This paper reports on two years of measurement of soil respiration and canopy-root biomass in a Leymus chinensis community in the Xilin River basin of Inner Mongolia. Correlations between components of plant biomass a...This paper reports on two years of measurement of soil respiration and canopy-root biomass in a Leymus chinensis community in the Xilin River basin of Inner Mongolia. Correlations between components of plant biomass and soil respiration rates were examined. From respiration data based on CO2 uptake by NaOH and corresponding root biomass values for each run of 10 plots, a linear regression of CO2 evolution rates on root dry weights has been achieved for every ten days. By applying the approach of extrapolating the regressive line to zero root biomass, the proportion of the total soil respiration flux that is attributable to live root respiration was estimated to be about 27% on average, ranging from 14% to 39% in the growing season in 1998. There were no evident relations between the total canopy biomass or root biomass and CO2 evolution rates, but a significant exponential relation did exist between tire live-canopy biomass and CO2 evolution rates.展开更多
Soil incubation experiments were conducted in lab to delineate the effect of soil temperature and soil water content on soil respirations in broad-leaved/Korean pine forest (mountain dark brown forest soil), dark coni...Soil incubation experiments were conducted in lab to delineate the effect of soil temperature and soil water content on soil respirations in broad-leaved/Korean pine forest (mountain dark brown forest soil), dark coniferous forest (mountain brown coniferous forest soil) and erman's birch forest (mountain soddy forest soil) in Changbai Mountain in September 2001. The soil water content was adjusted to five different levels (9%, 21%, 30%, and 43%) by adding certain amount of water into the soil cylinders, and the soil sample was incubated at 0, 5, 15, 25 and 35°C for 24 h. The results indicated that in broad-leaved/Korean pine forest the soil respiration rate was positively correlated to soil temperature from 0 to 35°C. Soil respiration rate increased with increase of soil water content within the limits of 21% to 37%, while it decreased with soil water content when water content was over the range. The result suggested the interactive effects of temperature and water content on soil respiration. There were significant differences in soil respiration among the various forest types. The soil respiration rate was highest in broad-leaved/Korean pine forest, middle in erman's birch forest and the lowest in dark coniferous forest. The optimal soil temperature and soil water content for soil respiration was 35°C and 37% in broad-leaved/Korean pine forest, 25°C and 21% in dark coniferous forest, and 35°C and 37% in erman's birch forest. Because the forests of broad-leaved/Korean pine, dark coniferous and erman's birch are distributed at different altitudes, the soil temperature had 4–5°C variation in different forest types during the same period. Thus, the soil respiration rates measured in brown pine mountain soil were lower than those in dark brown forest and those measured in mountain grass forest soil were higher than those in brown pine mountain soil. Key words Soil temperature - Soil water content - Soil respiration - The typical forest ecosystem in Changbai Mountain CLC number S7118.51 Document code A Foundation item: This study was supported by grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30271068), the grant of the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ-CX-SW-01-01B-12) and the grant from Advanced Programs of Institute of Applied Ecology Chinese Academy of Sciences.Biography: WANG Miao (1964-), male, associate professor in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China.Responsible editor: Song Funan展开更多
The impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (500 靘olmol-1and 700 靘olmol-1) on total soil respiration and the contribution of root respiration of Pinus koraiensis seedlings were investigated from May to Oc...The impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (500 靘olmol-1and 700 靘olmol-1) on total soil respiration and the contribution of root respiration of Pinus koraiensis seedlings were investigated from May to October in 2003 at the Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jilin Province, China. After four growing seasons in top-open chambers exposed to elevated CO2, the total soil respiration and roots respiration of Pinus koraiensis seedlings were measured by a LI-6400-09 soil CO2 flux chamber. Three PVC cylinders in each chamber were inserted about 30 cm into the soil in-stantaneously to terminate the supply of current photosynthates from the tree canopy to roots for separating the root respiration from total soil respiration. Soil respirations both inside and outside of the cylinders were measured on June 16, August 20 and October 8, respectively. The results indicated that: there was a marked diurnal change in air temperature and soil temperature at depth of 5 cm on June 16, the maximum of soil temperature at depth of 5 cm lagged behind that of air temperature, no differences in temperature between treatments were found (P>0.05). The total soil respiration and soil respiration with roots severed showed strong diurnal and seasonal patterns. There was marked difference in total soil respiration and soil respiration with roots severed between treatments (P<0.01); Mean total soil respiration and contribution of root under different treatments were 3.26, 4.78 and 1.47 靘olm 2s-1, 11.5%, 43.1% and 27.9% on June 16, August 20 and October 8, respectively.展开更多
The soil respiration rates (Rh) in 6-year-old (young), 17-year-old (middle-age), 31-year-old (mature) Casuarina equisetifolia coastal plantations were measured using an LICOR-8100 automated soil CO2 flux syste...The soil respiration rates (Rh) in 6-year-old (young), 17-year-old (middle-age), 31-year-old (mature) Casuarina equisetifolia coastal plantations were measured using an LICOR-8100 automated soil CO2 flux system from May 2006 to April 2007. Results show that Rh displayed an obvious seasonal pattern across the observed years. The maximum values of Rh occurred at June and July and the minimum at December and January. Soil temperature and soil moisture as well as their interaction had significant effects on the monthly dynamics of Rh. The analysis by one-way ANOVA showed that Rh had a significantly exponential relation (p〈0.05) to soil temperature at soil depth of 5 cm, and had a linear relation (p〈0.05) to soil water content of the upper 20 cm. The result estimated by the two-factor model shows that soil temperature at soil depth of 5 cm and soil moisture at soil depth of 20 cm could explain 68.9%-91.9% of seasonal variations in Rh. The or- der of Rh rates between different stand ages was middle-age plantation〉mature plantation〉young-age plantation. With the increase of growth age of plantation, the Q10 of Rh increased. The contribution of Rh to total soil surface CO2 flux was 71.89%, 71.02% and 73.53% for the young, middle-age and mature plantation, respectively. It was estimated that the annual CO2 fluxes from Rh were 29.07, 38.964 and 30.530 t.ha^-1.a^-1 for the young, middle-age and mature plantation, respectively.展开更多
A stdudy was conducted to determine the seasonal changes of soil respiration and the contribution of root respiration to soil respiration in Betula plaophylla forest in Changbai Mountain from May to September in 2004....A stdudy was conducted to determine the seasonal changes of soil respiration and the contribution of root respiration to soil respiration in Betula plaophylla forest in Changbai Mountain from May to September in 2004. Results indicated that the total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and the root respiration followed a similar seasonal trend, with a high rate in summer due to wet and high temperature and a low rate in spring and autumn due to lower temperature. The mean rates of total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and root respiration were 4.44, 2.30 and 2.14 μmol.m^-2.s^-1, respectively during the growing season, and they were all exponentially correlated with temperature. Soil respiration rate had a linear correlation with soil volumetric moisture. The Q10 values for total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and root respiration were 2,82, 2.59 and 3. 16, respectively. The contribution rate of root respiration to the total soil respiration was between 29.3% and 58.7% during the growing season, indicating that root is a major component of soil respiration. The annual mean rates of total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and root respiration were 1.96, 1.08, and 0.87 μmol.m^-2.s^-1, or 741.73 408.71, and 329.24 g.m^-2.a^-1, respectively. Root respiration contributed 44.4% to the annual total soil respiration. The relationship proposed for soil respiration with soil lemperature was useful for understanding and predicting potential changes in Changbai Mountain B. platyphylla forest ecosystem in response to forest management and climate change.展开更多
[Objective]The experiment aimed to study the effects of meteorological factors under different weather conditions on soil respiration. [ Method] The path analysis was used to analyze meteorological factors which influ...[Objective]The experiment aimed to study the effects of meteorological factors under different weather conditions on soil respiration. [ Method] The path analysis was used to analyze meteorological factors which influenced soil respiration of wheat field under different weather condition and at jointing stage. [ Result] In sunny day, the correlations between ground temperature at 5 cm, solar radiation, air relative humidity, air temperature and soil respiration were all at significant level while solar radiation and ground temperature at 5 cm were the major factors which influenced soil respiration. In cloudy day, solar radiation was a major factor which influenced soil respiration.[ Conclusion] The soil respiration and surplus path coefficient in sunny day were all higher than these in cloudy day, which demonstrated that except influenced by ground temperature, air temperature, solar radiation and air relative humidity, the soil respiration was also influenced by other factors especially biological factor.展开更多
[Objective] The aim was to investigate the changing characteristics of soil respiration in clear day with enhanced UV-B radiation and in cloudy day without external UV-B radiation forcing.[Methods] Based on measuring ...[Objective] The aim was to investigate the changing characteristics of soil respiration in clear day with enhanced UV-B radiation and in cloudy day without external UV-B radiation forcing.[Methods] Based on measuring soil respiration rate of barley field at jointing stage in typical clear day and cloudy day by means of Li-8100,the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation by 20% on soil respiration rate were studied. [Results] The results showed that enhanced UV-B radiation inhibited soil respiration of barley field obviously. In clear day,the average soil respiration rate of normal barley field(B) was 1.02 μmol/(m2·s) higher than that of barley field with the enhanced UV-B radiation by 20%(BU) . For cloudy day,the average soil respiration rate of B treatment was 0.71 μmol/(m2·s) lower than BU treatment without external UV-B radiation forcing. In clear day,UV-B radiation rise resulted into the decrease of Q10 value of soil respiration in barley field,but there was an increase in cloudy day without external UV-B radiation forcing,leading to various changes of soil respiration rate. [Conclusions] Supplemental UV-B radiation could inhibit soil respiration rate of barley filed significantly,thus affected the increase of crop yield.展开更多
A comparative study of soil respiration was conducted between in a semi-arid steppe community and in a wet meadow community in the Xilin River Basin of Nei Mongol. The seasonal pattern, the climatic controls, and the ...A comparative study of soil respiration was conducted between in a semi-arid steppe community and in a wet meadow community in the Xilin River Basin of Nei Mongol. The seasonal pattern, the climatic controls, and the correlations of soil respiration with plant biomass components, were examined for each community. The main results are reported as follows: (1) The seasonal changes in soil respiration in the two communities had similar dynamic patterns (both being of two peaks), ranging from 312.8 to 1738.9 mg C(.)m(-2).s(-1) and from 354.6 to 2235.6 Mg C.m(-2).s(-1) in the growing season for the steppe plot and the meadow plot respectively. The soil respiration rate of the meadow plot was distinctly higher than that of the steppe plot, with the daily averages being 1349.6 mg C-m(-2).s(-1) and 785.9 mg C-m(-2).s(-1) respectively. (2) The correlation between soil respiration rate and soil moisture was much more significant than with temperature for the steppe community, and being on the contrary for the meadow community, reflecting the different effects of the two climatic factors in different habitats. Based on these regressive relations, the total CO2 efflux rate in the growing season in 2001 was estimated as 142.4 g C/m(2) in the steppe plot, and 236.1 g C/m(2) in the meadow plot. (3) There was no evident relation between the total canopy biomass and CO2 evolution rate, but a significant power function relation between the live canopy biomass and CO2 evolution rate in the meadow plot was detected. In the steppe plot, there existed only a weak relation between soil respiration and either live or total canopy biomass.展开更多
The diurnal and seasonal dynamics of soil respiration in the A. ordosica shrubland on Ordos Plateau were investigated in the growing season (May-October) of 2006 and their environmental driving factors were also ana...The diurnal and seasonal dynamics of soil respiration in the A. ordosica shrubland on Ordos Plateau were investigated in the growing season (May-October) of 2006 and their environmental driving factors were also analyzed, Results indicated that diurnal dynamics of soil respiration rate and its temperature dependence showed some discrepancy in two different growth stages (the vegetative growth stage and the reproductive growth stage). During the vegetative growth stage, the diurnal variation of soil respiration was slight and not correlated with the daily temperature change, but during the reproductive growth stage, the daily respiration variation was relatively large and significantly correlated with the diurnal variation of air and soil temperature. In the growing season, the peak value of soil respiration occurred at July and August because of the better soil water-heat conditions and their optimal deployment in this period. In the shrubland ecosystem, precipitation was the switch of soil respiration pulses and can greatly increase soil respiration rates after soil rewetting. Moreover, the soil respiration rates in the growing season and the air temperature and soil surface water content were closely correlated (p〈0.05) each other. The stepwise regression model indicated that the variation of soil surface moisture accounted for 41.9% of the variation in soil respiration (p〈0.05).展开更多
To evaluate the diurnal and seasonal variations in soil respiration (Rs) and understand the controlling factors, we measured carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes and their environmental variables using a LI-6400 soil CO2 f...To evaluate the diurnal and seasonal variations in soil respiration (Rs) and understand the controlling factors, we measured carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes and their environmental variables using a LI-6400 soil CO2 flux system at a temperate Leymus chinensis meadow steppe in the western Songnen Plain of China in the growing season (May-October) in 2011 and 2012. The diurnal patterns of soil respiration could be expressed as single peak curves, reaching to the maximum at 11:00-15:00 and falling to the minimum at 21:00-23:00 (or before dawn). The time-window between 7:00 and 9:00 could be used as the optimal measuring time to represent the daily mean soil CO2 efflux. In the growing season, the daily value of soil CO2 efflux was moderate in late spring (1.06-2.51μnol/(m2.s) in May), increased sharply and presented a peak in summer (2.95-3.94 μmol/(m2.s) in July), and then decreased in autumn (0.74-0.97 μmol/(m2.s) in October). Soil temperature (Ts) exerted dominant control on the diurnal and seasonal variations of soil respiration. The temperature sensitivity of soil respiration (Q10) exhibited a large seasonal variation, ranging from 1.35 to 3.32, and decreased with an increasing soil temperature. Rs gradually increased with increasing soil water content (Ws) and tended to decrease when Ws exceeded the optimum water content (27%) of Rs. The Ts and Ws had a confounding effect on Rs, and the two-variable equations could account for 72% of the variation in soil respiration (p 〈 0.01).展开更多
A facility of BaPS (Barometric Process Separation) was used to determine soil respiration, gross nitrification and denitrification in a winter wheat field with depths of 0-7, 7--14 and 14-21 cm. N2O production was d...A facility of BaPS (Barometric Process Separation) was used to determine soil respiration, gross nitrification and denitrification in a winter wheat field with depths of 0-7, 7--14 and 14-21 cm. N2O production was determined by a gas chromatograph. Crop root mass and relevant soil parameters were measured. Results showed that soil respiration and gross nitrification decreased with the increase of soil depth, while denitrification did not change significantly. In comparison with no-plowing plot, soil respiration increased significantly in plowing plot, especially in the surface soil of 0-7 cm, while gross nitrification and denitrification rates were not affected by plowing. Cropping practice in previous season was found to affect soil gross nitrification in the following wheat-growing season. Higher gross nitrification rate occurred in the filed plot with preceding crop of rice compared with that of maize for all the three depths of 0-7, 7-14 and 14-21 cm. A further investigation indicated that the nitrification for all the cases accounted for about 76% of the total nitrogen transformation processes of nitrification and denitrification and the N2O production correlated with nitrification significantly, suggesting that nitrification is a key process of soil N2O production in the wheat field. In addition, the variations of soil respiration and gross nitrification were exponentially dependent on root mass (p〈0.00l).展开更多
Soil respiration induced by soybean cultivation over its entire growing season and the factors influencing soil respiration were investigated to examine the seasonal pattern of soil respiration induced by soybean cult...Soil respiration induced by soybean cultivation over its entire growing season and the factors influencing soil respiration were investigated to examine the seasonal pattern of soil respiration induced by soybean cultivation, explore soybean growth and photosynthesis on soil respiration, and determine the temperature dependence on soil respiration. Soil respiration in a pot experiment with and without soybean plants was sampled using the static chamber method and measured using gas chromatograph. Air temperature was a dominant factor controlling soil respiration rate in unplanted soil. Additionally, rhizosphere respiration comprised 62% to 98% of the soil respiration rate in the soybean-planted soil varying with the soybean growth stages. Harvesting aerial parts of soybean plant caused an immediate drop in the soil respiration rate at that stage. After harvesting the aerial parts of the soybean plant, a highly significant correlation between soil respiration rate and air temperature was found at the flowering stage (P 〈 0.01), the pod stage (P 〈 0.01), and the seed-filling stage (P 〈 0.05). Thus, rhizosphere respiration during the soybean-growing period not only made a great contribution to soil respiration, but also determined the seasonal variation pattern of the soll respiration rate.展开更多
We investigated the effect of fire disturbance on short-term soil respiration in birch (Betula platyphylla Suk.) and larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.) forests in Greater Xing’an range, northeastern China for further u...We investigated the effect of fire disturbance on short-term soil respiration in birch (Betula platyphylla Suk.) and larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.) forests in Greater Xing’an range, northeastern China for further understanding of its effect on the carbon cycle in ecosystems. Our study show that post-fire soil respiration rates in B. platyphylla and L. gmelinii forests were reduced by 14%and 10%, respectively. In contrast, the soil heterotrophic respiration rates in the two types of forest were similar in post-fire and control plots. After fire, the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration was dramatically reduced. Variation in soil respiration rates was explained by soil moisture (W) and soil tem-perature (T) at a depth of 5 cm. Exponential regression fitted T and W models explained Rs rates in B. platyphylla control and post-fire plots (83.1% and 86.2%) and L. gmelinii control and post-fire plots (83.7%and 88.7%). In addition, the short-term temperature coefficients in B.展开更多
The loss of carbon through root respiration Is an Important component of grassland carbon budgets. However, few data are available concerning the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in grassland...The loss of carbon through root respiration Is an Important component of grassland carbon budgets. However, few data are available concerning the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in grasslands in China. We Investigated seasonal variations of soil respiration rate, root blomaaa, microbial blomaaa C and organic C content of the soil In a semi-arid Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. grassland of northeast China during the 2002 growing season (from May to September). The linear regression relationship between soil respiration rate and root blomaaa was used to determine the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration. Soil respiration rate ranged from 2.5 to 11.9 g C/m^2 per d with the maximum in late June and minimum In September. The microbial blomaaa C and organic C content of the soil ranged from 0.3 to 1.5 g C/m^2 and from 29 to 34 g C/kg respectively. Root blomaaa had two peaks, In early June (1.80 kg/m^2) and mid-August (1.73 kg/m^2). Root respiration rate peaked In mid-August (6.26 g C/m^2 per d), whereas microbial respiration rate peaked In late June (7.43 g C/m^2 per d). We estimated that the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration during the growing season ranged from 38% to 76%.展开更多
Total and root-severed soil respiration rates for five plots set up 50 m apart in a Betula ermanii Cham.-dark coniferous forest ecotone on a north-facing slope of the Changbai Mountains, China, were measured to evalua...Total and root-severed soil respiration rates for five plots set up 50 m apart in a Betula ermanii Cham.-dark coniferous forest ecotone on a north-facing slope of the Changbai Mountains, China, were measured to evaluate the seasonal variations of soil respiration, to assess the effect of soil temperature and water content on soil respiration, and to estimate the relative contributions of root respiration to the total soil respiration. PVC cylinders in each of 5 forest types of a B. ermanii-dark coniferous forest ecotone were used to measure soil respirations both inside and outside of the cylinders. The contribution of roots to the total soil respiration rates ranged from 12.5% to 54.6%. The mean contribution of roots for the different plots varied with the season, increasing from 32.5% on June 26 to 36.6% on August 3 and to 41.8% on October 14. In addition, there existed a significant (P < 0.01) logarithmic relationship between total soil respiration rate and soil temperature at 5 cm soil depth. Also, a similar trend was observed for the soil respiration and soil water content at the surface (0-5 cm) during the same period of time.展开更多
This study was conducted in a fire-prone region in the Greater Xing'an Mountains, the primary forested area of northeastern China. We measured soil respiration and the affecting soil factors, i.e., soil microbial bio...This study was conducted in a fire-prone region in the Greater Xing'an Mountains, the primary forested area of northeastern China. We measured soil respiration and the affecting soil factors, i.e., soil microbial biomass and soil moisture, within an experimental plot of Larix gmelinii Rupr. A low-intensity, prescribed fire was applied as the treatment. Traditional descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used to analyze the spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration and the response of respiration to fire disturbance. Coefficients of variation (CVs) for pre-fire and post-fire soil respiration were 23.4 and 32.0 %, respec- tively. CVs for post-fire soil respiration increased signifi- cantly, with a moderate variation of all CVs. Soil respiration pre-fire was significantly correlated with soil microbial biomass carbon, biomass nitrogen, and soil moisture (W); post-fire soil respiration was not correlated with these factors. From the geostatistical analyses, the Co + C (sill) for post-fire soil respiration increased sig- nificantly, indicating that the post-fire spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration increased significantly. The nugget effect (nc) of soil respiration and the affecting factors pre-fire and post-fire disturbance were in the range of 12.5-50 %, with strong spatial autocorrelation. Fire disturbance changed the components of spatial heterogeneity, and the proportion of functional heterogeneity increased significantly post-fire. The ranges (a) for pre-fire and post-fire soil respiration were 81.0 and 68.2 m, respectively. The homogeneity of the distribution of post-fire soil respiration decreased and the spatial heterogeneity increased, thus the range for post- fire soil respiration decreased significantly. The fractal dimension (D) for soil respiration increased post-fire, the spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration affected by random components increased, indicating that the change in spatial heterogeneity of post-fire soil respiration should be con- sidered within the scale of the forest stand. Following Kriging interpolation, the increase in the patchiness of post-fire soil respiration was illustrated using a contour map. Based on these preliminary results, the change in the spatial heterogeneity of post-fire soil respiration was likely caused by changes in the distribution of soil moisture and microbial activity within the experimental plot at the scale of the forest stand.展开更多
Trees on sand dunes are more sensitive to environmental changes because sandy soils have extremely low water holding capacity and nutrient availability. We investigated the dynamics of soil respiration(Rs) for seconda...Trees on sand dunes are more sensitive to environmental changes because sandy soils have extremely low water holding capacity and nutrient availability. We investigated the dynamics of soil respiration(Rs) for secondary natural Litsea forest and plantations of casuarina,pine, acacia and eucalyptus. Results show that significant diurnal variations of Rsoccurred in autumn for the eucalyptus species and in summer for the pine species, with higher mean soil respiration at night. However, significant seasonal variations of Rswere found in all five forest stands. Rschanged exponentially with soil temperatures at the 10-cm depth; the models explain 43.3–77.0% of Rs variations. Positive relationships between seasonal Rsand soil moisture varied with stands. The correlations were significant only in the secondary forest, and the eucalyptus and pine plantations. The temperature sensitivity parameter(Q10 value) of Rsranged from 1.64 in casuarina plantation to 2.32 the in secondary forest; annual Rswas highest in the secondary forest and lowest in the pine plantation. The results indicate that soil temperatures and moisture are the primary environmental controls of soil respiration and mainly act through a direct influence on roots and microbial activity. Differences in root biomass, quality of litter,and soil properties(pH, total N, available P, and exchangeable Mg) were also significant factors.展开更多
Understanding the response of soil respiration to global warming in agro-ecosystem is crucial for simulating terrestrial carbon (C) cycle. We conducted an infrared warming experiment under conventional tillage (CT...Understanding the response of soil respiration to global warming in agro-ecosystem is crucial for simulating terrestrial carbon (C) cycle. We conducted an infrared warming experiment under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) farmland for winter wheat and summer maize rotation system in North China Plain (NCP). Treatments include CT with and without warming (CTW and CTN), NT with and without warming (NTW and NTN). The results indicated that warming had no sig- nificant effect on soil moisture in irrigated farmland of NCP (P〉0.05). The elevated average soil temperature of 1.1-116℃ in crop growing periods could increase annual soil CO2 emission by 10.3% in CT filed (P〉0.05), but significantly increase it by 12.7% in NT field (P〈0.05), respectively. The disturbances such as plowing, irrigation and precipitation resulted in the obvious soil CO2 emission peaks, which contributed 36.6-40.8% of annual soil cumulative CO2 emission. Warming would enhance these soil CO2 emission peaks; it might be associated with the warming-induced increase of autotrophic respiration and heterotrophic respiration. Compared with un-warming treatments, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) in warming treatments were significantly increased by 11.6-23.4 and 12.9-23.6%, respectively, indicating that the positive responses of DOC and MBC to warming in both of two tillage systems. Our study highlights that climate warming may have positive effects on soil C release in NCP in association with response of labile C substrate to warming.展开更多
The seasonal dynamics of soil respiration in steppe (S. bungeana), desert shrub (A. ordosica), and shrubperennial (A. ordosica +C. komarovii) communities were investigated during the growth season (May to Octo...The seasonal dynamics of soil respiration in steppe (S. bungeana), desert shrub (A. ordosica), and shrubperennial (A. ordosica +C. komarovii) communities were investigated during the growth season (May to October) in 2006; their environmental driving factors were also analyzed. In the three communities, soil respiration showed similar characteristics in their growth seasons, with peak respiration values in July and August owing to suitable temperature and soil moisture conditions during this period. Meanwhile, changes in soil respiration were greatly influenced by temperatures and surface soil moistures. Soil water content at a depth of 0 to 10 cm was identified as the key environmental factor affecting the variation in soil respiration in the steppe. In contrast, in desert shrub and shrub-perennial communities, the dynamics of soil respiration was significantly influenced by air temperature. Similarly, the various responses of soil respiration to environmental factors may be attributed to the different soil textures and distribution patterns of plant roots. In desert ecosystems, precipitation results in soil respiration pulses. Soil carbon dioxide (CO2) effluxes greatly increased after rainfall rewetting in all of the ecosystems under study. However, the precipitation pulse effect differed across the ecosystem. We propose that this may be a result of a reverse effect from the soil texture.展开更多
Soil respiration from decomposing aboveground litter is a major component of the terrestrial carbon cycle. However, variations in the contribution of aboveground litter to the total soil respiration for stands of vary...Soil respiration from decomposing aboveground litter is a major component of the terrestrial carbon cycle. However, variations in the contribution of aboveground litter to the total soil respiration for stands of varying ages are poorly understood. To assess soil respiration induced by aboveground litter, treatments of litter and no litter were applied to 5-, l0-, and 20-year-old stands of Populus davidiana Dode in the sandstorm source area of Beijing-Tianjin, equations were applied to China. Optimal nonlinear model the combined effects of soil temperature and soil water content on soil respiration. Results showed that the monthly average contribution of aboveground litter to total soil respiration were 18.46% ± 4.63%, 16.64% ± 9.31%, and 22.37% ± 8.17% for 5-, 10-, and ao-year-old stands, respectively. The relatively high contribution in 5- and 20-year-old stands could be attributed to easily decomposition products and high accumulated litter, resoectivelv. Also. it fluctuated monthly for all stand ages due to substrate availability caused by phenology and environmental factors. Litter removal significantly decreased soil respiration and soil water content for all stand ages (P 〈 0.05) but not soil temperature (P 〉 0.05). Variations of soil respiration could be explained by soil temperature at 5-cm depth using an exponential equation and by soil water content at lo-cm depth using a quadratic equation, whereas soil respiration was better modeled using the combined parameters of soil temperature and soil water content than with either soil temperature or soil water content alone. Temperature sensitivity (Q10) increased with stand age in both the litter and the no litter treatments. Considering the effects of aboveground litter, this study provides insights for predicting future soil carbon fluxes and for accurately assessing soil carbon budgets.展开更多
文摘This paper reports on two years of measurement of soil respiration and canopy-root biomass in a Leymus chinensis community in the Xilin River basin of Inner Mongolia. Correlations between components of plant biomass and soil respiration rates were examined. From respiration data based on CO2 uptake by NaOH and corresponding root biomass values for each run of 10 plots, a linear regression of CO2 evolution rates on root dry weights has been achieved for every ten days. By applying the approach of extrapolating the regressive line to zero root biomass, the proportion of the total soil respiration flux that is attributable to live root respiration was estimated to be about 27% on average, ranging from 14% to 39% in the growing season in 1998. There were no evident relations between the total canopy biomass or root biomass and CO2 evolution rates, but a significant exponential relation did exist between tire live-canopy biomass and CO2 evolution rates.
基金This study was supported by grant from the National Natu-ral Science Foundation of China (No. 30271068) the grant of the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ
文摘Soil incubation experiments were conducted in lab to delineate the effect of soil temperature and soil water content on soil respirations in broad-leaved/Korean pine forest (mountain dark brown forest soil), dark coniferous forest (mountain brown coniferous forest soil) and erman's birch forest (mountain soddy forest soil) in Changbai Mountain in September 2001. The soil water content was adjusted to five different levels (9%, 21%, 30%, and 43%) by adding certain amount of water into the soil cylinders, and the soil sample was incubated at 0, 5, 15, 25 and 35°C for 24 h. The results indicated that in broad-leaved/Korean pine forest the soil respiration rate was positively correlated to soil temperature from 0 to 35°C. Soil respiration rate increased with increase of soil water content within the limits of 21% to 37%, while it decreased with soil water content when water content was over the range. The result suggested the interactive effects of temperature and water content on soil respiration. There were significant differences in soil respiration among the various forest types. The soil respiration rate was highest in broad-leaved/Korean pine forest, middle in erman's birch forest and the lowest in dark coniferous forest. The optimal soil temperature and soil water content for soil respiration was 35°C and 37% in broad-leaved/Korean pine forest, 25°C and 21% in dark coniferous forest, and 35°C and 37% in erman's birch forest. Because the forests of broad-leaved/Korean pine, dark coniferous and erman's birch are distributed at different altitudes, the soil temperature had 4–5°C variation in different forest types during the same period. Thus, the soil respiration rates measured in brown pine mountain soil were lower than those in dark brown forest and those measured in mountain grass forest soil were higher than those in brown pine mountain soil. Key words Soil temperature - Soil water content - Soil respiration - The typical forest ecosystem in Changbai Mountain CLC number S7118.51 Document code A Foundation item: This study was supported by grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30271068), the grant of the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ-CX-SW-01-01B-12) and the grant from Advanced Programs of Institute of Applied Ecology Chinese Academy of Sciences.Biography: WANG Miao (1964-), male, associate professor in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China.Responsible editor: Song Funan
文摘The impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (500 靘olmol-1and 700 靘olmol-1) on total soil respiration and the contribution of root respiration of Pinus koraiensis seedlings were investigated from May to October in 2003 at the Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jilin Province, China. After four growing seasons in top-open chambers exposed to elevated CO2, the total soil respiration and roots respiration of Pinus koraiensis seedlings were measured by a LI-6400-09 soil CO2 flux chamber. Three PVC cylinders in each chamber were inserted about 30 cm into the soil in-stantaneously to terminate the supply of current photosynthates from the tree canopy to roots for separating the root respiration from total soil respiration. Soil respirations both inside and outside of the cylinders were measured on June 16, August 20 and October 8, respectively. The results indicated that: there was a marked diurnal change in air temperature and soil temperature at depth of 5 cm on June 16, the maximum of soil temperature at depth of 5 cm lagged behind that of air temperature, no differences in temperature between treatments were found (P>0.05). The total soil respiration and soil respiration with roots severed showed strong diurnal and seasonal patterns. There was marked difference in total soil respiration and soil respiration with roots severed between treatments (P<0.01); Mean total soil respiration and contribution of root under different treatments were 3.26, 4.78 and 1.47 靘olm 2s-1, 11.5%, 43.1% and 27.9% on June 16, August 20 and October 8, respectively.
基金supported by Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the EleventhFive-year Plan Period (Nos. 2006BAD03A14-01)Important Science & Technology Specific Projects of Fujian province (2006NZ0001-2)supported by the Key Laboratory of south mountain timber culti-vation, state forestry administration, P. R. China
文摘The soil respiration rates (Rh) in 6-year-old (young), 17-year-old (middle-age), 31-year-old (mature) Casuarina equisetifolia coastal plantations were measured using an LICOR-8100 automated soil CO2 flux system from May 2006 to April 2007. Results show that Rh displayed an obvious seasonal pattern across the observed years. The maximum values of Rh occurred at June and July and the minimum at December and January. Soil temperature and soil moisture as well as their interaction had significant effects on the monthly dynamics of Rh. The analysis by one-way ANOVA showed that Rh had a significantly exponential relation (p〈0.05) to soil temperature at soil depth of 5 cm, and had a linear relation (p〈0.05) to soil water content of the upper 20 cm. The result estimated by the two-factor model shows that soil temperature at soil depth of 5 cm and soil moisture at soil depth of 20 cm could explain 68.9%-91.9% of seasonal variations in Rh. The or- der of Rh rates between different stand ages was middle-age plantation〉mature plantation〉young-age plantation. With the increase of growth age of plantation, the Q10 of Rh increased. The contribution of Rh to total soil surface CO2 flux was 71.89%, 71.02% and 73.53% for the young, middle-age and mature plantation, respectively. It was estimated that the annual CO2 fluxes from Rh were 29.07, 38.964 and 30.530 t.ha^-1.a^-1 for the young, middle-age and mature plantation, respectively.
基金supported by the Knowledge Inno-vation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-YW-416)the National Natural Science Foundation (90411020)
文摘A stdudy was conducted to determine the seasonal changes of soil respiration and the contribution of root respiration to soil respiration in Betula plaophylla forest in Changbai Mountain from May to September in 2004. Results indicated that the total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and the root respiration followed a similar seasonal trend, with a high rate in summer due to wet and high temperature and a low rate in spring and autumn due to lower temperature. The mean rates of total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and root respiration were 4.44, 2.30 and 2.14 μmol.m^-2.s^-1, respectively during the growing season, and they were all exponentially correlated with temperature. Soil respiration rate had a linear correlation with soil volumetric moisture. The Q10 values for total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and root respiration were 2,82, 2.59 and 3. 16, respectively. The contribution rate of root respiration to the total soil respiration was between 29.3% and 58.7% during the growing season, indicating that root is a major component of soil respiration. The annual mean rates of total soil respiration, root-severed soil respiration and root respiration were 1.96, 1.08, and 0.87 μmol.m^-2.s^-1, or 741.73 408.71, and 329.24 g.m^-2.a^-1, respectively. Root respiration contributed 44.4% to the annual total soil respiration. The relationship proposed for soil respiration with soil lemperature was useful for understanding and predicting potential changes in Changbai Mountain B. platyphylla forest ecosystem in response to forest management and climate change.
基金Supported by the Scientific Research Foundation of Nanjing Universityof Information Science and Technology(80124)~~
文摘[Objective]The experiment aimed to study the effects of meteorological factors under different weather conditions on soil respiration. [ Method] The path analysis was used to analyze meteorological factors which influenced soil respiration of wheat field under different weather condition and at jointing stage. [ Result] In sunny day, the correlations between ground temperature at 5 cm, solar radiation, air relative humidity, air temperature and soil respiration were all at significant level while solar radiation and ground temperature at 5 cm were the major factors which influenced soil respiration. In cloudy day, solar radiation was a major factor which influenced soil respiration.[ Conclusion] The soil respiration and surplus path coefficient in sunny day were all higher than these in cloudy day, which demonstrated that except influenced by ground temperature, air temperature, solar radiation and air relative humidity, the soil respiration was also influenced by other factors especially biological factor.
基金Supported by Natural Science Research Project of Higher Education of Jiangsu Province(09KJB210004)Research Fund of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology(80124)
文摘[Objective] The aim was to investigate the changing characteristics of soil respiration in clear day with enhanced UV-B radiation and in cloudy day without external UV-B radiation forcing.[Methods] Based on measuring soil respiration rate of barley field at jointing stage in typical clear day and cloudy day by means of Li-8100,the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation by 20% on soil respiration rate were studied. [Results] The results showed that enhanced UV-B radiation inhibited soil respiration of barley field obviously. In clear day,the average soil respiration rate of normal barley field(B) was 1.02 μmol/(m2·s) higher than that of barley field with the enhanced UV-B radiation by 20%(BU) . For cloudy day,the average soil respiration rate of B treatment was 0.71 μmol/(m2·s) lower than BU treatment without external UV-B radiation forcing. In clear day,UV-B radiation rise resulted into the decrease of Q10 value of soil respiration in barley field,but there was an increase in cloudy day without external UV-B radiation forcing,leading to various changes of soil respiration rate. [Conclusions] Supplemental UV-B radiation could inhibit soil respiration rate of barley filed significantly,thus affected the increase of crop yield.
文摘A comparative study of soil respiration was conducted between in a semi-arid steppe community and in a wet meadow community in the Xilin River Basin of Nei Mongol. The seasonal pattern, the climatic controls, and the correlations of soil respiration with plant biomass components, were examined for each community. The main results are reported as follows: (1) The seasonal changes in soil respiration in the two communities had similar dynamic patterns (both being of two peaks), ranging from 312.8 to 1738.9 mg C(.)m(-2).s(-1) and from 354.6 to 2235.6 Mg C.m(-2).s(-1) in the growing season for the steppe plot and the meadow plot respectively. The soil respiration rate of the meadow plot was distinctly higher than that of the steppe plot, with the daily averages being 1349.6 mg C-m(-2).s(-1) and 785.9 mg C-m(-2).s(-1) respectively. (2) The correlation between soil respiration rate and soil moisture was much more significant than with temperature for the steppe community, and being on the contrary for the meadow community, reflecting the different effects of the two climatic factors in different habitats. Based on these regressive relations, the total CO2 efflux rate in the growing season in 2001 was estimated as 142.4 g C/m(2) in the steppe plot, and 236.1 g C/m(2) in the meadow plot. (3) There was no evident relation between the total canopy biomass and CO2 evolution rate, but a significant power function relation between the live canopy biomass and CO2 evolution rate in the meadow plot was detected. In the steppe plot, there existed only a weak relation between soil respiration and either live or total canopy biomass.
基金National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Nos.40501072 and 40673067)the Major State Basic Research Develop-ment Program of China (No.2002CB 412503)the Knowledge Inno-vation Program of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Re-sources Research,CAS "The effect of human activities on regional envi-ronmental quality,the health risk and the environmental remediation"
文摘The diurnal and seasonal dynamics of soil respiration in the A. ordosica shrubland on Ordos Plateau were investigated in the growing season (May-October) of 2006 and their environmental driving factors were also analyzed, Results indicated that diurnal dynamics of soil respiration rate and its temperature dependence showed some discrepancy in two different growth stages (the vegetative growth stage and the reproductive growth stage). During the vegetative growth stage, the diurnal variation of soil respiration was slight and not correlated with the daily temperature change, but during the reproductive growth stage, the daily respiration variation was relatively large and significantly correlated with the diurnal variation of air and soil temperature. In the growing season, the peak value of soil respiration occurred at July and August because of the better soil water-heat conditions and their optimal deployment in this period. In the shrubland ecosystem, precipitation was the switch of soil respiration pulses and can greatly increase soil respiration rates after soil rewetting. Moreover, the soil respiration rates in the growing season and the air temperature and soil surface water content were closely correlated (p〈0.05) each other. The stepwise regression model indicated that the variation of soil surface moisture accounted for 41.9% of the variation in soil respiration (p〈0.05).
基金Under the auspices of Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in Public Interest,China(No.201303095-8)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.31100403,41101207)+1 种基金National Basic Research Program of China(No.2013CB430401)Key Laboratory of Mollisols Agroecology,Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
文摘To evaluate the diurnal and seasonal variations in soil respiration (Rs) and understand the controlling factors, we measured carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes and their environmental variables using a LI-6400 soil CO2 flux system at a temperate Leymus chinensis meadow steppe in the western Songnen Plain of China in the growing season (May-October) in 2011 and 2012. The diurnal patterns of soil respiration could be expressed as single peak curves, reaching to the maximum at 11:00-15:00 and falling to the minimum at 21:00-23:00 (or before dawn). The time-window between 7:00 and 9:00 could be used as the optimal measuring time to represent the daily mean soil CO2 efflux. In the growing season, the daily value of soil CO2 efflux was moderate in late spring (1.06-2.51μnol/(m2.s) in May), increased sharply and presented a peak in summer (2.95-3.94 μmol/(m2.s) in July), and then decreased in autumn (0.74-0.97 μmol/(m2.s) in October). Soil temperature (Ts) exerted dominant control on the diurnal and seasonal variations of soil respiration. The temperature sensitivity of soil respiration (Q10) exhibited a large seasonal variation, ranging from 1.35 to 3.32, and decreased with an increasing soil temperature. Rs gradually increased with increasing soil water content (Ws) and tended to decrease when Ws exceeded the optimum water content (27%) of Rs. The Ts and Ws had a confounding effect on Rs, and the two-variable equations could account for 72% of the variation in soil respiration (p 〈 0.01).
基金The Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX1-SW-01-13)
文摘A facility of BaPS (Barometric Process Separation) was used to determine soil respiration, gross nitrification and denitrification in a winter wheat field with depths of 0-7, 7--14 and 14-21 cm. N2O production was determined by a gas chromatograph. Crop root mass and relevant soil parameters were measured. Results showed that soil respiration and gross nitrification decreased with the increase of soil depth, while denitrification did not change significantly. In comparison with no-plowing plot, soil respiration increased significantly in plowing plot, especially in the surface soil of 0-7 cm, while gross nitrification and denitrification rates were not affected by plowing. Cropping practice in previous season was found to affect soil gross nitrification in the following wheat-growing season. Higher gross nitrification rate occurred in the filed plot with preceding crop of rice compared with that of maize for all the three depths of 0-7, 7-14 and 14-21 cm. A further investigation indicated that the nitrification for all the cases accounted for about 76% of the total nitrogen transformation processes of nitrification and denitrification and the N2O production correlated with nitrification significantly, suggesting that nitrification is a key process of soil N2O production in the wheat field. In addition, the variations of soil respiration and gross nitrification were exponentially dependent on root mass (p〈0.00l).
基金Project supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No. 40125004)the KnowledgeInnovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX1-SW-01-05).
文摘Soil respiration induced by soybean cultivation over its entire growing season and the factors influencing soil respiration were investigated to examine the seasonal pattern of soil respiration induced by soybean cultivation, explore soybean growth and photosynthesis on soil respiration, and determine the temperature dependence on soil respiration. Soil respiration in a pot experiment with and without soybean plants was sampled using the static chamber method and measured using gas chromatograph. Air temperature was a dominant factor controlling soil respiration rate in unplanted soil. Additionally, rhizosphere respiration comprised 62% to 98% of the soil respiration rate in the soybean-planted soil varying with the soybean growth stages. Harvesting aerial parts of soybean plant caused an immediate drop in the soil respiration rate at that stage. After harvesting the aerial parts of the soybean plant, a highly significant correlation between soil respiration rate and air temperature was found at the flowering stage (P 〈 0.01), the pod stage (P 〈 0.01), and the seed-filling stage (P 〈 0.05). Thus, rhizosphere respiration during the soybean-growing period not only made a great contribution to soil respiration, but also determined the seasonal variation pattern of the soll respiration rate.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(No.2011CB403203)the National Natural Science Foundation(No.31070544)+3 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No:DL12CA07)the Huoyingdong Education Foundation(No.131029)Postdoctoral Science-Research Foundation(LBH-Q12174)the CFERN&GENE Award Funds for Ecological Papers
文摘We investigated the effect of fire disturbance on short-term soil respiration in birch (Betula platyphylla Suk.) and larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.) forests in Greater Xing’an range, northeastern China for further understanding of its effect on the carbon cycle in ecosystems. Our study show that post-fire soil respiration rates in B. platyphylla and L. gmelinii forests were reduced by 14%and 10%, respectively. In contrast, the soil heterotrophic respiration rates in the two types of forest were similar in post-fire and control plots. After fire, the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration was dramatically reduced. Variation in soil respiration rates was explained by soil moisture (W) and soil tem-perature (T) at a depth of 5 cm. Exponential regression fitted T and W models explained Rs rates in B. platyphylla control and post-fire plots (83.1% and 86.2%) and L. gmelinii control and post-fire plots (83.7%and 88.7%). In addition, the short-term temperature coefficients in B.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(30400049).
文摘The loss of carbon through root respiration Is an Important component of grassland carbon budgets. However, few data are available concerning the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in grasslands in China. We Investigated seasonal variations of soil respiration rate, root blomaaa, microbial blomaaa C and organic C content of the soil In a semi-arid Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. grassland of northeast China during the 2002 growing season (from May to September). The linear regression relationship between soil respiration rate and root blomaaa was used to determine the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration. Soil respiration rate ranged from 2.5 to 11.9 g C/m^2 per d with the maximum in late June and minimum In September. The microbial blomaaa C and organic C content of the soil ranged from 0.3 to 1.5 g C/m^2 and from 29 to 34 g C/kg respectively. Root blomaaa had two peaks, In early June (1.80 kg/m^2) and mid-August (1.73 kg/m^2). Root respiration rate peaked In mid-August (6.26 g C/m^2 per d), whereas microbial respiration rate peaked In late June (7.43 g C/m^2 per d). We estimated that the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration during the growing season ranged from 38% to 76%.
基金Project supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX1-SW-01) and theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30070158).
文摘Total and root-severed soil respiration rates for five plots set up 50 m apart in a Betula ermanii Cham.-dark coniferous forest ecotone on a north-facing slope of the Changbai Mountains, China, were measured to evaluate the seasonal variations of soil respiration, to assess the effect of soil temperature and water content on soil respiration, and to estimate the relative contributions of root respiration to the total soil respiration. PVC cylinders in each of 5 forest types of a B. ermanii-dark coniferous forest ecotone were used to measure soil respirations both inside and outside of the cylinders. The contribution of roots to the total soil respiration rates ranged from 12.5% to 54.6%. The mean contribution of roots for the different plots varied with the season, increasing from 32.5% on June 26 to 36.6% on August 3 and to 41.8% on October 14. In addition, there existed a significant (P < 0.01) logarithmic relationship between total soil respiration rate and soil temperature at 5 cm soil depth. Also, a similar trend was observed for the soil respiration and soil water content at the surface (0-5 cm) during the same period of time.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation(Nos.31470657 and 31070544)Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.2572015DA01)The CFERN and GENE Award Funds for Ecological Papers
文摘This study was conducted in a fire-prone region in the Greater Xing'an Mountains, the primary forested area of northeastern China. We measured soil respiration and the affecting soil factors, i.e., soil microbial biomass and soil moisture, within an experimental plot of Larix gmelinii Rupr. A low-intensity, prescribed fire was applied as the treatment. Traditional descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used to analyze the spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration and the response of respiration to fire disturbance. Coefficients of variation (CVs) for pre-fire and post-fire soil respiration were 23.4 and 32.0 %, respec- tively. CVs for post-fire soil respiration increased signifi- cantly, with a moderate variation of all CVs. Soil respiration pre-fire was significantly correlated with soil microbial biomass carbon, biomass nitrogen, and soil moisture (W); post-fire soil respiration was not correlated with these factors. From the geostatistical analyses, the Co + C (sill) for post-fire soil respiration increased sig- nificantly, indicating that the post-fire spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration increased significantly. The nugget effect (nc) of soil respiration and the affecting factors pre-fire and post-fire disturbance were in the range of 12.5-50 %, with strong spatial autocorrelation. Fire disturbance changed the components of spatial heterogeneity, and the proportion of functional heterogeneity increased significantly post-fire. The ranges (a) for pre-fire and post-fire soil respiration were 81.0 and 68.2 m, respectively. The homogeneity of the distribution of post-fire soil respiration decreased and the spatial heterogeneity increased, thus the range for post- fire soil respiration decreased significantly. The fractal dimension (D) for soil respiration increased post-fire, the spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration affected by random components increased, indicating that the change in spatial heterogeneity of post-fire soil respiration should be con- sidered within the scale of the forest stand. Following Kriging interpolation, the increase in the patchiness of post-fire soil respiration was illustrated using a contour map. Based on these preliminary results, the change in the spatial heterogeneity of post-fire soil respiration was likely caused by changes in the distribution of soil moisture and microbial activity within the experimental plot at the scale of the forest stand.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31570604,41371269)The Basal Research Fund of Fujian provincial Public Scientific Research Institution support(2014R1011-7)the Casuarina Research Center of Engineering and Technology,and the Key Laboratory of Forest Culture and Forest Product Processing Utilization of Fujian Province
文摘Trees on sand dunes are more sensitive to environmental changes because sandy soils have extremely low water holding capacity and nutrient availability. We investigated the dynamics of soil respiration(Rs) for secondary natural Litsea forest and plantations of casuarina,pine, acacia and eucalyptus. Results show that significant diurnal variations of Rsoccurred in autumn for the eucalyptus species and in summer for the pine species, with higher mean soil respiration at night. However, significant seasonal variations of Rswere found in all five forest stands. Rschanged exponentially with soil temperatures at the 10-cm depth; the models explain 43.3–77.0% of Rs variations. Positive relationships between seasonal Rsand soil moisture varied with stands. The correlations were significant only in the secondary forest, and the eucalyptus and pine plantations. The temperature sensitivity parameter(Q10 value) of Rsranged from 1.64 in casuarina plantation to 2.32 the in secondary forest; annual Rswas highest in the secondary forest and lowest in the pine plantation. The results indicate that soil temperatures and moisture are the primary environmental controls of soil respiration and mainly act through a direct influence on roots and microbial activity. Differences in root biomass, quality of litter,and soil properties(pH, total N, available P, and exchangeable Mg) were also significant factors.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31170414)the 100 Talents Program of Chinese Academy of Science(2009)
文摘Understanding the response of soil respiration to global warming in agro-ecosystem is crucial for simulating terrestrial carbon (C) cycle. We conducted an infrared warming experiment under conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) farmland for winter wheat and summer maize rotation system in North China Plain (NCP). Treatments include CT with and without warming (CTW and CTN), NT with and without warming (NTW and NTN). The results indicated that warming had no sig- nificant effect on soil moisture in irrigated farmland of NCP (P〉0.05). The elevated average soil temperature of 1.1-116℃ in crop growing periods could increase annual soil CO2 emission by 10.3% in CT filed (P〉0.05), but significantly increase it by 12.7% in NT field (P〈0.05), respectively. The disturbances such as plowing, irrigation and precipitation resulted in the obvious soil CO2 emission peaks, which contributed 36.6-40.8% of annual soil cumulative CO2 emission. Warming would enhance these soil CO2 emission peaks; it might be associated with the warming-induced increase of autotrophic respiration and heterotrophic respiration. Compared with un-warming treatments, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) in warming treatments were significantly increased by 11.6-23.4 and 12.9-23.6%, respectively, indicating that the positive responses of DOC and MBC to warming in both of two tillage systems. Our study highlights that climate warming may have positive effects on soil C release in NCP in association with response of labile C substrate to warming.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos. 40730105, 40501072, and 40673067)the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant Nos.2007BAC03A11 and 2002CB412503)+1 种基金The Knowledge Innovation Program of the Institute of Geographical SciencesNatural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (The effect of human activities on re-gional environmental quality, health risk, and environmen-tal remediation)
文摘The seasonal dynamics of soil respiration in steppe (S. bungeana), desert shrub (A. ordosica), and shrubperennial (A. ordosica +C. komarovii) communities were investigated during the growth season (May to October) in 2006; their environmental driving factors were also analyzed. In the three communities, soil respiration showed similar characteristics in their growth seasons, with peak respiration values in July and August owing to suitable temperature and soil moisture conditions during this period. Meanwhile, changes in soil respiration were greatly influenced by temperatures and surface soil moistures. Soil water content at a depth of 0 to 10 cm was identified as the key environmental factor affecting the variation in soil respiration in the steppe. In contrast, in desert shrub and shrub-perennial communities, the dynamics of soil respiration was significantly influenced by air temperature. Similarly, the various responses of soil respiration to environmental factors may be attributed to the different soil textures and distribution patterns of plant roots. In desert ecosystems, precipitation results in soil respiration pulses. Soil carbon dioxide (CO2) effluxes greatly increased after rainfall rewetting in all of the ecosystems under study. However, the precipitation pulse effect differed across the ecosystem. We propose that this may be a result of a reverse effect from the soil texture.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.31170414)the 100 Talents Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences,and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No.XDA05060600)
文摘Soil respiration from decomposing aboveground litter is a major component of the terrestrial carbon cycle. However, variations in the contribution of aboveground litter to the total soil respiration for stands of varying ages are poorly understood. To assess soil respiration induced by aboveground litter, treatments of litter and no litter were applied to 5-, l0-, and 20-year-old stands of Populus davidiana Dode in the sandstorm source area of Beijing-Tianjin, equations were applied to China. Optimal nonlinear model the combined effects of soil temperature and soil water content on soil respiration. Results showed that the monthly average contribution of aboveground litter to total soil respiration were 18.46% ± 4.63%, 16.64% ± 9.31%, and 22.37% ± 8.17% for 5-, 10-, and ao-year-old stands, respectively. The relatively high contribution in 5- and 20-year-old stands could be attributed to easily decomposition products and high accumulated litter, resoectivelv. Also. it fluctuated monthly for all stand ages due to substrate availability caused by phenology and environmental factors. Litter removal significantly decreased soil respiration and soil water content for all stand ages (P 〈 0.05) but not soil temperature (P 〉 0.05). Variations of soil respiration could be explained by soil temperature at 5-cm depth using an exponential equation and by soil water content at lo-cm depth using a quadratic equation, whereas soil respiration was better modeled using the combined parameters of soil temperature and soil water content than with either soil temperature or soil water content alone. Temperature sensitivity (Q10) increased with stand age in both the litter and the no litter treatments. Considering the effects of aboveground litter, this study provides insights for predicting future soil carbon fluxes and for accurately assessing soil carbon budgets.