The objective of this paper is to implement "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the possible impact of land-use changes on nutrient yields from Song Cau watershed located in Northern Viet Nam. ...The objective of this paper is to implement "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the possible impact of land-use changes on nutrient yields from Song Cau watershed located in Northern Viet Nam. Organic nitrogen (N) as well as phosphorus (P) output due to nonpoint source erosion was estimated through SWAT. Parameters governing the mechanics of streamflow discharge, sediment yield, nitrogen, and phosphorus output in SWAT were calibrated in a distributed fashion. A five-year period of record for nutrient was used for model calibration, while a four-year period was used for model validation. Comparing measured versus simulated average monthly total N, and P loads for the calibration and validation periods; respectively, we found that SWAT model performed reasonably well for Song Cau watershed. Simulation results showed that monthly Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of Efficiency (NSE) ranged from 0.65 to 0.83, observation's standard deviation ratio (RSR) and percent bias (PBIAS) ranged from 0.41 to 0.58 and -36.12 to 2.78, respectively. Additionally, SWAT simulation results also showed that land-use changes caused significant percentage of changes in sediment yield, total N, and P loads within Song Cau watershed.展开更多
The performance on prediction by mathematical models which represent the conceived image of a system such as hydrology is oftentimes represented through calibration and verification processes. Oftentimes a best fit be...The performance on prediction by mathematical models which represent the conceived image of a system such as hydrology is oftentimes represented through calibration and verification processes. Oftentimes a best fit between observed and predicted flows is obtained through correlation coefficient (R2) and the Nash Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) by minimizing the average Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the observed versus simulated flows. However, these days, a new paradigm is emerging wherein accounting for the flow variability for the protection of freshwater biodiversity and maintenance of goods and services that rivers provide is paramount. Therefore, from an ecohydrology perspective, it is not clear if the existing method of model calibration meets the needs of the riverine ecosystem at its best. Thus, this study investigates and proposes a methodology using entropy theory to gage the calibration of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) from an ecohydrology perspective characterized by the natural flow-regime paradigm: Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration.展开更多
Non-point source(NPS) pollution has become a major source of water pollution. A combination of models would provide the necessary direction and approaches designed to control NPS pollution through land use planning. I...Non-point source(NPS) pollution has become a major source of water pollution. A combination of models would provide the necessary direction and approaches designed to control NPS pollution through land use planning. In this study, NPS pollution load was simulated in urban planning, historic trends and ecological protection land use scenarios based on the Conversion of Land Use and its Effect at Small regional extent(CLUE-S) and Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) models applied to Hunhe-Taizi River Watershed, Liaoning Province, China. Total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) were chosen as NPS pollution indices. The results of models validation showed that CLUE-S and SWAT models were suitable in the study area. NPS pollution mainly came from dry farmland, paddy, rural and urban areas. The spatial distribution of TN and TP exhibited the same trend in 57 sub-catchments. The TN and TP had the highest NPS pollution load in the western and central plains, which concentrated the urban area and farm land. The NPS pollution load would increase in the urban planning and historic trends scenarios, and would be even higher in the urban planning scenario. However, the NPS pollution load decreased in the ecological protection scenario. The differences observed in the three scenarios indicated that land use had a degree of impact on NPS pollution, which showed that scientific and ecologically sound construction could effectively reduce the NPS pollution load in a watershed. This study provides a scientific method for conducting NPS pollution research at the watershed scale, a scientific basis for non-point source pollution control, and a reference for related policy making.展开更多
Hydrological modeling plays a crucial role in efficiently managing water resources and understanding the hydrologic behavior of watersheds. This study aims to simulate daily streamflow in the Godavari River Basin in M...Hydrological modeling plays a crucial role in efficiently managing water resources and understanding the hydrologic behavior of watersheds. This study aims to simulate daily streamflow in the Godavari River Basin in Maharashtra using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). SWAT is a process-based hydrological model used to predict water balance components, sediment levels, and nutrient contamination. In this research, we used integrated remote sensing and GIS data, including Digital Elevation Models (DEM), land use and land cover (LULC) maps, soil maps, and observed precipitation and temperature data, as input for developing the SWAT model to assess surface runoff in this large river basin. The Godavari River Basin under study was divided into 25 sub-basins, comprising 151 hydrological response units categorized by unique land cover, soil, and slope characteristics using the SWAT model. The model was calibrated and validated against observed runoff data for two time periods: 2003-2006 and 2007-2010 respectively. Model performance was assessed using the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and the coefficient of determination (R2). The results show the effectiveness of the SWAT2012 model, with R2 value of 0.84 during calibration and 0.86 during validation. NSE values also ranged from 0.84 during calibration to 0.85 during validation. These findings enhance our understanding of surface runoff dynamics in the Godavari River Basin under study and highlight the suit-ability of the SWAT model for this region.展开更多
The hydrological processes of mountainous watersheds in inland river basins are complicated.It is absolutely significant to quantify mountainous runoff for social,economic and ecological purposes.This paper takes the ...The hydrological processes of mountainous watersheds in inland river basins are complicated.It is absolutely significant to quantify mountainous runoff for social,economic and ecological purposes.This paper takes the mountainous watershed of the Heihe Mainstream River as a study area to simulate the hydrological processes of mountainous watersheds in inland river basins by using the soil and water assessment tool(SWAT)model.SWAT simulation results show that both the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency and the determination coefficient values of the calibration period(January 1995 to December 2002)and validation period(January 2002 to December 2009)are higher than 0.90,and the percent bias is controlled within±5%,indicating that the simulation results are satisfactory.According to the SWAT performance,we discussed the yearly and monthly variation trends of the mountainous runoff and the runoff components.The results show that from 1996 to 2009,an indistinctive rising trend was observed for the yearly mountainous runoff,which is mainly recharged by lateral flow,and followed by shallow groundwater runoff and surface runoff.The monthly variation demonstrates that the mountainous runoff decreases slightly from May to July,contrary to other months.The mountainous runoff is mainly recharged by shallow groundwater runoff in January,February,and from October to December,by surface runoff in March and April,and by lateral flow from May to September.展开更多
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT)is widely used to relate farm management practices to their impacts on surface waters at the watershed scale,yet its smallest spatial unit is not generally defined by physically...The Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT)is widely used to relate farm management practices to their impacts on surface waters at the watershed scale,yet its smallest spatial unit is not generally defined by physically meaningful boundaries.The hydrologic response unit(HRU)is the smallest spatial unit of the model,and the standard HRU definition approach lumps all similar land uses,soils,and slopes within a subbasin based upon user-defined thresholds.This standard method provides an efficient way to discretize large watersheds where simulation at the field scale may not be computationally feasible.In relatively smaller watersheds,however,defining HRUs to specific spatial locations bounded by property lines or field borders would often be advantageous,yet this is not currently possible within the ArcSWAT interface.In this study,a simple approach is demonstrated that defines HRUs by field boundaries through addition of uniquely named soils to the SWAT user soil database and creation of a field boundary layer with majority land use and soil attributes.Predictions of nitrogen,phosphorus,and sediment losses were compared in a case study watershed where SWAT was set up using both the standard HRU definition and field boundary approach.Watershed-scale results were reasonable and similar for both methods,but aggregating fields by majority soil type masked extremely high soil erosion predicted for a few soils.Results from field-based HRU delineation may be quite different from the standard approach due to choosing a majority soil type in each farm field.This approach is flexible such that any land use and soil data prepared for SWAT can be used and any shapefile boundary can divide HRUs.展开更多
Interactions between surface water and groundwater are dynamic and complex in large endorheic river watersheds in Northwest China due to the influence of both irrigation practices and the local terrain. These interact...Interactions between surface water and groundwater are dynamic and complex in large endorheic river watersheds in Northwest China due to the influence of both irrigation practices and the local terrain. These interactions interchange numerous times throughout the middle reaches, making streamflow simulation a challenge in endorheic river watersheds. In this study, we modified the linear-reservoir groundwater module in SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tools, a widely used hydrological model) with a new nonlinear relationship to better represent groundwater processes; we then applied the original SWAT and modified SWAT to the Heihe River Watershed, the second largest endorheic river watershed in Northwest China, to simulate streamflow. After calibrating both the original SWAT model and the modified SWAT model, we analyzed model performance during two periods: an irrigation period and a non-irrigation period. Our results show that the modified SWAT model with the nonlinear groundwater module performed significantly better during both the irrigation and non-irrigation periods. Moreover, after comparing different runoff components simulated by the two models, the results show that, after the implementation of the new nonlinear groundwater module in SWAT, proportions of runoff components changed-and the groundwater flow had significantly increased, dominating the discharge season. Therefore, SWAT coupled with the non-linear groundwater module represents the complex hydrological process in the study area more realistically. Moreover, the results for various runoff components simulated by the modified SWAT models can be used to describe the hydrological characteristics of lowland areas. This indicates that the modified SWAT model is applicable to simulate complex hydrological process of arid endorheic rivers.展开更多
The Ganga River, the longest river in India, is stressed by extreme anthropogenic activity and climate change, particularly in the Varanasi region. Anticipated climate changes and an expanding populace are expected to...The Ganga River, the longest river in India, is stressed by extreme anthropogenic activity and climate change, particularly in the Varanasi region. Anticipated climate changes and an expanding populace are expected to further impede the efficient use of water. In this study, hydrological modeling was applied to Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) modeling in the Ganga catchment, over a region of 15 621.612 km2 in the southern part of Uttar Pradesh. The primary goals of this study are: ① To test the execution and applicability of the SWAT model in anticipating runoff and sediment yield; and ② to compare and determine the best calibration algorithm among three popular algorithms-sequential uncertainty fitting version 2 (SUFI-2), the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE), and par-allel solution (ParaSol). The input data used in the SWAT were the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM), Landsat-8 satellite imagery, soil data, and daily meteorological data. The watershed of the study area was delineated into 46 sub-watersheds, and a land use/land cover (LULC) map and soil map were used to create hydrological response units (HRUs). Models utilizing SUFI- 2, GLUE, and ParaSol methods were constructed, and these algorithms were compared based on five cat-egories: their objective functions, the concepts used, their performances, the values of P-factors, and the values of R-factors. As a result, it was observed that SUFI-2 is a better performer than the other two algo-rithms for use in calibrating Indian watersheds, as this method requires fewer runs for a computational model and yields the best results among the three algorithms. ParaSol is the worst performer among the three algorithms. After calibrating using SUFI-2, five parameters including the effective channel hydraulic conductivity (CH_K2), the universal soil-loss equation (USLE) support parameter (USLE_P), Manning's n value for the main channel (CH_N2), the surface runoff lag time (SURLAG), and the available water capac-ity of the soil layer (SOL_AWC) were observed to be the most sensitive parameters for modeling the pre-sent watershed. It was also found that the maximum runoff occurred in sub-watershed number 40 (SW#40), while the maximum sediment yield was 50 t.a ^1 for SW#36, which comprised barren land. The average evapotranspiration for the basin was 411.55 mm.a ^1. The calibrated model can be utilized in future to facilitate investigation of the impacts of LULC, climate change, and soil erosion.展开更多
Although many sensitivity analyses using the soil and water assessment tool(SWAT) in a complex watershed have been conducted, little attention has been paid to the application potential of the model in unique plots. I...Although many sensitivity analyses using the soil and water assessment tool(SWAT) in a complex watershed have been conducted, little attention has been paid to the application potential of the model in unique plots. In addition, sensitivity analysis of percolation and evapotranspiration with SWAT has seldom been undertaken. In this study, SWAT99.2 was calibrated to simulate water balance components for unique plots in Southern China from 2000 to 2001, which included surface runoff, percolation, and evapotranspiration. Twenty-one parameters classified into four categories, including meteorological conditions, topographical characteristics, soil properties, and vegetation attributes, were used for sensitivity analysis through one-at-a-time(OAT) sampling to identify the factor that contributed most to the variance in water balance components. The results were shown to be different for different plots, with parameter sensitivity indices and ranks varying for different water balance components. Water balance components in the broad-leaved forest and natural grass plots were most sensitive to meteorological conditions, less sensitive to vegetation attributes and soil properties, and least sensitive to topographical characteristics. Compared to those in the natural grass plot, water balance components in the broad-leaved forest plot demonstrated higher sensitivity to the maximum stomatal conductance(GSI) and maximum leaf area index(BLAI).展开更多
The relation between runoff and sediment and land cover is investigated in the Cedar Creek Watershed (CCW), located in Northeastern Indiana, United States. The major land cover types in this watershed are cultivated...The relation between runoff and sediment and land cover is investigated in the Cedar Creek Watershed (CCW), located in Northeastern Indiana, United States. The major land cover types in this watershed are cultivated land, woodland and pasture /Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which account for approximate 90 % of the total area in the region. Moreover, land use was changed tremendously from aooo to 9004, even without regarding the effect of the crop rotation system (corn & soybean). At least 49 % of land cover types were changed into other types in this period. The land cover types, ranking by changing area from high to low series, are rye, soybean, corn, woodland and pasture/CRP. The CCW is divided into 21 subwatersheds, and soil and water loss in each sub-watershed is computed by using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The results indicate that the variations in runoff and sediment have positive relation to the area of crops (especially corn and soybean); sediment is more sensitive to land cover changes than runoff; more heavy rainfall does not always mean more runoff because the combination of different land cover types always modify runoff coefficient; and rye, soybean and corn are the key land cover types, which affected the variation in runoff and sediment in the CCW.展开更多
Climate change predictions for the Pacific Northwest region of the United States of America include increasing temperatures, intensification of winter precipitation, and a shift from mixed snow/rain to rain-dominant e...Climate change predictions for the Pacific Northwest region of the United States of America include increasing temperatures, intensification of winter precipitation, and a shift from mixed snow/rain to rain-dominant events, all of which may increase the risk of soil erosion and threaten agricultural and ecological productivity. Here we used the agricultural/environmental model SWAT with climate predictions from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) “high CO2 emissions” scenario (RCP8.5) to study the impact of altered temperature and precipitation patterns on soil erosion and crop productivity in the Willamette River Basin of western Oregon. An ensemble of 10 climate models representing the full range in temperature and precipitation predictions of CIMP5 produced substantial increases in sediment yield, with differences between yearly averages for the final (2090-2099) and first (2010-2019) decades ranging from 3.9 to 15.2 MT·ha-1 among models. Sediment yield in the worst case model (CanESM2) corresponded to loss of 1.5 - 2.7 mm·soil·y-1, equivalent to potentially stripping productive topsoil from the landscape in under two centuries. Most climate models predicted only small increases in precipitation (an average of 5.8% by the end of the 21st century) combined with large increases in temperature (an average of 0.05°C·y-1). We found a strong correlation between predicted temperature increases and sediment yield, with a regression model combining both temperature and precipitation effects describing 79% of the total variation in annual sediment yield. A critical component of response to increased temperature was reduced snowfall during high precipitation events in the wintertime. SWAT characterized years with less than basin-wide averages of 20 mm of precipitation falling as snow as likely to experience severe sediment loss for multiple crops/land uses. Mid-elevation sub-basins that are projected to shift from rain-snow transition to rain-dominant appear particularly vulnerable to sediment loss. Analyses of predicted crop yields indicated declining productivity for many commonly grown grass seed and cereal crops, along with increasing productivity for certain other crops. Adaptation by agriculture and forestry to warmer, more erosive conditions may include changes in selection of crop kinds and in production management practices.展开更多
Abstract: Excess of organic matter and nutrients in water promotes eutrophication process observed in the Ardila River. It was classified as much polluted being critical for Alqueva-Pedrogāo System. The aim of this ...Abstract: Excess of organic matter and nutrients in water promotes eutrophication process observed in the Ardila River. It was classified as much polluted being critical for Alqueva-Pedrogāo System. The aim of this study was to estimate the transported nutrients loads in a transboundary watershed using the SWAT (soil and water assessment tool) model and to determine the contribution of nutrients load in the entire watershed. Ardila watershed is about 3,711 km^2 extended from Spain (78%) to the eastern part of Portugal (22%). It was discretized into 32 sub-basins using automated delineation routine, and 174 hydrologic response units. Monthly average meteorological data (from 1947 to 1998) were used to generate daily values through the weather generator Model incorporated in SWAT. Real daily precipitation (from 1931 to 2003) was introduced. The model was calibrated and verified for flow (from 1950 to 2000) and nutrients (from 1981 to 1999). Model performance was evaluated using statistical parameters, such as NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency) and root mean square error (R2). Calibration and verification flow results showed a satisfactory agreement between simulated and measured monthly date from 1962 to 1972 (NSE = 0.8; R^2 = 0.9). The results showed that the most important diffuse pollution comes from the two the main tributary (Spain). The estimated nitrogen and phosphorous loads contribution per year was respectively 72% and 59% in Spain and 28% and 41% in Portugal. The SWAT model was revealed to be a useful tool for an integrated water management approach that might be improved taking into count the WFD (water framework directive).展开更多
To determine whether reforestation efforts in the denuded hills have significant impacts on hydrology in the Xinjiang River watershed, the authors examined eight land-cover scenarios to compare hydrologic responses an...To determine whether reforestation efforts in the denuded hills have significant impacts on hydrology in the Xinjiang River watershed, the authors examined eight land-cover scenarios to compare hydrologic responses and to provide a conceptual basis for restoration practices. The authors analyzed a 17-year time period using remote sensing to develop land-cover classification for the watershed. Climate, soil and terrain data for the watershed were used as input in the SWAT (soil and water analysis tool) to quantify and compare the impacts on hydrologic processes. The model was calibrated to a two-year record of stream discharge measurements. The results show significant increase in forest-cover on hills (13%). However, the hydrological response is not very significant considering the changes in forest-cover, the surface runoff and percolation ratios only changed by 2% and 1% over time. Installment of earthen irrigation ponds in the outlets of sub-basin with maximum runoff had provided the most significant hydrologic improvements and could provide irrigation water to increase crop yield on remaining cropland. The study will provide information to the local government to aid decision-making in sustainable reforestation programs resulting in better hydrologic functioning for sustainable water resource management.展开更多
Understanding the impact of climate change on water resources is important for developing regional adaptive water management strategies. This study investigated the impact of climate change on water resources in the Y...Understanding the impact of climate change on water resources is important for developing regional adaptive water management strategies. This study investigated the impact of climate change on water resources in the Yarmouk River Basin(YRB) of Jordan by analyzing the historical trends and future projections of temperature, precipitation, and streamflow. Simple linear regression was used to analyze temperature and precipitation trends from 1989 to 2017 at Irbid, Mafraq, and Samar stations. The Statistical Downscaling Model(SDSM) was applied to predict changes in temperature and precipitation from 2018 to 2100 under three Representative Concentration Pathway(RCP) scenarios(i.e., RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5), and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) was utilized to estimate their potential impact on streamflow at Addasiyia station. Analysis of data from 1989 to 2017 revealed that mean maximum and minimum temperatures increased at all stations, with average rises of 1.62℃ and 1.39℃, respectively. The precipitation trends varied across all stations, showing a significant increase at Mafraq station, an insignificant increase at Irbid station, and an insignificant decrease at Samar station. Historical analysis of streamflow data revealed a decreasing trend with a slope of –0.168. Significant increases in both mean minimum and mean maximum temperatures across all stations suggested that evaporation is the dominant process within the basin, leading to reduced streamflow. Under the RCP scenarios, projections indicated that mean maximum temperatures will increase by 0.32℃ to 1.52℃, while precipitation will decrease by 8.5% to 43.0% throughout the 21st century. Future streamflow projections indicated reductions in streamflow ranging from 8.7% to 84.8% over the same period. The mathematical model results showed a 39.4% reduction in streamflow by 2050, nearly double the SWAT model's estimate under RCP8.5 scenario. This research provides novel insights into the regional impact of climate change on water resources, emphasizing the urgent need to address these environmental challenges to ensure a sustainable water supply in Jordan.展开更多
将SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型应用于库区大尺度流域的污染模拟研究,对其进行适用性评价及模拟应用分析。模型校验采用的是2002—2008年的水文月数据及水质水期数据,径流模拟效果最好,评价指标ENS(Nash-Suttclife Effi...将SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型应用于库区大尺度流域的污染模拟研究,对其进行适用性评价及模拟应用分析。模型校验采用的是2002—2008年的水文月数据及水质水期数据,径流模拟效果最好,评价指标ENS(Nash-Suttclife Efficiency)均在0.9以上;泥沙模拟评价指标ENS在0.46~0.9;营养盐模拟评价指标ENS个别出现了〈0.36的情况,但总体模拟效果满足要求。应用SWAT模型对库区降水与地表产流、产沙、营养盐负荷进行了研究。结果表明:库区地表产流与降水的相关性趋势最好;地表产沙与产流、降水的总体趋势一致,但偶尔出现4、5月份地表产沙先于产流出现峰值的情况,这可能是由于春耕对地表扰动后又逢较强降水引起的水土流失;营养盐污染负荷尤其是TP的峰值趋势与地表产流相比,更接近地表产沙趋势。本文还对库区不同土地利用类型的污染负荷做了分析,得到各类土地利用类型的年均污染负荷总量排序及单位面积污染负荷,再次验证了SWAT模型在三峡库区流域的适用性。根据分析结果,库区耕地为非点源污染产出的主要源头,可将耕地耕种措施转变及土地利用类型转换作为库区非点源污染削减的重要手段。展开更多
应用SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)分布式水文模型对汉江流域1971—2000年30年逐月径流进行了模拟。结果表明:模型模拟精度高于评价标准(模拟效率Ens>0.5,相关系数r2>0.6),SWAT模型适用于汉江流域的径流模拟;水量平衡各...应用SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)分布式水文模型对汉江流域1971—2000年30年逐月径流进行了模拟。结果表明:模型模拟精度高于评价标准(模拟效率Ens>0.5,相关系数r2>0.6),SWAT模型适用于汉江流域的径流模拟;水量平衡各要素中,30年月、年平均蒸散发量、地表径流量、土壤对地下水补给量、土壤含水变化量、地下水侧流量分别占降水量的55.97%、25.88%、17.64%、0.26%、0.25%,蒸散发是该流域水量的主要输出项;各月30年平均降水量变化趋势与地表径流量变化趋势较一致,而与基流量变化趋势一致性较差;30年流域降水量年变化趋势与地表径流量、基流量的变化趋势较一致;30年月、年地表径流量对降水的响应程度高于基流。展开更多
生态环境问题受到了日益广泛的关注,生态恢复也在各地蓬勃开展,但生态恢复工程的开展迫切需要相关理论研究的指导。采用假定生态恢复情景的方法,在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,利用分布式水文模型SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)...生态环境问题受到了日益广泛的关注,生态恢复也在各地蓬勃开展,但生态恢复工程的开展迫切需要相关理论研究的指导。采用假定生态恢复情景的方法,在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,利用分布式水文模型SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)对陇西黄土高原的典型流域——华家岭南河流域进行了多种生态恢复情景模型的设计,并模拟了不同生态恢复情景下径流和蒸散发的响应情况。得出:在南河流域草地比森林植被涵养水源的作用更强,模拟年均径流深比林地低9.1%,而蒸散发却高2.2%,所以南河流域生态恢复过程中种草是十分必要的。结果同时表明,应用SWAT模型进行流域尺度的生态恢复水文响应研究是可行高效的。展开更多
文摘The objective of this paper is to implement "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the possible impact of land-use changes on nutrient yields from Song Cau watershed located in Northern Viet Nam. Organic nitrogen (N) as well as phosphorus (P) output due to nonpoint source erosion was estimated through SWAT. Parameters governing the mechanics of streamflow discharge, sediment yield, nitrogen, and phosphorus output in SWAT were calibrated in a distributed fashion. A five-year period of record for nutrient was used for model calibration, while a four-year period was used for model validation. Comparing measured versus simulated average monthly total N, and P loads for the calibration and validation periods; respectively, we found that SWAT model performed reasonably well for Song Cau watershed. Simulation results showed that monthly Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of Efficiency (NSE) ranged from 0.65 to 0.83, observation's standard deviation ratio (RSR) and percent bias (PBIAS) ranged from 0.41 to 0.58 and -36.12 to 2.78, respectively. Additionally, SWAT simulation results also showed that land-use changes caused significant percentage of changes in sediment yield, total N, and P loads within Song Cau watershed.
文摘The performance on prediction by mathematical models which represent the conceived image of a system such as hydrology is oftentimes represented through calibration and verification processes. Oftentimes a best fit between observed and predicted flows is obtained through correlation coefficient (R2) and the Nash Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) by minimizing the average Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the observed versus simulated flows. However, these days, a new paradigm is emerging wherein accounting for the flow variability for the protection of freshwater biodiversity and maintenance of goods and services that rivers provide is paramount. Therefore, from an ecohydrology perspective, it is not clear if the existing method of model calibration meets the needs of the riverine ecosystem at its best. Thus, this study investigates and proposes a methodology using entropy theory to gage the calibration of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) from an ecohydrology perspective characterized by the natural flow-regime paradigm: Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration.
基金Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41171155,40801069)National Science and Technology Major Project of China:Water Pollution Control and Governance(No.2012ZX07505-003)
文摘Non-point source(NPS) pollution has become a major source of water pollution. A combination of models would provide the necessary direction and approaches designed to control NPS pollution through land use planning. In this study, NPS pollution load was simulated in urban planning, historic trends and ecological protection land use scenarios based on the Conversion of Land Use and its Effect at Small regional extent(CLUE-S) and Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) models applied to Hunhe-Taizi River Watershed, Liaoning Province, China. Total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) were chosen as NPS pollution indices. The results of models validation showed that CLUE-S and SWAT models were suitable in the study area. NPS pollution mainly came from dry farmland, paddy, rural and urban areas. The spatial distribution of TN and TP exhibited the same trend in 57 sub-catchments. The TN and TP had the highest NPS pollution load in the western and central plains, which concentrated the urban area and farm land. The NPS pollution load would increase in the urban planning and historic trends scenarios, and would be even higher in the urban planning scenario. However, the NPS pollution load decreased in the ecological protection scenario. The differences observed in the three scenarios indicated that land use had a degree of impact on NPS pollution, which showed that scientific and ecologically sound construction could effectively reduce the NPS pollution load in a watershed. This study provides a scientific method for conducting NPS pollution research at the watershed scale, a scientific basis for non-point source pollution control, and a reference for related policy making.
文摘Hydrological modeling plays a crucial role in efficiently managing water resources and understanding the hydrologic behavior of watersheds. This study aims to simulate daily streamflow in the Godavari River Basin in Maharashtra using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). SWAT is a process-based hydrological model used to predict water balance components, sediment levels, and nutrient contamination. In this research, we used integrated remote sensing and GIS data, including Digital Elevation Models (DEM), land use and land cover (LULC) maps, soil maps, and observed precipitation and temperature data, as input for developing the SWAT model to assess surface runoff in this large river basin. The Godavari River Basin under study was divided into 25 sub-basins, comprising 151 hydrological response units categorized by unique land cover, soil, and slope characteristics using the SWAT model. The model was calibrated and validated against observed runoff data for two time periods: 2003-2006 and 2007-2010 respectively. Model performance was assessed using the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and the coefficient of determination (R2). The results show the effectiveness of the SWAT2012 model, with R2 value of 0.84 during calibration and 0.86 during validation. NSE values also ranged from 0.84 during calibration to 0.85 during validation. These findings enhance our understanding of surface runoff dynamics in the Godavari River Basin under study and highlight the suit-ability of the SWAT model for this region.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41240002,91125025,91225302,Y211121001)the National Science and Technology Support Projects(2011BAC07B05)
文摘The hydrological processes of mountainous watersheds in inland river basins are complicated.It is absolutely significant to quantify mountainous runoff for social,economic and ecological purposes.This paper takes the mountainous watershed of the Heihe Mainstream River as a study area to simulate the hydrological processes of mountainous watersheds in inland river basins by using the soil and water assessment tool(SWAT)model.SWAT simulation results show that both the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency and the determination coefficient values of the calibration period(January 1995 to December 2002)and validation period(January 2002 to December 2009)are higher than 0.90,and the percent bias is controlled within±5%,indicating that the simulation results are satisfactory.According to the SWAT performance,we discussed the yearly and monthly variation trends of the mountainous runoff and the runoff components.The results show that from 1996 to 2009,an indistinctive rising trend was observed for the yearly mountainous runoff,which is mainly recharged by lateral flow,and followed by shallow groundwater runoff and surface runoff.The monthly variation demonstrates that the mountainous runoff decreases slightly from May to July,contrary to other months.The mountainous runoff is mainly recharged by shallow groundwater runoff in January,February,and from October to December,by surface runoff in March and April,and by lateral flow from May to September.
基金Primary funding for this work came from a USDA NRCS Conservation Innovation GrantThis work was also partially funded by the University of Michigan Graham Sustainability Instituteby the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative(administered by USEPA)through a NOAA-GLERL SOAR project.
文摘The Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT)is widely used to relate farm management practices to their impacts on surface waters at the watershed scale,yet its smallest spatial unit is not generally defined by physically meaningful boundaries.The hydrologic response unit(HRU)is the smallest spatial unit of the model,and the standard HRU definition approach lumps all similar land uses,soils,and slopes within a subbasin based upon user-defined thresholds.This standard method provides an efficient way to discretize large watersheds where simulation at the field scale may not be computationally feasible.In relatively smaller watersheds,however,defining HRUs to specific spatial locations bounded by property lines or field borders would often be advantageous,yet this is not currently possible within the ArcSWAT interface.In this study,a simple approach is demonstrated that defines HRUs by field boundaries through addition of uniquely named soils to the SWAT user soil database and creation of a field boundary layer with majority land use and soil attributes.Predictions of nitrogen,phosphorus,and sediment losses were compared in a case study watershed where SWAT was set up using both the standard HRU definition and field boundary approach.Watershed-scale results were reasonable and similar for both methods,but aggregating fields by majority soil type masked extremely high soil erosion predicted for a few soils.Results from field-based HRU delineation may be quite different from the standard approach due to choosing a majority soil type in each farm field.This approach is flexible such that any land use and soil data prepared for SWAT can be used and any shapefile boundary can divide HRUs.
基金Under the auspices of Natural Science Foundation of Qinghai Province(No.2017-ZJ-961Q)National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.91125010,41530752)Scherer Endowment Fund of Department of Geography,Western Michigan University
文摘Interactions between surface water and groundwater are dynamic and complex in large endorheic river watersheds in Northwest China due to the influence of both irrigation practices and the local terrain. These interactions interchange numerous times throughout the middle reaches, making streamflow simulation a challenge in endorheic river watersheds. In this study, we modified the linear-reservoir groundwater module in SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tools, a widely used hydrological model) with a new nonlinear relationship to better represent groundwater processes; we then applied the original SWAT and modified SWAT to the Heihe River Watershed, the second largest endorheic river watershed in Northwest China, to simulate streamflow. After calibrating both the original SWAT model and the modified SWAT model, we analyzed model performance during two periods: an irrigation period and a non-irrigation period. Our results show that the modified SWAT model with the nonlinear groundwater module performed significantly better during both the irrigation and non-irrigation periods. Moreover, after comparing different runoff components simulated by the two models, the results show that, after the implementation of the new nonlinear groundwater module in SWAT, proportions of runoff components changed-and the groundwater flow had significantly increased, dominating the discharge season. Therefore, SWAT coupled with the non-linear groundwater module represents the complex hydrological process in the study area more realistically. Moreover, the results for various runoff components simulated by the modified SWAT models can be used to describe the hydrological characteristics of lowland areas. This indicates that the modified SWAT model is applicable to simulate complex hydrological process of arid endorheic rivers.
文摘The Ganga River, the longest river in India, is stressed by extreme anthropogenic activity and climate change, particularly in the Varanasi region. Anticipated climate changes and an expanding populace are expected to further impede the efficient use of water. In this study, hydrological modeling was applied to Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) modeling in the Ganga catchment, over a region of 15 621.612 km2 in the southern part of Uttar Pradesh. The primary goals of this study are: ① To test the execution and applicability of the SWAT model in anticipating runoff and sediment yield; and ② to compare and determine the best calibration algorithm among three popular algorithms-sequential uncertainty fitting version 2 (SUFI-2), the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE), and par-allel solution (ParaSol). The input data used in the SWAT were the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM), Landsat-8 satellite imagery, soil data, and daily meteorological data. The watershed of the study area was delineated into 46 sub-watersheds, and a land use/land cover (LULC) map and soil map were used to create hydrological response units (HRUs). Models utilizing SUFI- 2, GLUE, and ParaSol methods were constructed, and these algorithms were compared based on five cat-egories: their objective functions, the concepts used, their performances, the values of P-factors, and the values of R-factors. As a result, it was observed that SUFI-2 is a better performer than the other two algo-rithms for use in calibrating Indian watersheds, as this method requires fewer runs for a computational model and yields the best results among the three algorithms. ParaSol is the worst performer among the three algorithms. After calibrating using SUFI-2, five parameters including the effective channel hydraulic conductivity (CH_K2), the universal soil-loss equation (USLE) support parameter (USLE_P), Manning's n value for the main channel (CH_N2), the surface runoff lag time (SURLAG), and the available water capac-ity of the soil layer (SOL_AWC) were observed to be the most sensitive parameters for modeling the pre-sent watershed. It was also found that the maximum runoff occurred in sub-watershed number 40 (SW#40), while the maximum sediment yield was 50 t.a ^1 for SW#36, which comprised barren land. The average evapotranspiration for the basin was 411.55 mm.a ^1. The calibrated model can be utilized in future to facilitate investigation of the impacts of LULC, climate change, and soil erosion.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grants No.51569007 and 41301289)the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi Province,China(Grant No.2015GXNSFCA139004)+1 种基金the Fund of the IRCK by UNESCO(Grant No.KDL201601)the Project of High Level Innovation Team and Outstanding Scholar in Guangxi Colleges and Universities(Grant No.002401013001)
文摘Although many sensitivity analyses using the soil and water assessment tool(SWAT) in a complex watershed have been conducted, little attention has been paid to the application potential of the model in unique plots. In addition, sensitivity analysis of percolation and evapotranspiration with SWAT has seldom been undertaken. In this study, SWAT99.2 was calibrated to simulate water balance components for unique plots in Southern China from 2000 to 2001, which included surface runoff, percolation, and evapotranspiration. Twenty-one parameters classified into four categories, including meteorological conditions, topographical characteristics, soil properties, and vegetation attributes, were used for sensitivity analysis through one-at-a-time(OAT) sampling to identify the factor that contributed most to the variance in water balance components. The results were shown to be different for different plots, with parameter sensitivity indices and ranks varying for different water balance components. Water balance components in the broad-leaved forest and natural grass plots were most sensitive to meteorological conditions, less sensitive to vegetation attributes and soil properties, and least sensitive to topographical characteristics. Compared to those in the natural grass plot, water balance components in the broad-leaved forest plot demonstrated higher sensitivity to the maximum stomatal conductance(GSI) and maximum leaf area index(BLAI).
文摘The relation between runoff and sediment and land cover is investigated in the Cedar Creek Watershed (CCW), located in Northeastern Indiana, United States. The major land cover types in this watershed are cultivated land, woodland and pasture /Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which account for approximate 90 % of the total area in the region. Moreover, land use was changed tremendously from aooo to 9004, even without regarding the effect of the crop rotation system (corn & soybean). At least 49 % of land cover types were changed into other types in this period. The land cover types, ranking by changing area from high to low series, are rye, soybean, corn, woodland and pasture/CRP. The CCW is divided into 21 subwatersheds, and soil and water loss in each sub-watershed is computed by using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The results indicate that the variations in runoff and sediment have positive relation to the area of crops (especially corn and soybean); sediment is more sensitive to land cover changes than runoff; more heavy rainfall does not always mean more runoff because the combination of different land cover types always modify runoff coefficient; and rye, soybean and corn are the key land cover types, which affected the variation in runoff and sediment in the CCW.
文摘Climate change predictions for the Pacific Northwest region of the United States of America include increasing temperatures, intensification of winter precipitation, and a shift from mixed snow/rain to rain-dominant events, all of which may increase the risk of soil erosion and threaten agricultural and ecological productivity. Here we used the agricultural/environmental model SWAT with climate predictions from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) “high CO2 emissions” scenario (RCP8.5) to study the impact of altered temperature and precipitation patterns on soil erosion and crop productivity in the Willamette River Basin of western Oregon. An ensemble of 10 climate models representing the full range in temperature and precipitation predictions of CIMP5 produced substantial increases in sediment yield, with differences between yearly averages for the final (2090-2099) and first (2010-2019) decades ranging from 3.9 to 15.2 MT·ha-1 among models. Sediment yield in the worst case model (CanESM2) corresponded to loss of 1.5 - 2.7 mm·soil·y-1, equivalent to potentially stripping productive topsoil from the landscape in under two centuries. Most climate models predicted only small increases in precipitation (an average of 5.8% by the end of the 21st century) combined with large increases in temperature (an average of 0.05°C·y-1). We found a strong correlation between predicted temperature increases and sediment yield, with a regression model combining both temperature and precipitation effects describing 79% of the total variation in annual sediment yield. A critical component of response to increased temperature was reduced snowfall during high precipitation events in the wintertime. SWAT characterized years with less than basin-wide averages of 20 mm of precipitation falling as snow as likely to experience severe sediment loss for multiple crops/land uses. Mid-elevation sub-basins that are projected to shift from rain-snow transition to rain-dominant appear particularly vulnerable to sediment loss. Analyses of predicted crop yields indicated declining productivity for many commonly grown grass seed and cereal crops, along with increasing productivity for certain other crops. Adaptation by agriculture and forestry to warmer, more erosive conditions may include changes in selection of crop kinds and in production management practices.
文摘Abstract: Excess of organic matter and nutrients in water promotes eutrophication process observed in the Ardila River. It was classified as much polluted being critical for Alqueva-Pedrogāo System. The aim of this study was to estimate the transported nutrients loads in a transboundary watershed using the SWAT (soil and water assessment tool) model and to determine the contribution of nutrients load in the entire watershed. Ardila watershed is about 3,711 km^2 extended from Spain (78%) to the eastern part of Portugal (22%). It was discretized into 32 sub-basins using automated delineation routine, and 174 hydrologic response units. Monthly average meteorological data (from 1947 to 1998) were used to generate daily values through the weather generator Model incorporated in SWAT. Real daily precipitation (from 1931 to 2003) was introduced. The model was calibrated and verified for flow (from 1950 to 2000) and nutrients (from 1981 to 1999). Model performance was evaluated using statistical parameters, such as NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency) and root mean square error (R2). Calibration and verification flow results showed a satisfactory agreement between simulated and measured monthly date from 1962 to 1972 (NSE = 0.8; R^2 = 0.9). The results showed that the most important diffuse pollution comes from the two the main tributary (Spain). The estimated nitrogen and phosphorous loads contribution per year was respectively 72% and 59% in Spain and 28% and 41% in Portugal. The SWAT model was revealed to be a useful tool for an integrated water management approach that might be improved taking into count the WFD (water framework directive).
文摘To determine whether reforestation efforts in the denuded hills have significant impacts on hydrology in the Xinjiang River watershed, the authors examined eight land-cover scenarios to compare hydrologic responses and to provide a conceptual basis for restoration practices. The authors analyzed a 17-year time period using remote sensing to develop land-cover classification for the watershed. Climate, soil and terrain data for the watershed were used as input in the SWAT (soil and water analysis tool) to quantify and compare the impacts on hydrologic processes. The model was calibrated to a two-year record of stream discharge measurements. The results show significant increase in forest-cover on hills (13%). However, the hydrological response is not very significant considering the changes in forest-cover, the surface runoff and percolation ratios only changed by 2% and 1% over time. Installment of earthen irrigation ponds in the outlets of sub-basin with maximum runoff had provided the most significant hydrologic improvements and could provide irrigation water to increase crop yield on remaining cropland. The study will provide information to the local government to aid decision-making in sustainable reforestation programs resulting in better hydrologic functioning for sustainable water resource management.
文摘Understanding the impact of climate change on water resources is important for developing regional adaptive water management strategies. This study investigated the impact of climate change on water resources in the Yarmouk River Basin(YRB) of Jordan by analyzing the historical trends and future projections of temperature, precipitation, and streamflow. Simple linear regression was used to analyze temperature and precipitation trends from 1989 to 2017 at Irbid, Mafraq, and Samar stations. The Statistical Downscaling Model(SDSM) was applied to predict changes in temperature and precipitation from 2018 to 2100 under three Representative Concentration Pathway(RCP) scenarios(i.e., RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5), and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) was utilized to estimate their potential impact on streamflow at Addasiyia station. Analysis of data from 1989 to 2017 revealed that mean maximum and minimum temperatures increased at all stations, with average rises of 1.62℃ and 1.39℃, respectively. The precipitation trends varied across all stations, showing a significant increase at Mafraq station, an insignificant increase at Irbid station, and an insignificant decrease at Samar station. Historical analysis of streamflow data revealed a decreasing trend with a slope of –0.168. Significant increases in both mean minimum and mean maximum temperatures across all stations suggested that evaporation is the dominant process within the basin, leading to reduced streamflow. Under the RCP scenarios, projections indicated that mean maximum temperatures will increase by 0.32℃ to 1.52℃, while precipitation will decrease by 8.5% to 43.0% throughout the 21st century. Future streamflow projections indicated reductions in streamflow ranging from 8.7% to 84.8% over the same period. The mathematical model results showed a 39.4% reduction in streamflow by 2050, nearly double the SWAT model's estimate under RCP8.5 scenario. This research provides novel insights into the regional impact of climate change on water resources, emphasizing the urgent need to address these environmental challenges to ensure a sustainable water supply in Jordan.
文摘将SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型应用于库区大尺度流域的污染模拟研究,对其进行适用性评价及模拟应用分析。模型校验采用的是2002—2008年的水文月数据及水质水期数据,径流模拟效果最好,评价指标ENS(Nash-Suttclife Efficiency)均在0.9以上;泥沙模拟评价指标ENS在0.46~0.9;营养盐模拟评价指标ENS个别出现了〈0.36的情况,但总体模拟效果满足要求。应用SWAT模型对库区降水与地表产流、产沙、营养盐负荷进行了研究。结果表明:库区地表产流与降水的相关性趋势最好;地表产沙与产流、降水的总体趋势一致,但偶尔出现4、5月份地表产沙先于产流出现峰值的情况,这可能是由于春耕对地表扰动后又逢较强降水引起的水土流失;营养盐污染负荷尤其是TP的峰值趋势与地表产流相比,更接近地表产沙趋势。本文还对库区不同土地利用类型的污染负荷做了分析,得到各类土地利用类型的年均污染负荷总量排序及单位面积污染负荷,再次验证了SWAT模型在三峡库区流域的适用性。根据分析结果,库区耕地为非点源污染产出的主要源头,可将耕地耕种措施转变及土地利用类型转换作为库区非点源污染削减的重要手段。
文摘应用SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)分布式水文模型对汉江流域1971—2000年30年逐月径流进行了模拟。结果表明:模型模拟精度高于评价标准(模拟效率Ens>0.5,相关系数r2>0.6),SWAT模型适用于汉江流域的径流模拟;水量平衡各要素中,30年月、年平均蒸散发量、地表径流量、土壤对地下水补给量、土壤含水变化量、地下水侧流量分别占降水量的55.97%、25.88%、17.64%、0.26%、0.25%,蒸散发是该流域水量的主要输出项;各月30年平均降水量变化趋势与地表径流量变化趋势较一致,而与基流量变化趋势一致性较差;30年流域降水量年变化趋势与地表径流量、基流量的变化趋势较一致;30年月、年地表径流量对降水的响应程度高于基流。
文摘生态环境问题受到了日益广泛的关注,生态恢复也在各地蓬勃开展,但生态恢复工程的开展迫切需要相关理论研究的指导。采用假定生态恢复情景的方法,在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,利用分布式水文模型SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)对陇西黄土高原的典型流域——华家岭南河流域进行了多种生态恢复情景模型的设计,并模拟了不同生态恢复情景下径流和蒸散发的响应情况。得出:在南河流域草地比森林植被涵养水源的作用更强,模拟年均径流深比林地低9.1%,而蒸散发却高2.2%,所以南河流域生态恢复过程中种草是十分必要的。结果同时表明,应用SWAT模型进行流域尺度的生态恢复水文响应研究是可行高效的。