Mine tailings, waste rock piles, acid mine drainage, industrial wastewater, and sewage sludge have contaminated a vast area of cultivable and fallow lands, with a consequence of deterioration of soil and water quality...Mine tailings, waste rock piles, acid mine drainage, industrial wastewater, and sewage sludge have contaminated a vast area of cultivable and fallow lands, with a consequence of deterioration of soil and water quality and watercourses due to the erosion of contaminated soils for absence of vegetative cover. High concentrations of toxic elements, organic contaminants, acidic soils, and harsh climatic conditions have made it difficult to re-establish vegetation and produce crops there. Recently, a significant body of work has focussed on the suitability and potentiality of biochar as a soil remediation tool that increases seed emergence, soil and crop productivity, above ground biomass, and vegetation cover on mine tailings, waste rock piles, and industrial and sewage waste- contaminated soils by increasing soil nutrients and water-holding capacity, amelioration of soil acidity, and stimulation of microbial diversity and functions. This review addresses: i) the functional properties of biochar, and microbial cycling of nutrients in soil; ii) bioremediation, especially phytoremediation of mine railings, industrial waste, sewage sludge, and contaminated soil using biochar; iii) impact of biochar on reduction of acid production, acid mine drainage treatment, and geochemical dynamics in mine railings; and iv) treatment of metal and organic contaminants in soils using biochar, and restoration of degraded land.展开更多
Global industrialization over the past centuries has resulted in widespread contamination of the environment with organic and inorganic wastes and their pattern of disposal.The study aimed at isolating fungi from spen...Global industrialization over the past centuries has resulted in widespread contamination of the environment with organic and inorganic wastes and their pattern of disposal.The study aimed at isolating fungi from spent diesel contaminated soil around Ministry of Works in Aba,Abia State for biodegradation potentials on the soil properties.About four(4)fungal species were isolated from the five(5)sites using cultural and biochemical characteristics.The isolate was screened,and optical density measured using spectrophotometer.A total of 5 soil samples from each location(0-15 cm and 15-30 cm)were collected and homogenized to have composite sample.Samples were taken to the laboratory for analysis of soil physiochemical parameters,fungi count and biodegradable potential of the fungi using standard methods.Data obtained revealed that,physical property of the soil such as sand(85.20%±0.01%),silk(6.4%±0.01%)were lower than the control location except clay(17.39%±0.01%).Chemical properties revealed highest concentration of element such as pH(4.76±0.01),total nitrogen(0.18%±0.011%),total organic carbon(3.41±0.01),sodium(0.21±0.01),potassium(0.24±0.001),magnesium(4.41±0.015),calcium(5.21±0.015),organic matter(6.18±0.011),and available phosphorus(30.99±0.01).All elements in the study site were higher than the control site with an exception to sodium(Na),which was lower.Fungi isolate identified were Aspergillus niger,Trichoderma virdae,Aspergillus flavus,and Pencillum corylophlum.The degradation potential of fungi identified shows that consortium degraded 29%of diesel oil from the soil followed by A.flavus,T.virdae,A.niger and the least was T.corylophlum.The study concludes that despite indiscriminate disposal of spent diesel oil,the nutrient content was still higher than control and consortium performed well in degradation.展开更多
Heavy metals have been viewed as hazardous environmental pollutants, and anthropogenic activities due to their high toxicity and persistent nature in the environment. Anthropogenic activities such as artisanal mining,...Heavy metals have been viewed as hazardous environmental pollutants, and anthropogenic activities due to their high toxicity and persistent nature in the environment. Anthropogenic activities such as artisanal mining, industrial activities, improper usage of fertilizers and pesticides, and indiscriminate open waste disposal bring about an increase in the presence of heavy metals in the environment. In the Keffi Metropolis, different elements lead to land contamination which debilitates soil quality, plant survival, human well-being, and the environment as a result of extensive dispersion or quantity of heavy metals in the soil and water. In recent years, biochar has emerged as a promising soil amendment for mitigating heavy metal pollution due to its unique physicochemical properties. This paper provides the effects of softwood pellet biochar on the retention of heavy metals in contaminated soils. A microcosm experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of biochar on the retention of heavy metals in contaminated soils. This research aimed to give an overview of the effects of softwood biochar at different temperatures (550˚C and 700˚C) on the retention of heavy metals and metalloids released from the soil during water inundation. The results show that the addition of organic matter (grass chippings) minimizes heavy metal mobilization. Also, biochar at high temperatures is more effective than those at low temperatures. The expected outcome of the research analysis includes providing insights into the role of biochar in retaining heavy metal contamination and further understanding the use of biochar as a sorbent for the management of contaminated soil.展开更多
The effects of five amendments such as acetic acid(AA), citric acid (CA), ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), sepiolite and phosphogypsum on growth and metal uptake of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) grown o...The effects of five amendments such as acetic acid(AA), citric acid (CA), ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), sepiolite and phosphogypsum on growth and metal uptake of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) grown on soil contaminated by arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were studied. The results showed that the shoot biomass of giant reed was enhanced by 24.8% and 15.0%, while superoxide mutase and catalase activities slightly varied when adding 5.0 mmol/kg CA and 2.5 mol/kg EDTA to soil as compared to the control, respectively. The concentrations of As, Cd and Pb in shoots were remarkably increased by the addition of 2.5 mmol/kg AA and CA, 5.0 mmol/kg EDTA, and 4.0 g/kg sepiolite as compared to the control. The accumulations of As and Cd were also significantly enhanced in the above condition, while the shoot Pb accumulation was noticeably enhanced by amending with 4.0 g/kg sepiolite and 8.0 g/kg phosphogysum, respectively. The results suggested that AA, CA and sepiolite could be used as optimum soil amendments for giant reed remediation system.展开更多
[Objective] The aim was to study on in-situ elimination effect on heavy metals in soil of the mining area by ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.). [Methods] Based on Xiangzhu No.3 and Zhongzhu No.1, we conducted res...[Objective] The aim was to study on in-situ elimination effect on heavy metals in soil of the mining area by ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.). [Methods] Based on Xiangzhu No.3 and Zhongzhu No.1, we conducted research on heavy metals contents of plants growing in soil of Qibao Mountain orefield in Liuyang, Hunan Province, and on characteristics of enrichment and transfer of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn) under influence of the two ramie species. [Result] It was concluded that trend of Cu content in different parts of ramie was as follows: rootskinleafbone; trend of Pb was rootleafskinbone; trend of Cd was rootskinboneleaf; the trend of Zn was rootskinboneleaf. In farmland A (with low content of heavy metal), for per square meter of plough horizon, effect of Zhong 1 on heavy metals transferring volume and the period for restoration of the soil into national standard one (Category Ⅲ of Environmental Quality Standard for Soil) have been concluded. Specifically, for Cu, the corresponding values were 3 404.44 mg and 8.59 y, respectively; for Pb, the values were 3 638.5 mg and 13.52 y; for Cd, the values were 720.48 mg and 1.49 y; for Zn, the values were 37 324.8 mg and 0.67 y. [Conclusion] Soil contaminated by Cu, Pb, Cd, and Zn in orefield can be rapidly restored by growing ramie.展开更多
[Objective] To study the remediation efficiency of red mud on Pb, Zn and Cd in the heavy metal contaminated paddy soil of mine area, to clarify its remediation mechanism and fertilizer efficiency on heavy metal contam...[Objective] To study the remediation efficiency of red mud on Pb, Zn and Cd in the heavy metal contaminated paddy soil of mine area, to clarify its remediation mechanism and fertilizer efficiency on heavy metal contaminated soil. [Method] The soil incubation experiment was conducted to study the effect of red mud on the pH values and electrical conductivity (EC), and the remediation efficiency of red mud on lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) in heavy metal contaminated soil. [Result] Red mud addition reduced the content of exchangeable Pb, Zn and Cd in the soil significantly. Compared with the control, when incubated for 30, 60 and 90 d with the red mud dosage of 4% (W/W), the exchangeable Pb content was decreased by 39.25%, 41.38% and 50.19%; exchangeable Zn content was decreased by 49.26%, 57.32% and 47.16%; and exchangeable Cd content was decreased by 19.53%, 24.06% and 25.70%, respectively. The application of red mud had significant impact on the share of Pb, Zn and Cd contents in five forms, and different amounts of red mud application all reduced the proportion of exchangeable Pb, Zn and Cd to the total Pb, Zn and Cd. In addition, the proportion of exchangeable Pb, Zn and Cd to total Pb, Zn and Cd decreased with the increasing amount of red mud addition. [Conclusion] The study provided references for reasonable application of red mud and reduction of heavy metal pollution in paddy soil.展开更多
This study aimed to remediate in-situ leach mining contaminated soil by amendment-plant synergism. The results showed that plant species exhibited ex-tremely significant effects on the concentration of nitrate nitroge...This study aimed to remediate in-situ leach mining contaminated soil by amendment-plant synergism. The results showed that plant species exhibited ex-tremely significant effects on the concentration of nitrate nitrogen; to be specific, the concentration of nitrate nitrogen in soil planted with wheat was reduced from 692.19 mg/kg to lower than 100 mg/kg; when the mass ratio of amendment to soil reached 3:50 and the amendment particle size was 1-2 mm, the concentration of nitrate ni-trogen in soil planted with wheat was reduced to 43 mg/kg. The amendment type exhibited extremely significant effects on the concentration of ammonium nitrogen; to be specific, when the mass ratio of amendment to soil reached 10:50, the concen-tration of ammonium nitrogen in soil added with 2-3 mm zeolite was reduced from 23 593.75 to 3 300 mg/kg on day 15. Amendments and plants mainly exhibited desorption performance for sulfate radical in soil, and the amendment type extreme-ly significantly affected the concentration of sulfate radical; to be specific, the con-centration of sulfate radical in soil added with limestone increased from 370 mg/kg to 900 mg/kg on day 7.展开更多
Flax is an ideal crop for remedying soil contaminated by heavy metals. It has high tolerance to heavy metals and strong adsorption to heavy metals. Through properly using or adjusting external conditions such as regul...Flax is an ideal crop for remedying soil contaminated by heavy metals. It has high tolerance to heavy metals and strong adsorption to heavy metals. Through properly using or adjusting external conditions such as regulator, moisture, fertilizer, microorganisms, and pH value, it is able to improve ability of flax to absorb, trans- fer, and accumulate heavy metals. To improve the ability of flax in remediating heavy metal contaminated soil, it is recommended to strengthen cultivation of flax varieties and screening of germplasm resources, actively carry out studies on tech- nologies of fax remedying heavy metal contaminated soil, implement large-scale and mechanized planting of flax, and promote control of heavy metal contaminated soil.展开更多
Cement-based composite grouting materials were used to construct grouting cutoff wall for heavy metal contaminated soil in non-ferrous metal mining areas. Cement, fly ash, and slag as principal ingredients were mixed ...Cement-based composite grouting materials were used to construct grouting cutoff wall for heavy metal contaminated soil in non-ferrous metal mining areas. Cement, fly ash, and slag as principal ingredients were mixed with water glass in different ways to produce three composite grouting materials. In order to investigate the effect of water glass mixing ratio, Baume degree, fly ash and slag contents on the mechanical properties of the composite grouting materials, particularly their gel time and compressive strength, the beaker-to-beaker method of gel time test and unconfined compressive strength test were conducted. In addition, the phase composition and microstructure of the composite grouting materials were analyzed by the X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscope(SEM) techniques. The test results show that their gel time increases when water glass mixing ratio and Baume degree increase. The gel time increases dramatically when fly ash is added, but decreases slightly if fly ash is partly replaced by slag. When the mixing ratio of water glass is below 20%, their compressive strength increases with the increases of the ratio; when the ratio is above 20%, it significantly decreases. The compressive strength also tends to increase as Baume degree increases, and improves if fly ash and slag are added.展开更多
[Objective] The remediation effect of the plant to Cd-contaminated soil was studied. [Method] By taking simulation test and field test, the ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was planted, and the remediation effect of the...[Objective] The remediation effect of the plant to Cd-contaminated soil was studied. [Method] By taking simulation test and field test, the ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was planted, and the remediation effect of the plant to contaminated sites was studied. [Result] The ryegrass was planted in the eluotropic soil for 0-60 d, Cd content in the soil showed a rapid decreasing trend; after 60 d, the enrich- ment ability of the plant to Cd gradually weakened over time; after 75 d of phytore- mediation, the Cd content in the soil decreased greatly, and the remediation effi- ciency was 90.66%. [Conclusion] Ryegrass remediation technology had good reme- diation effect to Cd-contaminated soil.展开更多
[Objective] The research aimed to study the degradation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) in soil planted with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.),as well as to provide references for the Chlorophenols phytoremediation tech...[Objective] The research aimed to study the degradation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) in soil planted with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.),as well as to provide references for the Chlorophenols phytoremediation technology in the practical application.[Method] By the use of pot culture experiment in greenhouse,the phytoremediation effect of alfalfa on TCP-contaminated soil,the growth conditions of alfalfa,as well as the effect of TCP on the activity of soil polyphenol oxidase,dehydrogenase and catalase were studied.[Result] After the alfalfa was grown for 75 d,the TCP content in soil of three different concentrations treatments (low,middle and high) decreased dramatically within 15 d,and then the decreasing rate was gradually slow; on the 30^th d of cultivation,the fresh weight of treated alfalfa showed no significant difference with the control (P〈0.05),indicating that TCP in soil had inhibition effect on the growth of alfalfa; alfalfa could significantly enhance the activities of polyphenol oxidase,dehydrogenase and catalase,thus raising the degradation capability of soil plants and microorganisms on pollutants in soil.[Conclusion] There results indicated that alfalfa could enhance the degradation rate of organics in the contaminated soil and enhance soil enzyme activity,so the alfalfa could be used for the bioremediation of TCP contaminated soil.展开更多
To identify the main sources responsible for soil heavy metal contamination, 70 topsoils were sampled from the Daxing County in the urban-rural transition zone of Beijing. The concentrations of heavy metals Cu, Zn, Pb...To identify the main sources responsible for soil heavy metal contamination, 70 topsoils were sampled from the Daxing County in the urban-rural transition zone of Beijing. The concentrations of heavy metals Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cd, Ni, As, Se, Hg, and Co; the soil texture; and the organic matter content were determined for each soil sample. Descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used to analyze the data, and Kriging analysis was used to estimate the unobserved points and to map the spatial patterns of soil heavy metals. The results showed that the concentrations of all the soil heavy metals exceeded their background levels with the exception of As and Se. However, only the Cd concentration in some areas exceeded the critical value of the national soil quality standard. The semivariance analysis showed that the spatial correlation distances for soil Cu, Zn, Cr, Cd, As, Ni, and Co ranged from 4.0 to 7.0 km, but soil Se, Pb, and Hg had a larger correlation distance. Soil Co, Se, Cd, Cu and Zn showed a strong spatial correlation, whereas the other soil heavy metals showed medium spatial correlation. Soil heavy metal concentrations were related to soil texture, organic matter content, and the accumulation of heavy metals in the soils, which was because of air deposition and use of water from the Liangshui, Xinfeng, and Fenghe rivers that are contaminated by wastewater and sewage for the purpose of irrigation of fields. Hence, a comprehensive treatment plan for these rivers should be formulated.展开更多
This study focused on the changes of soil microbial diversity and potential inhibitory effects of heavy metals on soil enzymatic activities at different application rates of Cd and/or Pb. The soil used for experiments...This study focused on the changes of soil microbial diversity and potential inhibitory effects of heavy metals on soil enzymatic activities at different application rates of Cd and/or Pb. The soil used for experiments was collected from Beijing and classified as endoaquepts. Pots containing 500 g of the soil with different Cd and/or Pb application rates were incubated for a period of 0, 2, 9, 12 weeks in a glasshouse and the soil samples were analyzed for individual enzymes, including catalase, alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase, and the changes of microbial community structure. Results showed that heavy metals slightly inhibited the enzymatic activities in all the samples spiked with heavy metals. The extent of inhibition increased significantly with increasing level of heavy metals, and varied with the incubation periods. The soil bacterial community structure, as determined by polymerase chain reaction- denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis techniques, was different in the contaminated samples as compared to the control. The highest community change was observed in the samples amended with high level of Cd. Positive correlations were observed among the three enzymatic activities, but negative correlations were found between the amounts of the heavy metals and the enzymatic activities.展开更多
Soil samples from 4 defined city zones of Nanjing were randomly collected at 0-5 cm and 5-20 cm intervals and size fractions of soil particles were separated from undisturbed bulk soils by low energy dispersion proced...Soil samples from 4 defined city zones of Nanjing were randomly collected at 0-5 cm and 5-20 cm intervals and size fractions of soil particles were separated from undisturbed bulk soils by low energy dispersion procedure. The total contents of Cu and Pb in the different particle size fractions of the urban soils were analyzed by HNO3-HF-HClO4 digestion and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer determination. The total content of Cu and Pb in soil particle size fractions varied with their size and with city zones as well. Both the content and variation with the size fractions of Pb was bigger than of Cu supporting our previous finding that there was Pb pollution to different degrees in the urban soils although the two elements were generally enriched in clay-sized fraction. Contaminated Pb tended to be preferentially enriched in the size fraction of 2000-250 μm and clay-sized fraction. While the size fractions of the soils from newly developed and preserved area contained smaller amount of Cu and Pb, the partitioning of them in coarse and fine particle size fractions were insignificant compared to that from inner residence and commercial area. The very high Pb level over 150 mg/kg of the fine particle fractions from the soils of the inner city could be a cause of high blood Pb level reported of children from the city as acute exposure to Pb of fine particles of the urban soil might occur by soil ingestion and inhalation by young children. Thus, much attention should be paid to the partitioning of toxic metals in fine soil particles of the urban soils and countermeasures against high health risk of Pb exposure by soil ingestion and dust inhalation should be practiced against the health problem of blood Pb for young children from the cities.展开更多
Soil contamination in the vicinity of the Dabaoshan Mine, Guangdong Province, China, was studied through determi- nation of total concentrations and chemical speciation of the toxic metals, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb, using i...Soil contamination in the vicinity of the Dabaoshan Mine, Guangdong Province, China, was studied through determi- nation of total concentrations and chemical speciation of the toxic metals, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The results showed that over the past decades, the environmental pollution was caused by a combination of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb, with tailings and acid mine drainage being the main pollution sources affecting soils. Significantly higher levels (P ≤ 0.05) of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb were found in the tailings as compared with paddy, garden, and control soils, with averages of 1486, 2516, 6.42, and 429 mg kg^-1, respectively. These metals were continuously dispersed downstream from the tallings and waste waters, and therefore their concentrations in the paddy soils were as high as 567, 1 140, 2.48, and 191 mg kg^-1, respectively, being significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) as compared with those in the garden soils. The results of sequential extraction of the above metals from all the soil types showed that the residual fraction was the dominant form. However, the amounts of metals that were bound to Fe-Mn oxides and organic matter were relatively higher than those bound to carbonates or those that existed in exchangeable forms. As metals could be transformed from an inert state to an active state, the potential environmental risk due to these metals would increase with time.展开更多
This study reports the feasibility of remediation of a heavy metal (HM) contaminated soil using tartaric acid, an environmentally-friendly extractant. Batch experiments were performed to test the factors influencing...This study reports the feasibility of remediation of a heavy metal (HM) contaminated soil using tartaric acid, an environmentally-friendly extractant. Batch experiments were performed to test the factors influencing remediation of the HM contaminated soil. An empirical model was employed to describe the kinetics of riM dissolution/desorption and to predict equilibrium concentrations of HMs in soil leachate. The changes of HMs in different fractions before and after tartaric acid treatment were also investigated. Tartaric acid solution containing HMs was regenerated by chestnut shells. Results show that utilization of tartaric acid was effective for removal of riMs from the contaminated soil, attaining 50%-60% of Cd, 40%-50% of Pb, 40%-50% of Cu and 20%-30% of Zn in the pH range of 3.5-4.0 within 24 h. Mass transfer coefficients for cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were much higher than those for copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). Sequential fractionations of treated and untreated soil samples showed that tartaric acid was effective in removing the exchangeable, carbonate fractions of Cd, Zn and Cu from the contaminated soil. The contents of Pb and Cu in Fe-Mn oxide fraciton were also significantly decreased by tartaric acid treatment. One hundred milliliters of tartaric acid solution containing HMs could be regenerated by 10 g chestnut shells in a batch reactor. Such a remediation procedure indicated that tartaric acid is a promising agent for remediation of HM contaminated soils. However, further research is needed before the method can be practically used for in situ remediation of contaminated sites.展开更多
To screen out a series of ideal plants that can effectively remedy contaminated soils by heavy metals is the main groundwork of phytoremediation engineering and the first step of its commercial application on a large ...To screen out a series of ideal plants that can effectively remedy contaminated soils by heavy metals is the main groundwork of phytoremediation engineering and the first step of its commercial application on a large scale. In this study, accumulation and endurance of 45 weed species in 16 families from an agricultural site were in situ examined by using the pot-culture field experiment, and the remediation potential of some weed species with high accumulation of heavy metals was assayed. The results showed that Solanum nigrum and Conyza canadensis can not only accumulate high concentration of Cd, but also strongly endure to single Cd and Cd-Pb-Cu-Zn combined pollution. Thus 2 weed species can be regarded as good hyperaccumulators for the remediation of Cd-contaminated soils. Although there were high Cd-accumulation in Artemigia selengensis, Znula britannica and Cephalanoplos setosum, their biomass was adversely affected due to action of heavy metals in the soils. If the problem of low endurance to heavy metals can be solved by a reinforcer, 3 weed species can be perhaps applied commercially.展开更多
There is limited information on the release behavior of heavy metals fromnatural soils by organic acids. Thus, cadmium release, due to two organic acids (tartrate andcitrate) that are common in the rhizosphere, from s...There is limited information on the release behavior of heavy metals fromnatural soils by organic acids. Thus, cadmium release, due to two organic acids (tartrate andcitrate) that are common in the rhizosphere, from soils polluted by metal smeltersor tailings andsoils artificially contaminated by adding Cd were analyzed. The presence of tartrate or citrate at alow concentration (<= 6 mmol L^(-1) for tartrate and <= 0.5 mmol L^(-1) for citrate) inhibited Cdrelease, whereas the presence of organic acids in high concentrations (>= 2 mmol L^(-1) for citrateand >= 15 mmol L^(-1) for tartrate) apparently promoted Cd release. Under the same conditions, theCd release in naturally polluted soils was less than that of artificially contaminatedsoils.Additionally, as the initial pH rose from 2 to 8 in the presence of citrate, a sequentialvalley and then peak appeared in the Cd release curve, while in the presence of tartrate the Cdrelease steadily decreased. In addition, Cd release was clearly enhanced as the electrolyteconcentration of KNO_3 or KC1 increased in the presence of 2 mmol L^(-1) tartrate. Moreover, ahigher desorption of Cd was shown with the KCl electrolyte compared to KNO_3 for the sameconcentration levels. This implied that the bioavailability of heavy metals could be promoted withthe addition of suitable types and concentrations of organic acids as well as reasonable fieldconditions.展开更多
Total concentrations of arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, chromium, and copper in the soils from near a coal mine area in southwest Guizhou, China, were measured to evaluate the level of contamination, and the ...Total concentrations of arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, chromium, and copper in the soils from near a coal mine area in southwest Guizhou, China, were measured to evaluate the level of contamination, and the potential ecological risks posed by the heavy metals were quantitatively estimated. Results reveal that all heavy metals/metalloid exceeded the background values for soil environmental quality of heavy metals in Guizhou area. Geo-accumulation index(I_(geo)) showed that arsenic had the highest contamination level(I_(geo)=4) among the seven heavy metals/metalloid, and the contamination levels of mercury and lead were also relatively high(I_(geo)=3). Pearson correlation and cluster analysis identified that mercury, copper and arsenic had a relationship, and their presence might be mainly related to mining activity, coal and oil combustion, and vehicle emissions. Improved Nemerow index indicated that the overall level of heavy metal contamination in the studied area ranged from moderately–heavily contaminated to heavily contaminated level. Potential ecological risk index(R_I) analysis manifested that the whole ecological risk level ranged from high degree to very high degree(325.30≤R_I≤801.02) in the studied soil samples, and the potential ecological risk factors (E_r^i) of heavy metals/metalloid were as follows: Hg > As > Cd > Pb > Cu > Ni > Cr, and the E_r^i of Hg and As reached very high risk grade.展开更多
Aim: To explore the effect of exposure to commercial Parathion~ (Pc) on the reproductive parameters (sperm and cocoon production and genotoxicity on male germ cells), the survival, the body weight and the gross anatom...Aim: To explore the effect of exposure to commercial Parathion~ (Pc) on the reproductive parameters (sperm and cocoon production and genotoxicity on male germ cells), the survival, the body weight and the gross anatomical changes in Eiseniafoetida. Methods: Three doses of Pc(1478, 739 and 444 mg/kg of soil) and three time intervals of exposure (5, 15 and 30 days) were used. Results: All treated animals were affected. An acute genotoxic effect, revealed by DNA fragmentation (comet assay), was seen by 5 days. Alterations in reproductive parameters were conspicuous in regard to the number of sperm, cocoons and worms born, and the histological observation of the gonads and seminal receptacles. In addition, the body weight and survival rate were decreased. Neuromuscular function was also affected. Conclusion: Earthworms are suitable bioindicators of chemical contamination of the soil, their advantage being their easy and economical handling展开更多
文摘Mine tailings, waste rock piles, acid mine drainage, industrial wastewater, and sewage sludge have contaminated a vast area of cultivable and fallow lands, with a consequence of deterioration of soil and water quality and watercourses due to the erosion of contaminated soils for absence of vegetative cover. High concentrations of toxic elements, organic contaminants, acidic soils, and harsh climatic conditions have made it difficult to re-establish vegetation and produce crops there. Recently, a significant body of work has focussed on the suitability and potentiality of biochar as a soil remediation tool that increases seed emergence, soil and crop productivity, above ground biomass, and vegetation cover on mine tailings, waste rock piles, and industrial and sewage waste- contaminated soils by increasing soil nutrients and water-holding capacity, amelioration of soil acidity, and stimulation of microbial diversity and functions. This review addresses: i) the functional properties of biochar, and microbial cycling of nutrients in soil; ii) bioremediation, especially phytoremediation of mine railings, industrial waste, sewage sludge, and contaminated soil using biochar; iii) impact of biochar on reduction of acid production, acid mine drainage treatment, and geochemical dynamics in mine railings; and iv) treatment of metal and organic contaminants in soils using biochar, and restoration of degraded land.
文摘Global industrialization over the past centuries has resulted in widespread contamination of the environment with organic and inorganic wastes and their pattern of disposal.The study aimed at isolating fungi from spent diesel contaminated soil around Ministry of Works in Aba,Abia State for biodegradation potentials on the soil properties.About four(4)fungal species were isolated from the five(5)sites using cultural and biochemical characteristics.The isolate was screened,and optical density measured using spectrophotometer.A total of 5 soil samples from each location(0-15 cm and 15-30 cm)were collected and homogenized to have composite sample.Samples were taken to the laboratory for analysis of soil physiochemical parameters,fungi count and biodegradable potential of the fungi using standard methods.Data obtained revealed that,physical property of the soil such as sand(85.20%±0.01%),silk(6.4%±0.01%)were lower than the control location except clay(17.39%±0.01%).Chemical properties revealed highest concentration of element such as pH(4.76±0.01),total nitrogen(0.18%±0.011%),total organic carbon(3.41±0.01),sodium(0.21±0.01),potassium(0.24±0.001),magnesium(4.41±0.015),calcium(5.21±0.015),organic matter(6.18±0.011),and available phosphorus(30.99±0.01).All elements in the study site were higher than the control site with an exception to sodium(Na),which was lower.Fungi isolate identified were Aspergillus niger,Trichoderma virdae,Aspergillus flavus,and Pencillum corylophlum.The degradation potential of fungi identified shows that consortium degraded 29%of diesel oil from the soil followed by A.flavus,T.virdae,A.niger and the least was T.corylophlum.The study concludes that despite indiscriminate disposal of spent diesel oil,the nutrient content was still higher than control and consortium performed well in degradation.
文摘Heavy metals have been viewed as hazardous environmental pollutants, and anthropogenic activities due to their high toxicity and persistent nature in the environment. Anthropogenic activities such as artisanal mining, industrial activities, improper usage of fertilizers and pesticides, and indiscriminate open waste disposal bring about an increase in the presence of heavy metals in the environment. In the Keffi Metropolis, different elements lead to land contamination which debilitates soil quality, plant survival, human well-being, and the environment as a result of extensive dispersion or quantity of heavy metals in the soil and water. In recent years, biochar has emerged as a promising soil amendment for mitigating heavy metal pollution due to its unique physicochemical properties. This paper provides the effects of softwood pellet biochar on the retention of heavy metals in contaminated soils. A microcosm experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of biochar on the retention of heavy metals in contaminated soils. This research aimed to give an overview of the effects of softwood biochar at different temperatures (550˚C and 700˚C) on the retention of heavy metals and metalloids released from the soil during water inundation. The results show that the addition of organic matter (grass chippings) minimizes heavy metal mobilization. Also, biochar at high temperatures is more effective than those at low temperatures. The expected outcome of the research analysis includes providing insights into the role of biochar in retaining heavy metal contamination and further understanding the use of biochar as a sorbent for the management of contaminated soil.
基金Project (2012BAC09B04) supported by National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of ChinaProject (2010-277-027) supported by Science and Technology Foundation of Environmental Protection in Hunan Province,ChinaProject (2011SK3262) supported by Science and Technology Planning of Hunan Province,China
文摘The effects of five amendments such as acetic acid(AA), citric acid (CA), ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), sepiolite and phosphogypsum on growth and metal uptake of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) grown on soil contaminated by arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were studied. The results showed that the shoot biomass of giant reed was enhanced by 24.8% and 15.0%, while superoxide mutase and catalase activities slightly varied when adding 5.0 mmol/kg CA and 2.5 mol/kg EDTA to soil as compared to the control, respectively. The concentrations of As, Cd and Pb in shoots were remarkably increased by the addition of 2.5 mmol/kg AA and CA, 5.0 mmol/kg EDTA, and 4.0 g/kg sepiolite as compared to the control. The accumulations of As and Cd were also significantly enhanced in the above condition, while the shoot Pb accumulation was noticeably enhanced by amending with 4.0 g/kg sepiolite and 8.0 g/kg phosphogysum, respectively. The results suggested that AA, CA and sepiolite could be used as optimum soil amendments for giant reed remediation system.
基金Supported by National Programs for High Technology Research and Development of China(2007AA061001)Talent Introduction Project Supported by Hunan Agricultural University Project(07YT03)~~
文摘[Objective] The aim was to study on in-situ elimination effect on heavy metals in soil of the mining area by ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.). [Methods] Based on Xiangzhu No.3 and Zhongzhu No.1, we conducted research on heavy metals contents of plants growing in soil of Qibao Mountain orefield in Liuyang, Hunan Province, and on characteristics of enrichment and transfer of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn) under influence of the two ramie species. [Result] It was concluded that trend of Cu content in different parts of ramie was as follows: rootskinleafbone; trend of Pb was rootleafskinbone; trend of Cd was rootskinboneleaf; the trend of Zn was rootskinboneleaf. In farmland A (with low content of heavy metal), for per square meter of plough horizon, effect of Zhong 1 on heavy metals transferring volume and the period for restoration of the soil into national standard one (Category Ⅲ of Environmental Quality Standard for Soil) have been concluded. Specifically, for Cu, the corresponding values were 3 404.44 mg and 8.59 y, respectively; for Pb, the values were 3 638.5 mg and 13.52 y; for Cd, the values were 720.48 mg and 1.49 y; for Zn, the values were 37 324.8 mg and 0.67 y. [Conclusion] Soil contaminated by Cu, Pb, Cd, and Zn in orefield can be rapidly restored by growing ramie.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(50874046)the National High-tech Research and Develop Program of China(863 Program)(2010AA065203)the Science and Technology Project of Education Bureau of Hunan Province,China(08A032)~~
文摘[Objective] To study the remediation efficiency of red mud on Pb, Zn and Cd in the heavy metal contaminated paddy soil of mine area, to clarify its remediation mechanism and fertilizer efficiency on heavy metal contaminated soil. [Method] The soil incubation experiment was conducted to study the effect of red mud on the pH values and electrical conductivity (EC), and the remediation efficiency of red mud on lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) in heavy metal contaminated soil. [Result] Red mud addition reduced the content of exchangeable Pb, Zn and Cd in the soil significantly. Compared with the control, when incubated for 30, 60 and 90 d with the red mud dosage of 4% (W/W), the exchangeable Pb content was decreased by 39.25%, 41.38% and 50.19%; exchangeable Zn content was decreased by 49.26%, 57.32% and 47.16%; and exchangeable Cd content was decreased by 19.53%, 24.06% and 25.70%, respectively. The application of red mud had significant impact on the share of Pb, Zn and Cd contents in five forms, and different amounts of red mud application all reduced the proportion of exchangeable Pb, Zn and Cd to the total Pb, Zn and Cd. In addition, the proportion of exchangeable Pb, Zn and Cd to total Pb, Zn and Cd decreased with the increasing amount of red mud addition. [Conclusion] The study provided references for reasonable application of red mud and reduction of heavy metal pollution in paddy soil.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.21067003,5136-4015)Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province(Grant No.20114BAB203024)National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2012BAC11B07)~~
文摘This study aimed to remediate in-situ leach mining contaminated soil by amendment-plant synergism. The results showed that plant species exhibited ex-tremely significant effects on the concentration of nitrate nitrogen; to be specific, the concentration of nitrate nitrogen in soil planted with wheat was reduced from 692.19 mg/kg to lower than 100 mg/kg; when the mass ratio of amendment to soil reached 3:50 and the amendment particle size was 1-2 mm, the concentration of nitrate ni-trogen in soil planted with wheat was reduced to 43 mg/kg. The amendment type exhibited extremely significant effects on the concentration of ammonium nitrogen; to be specific, when the mass ratio of amendment to soil reached 10:50, the concen-tration of ammonium nitrogen in soil added with 2-3 mm zeolite was reduced from 23 593.75 to 3 300 mg/kg on day 15. Amendments and plants mainly exhibited desorption performance for sulfate radical in soil, and the amendment type extreme-ly significantly affected the concentration of sulfate radical; to be specific, the con-centration of sulfate radical in soil added with limestone increased from 370 mg/kg to 900 mg/kg on day 7.
基金Supported by The Agricultural Sciences and Technology Innovation Program(ASTIPIBFC06)China Agriculture Research System of Bast Fiber Crops(CARS-19-E14)~~
文摘Flax is an ideal crop for remedying soil contaminated by heavy metals. It has high tolerance to heavy metals and strong adsorption to heavy metals. Through properly using or adjusting external conditions such as regulator, moisture, fertilizer, microorganisms, and pH value, it is able to improve ability of flax to absorb, trans- fer, and accumulate heavy metals. To improve the ability of flax in remediating heavy metal contaminated soil, it is recommended to strengthen cultivation of flax varieties and screening of germplasm resources, actively carry out studies on tech- nologies of fax remedying heavy metal contaminated soil, implement large-scale and mechanized planting of flax, and promote control of heavy metal contaminated soil.
基金Projects(41472278,41202220)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(20120022120003)supported by the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education,China+1 种基金Project(51900265647)supported by the Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project,ChinaProject(2652012065)supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,China
文摘Cement-based composite grouting materials were used to construct grouting cutoff wall for heavy metal contaminated soil in non-ferrous metal mining areas. Cement, fly ash, and slag as principal ingredients were mixed with water glass in different ways to produce three composite grouting materials. In order to investigate the effect of water glass mixing ratio, Baume degree, fly ash and slag contents on the mechanical properties of the composite grouting materials, particularly their gel time and compressive strength, the beaker-to-beaker method of gel time test and unconfined compressive strength test were conducted. In addition, the phase composition and microstructure of the composite grouting materials were analyzed by the X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscope(SEM) techniques. The test results show that their gel time increases when water glass mixing ratio and Baume degree increase. The gel time increases dramatically when fly ash is added, but decreases slightly if fly ash is partly replaced by slag. When the mixing ratio of water glass is below 20%, their compressive strength increases with the increases of the ratio; when the ratio is above 20%, it significantly decreases. The compressive strength also tends to increase as Baume degree increases, and improves if fly ash and slag are added.
基金Supported by the Prospective Research Project of Industry-University-Research Cooperation in Jiangsu Province(BY2014037-21)~~
文摘[Objective] The remediation effect of the plant to Cd-contaminated soil was studied. [Method] By taking simulation test and field test, the ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was planted, and the remediation effect of the plant to contaminated sites was studied. [Result] The ryegrass was planted in the eluotropic soil for 0-60 d, Cd content in the soil showed a rapid decreasing trend; after 60 d, the enrich- ment ability of the plant to Cd gradually weakened over time; after 75 d of phytore- mediation, the Cd content in the soil decreased greatly, and the remediation effi- ciency was 90.66%. [Conclusion] Ryegrass remediation technology had good reme- diation effect to Cd-contaminated soil.
基金Supported by Nanjing Scientific Research Foundation of Nanjing Institute of Technology (Ke 07-30)Foundation for introduced talent of Nanjing Institute of Technology (Ke 2003)~~
文摘[Objective] The research aimed to study the degradation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) in soil planted with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.),as well as to provide references for the Chlorophenols phytoremediation technology in the practical application.[Method] By the use of pot culture experiment in greenhouse,the phytoremediation effect of alfalfa on TCP-contaminated soil,the growth conditions of alfalfa,as well as the effect of TCP on the activity of soil polyphenol oxidase,dehydrogenase and catalase were studied.[Result] After the alfalfa was grown for 75 d,the TCP content in soil of three different concentrations treatments (low,middle and high) decreased dramatically within 15 d,and then the decreasing rate was gradually slow; on the 30^th d of cultivation,the fresh weight of treated alfalfa showed no significant difference with the control (P〈0.05),indicating that TCP in soil had inhibition effect on the growth of alfalfa; alfalfa could significantly enhance the activities of polyphenol oxidase,dehydrogenase and catalase,thus raising the degradation capability of soil plants and microorganisms on pollutants in soil.[Conclusion] There results indicated that alfalfa could enhance the degradation rate of organics in the contaminated soil and enhance soil enzyme activity,so the alfalfa could be used for the bioremediation of TCP contaminated soil.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 40401025 and 49871005)the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (No. IRT0412)
文摘To identify the main sources responsible for soil heavy metal contamination, 70 topsoils were sampled from the Daxing County in the urban-rural transition zone of Beijing. The concentrations of heavy metals Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cd, Ni, As, Se, Hg, and Co; the soil texture; and the organic matter content were determined for each soil sample. Descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used to analyze the data, and Kriging analysis was used to estimate the unobserved points and to map the spatial patterns of soil heavy metals. The results showed that the concentrations of all the soil heavy metals exceeded their background levels with the exception of As and Se. However, only the Cd concentration in some areas exceeded the critical value of the national soil quality standard. The semivariance analysis showed that the spatial correlation distances for soil Cu, Zn, Cr, Cd, As, Ni, and Co ranged from 4.0 to 7.0 km, but soil Se, Pb, and Hg had a larger correlation distance. Soil Co, Se, Cd, Cu and Zn showed a strong spatial correlation, whereas the other soil heavy metals showed medium spatial correlation. Soil heavy metal concentrations were related to soil texture, organic matter content, and the accumulation of heavy metals in the soils, which was because of air deposition and use of water from the Liangshui, Xinfeng, and Fenghe rivers that are contaminated by wastewater and sewage for the purpose of irrigation of fields. Hence, a comprehensive treatment plan for these rivers should be formulated.
基金Project supported by the Key Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences(No. KZCX3-SW-431, KZCX2-YW-408)the National Natural Sci-ence Foundation of China (No. 40321101, 40571082).
文摘This study focused on the changes of soil microbial diversity and potential inhibitory effects of heavy metals on soil enzymatic activities at different application rates of Cd and/or Pb. The soil used for experiments was collected from Beijing and classified as endoaquepts. Pots containing 500 g of the soil with different Cd and/or Pb application rates were incubated for a period of 0, 2, 9, 12 weeks in a glasshouse and the soil samples were analyzed for individual enzymes, including catalase, alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase, and the changes of microbial community structure. Results showed that heavy metals slightly inhibited the enzymatic activities in all the samples spiked with heavy metals. The extent of inhibition increased significantly with increasing level of heavy metals, and varied with the incubation periods. The soil bacterial community structure, as determined by polymerase chain reaction- denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis techniques, was different in the contaminated samples as compared to the control. The highest community change was observed in the samples amended with high level of Cd. Positive correlations were observed among the three enzymatic activities, but negative correlations were found between the amounts of the heavy metals and the enzymatic activities.
基金The Key Research Project of Ministry of Education of China(No. 2002012)
文摘Soil samples from 4 defined city zones of Nanjing were randomly collected at 0-5 cm and 5-20 cm intervals and size fractions of soil particles were separated from undisturbed bulk soils by low energy dispersion procedure. The total contents of Cu and Pb in the different particle size fractions of the urban soils were analyzed by HNO3-HF-HClO4 digestion and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer determination. The total content of Cu and Pb in soil particle size fractions varied with their size and with city zones as well. Both the content and variation with the size fractions of Pb was bigger than of Cu supporting our previous finding that there was Pb pollution to different degrees in the urban soils although the two elements were generally enriched in clay-sized fraction. Contaminated Pb tended to be preferentially enriched in the size fraction of 2000-250 μm and clay-sized fraction. While the size fractions of the soils from newly developed and preserved area contained smaller amount of Cu and Pb, the partitioning of them in coarse and fine particle size fractions were insignificant compared to that from inner residence and commercial area. The very high Pb level over 150 mg/kg of the fine particle fractions from the soils of the inner city could be a cause of high blood Pb level reported of children from the city as acute exposure to Pb of fine particles of the urban soil might occur by soil ingestion and inhalation by young children. Thus, much attention should be paid to the partitioning of toxic metals in fine soil particles of the urban soils and countermeasures against high health risk of Pb exposure by soil ingestion and dust inhalation should be practiced against the health problem of blood Pb for young children from the cities.
基金Project supported by the Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau of China (No.2001-27)Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology,China (No.2004A30308002)State Key Laboratory of Environment Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences
文摘Soil contamination in the vicinity of the Dabaoshan Mine, Guangdong Province, China, was studied through determi- nation of total concentrations and chemical speciation of the toxic metals, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The results showed that over the past decades, the environmental pollution was caused by a combination of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb, with tailings and acid mine drainage being the main pollution sources affecting soils. Significantly higher levels (P ≤ 0.05) of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb were found in the tailings as compared with paddy, garden, and control soils, with averages of 1486, 2516, 6.42, and 429 mg kg^-1, respectively. These metals were continuously dispersed downstream from the tallings and waste waters, and therefore their concentrations in the paddy soils were as high as 567, 1 140, 2.48, and 191 mg kg^-1, respectively, being significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) as compared with those in the garden soils. The results of sequential extraction of the above metals from all the soil types showed that the residual fraction was the dominant form. However, the amounts of metals that were bound to Fe-Mn oxides and organic matter were relatively higher than those bound to carbonates or those that existed in exchangeable forms. As metals could be transformed from an inert state to an active state, the potential environmental risk due to these metals would increase with time.
文摘This study reports the feasibility of remediation of a heavy metal (HM) contaminated soil using tartaric acid, an environmentally-friendly extractant. Batch experiments were performed to test the factors influencing remediation of the HM contaminated soil. An empirical model was employed to describe the kinetics of riM dissolution/desorption and to predict equilibrium concentrations of HMs in soil leachate. The changes of HMs in different fractions before and after tartaric acid treatment were also investigated. Tartaric acid solution containing HMs was regenerated by chestnut shells. Results show that utilization of tartaric acid was effective for removal of riMs from the contaminated soil, attaining 50%-60% of Cd, 40%-50% of Pb, 40%-50% of Cu and 20%-30% of Zn in the pH range of 3.5-4.0 within 24 h. Mass transfer coefficients for cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were much higher than those for copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). Sequential fractionations of treated and untreated soil samples showed that tartaric acid was effective in removing the exchangeable, carbonate fractions of Cd, Zn and Cu from the contaminated soil. The contents of Pb and Cu in Fe-Mn oxide fraciton were also significantly decreased by tartaric acid treatment. One hundred milliliters of tartaric acid solution containing HMs could be regenerated by 10 g chestnut shells in a batch reactor. Such a remediation procedure indicated that tartaric acid is a promising agent for remediation of HM contaminated soils. However, further research is needed before the method can be practically used for in situ remediation of contaminated sites.
文摘To screen out a series of ideal plants that can effectively remedy contaminated soils by heavy metals is the main groundwork of phytoremediation engineering and the first step of its commercial application on a large scale. In this study, accumulation and endurance of 45 weed species in 16 families from an agricultural site were in situ examined by using the pot-culture field experiment, and the remediation potential of some weed species with high accumulation of heavy metals was assayed. The results showed that Solanum nigrum and Conyza canadensis can not only accumulate high concentration of Cd, but also strongly endure to single Cd and Cd-Pb-Cu-Zn combined pollution. Thus 2 weed species can be regarded as good hyperaccumulators for the remediation of Cd-contaminated soils. Although there were high Cd-accumulation in Artemigia selengensis, Znula britannica and Cephalanoplos setosum, their biomass was adversely affected due to action of heavy metals in the soils. If the problem of low endurance to heavy metals can be solved by a reinforcer, 3 weed species can be perhaps applied commercially.
基金Project supported by the National Key Basic Research Support Foundation of China (No. 2002CB410804) and the National Natural Science Foundation (No. 40201026).
文摘There is limited information on the release behavior of heavy metals fromnatural soils by organic acids. Thus, cadmium release, due to two organic acids (tartrate andcitrate) that are common in the rhizosphere, from soils polluted by metal smeltersor tailings andsoils artificially contaminated by adding Cd were analyzed. The presence of tartrate or citrate at alow concentration (<= 6 mmol L^(-1) for tartrate and <= 0.5 mmol L^(-1) for citrate) inhibited Cdrelease, whereas the presence of organic acids in high concentrations (>= 2 mmol L^(-1) for citrateand >= 15 mmol L^(-1) for tartrate) apparently promoted Cd release. Under the same conditions, theCd release in naturally polluted soils was less than that of artificially contaminatedsoils.Additionally, as the initial pH rose from 2 to 8 in the presence of citrate, a sequentialvalley and then peak appeared in the Cd release curve, while in the presence of tartrate the Cdrelease steadily decreased. In addition, Cd release was clearly enhanced as the electrolyteconcentration of KNO_3 or KC1 increased in the presence of 2 mmol L^(-1) tartrate. Moreover, ahigher desorption of Cd was shown with the KCl electrolyte compared to KNO_3 for the sameconcentration levels. This implied that the bioavailability of heavy metals could be promoted withthe addition of suitable types and concentrations of organic acids as well as reasonable fieldconditions.
基金Project(21467005)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘Total concentrations of arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, chromium, and copper in the soils from near a coal mine area in southwest Guizhou, China, were measured to evaluate the level of contamination, and the potential ecological risks posed by the heavy metals were quantitatively estimated. Results reveal that all heavy metals/metalloid exceeded the background values for soil environmental quality of heavy metals in Guizhou area. Geo-accumulation index(I_(geo)) showed that arsenic had the highest contamination level(I_(geo)=4) among the seven heavy metals/metalloid, and the contamination levels of mercury and lead were also relatively high(I_(geo)=3). Pearson correlation and cluster analysis identified that mercury, copper and arsenic had a relationship, and their presence might be mainly related to mining activity, coal and oil combustion, and vehicle emissions. Improved Nemerow index indicated that the overall level of heavy metal contamination in the studied area ranged from moderately–heavily contaminated to heavily contaminated level. Potential ecological risk index(R_I) analysis manifested that the whole ecological risk level ranged from high degree to very high degree(325.30≤R_I≤801.02) in the studied soil samples, and the potential ecological risk factors (E_r^i) of heavy metals/metalloid were as follows: Hg > As > Cd > Pb > Cu > Ni > Cr, and the E_r^i of Hg and As reached very high risk grade.
文摘Aim: To explore the effect of exposure to commercial Parathion~ (Pc) on the reproductive parameters (sperm and cocoon production and genotoxicity on male germ cells), the survival, the body weight and the gross anatomical changes in Eiseniafoetida. Methods: Three doses of Pc(1478, 739 and 444 mg/kg of soil) and three time intervals of exposure (5, 15 and 30 days) were used. Results: All treated animals were affected. An acute genotoxic effect, revealed by DNA fragmentation (comet assay), was seen by 5 days. Alterations in reproductive parameters were conspicuous in regard to the number of sperm, cocoons and worms born, and the histological observation of the gonads and seminal receptacles. In addition, the body weight and survival rate were decreased. Neuromuscular function was also affected. Conclusion: Earthworms are suitable bioindicators of chemical contamination of the soil, their advantage being their easy and economical handling