变形构造的岩层,也没有地震成因的证据,因此应当否定。(2)不同意龚一鸣把赛拉赫提出的seismites译为"震积岩",应把它译为"地震岩"。(3)软沉积物变形构造是多成因的。由地震引起的具软沉积物变形构造的岩层可称作"地震岩",不是由地震引起的具软沉积物变形构造的岩层不能称作"地震岩"。(4)即使在地震高发地区,也不是所有的软沉积物变形构造都是由地震引起的。(5)在印度北部的一个地震高发地区的河谷中,在2013年的洪水沉积物形成后即刻观察到的软沉积物变形构造,是一个无可争辩的非地震成因的实例。因为2013年至今该地区没有发生过地震。这一实例应引起重视和深思。 展开更多
关键词 seismites 地震岩 震积岩 软沉积物变形构造 非地震岩
Advances and Overview of the Study on Paleo-earthquake Events: A Review of Seismites 被引量:17
作者 HE Bizhu QIAO Xiufu 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第5期1702-1706,I0009,I0010,1707-1746,共47页
The distribution and formation mechanisms of typical identified seismites are analyzed based on various factors from plate tectonic positions, types of sedimentary basins and properties of seismogenic faults to focal ... The distribution and formation mechanisms of typical identified seismites are analyzed based on various factors from plate tectonic positions, types of sedimentary basins and properties of seismogenic faults to focal mechanisms.Especially, structural styles, reserved positions, activity times, formation mechanisms and dynamics of soft-sediment deformation structures triggered by seismic activity are systematically analyzed.According to the genetic types of seismites, we propose 5 categories, including liquefied deformation, thixotropic deformation, hydroplastic deformation, superimposed gravity driving deformation and brittle deformation.Further, based on the main genetic types, composition of sediments and deformation styles, we draw up 35 secondary classifications.To determine paleo-seismic sequences in different times, activities of seismogenic faults, high-resolution tectonic events in one main tectonic movement and paleo-tectonic settings, and to understand the inducing mechanisms of paleo-earthquakes and ecologic environment evolution, researching on seismites are of great significance.Combing multiple approaches to identify the paleoearthquake records, simulating experiments on various soft-sediment deformation structures triggered by different magnitudes of shocking, dating precisely on paleo-seismic events, impacting on paleogeography and biological environment and on energy and resources domain are the frontiers of paleoseismic research. 展开更多
关键词 soft-sediment deformation structure formation mechanism seismites classification paleo-seismicity history and frontier
Silurian Seismites in Hanxia,Yumen,North Qilian Mountains,and Their Tectonic Significance 被引量:11
作者 DU Yuansheng, GONG Shuyun, HAN Xin, WANG Jiasheng, GU Songzhuand LIN Wenjiao Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, Hubei 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第4期385-390,共6页
The Caledonian orogenic belt of the North Qilian Mountains is an intensely active structure belt. In the process of the Late Caledonian syn-orogeny, the North Qilian-Hexi Corridor area was situated on the tectonic bac... The Caledonian orogenic belt of the North Qilian Mountains is an intensely active structure belt. In the process of the Late Caledonian syn-orogeny, the North Qilian-Hexi Corridor area was situated on the tectonic background of a syn-orogenic basin. In response to the orogenic process of the North Qilian Mountains, typical earthquake event deposits—seismites of the Silurian were widely distributed around Hanxia of Yumen City, the Liyuan River of Sunan County and Biandukou of Minle County. In the Hanxia area, where seismites are typically developed, clastic deposits of tidal-flat facies are the background deposits of the Hanxia Formation. The earthquake event deposits are characterized by sandy mudstone veins, synsedimentary microfractures, micro-corrugated laminations and earthquake breccias, which in turn constitute complex seismites, featuring seismic corrugation, shattering and liquefied sandy mudstone veins, auto-clastic breccias and intraclastic parabreccias. The seismites and tidal flat deposits formed typical sequences of earthquake event deposits. 展开更多
关键词 Gansu Province North Qilian orogenic belt Caledonian Stage SILURIAN seismites earthquake event deposits
Seismites、震积岩和地震岩等术语问题 被引量:7
作者 苏德辰 乔秀夫 《中国科技术语》 2018年第6期39-43,53,共6页
英文seismite是德国地质学家赛拉赫在研究美国加州的一段特殊岩层之后,于1969年正式提出的,用以代表因受地震扰动而形成的一套岩石。此后,这一术语迅速被地质学界接受并加以发展,现在虽然还有部分地质学家对这一概念有不同的理解,但是... 英文seismite是德国地质学家赛拉赫在研究美国加州的一段特殊岩层之后,于1969年正式提出的,用以代表因受地震扰动而形成的一套岩石。此后,这一术语迅速被地质学界接受并加以发展,现在虽然还有部分地质学家对这一概念有不同的理解,但是绝大多数地质学家都同意seismite是受地震扰动而形成的岩层,是地层中的古地震记录。1987年和1988年,龚一鸣将seismite翻译成"震积岩"。seismite自创立至今已经接近50年,其中文译名"震积岩"至今已存在30余年,其间一直没有大的争议。但是到了2016年,山穆玕(Shanmugam)开始质疑seismite一词,列举了十余条与这一术语有关的问题,并强烈建议地学界废弃这一术语。在将山穆玕的思想介绍到国内的过程中,冯增昭先生建议将seismite的中文译名更改为"地震岩"。文章作者认为,山穆玕列举的问题几乎都不是真正的科学问题,沉积学界的地质学家早已经进行了更仔细和深入的讨论,"震积岩"这一中文译名既强调地震作用的影响,又很好地体现了seismite主要发生于沉积地层中,并且已经在国内被广泛接受。而地震岩不仅包括沉积岩,还包括与地震作用形成的岩浆岩和构造岩,与英文原文有很大出入。因此,文章作者认为,seismite不能被取消,建议其中文译名仍保留龚一鸣的原始译名,以防止在学术界引起不必要的混乱。 展开更多
关键词 SEISMITE 震积岩 地震岩
Researches of soft-sediment deformation structures and seismites in China—A brief review 被引量:15
作者 Zeng-Zhao Feng Zhi-Dong Bao +1 位作者 Xiu-Juan Zheng Yuan Wang 《Journal of Palaeogeography》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期311-317,共7页
During the past 30 years (1987-2016), a great progress has been made in researches of soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS), seismites and pataeoearthquakes in China. However, the research thought of this ac... During the past 30 years (1987-2016), a great progress has been made in researches of soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS), seismites and pataeoearthquakes in China. However, the research thought of this academic fietd is not open enough. It is atmost with one viewpoint or one voice, i.e., atmost art the papers pubtished in journals of China considered the layers with SSDS as seismites. On the other hand, the authors are very glad to learn that the professors and students of China University of Petroleum (East China) have proposed different academic viewpoints on the origin of SSDS in Lingshan Istand, Qingdao, Shandong Province, China. It is a very active academic atmosphere. The authors' ideas are as follows: (1) The SSDS are sedimentary structures with multi-origin. The term "SSDS" is a good sedimentary and geological term and shoutd be utilized continuat[y. (2) The term "seismites" is a term which is definitety assigned to the layers with SSDS induced by earthquakes. It is one type of the tayers with SSDS. It is not equal to SSDS. (3) Some geotogists suggested obsoleting the term "seismites". These suggestions are rational However, since the term "seismites" has been utilized for a long time in China and worldwide, to obsolete this term should be discussed and agreement should be acquired from numerous geologists in China and worldwide. It may be suitable that let the geological practice decide whether to obsolete it or not. (4) Hopefully, further progress will be made in the researches of SSDS. 展开更多
关键词 Soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) Multi-origin seismites Pataeoearthquake Ling-shan Island China
Restrictions to the application of 'diagnostic'criteria for recognizing ancient seismites 被引量:23
作者 Massimo Moretti A.J.(Tom) van Loon 《Journal of Palaeogeography》 SCIE 2014年第2期162-173,共12页
Soft-sediment deformation structures induced by seismic liquefaction and/or fluidization receive much attention in sedimentological,structural and palaeoseismic studies.The direct record of larger earthquakes is restr... Soft-sediment deformation structures induced by seismic liquefaction and/or fluidization receive much attention in sedimentological,structural and palaeoseismic studies.The direct record of larger earthquakes is restricted to instrumental and historical data; the recognition of prehistoric earthquakes requires criteria to recognize seismites in the geological record.The areal distribution of seismites can sometimes be related to active faults since distances to the epicenter(for a given magnitude) tend to be related to the liquefaction effects of seismic shocks.The use of soft-sediment deformation structures for palaeoseismic studies has limitations,however.Hardly anything is known,for instance,about the effects that modern seismic events have on the sediments in most environments.Moreover,criteria for the recognition of seismites are still under discussion.The following characteristics seem,particularly in combination,the most reliable:(1) Soft-sediment deformation structures should occur in laterally continuous,preferably recurring horizons,separated by undeformed beds;(2) These deformation structures should be comparable with structures known to have been triggered by modern seismic activity;(3) The sedimentary basin should have experienced tectonic activity at the time when the deformations were formed; and(4) The intensity or abundance of the soft-sediment deformation structures in a presumed seismite should change laterally,depending on the distance to the epicenter.It turns out that all of these four criteria have important exceptions.(1) Soft-sediment deformation structures occurring over large lateral distances in a specific layer can be triggered also by other processes.Moreover,in environments with a low sedimentation rate,the time between successive earthquakes is often too short to allow accumulation of beds that remain undisturbed.Furthermore,total liquefaction of a sandy bed may result in the absence of deformation features.(2) No truly diagnostic soft-sediment deformation structures exist to prove seismic activity.Moreover,the final configuration of a soft-sediment deformation structure is independent of the type of trigger.(3) Seismites occur frequently in areas where seismic activity is low today.(4) The lateral changes in the intensity of soft-sediment deformation structures in seismites as a factor presumed to depend on the distances to the epicenter,pose a complicated problem.The 2012 Emilia earthquakes,for instance,affected sandy fluvial channels but not the fine-grained floodplains.It must thus be deduced that specific soft-sediment deformation structures cannot be used without additional evidence to identify seismites.In particular,the magnitude of seismic shocks and the recurrence time of main events(the most important features that allow recognition of seismites) seem to be sedimentological in nature:facies changes in space and time seem theparameters that most strongly control the occurrence,morphology,lateral extent and the vertical repetition of seismites. 展开更多
关键词 soft-sediment deformation structures seismites palaeo-earthquakes palaeoseismicity
Seismites resulting from high-frequency, high-magnitude earthquakes in Latvia caused by Late Glacial glacio-isostatic uplift 被引量:13
作者 A.J. (Tom) van Loon Matgorzata Pisarska-Jamrozy +2 位作者 Maris Nartiss Maris Krievans Juris Soms 《Journal of Palaeogeography》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期363-380,共18页
Geologically extremely rapid changes in attitude by glacial rebound of the Earth crust after retreat of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet at the end of the last Weichsetian glaciation influenced the patae- ogeography of nort... Geologically extremely rapid changes in attitude by glacial rebound of the Earth crust after retreat of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet at the end of the last Weichsetian glaciation influenced the patae- ogeography of northern Europe. The up(ift of the Earth crust apparently was not gradual, but shock-wise, as the uplift was accompanied by frequent, high-magnitude earthquakes. This can be deduced from strongly deformed layers which are interpreted as seismites. Such seismites have been described from several coun- tries around the Baltic Sea, including Sweden, Germany and Poland. Now similarly deformed layers that must also be interpreted as seismites, have been discovered also in Latvia, a Baltic country that was covered by an ice sheet during the last glaciation. The seismites were found at two sites: Near Vatmiera in the NE part and near Rakuti in the SE part of the country. The seismites were found in sections of about 7 m and 4.5 m high, respectively, that consist mainly of glaciofluvial and gtaciotacustrine sands and silts. At the Vatmiera site, 7 seismites were found, and at the Rakuti site these were even 12 seismites. The two sections have not been dated precisely up tilt now, but lithological correlations and geomorpho- logical characteristics suggest that the sediments at the Vatmiera site cannot be older than 14.5 ka. Because the accumulation of the section did not take more than about 1000 years, the average recurrence time of the high-magnitude (M≥4.5-5.0) earthquakes must have been maximally only 100-150 years, possibly only 6-7 years. The sediments at Rakuti must also have formed within approx. 1000 years (17-16 ka), implying a recurrence time of high-magnitude earthquakes of maximaUy once per 100-200 years. 展开更多
关键词 Soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) seismites LATVIA Glacio-isostatic rebound Earthquake recurrence time
The fallacy of interpreting SSDS with different types of breccias as seismites amid the multifarious origins of earthquakes:Implications 被引量:4
作者 G.Shanmugam 《Journal of Palaeogeography》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期12-44,共33页
At present, there are no criteria to distinguish soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) formed by earthquakes from SSDS formed by the other 20 triggering mechanisms (see a companion paper in Vol 5, No. 4 of th... At present, there are no criteria to distinguish soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) formed by earthquakes from SSDS formed by the other 20 triggering mechanisms (see a companion paper in Vol 5, No. 4 of this journal by Shanmugam, 2016). Even if one betieves that earthquakes are the true triggering mechanism of SSDS in a given case, the story is stiff incomptete. This is because earthquakes (seismic shocks) are induced by a variety of causes: 1) glbaltectonics and associated faults (i.e., midocean ridges, trenches, and transform fautts); 2) meteorite-impact events; 3) volcanic eruptions; 4) post-gtacialuplift; 5) tsunami impact; 6 cyclonic impact; 7) landslides (mass-transport deposits); 8) tidal activity; 9) sea-tevet rise; 10) erosion; and 11) fluid pumping. These different causes are important for devetoping SSDS. Breccias are an important group of SSDS. Although there are many types of breccias classified on the basis of their origin, five types are discussed here (fault, volcanic, meteorite impact, sedimentary-depositionaL, sedimentary-collapse). Atthough different breccia types may resemble each other, distinguishing one type (e.g., meteorite breccias) from the other types (e.g., fault, volcanic, and sedimentary breccias) has important imptications. 1) Meteorite breccias are characterized by shock features (e.g., planar deformation features in mineral grains, planar fractures, high-pressure polymorphs, shock melts, etc.), whereas sedimentary- depositional breccias (e.g., debrites) do not. 2) Meteorite breccias imply a confined sediment distribution in the vicinity of craters, whereas sedimentary-depositional breccias imply an unconfined sediment distribution, variable sediment transport, and variable sediment provenance. 3) Meteorite, volcanic, and fault breccias are invariabty subjected to diagenesis and hydrothermat mineratization with attered reservoir quality, whereas sedimentary-depositional breccias exhibit primary (unaltered) reservoir quality. And finalty, 4) sedimentary-collapse breccias are associated with economic mineralization (e.g., uranium ore), whereas sedimentary-depositional breccias are associated with petroleum reservoirs. Based on this important group of SSDS with breccias, the current practice of interpreting all SSDS as "seismites" is inappropriate. Ending this practice is necessary for enhancing conceptuat clarity and for advancing this research domain. 展开更多
关键词 BRECCIAS EARTHQUAKES Faults Global tectonics Meteorite impacts seismites Soft-sedimentdeformation structures (SSDS)
Discovery of seismites in Upper Sinian stratiform lead-zinc deposits in Dadu River valley, Sichuan, China: Implication for ore genesis 被引量:1
作者 LIN Fangcheng1,2 & PAN Guitang2 1. Geoscience College, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China 2. Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chengdu 610082, China 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2006年第11期1135-1146,共12页
A number of lead-zinc sulphide deposits have been discovered in recent years in dolo- mitic rocks of the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation in the Dadu River valley region, Sichuan Province, China. The lead-zinc minerali... A number of lead-zinc sulphide deposits have been discovered in recent years in dolo- mitic rocks of the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation in the Dadu River valley region, Sichuan Province, China. The lead-zinc mineralization is closely associated with a black siliceous exhalite that has been traced over 50 km of strike. This makes Dadu River valley the most extensive stratiform non-ferrous sulphide horizon having been discovered to date in China. In a previous study by the first author (LIN), these deposits were recognised as belonging to the broad spectrum of lead-zinc sedimentary exhala- tive (SEDEX) deposits. In this paper, seismites and seismogenetic structures occurring in close association with the Dadu River valley mineralized zone are described. The close spatial and temporal relationship between the seismites and mineralization provides strong evidence for the hypothesis that the lead-zinc SEDEX deposits formed in direct response to earthquake activities around the Sinian-Cambrian boundary. The earthquakes are postulated to be an effective dynamic mechanism for triggering the upward migration of deep circulating ore fluids along synsedimentary growth faults and their exhalation onto the sea-floor to form the extensive deposits of stratiform lead-zinc sulphide ore. 展开更多
关键词 seismites earthquake lead-zinc deposit hydrothermal exhalation Upper SINIAN Dengying Age.
Types,characteristics and geological significance of event deposits of Chang 9 Member of Triassic Yanchang Formation in southwestern Ordos Basin,NW China 被引量:1
作者 WANG Ziye MAO Zhiguo +4 位作者 YUAN Xuanjun DENG Xiuqin HUI Xiao ZHANG Zhongyi CUI Jingweil 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 SCIE 2023年第3期588-602,共15页
Through core observation,thin section identification,and logging and testing data analysis,the types and characteristics of event deposits in the ninth member of Yanchang Formation of Triassic(Chang 9 Member)in southw... Through core observation,thin section identification,and logging and testing data analysis,the types and characteristics of event deposits in the ninth member of Yanchang Formation of Triassic(Chang 9 Member)in southwestern Ordos Basin,China,are examined.There are 4 types and 9 subtypes of event deposits,i.e.earthquake,gravity flow,volcanic and anoxic deposits,in the Chang 9 Member in the study area.Based on the analysis of the characteristics and distribution of such events deposits,it is proposed that the event deposits are generally symbiotic or associated,with intrinsic genetic relations and distribution laws.Five kinds of sedimentary microfacies with relatively developed event deposits are identified,and the genetic model of event deposits is discussed.Seismites are mainly developed in the lake transgression stage when the basin expands episodically,and commonly affected by liquefaction flow,gravity action and brittle shear deformation.Gravity flow,mainly distributed in the high water level period,sandwiched in the fine-grained sediments of prodelta or semi-deep lake,or creates banded or lobate slump turbidite fan.It is relatively developed above the seismites strata.The volcanic event deposits are only seen in the lower part of the Chang 9 Member,showing abrupt contact at the top and bottom,which reflects the volcanic activity at the same time.Anoxic deposits are mostly formed in the late stage of lake transgression to the highstand stage.Very thick organic-rich shales are developed in the highstand stage of Chang 9 Member,and the event deposits in the depositional period of these shales are conducive to potential reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 event deposit SEISMITE gravity flow anoxic event Triassic Yanchang Formation Ordos Basin
理论创新只能从问题开始——对3篇评议文章的答复 被引量:3
作者 冯增昭 《中国科技术语》 2018年第6期47-49,共3页
文章是对苏德辰和乔秀夫、蒋汉朝、嵇少丞等专家评议冯增昭先生《Seismites、地震岩、震积岩和软沉积物变形构造等术语问题的讨论》一文的答复意见。主要内容为:(1)同意嵇少丞教授的意见"seismites本应译成地震岩",因为翻译... 文章是对苏德辰和乔秀夫、蒋汉朝、嵇少丞等专家评议冯增昭先生《Seismites、地震岩、震积岩和软沉积物变形构造等术语问题的讨论》一文的答复意见。主要内容为:(1)同意嵇少丞教授的意见"seismites本应译成地震岩",因为翻译的首要准则是忠于原著。(2)更重要的是seismites这一术语的根据问题。赛拉赫1969年提出seismites的根据是美国加州西海岸中新世蒙特雷页岩中的4个"断层-粒序岩层"。这4个"断层-粒序岩层"中的构造主要是有白色充填物的裂隙,这些裂隙有小的错动,看不到大的断层。它们不是软沉积物变形构造,也不是地震岩,因为它没有地震成因的证据。这4个"断层-粒序岩层"的成因研究已涉及构造地质学的研究范畴了。(3)理论创新只能从问题开始。山穆玕是近50年来首次质疑赛拉赫seismites的地质学家,功不可没。(4)seismites等术语的学术讨论和争鸣,在理论上是有所创新的。这说明百花齐放和百家争鸣的方针确实是促进科学研究和科学发展的有效措施。 展开更多
关键词 seismites 地震岩 软沉积物变形构造 构造地质学
Soft-sediment Deformation Structures Related to Earthquake from the Devonian of the Eastern North Qilian Mts.and Its Tectonic Significance 被引量:13
作者 DU Yuansheng XU Yajun YANG Jianghai 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期1185-1193,共9页
Devonian in the North Qilian orogenic belt and Hexi Corridor developed terrestrial molasse of later stage of foreland basin caused by collision between the North China plate and Qaidam microplate. The foreland basin t... Devonian in the North Qilian orogenic belt and Hexi Corridor developed terrestrial molasse of later stage of foreland basin caused by collision between the North China plate and Qaidam microplate. The foreland basin triggered a intense earthquake, and formed seismites and earthquake-related soft-sediment deformation. The soft-sediment deformation structures of Devonian in the eastern North Qilian Mts. consist of seismo-cracks, sandstone dykes, syn-depositional faults, microfoids (micro-corrugated lamination), fluidized veins, load casts, flame structures, pillow structures and brecciation. The seismo-cracks, syn-depositional faults and microfolds are cracks, faults and folds formed directly by oscillation of earthquake. The seismic dykes formed by sediment instilling into seismic cracks. Fluidized veins were made by instilling into the seismo-fissures of the fluidized sands. The load casts, flame structures and pillow structures were formed by sinking and instilling caused from oscillation of earthquake along the face between sandy and muddy beds. The brecciation resulted from the oscillation of earthquake and cracking of sedimentary layers. The seismites and soft-sediment deformations in Devonian triggered the earthquake related to tectonic activities during the orogeny and uplift of North Qilian Mts. 展开更多
关键词 North Qilian Mts. seismites soft-sediment deformation DEVONIAN TECTONICS
Earthquake-induced Soft-sediment Deformation Structures in the Dengfeng Area,Henan Province,China:Constraints on Qinling Tectonic Evolution during the Early Cambrian 被引量:2
作者 YANG Wentao WANG Min QI Yong'an 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1835-1846,共12页
Soft-sediment deformation structures are abundant in the Cambrian Zhushadong and Mantou formations of the Dengfeng area, Henan Province, China. Soft-sediment deformation structures of the Zhushadong Formation consist ... Soft-sediment deformation structures are abundant in the Cambrian Zhushadong and Mantou formations of the Dengfeng area, Henan Province, China. Soft-sediment deformation structures of the Zhushadong Formation consist of fluidized deformation, synsedimentary faults, seismo-folds and plastic deformation; the Mantou Formation is dominated by small-scale horst faults, intruded dikes, fluidized veins, and seismo-cracks. These structures are demonstrated to be earthquake-related by analysis of trigger mechanisms, and may indicate the activity of the Qinling tectonic belt during the early Cambrian. Furthermore, the assemblages of soft-sediment deformation structures altered with time: large-scale, intense deformation in the Zhushadong Formation alters to small-scale, weak deformation in the Mantou Formation. This striking feature may have been caused by changes in hypocentral depth from deep-focus to shallow-focus earthquakes, indicating that the Qinling tectonic belt developed from the subduction of the Shangdan Ocean to the extension of the Erlangping back-arc basin. This study suggests that soft-sediment deformation structures can be used to reveal the activity of a tectonic belt, and, more importantly, changes in deformation assemblages can track the evolution of a tectonic belt. 展开更多
关键词 soft-sediment deformation structures seismites Qinling tectonic belt Cambrian Southern North China Block
Composite Stratigraphy of the Sailinhudong Group and Ore-bearing Micrite Mounds in the Bayan Obo Deposits,Inner Mongolia,China 被引量:6
作者 Qiao Xiufu, Gao Linzhi, Peng Yang,Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,26 Baiwanzhuang Rd., Fuchengmenwai, Beijing 100037and Zhang Yuxu Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037 Gao Linzhi 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第4期357-369,506-507,共15页
Based on studies of sequence stratigraphy, event stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, it is concluded that the Sailinhudong Group is a part of the Bayan Obo Group. Some trilobite fragments are first fo... Based on studies of sequence stratigraphy, event stratigraphy, biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, it is concluded that the Sailinhudong Group is a part of the Bayan Obo Group. Some trilobite fragments are first found in thin sections of the rock from the lower part of the Sailinhudong Group and some Ordovician acritarchs and chitinozoans are also found in this group. A formationa unit of carbonate seismites is first recognized in the upper part and a huge micrite mound is first identified at the top. Dolomite, the host rock of the super giant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits, is neither an igneous carbonatite nor a common bedded sedimentary carbonate, but a huge micrite mound. It has the same macroscopic characters as the micrite mounds at the top of the Sailinhudong Group, which suggests that they should be of the same horizon. According to the fossils, the Sailinhudong and Bayan Obo Groups should be of the Early Palaeozoic rather than the Middle Proterozoic. The new discovery and new idea will throw light on the explanation of the genesis of the supergiant Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposits. 展开更多
关键词 Sailinhudong Group Bayan Obo Group SEISMITE micrite mound
Trace fossil evidences of an Early Miocene paleoseismic event and depositional regime change from the Kutch(Kachchh) Basin
作者 Ayush Srivastava Sudipta Dasgupta +1 位作者 Krishanu Chatterjee Mohuli Das 《Journal of Palaeogeography》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期165-180,共16页
Unconsolidated siliciclastic sediments can undergo post-burial deformation, which leads to the formation of distinctive sedimentary structures, known as soft-sediment deformation structures(SSDS). The presence of a se... Unconsolidated siliciclastic sediments can undergo post-burial deformation, which leads to the formation of distinctive sedimentary structures, known as soft-sediment deformation structures(SSDS). The presence of a series of sand volcanoes confined to a particular lithostratigraphic horizon can represent a paleoseismic activity and, thereby, exemplifies the concept of “seismite”. The Kutch Basin has been a tectonically active region since the initiation of eastern Gondwana rifting followed by a tectonic inversion during the Cenozoic due to the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates. A stratum-bound series of sand volcanoes belonging to the Khari Nadi Formation(KNF) is exposed along the banks of Khari River. They separate the shallow marine deposits below and non-marine deposits above with their characteristic marine and paleosol trace fossil suites, respectively. Although a seismogenic origin has been much debated for the SSDS,the ichnofabric analysis of the sand-volcano-bearing stratum unequivocally points toward such an origin under a shallow seafloor condition. In addition to the sedimentary regime change from an open shallow-marine setting to a continental depositional environment concomitant with basinal uplift, the behavior of the burrowing crustaceans testifies to a syn-depositional development of a fault network associated with the fluidization, sand volcanism, and the resilience of the trace-producers in surviving those processes until the sedimentary regime change in the overlying strata. Although the ichno-sedimentological evidence apparently differs from the previous works that proposed a continuous base-level rise from the beginning of deposition of the Khari Nadi Formation up to the middle part of the overlying Chhasra Formation, the paleoseismic activity,its ichnologic signature, and the depositional regime change refer to a higher-resolution(i.e., lower-order)sequence-stratigraphic change causing a short-duration regression within a longer-duration cycle of base-level rise. 展开更多
关键词 Sand volcano SEISMITE ICHNOLOGY Khari Nadi Formation Kutch Basin Kachchh Basin
Soft-sediment deformation structures in the Mesoproterozoic Kaimur Sandstone,Vindhyan Supergroup(Central India),and their seismotectonic implications
作者 Jayanta Kumar Pati Anuj Kumar Singh 《Journal of Palaeogeography》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第3期463-486,共24页
The unequivocal identification of soft-sediment deformation structures(SSDS)is a significant attribute to constrain the effect of transient geological events in the spatio-temporal evolution of ancient sedimentary bas... The unequivocal identification of soft-sediment deformation structures(SSDS)is a significant attribute to constrain the effect of transient geological events in the spatio-temporal evolution of ancient sedimentary basins.This paper reports and discusses,for the first time,the occurrence of several cm-to dm-scale SSDS within sandstone successions of the Mesoproterozoic Kaimur Group(Vindhyan Supergroup),exposed at the Hanumandhara Hill of Chitrakoot-Satna border region,Madhya Pradesh State,India.The SSDS are confined to a deformed interval comprising seven individual sedimentary units of variable composition and texture,which are sandwiched between nearly horizontally undeformed sandstone beds.The SSDS consist of load structures(load casts,flame structures,pseudonodules and ball-and-pillow structures),contorted lamination,convolute lamination,boudins and pinch-and-swell structures,deformed cross-stratification,slump structures,clastic injections,fluid escape structures,and syn-sedimentary fractures/faults.The pre-sent study suggests that the formation of these SSDS is essentially related to a combination of processes(gravitational instability,liquefaction,fluidization,and fluid escape)predominantly induced by seismic shocks.In addition,the restricted occurrence of fractures/faults in these deformed layers emphasizes the passage of seismically-induced Rayleigh waves.Considering the observed types of SSDS,their lateral homo-geneity and geographic distribution along with the geodynamic framework of the Vindhyan Basin,the whole area can be tentatively attributed to having experienced moderate-to high-magnitude(M≥5)seismicity.The present study combined with earlier reports of seismically-induced SSDS,from other regionally disposed formations belonging to the Lower(e.g.,Kajrahat Limestone,Chopan Porcellanite,Koldaha Shale,Rohtas Limestone,and Glauconitic Sandstone of the Semri Group)and Upper(e.g.,Bhander Limestone of the Bhander Group)Vindhyan Supergroup,respectively,provides evidence for the constant regional-scale seismo-tectonic activity within the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Vindhyan Basin.Importantly,this observation further suggests that the intracratonic basins can be active tectonically contrary to the earlier propositions. 展开更多
关键词 Soft-sediment deformation structures SSDS seismites Kaimur Group Vindhyan Basin Sand-stone Central India
Earthquake events in Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic and its relationship with supercontinental Rodinia in North China 被引量:26
作者 Xiufu Qiao Linzhi Gao 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2000年第10期931-935,共5页
Carbonate liquefied veins in limestone and liquefied mud veins in mudstone are the result by earthquake, which is liquefied in sediments and a strong earthquake event remains clearly records in strata. 24 strata units... Carbonate liquefied veins in limestone and liquefied mud veins in mudstone are the result by earthquake, which is liquefied in sediments and a strong earthquake event remains clearly records in strata. 24 strata units with earthquake events (molar tooth), which are subdivided into 11 seismic periods, have been distinguished from Mid-Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic strata in the Sino-Korean platform. The distributions of them represent paleo-seismic tectonic zones in different periods, which is tallied with convergent continental block before Proterozoic supercontinental Rodinia and the evidence of the breakup or splitting developed in the inner Sino-Korean Platform in 700 Ma. 展开更多
关键词 seismites CARBONATE liquefied VEINS paleo-Tanlu zone rodinia.
Earthquake-induced soft-sediment deformation structures in the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation,North China,and their geologic implications 被引量:15
作者 ZHANG ChuanHeng WU ZhengJie +3 位作者 GAO LinZhi WANG Wei TIAN YanLin MA Chao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2007年第3期350-358,共9页
Soft-sediment structures are key to defining seismites. Two soft-sediment deformation horizons, bounded by undeformed carbonate strata, have been found in the Wumishan Formation in the Jumahe region, 175 km southwest ... Soft-sediment structures are key to defining seismites. Two soft-sediment deformation horizons, bounded by undeformed carbonate strata, have been found in the Wumishan Formation in the Jumahe region, 175 km southwest of Beijing. One is in the lowest part of Wumishan Formation; and the other is in the uppermost part of Litho-member I. The soft-sediment structures in these two horizons fall into three categories: mould-and-sag structures, hydraulic shatterings and liquefaction dikes. The mould-and-sag structures are divided into two types: one developed in tidal-flat sediments, accompa-nied by many liquefaction-related structures and characterized by autochthonous post-earthquake sediments in sags, and the other type developed in deep-water environments, is not associated with liquefaction structures, and is overlain immediately by seismogenic tsunamites. The hydraulic shat-terings are composed of pockets of fluidization conglomerate, sand intrusions, and syndepositional faults. The liquefaction dikes fall into two categories: hydraulic-fracturing dikes and lateral-spreading dikes. The former are steep, planar, and pinch out upwards. The latter are snake-like and characterized by no diapir-related drag structures in surrounding rocks. Examination of the attitudes and strati-graphic positions of these structures suggests that these soft-sediment structures are seismogenic, and consequently, are seismites. Most seismites in the Wumishan Formation are developed near the former western, margin fault of Yanliao rift. This occurrence suggests that they could be related to movements on this fault. Other geological implications are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 MESOPROTEROZOIC Wumishan Formation soft-sediment structures paleo-earthquakes seismites Yanliao RIFT
Earthquake-controlled event deposits and its tectonic significance from the Middle Permian Wandrawandian Siltstone in the Sydney Basin, Australia 被引量:11
作者 DU Yuansheng1, G. R. Shi1,2 & GONG Yiming1 1. Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China 2. School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Victoria 3125, Australia 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2005年第9期1337-1346,共10页
The Sydney-Bowen basin in eastern Australia is an elongate back arc-converted foreland basin system situated between the Lachlan Fold Belt in the west and the New England Fold Belt in the east. The Middle Permian Wand... The Sydney-Bowen basin in eastern Australia is an elongate back arc-converted foreland basin system situated between the Lachlan Fold Belt in the west and the New England Fold Belt in the east. The Middle Permian Wandrawandian Siltstone at Warden Head near Ulla- dulla in the southern Sydney Basin is dominated by fossiliferous siltstone and mudstone, with a large amount of dropstones and minor pebbly sandstone beds. Two general types of deposits are recognized from the siltstone unit in view of the timing and mechanism of formation. One is rep- resented by the primary deposits from offshore to subtidal environments with abundant drop- stones of glacial marine origin. The second type is distinguished by secondary, soft-sediment deformational deposits and structures, and comprises three layers of mudstone dykes of seismic origin. In the latter type, metre scale, laterally extensive syn-depositional slump deformation structures occur in the middle part of the Wandrawandian Siltstone. The deformation structures vary in morphology and pattern, including large-scale complex-type folds, flexural stratification, concave-up structures, faulting of small displacements accompanied by folding and brecciation. The slumps and associated syn-sedimentary structures are attributed to penecontemporaneous deformations of soft sediments (mostly silty mud) formed as a result of mass movement of un- consolidated and/or semi-consolidated substrate following an earthquake event. The occurrence of the earthquake event deposits supports the current view that the Sydney Basin was located in a back-arc setting near the New England magmatic arc on an active continental margin during the Middle Permian. 展开更多
关键词 Permian seismites earthquake tectonics SYDNEY Basin Australia.
Earthquake event deposits in Mesoproterozoic Kunyang Group in central Yunnan Province and its geological implications 被引量:12
作者 杜远生 张传恒 +2 位作者 韩欣 顾松竹 林文娇 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第7期600-608,共9页
Earthquake and its resultant tsunami, as a kind of disaster events in geological history, may be recorded as event deposits of seismite and tsunamite. Typical characteristics of seismite and tsunamite, including seism... Earthquake and its resultant tsunami, as a kind of disaster events in geological history, may be recorded as event deposits of seismite and tsunamite. Typical characteristics of seismite and tsunamite, including seismo-fracture bed, synsedimentary microfracture, micro-corrugated lamination, molar tooth structure, hummocky bedding, occurs in Mesoproterozoic Dalongkou Formation of Kunyang Group in central Yunnan Province. Three types of sedimentary units have been recognized: seismite (unit-A, including limestone with molar tooth structure, seismic shattering rock, seismic corrugated rock, autoclastic breccia and intraclastic parabreccia), tsunamite (unit-B, intraclastic limestone with hummocky or parallel beddings) and background deposits (unit-C). Various stackings of these units construct three distinct sedimentary sequences: A-B-C, A-C and B-C. A-B-C represents an event sedimentary sequence of earthquake-tsunami-background deposits, A-C represents the sequence of earthquake and background deposits (no tsunami occur-ring), and B-C represents the sequence of tsunami and background deposits (far from the center of earthquake). As the central Yunnan Province was located in a tectonic setting of rift basin in Mesoproterozoic Era, the earthquake event deposits of the Dalongkou Formation are sedimentary response to tectonic activity of the rift basin. 展开更多
关键词 云南省 Mesoproterozoic 时代 地震 海啸 seismites tsunamites
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