To investigate the influence mechanism of geostress on rockburst characteristics,three groups of gneiss rockburst experiments were conducted under different initial geostress conditions.A high-speed photography system...To investigate the influence mechanism of geostress on rockburst characteristics,three groups of gneiss rockburst experiments were conducted under different initial geostress conditions.A high-speed photography system and acoustic emission(AE)monitoring system were used to monitor the entire rockburst process in real time.The experimental results show that when the initial burial depth increases from 928 m to 1320 m,the proportion of large fracture scale in rockburst increases by 154.54%,and the AE energy increases by 565.63%,reflecting that the degree and severity of rockburst increase with the increase of burial depth.And then,two mechanisms are proposed to explain this effect,including(i)the increase of initial geostress improves the energy storage capacity of gneiss,and then,the excess energy which can be converted into kinetic energy of debris ejection increases,consequently,a more pronounced violent ejection phenomenon is observed at rockburst;(ii)the increase of initial geostress causes more sufficient plate cracks of gneiss after unloading ofσh,which provides a basis for more severe ejection of rockburst.What’s more,a precursor with clear physical meaning for rockburst is proposed under the framework of dynamic response process of crack evolution.Finally,potential value in long term rockburst warning of the precursor obtained in this study is shown via the comparison of conventional precursor.展开更多
The mafic enclaves from Paleoproterozoic domain are considered to be the results of large-scale crust-mantle interaction and magma mixing. In this paper, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry were jointly used to d...The mafic enclaves from Paleoproterozoic domain are considered to be the results of large-scale crust-mantle interaction and magma mixing. In this paper, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry were jointly used to determine the origin of the mafic enclaves and their relationship with the host granitoids of the Kan granite-gneiss complex. This study also provides new information on crust-mantle interactions. The mafic enclaves of the Kan vary in shape and size and have intermediate chemical compositions. The diagrams used show a number of similarities in the major elements (and often in the trace elements) between the mafic enclaves and the host granitoids. Geochemical show that the Kan rock are metaluminous, enriched in silica, medium to high-K calc-alkaline I-type granite. The similarities reflect a mixing of basic and acid magma. Mafic enclaves have a typical magmatic structure, which is characterized by magma mixing. The genesis of these rocks is associated with the context of subduction. They result from the mixing of a mafic magma originating from the mantle and linked to subduction, and a granitic magma (type I granite) that arises from the partial melting of the crust.展开更多
In the gneisses from the drillhole ZK2304 of the Donghai area, there have been preserved high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic mineral assemblages, a series of complicated retrogressive textures and relevant metamo...In the gneisses from the drillhole ZK2304 of the Donghai area, there have been preserved high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic mineral assemblages, a series of complicated retrogressive textures and relevant metamorphic reactions. In addition to garnet, jadeititic-clinopyroxene and rutile, other peak stage (M2) minerals in some gneisses include phengite, aragonite and coesite or quartz pseudomorphs after coesite. The typical peak-stage mineral assemblages in gneisses are characterized by garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + rutile + coesite, garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + phengite + rutile ± coesite and garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + aragonite + rutile ± coesite. The grossular content (Gro) in garnet is high and may reach 50. 1 mol%. The SiO2 content of phengite ranges from 54.37% to 54.84% with 3.54-3.57 p.f.u. Quartz pseudomorphs after coesite occur as inclusions in garnet.The gneisses of the Donghai area have been subjected to multistage recrystallization and exhibit a closewise P-T evolutional path characterized by the near-isothermal decompression. The inclusion assemblage (Hb+Ep+Bi+Pl+Qz) within garnet and other minerals has recorded a pre-peak stage (Mi) epidote amphibole fades metamorphic event. High- and ultrahigh-pressure peak metamorphism (M2) took place at T=750-860℃ and P>2.7 GPa. The symplectitic assemblages after garnet, jadeitic-clinopyroxene and rutile imply a near-isothermal decompression metamorphism (M3, M4) during the rapid exhumation. Several lines of evidence of petrography and metamorphic reactions indicate that both gneisses and eclogites have experienced ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Donghai area. This research may be of great significance for an in-depth study of the metamorphism and tectonic evolution in the Su-Lu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt.展开更多
The granitic gneisses from the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrain of the southeastern Dabie Mountains encompass two types: monzonitic granitic gneiss and alkali-feldspar granitic gneiss, which are characteri...The granitic gneisses from the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrain of the southeastern Dabie Mountains encompass two types: monzonitic granitic gneiss and alkali-feldspar granitic gneiss, which are characterized by rich alkalis, poor CaO, high FeO/MgO, particularly high Ba, Rb, Th, Ta, REE (except Eu), Ga, Nb and Zn, and low Sr, Eu, Cr, Co and Ni. The gneisses, particularly the alkali-feldspar granitic gneiss, have typical chemical characteristics of A-type granites. They resulted from partial melting of crustal materials existing in the rift zone along the northern margin of the South China block during the Neoproterozoic. These gneisses might not have undergone UHP metamorphism during the late Triassic, but were involved into UHP rocks by the tectonic mixing process and kept the exhumation message of the UHP rocks from the middle and upper crust.展开更多
An unusual zircon SHRIMP dating result of a granitic gneiss from the Qinglongshan eclogite-gneiss roadcut section is presented in this paper. The very peculiar and complicated internal structures, as well as the very ...An unusual zircon SHRIMP dating result of a granitic gneiss from the Qinglongshan eclogite-gneiss roadcut section is presented in this paper. The very peculiar and complicated internal structures, as well as the very low Th/U ratios (0.01-0.08) of the zircons indicate that they were formed by metamorphic recrystallization. Strongly in contrast with previously published zircon U-Pb ages of the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic rocks where protolith ages of 600-800 Ma are commonly recorded, only metamorphic age of 218±5 Ma, defined by 18 analytical spots either in rim or in core of zircons, are recorded in this granitic gneiss. This age represents the time of the complete metamorphic recrystallization overprint on primary magmatic zircons. The recrystallization was derived by the UHP metamorphism, and was strengthened by the early stage of retrograde metamorphic fluid activity.展开更多
The Maevatanana greenstone belt in north-central Madagascar contains widespread exposures of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) gneisses, and is important for its concentrations of various metal deposits (e.g...The Maevatanana greenstone belt in north-central Madagascar contains widespread exposures of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) gneisses, and is important for its concentrations of various metal deposits (e.g., chromium, niekle, iron, gold). In this paper we report on the petrography, and major and trace element compositions of the TTG gneisses within the Berere Complex of the Maevatanana area, as well as LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopic compositions of zircons from the gneisses. The gneisses consist mainly of granitoid gneiss and biotite (± hornblende) plagiogneiss, and analysis of thin sections provides evidence of crushing, recrystallization, and metasomatism related to dynamic metamorphism. Samples have large variations in their major and trace element contents, with SiO2 = 55.87-68.06 wt%, Al2O3 = 13.9-17.8 wt%, and Na2O/K2O= 0.97-2.13. Geochemically, the granitoid gneisses and biotite plagiogneisses fall on a low-Al trondhjemite to granodiorite trend, while the biotite-hornblende plagiogneisses represent a high-Al tonalite TTG assemblage. Zircon U-Pb dating shows that the Berere Complex TTG gneisses formed at 2.5-2.4 Ga. Most εHf(t) values of zircons from the biotite (q- hornblende) plagiogneisses are positive, while most εHf(t) values from the granitoid gneisses are negative, suggesting a degree of crustal contamination. Two-stage Hf model ages suggest that the age of the protolith of the TTG gneisses was ca. 3.4-2.6 Ga, representing a period of paleocontinent formation in the Mesoarchean. Geothermometries indicate the temperature of metamorphism of the TTG gneisses was 522-612℃. Based on these data, the protolith of the TTG gneisses is inferred to have formed during the development of a Mesoarchean paleocontinent that is now widely exposed as a TTG gneiss belt (mostly lower amphibolite facies) in the Maevatanana area, and which records a geological evolution related to the subduction of an ancient oceanic crust and the collision of microcontinents during the formation of the Rodinia supercontinent. The lithological similarity of Precambrian basement, the close ages of metamorphism within greenstone belts and the comparable distribution of metamorphic grade all show a pronounced Precambrian geology similarity between Madagascar and India, which can provide significative clues in understanding the possible Precambrian Supercontinent tectonics, and also important constraints on the correlation of the two continental fragments.展开更多
The Dabie complex (DC) and the Tongbai complex (TBC) are separately distributed in the middle and eastern parts of the Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt. In this study, the Dabie complex can be divided into two unit...The Dabie complex (DC) and the Tongbai complex (TBC) are separately distributed in the middle and eastern parts of the Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt. In this study, the Dabie complex can be divided into two units: one is the complex with no high pressure and ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks (DC1), and the other is the complex containing coesite-bearing eclogite lenses or boudins (DC2). Gneisses are predominant in the TBC, DC1 and DC2. Major and trace element data of gneisses in the TBC, DC1 and DC2 show them to be the orthogneisses. The gneisses in the DC1 have higher incompatible element contents and higher ratios of w(K 2O)/w(Na 2O) and w(La) n/w(Yb) n than those in the DC2. However, no obvious differences arise in other element contents and the ratios of w(La)/ w(Nb), w(Nb)/w(Th), w(Nb)/w(Hf), w(Ba)/w(La), w(Sm)/w(Nd) and w(Th)/w(U) between the gneisses in the DC2 and those in the DC1. These observations suggest that the protoliths of the gneisses in the DC2 have affinities to those in the DC1. The difference between the DC1 and DC2 gneisses in incompatible element contents could reflect the difference in their partial melting extent. The TBC gneisses are geochemically similar to the DC1 gneisses, suggesting that the TBC and DC1 gneisses are the same lithologic unit in the Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt and that they have experienced similar formations and evolution histories. In the Qinling-Tongbai area, the TBC is part of the northern blocks of the Yangtze craton. Given the similarity of geochemical characteristics, the rock assemblage and the ages between the TBC and DC1 gneisses, we can infer that the Dabie complex also belongs to the northern blocks of the Yangtze craton. In terms of the distribution of eclogites and metamorphic facies, we propose that the collisional suture in the Dabie area is distributed along the Xiaotian-Mozitan fault, at the contact with the Shang-Dan-Tongbai fault to the west.展开更多
The albite rim is present in most felsic gneisses of the Fuping Complex. The presence of the rim indicates the coexistence of plagioclase and K-feldspar in the rock. The rim is formed immediately after the myrmekite, ...The albite rim is present in most felsic gneisses of the Fuping Complex. The presence of the rim indicates the coexistence of plagioclase and K-feldspar in the rock. The rim is formed immediately after the myrmekite, and both textures were derived from the alteration of K-feldspar. The difference is that that there is no quartz present in the rim, and the rim is nearly albite and the anorthite content of the rim plagioclase is substantially lower than that of the myrmekite plagioclase. Formed at 400- 500~C the albite rim was derived from the K-feldspar composition adjustment in the late or post- magmatism stage. As the temperature decreased, the equilibrium between K-feldspar and plagioclase could be maintained, and reactions between the minerals occurred. The leucocratic veins in the complex show distinguished magma or migmatitic characteristics. The rim might form in the late magma or deuteric stage. The formation of the rim implies obvious granitic magmaor melt-injection activity. Typical metamorphic rocks cannot produce the rims. Anatexis after medium-high grade metamorphism might be subordinate. If present, the anatexis is water-present, but the rim texture cannot be taken as the symbol of anatexis.展开更多
The general classification of intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the metamorphic zone of Gaoligong Mountains as one of the metamorphic terranes of Proterozoic Gaoligong Mountains is problematic regarding the intrusi...The general classification of intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the metamorphic zone of Gaoligong Mountains as one of the metamorphic terranes of Proterozoic Gaoligong Mountains is problematic regarding the intrusion stage and age, as well as the subsequent metamorphism and deformation. In this study, we investigated granitic gneiss in the metamorphic zone of Gaoligong Mountains based on the 1:50,000 regional geological survey of Qushi Street (2011-2013) and SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology. Results showed that the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of granitic gneiss ranged from 163.5±5.7 Ma to 74.0±2.0 Ma. Thus, the granitic gneiss was grouped into orthometamorphic rocks (metamorphic intrusions). The dating data of granite rocks associated with intense metamorphism and deformation were divided into three groups, 163.5±5.7 to 162.3±3.1 Ma, 132.2-101.0 Ma and 99.4±3.5-74.0±2.0 Ma, which respectively represented three independent geologic events including an important magma intrusion with superimposed metamorphic effects in the late Middle Jurassic, regional dynamic metamorphism and superimposed reformation of fluid action in the early Cretaceous, and dynamic metamorphism dominated by ductile shear and metamorphism starting from the late Cretaceous.展开更多
Jebba area southwestern Nigeria forms part of the Nigerian basement complex which lies in the Neoproterozoic PanAfrican mobile belt. It is underlain by several lithological units among which is a polydeformed granitic...Jebba area southwestern Nigeria forms part of the Nigerian basement complex which lies in the Neoproterozoic PanAfrican mobile belt. It is underlain by several lithological units among which is a polydeformed granitic gneiss. This rock has been dated by LA-ICP-MS yielding a concordant U-Pb zircon age of 2207 ± 20 Ma indicating the crystallization age of the granite protolith. This early Rhyacian age and its affinity with within-plate granites indicates emplacement during crustal extension and rifting presceding the main phase of the Eburnean orogeny. The strong, early, shear fabric, S1, in the rock is interpreted to be also of Paleoproterozoic age i.e. imprinted during the Eburnean orogeny. The Jebba granitic gneiss is thus correlatable with the widely abundant Paleoproterozoic granitic magmatism now represented by many orthogneisses and documented in other parts of southwestern Nigeria, the West African craton, the Borborema Province, the Gurupi Belt, Sao Luis craton and Sao Francisco craton in Brazil.展开更多
The tectonic evolution of South Qinling, which is a main part of the Qinling orogenic belt, is still in dispute and deformation history of South Qinling is poorly studied. In this paper, detailed structural, microstru...The tectonic evolution of South Qinling, which is a main part of the Qinling orogenic belt, is still in dispute and deformation history of South Qinling is poorly studied. In this paper, detailed structural, microstructural, quartz c-axis fabric analysis, and geochronology results for the Madao gneiss in South Qinling are presented to characterize the deformation history. Results show that rocks in the northern part (Tiefodian-Laozhanggou) experience general shearing and deform at relative low temperature. The shear sense generally is south to north. In contrast, rocks in the southern part (Laozhanggou-Panjiahe) are weakly sheared with pure shear features and evidence of high- temperature deformation. Based on the analyses, we conclude that there exist two distinct deformation geometries in the Madao gneiss and accordingly we can divide the deformation into two stages. The early stage is represented by regional shortening, while the late stage features northward thrust shearing and evidence shows that it was a progressive process between them. LA-ICP MS U-Pb dating of zircons from pre-deformational migmatite veins yields age of 198.5 ±2.0 Ma. This result, in combination with the age of post-deformational granite, indicates that the northward thrust shearing of the Madao gneiss occurred in the Late Triassic. In view of these results and other reported data in South Qinling, we propose that deformation in Madao gneiss may result from the initial collision and subsequent northward accretion in Late Triassic.展开更多
: Using the single—zircon evaporation technique and U—Pb method, the authors have conducted an isotope geochonological study of the Huilanshan granulite and Shima garnet-bearing plagioclase gneiss (“country rocks”...: Using the single—zircon evaporation technique and U—Pb method, the authors have conducted an isotope geochonological study of the Huilanshan granulite and Shima garnet-bearing plagioclase gneiss (“country rocks” of the Shima eclogite) in the Dabie Mountains. The study shows that these rocks have peak metamorphic ages of 443–455 Ma, which are essentially consistent with that of the Caledonian high—ultrahigh pressure eclogites. This indicates the existence of the Caledonian collisional orogeny in the Dabie Mountains.展开更多
Phase equilibria modelling coupled with U–Pb zircon and monazite ages of garnet–cordierite gneiss from Vallikodu Kottayam in the Kerala Khondalite Belt,southern India are presented here.The results suggest that the ...Phase equilibria modelling coupled with U–Pb zircon and monazite ages of garnet–cordierite gneiss from Vallikodu Kottayam in the Kerala Khondalite Belt,southern India are presented here.The results suggest that the area attained peak P–T conditions of^900C at 7.5–8 kbar,followed by decompression to 3.5–5 kbar and cooling to 450–480C,preserving signatures of the partial melting event in the field of high to ultra-high temperature metamorphism.Melt reintegration models suggest that up to 35%granitic melt could have been produced during metamorphism at^950C.The U–Pb age data from zircons(~1.0–~0.7 Ga)and chemical ages from monazites(~540 Ma and^941 Ma)reflect a complex tectonometamorphic evolution of the terrain.The^941 Ma age reported from these monazites indicate a Tonian ultra-high temperature event,linked to juvenile magmatism/deformation episodes reported from the Southern Granulite Terrane and associated fragments in Rodinia,which were subsequently overprinted by the Cambrian(~540 Ma)tectonothermal episode.展开更多
Study of micro-area chemical compositions indicates that phengite in albite gneiss from hole ZK2304 of the Donghai region has evident compositional zoning. SiO2 and tetrahedrally coordinated Si contents decrease, and ...Study of micro-area chemical compositions indicates that phengite in albite gneiss from hole ZK2304 of the Donghai region has evident compositional zoning. SiO2 and tetrahedrally coordinated Si contents decrease, and Al2O3, AlIVand AlVIcontents increase gradually from core to rim. However, K2O, MgO and FeO contents basically remain unchanged from core to rim. According to P-T estimates obtained from geothermometers and barometers, combined with previous experimental data, the core belt (micro-area I) of phengite was formed at T=637–672°C and P=1.55–1.73 GPa, and the transitional belt (micro-area II) of the phengite were formed at T=594–654°C and P=1.35–1.45 GPa. Towards the rim belt (micro-area III), the temperature decreased slightly, but the pressure decreased rapidly with T=542–630°C and P=1.12–1.19 GPa. The P-T evolution path recorded by the compositional zoning of phengite is characterized by significant near-isothermal decompression, revealing that the gneiss has undergone high-pressure-ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. The compositional zoning of the phengite in the albite gneiss may have formed in the geodynamic process of rapid exhumation in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt.展开更多
The Suichang mine is the largest silicified vein-type silver-gold mineralization system in Southeast China, whose ore bodies are controlled by shear zones developing in Lower Proterozoic gneiss terrene with initial mi...The Suichang mine is the largest silicified vein-type silver-gold mineralization system in Southeast China, whose ore bodies are controlled by shear zones developing in Lower Proterozoic gneiss terrene with initial migmatization, which is covered by Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous volcanic rock system and cut by acidic igneous veins of Jurassic and Cretaceous. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The ore-forming fluid is defined as superhigh tectonic-metamorphic fluid on the base of : 1 (D)-(18O) values 2 fluid inclusions;3 trace elements of pyrite from ores. (2) The shear zone silicified orebod-ies occurred in proterozoic, Jurassic and Cretaceous, which have been transforms in part by ore-bearing comb quartz vein of volcanism.展开更多
The Trans-North China Orogen is a major Neoarchean Paleoproterozoic collisional orogenic belt above the North China Craton, formed due to prolonged and complex processes. Even though many NeoarcheanPaleoproterozoic ma...The Trans-North China Orogen is a major Neoarchean Paleoproterozoic collisional orogenic belt above the North China Craton, formed due to prolonged and complex processes. Even though many NeoarcheanPaleoproterozoic magmatic and metamorphic activities have been reported, due to the Huozhou Complex’s small outcropping range, little attention has been paid to the origin of various igneous rocks of the Huozhou Complex in the center of the Trans-North China Orogen. The Huozhou Complex, located south of the Luè liang, Wutai, and Hengshan complexes, is an important window into the Early Precambrian structure and evolution of the North China Craton. Its magma and metamorphism are crucial to understanding the development of the structural evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. The Huozhou metamorphic complex area exposes a range of Precambrian metamorphic rocks, among which the most extensively dispersed is felsic biotite plagioclase gneiss. In this study comprehensive geological field survey, micropetrology,chronology, geochemistry, and Hf isotope analysis were carried out for the Qinggangping and Anziping gneiss in the north of the Huozhou Complex. The results show that the magmatic zircon age of the Qinggangping gneiss is2196 ± 14 Ma, and its protolith is I-type granite, formed by partial melting of igneous rocks in the absence of weathering. Its source is mainly the juvenile crust from depleted mantle dating 2431–2719 Ma, with a small amount of mantle-derived material. The Anziping gneiss has a metamorphic zircon age of 1931 ± 13 Ma with an S-type granite protolith belonging to peraluminous granite.The Anziping gneiss is formed by recycling pre-existing crustal components at 2613–2848 Ma. A minor quantity of mantle-derived magma is also introduced to the crust simultaneously. The samples of Qinggangping gneiss and Anziping gneiss show the characteristics of obvious negative Nb, Ti, and P elements in the spider diagram of primitive mantle standardization. This implies that the rocks have the characteristics of magmatic rocks in an island arc or subduction environment, which could have formed in the tectonic environment of the continental margin arc.展开更多
The composition and formation of the Earth’s primitive continental crust and mantle differentiation are key issues to understand and reconstruct the geodynamic terrestrial evolution,especially during the Archean.Howe...The composition and formation of the Earth’s primitive continental crust and mantle differentiation are key issues to understand and reconstruct the geodynamic terrestrial evolution,especially during the Archean.However,the scarcity of exposure to these rocks,the complexity of lithological relationships,and the high degree of superimposed deformation,especially with long-lived magmatism,make it difficult to study ancient rocks.Despite this complexity,exposures of the Archean Mairi Gneiss Complex basement unit in the São Francisco Craton offer important information about the evolution of South America’s primitive crust.Therefore,here we present field relationships,LA-ICP-SFMS zircon U-Pb ages,and LA-ICP-MCMS Lu-Hf isotope data for the recently identified Eoarchean to Neoarchean gneisses of the Mairi Complex.The Complex is composed of massive and banded gneisses with mafic members ranging from dioritic to tonalitic,and felsic members ranging from TTG(Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite)to granitic composition.Our new data point to several magmatic episodes in the formation of the Mairi Gneiss Complex:Eoarchean(ca.3.65–3.60 Ga),early Paleoarchean(ca.3.55–3.52 Ga),middle-late Paleoarchean(ca.3.49–3.33 Ga)and Neoarchean(ca.2.74–2.58 Ga),with no records of Mesoarchean rocks.Lu-Hf data unveiled a progressive evolution of mantle differentiation and crustal recycling over time.In the Eoarchean,rocks are probably formed by the interaction between the pre-existing crust and juvenile contribution from chondritic to weakly depleted mantle sources,whereas mantle depletion played a role in the Paleoarchean,followed by greater differentiation of the crust with thickening and recycling in the middle–late Paleoarchean.A different stage of crustal growth and recycling dominated the Neoarchean,probably owing to the thickening of the continental crust by collision,continental arc growth,and mantle differentiation.展开更多
Gneiss\|distilled water interaction at room temperature was investigated with batch\|reactors to study water\|rock reaction and geochemical evolution of the aqueous phase with time. The ion concentrations in water wer...Gneiss\|distilled water interaction at room temperature was investigated with batch\|reactors to study water\|rock reaction and geochemical evolution of the aqueous phase with time. The ion concentrations in water were controlled not only by the dissolution of primary minerals, but also by the precipitation of secondary minerals. The decreasing fraction sizes of gneiss could favor dissolution and precipitation simultaneously. Ca\+\{2+\} and K\++ were the major cations, and HCO\+-\-3 was the major anion in water. All the ions except Ca\+\{2+\} increased in concentration with time. The Ca\+\{2+\} release from the rock to the aqueous phase was initially much faster than the release of K\++, Na\++ and Mg\+\{2+\}. But after about 5-24 hours, the Ca\+\{2+\} concentrations in water decreased very slowly with time and became relatively stable. During the experiment, the water varied from the Ca\|(K)\|HCO\-3\|type water to the K\|Ca\|HCO\-3\|type water, and then to the K\|(Ca,Na)\|HCO\-3\|type water. The water\|gneiss interaction was dominated by the dissolution of K\|feldspar in the solution. The remaining secondary minerals were mainly kaolinite, illite and K(Mg)\|mica.展开更多
The chemical and petrological correlation of metamorphic nappes and klippes overlying the Proterozoic sedimentary units in the Kumaun Himalaya is still debated. The Ramgarh and Almora gneisses, not previously distingu...The chemical and petrological correlation of metamorphic nappes and klippes overlying the Proterozoic sedimentary units in the Kumaun Himalaya is still debated. The Ramgarh and Almora gneisses, not previously distinguished in the Askot Klippe, show distinct field, petrological and chemical signatures markedly similar to the tectonostratigraphic disposition of the Almora Nappe. A negative Eu anomaly in the Ramgarh granitic gneisses indicates lesser plagioclase fractionation while the Eu anomaly in the Almora pelitic gneisses is likely to have been controlled by feldspar crystallization in restites. During the anatexis at > 776°C temperature and >6.6 kbar pressure, the melt moved slightly away to its crystallization sites. The Rb/Sr ratio ?0.54 and Nb ?10 ppm is consistent with the granodioritic composition. The negative Sr anomaly in the underlying Ramgarh granitic gneisses indicates a distinct mantle derived source/plagioclase fractionation with a notable correspondence to other late orogenic granites, particularly the basement Ulleri gneisses from the Nepal Himalaya. Ramgarh gneisses plot in the late-and post-COLG field. The Askot ensemble is likely to be the tectonometamorphically reworked basement, viz. the Ramgarh Group along with its metapelitic cover o f the Almora Group, together comprising southward thrust remnants of the leading edge of the Indian Plate that collided with Tibet during the Tertiary Himalayan orogeny.展开更多
基金support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41941018,No.52074299)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.2023JCCXSB02)the China Geological Survey Project(DD20221816,DD20211376)are gratefully acknowledged.
文摘To investigate the influence mechanism of geostress on rockburst characteristics,three groups of gneiss rockburst experiments were conducted under different initial geostress conditions.A high-speed photography system and acoustic emission(AE)monitoring system were used to monitor the entire rockburst process in real time.The experimental results show that when the initial burial depth increases from 928 m to 1320 m,the proportion of large fracture scale in rockburst increases by 154.54%,and the AE energy increases by 565.63%,reflecting that the degree and severity of rockburst increase with the increase of burial depth.And then,two mechanisms are proposed to explain this effect,including(i)the increase of initial geostress improves the energy storage capacity of gneiss,and then,the excess energy which can be converted into kinetic energy of debris ejection increases,consequently,a more pronounced violent ejection phenomenon is observed at rockburst;(ii)the increase of initial geostress causes more sufficient plate cracks of gneiss after unloading ofσh,which provides a basis for more severe ejection of rockburst.What’s more,a precursor with clear physical meaning for rockburst is proposed under the framework of dynamic response process of crack evolution.Finally,potential value in long term rockburst warning of the precursor obtained in this study is shown via the comparison of conventional precursor.
文摘The mafic enclaves from Paleoproterozoic domain are considered to be the results of large-scale crust-mantle interaction and magma mixing. In this paper, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry were jointly used to determine the origin of the mafic enclaves and their relationship with the host granitoids of the Kan granite-gneiss complex. This study also provides new information on crust-mantle interactions. The mafic enclaves of the Kan vary in shape and size and have intermediate chemical compositions. The diagrams used show a number of similarities in the major elements (and often in the trace elements) between the mafic enclaves and the host granitoids. Geochemical show that the Kan rock are metaluminous, enriched in silica, medium to high-K calc-alkaline I-type granite. The similarities reflect a mixing of basic and acid magma. Mafic enclaves have a typical magmatic structure, which is characterized by magma mixing. The genesis of these rocks is associated with the context of subduction. They result from the mixing of a mafic magma originating from the mantle and linked to subduction, and a granitic magma (type I granite) that arises from the partial melting of the crust.
文摘In the gneisses from the drillhole ZK2304 of the Donghai area, there have been preserved high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic mineral assemblages, a series of complicated retrogressive textures and relevant metamorphic reactions. In addition to garnet, jadeititic-clinopyroxene and rutile, other peak stage (M2) minerals in some gneisses include phengite, aragonite and coesite or quartz pseudomorphs after coesite. The typical peak-stage mineral assemblages in gneisses are characterized by garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + rutile + coesite, garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + phengite + rutile ± coesite and garnet + jadeitic-clinopyroxene + aragonite + rutile ± coesite. The grossular content (Gro) in garnet is high and may reach 50. 1 mol%. The SiO2 content of phengite ranges from 54.37% to 54.84% with 3.54-3.57 p.f.u. Quartz pseudomorphs after coesite occur as inclusions in garnet.The gneisses of the Donghai area have been subjected to multistage recrystallization and exhibit a closewise P-T evolutional path characterized by the near-isothermal decompression. The inclusion assemblage (Hb+Ep+Bi+Pl+Qz) within garnet and other minerals has recorded a pre-peak stage (Mi) epidote amphibole fades metamorphic event. High- and ultrahigh-pressure peak metamorphism (M2) took place at T=750-860℃ and P>2.7 GPa. The symplectitic assemblages after garnet, jadeitic-clinopyroxene and rutile imply a near-isothermal decompression metamorphism (M3, M4) during the rapid exhumation. Several lines of evidence of petrography and metamorphic reactions indicate that both gneisses and eclogites have experienced ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in the Donghai area. This research may be of great significance for an in-depth study of the metamorphism and tectonic evolution in the Su-Lu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt.
文摘The granitic gneisses from the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrain of the southeastern Dabie Mountains encompass two types: monzonitic granitic gneiss and alkali-feldspar granitic gneiss, which are characterized by rich alkalis, poor CaO, high FeO/MgO, particularly high Ba, Rb, Th, Ta, REE (except Eu), Ga, Nb and Zn, and low Sr, Eu, Cr, Co and Ni. The gneisses, particularly the alkali-feldspar granitic gneiss, have typical chemical characteristics of A-type granites. They resulted from partial melting of crustal materials existing in the rift zone along the northern margin of the South China block during the Neoproterozoic. These gneisses might not have undergone UHP metamorphism during the late Triassic, but were involved into UHP rocks by the tectonic mixing process and kept the exhumation message of the UHP rocks from the middle and upper crust.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40399142 , No.40372037) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS)of France.
文摘An unusual zircon SHRIMP dating result of a granitic gneiss from the Qinglongshan eclogite-gneiss roadcut section is presented in this paper. The very peculiar and complicated internal structures, as well as the very low Th/U ratios (0.01-0.08) of the zircons indicate that they were formed by metamorphic recrystallization. Strongly in contrast with previously published zircon U-Pb ages of the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic rocks where protolith ages of 600-800 Ma are commonly recorded, only metamorphic age of 218±5 Ma, defined by 18 analytical spots either in rim or in core of zircons, are recorded in this granitic gneiss. This age represents the time of the complete metamorphic recrystallization overprint on primary magmatic zircons. The recrystallization was derived by the UHP metamorphism, and was strengthened by the early stage of retrograde metamorphic fluid activity.
基金funded by Geological Survey Project grants from the China Geological Survey(grant numbers DD20160056, 121201103000150002)
文摘The Maevatanana greenstone belt in north-central Madagascar contains widespread exposures of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) gneisses, and is important for its concentrations of various metal deposits (e.g., chromium, niekle, iron, gold). In this paper we report on the petrography, and major and trace element compositions of the TTG gneisses within the Berere Complex of the Maevatanana area, as well as LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopic compositions of zircons from the gneisses. The gneisses consist mainly of granitoid gneiss and biotite (± hornblende) plagiogneiss, and analysis of thin sections provides evidence of crushing, recrystallization, and metasomatism related to dynamic metamorphism. Samples have large variations in their major and trace element contents, with SiO2 = 55.87-68.06 wt%, Al2O3 = 13.9-17.8 wt%, and Na2O/K2O= 0.97-2.13. Geochemically, the granitoid gneisses and biotite plagiogneisses fall on a low-Al trondhjemite to granodiorite trend, while the biotite-hornblende plagiogneisses represent a high-Al tonalite TTG assemblage. Zircon U-Pb dating shows that the Berere Complex TTG gneisses formed at 2.5-2.4 Ga. Most εHf(t) values of zircons from the biotite (q- hornblende) plagiogneisses are positive, while most εHf(t) values from the granitoid gneisses are negative, suggesting a degree of crustal contamination. Two-stage Hf model ages suggest that the age of the protolith of the TTG gneisses was ca. 3.4-2.6 Ga, representing a period of paleocontinent formation in the Mesoarchean. Geothermometries indicate the temperature of metamorphism of the TTG gneisses was 522-612℃. Based on these data, the protolith of the TTG gneisses is inferred to have formed during the development of a Mesoarchean paleocontinent that is now widely exposed as a TTG gneiss belt (mostly lower amphibolite facies) in the Maevatanana area, and which records a geological evolution related to the subduction of an ancient oceanic crust and the collision of microcontinents during the formation of the Rodinia supercontinent. The lithological similarity of Precambrian basement, the close ages of metamorphism within greenstone belts and the comparable distribution of metamorphic grade all show a pronounced Precambrian geology similarity between Madagascar and India, which can provide significative clues in understanding the possible Precambrian Supercontinent tectonics, and also important constraints on the correlation of the two continental fragments.
文摘The Dabie complex (DC) and the Tongbai complex (TBC) are separately distributed in the middle and eastern parts of the Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt. In this study, the Dabie complex can be divided into two units: one is the complex with no high pressure and ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks (DC1), and the other is the complex containing coesite-bearing eclogite lenses or boudins (DC2). Gneisses are predominant in the TBC, DC1 and DC2. Major and trace element data of gneisses in the TBC, DC1 and DC2 show them to be the orthogneisses. The gneisses in the DC1 have higher incompatible element contents and higher ratios of w(K 2O)/w(Na 2O) and w(La) n/w(Yb) n than those in the DC2. However, no obvious differences arise in other element contents and the ratios of w(La)/ w(Nb), w(Nb)/w(Th), w(Nb)/w(Hf), w(Ba)/w(La), w(Sm)/w(Nd) and w(Th)/w(U) between the gneisses in the DC2 and those in the DC1. These observations suggest that the protoliths of the gneisses in the DC2 have affinities to those in the DC1. The difference between the DC1 and DC2 gneisses in incompatible element contents could reflect the difference in their partial melting extent. The TBC gneisses are geochemically similar to the DC1 gneisses, suggesting that the TBC and DC1 gneisses are the same lithologic unit in the Qinling-Tongbai-Dabie orogenic belt and that they have experienced similar formations and evolution histories. In the Qinling-Tongbai area, the TBC is part of the northern blocks of the Yangtze craton. Given the similarity of geochemical characteristics, the rock assemblage and the ages between the TBC and DC1 gneisses, we can infer that the Dabie complex also belongs to the northern blocks of the Yangtze craton. In terms of the distribution of eclogites and metamorphic facies, we propose that the collisional suture in the Dabie area is distributed along the Xiaotian-Mozitan fault, at the contact with the Shang-Dan-Tongbai fault to the west.
基金supported by the China Geological Survey (nos. 1212011120129,1212010811033,and 1212011120152)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 41072053)
文摘The albite rim is present in most felsic gneisses of the Fuping Complex. The presence of the rim indicates the coexistence of plagioclase and K-feldspar in the rock. The rim is formed immediately after the myrmekite, and both textures were derived from the alteration of K-feldspar. The difference is that that there is no quartz present in the rim, and the rim is nearly albite and the anorthite content of the rim plagioclase is substantially lower than that of the myrmekite plagioclase. Formed at 400- 500~C the albite rim was derived from the K-feldspar composition adjustment in the late or post- magmatism stage. As the temperature decreased, the equilibrium between K-feldspar and plagioclase could be maintained, and reactions between the minerals occurred. The leucocratic veins in the complex show distinguished magma or migmatitic characteristics. The rim might form in the late magma or deuteric stage. The formation of the rim implies obvious granitic magmaor melt-injection activity. Typical metamorphic rocks cannot produce the rims. Anatexis after medium-high grade metamorphism might be subordinate. If present, the anatexis is water-present, but the rim texture cannot be taken as the symbol of anatexis.
基金part of the 1:50000 regional geological surveys of Qushi Sheet, Daqie Street and Dadong Street carried out in 2004 and financially supported by the National Program on Key BasicResearch Project of China (973 Program)(No.2009CB421007)
文摘The general classification of intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the metamorphic zone of Gaoligong Mountains as one of the metamorphic terranes of Proterozoic Gaoligong Mountains is problematic regarding the intrusion stage and age, as well as the subsequent metamorphism and deformation. In this study, we investigated granitic gneiss in the metamorphic zone of Gaoligong Mountains based on the 1:50,000 regional geological survey of Qushi Street (2011-2013) and SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology. Results showed that the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of granitic gneiss ranged from 163.5±5.7 Ma to 74.0±2.0 Ma. Thus, the granitic gneiss was grouped into orthometamorphic rocks (metamorphic intrusions). The dating data of granite rocks associated with intense metamorphism and deformation were divided into three groups, 163.5±5.7 to 162.3±3.1 Ma, 132.2-101.0 Ma and 99.4±3.5-74.0±2.0 Ma, which respectively represented three independent geologic events including an important magma intrusion with superimposed metamorphic effects in the late Middle Jurassic, regional dynamic metamorphism and superimposed reformation of fluid action in the early Cretaceous, and dynamic metamorphism dominated by ductile shear and metamorphism starting from the late Cretaceous.
文摘Jebba area southwestern Nigeria forms part of the Nigerian basement complex which lies in the Neoproterozoic PanAfrican mobile belt. It is underlain by several lithological units among which is a polydeformed granitic gneiss. This rock has been dated by LA-ICP-MS yielding a concordant U-Pb zircon age of 2207 ± 20 Ma indicating the crystallization age of the granite protolith. This early Rhyacian age and its affinity with within-plate granites indicates emplacement during crustal extension and rifting presceding the main phase of the Eburnean orogeny. The strong, early, shear fabric, S1, in the rock is interpreted to be also of Paleoproterozoic age i.e. imprinted during the Eburnean orogeny. The Jebba granitic gneiss is thus correlatable with the widely abundant Paleoproterozoic granitic magmatism now represented by many orthogneisses and documented in other parts of southwestern Nigeria, the West African craton, the Borborema Province, the Gurupi Belt, Sao Luis craton and Sao Francisco craton in Brazil.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41302080,41272220)the China Geological Survey Project(1212011121091,12120114009401)+1 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(53200959380)the Key Project of the National Twelve Five Year Research Program of China(2011BAB04B05)
文摘The tectonic evolution of South Qinling, which is a main part of the Qinling orogenic belt, is still in dispute and deformation history of South Qinling is poorly studied. In this paper, detailed structural, microstructural, quartz c-axis fabric analysis, and geochronology results for the Madao gneiss in South Qinling are presented to characterize the deformation history. Results show that rocks in the northern part (Tiefodian-Laozhanggou) experience general shearing and deform at relative low temperature. The shear sense generally is south to north. In contrast, rocks in the southern part (Laozhanggou-Panjiahe) are weakly sheared with pure shear features and evidence of high- temperature deformation. Based on the analyses, we conclude that there exist two distinct deformation geometries in the Madao gneiss and accordingly we can divide the deformation into two stages. The early stage is represented by regional shortening, while the late stage features northward thrust shearing and evidence shows that it was a progressive process between them. LA-ICP MS U-Pb dating of zircons from pre-deformational migmatite veins yields age of 198.5 ±2.0 Ma. This result, in combination with the age of post-deformational granite, indicates that the northward thrust shearing of the Madao gneiss occurred in the Late Triassic. In view of these results and other reported data in South Qinling, we propose that deformation in Madao gneiss may result from the initial collision and subsequent northward accretion in Late Triassic.
基金This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China grants 49572146 and 49772147 and the Foundation for Development of Science and Technology in Geology grant 9514.
文摘: Using the single—zircon evaporation technique and U—Pb method, the authors have conducted an isotope geochonological study of the Huilanshan granulite and Shima garnet-bearing plagioclase gneiss (“country rocks” of the Shima eclogite) in the Dabie Mountains. The study shows that these rocks have peak metamorphic ages of 443–455 Ma, which are essentially consistent with that of the Caledonian high—ultrahigh pressure eclogites. This indicates the existence of the Caledonian collisional orogeny in the Dabie Mountains.
基金funding from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India(India) under the DST INSPIRE Faculty Scheme (Grant:DST/INSPIRE/04/2014/000221)
文摘Phase equilibria modelling coupled with U–Pb zircon and monazite ages of garnet–cordierite gneiss from Vallikodu Kottayam in the Kerala Khondalite Belt,southern India are presented here.The results suggest that the area attained peak P–T conditions of^900C at 7.5–8 kbar,followed by decompression to 3.5–5 kbar and cooling to 450–480C,preserving signatures of the partial melting event in the field of high to ultra-high temperature metamorphism.Melt reintegration models suggest that up to 35%granitic melt could have been produced during metamorphism at^950C.The U–Pb age data from zircons(~1.0–~0.7 Ga)and chemical ages from monazites(~540 Ma and^941 Ma)reflect a complex tectonometamorphic evolution of the terrain.The^941 Ma age reported from these monazites indicate a Tonian ultra-high temperature event,linked to juvenile magmatism/deformation episodes reported from the Southern Granulite Terrane and associated fragments in Rodinia,which were subsequently overprinted by the Cambrian(~540 Ma)tectonothermal episode.
基金This study was supported by the Ministry of Land and Resources of China Projects“1:250000 Regional Geological Surveyofthe Lianyugang Sheet (150C002004) of P.R.China""Geological Research for Selecting a Drillhole in the Donghai TargetArea of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Programme”.
文摘Study of micro-area chemical compositions indicates that phengite in albite gneiss from hole ZK2304 of the Donghai region has evident compositional zoning. SiO2 and tetrahedrally coordinated Si contents decrease, and Al2O3, AlIVand AlVIcontents increase gradually from core to rim. However, K2O, MgO and FeO contents basically remain unchanged from core to rim. According to P-T estimates obtained from geothermometers and barometers, combined with previous experimental data, the core belt (micro-area I) of phengite was formed at T=637–672°C and P=1.55–1.73 GPa, and the transitional belt (micro-area II) of the phengite were formed at T=594–654°C and P=1.35–1.45 GPa. Towards the rim belt (micro-area III), the temperature decreased slightly, but the pressure decreased rapidly with T=542–630°C and P=1.12–1.19 GPa. The P-T evolution path recorded by the compositional zoning of phengite is characterized by significant near-isothermal decompression, revealing that the gneiss has undergone high-pressure-ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. The compositional zoning of the phengite in the albite gneiss may have formed in the geodynamic process of rapid exhumation in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt.
基金Chinese Gold Management. Office (No.93-45-33) and Zhejiag Metallurgical (No. 98-27).
文摘The Suichang mine is the largest silicified vein-type silver-gold mineralization system in Southeast China, whose ore bodies are controlled by shear zones developing in Lower Proterozoic gneiss terrene with initial migmatization, which is covered by Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous volcanic rock system and cut by acidic igneous veins of Jurassic and Cretaceous. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The ore-forming fluid is defined as superhigh tectonic-metamorphic fluid on the base of : 1 (D)-(18O) values 2 fluid inclusions;3 trace elements of pyrite from ores. (2) The shear zone silicified orebod-ies occurred in proterozoic, Jurassic and Cretaceous, which have been transforms in part by ore-bearing comb quartz vein of volcanism.
基金supported by the open fund from the Key Laboratory of Deep-Earth Dynamics of Ministry of Natural Resources,Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (Number J1901-16)the project of graduate education and teaching reform in Shanxi Province (Award Number 2021YJJG147)+3 种基金the teaching reform project ‘‘Geographic Modeling,Simulation and Visualization’’ established by Shanxi Normal University (Number 2019JGXM-39)‘‘The Research Start-up Fund of Shanxi Normal University for Dr. Peng Chong in 2016’’(Number0505/02070438)‘‘The Research Start-up Fund of Shanxi Normal University for Dr. Liu Haiyan in 2017’’(Number 0505/02070458)‘‘The Research Fund for Outstanding Doctor in 2017’’(Number0503/02010168)。
文摘The Trans-North China Orogen is a major Neoarchean Paleoproterozoic collisional orogenic belt above the North China Craton, formed due to prolonged and complex processes. Even though many NeoarcheanPaleoproterozoic magmatic and metamorphic activities have been reported, due to the Huozhou Complex’s small outcropping range, little attention has been paid to the origin of various igneous rocks of the Huozhou Complex in the center of the Trans-North China Orogen. The Huozhou Complex, located south of the Luè liang, Wutai, and Hengshan complexes, is an important window into the Early Precambrian structure and evolution of the North China Craton. Its magma and metamorphism are crucial to understanding the development of the structural evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. The Huozhou metamorphic complex area exposes a range of Precambrian metamorphic rocks, among which the most extensively dispersed is felsic biotite plagioclase gneiss. In this study comprehensive geological field survey, micropetrology,chronology, geochemistry, and Hf isotope analysis were carried out for the Qinggangping and Anziping gneiss in the north of the Huozhou Complex. The results show that the magmatic zircon age of the Qinggangping gneiss is2196 ± 14 Ma, and its protolith is I-type granite, formed by partial melting of igneous rocks in the absence of weathering. Its source is mainly the juvenile crust from depleted mantle dating 2431–2719 Ma, with a small amount of mantle-derived material. The Anziping gneiss has a metamorphic zircon age of 1931 ± 13 Ma with an S-type granite protolith belonging to peraluminous granite.The Anziping gneiss is formed by recycling pre-existing crustal components at 2613–2848 Ma. A minor quantity of mantle-derived magma is also introduced to the crust simultaneously. The samples of Qinggangping gneiss and Anziping gneiss show the characteristics of obvious negative Nb, Ti, and P elements in the spider diagram of primitive mantle standardization. This implies that the rocks have the characteristics of magmatic rocks in an island arc or subduction environment, which could have formed in the tectonic environment of the continental margin arc.
基金funded by the Fundação de AmparoàPesquisa do Estado de São Paulo(FAPESP)Grant(#2012/15824-6and#2018/25465-0 to EPO)the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico(CNPq)Grant(#305099/2019-1 to EPO)the Institute of Geosciences of the University of Campinas and by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior(CAPES)PhD Scholarship(#001)to the senior author。
文摘The composition and formation of the Earth’s primitive continental crust and mantle differentiation are key issues to understand and reconstruct the geodynamic terrestrial evolution,especially during the Archean.However,the scarcity of exposure to these rocks,the complexity of lithological relationships,and the high degree of superimposed deformation,especially with long-lived magmatism,make it difficult to study ancient rocks.Despite this complexity,exposures of the Archean Mairi Gneiss Complex basement unit in the São Francisco Craton offer important information about the evolution of South America’s primitive crust.Therefore,here we present field relationships,LA-ICP-SFMS zircon U-Pb ages,and LA-ICP-MCMS Lu-Hf isotope data for the recently identified Eoarchean to Neoarchean gneisses of the Mairi Complex.The Complex is composed of massive and banded gneisses with mafic members ranging from dioritic to tonalitic,and felsic members ranging from TTG(Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite)to granitic composition.Our new data point to several magmatic episodes in the formation of the Mairi Gneiss Complex:Eoarchean(ca.3.65–3.60 Ga),early Paleoarchean(ca.3.55–3.52 Ga),middle-late Paleoarchean(ca.3.49–3.33 Ga)and Neoarchean(ca.2.74–2.58 Ga),with no records of Mesoarchean rocks.Lu-Hf data unveiled a progressive evolution of mantle differentiation and crustal recycling over time.In the Eoarchean,rocks are probably formed by the interaction between the pre-existing crust and juvenile contribution from chondritic to weakly depleted mantle sources,whereas mantle depletion played a role in the Paleoarchean,followed by greater differentiation of the crust with thickening and recycling in the middle–late Paleoarchean.A different stage of crustal growth and recycling dominated the Neoarchean,probably owing to the thickening of the continental crust by collision,continental arc growth,and mantle differentiation.
文摘Gneiss\|distilled water interaction at room temperature was investigated with batch\|reactors to study water\|rock reaction and geochemical evolution of the aqueous phase with time. The ion concentrations in water were controlled not only by the dissolution of primary minerals, but also by the precipitation of secondary minerals. The decreasing fraction sizes of gneiss could favor dissolution and precipitation simultaneously. Ca\+\{2+\} and K\++ were the major cations, and HCO\+-\-3 was the major anion in water. All the ions except Ca\+\{2+\} increased in concentration with time. The Ca\+\{2+\} release from the rock to the aqueous phase was initially much faster than the release of K\++, Na\++ and Mg\+\{2+\}. But after about 5-24 hours, the Ca\+\{2+\} concentrations in water decreased very slowly with time and became relatively stable. During the experiment, the water varied from the Ca\|(K)\|HCO\-3\|type water to the K\|Ca\|HCO\-3\|type water, and then to the K\|(Ca,Na)\|HCO\-3\|type water. The water\|gneiss interaction was dominated by the dissolution of K\|feldspar in the solution. The remaining secondary minerals were mainly kaolinite, illite and K(Mg)\|mica.
基金the financial support from the UGC CAS-I & II grantDSTs New Delhi for financial assistance to MJ. BPD
文摘The chemical and petrological correlation of metamorphic nappes and klippes overlying the Proterozoic sedimentary units in the Kumaun Himalaya is still debated. The Ramgarh and Almora gneisses, not previously distinguished in the Askot Klippe, show distinct field, petrological and chemical signatures markedly similar to the tectonostratigraphic disposition of the Almora Nappe. A negative Eu anomaly in the Ramgarh granitic gneisses indicates lesser plagioclase fractionation while the Eu anomaly in the Almora pelitic gneisses is likely to have been controlled by feldspar crystallization in restites. During the anatexis at > 776°C temperature and >6.6 kbar pressure, the melt moved slightly away to its crystallization sites. The Rb/Sr ratio ?0.54 and Nb ?10 ppm is consistent with the granodioritic composition. The negative Sr anomaly in the underlying Ramgarh granitic gneisses indicates a distinct mantle derived source/plagioclase fractionation with a notable correspondence to other late orogenic granites, particularly the basement Ulleri gneisses from the Nepal Himalaya. Ramgarh gneisses plot in the late-and post-COLG field. The Askot ensemble is likely to be the tectonometamorphically reworked basement, viz. the Ramgarh Group along with its metapelitic cover o f the Almora Group, together comprising southward thrust remnants of the leading edge of the Indian Plate that collided with Tibet during the Tertiary Himalayan orogeny.