Breeding record is an important way to implement standardized sheep raising,trace major sheep raising epidemic information and ensure the quality and safety of products for sheep-raising households or farms.Based on 8...Breeding record is an important way to implement standardized sheep raising,trace major sheep raising epidemic information and ensure the quality and safety of products for sheep-raising households or farms.Based on 849 questionnaires from 17 cities of Shandong Province,the paper firstly used the binary discrete model of Logit to analyze the factors influencing the establishing behavior of breeding records of sheep-raising households or farms and then used the ISM model to explain the relationship and hierarchy of each influencing factor.The result showed that seven factors including the education level of the deciders,farming scale,fixed number of farming years,degree of specialization,support of the government,whether to join the industrialization organization and the recognition of the breeding records have a significant impact on the establishing behavior of breeding records of the sheep-raising households or farms.Among them,the support of the government and the recognition of breeding records are the surface direct factors,degree of specialization and whether to join the industrialization organization are the middle indirect factors,the education level of the deciders,the farming scale and the fixed number of farming years are deep source factors.展开更多
Trafficking in persons, especially women and girls has been on for long and is still going on. Persons in the female group constitute the mostly trafficked humans. This study was conducted to determine the effects of ...Trafficking in persons, especially women and girls has been on for long and is still going on. Persons in the female group constitute the mostly trafficked humans. This study was conducted to determine the effects of human trafficking on household farm labor needs available among farming households. Arable farming households involved in human trafficking were identified and purposively selected for this study with the aid of key informants in purposively selected communities. This led to the selection of 60 arable farming household heads in Delta North Agricultural zone, 65 farming household heads in Delta Central Agricultural Zone, and 36 arable farming household heads in Delta south agricultural zone to give a total of 151 respondents. Data for the study were collected with the utilization of questionnaire and interview schedule. The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis with the application of frequency counts, percentages and means derived from 4-point likert-type scale. The hypothesis was tested using Tobit regression analysis. Human trafficking was found to be age and sex selective and the causes of human trafficking included both push and pull factors, such as high income in destination countries poverty, low risk profit, nature of trafficking in persons, ease in control and manipulation of vulnerable women and girls, low risk involved in working in destination countries, lacking of legitimate and fulfilling employment, sex selective migration policies, less access to information and peer pressure. Shortage of household farm labor was experienced by farming households in clearing and brushing of farm land, sowing, weeding, harvesting and processing/storage. Human trafficking was found to affect household labor availability in clearing/brushing of farm land, sowing, weeding, harvesting and processing/storage of farm produce. It is recommended that poverty alleviation programs should be specially organized for poor women, government and NGOs and international agencies should develop strategies to mitigate human trafficking. The government needs to collaborate with community based organizations and law enforcement agencies to create anti-trafficking committee in fanning communities. Community education should be created for the farming communities to emphasize anti-human trafficking with the use of change agents; extension agents should integrate anti-trafficking messages in their interaction with farmers.展开更多
Climate change impact and risks on agricultural livelihood affect women and men disproportionately and often to the disadvantage of women and girls. Consequently, this study assessed gender perspectives of vulnerabili...Climate change impact and risks on agricultural livelihood affect women and men disproportionately and often to the disadvantage of women and girls. Consequently, this study assessed gender perspectives of vulnerability to climate change of farming households at Ikpayongo community in Gwer local government area, Benue State, Nigeria using descriptive approach. The study identified a total of 120 male-headed and female-headed farming households across four neighbourhoods and administered structured questionnaire on them using simple random sampling method, while data analysis was done using descriptive statistics. The results indicate lower education and income status among female-headed households, though male-headed households have high household size. Both sexes have relatively equal access to land for farming, however men have large farm size compared to women. The major crops cultivated by men were rice and yam, while women cultivated largely groundnut and cassava. Women are more exposed and sensitive to climate-related hazards such as floods and heat stress due to the location of their farms. The result further shows that males possess better adaptive capacity given their higher incomes, social networks and more access to training/capacity building programmes and credit facilities. The study concludes that female-headed farming households are more vulnerable to climate change and variability than male-headed farming households due to higher exposure and a lower adaptive capacity. Programme and policies to improve women access to credit facilities and relevant training to boost their adaptive capacity and build resilience are highly recommended. This would also limit exposure with attendant reduction in vulnerability.展开更多
As an important part of the new agricultural business entities, large-scale grain-production households play a significantly positive role in improving the land resource utilization, improving agricultural productivit...As an important part of the new agricultural business entities, large-scale grain-production households play a significantly positive role in improving the land resource utilization, improving agricultural productivity, increasing agricultural output and farmers" income, and making a certain contribution to stabilize grain production. This paper analyzed the current situation of large-scale grain-production household in Jiangxi Province, as well as the problems in land transfer, farmland infrastructure, production and management, capital and other risks. At last, the paper proposed targeted countermeasures.展开更多
Using data from the farm household survey conducted in 2009,arable land use intensity(ALUI)and its influence factors at farm household level were investigated by the Tobit model.Suyu District of Suqian City and Taixin...Using data from the farm household survey conducted in 2009,arable land use intensity(ALUI)and its influence factors at farm household level were investigated by the Tobit model.Suyu District of Suqian City and Taixing City of Jiansu Province,China were chosen as the regions for comparison.The results show that:1)On the average, the ALUI,labor intensity,yield-increasing input,and labor-saving input are 15 238.14 yuan(RMB)/ha,192 d/ha, 7233.01 yuan/ha,and 2451.32 yuan/ha in the less economically developed Suyu District,and 13 020.65 yuan/ha,181 d/ha,5871.82 yuan/ha,and 2625.97 yuan/ha in more economically developed Taixing City.The figures indicate that Suyu District has higher ALUI and labor intensity input but lower labor-saving input.2)Comparing all the influence factors,the total arable land area in available and average plot size have bigger effects on arable land intensive use;to a small degree,family′s non-farm income affects labor intensity,yield-increasing input,and labor-saving input;the yield-increasing input decreases significantly when the householder has higher education attainment;the commercialization rates of agricultural products and the planting proportion of cash crops both have unstable influence on ALUI; the share of arable land rented in has few impacts on labor intensity,yield-increasing input,and labor-saving input. 3)There are no differences found in the internal impact mechanism of influence factors on the arable land intensive use behaviors of farm households.However,there are conspicuous disparities in the impact degrees and statistical significance based on varying economic levels.4)Using the results as bases,this study proposes that the government should implement land management and agricultural policies according to local condition.And these policies should decrease land fragmentation to promote scale management of land and arable land use intensification.展开更多
Promoting the sustainable intensification of cultivated land use(SICL) has become crucial for ensuring a sufficient supply of grain and important agricultural products, as well as for the sustainable use of resources....Promoting the sustainable intensification of cultivated land use(SICL) has become crucial for ensuring a sufficient supply of grain and important agricultural products, as well as for the sustainable use of resources. Taking widely used areas of Shandong Province in China as examples, an analytical scale and level framework for SICL is constructed in this study. It measures the level of SICL through material flow analysis, constructs Tobit models to analyze the influencing factors of SICL at the farming household scale,and analyzes the transition mechanisms of SICL. The results show that the overall level of SICL in Shandong Province is low, and the spatial distribution is uneven. There are relatively more farmers participating in unsustainable intensification than in medium or low levels of SICL, with farmers working at a high level of SICL making up the smallest proportion. The factors that determine the level of SICL at which farmers work vary significantly. More male farmers operate at a low SICL level than female farmers, while females outnumber males at a high SICL level. This is mainly related to the regional distribution of age and population. Meanwhile, with larger cultivated land areas, there is a lower degree of land fragmentation, with a higher level of SICL corresponding to a smaller distance to the nearest town closer within 1–5 km from the town center. We can see the level of SICL and its processes themselves are closely related to time and space scales. Based on the above analysis, it is necessary to clarify the standard processes of SICL to adapt them to local conditions. This includes instructing managers on how to improve resource utilization, increase the sustainable development of cultivated land and establish a comprehensively efficient and functional SICL mechanism. The sustainable intensification of cultivated land use and its specific application in the new era are conducive to enriching the frontier theories and methodology of sustainable development, and are of great significance to the advancement of green agriculture and the decision-making of rural high-quality development.展开更多
Smallholder livelihoods in agricultural areas in Tibet Autonomous Region,China(Tibet for short)have traditionally been based on subsistence mixed crop-livestock systems.Like many parts of China and the developing worl...Smallholder livelihoods in agricultural areas in Tibet Autonomous Region,China(Tibet for short)have traditionally been based on subsistence mixed crop-livestock systems.Like many parts of China and the developing world,rural Tibet is undergoing rapid change in agricultural development,boosted by links with the off-farm sector.However,the agricultural transition process in Tibet has not been linear,is affected by policies particular to the region,and varies significantly for different categories of rural actors.This paper analyses heterogeneity of household types in agricultural areas of southern Tibet and how household structures and characteristics result in different agricultural development pathways.Data is drawn from a stratified random survey of 144 households in three townships in southern Tibet and analysed through three methods:cluster analysis,bio-economic modelling,and analysis of household perceptions and attitudes to change.The analysis allows for the identification of three key household types-semisubsistence,pluriactive and semi-commercial-organised along a continuum of intensification,commercialisation,specialisation and productivity.The study demonstrates the diversity of household farming systems in Tibet which in turn highlights the need for disaggregated analysis and tailored development policies and strategies.However,the analysis also reveals commonalities in development paths between groups,where all farm types are more interested in pursuing income and livelihood goals through an increase in productivity than through an increase in scale.Farmers in all systems choose to retain agriculture as a base from which to pursue livelihood strategies,especially through off-farm activities.Accounting for this household heterogeneity is important on several levels.First,it provides more granular detail on the process of development in rural areas of Tibet that have been very difficult to access in English literature especially in recent years.Second,the characteristics of the case study in agricultural areas of Tibet-especially the mixed agricultural-pastoral systems,high levels of seasonality,heavy state investment and increased integration with the other regions of China-may contribute to the broader agricultural development study.Third,policymakers in the central and local governments may be interested in how the household heterogeneity may affect-or be affected by-policies to increase agricultural productivity,intensify systems,change the composition of crop-livestock systems,promote rural-urban transformation and pursue environmental objectives,especially grassland degradation.展开更多
Human-environment relationship is a focus of academic researches and an understanding of the rela- tionship is important for making effective policies and decisions. In this study, based on rural household survey data...Human-environment relationship is a focus of academic researches and an understanding of the rela- tionship is important for making effective policies and decisions. In this study, based on rural household survey data of Taibus Banner, Duolun county and Zhengxiangbai Banner in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region of China, we identified the impact of livelihood diversification on ecosystems in these agro-pastoral areas by using the ecological footprint theory and methodology together with the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation analysis methods. In 2011, the total ecological footprint of consumption (EFC) was 0.665 g hm2, and the total ecological footprint of production (EFP) was 2.045 g hm2, which was more than three times the EFC. The ecological footprint of arable land consumption (EFAC) accounted for a large proportion of the EFC, and the ecological footprint of grassland production (EFGP) occupied a large proportion of the EFP. Both the ecological footprint of grassland consumption (EFGC) and EFGP had a significant positive correlation with the income, indicating that income was mainly depended on livestock production and the households with higher incomes consumed more livestock prod- ucts. The full-time farming households (FTFHs) had the highest EFP, ecological footprint of arable land production (EFAP), EFGP and EFGC, followed by the part-time farming households (PTFHs) and non-farming households (NFHs), which indicated that part-time farming and non-farming employment reduced the occupancy and con- sumption of rural households on local ecosystems and natural resources to some extent. When farming households engaged in livestock rearing, both the EFAP and EFAC became smaller, while the EFP, EFC, EFGC and EFGP increased significantly. The differences in ecological footprints among different household groups should be taken into account when making ecosystem conservation policies. Encouraging the laborers who have the advantages of participating in non-farming employment to move out of the rural areas and increasing the diversification of liveli- hoods of rural households are important in reducing the environmental pressures and improving the welfare of households in the study area. Moreover, grassland should be utilized more effectively in the future.展开更多
The vulnerability of farms to the effects of climate change weighs heavily and indirectly on the living conditions of farming households in northern Benin. This article analyses the vulnerability of cotton-growing hou...The vulnerability of farms to the effects of climate change weighs heavily and indirectly on the living conditions of farming households in northern Benin. This article analyses the vulnerability of cotton-growing households to the effects of climate change. Using a simple random sample of 240 households, the study identified the hardships suffered by cotton-growing farm households in the communes of Boukoumbé and Kérou in northern Benin. The theoretical framework is based on sustainable living conditions, according to which poverty is no longer understood solely in monetary or pecuniary terms, but rather is based on a multidimensional approach. The normalization method is used to calculate the index level for each sub-component. The results show that the level of vulnerability to living conditions per household is 0.3120. Households headed by women are less vulnerable to the effects of climate change (-0.0042) than those headed by men (0.0258). The effects of climate change on household living conditions are estimated at 0.0209.展开更多
Soil fertility management (SFM) has important implications for sustaining agricultural development and food self-sufifciency. Better understanding the determinants of farmers’ SFM can be a great help to the adoptio...Soil fertility management (SFM) has important implications for sustaining agricultural development and food self-sufifciency. Better understanding the determinants of farmers’ SFM can be a great help to the adoption of effective SFM practices. Based on a dataset of 315 plots collected from a typical rice growing area of South China, this study applied statistical method and econometric models to examine the impacts of land characteristics on farmers’ SFM practices at plot scale. Main results showed that in general land characteristics affected SFM behaviors. Securer land tenure arrangements facilitated effective practices of SFM through more diversiifed and more soil-friendly cropping pattern choices. Plot size signiifcantly reduced the intensities of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application. Given other factors, 1 ha increase in plot size might reduce 3.0 kg ha-1 P2O5 and 1.8 kg ha-1 K2O. Plots far from the homestead were paid less attention in terms of both chemical fertilizers and manure applications. Besides, plots with better quality were put more efforts on management by applying more nitrogen and manure, and by planting green manure crops. Signiifcant differences existed in SFM practices between the surveyed villages with different socio-economic conditions. The ifndings are expected to provide important references to the policy-making incentive for improving soil quality and crop productivity.展开更多
By recognizing the gap in the literature in examining the effects of financial resources and development outcomes at the household level,this paper examines whether the poorest income quintile would benefit most from ...By recognizing the gap in the literature in examining the effects of financial resources and development outcomes at the household level,this paper examines whether the poorest income quintile would benefit most from programs aimed at increasing their access to financial services in rural northern Nigeria.Most households from this part of the world consist of farmers and,hence,are exposed to the vagaries of climate change.The data from 320 questionnaires administered in two rural communities(Rijau and Fakai)were analyzed using an ordered logit regression model.The results showed that access to financial services by using formal financial institutions and farmer savings clubs benefits vulnerable farmers(mostly women).The robustness check using the Brant test also confirmed that the parallel regression assumption of the model was not violated.A policy scenario that seeks to increase the delivery of financial services to rural farm households using community savings clubs and microfinance institution reforms for reaching the financially underserved was also found to benefit the poorest income quintile,hence,bringing them out of poverty.展开更多
This paper examines farmers’perceptions of their exposure to climate change in rural northern Nigeria.It also examines whether there is a significant relationship between the exposure of farmers to climate change and...This paper examines farmers’perceptions of their exposure to climate change in rural northern Nigeria.It also examines whether there is a significant relationship between the exposure of farmers to climate change and their need for financial access as an adaptation strategy.Questionnaires were administered to 320 respondents in rural communities in northern Nigeria.Descriptive analysis shows that rural farmers are affected by climate change through increased temperature,prolonged dry seasons,floods,and drought,which lead to low harvest and,in turn,low income.An estimate from a non-parametric test also shows a significant relationship between farmers’perceived exposure to climate change and their need for credit.Although the Spearman correlation results show a 63%association between exposure to climate change and the need for finance,96%of those seeking credit to mitigate these impacts would be unable to do so due to financial exclusiveness.The paper recommends that the Central Bank of Nigeria should ensure that microfinance institutions refocus their products/services to those who need them the most in order to enhance access to financial resources and enable farmers to build resilience that will maximize post-harvest gains.Lastly,considering that climate change is a global phenomenon with local effects,perhaps the international community could support lending to smallholder farmers through central banks by insuring the loans that banks give to farmers towards financing climate change adaptation strategies.展开更多
The livelihoods of farmers are responding to the mioroeconomic policies and result in many changes in the landuse pattern and landscape, and the farmer's attitude to the natural resources conservation, specifically i...The livelihoods of farmers are responding to the mioroeconomic policies and result in many changes in the landuse pattern and landscape, and the farmer's attitude to the natural resources conservation, specifically in the land degradation. In order to find the relationship between the farmers' response to the microeeonomic policies and land degradation, the authors surveyed 120 household in three villages in the black soil zone in Heilongjiang Province. Based on the feedback of the questionnaires, the authors established a model to analyze the impact. The results demonstrated that land degradation was impacted by farmers behaviors in the process of the adjustment of agricultural structures in the city of Zhaodong. And the main factors acted on the land degradation were the agricultural labour education level, the transfer of the labour from agricultural production, the price of the agricultural production materials, and the land scale management. The authors put forward some suggestions for sustainable agriculture based on the analysis on the topic.展开更多
基金Supported by Project of Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture(SDAIT-09-011-11)
文摘Breeding record is an important way to implement standardized sheep raising,trace major sheep raising epidemic information and ensure the quality and safety of products for sheep-raising households or farms.Based on 849 questionnaires from 17 cities of Shandong Province,the paper firstly used the binary discrete model of Logit to analyze the factors influencing the establishing behavior of breeding records of sheep-raising households or farms and then used the ISM model to explain the relationship and hierarchy of each influencing factor.The result showed that seven factors including the education level of the deciders,farming scale,fixed number of farming years,degree of specialization,support of the government,whether to join the industrialization organization and the recognition of the breeding records have a significant impact on the establishing behavior of breeding records of the sheep-raising households or farms.Among them,the support of the government and the recognition of breeding records are the surface direct factors,degree of specialization and whether to join the industrialization organization are the middle indirect factors,the education level of the deciders,the farming scale and the fixed number of farming years are deep source factors.
文摘Trafficking in persons, especially women and girls has been on for long and is still going on. Persons in the female group constitute the mostly trafficked humans. This study was conducted to determine the effects of human trafficking on household farm labor needs available among farming households. Arable farming households involved in human trafficking were identified and purposively selected for this study with the aid of key informants in purposively selected communities. This led to the selection of 60 arable farming household heads in Delta North Agricultural zone, 65 farming household heads in Delta Central Agricultural Zone, and 36 arable farming household heads in Delta south agricultural zone to give a total of 151 respondents. Data for the study were collected with the utilization of questionnaire and interview schedule. The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis with the application of frequency counts, percentages and means derived from 4-point likert-type scale. The hypothesis was tested using Tobit regression analysis. Human trafficking was found to be age and sex selective and the causes of human trafficking included both push and pull factors, such as high income in destination countries poverty, low risk profit, nature of trafficking in persons, ease in control and manipulation of vulnerable women and girls, low risk involved in working in destination countries, lacking of legitimate and fulfilling employment, sex selective migration policies, less access to information and peer pressure. Shortage of household farm labor was experienced by farming households in clearing and brushing of farm land, sowing, weeding, harvesting and processing/storage. Human trafficking was found to affect household labor availability in clearing/brushing of farm land, sowing, weeding, harvesting and processing/storage of farm produce. It is recommended that poverty alleviation programs should be specially organized for poor women, government and NGOs and international agencies should develop strategies to mitigate human trafficking. The government needs to collaborate with community based organizations and law enforcement agencies to create anti-trafficking committee in fanning communities. Community education should be created for the farming communities to emphasize anti-human trafficking with the use of change agents; extension agents should integrate anti-trafficking messages in their interaction with farmers.
文摘Climate change impact and risks on agricultural livelihood affect women and men disproportionately and often to the disadvantage of women and girls. Consequently, this study assessed gender perspectives of vulnerability to climate change of farming households at Ikpayongo community in Gwer local government area, Benue State, Nigeria using descriptive approach. The study identified a total of 120 male-headed and female-headed farming households across four neighbourhoods and administered structured questionnaire on them using simple random sampling method, while data analysis was done using descriptive statistics. The results indicate lower education and income status among female-headed households, though male-headed households have high household size. Both sexes have relatively equal access to land for farming, however men have large farm size compared to women. The major crops cultivated by men were rice and yam, while women cultivated largely groundnut and cassava. Women are more exposed and sensitive to climate-related hazards such as floods and heat stress due to the location of their farms. The result further shows that males possess better adaptive capacity given their higher incomes, social networks and more access to training/capacity building programmes and credit facilities. The study concludes that female-headed farming households are more vulnerable to climate change and variability than male-headed farming households due to higher exposure and a lower adaptive capacity. Programme and policies to improve women access to credit facilities and relevant training to boost their adaptive capacity and build resilience are highly recommended. This would also limit exposure with attendant reduction in vulnerability.
文摘As an important part of the new agricultural business entities, large-scale grain-production households play a significantly positive role in improving the land resource utilization, improving agricultural productivity, increasing agricultural output and farmers" income, and making a certain contribution to stabilize grain production. This paper analyzed the current situation of large-scale grain-production household in Jiangxi Province, as well as the problems in land transfer, farmland infrastructure, production and management, capital and other risks. At last, the paper proposed targeted countermeasures.
基金Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40971104,40801063,41101160)National Social Science Foundation of China(No.10ZD&M030)Non-profit Industry Financial Program of Ministry of Land and Resources of China(No.200811033)
文摘Using data from the farm household survey conducted in 2009,arable land use intensity(ALUI)and its influence factors at farm household level were investigated by the Tobit model.Suyu District of Suqian City and Taixing City of Jiansu Province,China were chosen as the regions for comparison.The results show that:1)On the average, the ALUI,labor intensity,yield-increasing input,and labor-saving input are 15 238.14 yuan(RMB)/ha,192 d/ha, 7233.01 yuan/ha,and 2451.32 yuan/ha in the less economically developed Suyu District,and 13 020.65 yuan/ha,181 d/ha,5871.82 yuan/ha,and 2625.97 yuan/ha in more economically developed Taixing City.The figures indicate that Suyu District has higher ALUI and labor intensity input but lower labor-saving input.2)Comparing all the influence factors,the total arable land area in available and average plot size have bigger effects on arable land intensive use;to a small degree,family′s non-farm income affects labor intensity,yield-increasing input,and labor-saving input;the yield-increasing input decreases significantly when the householder has higher education attainment;the commercialization rates of agricultural products and the planting proportion of cash crops both have unstable influence on ALUI; the share of arable land rented in has few impacts on labor intensity,yield-increasing input,and labor-saving input. 3)There are no differences found in the internal impact mechanism of influence factors on the arable land intensive use behaviors of farm households.However,there are conspicuous disparities in the impact degrees and statistical significance based on varying economic levels.4)Using the results as bases,this study proposes that the government should implement land management and agricultural policies according to local condition.And these policies should decrease land fragmentation to promote scale management of land and arable land use intensification.
基金Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41671176,42071226)Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program(No.XLYC1807060)。
文摘Promoting the sustainable intensification of cultivated land use(SICL) has become crucial for ensuring a sufficient supply of grain and important agricultural products, as well as for the sustainable use of resources. Taking widely used areas of Shandong Province in China as examples, an analytical scale and level framework for SICL is constructed in this study. It measures the level of SICL through material flow analysis, constructs Tobit models to analyze the influencing factors of SICL at the farming household scale,and analyzes the transition mechanisms of SICL. The results show that the overall level of SICL in Shandong Province is low, and the spatial distribution is uneven. There are relatively more farmers participating in unsustainable intensification than in medium or low levels of SICL, with farmers working at a high level of SICL making up the smallest proportion. The factors that determine the level of SICL at which farmers work vary significantly. More male farmers operate at a low SICL level than female farmers, while females outnumber males at a high SICL level. This is mainly related to the regional distribution of age and population. Meanwhile, with larger cultivated land areas, there is a lower degree of land fragmentation, with a higher level of SICL corresponding to a smaller distance to the nearest town closer within 1–5 km from the town center. We can see the level of SICL and its processes themselves are closely related to time and space scales. Based on the above analysis, it is necessary to clarify the standard processes of SICL to adapt them to local conditions. This includes instructing managers on how to improve resource utilization, increase the sustainable development of cultivated land and establish a comprehensively efficient and functional SICL mechanism. The sustainable intensification of cultivated land use and its specific application in the new era are conducive to enriching the frontier theories and methodology of sustainable development, and are of great significance to the advancement of green agriculture and the decision-making of rural high-quality development.
基金funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research(ACIAR LPS2014-036)。
文摘Smallholder livelihoods in agricultural areas in Tibet Autonomous Region,China(Tibet for short)have traditionally been based on subsistence mixed crop-livestock systems.Like many parts of China and the developing world,rural Tibet is undergoing rapid change in agricultural development,boosted by links with the off-farm sector.However,the agricultural transition process in Tibet has not been linear,is affected by policies particular to the region,and varies significantly for different categories of rural actors.This paper analyses heterogeneity of household types in agricultural areas of southern Tibet and how household structures and characteristics result in different agricultural development pathways.Data is drawn from a stratified random survey of 144 households in three townships in southern Tibet and analysed through three methods:cluster analysis,bio-economic modelling,and analysis of household perceptions and attitudes to change.The analysis allows for the identification of three key household types-semisubsistence,pluriactive and semi-commercial-organised along a continuum of intensification,commercialisation,specialisation and productivity.The study demonstrates the diversity of household farming systems in Tibet which in turn highlights the need for disaggregated analysis and tailored development policies and strategies.However,the analysis also reveals commonalities in development paths between groups,where all farm types are more interested in pursuing income and livelihood goals through an increase in productivity than through an increase in scale.Farmers in all systems choose to retain agriculture as a base from which to pursue livelihood strategies,especially through off-farm activities.Accounting for this household heterogeneity is important on several levels.First,it provides more granular detail on the process of development in rural areas of Tibet that have been very difficult to access in English literature especially in recent years.Second,the characteristics of the case study in agricultural areas of Tibet-especially the mixed agricultural-pastoral systems,high levels of seasonality,heavy state investment and increased integration with the other regions of China-may contribute to the broader agricultural development study.Third,policymakers in the central and local governments may be interested in how the household heterogeneity may affect-or be affected by-policies to increase agricultural productivity,intensify systems,change the composition of crop-livestock systems,promote rural-urban transformation and pursue environmental objectives,especially grassland degradation.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41161140352, 41471092)
文摘Human-environment relationship is a focus of academic researches and an understanding of the rela- tionship is important for making effective policies and decisions. In this study, based on rural household survey data of Taibus Banner, Duolun county and Zhengxiangbai Banner in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region of China, we identified the impact of livelihood diversification on ecosystems in these agro-pastoral areas by using the ecological footprint theory and methodology together with the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation analysis methods. In 2011, the total ecological footprint of consumption (EFC) was 0.665 g hm2, and the total ecological footprint of production (EFP) was 2.045 g hm2, which was more than three times the EFC. The ecological footprint of arable land consumption (EFAC) accounted for a large proportion of the EFC, and the ecological footprint of grassland production (EFGP) occupied a large proportion of the EFP. Both the ecological footprint of grassland consumption (EFGC) and EFGP had a significant positive correlation with the income, indicating that income was mainly depended on livestock production and the households with higher incomes consumed more livestock prod- ucts. The full-time farming households (FTFHs) had the highest EFP, ecological footprint of arable land production (EFAP), EFGP and EFGC, followed by the part-time farming households (PTFHs) and non-farming households (NFHs), which indicated that part-time farming and non-farming employment reduced the occupancy and con- sumption of rural households on local ecosystems and natural resources to some extent. When farming households engaged in livestock rearing, both the EFAP and EFAC became smaller, while the EFP, EFC, EFGC and EFGP increased significantly. The differences in ecological footprints among different household groups should be taken into account when making ecosystem conservation policies. Encouraging the laborers who have the advantages of participating in non-farming employment to move out of the rural areas and increasing the diversification of liveli- hoods of rural households are important in reducing the environmental pressures and improving the welfare of households in the study area. Moreover, grassland should be utilized more effectively in the future.
文摘The vulnerability of farms to the effects of climate change weighs heavily and indirectly on the living conditions of farming households in northern Benin. This article analyses the vulnerability of cotton-growing households to the effects of climate change. Using a simple random sample of 240 households, the study identified the hardships suffered by cotton-growing farm households in the communes of Boukoumbé and Kérou in northern Benin. The theoretical framework is based on sustainable living conditions, according to which poverty is no longer understood solely in monetary or pecuniary terms, but rather is based on a multidimensional approach. The normalization method is used to calculate the index level for each sub-component. The results show that the level of vulnerability to living conditions per household is 0.3120. Households headed by women are less vulnerable to the effects of climate change (-0.0042) than those headed by men (0.0258). The effects of climate change on household living conditions are estimated at 0.0209.
基金partly funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71273268)
文摘Soil fertility management (SFM) has important implications for sustaining agricultural development and food self-sufifciency. Better understanding the determinants of farmers’ SFM can be a great help to the adoption of effective SFM practices. Based on a dataset of 315 plots collected from a typical rice growing area of South China, this study applied statistical method and econometric models to examine the impacts of land characteristics on farmers’ SFM practices at plot scale. Main results showed that in general land characteristics affected SFM behaviors. Securer land tenure arrangements facilitated effective practices of SFM through more diversiifed and more soil-friendly cropping pattern choices. Plot size signiifcantly reduced the intensities of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application. Given other factors, 1 ha increase in plot size might reduce 3.0 kg ha-1 P2O5 and 1.8 kg ha-1 K2O. Plots far from the homestead were paid less attention in terms of both chemical fertilizers and manure applications. Besides, plots with better quality were put more efforts on management by applying more nitrogen and manure, and by planting green manure crops. Signiifcant differences existed in SFM practices between the surveyed villages with different socio-economic conditions. The ifndings are expected to provide important references to the policy-making incentive for improving soil quality and crop productivity.
文摘By recognizing the gap in the literature in examining the effects of financial resources and development outcomes at the household level,this paper examines whether the poorest income quintile would benefit most from programs aimed at increasing their access to financial services in rural northern Nigeria.Most households from this part of the world consist of farmers and,hence,are exposed to the vagaries of climate change.The data from 320 questionnaires administered in two rural communities(Rijau and Fakai)were analyzed using an ordered logit regression model.The results showed that access to financial services by using formal financial institutions and farmer savings clubs benefits vulnerable farmers(mostly women).The robustness check using the Brant test also confirmed that the parallel regression assumption of the model was not violated.A policy scenario that seeks to increase the delivery of financial services to rural farm households using community savings clubs and microfinance institution reforms for reaching the financially underserved was also found to benefit the poorest income quintile,hence,bringing them out of poverty.
基金This paper benefits from the Graduate Research Programme in Climate Change Economics fund provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education(BMBF)in collaboration with the Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung(ZEF)/Centre for Development Research,Department for Economic and Technological,Universität Bonn,Bonn-Germany under the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use(WASCAL)hosted at the Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar,Senegal.
文摘This paper examines farmers’perceptions of their exposure to climate change in rural northern Nigeria.It also examines whether there is a significant relationship between the exposure of farmers to climate change and their need for financial access as an adaptation strategy.Questionnaires were administered to 320 respondents in rural communities in northern Nigeria.Descriptive analysis shows that rural farmers are affected by climate change through increased temperature,prolonged dry seasons,floods,and drought,which lead to low harvest and,in turn,low income.An estimate from a non-parametric test also shows a significant relationship between farmers’perceived exposure to climate change and their need for credit.Although the Spearman correlation results show a 63%association between exposure to climate change and the need for finance,96%of those seeking credit to mitigate these impacts would be unable to do so due to financial exclusiveness.The paper recommends that the Central Bank of Nigeria should ensure that microfinance institutions refocus their products/services to those who need them the most in order to enhance access to financial resources and enable farmers to build resilience that will maximize post-harvest gains.Lastly,considering that climate change is a global phenomenon with local effects,perhaps the international community could support lending to smallholder farmers through central banks by insuring the loans that banks give to farmers towards financing climate change adaptation strategies.
文摘The livelihoods of farmers are responding to the mioroeconomic policies and result in many changes in the landuse pattern and landscape, and the farmer's attitude to the natural resources conservation, specifically in the land degradation. In order to find the relationship between the farmers' response to the microeeonomic policies and land degradation, the authors surveyed 120 household in three villages in the black soil zone in Heilongjiang Province. Based on the feedback of the questionnaires, the authors established a model to analyze the impact. The results demonstrated that land degradation was impacted by farmers behaviors in the process of the adjustment of agricultural structures in the city of Zhaodong. And the main factors acted on the land degradation were the agricultural labour education level, the transfer of the labour from agricultural production, the price of the agricultural production materials, and the land scale management. The authors put forward some suggestions for sustainable agriculture based on the analysis on the topic.