Annual forage legumes are important components of livestock production systems in East Texas and the southeastern US. Forage legumes contribute nitrogen (N) to cropping systems through biological N fixation, and their...Annual forage legumes are important components of livestock production systems in East Texas and the southeastern US. Forage legumes contribute nitrogen (N) to cropping systems through biological N fixation, and their seasonal biomass production can be managed to complement forage grasses. Our research objectives were to evaluate both warm- and cool-season annual forage legumes as green manure for biomass, N content, ability to enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil N, and impact on post season forage grass crops. Nine warm-season forage legumes (WSL) were spring planted and incorporated as green manure in the fall. Forage rye (Secale cereale L.) was planted following the incorporation of WSL treatments. Eight cool-season forage legumes (CSL) were fall planted in previously fallow plots and incorporated as green manure in late spring. Sorghum-sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum bicolor var. sudanense) was planted over all treatments in early summer after forage rye harvest and incorporation of CSL treatments. Sorghum-sudangrass was harvested in June, August and September, and treatments were evaluated for dry matter and N concentration. Soil cores were taken from each plot, split into depths of 0 to 15, 15 to 30 and 30 to 60 cm, and soil C and N were measured using combustion analysis. Nylon mesh bags containing plant samples were buried at 15 cm and used to evaluate decomposition rate of above ground legume biomass, including change in C and N concentrations. Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. [Wilczek]) had the highest shoot biomass yield (6.24 t DM ha<sup>-1</sup>) and contributed the most total N (167 kg∙ha<sup>-1</sup>) and total C (3043 kg∙ha<sup>-1</sup>) of the WSL tested. Decomposition rate of WSL biomass was rapid in the first 10 weeks and very slow afterward. Winter pea (Pisum sativum L. spp. sativum), arrow leaf clover (Trifolium vesiculosum Savi.), and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) were the most productive CSL in this trial. Austrian winter pea produced 8.41 t DM ha<sup>-1</sup> with a total N yield of 319 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup> and total C production of 3835 kg C ha<sup>-1</sup>. The WSL treatments had only small effects on rye forage yield and N concentration, possibly due to mineralization of N from a large SOC pool already in place. The CSL treatments also had only minimal effects on sorghum-sudangrass forage production. Winter pea, arrow leaf and crimson clover were productive cool season legumes and could be useful as green manure crops. Mungbean and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) were highly productive warm season legumes but may include more production risk in green manure systems due to soil moisture competition.展开更多
Based on the simulation experiments of water and nitrogen transport, transformation and uptaking, under the condition of different cropping pattern of winter wheat in the greenhouse and the condition of different wast...Based on the simulation experiments of water and nitrogen transport, transformation and uptaking, under the condition of different cropping pattern of winter wheat in the greenhouse and the condition of different wastewater irrigation plan. An united computing model of crop growth, distribution of roots, water and nitrogen uptaking by roots and transformation in soil crop system was developed. Growth status of crops, root growth condition and water, nitrogen uptaking pattern by roots under different watering and N pollution conditions were simulated and analyzed due to the development of this mathematical model and the identification of parameters and boundary conditions in the greenhouse, so that it provided a primary computing method for selecting an efficient, productive watering and wastewater irrigating plan.展开更多
Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils is a complex process controlled by farming practices, climate and some other environment factors. Since purple soils are unique in China and used as the main cropland in Sich...Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils is a complex process controlled by farming practices, climate and some other environment factors. Since purple soils are unique in China and used as the main cropland in Sichuan Basin of China, it is of great importance to study and understand the impacts of different fertilizer amendments on soil organic carbon(SOC) changes with time. A research was carried out to investigate the relationship between soil carbon sequestration and organic carbon input as affected by different fertilizer treatments at two long-term rice-based cropping system experiments set up in early 1980 s. Each experiment consisted of six identical treatments, including(1) no fertilizer(CK),(2) nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers(NP),(3) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers(NPK),(4) fresh pig manure(M),(5) nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers plus manure(MNP), and(6) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers plus manure(MNPK). The results showed that annual harvestable carbon biomass was the highest in the treatment of MNPK, followed by MNP and NPK, then M and NP, and the lowest in CK. Most of fertilizer treatments resulted in a significant gain in SOC ranging from 6.48 to 2 9.13% compared with the CK, and raised soil carbon sequestration rate to 0.10–0.53 t ha–1 yr-1. Especially, addition of manure on the basis of mineral fertilizers was very conducive to SOC maintenance in this soil. SOC content and soil carbon sequestration rate under balanced fertilizer treatments(NPK and MNPK) in the calcareous purple soil(Suining) were higher than that in the acid purple soil(Leshan). But carbon conversion rate at Leshan was 11.00%, almost 1.5 times of that(7.80%) at Suining. Significant linear correlations between soil carbon sequestration and carbon input were observed at both sites, signifying that the purple soil was not carbon-saturated and still had considerable potential to se questrate more carbon.展开更多
The double-rice cropping system is a very important intensive cropping system for food security in China. There have been few studies of the sustainability of yield and accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the...The double-rice cropping system is a very important intensive cropping system for food security in China. There have been few studies of the sustainability of yield and accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the double-rice cropping system following a partial substitution of chemical fertilizer by Chinese milk vetch (Mv). We conducted a 10-year (2008–2017) field experiment in Nan County, South-Central China, to examine the double-rice productivity and SOC accumulation in a paddy soil in response to different fertilization levels and Mv application (22.5 Mg ha^–1). Fertilizer and Mv were applied both individually and in combination (sole chemical fertilizers, Mv plus 100, 80, 60, 40, and 0% of the recommended dose of chemical fertilizers, labeled as F100, MF100, MF80, MF60, MF40, and MF0, respectively). It was found that the grain yields of double-rice crop in treatments receiving Mv were reduced when the dose of chemical fertilizer was reduced, while the change in SOC stock displayed a double peak curve. The MF100 produced the highest double-rice yield and SOC stock, with the value higher by 13.5 and 26.8% than that in the F100. However, the grain yields increased in the MF80 (by 8.4% compared to the F100), while the SOC stock only increased by 8.4%. Analogous to the change of grain yield, the sustainable yield index (SYI) of double rice were improved significantly in the MF100 and MF80 compared to the F100, while there was a slight increase in the MF60 and MF40. After a certain amount of Mv input (22.5 Mg ha^–1), the carbon sequestration rate was affected by the nutrient input due to the stimulation of microbial biomass. Compared with the MF0, the MF100 and MF40 resulted in a dramatically higher carbon sequestration rate (with the value higher by 71.6 and 70.1%), whereas the MF80 induced a lower carbon sequestration rate with the value lower by 70.1% compared to the MF0. Based on the above results we suggested that Mv could partially replace chemical fertilizers (e.g., 40–60%) to improve or maintain the productivity and sustainability of the double-rice cropping system in South-Central China.展开更多
A field experiment was conducted to examine the residual influence of biochar applied previously to an established experiment at the Agriculture University Research Farm, Peshawar on soil properties and yield of maize...A field experiment was conducted to examine the residual influence of biochar applied previously to an established experiment at the Agriculture University Research Farm, Peshawar on soil properties and yield of maize crop during summer 2016. The experiment was established in RCB design with split plot arrangements having cropping systems (CS) in main plots and biochar (BC) in sub-plots. Cropping systems were: 1) wheat-mung bean;2) wheat-maize;3) chickpea-maize;and 4) chickpea-mung bean. During the past three seasons, each cropping system received biochar at 0, 40, 60 and 80 t·haǃ along with recommended dose of NPK in each season. For this study, maize was planted after chickpea and wheat in summer 2016. The results showed that grain yield, cobs weight and total N uptake of maize was significantly greater for chickpea-maize than for wheat-maize cropping system. Soil organic C was also significantly higher in soil under chickpea-maize than under wheat-maize cropping system. However, other yield components such as stover yield, harvest index and N concentration in grain and stover of maize and soil properties such as pH, EC and mineral N were non-significantly affected by cropping systems. With respect to residual effect of biochar grain yield of maize and bulk density of soil were maximum for treatment receiving biochar at 40 t·haǃ whereas cobs weight soil pH and mineral N were highest receiving biochar at 60 t·haǃ. Moreover, N concentration in stover, N uptake and soil organic C were maximum for treatment receiving biochar at 80 t·haǃ. However, stover yield, harvest index, N concentration in grain, and soil EC were non-significantly affected by biochar treatments. However interactions between CS × BC were significant for yield and yield parameters of maize and for soil properties (bulk density mineral N), while non-significant for harvest index, soil organic C, pH and EC. It was concluded that chickpea-maize cropping system performed better in terms of improving yield and yield components of maize and in improving soil properties. Application of biochar to previous crops also improved yield and yield parameters of the following maize as well as soil properties. Thus we recommend that legumes must be involved in cropping system for sustainable and higher productivity and improved soil properties. However, further studies are suggested to find out suitable dose of biochar for sustainable and economic crop productivity and soil fertility.展开更多
Soils degradation is one of the constraints in food security achievement in Benin. This study aimed at assessing the effect of cropping systems and slope on soil physical and chemical properties in the watershed of Kp...Soils degradation is one of the constraints in food security achievement in Benin. This study aimed at assessing the effect of cropping systems and slope on soil physical and chemical properties in the watershed of Kpacomey located in the Aplahoué district. Soil samples were collected from three parallel transects along the slope. Sampling was carried out under different treatments combining cropping systems (Maize-Cassava, pure Palm grove, Palm grove-Maize-Cassava and Teak Plantation) along with slope levels (low slope, medium slope and high slope degree). The impact of cropping systems and slope on soil properties was assessed by determining the physical and chemical parameters. The cropping systems significantly (p < 0.05) influenced soil bulk density, root biomass, soil acidity and soil organic matter. The lowest soil bulk density (1.38 g/cm<sup>3</sup>) was recorded under the Palm grove-Maize-Cassava cropping system while the highest (1.47 g/cm<sup>3</sup>) was obtained with pure Palm grove cropping system. Root biomass was more abundant (0.28%) with the pure Palm grove cropping system. However, root biomass was significantly (p < 0.05) influenced by slope. Soil crusting resulted in no significant influence (p > 0.05) on the effect of cropping systems and slope. Moreover, cropping systems resulted in significant effects (p < 0.05). Soil organic matter and soil-assimilated phosphorus content were significantly influenced by the effect of the slope. These findings indicated that cropping systems and slope are significant drivers in soil degradation in the Kpacomey watershed and bringing out cropping systems that best aim at soil conservation.展开更多
The role of maize-legume cropping system on soil quality, carbon sequestration and yield of maize in a Northern Guinea Savanna Alfisol, Nigeria was assessed in 2014 and 2015 rain-fed cropping seasons. The experiment w...The role of maize-legume cropping system on soil quality, carbon sequestration and yield of maize in a Northern Guinea Savanna Alfisol, Nigeria was assessed in 2014 and 2015 rain-fed cropping seasons. The experiment was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), replicated three times and treatments were Sole (Mono crop) Maize (M), Desmodium (D) and Soybeans (S);Maize/soybeans intercrop (MS), Maize/Desmodium intercrop (MD), Maize Strip cropped with Soybean (MS 2:4) and Maize Strip cropped with Desmodium (M:D 2:4). Data obtained were evaluated for Organic carbon, available phosphorus, total nitrogen, soil pH, and CEC, Bulk density, Soil moisture, mean weight diameter and grain yield of Maize. Results show that mean soil acidity (pH water, 6.37;pH CaCl2, 5.78), mean organic carbon (5.23 to 5.69 g·kg-1) and mean total nitrogen improved (0.66 g·kg-1) in 2015 over values in 2014. Mean weight diameter (MWD) increased from 0.59 in 2014 to 1.05 in 2015;indicating a better aggregation across treatments. Treatment M resulted in significantly higher bulk density (Bd) than other treatments at 8 weeks after planting (WAP) and 16WAP, suggesting that soils under mono-crop maize were impaired for sustainable crop production. Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestered in macro aggregates under MS (1.38 g·kg-1) was significantly higher than the other treatments. Best maize grain yield (GY) was under sole maize (M) and maize strip cropped with Desmodium (MD2:4) (3.13 t·ha-1 and 2.90 t·ha-1 in 2015, respectively). Maize strip cropped with Desmodium and maize/soybean intercrop enhanced better soil chemical and physical properties than sole maize. Soil quality (SQ) under MD2:4 ranked best (SQ1) for sustainable maize grain production and environmental conservation. Therefore, land use strategies that focus protection of soil organic carbon against further depletion and erosion, contribute nitrogen and/or replenishment of depleted carbon stocks through management techniques that involve legume/cereal cropping systems are advocated for sustainable agricultural production in the Nigerian Savanna zone Alfisols.展开更多
A series of simulation experiments of nitrogen transportation, absorption and transformation were conducted, and the different cropping patterns of winter wheat and wastewater irrigation plans were taken into consider...A series of simulation experiments of nitrogen transportation, absorption and transformation were conducted, and the different cropping patterns of winter wheat and wastewater irrigation plans were taken into consideration. Based on the experiments, an integrated model of crop growth, roots distribution, water and nitrogen absorption by roots, water and nitrogen movement and transformation in soil-crop system by two-dimension was developed. Parameters and boundary conditions were identified and an effective computing method for optimizing watering and wastewater irrigating plans was provided.展开更多
Results from ten-year (1990 - 1999) field experiments indicated that the productivity and the soil fertility of rice cropping system were significantly influenced by the fertilization system adopted in red soil area o...Results from ten-year (1990 - 1999) field experiments indicated that the productivity and the soil fertility of rice cropping system were significantly influenced by the fertilization system adopted in red soil area of China. Contrasting with no-fertili/er treatment (CK), yield-increase rate of organic matter cycling, chemical NPK and inorganic-organic fertilizer incorporation treatments were 56.5% , 62.5% and 80.7% , respectively. In the case of optimum fertilization system, the largest contribution of inorganic fertilizer to the yield was 38.5% while that of inorganic-organic fertilizer incorporation was 44.7%. The content of soil organic matter changed in tendency from decrease to equilibrium with heightened the extent of N, P and K incorporation while that of inorganic-organic fertilizer incorporation could be enhanced further. After N, P and K entered into the rice cropping system and maintained organic matter cycling in the system, the pools of total N, P and K could be strengthened.展开更多
Yunnan province in China is a high background area of soil heavy metals, and agricultural planting and industrial and mining activities are relatively frequent, which aggravate soil heavy metal pollution. However, at ...Yunnan province in China is a high background area of soil heavy metals, and agricultural planting and industrial and mining activities are relatively frequent, which aggravate soil heavy metal pollution. However, at present, there are few reports on the overall or large-scale soil-crop pollution and risk assessment of heavy metals in Yunnan Province. This study through 11 cities in Yunnan province of China farmland soil-crop systems of heavy metal lead, cadmium content, enrichment coefficient is analyzed, and using the method of potential ecological harm index, index of compressive quality to evaluate heavy metal pollution soil-crop system risk. Results showed that the average content of soil heavy metal Cd and Pb were 1.31 mg/kg, 64.17 mg/kg, which are higher than the background value of Yunnan province. The average contents of Pb and Cd in the edible parts of crops were 0.20 mg/kg, 0.08 mg/kg. The average content of heavy metals in crops in Diqing (Pb) and Nujiang (Cd) was 0.72 mg/kg and 0.148 mg/kg. The enrichment coefficients of heavy metals in edible parts of crops were the largest in Diqing (Pb) and Zhaotong (Cd). The average value of ecological risk index of Pb element in soil is 2.79, which indicates that the study area is in a slight ecological hazard, the average value of the ecological risk index of Cd in soil is 126.43. The average value of the comprehensive quality impact index (IICQ) is 4.27, which indicates that the study area is moderately polluted. In this study, the contents of heavy metals Cd and Pb in soils and crops in different administrative regions were determined, and the heavy metals Pb and Cd in soil-crop system of Yunnan province, China were evaluated, it is expected to have important scientific and theoretical significance for the safe use of cultivated land to export safe agricultural products and promote the sustainable development of agriculture in Yunnan Plateau.展开更多
The effects of the cropping system change for paddy field with double harvest rice on crops growth and soil nutrient in red soil were studied. The results indicated that the economic benefit and the ratio of the outpu...The effects of the cropping system change for paddy field with double harvest rice on crops growth and soil nutrient in red soil were studied. The results indicated that the economic benefit and the ratio of the output to input were all increased in terms of the market price for the crops under various treatments. The greatest economic benefit was obtained in the treatment of paddy-upland rotation, and the corresponding economic benefit was increased by 34.7, 21.4, and 2.2% in comparison with that of control (rice-rice-astragali), pasture, and upland cropping treatments. The economic benefits in pasture and upland cultivation treatments were increased by I 1.0 and 31.8%, respectively, when compared with that of the control treatment (CK). The ratio of output to input in pasture, paddy-upland rotation, and upland cropping treatments was enhanced by 0.9, 0.6, and 0.3, respectively, in comparison with that of control. To grow pasture is beneficial for improving soil fertility since the contents of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and available phosphorus are all enhanced significantly. However, the concentrations of the soil available nitrogen, the total potassium, the available potassium were somewhat reduced in all the treatments, suggesting that increasing the input of nitrogen, particularly potassium, was necessary under the present fertilization level. Based on the conditions of fertility, climate, cultivation, and management of paddy field with double harvest rice in red soil regions, it is feasible to alter the cultivation system of paddy field with bad irrigation condition. In particular, cultivation systems such as pasture and paddy-upland rotation can be selected to extend because better economic benefit and improvement of soil fertility in the purpose region were obtained.展开更多
To better understand the effects of direct sowing under mulch-based cropping system (DMC) in Burkina Faso’s cotton production systems, randomized blocks of Fisher experimental design were implemented at Farako-B<s...To better understand the effects of direct sowing under mulch-based cropping system (DMC) in Burkina Faso’s cotton production systems, randomized blocks of Fisher experimental design were implemented at Farako-B<span style="white-space:nowrap;">a</span> research station from 2010 to 2019. The study was conducted on lixisoil to evaluate DMC effects on biomass production, crops yields and soil chemical properties in a maize and cotton rotation system associated with cover crop. Conventional tillage and direct seeding without cover crop were compared to DMC under <em>B</em>. <em>ruziziensis</em> (GERM. & EVRARD), DMC under <em>B</em>. <em>ruziziensis</em> + <em>M</em><em>.</em> <em>cochinchinensis</em> mulch and DMC under <em>C. juncea</em> (L.) mulch used in association with maize. Biomass production, crop yields and soil chemistry were evaluated. Results showed that over 10 years, no-till with or without a cover crop provided cotton seed and maize yields that were statistically equivalent to the tillage commonly practiced by farmers. Cover crop has allowed increasing the biomass production compared to Conventional Tillage and Direct Seeding. Maize yield has not varied significantly with the cover crop. After 10 years of maize and cotton rotation, the improvement raised from +27% to +38% for organic matter and from +15% to +29% for nitrogen with DMC including legumes such as <em>M. cochinchinensis</em> and <em>C. juncea</em> compared to Conventional Tillage on 0 - 5 cm depth. No significant differences were found on soil pH like P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> and K<sub>2</sub>O content. Although DMC with <em>C. juncea</em> used as cover crop did not provide the best biomass production, it contributes to increase nitrogen and organic matter and presents better mineral balances in 10 years of rotation. The 5 - 10 cm and 10 - 20 cm were little influenced by DMC systems.展开更多
Soil erosion on cropland is a major source of environmental problems in China ranging from the losses of a non-renewable resource and of nutrients at the source to contamination of downstream areas. Regional soil loss...Soil erosion on cropland is a major source of environmental problems in China ranging from the losses of a non-renewable resource and of nutrients at the source to contamination of downstream areas. Regional soil loss assessments using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) would supply a scientiifc basis for soil conservation planning. However, a lack of in-formation on the cover and management (C) factor for cropland, one of the most important factors in the USLE, has limited accurate regional assessments in China due to the large number of crops grown and their complicated rotation systems. In this study, single crop soil loss ratios (SLRs) were col ected and quantiifed for 10 primary crops from past studies or re-ports. The mean annual C values for 88 crop rotation systems in 12 cropping system regions were estimated based on the combined effects of single crop SLRs and the percentage of annual rainfal erosivity (R) during the corresponding periods for each system. The C values in different cropping system regions were compared and discussed. The results indicated that the SLRs of the 10 primary crops ranged from 0.15 to 0.74. The mean annual C value for al 88 crop rotation systems was 0.34, with a standard deviation of 0.12. The mean C values in the single, double and triple cropping zones were 0.37, 0.36 and 0.28, respectively, and the C value in the triple zone was signiifcantly different from those in single and double zones. The C values of dryland crop systems exhibited signiifcant differences in the single and triple cropping system regions but the differences in the double regions were not signiifcant. This study is the ifrst report of the C values of crop rotation systems in China at the national scale. It wil provide necessary and practical parameters for accurately assessing regional soil losses from cropland to guide soil conservation plans and to optimize crop rotation systems.展开更多
The aim of this article was to assess the influence of long-term application of compost on the physical, chemical, and biological properties, as well as the fertility, of soil in a field subjected to double cropping (...The aim of this article was to assess the influence of long-term application of compost on the physical, chemical, and biological properties, as well as the fertility, of soil in a field subjected to double cropping (paddy rice and barley), mainly by integrating previous studies of the effects of compost and manure on soil qualities. Continuous compost application, especially at a high level (30 Mg·ha<sup>-1</sup>·y<sup>-1</sup>), into the double cropping soils increased the activities of organic C-, N-, and P-decomposing enzymes and the contents of organic C, total N, and microbial biomass N, as well as the cation exchange capacity, thereby contributing to the enhancement of soil fertility. Also, the compost application increased the degree of water-stable soil macroaggregation (>0.25 mm), which was correlated significantly (r > 0.950, p < 0.05) with the contents of hydrolyzable carbohydrates (with negative charge) and active Al (with positive charge), and resulted in the modification of soil physical properties. Furthermore, the application increased the amount of soil organic matter, including humic acid with a low degree of darkening and fulvic acid, and contributed to C sequestration and storage. Physical fractionation of soil indicated that about 60% of soil organic C was distributed in the silt-sized (2 - 20 μm) aggregate and clay-sized (<2 μm) aggregate fractions, while about 30% existed in the decayed plant fractions (53 - 2000 μm). The results obtained unambiguously indicate that long-term application of compost can improve soil qualities in the field subjected to double cropping, depending on the amount applied.展开更多
Soil structure is a dynamic property affected by physical, chemical, and microbiological processes. Addition of organic matter to soils and the use of different management practices have been reported to impact soil s...Soil structure is a dynamic property affected by physical, chemical, and microbiological processes. Addition of organic matter to soils and the use of different management practices have been reported to impact soil structure and crop production. Moderation in soil temperature and increases in microbial activity and soil water retention are often suggested as reasons for the rise in crop yield when organic matter is added to the soil. Less is known about the direct effect of changes in soil structure on crop production. A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of summer cover crop and in-season management system on soil structure. The experiment was a nested design with summer cover crop as the main plot and management system as the subplot. Summer cover crop treatments included cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) incorporated into the soil in the fall (CI), cowpea used as mulch in the fall (CM), sudangrass (Sorghum vulgare) incorporated into the soil in the fall (S), and dry fallow or bare ground (B). Management systems were organic (ORG) and conventional (CNV) systems. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and cantaloupes (Cucumis melo L.) were cultivated in rotation in the plots for three consecutive years using the same cover crops and management systems for each plot. Disturbed and undisturbed soil cores were collected at the end of the third year and used for laboratory experiments to measure physical, chemical, and hy- draulic properties. Image analysis was used to quantify soil structure properties using a scanning electron micro- scope on thin sections prepared from the undisturbed soil cores. We found that total soil carbon was correlated with porosity, saturation percentage, and pore roughness. Pore roughness was correlated with crop production in gen- eral and with marketable production in particular. We found that the higher the complexity of the pore space, the more water retained in the soil, which may increase soil water residence and reduce plant water stress.展开更多
The soil environment is linked to aboveground management including plant species composition, grazing intensity, levels of soil disturbance, residue management, and the length of time of a living plant is growing. Soi...The soil environment is linked to aboveground management including plant species composition, grazing intensity, levels of soil disturbance, residue management, and the length of time of a living plant is growing. Soil samples were collected under rangeland [native grass, rotational grazing (NGRG);tame grass, heavy grazing (TGRG);and tame grass, rotational grazing (TGHG)] and cropland [conventional till (CT);CT plus manure (CTM);and long term no till (NT)] systems. The rangeland systems were hypothesized to have higher glomalin content [measured as Bradford-reactive soil protein (BRSP)] and water stable aggregation (WSA) than the cropland systems. In addition, within both rangeland and cropland systems, BRSP and WSA were expected to decline with increased disturbance due to grazing or tillage and going from native to introduced plant species. Differences were detected for BRSP with NGRG and CTM having the highest values in range and cropland systems, respectively. However, the CTM system had higher BRSP values than one or both of the tame grass systems while the CT and NT systems had similar values. Correlation analysis showed strong relationships between all of the BRSP values and WSA.展开更多
Understanding the effect of human activities on the soil environment is fundamental to understanding global change and sustainable development. In the process of transformation of tropical rain forests and semiarid gr...Understanding the effect of human activities on the soil environment is fundamental to understanding global change and sustainable development. In the process of transformation of tropical rain forests and semiarid grasslands to farmlands, land degradation usually occurs. But the transformation of arid desert landscape to oasis is found to have quite different consequences. Taking an alluvial plain oasis in the north piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains as a case study, we investigate oasis soil properties related to different land-use systems during the transformation of arid desert to oases. Selected land-use systems con- sisted of an annual crop field less than 3 years old, annual crop field 3-6 years old, annual crop field more than 6 years old, perennial crop field less than 4 years old, perennial crop field of 4-6 years old, perennial crop field more than 6 years old, abandoned farmland more than 3 years old, woodland field more than 6 years old, ecological forestation field, natural shrubbery field, desert grass land, and saline or alkaline field. Different land-use systems affect significantly the distribution of sand, silt and clay. Sand content in oasis soil tends to decrease with cultivation years but silt and clay contents tend to be increased in the oasis soils. Soil fertility is higher in the land-use systems under strong human disturbance than under weak human disturbance. Oasis soil nutrients also tend to increase with cultivation years. Soils have a significantly lower salinity in the land-use systems under strong human disturbance than under weak human disturbance. Soil organic matter and nutrients of the annual and perennial crop systems in the oasis tend to increase with cultivation time with the oasis soil acting as a carbon sink. These results show that soils are not degraded and the soil quality is gradually improved under rational land use and scientific management patterns, including uniform exploitation of land resources, effective irrigation systems, sound drainage systems, balanced fertilizer application, crushed straw return to soil and transformation of annual crop fields to perennial ones.展开更多
The rice and wheat cropping pattern is one of the main cropping systems in the world. A large number of research results showed that successive cropping of rice and wheat resulted in a series of problems such as hinde...The rice and wheat cropping pattern is one of the main cropping systems in the world. A large number of research results showed that successive cropping of rice and wheat resulted in a series of problems such as hindering nutrition absorption, gradual degeneration of soil fertility, decline of soil organic matter, and increased incidence of diseases and pests. In China, especially in the Chengdu plain where rice-wheat cropping system is practiced, productivity and soil fertility was enhanced and sustained. This paper reviews the relevant data and experiences on rice-wheat cropping in the Chengdu Plain from 1977 to 2006. The principal sustainable strategies used for rice-wheat cropping systems in Chengdu Plain included: 1) creating a favorable environment and viable rotations; 2) balanced fertilization for maintenance of sustainable soil productivity; 3) improvement of crop management for higher efficiency; and 4) use the newest cultivars and cultivation techniques to upgrade the production level. Future research is also discussed in the paper as: 1) the constant topic: a highly productive and efficient rice-wheat cropping system for sustainable growth; 2) the future trend: simplified cultivation techniques for the rice-wheat cropping system; 3) the foundation: basic research for continuous innovation needed for intensive cropping. It is concluded that in the rice-wheat cropping system, a scientific and reasonable tillage/cultivation method can not only avoid the degradation of soil productivity, but also maintain sustainable growth in the long run.展开更多
Plots under conservation tillage may require higher amount of potassium(K) application for augmenting productivity due to its stratification in upper soil layers, thereby reducing K supplying capacity in a medium or l...Plots under conservation tillage may require higher amount of potassium(K) application for augmenting productivity due to its stratification in upper soil layers, thereby reducing K supplying capacity in a medium or long-term period. To test this hypothesis, a field experiment was performed in 2002-2003 and 2006-2007 to study the effect of K and several crop rotations on yield, water productivity, carbon sequestration, grain quality, soil K status and economic benefits derived in maize(Zea mays L)/cowpea(Vigna sinensis L.) based cropping system under minimum tillage(MT). All crops recorded higher grain yield with a higher dose of K(120 kg K2 O ha-1) than recommended K(40 kg K2 O ha-1). The five years' average yield data showed that higher K application(120 kg K2 O ha-1) produced 16.4%(P<0.05)more maize equivalent yield. Cowpea based rotation yielded 14.2%(P<0.05) higher production than maize based rotation. The maximum enhancement was found in cowpea-mustard rotation. Relationship between yield and sustainable indices revealed that only agronomic efficiency of fertilizer input was significantly correlated with yield. Similarly, higherdoses of K application not only increased the water use efficiency(WUE) of all crops, but also reduced runoff and soil loss by 16.5% and 15.8% under maize and 23.3% and 19.7% under cowpea cover, respectively. This study also revealed that on an average 16.5% of left over carbon input contributed to soil organic carbon(SOC). Here, cowpea based rotation with the higher K application increased carbon sequestration in soil. Potassium fertilization also significantly improved the nutritional value of harvested grain by increasing the protein content for maize(by 9.5%) and cowpea(by 10.6%). The oil content in mustard increased by 5.0% and 6.0% after maize and cowpea, respectively. Net return also increased with the application of the higher K than recommended K and the trend was similar to yield. Hence, the present study demonstrated the potential yield and profit gains along with resource conservation in the Indian Himalayas due to annual additions of higher amount of K than the recommended dose. The impact of high K application was maximum in the cowpea-mustard rotation.展开更多
The increasing demand for fresh sweet maize (Zea mays L. saccharata) in southern China has prioritized the need to find solutions to the environmental pollution caused by its continuous production and high inputs of...The increasing demand for fresh sweet maize (Zea mays L. saccharata) in southern China has prioritized the need to find solutions to the environmental pollution caused by its continuous production and high inputs of chemical nitrogen fertilizers. A promising method for improving crop production and environmental conditions is to intercrop sweet maize with legumes. Here, a three-year field experiment was conducted to assess the influence of four different cropping systems (sole sweet maize (SS), sole soybean (SB), two rows sweet maize-three rows soybean (S2B3) intercropping, and two rows sweet maize-four rows soybean (S2B4) intercropping), together with two rates of N fertilizer application (300 and 360 kg N ha-1) on grain yield, residual soil mineral N, and soil N2O emissions in southern China. Results showed that in most case, inter- cropping achieved yield advantages (total land equivalent ratio (TLER=0.87-1.25) was above one). Moreover, intercropping resulted in 39.8% less soil mineral N than SS at the time of crop harvest, averaged over six seasons (spring and autumn in each of the three years of the field experiment). Generally, intercropping and reduced-N application (300 kg N ha-1) produced lower cumulative soil N20 and yield-scaled soil N20 emissions than SS and conventionaI-N application (360 kg N ha-l), respectively. $2B4 intercropping with reduced-N rate (300 kg N ha-~) showed the lowest cumulative soil N20 (mean value=0.61 kg ha-1) and yield-scaled soil N20 (mean value=0.04 kg t-1) emissions. Overall, intercropping with reduced-N rate maintained sweet maize production, while also reducing environmental impacts. The system of S2B4 intercropping with reduced-N rate may be the most sustainable and environmentally friendly cropping system.展开更多
文摘Annual forage legumes are important components of livestock production systems in East Texas and the southeastern US. Forage legumes contribute nitrogen (N) to cropping systems through biological N fixation, and their seasonal biomass production can be managed to complement forage grasses. Our research objectives were to evaluate both warm- and cool-season annual forage legumes as green manure for biomass, N content, ability to enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil N, and impact on post season forage grass crops. Nine warm-season forage legumes (WSL) were spring planted and incorporated as green manure in the fall. Forage rye (Secale cereale L.) was planted following the incorporation of WSL treatments. Eight cool-season forage legumes (CSL) were fall planted in previously fallow plots and incorporated as green manure in late spring. Sorghum-sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum bicolor var. sudanense) was planted over all treatments in early summer after forage rye harvest and incorporation of CSL treatments. Sorghum-sudangrass was harvested in June, August and September, and treatments were evaluated for dry matter and N concentration. Soil cores were taken from each plot, split into depths of 0 to 15, 15 to 30 and 30 to 60 cm, and soil C and N were measured using combustion analysis. Nylon mesh bags containing plant samples were buried at 15 cm and used to evaluate decomposition rate of above ground legume biomass, including change in C and N concentrations. Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. [Wilczek]) had the highest shoot biomass yield (6.24 t DM ha<sup>-1</sup>) and contributed the most total N (167 kg∙ha<sup>-1</sup>) and total C (3043 kg∙ha<sup>-1</sup>) of the WSL tested. Decomposition rate of WSL biomass was rapid in the first 10 weeks and very slow afterward. Winter pea (Pisum sativum L. spp. sativum), arrow leaf clover (Trifolium vesiculosum Savi.), and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) were the most productive CSL in this trial. Austrian winter pea produced 8.41 t DM ha<sup>-1</sup> with a total N yield of 319 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup> and total C production of 3835 kg C ha<sup>-1</sup>. The WSL treatments had only small effects on rye forage yield and N concentration, possibly due to mineralization of N from a large SOC pool already in place. The CSL treatments also had only minimal effects on sorghum-sudangrass forage production. Winter pea, arrow leaf and crimson clover were productive cool season legumes and could be useful as green manure crops. Mungbean and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) were highly productive warm season legumes but may include more production risk in green manure systems due to soil moisture competition.
文摘Based on the simulation experiments of water and nitrogen transport, transformation and uptaking, under the condition of different cropping pattern of winter wheat in the greenhouse and the condition of different wastewater irrigation plan. An united computing model of crop growth, distribution of roots, water and nitrogen uptaking by roots and transformation in soil crop system was developed. Growth status of crops, root growth condition and water, nitrogen uptaking pattern by roots under different watering and N pollution conditions were simulated and analyzed due to the development of this mathematical model and the identification of parameters and boundary conditions in the greenhouse, so that it provided a primary computing method for selecting an efficient, productive watering and wastewater irrigating plan.
基金financially supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China(201203030)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41201295)+1 种基金the Financial Fund for Young Scholars of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural SciencesChina(2014QNJJ-014)
文摘Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils is a complex process controlled by farming practices, climate and some other environment factors. Since purple soils are unique in China and used as the main cropland in Sichuan Basin of China, it is of great importance to study and understand the impacts of different fertilizer amendments on soil organic carbon(SOC) changes with time. A research was carried out to investigate the relationship between soil carbon sequestration and organic carbon input as affected by different fertilizer treatments at two long-term rice-based cropping system experiments set up in early 1980 s. Each experiment consisted of six identical treatments, including(1) no fertilizer(CK),(2) nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers(NP),(3) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers(NPK),(4) fresh pig manure(M),(5) nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers plus manure(MNP), and(6) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers plus manure(MNPK). The results showed that annual harvestable carbon biomass was the highest in the treatment of MNPK, followed by MNP and NPK, then M and NP, and the lowest in CK. Most of fertilizer treatments resulted in a significant gain in SOC ranging from 6.48 to 2 9.13% compared with the CK, and raised soil carbon sequestration rate to 0.10–0.53 t ha–1 yr-1. Especially, addition of manure on the basis of mineral fertilizers was very conducive to SOC maintenance in this soil. SOC content and soil carbon sequestration rate under balanced fertilizer treatments(NPK and MNPK) in the calcareous purple soil(Suining) were higher than that in the acid purple soil(Leshan). But carbon conversion rate at Leshan was 11.00%, almost 1.5 times of that(7.80%) at Suining. Significant linear correlations between soil carbon sequestration and carbon input were observed at both sites, signifying that the purple soil was not carbon-saturated and still had considerable potential to se questrate more carbon.
基金supported by the earmarked fund for China Agriculture Research System (CARS-22)the Key Special Projects in National Key Research and Development Plan of China (2017YFD0301504 and 2016YFD0300900)+1 种基金the Scientific and Technological Innovation Project in Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China (2017JC47)the International Plant Nutrition Institute, Canada (IPNI China Program: Hunan-18)
文摘The double-rice cropping system is a very important intensive cropping system for food security in China. There have been few studies of the sustainability of yield and accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the double-rice cropping system following a partial substitution of chemical fertilizer by Chinese milk vetch (Mv). We conducted a 10-year (2008–2017) field experiment in Nan County, South-Central China, to examine the double-rice productivity and SOC accumulation in a paddy soil in response to different fertilization levels and Mv application (22.5 Mg ha^–1). Fertilizer and Mv were applied both individually and in combination (sole chemical fertilizers, Mv plus 100, 80, 60, 40, and 0% of the recommended dose of chemical fertilizers, labeled as F100, MF100, MF80, MF60, MF40, and MF0, respectively). It was found that the grain yields of double-rice crop in treatments receiving Mv were reduced when the dose of chemical fertilizer was reduced, while the change in SOC stock displayed a double peak curve. The MF100 produced the highest double-rice yield and SOC stock, with the value higher by 13.5 and 26.8% than that in the F100. However, the grain yields increased in the MF80 (by 8.4% compared to the F100), while the SOC stock only increased by 8.4%. Analogous to the change of grain yield, the sustainable yield index (SYI) of double rice were improved significantly in the MF100 and MF80 compared to the F100, while there was a slight increase in the MF60 and MF40. After a certain amount of Mv input (22.5 Mg ha^–1), the carbon sequestration rate was affected by the nutrient input due to the stimulation of microbial biomass. Compared with the MF0, the MF100 and MF40 resulted in a dramatically higher carbon sequestration rate (with the value higher by 71.6 and 70.1%), whereas the MF80 induced a lower carbon sequestration rate with the value lower by 70.1% compared to the MF0. Based on the above results we suggested that Mv could partially replace chemical fertilizers (e.g., 40–60%) to improve or maintain the productivity and sustainability of the double-rice cropping system in South-Central China.
文摘A field experiment was conducted to examine the residual influence of biochar applied previously to an established experiment at the Agriculture University Research Farm, Peshawar on soil properties and yield of maize crop during summer 2016. The experiment was established in RCB design with split plot arrangements having cropping systems (CS) in main plots and biochar (BC) in sub-plots. Cropping systems were: 1) wheat-mung bean;2) wheat-maize;3) chickpea-maize;and 4) chickpea-mung bean. During the past three seasons, each cropping system received biochar at 0, 40, 60 and 80 t·haǃ along with recommended dose of NPK in each season. For this study, maize was planted after chickpea and wheat in summer 2016. The results showed that grain yield, cobs weight and total N uptake of maize was significantly greater for chickpea-maize than for wheat-maize cropping system. Soil organic C was also significantly higher in soil under chickpea-maize than under wheat-maize cropping system. However, other yield components such as stover yield, harvest index and N concentration in grain and stover of maize and soil properties such as pH, EC and mineral N were non-significantly affected by cropping systems. With respect to residual effect of biochar grain yield of maize and bulk density of soil were maximum for treatment receiving biochar at 40 t·haǃ whereas cobs weight soil pH and mineral N were highest receiving biochar at 60 t·haǃ. Moreover, N concentration in stover, N uptake and soil organic C were maximum for treatment receiving biochar at 80 t·haǃ. However, stover yield, harvest index, N concentration in grain, and soil EC were non-significantly affected by biochar treatments. However interactions between CS × BC were significant for yield and yield parameters of maize and for soil properties (bulk density mineral N), while non-significant for harvest index, soil organic C, pH and EC. It was concluded that chickpea-maize cropping system performed better in terms of improving yield and yield components of maize and in improving soil properties. Application of biochar to previous crops also improved yield and yield parameters of the following maize as well as soil properties. Thus we recommend that legumes must be involved in cropping system for sustainable and higher productivity and improved soil properties. However, further studies are suggested to find out suitable dose of biochar for sustainable and economic crop productivity and soil fertility.
文摘Soils degradation is one of the constraints in food security achievement in Benin. This study aimed at assessing the effect of cropping systems and slope on soil physical and chemical properties in the watershed of Kpacomey located in the Aplahoué district. Soil samples were collected from three parallel transects along the slope. Sampling was carried out under different treatments combining cropping systems (Maize-Cassava, pure Palm grove, Palm grove-Maize-Cassava and Teak Plantation) along with slope levels (low slope, medium slope and high slope degree). The impact of cropping systems and slope on soil properties was assessed by determining the physical and chemical parameters. The cropping systems significantly (p < 0.05) influenced soil bulk density, root biomass, soil acidity and soil organic matter. The lowest soil bulk density (1.38 g/cm<sup>3</sup>) was recorded under the Palm grove-Maize-Cassava cropping system while the highest (1.47 g/cm<sup>3</sup>) was obtained with pure Palm grove cropping system. Root biomass was more abundant (0.28%) with the pure Palm grove cropping system. However, root biomass was significantly (p < 0.05) influenced by slope. Soil crusting resulted in no significant influence (p > 0.05) on the effect of cropping systems and slope. Moreover, cropping systems resulted in significant effects (p < 0.05). Soil organic matter and soil-assimilated phosphorus content were significantly influenced by the effect of the slope. These findings indicated that cropping systems and slope are significant drivers in soil degradation in the Kpacomey watershed and bringing out cropping systems that best aim at soil conservation.
文摘The role of maize-legume cropping system on soil quality, carbon sequestration and yield of maize in a Northern Guinea Savanna Alfisol, Nigeria was assessed in 2014 and 2015 rain-fed cropping seasons. The experiment was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), replicated three times and treatments were Sole (Mono crop) Maize (M), Desmodium (D) and Soybeans (S);Maize/soybeans intercrop (MS), Maize/Desmodium intercrop (MD), Maize Strip cropped with Soybean (MS 2:4) and Maize Strip cropped with Desmodium (M:D 2:4). Data obtained were evaluated for Organic carbon, available phosphorus, total nitrogen, soil pH, and CEC, Bulk density, Soil moisture, mean weight diameter and grain yield of Maize. Results show that mean soil acidity (pH water, 6.37;pH CaCl2, 5.78), mean organic carbon (5.23 to 5.69 g·kg-1) and mean total nitrogen improved (0.66 g·kg-1) in 2015 over values in 2014. Mean weight diameter (MWD) increased from 0.59 in 2014 to 1.05 in 2015;indicating a better aggregation across treatments. Treatment M resulted in significantly higher bulk density (Bd) than other treatments at 8 weeks after planting (WAP) and 16WAP, suggesting that soils under mono-crop maize were impaired for sustainable crop production. Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestered in macro aggregates under MS (1.38 g·kg-1) was significantly higher than the other treatments. Best maize grain yield (GY) was under sole maize (M) and maize strip cropped with Desmodium (MD2:4) (3.13 t·ha-1 and 2.90 t·ha-1 in 2015, respectively). Maize strip cropped with Desmodium and maize/soybean intercrop enhanced better soil chemical and physical properties than sole maize. Soil quality (SQ) under MD2:4 ranked best (SQ1) for sustainable maize grain production and environmental conservation. Therefore, land use strategies that focus protection of soil organic carbon against further depletion and erosion, contribute nitrogen and/or replenishment of depleted carbon stocks through management techniques that involve legume/cereal cropping systems are advocated for sustainable agricultural production in the Nigerian Savanna zone Alfisols.
文摘A series of simulation experiments of nitrogen transportation, absorption and transformation were conducted, and the different cropping patterns of winter wheat and wastewater irrigation plans were taken into consideration. Based on the experiments, an integrated model of crop growth, roots distribution, water and nitrogen absorption by roots, water and nitrogen movement and transformation in soil-crop system by two-dimension was developed. Parameters and boundary conditions were identified and an effective computing method for optimizing watering and wastewater irrigating plans was provided.
文摘Results from ten-year (1990 - 1999) field experiments indicated that the productivity and the soil fertility of rice cropping system were significantly influenced by the fertilization system adopted in red soil area of China. Contrasting with no-fertili/er treatment (CK), yield-increase rate of organic matter cycling, chemical NPK and inorganic-organic fertilizer incorporation treatments were 56.5% , 62.5% and 80.7% , respectively. In the case of optimum fertilization system, the largest contribution of inorganic fertilizer to the yield was 38.5% while that of inorganic-organic fertilizer incorporation was 44.7%. The content of soil organic matter changed in tendency from decrease to equilibrium with heightened the extent of N, P and K incorporation while that of inorganic-organic fertilizer incorporation could be enhanced further. After N, P and K entered into the rice cropping system and maintained organic matter cycling in the system, the pools of total N, P and K could be strengthened.
文摘Yunnan province in China is a high background area of soil heavy metals, and agricultural planting and industrial and mining activities are relatively frequent, which aggravate soil heavy metal pollution. However, at present, there are few reports on the overall or large-scale soil-crop pollution and risk assessment of heavy metals in Yunnan Province. This study through 11 cities in Yunnan province of China farmland soil-crop systems of heavy metal lead, cadmium content, enrichment coefficient is analyzed, and using the method of potential ecological harm index, index of compressive quality to evaluate heavy metal pollution soil-crop system risk. Results showed that the average content of soil heavy metal Cd and Pb were 1.31 mg/kg, 64.17 mg/kg, which are higher than the background value of Yunnan province. The average contents of Pb and Cd in the edible parts of crops were 0.20 mg/kg, 0.08 mg/kg. The average content of heavy metals in crops in Diqing (Pb) and Nujiang (Cd) was 0.72 mg/kg and 0.148 mg/kg. The enrichment coefficients of heavy metals in edible parts of crops were the largest in Diqing (Pb) and Zhaotong (Cd). The average value of ecological risk index of Pb element in soil is 2.79, which indicates that the study area is in a slight ecological hazard, the average value of the ecological risk index of Cd in soil is 126.43. The average value of the comprehensive quality impact index (IICQ) is 4.27, which indicates that the study area is moderately polluted. In this study, the contents of heavy metals Cd and Pb in soils and crops in different administrative regions were determined, and the heavy metals Pb and Cd in soil-crop system of Yunnan province, China were evaluated, it is expected to have important scientific and theoretical significance for the safe use of cultivated land to export safe agricultural products and promote the sustainable development of agriculture in Yunnan Plateau.
文摘The effects of the cropping system change for paddy field with double harvest rice on crops growth and soil nutrient in red soil were studied. The results indicated that the economic benefit and the ratio of the output to input were all increased in terms of the market price for the crops under various treatments. The greatest economic benefit was obtained in the treatment of paddy-upland rotation, and the corresponding economic benefit was increased by 34.7, 21.4, and 2.2% in comparison with that of control (rice-rice-astragali), pasture, and upland cropping treatments. The economic benefits in pasture and upland cultivation treatments were increased by I 1.0 and 31.8%, respectively, when compared with that of the control treatment (CK). The ratio of output to input in pasture, paddy-upland rotation, and upland cropping treatments was enhanced by 0.9, 0.6, and 0.3, respectively, in comparison with that of control. To grow pasture is beneficial for improving soil fertility since the contents of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and available phosphorus are all enhanced significantly. However, the concentrations of the soil available nitrogen, the total potassium, the available potassium were somewhat reduced in all the treatments, suggesting that increasing the input of nitrogen, particularly potassium, was necessary under the present fertilization level. Based on the conditions of fertility, climate, cultivation, and management of paddy field with double harvest rice in red soil regions, it is feasible to alter the cultivation system of paddy field with bad irrigation condition. In particular, cultivation systems such as pasture and paddy-upland rotation can be selected to extend because better economic benefit and improvement of soil fertility in the purpose region were obtained.
文摘To better understand the effects of direct sowing under mulch-based cropping system (DMC) in Burkina Faso’s cotton production systems, randomized blocks of Fisher experimental design were implemented at Farako-B<span style="white-space:nowrap;">a</span> research station from 2010 to 2019. The study was conducted on lixisoil to evaluate DMC effects on biomass production, crops yields and soil chemical properties in a maize and cotton rotation system associated with cover crop. Conventional tillage and direct seeding without cover crop were compared to DMC under <em>B</em>. <em>ruziziensis</em> (GERM. & EVRARD), DMC under <em>B</em>. <em>ruziziensis</em> + <em>M</em><em>.</em> <em>cochinchinensis</em> mulch and DMC under <em>C. juncea</em> (L.) mulch used in association with maize. Biomass production, crop yields and soil chemistry were evaluated. Results showed that over 10 years, no-till with or without a cover crop provided cotton seed and maize yields that were statistically equivalent to the tillage commonly practiced by farmers. Cover crop has allowed increasing the biomass production compared to Conventional Tillage and Direct Seeding. Maize yield has not varied significantly with the cover crop. After 10 years of maize and cotton rotation, the improvement raised from +27% to +38% for organic matter and from +15% to +29% for nitrogen with DMC including legumes such as <em>M. cochinchinensis</em> and <em>C. juncea</em> compared to Conventional Tillage on 0 - 5 cm depth. No significant differences were found on soil pH like P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> and K<sub>2</sub>O content. Although DMC with <em>C. juncea</em> used as cover crop did not provide the best biomass production, it contributes to increase nitrogen and organic matter and presents better mineral balances in 10 years of rotation. The 5 - 10 cm and 10 - 20 cm were little influenced by DMC systems.
基金financially supported by the Fund for Creative Research Groups of National Natural Science Foundation of China (41321001)
文摘Soil erosion on cropland is a major source of environmental problems in China ranging from the losses of a non-renewable resource and of nutrients at the source to contamination of downstream areas. Regional soil loss assessments using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) would supply a scientiifc basis for soil conservation planning. However, a lack of in-formation on the cover and management (C) factor for cropland, one of the most important factors in the USLE, has limited accurate regional assessments in China due to the large number of crops grown and their complicated rotation systems. In this study, single crop soil loss ratios (SLRs) were col ected and quantiifed for 10 primary crops from past studies or re-ports. The mean annual C values for 88 crop rotation systems in 12 cropping system regions were estimated based on the combined effects of single crop SLRs and the percentage of annual rainfal erosivity (R) during the corresponding periods for each system. The C values in different cropping system regions were compared and discussed. The results indicated that the SLRs of the 10 primary crops ranged from 0.15 to 0.74. The mean annual C value for al 88 crop rotation systems was 0.34, with a standard deviation of 0.12. The mean C values in the single, double and triple cropping zones were 0.37, 0.36 and 0.28, respectively, and the C value in the triple zone was signiifcantly different from those in single and double zones. The C values of dryland crop systems exhibited signiifcant differences in the single and triple cropping system regions but the differences in the double regions were not signiifcant. This study is the ifrst report of the C values of crop rotation systems in China at the national scale. It wil provide necessary and practical parameters for accurately assessing regional soil losses from cropland to guide soil conservation plans and to optimize crop rotation systems.
文摘The aim of this article was to assess the influence of long-term application of compost on the physical, chemical, and biological properties, as well as the fertility, of soil in a field subjected to double cropping (paddy rice and barley), mainly by integrating previous studies of the effects of compost and manure on soil qualities. Continuous compost application, especially at a high level (30 Mg·ha<sup>-1</sup>·y<sup>-1</sup>), into the double cropping soils increased the activities of organic C-, N-, and P-decomposing enzymes and the contents of organic C, total N, and microbial biomass N, as well as the cation exchange capacity, thereby contributing to the enhancement of soil fertility. Also, the compost application increased the degree of water-stable soil macroaggregation (>0.25 mm), which was correlated significantly (r > 0.950, p < 0.05) with the contents of hydrolyzable carbohydrates (with negative charge) and active Al (with positive charge), and resulted in the modification of soil physical properties. Furthermore, the application increased the amount of soil organic matter, including humic acid with a low degree of darkening and fulvic acid, and contributed to C sequestration and storage. Physical fractionation of soil indicated that about 60% of soil organic C was distributed in the silt-sized (2 - 20 μm) aggregate and clay-sized (<2 μm) aggregate fractions, while about 30% existed in the decayed plant fractions (53 - 2000 μm). The results obtained unambiguously indicate that long-term application of compost can improve soil qualities in the field subjected to double cropping, depending on the amount applied.
文摘Soil structure is a dynamic property affected by physical, chemical, and microbiological processes. Addition of organic matter to soils and the use of different management practices have been reported to impact soil structure and crop production. Moderation in soil temperature and increases in microbial activity and soil water retention are often suggested as reasons for the rise in crop yield when organic matter is added to the soil. Less is known about the direct effect of changes in soil structure on crop production. A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of summer cover crop and in-season management system on soil structure. The experiment was a nested design with summer cover crop as the main plot and management system as the subplot. Summer cover crop treatments included cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) incorporated into the soil in the fall (CI), cowpea used as mulch in the fall (CM), sudangrass (Sorghum vulgare) incorporated into the soil in the fall (S), and dry fallow or bare ground (B). Management systems were organic (ORG) and conventional (CNV) systems. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and cantaloupes (Cucumis melo L.) were cultivated in rotation in the plots for three consecutive years using the same cover crops and management systems for each plot. Disturbed and undisturbed soil cores were collected at the end of the third year and used for laboratory experiments to measure physical, chemical, and hy- draulic properties. Image analysis was used to quantify soil structure properties using a scanning electron micro- scope on thin sections prepared from the undisturbed soil cores. We found that total soil carbon was correlated with porosity, saturation percentage, and pore roughness. Pore roughness was correlated with crop production in gen- eral and with marketable production in particular. We found that the higher the complexity of the pore space, the more water retained in the soil, which may increase soil water residence and reduce plant water stress.
文摘The soil environment is linked to aboveground management including plant species composition, grazing intensity, levels of soil disturbance, residue management, and the length of time of a living plant is growing. Soil samples were collected under rangeland [native grass, rotational grazing (NGRG);tame grass, heavy grazing (TGRG);and tame grass, rotational grazing (TGHG)] and cropland [conventional till (CT);CT plus manure (CTM);and long term no till (NT)] systems. The rangeland systems were hypothesized to have higher glomalin content [measured as Bradford-reactive soil protein (BRSP)] and water stable aggregation (WSA) than the cropland systems. In addition, within both rangeland and cropland systems, BRSP and WSA were expected to decline with increased disturbance due to grazing or tillage and going from native to introduced plant species. Differences were detected for BRSP with NGRG and CTM having the highest values in range and cropland systems, respectively. However, the CTM system had higher BRSP values than one or both of the tame grass systems while the CT and NT systems had similar values. Correlation analysis showed strong relationships between all of the BRSP values and WSA.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40671015, No.40711120200 Project of "Western Light of CAS" Related to Eastern Scholar, No.20051048 Acknowledgements We thank Prof. Ian Bishop for the help on improving English.
文摘Understanding the effect of human activities on the soil environment is fundamental to understanding global change and sustainable development. In the process of transformation of tropical rain forests and semiarid grasslands to farmlands, land degradation usually occurs. But the transformation of arid desert landscape to oasis is found to have quite different consequences. Taking an alluvial plain oasis in the north piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains as a case study, we investigate oasis soil properties related to different land-use systems during the transformation of arid desert to oases. Selected land-use systems con- sisted of an annual crop field less than 3 years old, annual crop field 3-6 years old, annual crop field more than 6 years old, perennial crop field less than 4 years old, perennial crop field of 4-6 years old, perennial crop field more than 6 years old, abandoned farmland more than 3 years old, woodland field more than 6 years old, ecological forestation field, natural shrubbery field, desert grass land, and saline or alkaline field. Different land-use systems affect significantly the distribution of sand, silt and clay. Sand content in oasis soil tends to decrease with cultivation years but silt and clay contents tend to be increased in the oasis soils. Soil fertility is higher in the land-use systems under strong human disturbance than under weak human disturbance. Oasis soil nutrients also tend to increase with cultivation years. Soils have a significantly lower salinity in the land-use systems under strong human disturbance than under weak human disturbance. Soil organic matter and nutrients of the annual and perennial crop systems in the oasis tend to increase with cultivation time with the oasis soil acting as a carbon sink. These results show that soils are not degraded and the soil quality is gradually improved under rational land use and scientific management patterns, including uniform exploitation of land resources, effective irrigation systems, sound drainage systems, balanced fertilizer application, crushed straw return to soil and transformation of annual crop fields to perennial ones.
基金funded by the National Key Technologies Research and Development Program of China(2006BAD02A05)the Science and Technology Project for Public (Agriculture)the Ministry of Agriculture, China (200903050-4)
文摘The rice and wheat cropping pattern is one of the main cropping systems in the world. A large number of research results showed that successive cropping of rice and wheat resulted in a series of problems such as hindering nutrition absorption, gradual degeneration of soil fertility, decline of soil organic matter, and increased incidence of diseases and pests. In China, especially in the Chengdu plain where rice-wheat cropping system is practiced, productivity and soil fertility was enhanced and sustained. This paper reviews the relevant data and experiences on rice-wheat cropping in the Chengdu Plain from 1977 to 2006. The principal sustainable strategies used for rice-wheat cropping systems in Chengdu Plain included: 1) creating a favorable environment and viable rotations; 2) balanced fertilization for maintenance of sustainable soil productivity; 3) improvement of crop management for higher efficiency; and 4) use the newest cultivars and cultivation techniques to upgrade the production level. Future research is also discussed in the paper as: 1) the constant topic: a highly productive and efficient rice-wheat cropping system for sustainable growth; 2) the future trend: simplified cultivation techniques for the rice-wheat cropping system; 3) the foundation: basic research for continuous innovation needed for intensive cropping. It is concluded that in the rice-wheat cropping system, a scientific and reasonable tillage/cultivation method can not only avoid the degradation of soil productivity, but also maintain sustainable growth in the long run.
基金funded by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR),New Delhi
文摘Plots under conservation tillage may require higher amount of potassium(K) application for augmenting productivity due to its stratification in upper soil layers, thereby reducing K supplying capacity in a medium or long-term period. To test this hypothesis, a field experiment was performed in 2002-2003 and 2006-2007 to study the effect of K and several crop rotations on yield, water productivity, carbon sequestration, grain quality, soil K status and economic benefits derived in maize(Zea mays L)/cowpea(Vigna sinensis L.) based cropping system under minimum tillage(MT). All crops recorded higher grain yield with a higher dose of K(120 kg K2 O ha-1) than recommended K(40 kg K2 O ha-1). The five years' average yield data showed that higher K application(120 kg K2 O ha-1) produced 16.4%(P<0.05)more maize equivalent yield. Cowpea based rotation yielded 14.2%(P<0.05) higher production than maize based rotation. The maximum enhancement was found in cowpea-mustard rotation. Relationship between yield and sustainable indices revealed that only agronomic efficiency of fertilizer input was significantly correlated with yield. Similarly, higherdoses of K application not only increased the water use efficiency(WUE) of all crops, but also reduced runoff and soil loss by 16.5% and 15.8% under maize and 23.3% and 19.7% under cowpea cover, respectively. This study also revealed that on an average 16.5% of left over carbon input contributed to soil organic carbon(SOC). Here, cowpea based rotation with the higher K application increased carbon sequestration in soil. Potassium fertilization also significantly improved the nutritional value of harvested grain by increasing the protein content for maize(by 9.5%) and cowpea(by 10.6%). The oil content in mustard increased by 5.0% and 6.0% after maize and cowpea, respectively. Net return also increased with the application of the higher K than recommended K and the trend was similar to yield. Hence, the present study demonstrated the potential yield and profit gains along with resource conservation in the Indian Himalayas due to annual additions of higher amount of K than the recommended dose. The impact of high K application was maximum in the cowpea-mustard rotation.
基金supported by the Key Technologies R&D Program of China during the 12th Five-year Plan period(2012BAD14B16-04)the Science and Technology Development Program of Guangdong,China(2012A020100003 and 2015B090903077)
文摘The increasing demand for fresh sweet maize (Zea mays L. saccharata) in southern China has prioritized the need to find solutions to the environmental pollution caused by its continuous production and high inputs of chemical nitrogen fertilizers. A promising method for improving crop production and environmental conditions is to intercrop sweet maize with legumes. Here, a three-year field experiment was conducted to assess the influence of four different cropping systems (sole sweet maize (SS), sole soybean (SB), two rows sweet maize-three rows soybean (S2B3) intercropping, and two rows sweet maize-four rows soybean (S2B4) intercropping), together with two rates of N fertilizer application (300 and 360 kg N ha-1) on grain yield, residual soil mineral N, and soil N2O emissions in southern China. Results showed that in most case, inter- cropping achieved yield advantages (total land equivalent ratio (TLER=0.87-1.25) was above one). Moreover, intercropping resulted in 39.8% less soil mineral N than SS at the time of crop harvest, averaged over six seasons (spring and autumn in each of the three years of the field experiment). Generally, intercropping and reduced-N application (300 kg N ha-1) produced lower cumulative soil N20 and yield-scaled soil N20 emissions than SS and conventionaI-N application (360 kg N ha-l), respectively. $2B4 intercropping with reduced-N rate (300 kg N ha-~) showed the lowest cumulative soil N20 (mean value=0.61 kg ha-1) and yield-scaled soil N20 (mean value=0.04 kg t-1) emissions. Overall, intercropping with reduced-N rate maintained sweet maize production, while also reducing environmental impacts. The system of S2B4 intercropping with reduced-N rate may be the most sustainable and environmentally friendly cropping system.