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Smart Mina: LoRaWAN Technology for Smart Fire Detection Application for Hajj Pilgrimage
作者 Mohammad Al Mojamed 《Computer Systems Science & Engineering》 SCIE EI 2022年第1期259-272,共14页
The Long-Range Wide Area Network(LoRaWAN)is one of the used communication systems that serve and enables the deployment of the Internet of Things(IoT),which occasionally transmit small size data.As part of the Low Pow... The Long-Range Wide Area Network(LoRaWAN)is one of the used communication systems that serve and enables the deployment of the Internet of Things(IoT),which occasionally transmit small size data.As part of the Low Power Wide Area Network(LPWAN),LoRaWAN is characterized by its ability for low power consumption.In addition,it is built to provide more extended coverage and higher capacity with minimum cost.In this paper,we investigate the feasibility and scalability of LoRaWAN for the Mina area using a realistic network model.Mina,known as the world’s largest tent city,is a valley located in the east of Makkah city and surrounded by mountains.It accommodates up to 3 million pilgrims annually and contains more than 100000 tents.The performance was evaluated based on a fire detection-like application.Extensive simulations were conducted using the OMNeT++simulator and Flora model to determine the delivery ratio,collision,and SF distribution for the simulated sce-nario with a network consisting of up to ten thousand end devices.The conducted simulations show a promising result for LoRaWAN technology for Mina city.It showed a consistent performance for LoRaWAN in most simulated scenarios when a high success ratio was achieved. 展开更多
关键词 LoRa LoRaWAN LPWAN IOT FLORA smart city Mina
作者 安小米 张红卫 +2 位作者 魏玮 黄婕 张晖 《信息资源管理学报》 2024年第3期31-41,共11页
进入数字时代,伴随大数据和人工智能技术快速发展和普遍应用,带有“smart”的指称不断涌现,然而关于“smart”概念的认知尚缺少跨领域和跨国际标准组织的标准化共识构建研究。采用ISO 704:2022的概念构建原则和方法,基于复杂系统论视角... 进入数字时代,伴随大数据和人工智能技术快速发展和普遍应用,带有“smart”的指称不断涌现,然而关于“smart”概念的认知尚缺少跨领域和跨国际标准组织的标准化共识构建研究。采用ISO 704:2022的概念构建原则和方法,基于复杂系统论视角,对数字领域国际标准定义中涉及“smart”的概念特征进行了识别。基于跨领域国际标准组织专家的研讨、问卷调查和国际共识构建,提出了适应于复杂系统数字领域“smart”的通用概念,并将其用于指导《智慧城市城市智能服务体系构建指南》国家标准的制定过程。该研究对推进国家标准和国际标准兼容具有重要战略意义。 展开更多
关键词 smart”概念 smart”定义 smart”特征 标准化共识构建 国际标准
作者 葛明 马源 赵素萍 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期135-148,共14页
粮食安全是国家安全的基石,面对国际市场不稳定性,加入CPTPP有望为中国夯实农产品贸易韧性提供新契机。在考察中国与CPTPP国家农产品贸易竞合关系的基础上,运用WITS-SMART模型建立局部均衡分析框架,研究中国加入CPTPP的农产品贸易效应,... 粮食安全是国家安全的基石,面对国际市场不稳定性,加入CPTPP有望为中国夯实农产品贸易韧性提供新契机。在考察中国与CPTPP国家农产品贸易竞合关系的基础上,运用WITS-SMART模型建立局部均衡分析框架,研究中国加入CPTPP的农产品贸易效应,结果发现:第一,中国农产品竞争力整体不强,但与CPTPP国家依存关系较高,双边贸易潜力在关税完全削减时充分释放。第二,零关税情境下,贸易创造效应普遍大于转移效应,中国对CPTPP多数国家农产品贸易规模大幅扩张,进口增长主要源自种植业、畜牧业部门以及加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、日本等国家,出口增长主要集中于种植业部门以及日本、英国、马来西亚、墨西哥等国家。第三,加入CPTPP显著改善了双边经济福利,不过关税损失较为严重。因此,中国应破除部门利益障碍,加强与墨西哥、日本、英国等国经贸联系以充分挖掘CPTPP国家市场潜力,释放贸易自由化福利,持续提高农产品出口质量和国际竞争力以应对加入CPTPP带来的挑战。 展开更多
关键词 CPTPP 农产品 竞合关系 贸易效应 smart模型
作者 庄平 陈凤梅 易玲 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2024年第10期47-49,共3页
目的探讨基于SMART原则的三阶段教学法对神经外科规范化培训(以下简称“规培”)护士的教学效果。方法选择2020年1月—2022年7月在广东省中医院神经外科规培的护士80人作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为对照组(40人)和观察组(40人)。观... 目的探讨基于SMART原则的三阶段教学法对神经外科规范化培训(以下简称“规培”)护士的教学效果。方法选择2020年1月—2022年7月在广东省中医院神经外科规培的护士80人作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为对照组(40人)和观察组(40人)。观察组采用基于SMART原则的三阶段教学法,对照组使用常规规培方法;培训结束后比较两组理论考试、临床实践考试成绩及护士核心能力测评结果。结果观察组规培护士理论知识考核及临床实践得分均高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组与对照组在评判性思维/科研、临床护理能力、人际关系、专业发展能力、教育咨询能力及总分方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而在法律/伦理实践、领导能力方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论与传统教学方法相比,基于SMART原则的三阶段教学法更有助于提高神经外科规培护士的综合护理能力,尤其是在神经外科急危重症护理方面;另外,规培护士的领导能力培养易被忽略,今后应加强相关研究。 展开更多
关键词 smart原则 三阶段教学 神经外科 规培护士
二维同步插补算法及其在S7-200 Smart PLC上的应用
作者 张益波 姚晓晓 《软件工程》 2024年第4期65-69,共5页
针对插补运动系统中存在机械振动较大的问题,提出一类基于恒定加加速度的二维直线插补算法。在确定加加速度的前提下,将直线插补的运动过程分为7个不同的阶段。利用运动学定律分析每个阶段的加速度、速度和位移的表达式,获取各运动阶段... 针对插补运动系统中存在机械振动较大的问题,提出一类基于恒定加加速度的二维直线插补算法。在确定加加速度的前提下,将直线插补的运动过程分为7个不同的阶段。利用运动学定律分析每个阶段的加速度、速度和位移的表达式,获取各运动阶段的初始条件。在基于二维系统的位移要求确定二维同步关系的基础上,实现了各阶段算法的离散化,最终完成了基于PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)的算法设计。实测效果表明,该算法同步精度小于0.5%,运行时间误差小于1 s,运行效果良好,满足应用场景的需求。 展开更多
关键词 二维同步 插补 S7-200 smart
作者 张占军 《电子产品世界》 2024年第5期51-54,共4页
运用ABB RobotStudio,探究了ABB工业机器人的末端执行器在物料搬运工作站中的仿真应用。结合实际生产流程和需求,科学规划搬运工作站空间布局,并精确设置Smart组件信号与属性及传感器动作。通过精准调控搬运工作站逻辑设定,实现了物料... 运用ABB RobotStudio,探究了ABB工业机器人的末端执行器在物料搬运工作站中的仿真应用。结合实际生产流程和需求,科学规划搬运工作站空间布局,并精确设置Smart组件信号与属性及传感器动作。通过精准调控搬运工作站逻辑设定,实现了物料搬运工作的精确仿真。该工作站不仅可以适应广泛的应用场景,还可以通过优化仿真环境,提升工作站效率与稳定性,为工业生产智能化、自动化升级提供有力支撑。 展开更多
关键词 工业机器人 ABB RobotStudio 仿真 smart组件
作者 唐丽 刘星 +1 位作者 吕培杰 高剑波 《郑州大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期484-487,共4页
目的:探讨深度学习重建(DLR)联合Smart去金属伪影(MAR)算法在口腔金属植入物患者头颈CT血管成像(CTA)中的应用价值。方法:选择郑州大学第一附属医院2023年2月至6月口腔有不可拆卸金属植入物行头颈CTA的患者70例,采用以下3种方法重建图像... 目的:探讨深度学习重建(DLR)联合Smart去金属伪影(MAR)算法在口腔金属植入物患者头颈CT血管成像(CTA)中的应用价值。方法:选择郑州大学第一附属医院2023年2月至6月口腔有不可拆卸金属植入物行头颈CTA的患者70例,采用以下3种方法重建图像:基于混合模型的自适应迭代重建(ASIR-V)50%算法(IR),ASIR-V50%联合Smart MAR算法(IR-S),高水平DLR联合Smart MAR算法(DLR-S)。测量不受伪影影响的颈内动脉C1段和头夹肌感兴趣区CT值的标准差(SD)2和SD4,作为图像噪声指标;计算颈内动脉C1段和舌部的金属伪影指数(AI)1和AI2;对颈内动脉C1段和口腔整体图像质量进行主观评分。结果:与IR组和IR-S组比较,DLR-S组SD2和SD4降低(P<0.05)。与IR组比较,IR-S组和DLR-S组AI1、AI2降低;与IR-S组比较,DLR-S组AI1、AT2降低(P<0.05)。与IR组比较,IR-S组和DLR-S组口腔整体和颈内动脉C1段图像质量主观评分均增高;与IR-S组比较,DLR-S组图像质量主观评分增高(P<0.05),9例患者舌部可见新的伪影。结论:Smart MAR联合DLR可减少口腔植入物造成的金属伪影,提高头颈CTA图像质量。但Smart MAR可能引入新的伪影,需联合未加入Smart MAR的图像进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 深度学习重建 口腔金属植入物 金属伪影 CT血管成像 smart去金属伪影算法
作者 万成威 王霞 王猛 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2024年第2期310-315,共6页
硬盘广泛应用于各类信息系统中,其工作状态预测对信息系统的正常运行管理有着重要意义。现有基于SMART(Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology)属性的机器学习预测算法为保证其通用性,普遍选取部分典型属性作为特征,带来... 硬盘广泛应用于各类信息系统中,其工作状态预测对信息系统的正常运行管理有着重要意义。现有基于SMART(Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology)属性的机器学习预测算法为保证其通用性,普遍选取部分典型属性作为特征,带来一定的信息丢失。在分析SMART数据特点的基础上,提出数据模式分类后再进行机器学习预测的SMART数据处理方法。实际测试结果表明,经分类处理后,采用简单的机器学习算法即可获得与强分类器接近的性能,同时,该方法可有效简化SMART数据机器学习时的特征选择过程,有效降低算法的资源消耗。 展开更多
关键词 HDD硬盘 状态预测 smart数据模式 机器学习
作者 李晟 《现代营销(上)》 2024年第7期106-108,共3页
教育、科技、人才是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性、战略性支撑。高校是教育、科技、人才工作的聚合点,推动高校高质量发展,离不开规范的管理和服务。随着高校后勤服务社会化、校属企业改革等高校改革工作的不断推进,规范高校国... 教育、科技、人才是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性、战略性支撑。高校是教育、科技、人才工作的聚合点,推动高校高质量发展,离不开规范的管理和服务。随着高校后勤服务社会化、校属企业改革等高校改革工作的不断推进,规范高校国有资产出租管理成为推进高校管理改革的重要环节。目前,国家陆续出台了一系列有关国有资产出租的政策规定,但在实际工作中还存在一些问题。本文分析了高校在国有资产出租规范化管理过程中出现的问题,剖析了出现问题的原因,提出基于SMART原则的多项建议,以期规范高校国有资产出租管理,维护国有资产安全与完整,提升国有资产综合使用效益。 展开更多
关键词 高校 国有资产 出租 管理 smart原则
作者 杨立 彭雪蕾 金添 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)医药卫生》 2024年第2期132-135,共4页
探讨SMART管理模式联合PDCA循环管理在提高ICU心电监护报警设置正确率中的应用研究。 方法 随机选取2022年6月~2023年6月收治80名患者作为研究对象。依据实施干预措施的时间进行划分,将 2022年6月至12月在我院ICU行心电监护的40例患者... 探讨SMART管理模式联合PDCA循环管理在提高ICU心电监护报警设置正确率中的应用研究。 方法 随机选取2022年6月~2023年6月收治80名患者作为研究对象。依据实施干预措施的时间进行划分,将 2022年6月至12月在我院ICU行心电监护的40例患者作为对照组,实施常规心电监护护理方法,2023年1月至6月收治的40例患者作为观察组,在对照组的基础上应用SMART管理模式联合PDCA循环管理,比较两组心电监护报警设置正确率。 结果 实施SMART管理模式联合PDCA循环管理后,心电监护报警设置正确率高于实施前,差异具有统计学意义,P<0.05。 结论 SMART管理模式联合PDCA循环管理有利于提高ICU心电监护报警设置正确率,可以帮助护理人员更好的识别患者的异常生命体征,保障患者安全。 展开更多
关键词 smart管理模式 PDCA ICU 心电监护
作者 邱翠英 张夏瑜 钟志英 《智慧健康》 2024年第4期225-228,共4页
目的 分析基于SMART原则的两癌筛查项目标准化管理的作用和价值。方法 选取2022年1—12月在本院完成女性“两癌”筛查的患者3555例,并采取常规管理方法,将其作为对照组;选取2023年1月-7月在本院完成女性“两癌”筛查的患者2775例,并采... 目的 分析基于SMART原则的两癌筛查项目标准化管理的作用和价值。方法 选取2022年1—12月在本院完成女性“两癌”筛查的患者3555例,并采取常规管理方法,将其作为对照组;选取2023年1月-7月在本院完成女性“两癌”筛查的患者2775例,并采取基于SMART原则的两癌筛查项目标准化管理,将其作为观察组,从两组筛查资料中各随机抽取500例作为研究对象,分析两组“两癌”筛查项目管理指标。结果 观察组两癌筛查记录本填写漏项率、错项率明显小于对照组,而完整率高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组宫颈癌(含癌前病变)、乳腺癌(含癌前病变)随访率高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组“两癌”筛查管理考核评分(方案、计划、组织管理、技术服务、信息管理)高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组“两癌”筛查人员服务满意率高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 在两癌筛查过程中采取基于SMART原则的项目标准化管理,能够提高填写完整率,保证重点人员的随访率,提升两癌筛查服务质量与管理水平,有重要的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 smart原则 两癌筛查 项目管理 标准化管理 服务质量
基于Smart Design的校园光伏电站仿真研究
作者 刘垚 周湘杰 +1 位作者 陈嘉贵 黄静 《电子产品世界》 2024年第2期10-14,共5页
基于智能光伏设计软件Smart Design,对株洲市某高校图书馆屋顶的工商业光伏电站进行了设计与仿真。通过评估当地太阳能资源和气象参数,确定了光伏电站的最佳选址和倾角。利用软件的3D建模和电气设计功能,完成了光伏板排布和电气连接,采... 基于智能光伏设计软件Smart Design,对株洲市某高校图书馆屋顶的工商业光伏电站进行了设计与仿真。通过评估当地太阳能资源和气象参数,确定了光伏电站的最佳选址和倾角。利用软件的3D建模和电气设计功能,完成了光伏板排布和电气连接,采用隆基绿能双面光伏组件和华为光伏优化器及逆变器,提高了电站效率。仿真结果显示,该电站具有良好的发电量、经济效益和社会贡献。 展开更多
关键词 光伏发电 smart Design 设计与仿真
Active and passive modulation of solar light transmittance in a uniquely multifunctional dual-band single molecule for smart window applications
作者 Pooja V.Chavan Pramod V.Rathod +2 位作者 Joohyung Lee Sergei V.Kostjuk Hern Kim 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期293-305,I0007,共14页
Functional materials may change color by heat and electricity separately or simultaneously in smart windows.These materials have not only demonstrated remarkable potential in the modulation of solar radiation but are ... Functional materials may change color by heat and electricity separately or simultaneously in smart windows.These materials have not only demonstrated remarkable potential in the modulation of solar radiation but are also leading to the development of indoor environments that are more comfortable and conducive to improving individuals'quality of life.Unfortunately,dual-responsive materials have not received ample research attention due to economic and technological challenges.As a consequence,the broader utilization of smart windows faces hindrances.To address this new generational multistimulus responsive chromic materials,our group has adopted a developmental strategy to create a poly(NIPAM)n-HV as a switchable material by anchoring active viologen(HV)onto a phase-changing poly(NIPAM)n-based smart material for better utility and activity.These constructed smart windows facilitate individualistic reversible switching,from a highly transparent state to an opaque state(thermochromic)and a red state(electrochromic),as well as facilitate a simultaneous dual-stimuli response reversible switching from a clear transparent state to a fully opaque(thermochromic)and orange(electrochromic)states.Absolute privacy can be attained in smart windows designed for exclusive settings by achieving zero transmittance.Each unique chromic mode operates independently and modulates visible and near-infrared(NIR)light in a distinct manner.Hence,these smart windows with thermal and electric dual-stimuli responsiveness demonstrate remarkable heat regulation capabilities,rendering them highly attractive for applications in building facades,energy harvesting,privacy protection,and color display. 展开更多
关键词 smart windows THERMOCHROMISM ELECTROCHROMISM Energy saving Dual-responsive material
Security Analysis in Smart Agriculture: Insights from a Cyber-Physical System Application
作者 Ahmed Redha Mahlous 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期4781-4803,共23页
Smart agriculture modifies traditional farming practices,and offers innovative approaches to boost production and sustainability by leveraging contemporary technologies.In today’s world where technology is everything... Smart agriculture modifies traditional farming practices,and offers innovative approaches to boost production and sustainability by leveraging contemporary technologies.In today’s world where technology is everything,these technologies are utilized to streamline regular tasks and procedures in agriculture,one of the largest and most significant industries in every nation.This research paper stands out from existing literature on smart agriculture security by providing a comprehensive analysis and examination of security issues within smart agriculture systems.Divided into three main sections-security analysis,system architecture and design and risk assessment of Cyber-Physical Systems(CPS)applications-the study delves into various elements crucial for smart farming,such as data sources,infrastructure components,communication protocols,and the roles of different stakeholders such as farmers,agricultural scientists and researchers,technology providers,government agencies,consumers and many others.In contrast to earlier research,this work analyzes the resilience of smart agriculture systems using approaches such as threat modeling,penetration testing,and vulnerability assessments.Important discoveries highlight the concerns connected to unsecured communication protocols,possible threats from malevolent actors,and vulnerabilities in IoT devices.Furthermore,the study suggests enhancements for CPS applications,such as strong access controls,intrusion detection systems,and encryption protocols.In addition,risk assessment techniques are applied to prioritize mitigation tactics and detect potential hazards,addressing issues like data breaches,system outages,and automated farming process sabotage.The research sets itself apart even more by presenting a prototype CPS application that makes use of a digital temperature sensor.This application was first created using a Tinkercad simulator and then using actual hardware with Arduino boards.The CPS application’s defenses against potential threats and vulnerabilities are strengthened by this integrated approach,which distinguishes this research for its depth and usefulness in the field of smart agriculture security. 展开更多
关键词 smart agriculture cyber-physical system IOT security temperature sensor threats VULNERABILITIES
Construction of smart propellant with multi-morphologies
作者 Weitao Yang Yuchen Gao +4 位作者 Rui Hu Manman Li Fengqi Zhao He Jiang Xuan Zhang 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期180-185,共6页
Smart materials,which exhibit shape memory behavior in response to external stimuli,have shown great potential for use in biomedical applications.In this study,an energetic composite was fabricated using a UV-assisted... Smart materials,which exhibit shape memory behavior in response to external stimuli,have shown great potential for use in biomedical applications.In this study,an energetic composite was fabricated using a UV-assisted DIW 3D printing technique and a shape memory material(SMP)as the binder.This composite has the ability to reduce the impact of external factors and adjust gun propellant combustion behavior.The composition and 3D printing process were delineated,while the internal structure and shape memory performance of the composite material were studied.The energetic SMP composite exhibits an angle of reversal of 18 s at 70°,with a maximum elongation typically reaching up to 280% of the original length and a recovery length of approximately 105%during ten cycles.Additionally,thermal decomposition and combustion behavior were also demonstrated for the energetic SMP composite. 展开更多
关键词 smart material Gun propellants Multi-morphologies SELF-REGULATION
RoGRUT: A Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Detecting Power Trapping in Smart Grids
作者 Farah Mohammad Saad Al-Ahmadi Jalal Al-Muhtadi 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期3175-3192,共18页
Electricity theft is a widespread non-technical issue that has a negative impact on both power grids and electricity users.It hinders the economic growth of utility companies,poses electrical risks,and impacts the hig... Electricity theft is a widespread non-technical issue that has a negative impact on both power grids and electricity users.It hinders the economic growth of utility companies,poses electrical risks,and impacts the high energy costs borne by consumers.The development of smart grids is crucial for the identification of power theft since these systems create enormous amounts of data,including information on client consumption,which may be used to identify electricity theft using machine learning and deep learning techniques.Moreover,there also exist different solutions such as hardware-based solutions to detect electricity theft that may require human resources and expensive hardware.Computer-based solutions are presented in the literature to identify electricity theft but due to the dimensionality curse,class imbalance issue and improper hyper-parameter tuning of such models lead to poor performance.In this research,a hybrid deep learning model abbreviated as RoGRUT is proposed to detect electricity theft as amalicious and non-malicious activity.The key steps of the RoGRUT are data preprocessing that covers the problem of class imbalance,feature extraction and final theft detection.Different advanced-level models like RoBERTa is used to address the curse of dimensionality issue,the near miss for class imbalance,and transfer learning for classification.The effectiveness of the RoGRUTis evaluated using the dataset fromactual smartmeters.A significant number of simulations demonstrate that,when compared to its competitors,the RoGRUT achieves the best classification results.The performance evaluation of the proposed model revealed exemplary results across variousmetrics.The accuracy achieved was 88%,with precision at an impressive 86%and recall reaching 84%.The F1-Score,a measure of overall performance,stood at 85%.Furthermore,themodel exhibited a noteworthyMatthew correlation coefficient of 78%and excelled with an area under the curve of 91%. 展开更多
关键词 Electricity theft smart grid RoBERTa GRU transfer learning
Mitigating Blackhole and Greyhole Routing Attacks in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Using Blockchain Based Smart Contracts
作者 Abdulatif Alabdulatif Mada Alharbi +1 位作者 Abir Mchergui Tarek Moulahi 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第2期2005-2021,共17页
The rapid increase in vehicle traffic volume in modern societies has raised the need to develop innovative solutions to reduce traffic congestion and enhance traffic management efficiency.Revolutionary advanced techno... The rapid increase in vehicle traffic volume in modern societies has raised the need to develop innovative solutions to reduce traffic congestion and enhance traffic management efficiency.Revolutionary advanced technology,such as Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS),enables improved traffic management,helps eliminate congestion,and supports a safer environment.ITS provides real-time information on vehicle traffic and transportation systems that can improve decision-making for road users.However,ITS suffers from routing issues at the network layer when utilising Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks(VANETs).This is because each vehicle plays the role of a router in this network,which leads to a complex vehicle communication network,causing issues such as repeated link breakages between vehicles resulting from the mobility of the network and rapid topological variation.This may lead to loss or delay in packet transmissions;this weakness can be exploited in routing attacks,such as black-hole and gray-hole attacks,that threaten the availability of ITS services.In this paper,a Blockchain-based smart contracts model is proposed to offer convenient and comprehensive security mechanisms,enhancing the trustworthiness between vehicles.Self-Classification Blockchain-Based Contracts(SCBC)and Voting-Classification Blockchain-Based Contracts(VCBC)are utilised in the proposed protocol.The results show that VCBC succeeds in attaining better results in PDR and TP performance even in the presence of Blackhole and Grayhole attacks. 展开更多
关键词 Blockchain data privacy machine learning routing attacks smart contract VANET
Smart Farming for Sustainable Rice Production:An Insight into Application,Challenge,and Future Prospect
作者 Norhashila HASHIM Maimunah Mohd ALI +4 位作者 Muhammad Razif MAHADI Ahmad Fikri ABDULLAH Aimrun WAYAYOK Muhamad Saufi Mohd KASSIM Askiah JAMALUDDIN 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期47-61,共15页
Rice has a huge impact on socio-economic growth,and ensuring its sustainability and optimal utilization is vital.This review provides an insight into the role of smart farming in enhancing rice productivity.The applic... Rice has a huge impact on socio-economic growth,and ensuring its sustainability and optimal utilization is vital.This review provides an insight into the role of smart farming in enhancing rice productivity.The applications of smart farming in rice production including yield estimation,smart irrigation systems,monitoring disease and growth,and predicting rice quality and classifications are highlighted.The challenges of smart farming in sustainable rice production to enhance the understanding of researchers,policymakers,and stakeholders are discussed.Numerous efforts have been exerted to combat the issues in rice production in order to promote rice sector development.The effective implementation of smart farming in rice production has been facilitated by various technical advancements,particularly the integration of the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.The future prospects of smart farming in transforming existing rice production practices are also elucidated.Through the utilization of smart farming,the rice industry can attain sustainable and resilient production systems that could mitigate environmental impact and safeguard food security.Thus,the rice industry holds a bright future in transforming current rice production practices into a new outlook in rice smart farming development. 展开更多
关键词 rice production smart farming food security agriculture sustainability
Preserving Data Secrecy and Integrity for Cloud Storage Using Smart Contracts and Cryptographic Primitives
作者 Maher Alharby 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期2449-2463,共15页
Cloud computing has emerged as a viable alternative to traditional computing infrastructures,offering various benefits.However,the adoption of cloud storage poses significant risks to data secrecy and integrity.This a... Cloud computing has emerged as a viable alternative to traditional computing infrastructures,offering various benefits.However,the adoption of cloud storage poses significant risks to data secrecy and integrity.This article presents an effective mechanism to preserve the secrecy and integrity of data stored on the public cloud by leveraging blockchain technology,smart contracts,and cryptographic primitives.The proposed approach utilizes a Solidity-based smart contract as an auditor for maintaining and verifying the integrity of outsourced data.To preserve data secrecy,symmetric encryption systems are employed to encrypt user data before outsourcing it.An extensive performance analysis is conducted to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed mechanism.Additionally,a rigorous assessment is conducted to ensure that the developed smart contract is free from vulnerabilities and to measure its associated running costs.The security analysis of the proposed system confirms that our approach can securely maintain the confidentiality and integrity of cloud storage,even in the presence of malicious entities.The proposed mechanism contributes to enhancing data security in cloud computing environments and can be used as a foundation for developing more secure cloud storage systems. 展开更多
关键词 Cloud storage data secrecy data integrity smart contracts CRYPTOGRAPHY
A Systematic Review and Performance Evaluation of Open-Source Tools for Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection
作者 Yaqiong He Jinlin Fan Huaiguang Wu 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第7期995-1032,共38页
With the rise of blockchain technology,the security issues of smart contracts have become increasingly critical.Despite the availability of numerous smart contract vulnerability detection tools,many face challenges su... With the rise of blockchain technology,the security issues of smart contracts have become increasingly critical.Despite the availability of numerous smart contract vulnerability detection tools,many face challenges such as slow updates,usability issues,and limited installation methods.These challenges hinder the adoption and practicality of these tools.This paper examines smart contract vulnerability detection tools from 2016 to 2023,sourced from the Web of Science(WOS)and Google Scholar.By systematically collecting,screening,and synthesizing relevant research,38 open-source tools that provide installation methods were selected for further investigation.From a developer’s perspective,this paper offers a comprehensive survey of these 38 open-source tools,discussing their operating principles,installation methods,environmental dependencies,update frequencies,and installation challenges.Based on this,we propose an Ethereum smart contract vulnerability detection framework.This framework enables developers to easily utilize various detection tools and accurately analyze contract security issues.To validate the framework’s stability,over 1700 h of testing were conducted.Additionally,a comprehensive performance test was performed on the mainstream detection tools integrated within the framework,assessing their hardware requirements and vulnerability detection coverage.Experimental results indicate that the Slither tool demonstrates satisfactory performance in terms of system resource consumption and vulnerability detection coverage.This study represents the first performance evaluation of testing tools in this domain,providing significant reference value. 展开更多
关键词 Blockchain security ethereum smart contracts detection tools evaluation
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