In this article, we discuss the existence and uniqueness of solutions for a coupled two-parameter system of sequential fractional integro-differential equations supplemented with nonlocal integro-multipoint boundary c...In this article, we discuss the existence and uniqueness of solutions for a coupled two-parameter system of sequential fractional integro-differential equations supplemented with nonlocal integro-multipoint boundary conditions. The standard tools of the fixed-point theory are employed to obtain the main results. We emphasize that our results are not only new in the given configuration, but also correspond to several new special cases for specific values of the parameters involved in the problem at hand.展开更多
In this paper, we are concerned with the solvability for a class of nonlinear sequential fractional dynamical systems with damping infinite dimensional spaces, which involves fractional Riemann-Liouville derivatives. ...In this paper, we are concerned with the solvability for a class of nonlinear sequential fractional dynamical systems with damping infinite dimensional spaces, which involves fractional Riemann-Liouville derivatives. The solutions of the dynamical systems are obtained by utilizing the method of Laplace transform technique and are based on the formula of the Laplace transform of the Mittag-Leffler function in two parameters. Next, we present the existence and uniqueness of solutions for nonlinear sequential fractional dynamical systems with damping by using fixed point theorems under some appropriate conditions.展开更多
The bioavailability of phosphorus in lake sediment mainly depends on its forms. Therefore, reactive phosphorus (RP) pool of the sediment in a shallow eutrophic lake(Donghu Lake) was determined seasonally and spatia...The bioavailability of phosphorus in lake sediment mainly depends on its forms. Therefore, reactive phosphorus (RP) pool of the sediment in a shallow eutrophic lake(Donghu Lake) was determined seasonally and spatially by sequential chemical extraction according to the scheme proposed by Psenner et al. (Psenner, 1985) and its modified version respectively. The ammonium chloride extracted 3%—7% of the total reactive phosphorus (Tot-RP), while the distilled water extracted less(<3%). These two forms of P were significantly higher at the most eutrophic stations(I and IV). The sum of BD-RP(reductant soluble P) and NaOH-RP extracted accounted for 57%—81% of Tot-RP, which could play significant roles in P cycling. The percentages of HCl-extractable RP in the sediments of station III, however, were usually much more than those of other stations, which could reflect the original geochemistrical characteristics and trophic status of the sediments. It was noted that the sediment RP in different fractions varied in different months studied.展开更多
In this paper, we discussed the problem of nonlocal value for nonlinear fractional q-difference equation. The classical tools of fixed point theorems such as Krasnoselskii’s theorem and Banach’s contraction principl...In this paper, we discussed the problem of nonlocal value for nonlinear fractional q-difference equation. The classical tools of fixed point theorems such as Krasnoselskii’s theorem and Banach’s contraction principle are used. At the end of the manuscript, we have an example that illustrates the key findings.展开更多
In this paper, we investigate the existence of positive solutions for a class of nonlinear q-fractional boundary value problem. By using some fixed point theorems on cone, some existence results of positive solutions ...In this paper, we investigate the existence of positive solutions for a class of nonlinear q-fractional boundary value problem. By using some fixed point theorems on cone, some existence results of positive solutions are obtained.展开更多
Modified BCR sequential extraction, single equilibrium-based EDTA extraction and kinetic fractionation were used for estimating the Pb and Cd availability in a series of soil samples from 3 sites located in urban area...Modified BCR sequential extraction, single equilibrium-based EDTA extraction and kinetic fractionation were used for estimating the Pb and Cd availability in a series of soil samples from 3 sites located in urban areas of Hanoi (Vietnam). These schemes were compared to identify a simple, rapid and cheap protocol for routine estimation of Pb and Cd remobilizable fraction and the related potential risk. The comparison of these three approaches revealed their convergence in terms of mobility patterns observed for Pb and Cd. Cd was characterized by higher extractibality and mobility whatever the approach. Pb was distinguished of Cd by its high association to Feoxides, lower extractability, lower rate of desorption and then lower mobility. For this environmental scenario, EDTA single scheme at equilibrium could be suggested as the best suited and a simple protocol for determination of the labile pool of Cd and Pb. The pseudo-total concentrations of Pb and Cd are actually below the Vietnamese standard level, contrary to the results obtained by other authors for agricultural soils at other urban sites of Hanoi.展开更多
Sequential chemical extraction procedure has been widely used to partition particulate trace metals into various fractions and to describe the distribution and the statue of trace metals in geo environment. One sequen...Sequential chemical extraction procedure has been widely used to partition particulate trace metals into various fractions and to describe the distribution and the statue of trace metals in geo environment. One sequential chemical extraction procedure was employed here to partition various fractions of Mn in soils. The experiment was designed with quality controlling concept in order to show sampling and analytical error. Experimental results obtained on duplicate analysis of all soil samples demonstrated that the precision was less than 10%(at 95%confidence level). The accuracy was estimated by comparing the accepted total concentration of Mn in standard reference materials (SRMs) with the measured sum of the individual fractions. The recovery of Mn from SRM1 and SRM2 was 94.1%and 98.4%, respectively. The detection limit, accuracy and precision of the sequential chemical extraction procedure were discussed in detailed. All the results suggest that the trueness of the analytical method is satisfactory.展开更多
In this paper, we apply the iterative technology to establish the existence of solutions for a fractional boundary value problem with q-difference. Explicit iterative sequences are given to approxinate the solutions a...In this paper, we apply the iterative technology to establish the existence of solutions for a fractional boundary value problem with q-difference. Explicit iterative sequences are given to approxinate the solutions and the error estimations are also given.展开更多
In urban waste (the first matter of compost), elements such as copper, nickel and lead may be found in metallic state (wire, pile, accumulator, etc.), which is considered as non-dependent state. The work undertaken at...In urban waste (the first matter of compost), elements such as copper, nickel and lead may be found in metallic state (wire, pile, accumulator, etc.), which is considered as non-dependent state. The work undertaken at the laboratory of composting of the INRST in Henchir Lihoudia (Tunis) showed that the produced compost does not contain any mobile metallic element and the portion related to organic fraction (bioavailable) is tiny in size. We supposed that many reactions involving decomposition and complexation from elements related to the matrix components occurred during composting. The existence and importance of this phenomenon can be evaluated by studying the evolution of metal contents in the different fractions extracted sequentially during composting process.展开更多
Dewatered municipal sludge samples were collected from five municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and one industrial WWTP in Guangzhou, China. A number of agricultural parameters and total metal concentratio...Dewatered municipal sludge samples were collected from five municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and one industrial WWTP in Guangzhou, China. A number of agricultural parameters and total metal concentrations in the sludge were determined. Metal speciation was also studied. The results showed that sewage sludge had high organic carbon, and was rich in such nutrients as N and P. The concentrations of Mn, Zn, and Cu were the highest, followed by Ni, Pb, and Cr, Cd had the lowest concentration. In addition, the concentrations of the aforementioned heavy metals in the sludge samples were higher than those recorded in the background data for crop soils. With the exception of Cu and Cd from site S1, and Ni from sites S1, $2, and $5, all other metal concentrations conformed to permissible levels prescribed by the national application standard of acid soil in China (GB 18918--2002). The results of the BCR sequential extraction showed that the concentrations of Mn and Zn were predominant in acid-soluble/exchangeable and reducible fractions. Cu was principally distributed in oxidizable and residual fractions, whereas Cr was present in oxidizable and residual fractions, Pb was found in the state of residual fractions, and the distribution of Ni and Cd did not show significant characteristics.展开更多
The amounts and forms of phosphorus (P) in surface sediments of Haihe River, Tianjin, North China, were examined using a sequential chemical extraction procedure. Five fractions of sedimentary P, including loosely s...The amounts and forms of phosphorus (P) in surface sediments of Haihe River, Tianjin, North China, were examined using a sequential chemical extraction procedure. Five fractions of sedimentary P, including loosely sorbed P (NH4Cl-P), redox-sensitive P (BD-P), metal oxide bound P (NaOH-P), calcium bound P (HCI-P), and residual P (Res-P) (organic and refractory P), were separately quantified. The results indicated that the contents of different P fractions in the sediments varied greatly. The total P (TP) contents ranged from 968 to 2017 mg/kg. Phosphorus contents in NH4Cl-P, BD-P, NaOH-P, and HCl-P ranged from 6.7 to 26.6 mg/kg, 54.5 to 90.2 mg/kg, 185.2 to 382.5 mg/kg, and 252.3 to 425.5 mg/kg, respectively, which represented 1.2%-3.2%, 7.7%-13%, 33.3%-48.9%, and 36.2%-54.2% of the sedimentary inorganic P, respectively. For all the sediment samples, the rank order of P-fractions was Res-P 〉 HCl-P 〉 NaOH-P 〉 BD-P 〉 NH4Cl-P. The highly positive relationship between the amounts of P released from the sediments and those in the NH4Cl-P and BD-P fractions, indicated that NH4Cl-P and BD-P were the main fractions that can release P easily.展开更多
Metal content and bioavailability are often the limiting factors for application of sewage sludge in agricultural fields. Sewage sludge samples were collected from five typical urban wastewater treatment plants in Chi...Metal content and bioavailability are often the limiting factors for application of sewage sludge in agricultural fields. Sewage sludge samples were collected from five typical urban wastewater treatment plants in China to investigate their contents and distribution of various chemical fractions of Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Pb and Mo by using the BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) sequential extraction procedure. The sludges contained considerable amounts of organic matter (31.8%- 48.0%), total N (16.3-26.4 g kg^-1) and total P (15.1-23.9 g kg^-1), indicating high potential agricultural benefits of their practical applications. However, total Zn and Ni contents in the sludge exceeded the values permitted in China's control standards for pollutants in sludges from agricultural use (GB 4284-1984). The residual fraction was the predominant fraction for Mo, Ni and Cr, the oxidizable fraction was the primary fraction for Cu and Pb, and the exchangeable and reducible fractions were principal for Zn. The distribution of different chemical fractions among the sludge samples refiected differences in their physicochemical properties, especially pH. The sludge pH was negatively correlated with the percentages of reducible fraction of Cu and exchangeable fraction of Zn. The sludges from these plants might not be suitable for agricultural applications due to their high contents of Zn, Ni and Cr, as well as high potential of mobility and bioavailability of Zn.展开更多
In this paper we consider a discrete fractional boundary value problem(FBVP for short). We provide a delicate analysis for the property of Green’s function. Our analysis motivates the study of discrete fractional bou...In this paper we consider a discrete fractional boundary value problem(FBVP for short). We provide a delicate analysis for the property of Green’s function. Our analysis motivates the study of discrete fractional boundary value problems with fractional boundary conditions. As an application, we give conditions under which such problems admit at least one positive solution. Our results extend the results presented in [4].展开更多
背景脓毒症是由感染因素引发机体免疫反应失调而导致的全身炎症反应,可能会导致潜在的危及生命的器官功能障碍。目前对于未成熟血小板比率(IPF)在脓毒症严重程度及预后方面已有一些研究,但关于IPF联合其他指标在脓毒症中应用的研究较少...背景脓毒症是由感染因素引发机体免疫反应失调而导致的全身炎症反应,可能会导致潜在的危及生命的器官功能障碍。目前对于未成熟血小板比率(IPF)在脓毒症严重程度及预后方面已有一些研究,但关于IPF联合其他指标在脓毒症中应用的研究较少。目的探讨IPF联合其他指标在脓毒症严重程度及其预后中的预测价值。方法收集2020年11月—2022年11月复旦大学附属中山医院厦门医院重症医学科收治的60例脓毒症患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。分组情况:严重程度按定义划分,可分为严重脓毒症组24例与脓毒性休克组36例;严重程度按序贯器官衰竭评估(SOFA)评分划分,可分为低SOFA组26例(SOFA评分<6分)与高SOFA组34例(SOFA评分≥6分);按预后划分,可分为生存组39例与死亡组21例。对比不同分组患者IPF及其他血液指标[中性粒细胞与白蛋白比值(NAR)、血小板与淋巴细胞比值(PLR)、中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值(NLR)、乳酸与白蛋白比值(LAR)]的差异,绘制不同联合指标评估脓毒症严重程度和预后的受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线,计算ROC曲线下面积(AUC)并比较其评估价值。结果死亡组患者肺部疾病所占比例、基线急性生理学与慢性健康状况量表系统Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ)评分、基线SOFA评分高于生存组(P<0.05)。高SOFA组患者肺部疾病所占比例、基线APACHEⅡ评分、死亡所占比例高于低SOFA组(P<0.05)。对于治疗开始48hIPF,脓毒性休克组患者高于严重脓毒症组,高SOFA组患者高于低SOFA组,死亡组患者高于生存组(P<0.05)。因不同组患者治疗开始48 h IPF均存在统计学差异,故截取48 h各实验室检查指标进行进一步研究分析:IPF在预测脓毒性休克及高SOFA评分的AUC分别为0.70(95%CI=0.55~0.83,截断值为3.95%)、0.72(95%CI=0.60~0.86,截断值7.70%),预测死亡的AUC为0.73(95%CI=0.58~0.89,截断值为6.10%)。IPF+基线APACHEⅡ评分+NLR、IPF+基线APACHEⅡ评分+LAR预测高SOFA评分的AUC分别为0.91(95%CI=0.84~0.98)和0.93(95%CI=0.84~0.99);IPF+NAR+PLR预测脓毒症患者死亡的AUC为0.90(95%CI=0.81~0.98)。结论IPF联合不同血液指标能够提高临床实践中对脓毒症患者病情严重程度及预后的评估能力,治疗开始48 h IPF+基线APACHEⅡ评分+治疗开始48 h NLR及治疗开始48 h IPF+基线APACHEⅡ评分+治疗开始48 h LAR在脓毒症严重程度预测中具有较高效能;而治疗开始48h的IPF+NAR+PLR在预测脓毒症患者预后方面效能较好。展开更多
The primary productivity of terrestrial ecosystems is influenced by soil phosphorus bioavailability, which depends largely on chemical fractions of phosphorus. The sequential fractionation technique developed by Hedle...The primary productivity of terrestrial ecosystems is influenced by soil phosphorus bioavailability, which depends largely on chemical fractions of phosphorus. The sequential fractionation technique developed by Hedley et al. or its subsequent modification is a well-known method to determine soil phosphorus forms. Hedley sequential fractionation technique separates the phosphorus into fractions based on their different chemical solubilities in extractants with certain chemical properties. Recently, synchrotron-based X-ray absorption near edge structure(XANES) spectroscopy has been employed to measure soil phosphorus species directly and non-invasively. The XANES method provides information concerning local structure and chemical information of target elements at a molecular level. Thus, it can distinguish phosphorus fractions bound by metal oxides or hydroxides(such as Fe, Al, and Ca). In this present work, the phosphorus speciation of topsoil along a glacial foreland chronosequence in Gongga Mountain is determined using these two methods. The changes in soil phosphorus bioavailability along the 120-year-old chronosequence are assessed based on comparisons of the results obtained by these two methods. The results indicate that Hedley sequential fractionation technique shows a greater ability to determine soil bioavailable phosphorus(Resin-P and NaCHO3-P), while XANES is effective in distinguishing phosphorus bound by metal compounds. In the chronosequence, Ca- and Al-bound phosphorus were derived mainly from primary minerals, whose phosphorus contents decreased within 120 years of moraine weathering and soil development. The content of soil bioavailable phosphorus increased rapidly after 30 years since deglaciation. The increasing phosphorus bioavailability promoted the colonizing and primary succession vegetation.展开更多
文摘In this article, we discuss the existence and uniqueness of solutions for a coupled two-parameter system of sequential fractional integro-differential equations supplemented with nonlocal integro-multipoint boundary conditions. The standard tools of the fixed-point theory are employed to obtain the main results. We emphasize that our results are not only new in the given configuration, but also correspond to several new special cases for specific values of the parameters involved in the problem at hand.
文摘In this paper, we are concerned with the solvability for a class of nonlinear sequential fractional dynamical systems with damping infinite dimensional spaces, which involves fractional Riemann-Liouville derivatives. The solutions of the dynamical systems are obtained by utilizing the method of Laplace transform technique and are based on the formula of the Laplace transform of the Mittag-Leffler function in two parameters. Next, we present the existence and uniqueness of solutions for nonlinear sequential fractional dynamical systems with damping by using fixed point theorems under some appropriate conditions.
文摘The bioavailability of phosphorus in lake sediment mainly depends on its forms. Therefore, reactive phosphorus (RP) pool of the sediment in a shallow eutrophic lake(Donghu Lake) was determined seasonally and spatially by sequential chemical extraction according to the scheme proposed by Psenner et al. (Psenner, 1985) and its modified version respectively. The ammonium chloride extracted 3%—7% of the total reactive phosphorus (Tot-RP), while the distilled water extracted less(<3%). These two forms of P were significantly higher at the most eutrophic stations(I and IV). The sum of BD-RP(reductant soluble P) and NaOH-RP extracted accounted for 57%—81% of Tot-RP, which could play significant roles in P cycling. The percentages of HCl-extractable RP in the sediments of station III, however, were usually much more than those of other stations, which could reflect the original geochemistrical characteristics and trophic status of the sediments. It was noted that the sediment RP in different fractions varied in different months studied.
文摘In this paper, we discussed the problem of nonlocal value for nonlinear fractional q-difference equation. The classical tools of fixed point theorems such as Krasnoselskii’s theorem and Banach’s contraction principle are used. At the end of the manuscript, we have an example that illustrates the key findings.
文摘In this paper, we investigate the existence of positive solutions for a class of nonlinear q-fractional boundary value problem. By using some fixed point theorems on cone, some existence results of positive solutions are obtained.
文摘Modified BCR sequential extraction, single equilibrium-based EDTA extraction and kinetic fractionation were used for estimating the Pb and Cd availability in a series of soil samples from 3 sites located in urban areas of Hanoi (Vietnam). These schemes were compared to identify a simple, rapid and cheap protocol for routine estimation of Pb and Cd remobilizable fraction and the related potential risk. The comparison of these three approaches revealed their convergence in terms of mobility patterns observed for Pb and Cd. Cd was characterized by higher extractibality and mobility whatever the approach. Pb was distinguished of Cd by its high association to Feoxides, lower extractability, lower rate of desorption and then lower mobility. For this environmental scenario, EDTA single scheme at equilibrium could be suggested as the best suited and a simple protocol for determination of the labile pool of Cd and Pb. The pseudo-total concentrations of Pb and Cd are actually below the Vietnamese standard level, contrary to the results obtained by other authors for agricultural soils at other urban sites of Hanoi.
文摘Sequential chemical extraction procedure has been widely used to partition particulate trace metals into various fractions and to describe the distribution and the statue of trace metals in geo environment. One sequential chemical extraction procedure was employed here to partition various fractions of Mn in soils. The experiment was designed with quality controlling concept in order to show sampling and analytical error. Experimental results obtained on duplicate analysis of all soil samples demonstrated that the precision was less than 10%(at 95%confidence level). The accuracy was estimated by comparing the accepted total concentration of Mn in standard reference materials (SRMs) with the measured sum of the individual fractions. The recovery of Mn from SRM1 and SRM2 was 94.1%and 98.4%, respectively. The detection limit, accuracy and precision of the sequential chemical extraction procedure were discussed in detailed. All the results suggest that the trueness of the analytical method is satisfactory.
文摘In this paper, we apply the iterative technology to establish the existence of solutions for a fractional boundary value problem with q-difference. Explicit iterative sequences are given to approxinate the solutions and the error estimations are also given.
文摘In urban waste (the first matter of compost), elements such as copper, nickel and lead may be found in metallic state (wire, pile, accumulator, etc.), which is considered as non-dependent state. The work undertaken at the laboratory of composting of the INRST in Henchir Lihoudia (Tunis) showed that the produced compost does not contain any mobile metallic element and the portion related to organic fraction (bioavailable) is tiny in size. We supposed that many reactions involving decomposition and complexation from elements related to the matrix components occurred during composting. The existence and importance of this phenomenon can be evaluated by studying the evolution of metal contents in the different fractions extracted sequentially during composting process.
基金Project(51308132) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2012B050300023) supported by the Scientific and Technological Planning Project of Guangdong Province,China+1 种基金Project(LYM11059) supported by the Foundation for Distinguished Young Talents in Higher Education of Guangdong,ChinaProjects(2011B090400161,2011B090400144) supported by the Cooperation Foundation for Industry,University and Research Institute,Guangdong Province and Ministry of Education of China
文摘Dewatered municipal sludge samples were collected from five municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and one industrial WWTP in Guangzhou, China. A number of agricultural parameters and total metal concentrations in the sludge were determined. Metal speciation was also studied. The results showed that sewage sludge had high organic carbon, and was rich in such nutrients as N and P. The concentrations of Mn, Zn, and Cu were the highest, followed by Ni, Pb, and Cr, Cd had the lowest concentration. In addition, the concentrations of the aforementioned heavy metals in the sludge samples were higher than those recorded in the background data for crop soils. With the exception of Cu and Cd from site S1, and Ni from sites S1, $2, and $5, all other metal concentrations conformed to permissible levels prescribed by the national application standard of acid soil in China (GB 18918--2002). The results of the BCR sequential extraction showed that the concentrations of Mn and Zn were predominant in acid-soluble/exchangeable and reducible fractions. Cu was principally distributed in oxidizable and residual fractions, whereas Cr was present in oxidizable and residual fractions, Pb was found in the state of residual fractions, and the distribution of Ni and Cd did not show significant characteristics.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foun-dation of Tianjin (No. 09YFSZSF02100)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50479034)the Commonweal Projects of the Water Conservancy of China (No. 200801135)
文摘The amounts and forms of phosphorus (P) in surface sediments of Haihe River, Tianjin, North China, were examined using a sequential chemical extraction procedure. Five fractions of sedimentary P, including loosely sorbed P (NH4Cl-P), redox-sensitive P (BD-P), metal oxide bound P (NaOH-P), calcium bound P (HCI-P), and residual P (Res-P) (organic and refractory P), were separately quantified. The results indicated that the contents of different P fractions in the sediments varied greatly. The total P (TP) contents ranged from 968 to 2017 mg/kg. Phosphorus contents in NH4Cl-P, BD-P, NaOH-P, and HCl-P ranged from 6.7 to 26.6 mg/kg, 54.5 to 90.2 mg/kg, 185.2 to 382.5 mg/kg, and 252.3 to 425.5 mg/kg, respectively, which represented 1.2%-3.2%, 7.7%-13%, 33.3%-48.9%, and 36.2%-54.2% of the sedimentary inorganic P, respectively. For all the sediment samples, the rank order of P-fractions was Res-P 〉 HCl-P 〉 NaOH-P 〉 BD-P 〉 NH4Cl-P. The highly positive relationship between the amounts of P released from the sediments and those in the NH4Cl-P and BD-P fractions, indicated that NH4Cl-P and BD-P were the main fractions that can release P easily.
基金Project supported by the National Key Basic Research Support Foundation of China (No. 2002CB412303)the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. KB2004115)
文摘Metal content and bioavailability are often the limiting factors for application of sewage sludge in agricultural fields. Sewage sludge samples were collected from five typical urban wastewater treatment plants in China to investigate their contents and distribution of various chemical fractions of Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Pb and Mo by using the BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) sequential extraction procedure. The sludges contained considerable amounts of organic matter (31.8%- 48.0%), total N (16.3-26.4 g kg^-1) and total P (15.1-23.9 g kg^-1), indicating high potential agricultural benefits of their practical applications. However, total Zn and Ni contents in the sludge exceeded the values permitted in China's control standards for pollutants in sludges from agricultural use (GB 4284-1984). The residual fraction was the predominant fraction for Mo, Ni and Cr, the oxidizable fraction was the primary fraction for Cu and Pb, and the exchangeable and reducible fractions were principal for Zn. The distribution of different chemical fractions among the sludge samples refiected differences in their physicochemical properties, especially pH. The sludge pH was negatively correlated with the percentages of reducible fraction of Cu and exchangeable fraction of Zn. The sludges from these plants might not be suitable for agricultural applications due to their high contents of Zn, Ni and Cr, as well as high potential of mobility and bioavailability of Zn.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11161049)
文摘In this paper we consider a discrete fractional boundary value problem(FBVP for short). We provide a delicate analysis for the property of Green’s function. Our analysis motivates the study of discrete fractional boundary value problems with fractional boundary conditions. As an application, we give conditions under which such problems admit at least one positive solution. Our results extend the results presented in [4].
文摘背景脓毒症是由感染因素引发机体免疫反应失调而导致的全身炎症反应,可能会导致潜在的危及生命的器官功能障碍。目前对于未成熟血小板比率(IPF)在脓毒症严重程度及预后方面已有一些研究,但关于IPF联合其他指标在脓毒症中应用的研究较少。目的探讨IPF联合其他指标在脓毒症严重程度及其预后中的预测价值。方法收集2020年11月—2022年11月复旦大学附属中山医院厦门医院重症医学科收治的60例脓毒症患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。分组情况:严重程度按定义划分,可分为严重脓毒症组24例与脓毒性休克组36例;严重程度按序贯器官衰竭评估(SOFA)评分划分,可分为低SOFA组26例(SOFA评分<6分)与高SOFA组34例(SOFA评分≥6分);按预后划分,可分为生存组39例与死亡组21例。对比不同分组患者IPF及其他血液指标[中性粒细胞与白蛋白比值(NAR)、血小板与淋巴细胞比值(PLR)、中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值(NLR)、乳酸与白蛋白比值(LAR)]的差异,绘制不同联合指标评估脓毒症严重程度和预后的受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线,计算ROC曲线下面积(AUC)并比较其评估价值。结果死亡组患者肺部疾病所占比例、基线急性生理学与慢性健康状况量表系统Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ)评分、基线SOFA评分高于生存组(P<0.05)。高SOFA组患者肺部疾病所占比例、基线APACHEⅡ评分、死亡所占比例高于低SOFA组(P<0.05)。对于治疗开始48hIPF,脓毒性休克组患者高于严重脓毒症组,高SOFA组患者高于低SOFA组,死亡组患者高于生存组(P<0.05)。因不同组患者治疗开始48 h IPF均存在统计学差异,故截取48 h各实验室检查指标进行进一步研究分析:IPF在预测脓毒性休克及高SOFA评分的AUC分别为0.70(95%CI=0.55~0.83,截断值为3.95%)、0.72(95%CI=0.60~0.86,截断值7.70%),预测死亡的AUC为0.73(95%CI=0.58~0.89,截断值为6.10%)。IPF+基线APACHEⅡ评分+NLR、IPF+基线APACHEⅡ评分+LAR预测高SOFA评分的AUC分别为0.91(95%CI=0.84~0.98)和0.93(95%CI=0.84~0.99);IPF+NAR+PLR预测脓毒症患者死亡的AUC为0.90(95%CI=0.81~0.98)。结论IPF联合不同血液指标能够提高临床实践中对脓毒症患者病情严重程度及预后的评估能力,治疗开始48 h IPF+基线APACHEⅡ评分+治疗开始48 h NLR及治疗开始48 h IPF+基线APACHEⅡ评分+治疗开始48 h LAR在脓毒症严重程度预测中具有较高效能;而治疗开始48h的IPF+NAR+PLR在预测脓毒症患者预后方面效能较好。
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41272220)the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant Nos.KZCX2-YW-BR-21 and KZZD-EW-TZ-06)
文摘The primary productivity of terrestrial ecosystems is influenced by soil phosphorus bioavailability, which depends largely on chemical fractions of phosphorus. The sequential fractionation technique developed by Hedley et al. or its subsequent modification is a well-known method to determine soil phosphorus forms. Hedley sequential fractionation technique separates the phosphorus into fractions based on their different chemical solubilities in extractants with certain chemical properties. Recently, synchrotron-based X-ray absorption near edge structure(XANES) spectroscopy has been employed to measure soil phosphorus species directly and non-invasively. The XANES method provides information concerning local structure and chemical information of target elements at a molecular level. Thus, it can distinguish phosphorus fractions bound by metal oxides or hydroxides(such as Fe, Al, and Ca). In this present work, the phosphorus speciation of topsoil along a glacial foreland chronosequence in Gongga Mountain is determined using these two methods. The changes in soil phosphorus bioavailability along the 120-year-old chronosequence are assessed based on comparisons of the results obtained by these two methods. The results indicate that Hedley sequential fractionation technique shows a greater ability to determine soil bioavailable phosphorus(Resin-P and NaCHO3-P), while XANES is effective in distinguishing phosphorus bound by metal compounds. In the chronosequence, Ca- and Al-bound phosphorus were derived mainly from primary minerals, whose phosphorus contents decreased within 120 years of moraine weathering and soil development. The content of soil bioavailable phosphorus increased rapidly after 30 years since deglaciation. The increasing phosphorus bioavailability promoted the colonizing and primary succession vegetation.