Geodynamic mechanism responsible for the generation of Silurian granitoids and the tectonic evolution of the Qilian orogenic belt remains controversial. In this study, we report the results of zircon U–Pb age, and sy...Geodynamic mechanism responsible for the generation of Silurian granitoids and the tectonic evolution of the Qilian orogenic belt remains controversial. In this study, we report the results of zircon U–Pb age, and systematic whole-rock geochemical data for the Haoquangou and Liujiaxia granitoids within the North Qilian orogenic belt and the Qilian Block, respectively, to constrain their petrogenesis, and the Silurian tectonic evolution of the Qilian orogenic belt. Zircon U–Pb ages indicate that the Haoquangou and Liujiaxia intrusions were emplaced at423 ± 3 Ma and 432 ± 4 Ma, respectively. The Haoquangou granodiorites are calc-alkaline, while the Liujiaxia granites belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series.Both are peraluminous in composition and have relatively depleted Nd isotopic [ε_(Nd)(t) =(-3.9 – + 0.6)] characteristics compared with regional basement rocks, implying their derivation from a juvenile lower crust. They show adakitic geochemical characteristics and were generated by partial melting of thickened lower continental crust. Postcollisional extensional regime related to lithospheric delamination was the most likely geodynamic mechanism for the generation of the Haoquangou granodiorite, while the Liujiaxia granites were generated in a compressive setting during continental collision between the Qaidam and Qilian blocks.展开更多
The pores in shales are mainly of nanometer-scale, and their pore size distribution is very important for the preservation and exploitation of shale gas. This study focused on the organic-rich Lower Silurian black sha...The pores in shales are mainly of nanometer-scale, and their pore size distribution is very important for the preservation and exploitation of shale gas. This study focused on the organic-rich Lower Silurian black shale from four wells in the Upper Yangtze Platform, and their TOC, mineralogical composition and pore characterization were investigated. Low pressure N2 and CO2 adsorption were conducted at 77.35 K and 273.15 K, respectively, and the pore structures were characterized by modified Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR), t-plot, Barrett- Joyner-Halenda (BJH) and density functional theory (DFT) methods and then the relationship between pore structure and shale gas sorption capacity was discussed. The results indicate that (1) The Lower Silurian shale has high TOC content of 0.92%~96%, high quartz content of 30.6%-69.5%, and high clays content of 24.1%-51.2%. The total specific surface area varies from 7.56 m^2/g to 25.86 m^2/g. Both the total specific surface area and quartz content are positively associated with the TOC content. (2) Shale samples with higher TOC content have more micropores, which results in more complex nanopore structure. Micropore volumes/surface areas and non-micropore surface areas all increase with the increasing TOC content. (3) A combination of N2 and CO2 adsorption provides the most suitable detection range (~0.3-60 nm) and has high reliability and accuracy for nanopore structure characterization. (4) The TOC content is the key factor to control the gas sorption capacity of the Lower Silurian shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform.展开更多
Well-preserved and diversified spores,cryptospores,and acritarchs have been recorded from a relatively continuous sequence that encompasses the Silurian-Devonian boundary in Qujing, Yunnan,southwest China.Four spore a...Well-preserved and diversified spores,cryptospores,and acritarchs have been recorded from a relatively continuous sequence that encompasses the Silurian-Devonian boundary in Qujing, Yunnan,southwest China.Four spore assemblage zones from Late Silurian to Early Devonian in age are proposed based on the first appearance datum(FAD)of characteristic spore species.In ascending stratigraphic order,they are Ambitisporites dilutus-Apiculiretusispora synorea(DS;Late Ludfordian to Early Pridoli),Synorisporites verrucatus-Apiculiretusispora plicata(VP;Pridoli),Apiculiretusispora minuta-Leiotriletes ornatus(MO;Lochkovian),and Verrucosisporites polygonalis-Dibolisporites wetteldorfensis(PW;Pragian).The acritarch assemblage from the upper part of the Yulongsi Formation,the Xiaxishancun Formation,and the lower-middle parts of the Xitun Formation indicates an age of Late Silurian.Based on palynological evidence,the upper part of the Yulongsi Formation is considered Late Ludfordian to Early Pridoli in age;the Xiaxishancun Formation is believed to be Pridoli in age;the Xitun Formation is considered Late Pridoli to Early Lochkovian in age;the Guijiatun Formation is considered Lochkovian in age;and the Xujiachong Formation is Late Lochkovian to Pragian in age.The Silurian-Devonian boundary is recognized between the VP and the MO spore biozones,and occurs within the middle part of the Xitun Formation.展开更多
The results obtained in this paper indicate that carbazole-type compounds have high thermal stability and also show stability in oxidation and bio-degradation. This kind of compounds still has a high concentration and...The results obtained in this paper indicate that carbazole-type compounds have high thermal stability and also show stability in oxidation and bio-degradation. This kind of compounds still has a high concentration and complete distribution in the analyzed dry asphalt samples, showing that they are particularly useful in studying petroleum migration of paleo-pool. During the basin's first-stage of oil-gas pool formation in the Silurian in Tazhong and Tabei areas of Tarim Basin (at the end of Silurian period) and the second-stage in the Awati area (in Permian), the petroleum experienced a long-distance migration. During the formation of the Silurian paleo-pools in Tazhong Uplift at the end of Silurian, the petroleum mainly came from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. The petroleum migrated towards the southwest-south entering the Silurian reservoir beds in Tazhong first. Then, it further migrated within Silurian from northwest to southeast along the highs of the Structural Belts to the region of the Silurian pinchout boundary in Tazhong. In Tabei Uplift, during the first-stage of pool formation, the petroleum was also from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. It migrated northwest entering the Silurian reservoir beds in the Tabei Uplift firstly, and then the migration continued in the same direction within the Silurian reservoirs and finally the petroleum was trapped in higher positions. During the second-stage pool formation in the Silurian beds in the areas around Awati sag, the petroleum mainly came from the lower-middle Cambrian source rocks in the Awati sag. The petroleum migrated from the generation center to Silurian reservoirs in all directions around the sag through major paths, and the petroleum was finally trapped in higher locations.展开更多
Silurian sandstone in Tarim Basin has good reservoir properties and active oil and gas shows, especially thick widely-distributed bituminous sandstone. Currently, the Silurian was found containing both bitumen and con...Silurian sandstone in Tarim Basin has good reservoir properties and active oil and gas shows, especially thick widely-distributed bituminous sandstone. Currently, the Silurian was found containing both bitumen and conventional reservoirs, with petroleum originating from terrestrial and marine source rocks. The diversity of their distribution was the result of "three sources, three stages" accumulation and adjustment processes. "Three sources" refers to two sets of marine rocks in Cambrian and Middle-Upper Ordovician, and a set of terrestrial rock formed in Triassic in the Kuqa depression. "Three stages" represents three stages of accumulation, adjustment and reformation occurring in Late Caledonian, Late Hercynian and Late Himalayan, respectively. The study suggests that the Silurian bitumen is remnants of oil generated from Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks and accumulated in the sandstone reservoir during Late Caledonian-Early Hercynian and Late Hercynian stages, and then damaged by the subsequent two stages of tectonic uplift movements in Early Hercynian and Pre-Triassic. The authors presumed that the primary paleo-reservoirs formed during these two stages might he preserved in the Silurian in the southern deep part of the Tabei area. Except for the Yingmaili area where the Triassic terrestrial oil was from the Kuqa Depression during Late Himalayan Stage, all movable oil reservoirs originated from marine sources. They were secondary accumulations from underlying Ordovician after structure reverse during the Yanshan- Himalayan stage. Oil/gas shows mixed-source characteristics, and was mainly from Middle-Upper Ordovician. The complexity and diversity of the Silurian marine primary properties were just defined by these three stages of oil-gas charging and tectonic movements in the Tabei area.展开更多
The Caledonian orogenic belt of the North Qilian Mountains is an intensely active structure belt. In the process of the Late Caledonian syn-orogeny, the North Qilian-Hexi Corridor area was situated on the tectonic bac...The Caledonian orogenic belt of the North Qilian Mountains is an intensely active structure belt. In the process of the Late Caledonian syn-orogeny, the North Qilian-Hexi Corridor area was situated on the tectonic background of a syn-orogenic basin. In response to the orogenic process of the North Qilian Mountains, typical earthquake event deposits—seismites of the Silurian were widely distributed around Hanxia of Yumen City, the Liyuan River of Sunan County and Biandukou of Minle County. In the Hanxia area, where seismites are typically developed, clastic deposits of tidal-flat facies are the background deposits of the Hanxia Formation. The earthquake event deposits are characterized by sandy mudstone veins, synsedimentary microfractures, micro-corrugated laminations and earthquake breccias, which in turn constitute complex seismites, featuring seismic corrugation, shattering and liquefied sandy mudstone veins, auto-clastic breccias and intraclastic parabreccias. The seismites and tidal flat deposits formed typical sequences of earthquake event deposits.展开更多
The multi-factor recombination and processes superimposition model for hydrocarbon accumulation is put forward in view of the hydrocarbon geological characteristics of multiple episodes of structural evolution, multip...The multi-factor recombination and processes superimposition model for hydrocarbon accumulation is put forward in view of the hydrocarbon geological characteristics of multiple episodes of structural evolution, multiple sets of source-reservoir-seal assemblage, multiple cycles of hydrocarbon accumulation and multiple episodes of readjustment and reconstruction in the complex superimposed basins in China. It is a system including theories and methods that can help to predict favorable exploration regions. According to this model, the basic discipline for hydrocarbon generation, evolution and distribution in the superimposed basins can be summarized in multi-factor recombination, processes superimposition, multiple stages of oil filling and latest stage preservation. With the Silurian of the Tarim basin as an example, based on the reconstruction of the evolution history of the four factors (paleo-anticline, source rock, regional cap rock and kinematic equilibrium belt) controlling hydrocarbon accumulation, this model was adopted to predict favorable hydrocarbon accumulation areas and favorable exploration regions following structural destruction in three stages of oil filling, to provide guidance for further exploration ofoil and gas in the Silurian of the Tarim basin.展开更多
The Silurian stratum in the Tazhong uplift is an important horizon for exploration because it preserves some features of the hydrocarbons produced from multi-stage tectonic evolution. For this reason, the study of the...The Silurian stratum in the Tazhong uplift is an important horizon for exploration because it preserves some features of the hydrocarbons produced from multi-stage tectonic evolution. For this reason, the study of the origin of the Silurian oils and their formation characteristics constitutes a major part in revealing the mechanisms for the composite hydrocarbon accumulation zone in the Tazhong area. Geochemical investigations indicate that the physical properties of the Silurian oils in Tazhong vary with belts and blocks, i.e., heavy oils are distributed in the TZ47-15 well-block in the North Slope while normal and light oils in the No. I fault belt and the TZ16 well-block, which means that the oil properties are controlled by structural patterns. Most biomarkers in the Silurian oils are similar to that of the Mid-Upper Ordovician source rocks, suggesting a good genetic relationship. However, the compound specific isotope of n-alkanes in the oils and the chemical components of the hydrocarbons in fluid inclusions indicate that these oils are mixed oils derived from both the Mid- Upper Ordovician and the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician source rocks. Most Silurian oils have a record of secondary alterations like earlier biodegradation, including the occurrence of "UCM" humps in the total ion current (TIC) chromatogram of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons and 25-norhopane in saturated hydrocarbons of the crude oils, and regular changes in the abundances of light and heavy components from the structural low to the structural high. The fact that the Silurian oils are enriched in chain alkanes, e.g., n-alkanes and 25-norhopane, suggests that they were mixed oils of the earlier degraded oils with the later normal oils. It is suggested that the Silurian oils experienced at least three episodes of petroleum charging according to the composition and distribution as well as the maturity of reservoir crude oils and the oils in fluid inclusions. The migration and accumulation models of these oils in the TZ47-15 well-blocks, the No. I fault belt and the TZ16 well-block are different from but related to each other. The investigation of the origin of the mixed oils and the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation mechanisms in different charging periods is of great significance to petroleum exploration in this area.展开更多
High resolution(939 samples)total organic carbon content(TOC)analyses were conducted on the Shuanghe Section of^152.6 m in the Changning area,Sichuan Basin.The sampling section was divided into two units considering t...High resolution(939 samples)total organic carbon content(TOC)analyses were conducted on the Shuanghe Section of^152.6 m in the Changning area,Sichuan Basin.The sampling section was divided into two units considering the distinct-different deposit environment and sediments accumulation rate.The lower part(Unit 1)and the peer part(Unit 2)with high resolution sample spacing(0.08–0.4 m)enables the identification of the precession cycle in two sedimentary sequences with distinct different sedimentary accumulation rate.MTM Power spectral analyses on untuned TOC series reveals significant peaks exceeding above the 95%confidence level and shows that both Unit 1 and Unit 2 have recorded Milankovitch cycles of 405 kyr long eccentricity,short eccentricity,obliquity and precession.The floating astronomical time scale(ATS)was constructed on the Shuanghe Section in the Early Silurian(~439.673–444.681 Ma),and which was calibrated by 405 kyr long eccentricity cycles.The total duration of the Wufeng and Longmaxi shales is 5.01 Myr.The floating ATS used for estimating the duration of the graptolite zones and each stage in the study interval.Finally,we postulated two models that could verify the linkage between orbital cycle and organic accumulation.To make sure whether productivity or preservation is the main factor that under long eccentricity control,the phase correlation between the obtained filtered signal and the theoretical orbital solution should be made clear in the further research.展开更多
The enrichment characteristics of deep shale gas in the Ordovician Wufeng-Silurian Longmaxi formations in the Sichuan Basin and its surrounding areas are investigated through experiments under high temperature and hig...The enrichment characteristics of deep shale gas in the Ordovician Wufeng-Silurian Longmaxi formations in the Sichuan Basin and its surrounding areas are investigated through experiments under high temperature and high pressure,including petrophysical properties analyses,triaxial stress test and isothermal adsorption of methane experiment.(1)The deep shale reservoirs drop significantly in porosity and permeability compared with shallower shale reservoirs,and contain mainly free gas.(2)With higher deviatoric stress and axial strain,the deep shale reservoirs have higher difficulty fracturing.(3)Affected by structural location and morphology,fracture characteristics,geofluid activity stages and intensity,deep shale gas reservoirs have more complicated preservation conditions.(4)To achieve the commercial development of deep shale gas reservoirs,deepening geological understanding is the basis,and exploring reservoir simulation technology befitting the geological features is the key.(5)The siliceous shale and limestone-bearing siliceous shale in the Metabolograptus persculptus-Parakidograptus acuminatus zones(LM1-LM3 graptolite zones)are the high-production intervals for deep shale gas and the most favorable landing targets for horizontal drilling.Deeps water areas such as Jiaoshiba,Wulong,Luzhou and Changning with deep shale reservoirs over 10 m thickness are the most favorable areas for deep shale gas enrichment.It is recommended to carry out exploration and development practice in deep-water shale gas areas deposited deep with burial depth no more than 5000 m where the geological structure is simple and the shale thickness in the LM1-LM3 graptolite zone is greater than 10 m.It is better to increase the lateral length of horizontal wells,and apply techniques including high intensity of perforations,large volume of proppant,far-field and near-wellbore diversions to maximize the stimulated deep reservoir volume.展开更多
Objective The Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation is one of the priority interval for shale gas exploration in the Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas, and commercial shale gas has b...Objective The Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation is one of the priority interval for shale gas exploration in the Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas, and commercial shale gas has been discovered from this interval in Jiaoshiba, Changning and Weiyuan shale gas fields in Sichuan Province. However, there is no significant discovery in other parts of the basin due to the different quality of black shale and the differences of tectonic evolution. Based on the progress of shale gas geological theory and exploration discoveries, as well as the theory of "source rock and cap rock controls on hydrocarbon accumulation", of the Upper Ordovician the main controlling factors Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation shale gas enrichment in the Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas were analyzed, and the source rock and cap rock controls on the shale gas were also discussed. The results can provide new insights for the next shale gas exploration in this area.展开更多
As the relative sea-level rose, a paleo-estuary was formed by the marine inundation of the braided river incised valley during the period of the lower sub-member of the upper member of the Kalpingtage. formation of th...As the relative sea-level rose, a paleo-estuary was formed by the marine inundation of the braided river incised valley during the period of the lower sub-member of the upper member of the Kalpingtage. formation of the Silurian in the Tarim Basin, west China. Sandstone-mudstone rhythmite, tidal structures and bimodal cross-bedding are common in these deposits, indicating that tides played a significant role in generating the sedimentary structures and the estuary type was tide-dominated. Five depositional facies were grouped: tidal river, sandy and muddy subtidal flat, tidal flat, tidal bar, tidal channel on the basis of lithology, electric properties, rhythmicity, sedimentary structure, fossil and the contact relationship. The sediment distribution showing first fining seaward and subsequent coarsening seaward from head to mouth, implies the two sediment sources in the paleo-estuary. The paleo-estuary of the Tarim Basin is very different from other representative estuaries. The most important distinction is that there are two adjacent estuaries joined by tidal flat onshore and by sandy and muddy subtidal flat in the sea at the same time, while the others only architecture model for the tide-dominated estuary. have one, So the Tazhong paleo-estuary shows a good展开更多
A new species of Shuyuidae(Eugaleaspiformes,Galeaspida),Jiangxialepis jiujiangensis sp.nov.,is described from the lower Telychian(Llandovery,Silurian)Qingshui Formation in Jiujiang,Jiangxi Province,China.The new speci...A new species of Shuyuidae(Eugaleaspiformes,Galeaspida),Jiangxialepis jiujiangensis sp.nov.,is described from the lower Telychian(Llandovery,Silurian)Qingshui Formation in Jiujiang,Jiangxi Province,China.The new species differs from the type species J.retrospina from Wuhan,Hubei Province in its sharp and posteriorly positioned median dorsal spine and narrow spine-shaped inner cornual processes.The Silurian strata in Xiushui–Wuning area has provided a standard framework for the correlation of Silurian shallow marine red beds in South China.Thus,the finding of J.jiujiangensis from the Silurian Lower Red Beds(LRBs)in Jiangxi Province bears very important biostratigraphic significance.It can directly compare to Jiangxialepis retrospina from the Fentou Formation in Wuhan,Hubei Province in the genus level.This indicates that the age of the fish-bearing strata in Wuhan is most likely to be the early Telychian rather than middle Telychian as previously assumed.展开更多
Commercial oil flow has been obtained from the sandstone reservoir of the Lower Silurian Kelpintag Formation in the Well Shun-9 prospect area.In the present studies,10 Silurian oil and oil sand samples from six wells ...Commercial oil flow has been obtained from the sandstone reservoir of the Lower Silurian Kelpintag Formation in the Well Shun-9 prospect area.In the present studies,10 Silurian oil and oil sand samples from six wells in the area were analyzed for their molecular and carbon isotopic compositions,oil alteration(biodegradation),oil source rock correlation and oil reservoir filling direction.All the Silurian oils and oil sands are characterized by low Pr/Ph and C21/C23 tricyclic terpane(〈1.0) ratios,"V"-pattern C27-C29 steranes distribution,low C28-sterane and triaromatic dinosterane abundances and light δ13C values,which can be correlated well with the carbonate source rock of the O3 l Lianglitage Formation.Different oil biodegradation levels have also been confirmed for the different oils/oil sands intervals.With the S1k2 seal,oils and oil sands from the S1k1 interval of the Kelpintag Formation have only suffered light biodegradation as confirmed by the presence of "UCM" and absence of 25-norhopanes,whereas the S1k3-1 oil sands were heavily biodegraded(proved by the presence of 25-norhopanes) due to the lack of the S1k2 seal,which suggests a significant role of the S1k2 seal in the protection of the Silurian oil reservoir.Based on the Ts/(Ts+Tm) and 4-/1-MDBT ratios as reservoir filling tracers,a general oil filling direction from NW to SE has been also estimated for the Silurian oil reservoir in the Well Shun-9 prospect area.展开更多
Mineral contents and fractures of shale from well Yuye-1 and outcrops were examined mainly based on systematic description of the cores and outcrops, and data from experimental analyses. The data enabled us to thoroug...Mineral contents and fractures of shale from well Yuye-1 and outcrops were examined mainly based on systematic description of the cores and outcrops, and data from experimental analyses. The data enabled us to thoroughly explore the mineralogy and developmental features of shale of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the study area. The results show that,the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale(SLS) in the southeastern margin of Sichuan Basin, China, is primarily characterized by a high content of brittle minerals and a relatively low content of clay minerals. The total content of brittle minerals is approximately 57%,including 27% quartz, 12.2% feldspar, 11.2% carbonate and 2.4% pyrite. The total content of clay minerals reaches 41.6%,composed of illite(23.8%), mixed-layer of illite and smectite(I/S)(10.8%) and chlorite(7.0%). The SLS accommodates the widespread development of various types of fractures, including tectonic fractures, diagenetic fractures, inter-layer fractures and slip fractures. The developmental level of the fracture in the SLS is mainly influenced by faults, lithology, mineral contents and total organic carbon content(TOC) in study area.展开更多
Exploration practices show that the Silurian hydrocarbon accumulation in the Tazhong Uplift is extremely complicated.Our research indicates that the oil and gas accumulation is controlled by favorable facies and low f...Exploration practices show that the Silurian hydrocarbon accumulation in the Tazhong Uplift is extremely complicated.Our research indicates that the oil and gas accumulation is controlled by favorable facies and low fluid potential.At the macro level,hydrocarbon distribution in this uplift is controlled by structural zones and sedimentary systems.At the micro level,oil occurrences are dominated by lithofacies and petrophysical facies.The control of facies is embodied in high porosity and permeability controlling hydrocarbon accumulation.Besides,the macro oil and gas distribution in the uplift is also influenced by the relatively low fluid potential at local highs,where most successful wells are located.These wells are also closely related to the adjacent fractures.Therefore,the Silurian hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism in the Tazhong Uplift can be described as follows.Induced by structures,the deep and overpressured fluids migrated through faults into the sand bodies with relatively low potential and high porosity and permeability.The released overpressure expelled the oil and gas into the normal-pressured zones,and the hydrocarbon was preserved by the overlying caprock of poorly compacted Carboniferous and Permian mudstones.Such a mechanism reflects favorable facies and low potential controlling hydrocarbon accumulation.Based on the statistical analysis of the reservoirs and commercial wells in the uplift,a relationship between oil-bearing property in traps and the facies-potential index was established,and a prediction of two favorable targets was made.展开更多
Extensive organic-matter (OM) rich facies (black shales) occur in the Ordo-Silurian boundary successions in the Yangtze area, South China. To investigate the redox changes of the Yangtze Sea during the Ordo-Siluri...Extensive organic-matter (OM) rich facies (black shales) occur in the Ordo-Silurian boundary successions in the Yangtze area, South China. To investigate the redox changes of the Yangtze Sea during the Ordo-Silurian transition, two OM sections (Wangjiawan in Yichang, Hubei Province, and Sanjiaguan in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province) straddling the Ordo-Silurian boundary are studied. The measurements finished in this study include contents of the total organic carbon (TOC), pyrite sulphur, and different species of Fe, including dithionite-extractable Fe (FED), pyrite Fe (FeP), HCl-extractable Fe (FeH), and total Fe (FeT), in black shales, as well as other redox proxies, such as the SIC ratio, the ratio between highly reactive Fe (FeHR = FeD + FeP) and FeT, and the FeP/(FeP + FeH) ratio, known as the degree of pyritization (DOP). In the Wangjiawan section, the Middle Ashgill sediments have high FeHR/FeT ratios (0.20-0.77; avg. 0.45), high DOP values (0.21-0.72; avg. 0.54), and a relatively constant sulfur content independent of the organic carbon content. By the contrast, the mid-early Hirnantian deposits generally have low FeHR/FeT ratios (0.10-0.35; avg. 0.21), low DOP values (0.11- 0.40; avg. 0.28), and SIC values are clustering on the normal marine value (SIC = 0.36). The late Hirnantian and early Rhuddanian deposits, similar to those of the Middle Ashgill deposits, are characterized by high FeHR/FeT ratios (0.32-0.49; avg. 0.41), high DOP values (0.46-0.68; avg. 0.53) and fairly constant sulfur contents. These data suggest the occurrences of marine anoxia on the Yangtze Sea shelf during intervals of the Mid Ashgill, Late Hirnantian and Early Rhuddanian, and ventilated and oxygenated marine conditions during the mid-early Hirnantian time. The mid-early Hirnantian ventilated event was concomitant with the global glacial period, likely resulted from the glacio-eustatic sea-level fall and subsequent circulation of cold, dense oxygenated waters upon the shelf seabed. Accordingly, the abrupt change from oxygenated to anoxic marine waters from the late Hirnantian and the early Rhuddanian were resulted from the post-glacial rise of eustatic sea level. Combined with the data from Sanjiaguan section near the subemergent highland, salinity stratification of water columns are strongly evidenced by very low S/C ratios ( 0.00-0.08, avg. 0.02), low FeHR/FeT ratios (0.10-0.37, avg. 0.27), low DOP values (0.01-0.27, avg. 0.10), and TOC contents (0.72%-4.27%, avg. 2.55%). Under this circumstance, the anoxic water columns could have formed beneath the halocline, above which desalinized waters formed. In the Wangjiawan section, TOC contents are generally high (0.94- 9.32%, avg. 4.44%), but low (0.35%-2.12%, avg. 1.29%) in the mid-early Hirnantian that is coincident with the oceanic oxic stage, together with relation of the organic contents to the stratal thickness, suggesting that the accumulation of the organic matter was mainly controlled by the oxygen levels of the water columns; on the other hand, productivity and depositional rate may also have played a role in the organic accumulation and preservation.展开更多
As the hydrocarbon generation and storage mechanisms of high quality shales of Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation– Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation remain unclear, based on geological conditions and experimental mode...As the hydrocarbon generation and storage mechanisms of high quality shales of Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation– Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation remain unclear, based on geological conditions and experimental modelling of shale gas formation, the shale gas generation and accumulation mechanisms as well as their coupling relationships of deep-water shelf shales in Wufeng–Longmaxi Formation of Sichuan Basin were analyzed from petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry. The high quality shales of Wufeng–Longmaxi Formation in Sichuan Basin are characterized by high thermal evolution, high hydrocarbon generation intensity, good material base, and good roof and floor conditions;the high quality deep-water shelf shale not only has high biogenic silicon content and organic carbon content, but also high porosity coupling. It is concluded that:(1) The shales had good preservation conditions and high retainment of crude oil in the early times, and the shale gas was mainly from cracking of crude oil.(2) The biogenic silicon(opal A) turned into crystal quartz in early times of burial diagenesis, lots of micro-size intergranular pores were produced in the same time;moreover, the biogenic silicon frame had high resistance to compaction, thus it provided the conditions not only for oil charge in the early stage, but also for formation and preservation of nanometer cellular-like pores, and was the key factor enabling the preservation of organic pores.(3) The high quality shale of Wufeng–Longmaxi Formation had high brittleness, strong homogeneity, siliceous intergranular micro-pores and nanometer organic pores, which were conducive to the formation of complicated fissure network connecting the siliceous intergranular nano-pores, and thus high and stable production of shale gas.展开更多
Two sections from the Silurian deposits in the Central Iran Micro and Turan Plates were measured and sampled. These deposits are mostly composed of submarine volcanic rocks, skeletal and non-skeletal limestone, shale ...Two sections from the Silurian deposits in the Central Iran Micro and Turan Plates were measured and sampled. These deposits are mostly composed of submarine volcanic rocks, skeletal and non-skeletal limestone, shale and sandstone that were deposited in low to high energy conditions (from tidal flat to deep open marine). According to gradual deepening trend, wide lateral distribution of facies as well as absence of resedimentation deposits, a depositional model of a homoclinal ramp was proposed for these deposits. Field observations and facies distribution indicate that, two depositional sequences were recognized in both sections. These sections show similarities in facies and depositional sequence during the Early Silurian in the area. Although there are some opinions and evidences that demonstrated Paleo-Tethys rifting phase started at the Late Ordovician-Early Silurian, similarities suggest that the Turan and Iran Plates were not completely detached tectonic block during this time, and that their depositional conditions were affected by global sea level changes and tectonic events.展开更多
Objective More and more evidence suggests that the Kwangsian orogen is probably an intraplate orogen, which is one of the few examples of intraplate orogenesis worldwide. However, the initiation time, size and scope ...Objective More and more evidence suggests that the Kwangsian orogen is probably an intraplate orogen, which is one of the few examples of intraplate orogenesis worldwide. However, the initiation time, size and scope of the Kwangsian orogeny have not been determined yet. This study analyzed the Silurian A-type granites in northeastern Guangxi, South China Block, which may provide new evidence for the transition from compression to post- orogenic extension of the Kwangsian orogen.展开更多
基金funded by Gansu Provincial Natural Science Foundation (Grant Numbers 21JR7RA503 and22JR5RA819)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant lzujbky-2021-ct07)+1 种基金the Key Talent Project of Gansu Province (2022-Yangzhenxi)the National Second Expedition to the Tibetan Plateau (2019QZKK0704)。
文摘Geodynamic mechanism responsible for the generation of Silurian granitoids and the tectonic evolution of the Qilian orogenic belt remains controversial. In this study, we report the results of zircon U–Pb age, and systematic whole-rock geochemical data for the Haoquangou and Liujiaxia granitoids within the North Qilian orogenic belt and the Qilian Block, respectively, to constrain their petrogenesis, and the Silurian tectonic evolution of the Qilian orogenic belt. Zircon U–Pb ages indicate that the Haoquangou and Liujiaxia intrusions were emplaced at423 ± 3 Ma and 432 ± 4 Ma, respectively. The Haoquangou granodiorites are calc-alkaline, while the Liujiaxia granites belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series.Both are peraluminous in composition and have relatively depleted Nd isotopic [ε_(Nd)(t) =(-3.9 – + 0.6)] characteristics compared with regional basement rocks, implying their derivation from a juvenile lower crust. They show adakitic geochemical characteristics and were generated by partial melting of thickened lower continental crust. Postcollisional extensional regime related to lithospheric delamination was the most likely geodynamic mechanism for the generation of the Haoquangou granodiorite, while the Liujiaxia granites were generated in a compressive setting during continental collision between the Qaidam and Qilian blocks.
基金the financial support of the National Science and Technology Major Project(No.2016ZX05034-001)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41472112)
文摘The pores in shales are mainly of nanometer-scale, and their pore size distribution is very important for the preservation and exploitation of shale gas. This study focused on the organic-rich Lower Silurian black shale from four wells in the Upper Yangtze Platform, and their TOC, mineralogical composition and pore characterization were investigated. Low pressure N2 and CO2 adsorption were conducted at 77.35 K and 273.15 K, respectively, and the pore structures were characterized by modified Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR), t-plot, Barrett- Joyner-Halenda (BJH) and density functional theory (DFT) methods and then the relationship between pore structure and shale gas sorption capacity was discussed. The results indicate that (1) The Lower Silurian shale has high TOC content of 0.92%~96%, high quartz content of 30.6%-69.5%, and high clays content of 24.1%-51.2%. The total specific surface area varies from 7.56 m^2/g to 25.86 m^2/g. Both the total specific surface area and quartz content are positively associated with the TOC content. (2) Shale samples with higher TOC content have more micropores, which results in more complex nanopore structure. Micropore volumes/surface areas and non-micropore surface areas all increase with the increasing TOC content. (3) A combination of N2 and CO2 adsorption provides the most suitable detection range (~0.3-60 nm) and has high reliability and accuracy for nanopore structure characterization. (4) The TOC content is the key factor to control the gas sorption capacity of the Lower Silurian shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform.
基金supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences(noKZCX2-YW-105, KZCX2-SW-130)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(no40523004 and 40072005)
文摘Well-preserved and diversified spores,cryptospores,and acritarchs have been recorded from a relatively continuous sequence that encompasses the Silurian-Devonian boundary in Qujing, Yunnan,southwest China.Four spore assemblage zones from Late Silurian to Early Devonian in age are proposed based on the first appearance datum(FAD)of characteristic spore species.In ascending stratigraphic order,they are Ambitisporites dilutus-Apiculiretusispora synorea(DS;Late Ludfordian to Early Pridoli),Synorisporites verrucatus-Apiculiretusispora plicata(VP;Pridoli),Apiculiretusispora minuta-Leiotriletes ornatus(MO;Lochkovian),and Verrucosisporites polygonalis-Dibolisporites wetteldorfensis(PW;Pragian).The acritarch assemblage from the upper part of the Yulongsi Formation,the Xiaxishancun Formation,and the lower-middle parts of the Xitun Formation indicates an age of Late Silurian.Based on palynological evidence,the upper part of the Yulongsi Formation is considered Late Ludfordian to Early Pridoli in age;the Xiaxishancun Formation is believed to be Pridoli in age;the Xitun Formation is considered Late Pridoli to Early Lochkovian in age;the Guijiatun Formation is considered Lochkovian in age;and the Xujiachong Formation is Late Lochkovian to Pragian in age.The Silurian-Devonian boundary is recognized between the VP and the MO spore biozones,and occurs within the middle part of the Xitun Formation.
文摘The results obtained in this paper indicate that carbazole-type compounds have high thermal stability and also show stability in oxidation and bio-degradation. This kind of compounds still has a high concentration and complete distribution in the analyzed dry asphalt samples, showing that they are particularly useful in studying petroleum migration of paleo-pool. During the basin's first-stage of oil-gas pool formation in the Silurian in Tazhong and Tabei areas of Tarim Basin (at the end of Silurian period) and the second-stage in the Awati area (in Permian), the petroleum experienced a long-distance migration. During the formation of the Silurian paleo-pools in Tazhong Uplift at the end of Silurian, the petroleum mainly came from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. The petroleum migrated towards the southwest-south entering the Silurian reservoir beds in Tazhong first. Then, it further migrated within Silurian from northwest to southeast along the highs of the Structural Belts to the region of the Silurian pinchout boundary in Tazhong. In Tabei Uplift, during the first-stage of pool formation, the petroleum was also from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. It migrated northwest entering the Silurian reservoir beds in the Tabei Uplift firstly, and then the migration continued in the same direction within the Silurian reservoirs and finally the petroleum was trapped in higher positions. During the second-stage pool formation in the Silurian beds in the areas around Awati sag, the petroleum mainly came from the lower-middle Cambrian source rocks in the Awati sag. The petroleum migrated from the generation center to Silurian reservoirs in all directions around the sag through major paths, and the petroleum was finally trapped in higher locations.
基金funded by the PetroChina scientific and research funding
文摘Silurian sandstone in Tarim Basin has good reservoir properties and active oil and gas shows, especially thick widely-distributed bituminous sandstone. Currently, the Silurian was found containing both bitumen and conventional reservoirs, with petroleum originating from terrestrial and marine source rocks. The diversity of their distribution was the result of "three sources, three stages" accumulation and adjustment processes. "Three sources" refers to two sets of marine rocks in Cambrian and Middle-Upper Ordovician, and a set of terrestrial rock formed in Triassic in the Kuqa depression. "Three stages" represents three stages of accumulation, adjustment and reformation occurring in Late Caledonian, Late Hercynian and Late Himalayan, respectively. The study suggests that the Silurian bitumen is remnants of oil generated from Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks and accumulated in the sandstone reservoir during Late Caledonian-Early Hercynian and Late Hercynian stages, and then damaged by the subsequent two stages of tectonic uplift movements in Early Hercynian and Pre-Triassic. The authors presumed that the primary paleo-reservoirs formed during these two stages might he preserved in the Silurian in the southern deep part of the Tabei area. Except for the Yingmaili area where the Triassic terrestrial oil was from the Kuqa Depression during Late Himalayan Stage, all movable oil reservoirs originated from marine sources. They were secondary accumulations from underlying Ordovician after structure reverse during the Yanshan- Himalayan stage. Oil/gas shows mixed-source characteristics, and was mainly from Middle-Upper Ordovician. The complexity and diversity of the Silurian marine primary properties were just defined by these three stages of oil-gas charging and tectonic movements in the Tabei area.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.49972078).
文摘The Caledonian orogenic belt of the North Qilian Mountains is an intensely active structure belt. In the process of the Late Caledonian syn-orogeny, the North Qilian-Hexi Corridor area was situated on the tectonic background of a syn-orogenic basin. In response to the orogenic process of the North Qilian Mountains, typical earthquake event deposits—seismites of the Silurian were widely distributed around Hanxia of Yumen City, the Liyuan River of Sunan County and Biandukou of Minle County. In the Hanxia area, where seismites are typically developed, clastic deposits of tidal-flat facies are the background deposits of the Hanxia Formation. The earthquake event deposits are characterized by sandy mudstone veins, synsedimentary microfractures, micro-corrugated laminations and earthquake breccias, which in turn constitute complex seismites, featuring seismic corrugation, shattering and liquefied sandy mudstone veins, auto-clastic breccias and intraclastic parabreccias. The seismites and tidal flat deposits formed typical sequences of earthquake event deposits.
文摘The multi-factor recombination and processes superimposition model for hydrocarbon accumulation is put forward in view of the hydrocarbon geological characteristics of multiple episodes of structural evolution, multiple sets of source-reservoir-seal assemblage, multiple cycles of hydrocarbon accumulation and multiple episodes of readjustment and reconstruction in the complex superimposed basins in China. It is a system including theories and methods that can help to predict favorable exploration regions. According to this model, the basic discipline for hydrocarbon generation, evolution and distribution in the superimposed basins can be summarized in multi-factor recombination, processes superimposition, multiple stages of oil filling and latest stage preservation. With the Silurian of the Tarim basin as an example, based on the reconstruction of the evolution history of the four factors (paleo-anticline, source rock, regional cap rock and kinematic equilibrium belt) controlling hydrocarbon accumulation, this model was adopted to predict favorable hydrocarbon accumulation areas and favorable exploration regions following structural destruction in three stages of oil filling, to provide guidance for further exploration ofoil and gas in the Silurian of the Tarim basin.
基金supported by the China National 973 Key Research and Development Project(Grant No. 2006CB202308)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40973031 and 40772077/ D0206)
文摘The Silurian stratum in the Tazhong uplift is an important horizon for exploration because it preserves some features of the hydrocarbons produced from multi-stage tectonic evolution. For this reason, the study of the origin of the Silurian oils and their formation characteristics constitutes a major part in revealing the mechanisms for the composite hydrocarbon accumulation zone in the Tazhong area. Geochemical investigations indicate that the physical properties of the Silurian oils in Tazhong vary with belts and blocks, i.e., heavy oils are distributed in the TZ47-15 well-block in the North Slope while normal and light oils in the No. I fault belt and the TZ16 well-block, which means that the oil properties are controlled by structural patterns. Most biomarkers in the Silurian oils are similar to that of the Mid-Upper Ordovician source rocks, suggesting a good genetic relationship. However, the compound specific isotope of n-alkanes in the oils and the chemical components of the hydrocarbons in fluid inclusions indicate that these oils are mixed oils derived from both the Mid- Upper Ordovician and the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician source rocks. Most Silurian oils have a record of secondary alterations like earlier biodegradation, including the occurrence of "UCM" humps in the total ion current (TIC) chromatogram of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons and 25-norhopane in saturated hydrocarbons of the crude oils, and regular changes in the abundances of light and heavy components from the structural low to the structural high. The fact that the Silurian oils are enriched in chain alkanes, e.g., n-alkanes and 25-norhopane, suggests that they were mixed oils of the earlier degraded oils with the later normal oils. It is suggested that the Silurian oils experienced at least three episodes of petroleum charging according to the composition and distribution as well as the maturity of reservoir crude oils and the oils in fluid inclusions. The migration and accumulation models of these oils in the TZ47-15 well-blocks, the No. I fault belt and the TZ16 well-block are different from but related to each other. The investigation of the origin of the mixed oils and the hydrocarbon migration and accumulation mechanisms in different charging periods is of great significance to petroleum exploration in this area.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41802030)National Science and Technology Major Project (Grant Nos. 2017ZX05036-004-006 and 2016ZX05036-003007)
文摘High resolution(939 samples)total organic carbon content(TOC)analyses were conducted on the Shuanghe Section of^152.6 m in the Changning area,Sichuan Basin.The sampling section was divided into two units considering the distinct-different deposit environment and sediments accumulation rate.The lower part(Unit 1)and the peer part(Unit 2)with high resolution sample spacing(0.08–0.4 m)enables the identification of the precession cycle in two sedimentary sequences with distinct different sedimentary accumulation rate.MTM Power spectral analyses on untuned TOC series reveals significant peaks exceeding above the 95%confidence level and shows that both Unit 1 and Unit 2 have recorded Milankovitch cycles of 405 kyr long eccentricity,short eccentricity,obliquity and precession.The floating astronomical time scale(ATS)was constructed on the Shuanghe Section in the Early Silurian(~439.673–444.681 Ma),and which was calibrated by 405 kyr long eccentricity cycles.The total duration of the Wufeng and Longmaxi shales is 5.01 Myr.The floating ATS used for estimating the duration of the graptolite zones and each stage in the study interval.Finally,we postulated two models that could verify the linkage between orbital cycle and organic accumulation.To make sure whether productivity or preservation is the main factor that under long eccentricity control,the phase correlation between the obtained filtered signal and the theoretical orbital solution should be made clear in the further research.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41872124,42130803)Sinopec Key Scientific and Technological Project(P20046)。
文摘The enrichment characteristics of deep shale gas in the Ordovician Wufeng-Silurian Longmaxi formations in the Sichuan Basin and its surrounding areas are investigated through experiments under high temperature and high pressure,including petrophysical properties analyses,triaxial stress test and isothermal adsorption of methane experiment.(1)The deep shale reservoirs drop significantly in porosity and permeability compared with shallower shale reservoirs,and contain mainly free gas.(2)With higher deviatoric stress and axial strain,the deep shale reservoirs have higher difficulty fracturing.(3)Affected by structural location and morphology,fracture characteristics,geofluid activity stages and intensity,deep shale gas reservoirs have more complicated preservation conditions.(4)To achieve the commercial development of deep shale gas reservoirs,deepening geological understanding is the basis,and exploring reservoir simulation technology befitting the geological features is the key.(5)The siliceous shale and limestone-bearing siliceous shale in the Metabolograptus persculptus-Parakidograptus acuminatus zones(LM1-LM3 graptolite zones)are the high-production intervals for deep shale gas and the most favorable landing targets for horizontal drilling.Deeps water areas such as Jiaoshiba,Wulong,Luzhou and Changning with deep shale reservoirs over 10 m thickness are the most favorable areas for deep shale gas enrichment.It is recommended to carry out exploration and development practice in deep-water shale gas areas deposited deep with burial depth no more than 5000 m where the geological structure is simple and the shale thickness in the LM1-LM3 graptolite zone is greater than 10 m.It is better to increase the lateral length of horizontal wells,and apply techniques including high intensity of perforations,large volume of proppant,far-field and near-wellbore diversions to maximize the stimulated deep reservoir volume.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.41202103)
文摘Objective The Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation is one of the priority interval for shale gas exploration in the Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas, and commercial shale gas has been discovered from this interval in Jiaoshiba, Changning and Weiyuan shale gas fields in Sichuan Province. However, there is no significant discovery in other parts of the basin due to the different quality of black shale and the differences of tectonic evolution. Based on the progress of shale gas geological theory and exploration discoveries, as well as the theory of "source rock and cap rock controls on hydrocarbon accumulation", of the Upper Ordovician the main controlling factors Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation shale gas enrichment in the Sichuan Basin and its peripheral areas were analyzed, and the source rock and cap rock controls on the shale gas were also discussed. The results can provide new insights for the next shale gas exploration in this area.
文摘As the relative sea-level rose, a paleo-estuary was formed by the marine inundation of the braided river incised valley during the period of the lower sub-member of the upper member of the Kalpingtage. formation of the Silurian in the Tarim Basin, west China. Sandstone-mudstone rhythmite, tidal structures and bimodal cross-bedding are common in these deposits, indicating that tides played a significant role in generating the sedimentary structures and the estuary type was tide-dominated. Five depositional facies were grouped: tidal river, sandy and muddy subtidal flat, tidal flat, tidal bar, tidal channel on the basis of lithology, electric properties, rhythmicity, sedimentary structure, fossil and the contact relationship. The sediment distribution showing first fining seaward and subsequent coarsening seaward from head to mouth, implies the two sediment sources in the paleo-estuary. The paleo-estuary of the Tarim Basin is very different from other representative estuaries. The most important distinction is that there are two adjacent estuaries joined by tidal flat onshore and by sandy and muddy subtidal flat in the sea at the same time, while the others only architecture model for the tide-dominated estuary. have one, So the Tazhong paleo-estuary shows a good
基金supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS(XDB26000000)Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences,CAS(QYZDB-SSWDQC040)+1 种基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(41972006,42072026)National Program for Support of Topnotch Young Professionals(W02070206)。
文摘A new species of Shuyuidae(Eugaleaspiformes,Galeaspida),Jiangxialepis jiujiangensis sp.nov.,is described from the lower Telychian(Llandovery,Silurian)Qingshui Formation in Jiujiang,Jiangxi Province,China.The new species differs from the type species J.retrospina from Wuhan,Hubei Province in its sharp and posteriorly positioned median dorsal spine and narrow spine-shaped inner cornual processes.The Silurian strata in Xiushui–Wuning area has provided a standard framework for the correlation of Silurian shallow marine red beds in South China.Thus,the finding of J.jiujiangensis from the Silurian Lower Red Beds(LRBs)in Jiangxi Province bears very important biostratigraphic significance.It can directly compare to Jiangxialepis retrospina from the Fentou Formation in Wuhan,Hubei Province in the genus level.This indicates that the age of the fish-bearing strata in Wuhan is most likely to be the early Telychian rather than middle Telychian as previously assumed.
基金the Northwest Branch Company, SINOPEC for access to samples and grant support
文摘Commercial oil flow has been obtained from the sandstone reservoir of the Lower Silurian Kelpintag Formation in the Well Shun-9 prospect area.In the present studies,10 Silurian oil and oil sand samples from six wells in the area were analyzed for their molecular and carbon isotopic compositions,oil alteration(biodegradation),oil source rock correlation and oil reservoir filling direction.All the Silurian oils and oil sands are characterized by low Pr/Ph and C21/C23 tricyclic terpane(〈1.0) ratios,"V"-pattern C27-C29 steranes distribution,low C28-sterane and triaromatic dinosterane abundances and light δ13C values,which can be correlated well with the carbonate source rock of the O3 l Lianglitage Formation.Different oil biodegradation levels have also been confirmed for the different oils/oil sands intervals.With the S1k2 seal,oils and oil sands from the S1k1 interval of the Kelpintag Formation have only suffered light biodegradation as confirmed by the presence of "UCM" and absence of 25-norhopanes,whereas the S1k3-1 oil sands were heavily biodegraded(proved by the presence of 25-norhopanes) due to the lack of the S1k2 seal,which suggests a significant role of the S1k2 seal in the protection of the Silurian oil reservoir.Based on the Ts/(Ts+Tm) and 4-/1-MDBT ratios as reservoir filling tracers,a general oil filling direction from NW to SE has been also estimated for the Silurian oil reservoir in the Well Shun-9 prospect area.
基金Project(41302076)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(BJ14266)supported by Special Fund of Ministry of Science and Technology from the State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics(Northwest University),China
文摘Mineral contents and fractures of shale from well Yuye-1 and outcrops were examined mainly based on systematic description of the cores and outcrops, and data from experimental analyses. The data enabled us to thoroughly explore the mineralogy and developmental features of shale of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the study area. The results show that,the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Shale(SLS) in the southeastern margin of Sichuan Basin, China, is primarily characterized by a high content of brittle minerals and a relatively low content of clay minerals. The total content of brittle minerals is approximately 57%,including 27% quartz, 12.2% feldspar, 11.2% carbonate and 2.4% pyrite. The total content of clay minerals reaches 41.6%,composed of illite(23.8%), mixed-layer of illite and smectite(I/S)(10.8%) and chlorite(7.0%). The SLS accommodates the widespread development of various types of fractures, including tectonic fractures, diagenetic fractures, inter-layer fractures and slip fractures. The developmental level of the fracture in the SLS is mainly influenced by faults, lithology, mineral contents and total organic carbon content(TOC) in study area.
基金funded by National Natural Science Foundation Programs of China(Grant No.40802029 and No. 41072100)973 Program(Grant No.2006CB209108)
文摘Exploration practices show that the Silurian hydrocarbon accumulation in the Tazhong Uplift is extremely complicated.Our research indicates that the oil and gas accumulation is controlled by favorable facies and low fluid potential.At the macro level,hydrocarbon distribution in this uplift is controlled by structural zones and sedimentary systems.At the micro level,oil occurrences are dominated by lithofacies and petrophysical facies.The control of facies is embodied in high porosity and permeability controlling hydrocarbon accumulation.Besides,the macro oil and gas distribution in the uplift is also influenced by the relatively low fluid potential at local highs,where most successful wells are located.These wells are also closely related to the adjacent fractures.Therefore,the Silurian hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism in the Tazhong Uplift can be described as follows.Induced by structures,the deep and overpressured fluids migrated through faults into the sand bodies with relatively low potential and high porosity and permeability.The released overpressure expelled the oil and gas into the normal-pressured zones,and the hydrocarbon was preserved by the overlying caprock of poorly compacted Carboniferous and Permian mudstones.Such a mechanism reflects favorable facies and low potential controlling hydrocarbon accumulation.Based on the statistical analysis of the reservoirs and commercial wells in the uplift,a relationship between oil-bearing property in traps and the facies-potential index was established,and a prediction of two favorable targets was made.
文摘Extensive organic-matter (OM) rich facies (black shales) occur in the Ordo-Silurian boundary successions in the Yangtze area, South China. To investigate the redox changes of the Yangtze Sea during the Ordo-Silurian transition, two OM sections (Wangjiawan in Yichang, Hubei Province, and Sanjiaguan in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province) straddling the Ordo-Silurian boundary are studied. The measurements finished in this study include contents of the total organic carbon (TOC), pyrite sulphur, and different species of Fe, including dithionite-extractable Fe (FED), pyrite Fe (FeP), HCl-extractable Fe (FeH), and total Fe (FeT), in black shales, as well as other redox proxies, such as the SIC ratio, the ratio between highly reactive Fe (FeHR = FeD + FeP) and FeT, and the FeP/(FeP + FeH) ratio, known as the degree of pyritization (DOP). In the Wangjiawan section, the Middle Ashgill sediments have high FeHR/FeT ratios (0.20-0.77; avg. 0.45), high DOP values (0.21-0.72; avg. 0.54), and a relatively constant sulfur content independent of the organic carbon content. By the contrast, the mid-early Hirnantian deposits generally have low FeHR/FeT ratios (0.10-0.35; avg. 0.21), low DOP values (0.11- 0.40; avg. 0.28), and SIC values are clustering on the normal marine value (SIC = 0.36). The late Hirnantian and early Rhuddanian deposits, similar to those of the Middle Ashgill deposits, are characterized by high FeHR/FeT ratios (0.32-0.49; avg. 0.41), high DOP values (0.46-0.68; avg. 0.53) and fairly constant sulfur contents. These data suggest the occurrences of marine anoxia on the Yangtze Sea shelf during intervals of the Mid Ashgill, Late Hirnantian and Early Rhuddanian, and ventilated and oxygenated marine conditions during the mid-early Hirnantian time. The mid-early Hirnantian ventilated event was concomitant with the global glacial period, likely resulted from the glacio-eustatic sea-level fall and subsequent circulation of cold, dense oxygenated waters upon the shelf seabed. Accordingly, the abrupt change from oxygenated to anoxic marine waters from the late Hirnantian and the early Rhuddanian were resulted from the post-glacial rise of eustatic sea level. Combined with the data from Sanjiaguan section near the subemergent highland, salinity stratification of water columns are strongly evidenced by very low S/C ratios ( 0.00-0.08, avg. 0.02), low FeHR/FeT ratios (0.10-0.37, avg. 0.27), low DOP values (0.01-0.27, avg. 0.10), and TOC contents (0.72%-4.27%, avg. 2.55%). Under this circumstance, the anoxic water columns could have formed beneath the halocline, above which desalinized waters formed. In the Wangjiawan section, TOC contents are generally high (0.94- 9.32%, avg. 4.44%), but low (0.35%-2.12%, avg. 1.29%) in the mid-early Hirnantian that is coincident with the oceanic oxic stage, together with relation of the organic contents to the stratal thickness, suggesting that the accumulation of the organic matter was mainly controlled by the oxygen levels of the water columns; on the other hand, productivity and depositional rate may also have played a role in the organic accumulation and preservation.
基金Supported by the China National Science and Technology Major Project(2017ZX05036,2017ZX05036001).
文摘As the hydrocarbon generation and storage mechanisms of high quality shales of Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation– Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation remain unclear, based on geological conditions and experimental modelling of shale gas formation, the shale gas generation and accumulation mechanisms as well as their coupling relationships of deep-water shelf shales in Wufeng–Longmaxi Formation of Sichuan Basin were analyzed from petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry. The high quality shales of Wufeng–Longmaxi Formation in Sichuan Basin are characterized by high thermal evolution, high hydrocarbon generation intensity, good material base, and good roof and floor conditions;the high quality deep-water shelf shale not only has high biogenic silicon content and organic carbon content, but also high porosity coupling. It is concluded that:(1) The shales had good preservation conditions and high retainment of crude oil in the early times, and the shale gas was mainly from cracking of crude oil.(2) The biogenic silicon(opal A) turned into crystal quartz in early times of burial diagenesis, lots of micro-size intergranular pores were produced in the same time;moreover, the biogenic silicon frame had high resistance to compaction, thus it provided the conditions not only for oil charge in the early stage, but also for formation and preservation of nanometer cellular-like pores, and was the key factor enabling the preservation of organic pores.(3) The high quality shale of Wufeng–Longmaxi Formation had high brittleness, strong homogeneity, siliceous intergranular micro-pores and nanometer organic pores, which were conducive to the formation of complicated fissure network connecting the siliceous intergranular nano-pores, and thus high and stable production of shale gas.
基金the logistical and financial support given to this study by the Department of Geology of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad-Iran
文摘Two sections from the Silurian deposits in the Central Iran Micro and Turan Plates were measured and sampled. These deposits are mostly composed of submarine volcanic rocks, skeletal and non-skeletal limestone, shale and sandstone that were deposited in low to high energy conditions (from tidal flat to deep open marine). According to gradual deepening trend, wide lateral distribution of facies as well as absence of resedimentation deposits, a depositional model of a homoclinal ramp was proposed for these deposits. Field observations and facies distribution indicate that, two depositional sequences were recognized in both sections. These sections show similarities in facies and depositional sequence during the Early Silurian in the area. Although there are some opinions and evidences that demonstrated Paleo-Tethys rifting phase started at the Late Ordovician-Early Silurian, similarities suggest that the Turan and Iran Plates were not completely detached tectonic block during this time, and that their depositional conditions were affected by global sea level changes and tectonic events.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of China(grant No.41302046)China Geological Survey(grant No.12120113063600)
文摘Objective More and more evidence suggests that the Kwangsian orogen is probably an intraplate orogen, which is one of the few examples of intraplate orogenesis worldwide. However, the initiation time, size and scope of the Kwangsian orogeny have not been determined yet. This study analyzed the Silurian A-type granites in northeastern Guangxi, South China Block, which may provide new evidence for the transition from compression to post- orogenic extension of the Kwangsian orogen.