The technique proposed by Wischmeier & Smith for estimating the soil erodibility factor is among the most important methods in this regard. Given the high amounts of silt and lime content in loess soils of eastern pa...The technique proposed by Wischmeier & Smith for estimating the soil erodibility factor is among the most important methods in this regard. Given the high amounts of silt and lime content in loess soils of eastern parts of Golestan province in Iran, this study aims to evaluate the ability of Wischmeier & Smith index to estimate the soil erodibility of this region. Soil erodibility was first obtained by Wischmeier nomograph and then was compared with the actual values obtained by selecting six plots and then performing physical and chemical tests on these samples. Using the nomograph, Wischmeier index was calculated to be about 0.05-0.092 Mg h MJ?1 mm?1. The results showed that Wischmeier index was 182, 4.11, 6 and 0.35 times than actual value in field with half-hour rainfall, Fournier index, SWAT value with half-hour rainfall and SWAT value with Fournier index, respectively. Obtained results showed that erodibility estimated by Wischmeier & Smith index was higher than the actual measured value. Poor performance of this index in loess soils indicates the need for further research in this field.展开更多
The prevalence of unwholesome land use practices and population pressure exacerbates soil loss which is worsening the problem of sedimentation of the Kubanni dam. This study was conducted at the Kubanni drainage basin...The prevalence of unwholesome land use practices and population pressure exacerbates soil loss which is worsening the problem of sedimentation of the Kubanni dam. This study was conducted at the Kubanni drainage basin covering a spatial area of 56.7 Km2 in Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria to estimate annual soil loss using the RUSLE model. Satellite images of Landsat OLI for December 2014, 2016, 2018, February, July and November 2022;soil data, rainfall data from 2010 to 2022, and DEM of 30-meter resolution were utilized for the study. All factors of the RUSLE model were calculated for the basin using assembled data. The erosivity (R-factor) was discovered to be 553.437 MJ∙mm∙ha−1∙h−1∙yr−1. The average erodibility (K-factor) value was 0.1 Mg∙h∙h∙ha−1∙MJ−1∙mm−1∙yr−1. The Slope Length and Steepness factor (LS-factor) in the basin ranged between 0% and 13.47%. The Crop Management Factor (C-factor) values were obtained from a rescaling of the NDVI values derived for the study area and ranged from 0.26 to 0.55. Support practice (P-factors) were computed from the prevalent tillage practice in the basin and ranged from 0.27 to 0.40. The soil loss amount for the Kubanni basin was found to be 28441.482 tons∙ha−1∙yr−1, while the annual soil loss for the entire Kubanni drainage basin was found to be 49780.257 tons∙yr−1. The study has demonstrated the viability of coupling RUSLE model and Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques for the estimation of soil loss in the Kubanni drainage basin.展开更多
In order to develop organic rice and increase paddy soil fertility by cloverorganic rice rotation, the effects of N, P and K fertilizers on growth of clover nitrogen-fixing rhizobia and soil fertility after plantation...In order to develop organic rice and increase paddy soil fertility by cloverorganic rice rotation, the effects of N, P and K fertilizers on growth of clover nitrogen-fixing rhizobia and soil fertility after plantation were investigated, thereby providing certain reference for reasonable cultivation of clover and improvement of soil fertility. A two-year experiment was conducted from 2012 to 2013. The clover was cultivated after rice every year, and different levels of N, P and K fertilizers were applied before winter. In the treatment group, no fertilizer was applied. The effects of different fertilizers and different application amounts on clover yield, nitrogen-fixing rhizobia quantity, nitrogen-fixing rhizobia weight and soil fertility after plantation were analyzed. The results showed that the application of N, P and K fertilizers in the early stage had significantly effect on the growth of clover. When the application amount of N fertilizer was 75 kg/hm^2(N 46%), the clover yield, nitrogen-fixing rhizobia quantity and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia weight were highest. The soil nitrogen content after plantation increased with the increase of the application amount of N fertilizer, while the P and K content decreased and then increased with the increased application amounts. Soil available P content increased with the increased application amounts of N and P fertilizers, but it did not change significantly with the increased application amount of K fertilizer. Soil available K content increased first and then decreased with the increased application amounts of N and P fertilizers.When the application amounts of N and P fertilizers were 150(N 46%) and 300(P_2O_5 12%) kg/hm^2, soil available K content reached the maximum. Soil organic matter content increased with the increased application amounts of N, P and K fertilizers. Therefore, in the cultivation of clover, appropriate application of N, P and K fertilizers in the early stage can improve clover yield and soil fertility.展开更多
Soil erodibility is an important index to evaluate the soil sensitivity to erosion. The research on soil erodibility is a crucial tache in understanding the mechanism of soil erosion. Soil erodibility can be evaluated...Soil erodibility is an important index to evaluate the soil sensitivity to erosion. The research on soil erodibility is a crucial tache in understanding the mechanism of soil erosion. Soil erodibility can be evaluated by measuring soil physiochemical properties, scouring experiment, simulated rainfall experiment, plot experiment and wind tunnel experiment. We can use soil erosion model and nomogram to calculate soil erodibility. Many soil erodibility indices and formulae have been put forward. Soil erodibility is a complex concept, it is influenced by many factors, such as soil properties and human activities. Several obstacles restrict the research of soil erodibility. Firstly, the research on soil erodibility is mainly focused on farmland; Secondly, soil erodibility in different areas cannot be compared sufficiently; and thirdly, the research on soil erodibility in water-wind erosion is very scarce. In the prospective research, we should improve method to measure and calculate soil erodibility, strengthen the research on the mechanism of soil erodibility, and conduct research on soil erodibility by both water and wind agents.展开更多
Effect of application of K fertilizer and wheat straw to soil on crop yield and status of soil K in the plough layer under different planting systems was studied. The experiments on long-term application of K fertiliz...Effect of application of K fertilizer and wheat straw to soil on crop yield and status of soil K in the plough layer under different planting systems was studied. The experiments on long-term application of K fertilizer and wheat straw to soil in Hebei fluvo aquic soil and Shanxi brown soil in northern China were begun in 1992. The results showed that K fertilizer and straw could improve the yields of wheat and maize with the order of NPK + St 〉 NPK 〉 NP + St 〉 NP, and treatment of K fertilizer made a significant difference to NP, and the efficiency of K fertilizer in maize was higher than in wheat under rotation system of Hebei. In contrast with Shanxi, the wastage of soil potassium was a more serious issue in the rotation system in Hebei, only treatment of NPK + St showed a surplus of potassium and the others showed a wane. K fertilizer and straw could improve the content of water-soluble K, nonspecifically adsorbed K, non-exchangeable K, mineral K, and total K in contrast to NP; however, K fertilizer and straw reduce the proportion of mineral K and improve proportion of other forms of potassium in the two locating sites. Compared with the beginning of orientation, temporal variability character of soil K content and proportion showed a difference between the two soil types; furthermore, there was a decrease in the content of mineral K and total K simultaneously in the two locating sites. As a whole, the effect of K fertilizer applied to soil directly excelled to wheat straw to soil. Wheat straw to soil was an effective measure to complement potassium to increase crop yield and retard the decrease of soil K.展开更多
Aggregate stability is a very important predictor of soil structure and strength, which influences soil erodibility. Several aggregate stability indices were selected erodibility of four soil properties from temperate...Aggregate stability is a very important predictor of soil structure and strength, which influences soil erodibility. Several aggregate stability indices were selected erodibility of four soil properties from temperate for estimating interrill types with contrasting and subtropical regions of China. This study was conducted to investigate how closely the soil interrill erodibility factor in the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model relates to soil aggregate stability. The mass fractal dimension (FD), geometric mean diameter (GMD), mean weight diameter (MWD), and aggregate stability index (ASI) of soil aggregates were calculated. A rainfall simulator with a drainable flume (3.0 m long × 1.0 m wide × 0.5 m deep) was used at four slope gradients (5°,10 °,15° and 20°), and four rainfall intensities (0.6, 1.1, 1.7 and 2.5 mm/min). Results indicated that the interriU erodibility (Ki) values were significantly correlated to the indices of ASI, MWD, GMD, and FD computed from the aggregate wet-sieve data. The Kihad a strong positive correlation with FD, as well as a strong negative correlation with ASI, GMD, and MWD. Soils with a higher aggregate stability and lower fractal dimension have smaller Ki values. Stable soils were characterized by a high percentage of large aggregates and the erodible soils by a high percentage of smaller aggregates. The correlation coefficients of Ki with ASI and GMD were greater than those with FD and MWD, implying that both the ASI and GMD may be better alternative parameters for empirically predicting the soil Ki factor. ASI and GMD are more reasonable in interrill soil erodibility estimation, compared with Ki calculation in original WEPP model equation. Results demonstrate the validation of soil aggregation characterization as an appropriate indicator of soil susceptibility to erosion in contrasting soil types in China.展开更多
We measured erodibility and mean weight diameter (MWD) of soil aggregates in different parts of a forest road. Samples of topsoil were collected from cutslope, fillslope, road surface and forest ground to assess the...We measured erodibility and mean weight diameter (MWD) of soil aggregates in different parts of a forest road. Samples of topsoil were collected from cutslope, fillslope, road surface and forest ground to assess the texture, bulk density, moisture, CaCO3 and organic matter. Soil aggregate stability was determined by wet sieving. Soil erodibility on the road surface was 2.3 and 1.3 times higher than on the fillslope and cutslope, respectively. The forest soil had the lowest erodibility. Aggregate stability of cutslope and road surface were low and very low, respectively. There was a significant negative relationship between cutslope erodibility with CaCO3 and sand content. Cutslope erodibility increased with increasing silt, clay and moisture content. On fillslopes, MWD increased with in-creasing rock fragment cover, plant cover, litter cover, organic matter and sand. There was a strong negative correlation between fillslope erodibility and organic matter, sand and MWD. There was no significant difference between erodibility of bare soil and soils beneathRubus hyrcanusL. and Philonotis marchica (Hedw.) Brid.展开更多
The investigation was carried out to study the response of winter rapeseed to potassium (K) feritlization and the critical soil available K level for current winter rapeseed production in the Yangtze River Valley (...The investigation was carried out to study the response of winter rapeseed to potassium (K) feritlization and the critical soil available K level for current winter rapeseed production in the Yangtze River Valley (YRV) of China. A total of 132 field experiments were conducted in fields of farmers in the major winter rapeseed growing areas in YRV in 2000/2001 and 2004/2005 to 2006/2007 during growing season. Results of these field experiments showed that the average rapeseed yield increment resulting from 100 kg K ha-1 application was 358 kg ha-1, an increase over the control CK (no K) of 18.0% in 2005/2006 and 2006/2007. The average internal use efficiency (IE) of K was higher in the CK treatment (21.9 kg grain, kg-1 K uptake) than in the +K (100 kg K ha-1) treatment (17.7 kg grain, kg-1 K uptake). Winter rapeseed required 68.1 kg of K to produce 1 000 kg seed. The recovery efficiency of K fertilizer in rapeseed production averaged 39.3%. The K balance was negative, with an average net removal of 117.6 kg K ha-1 in the CK treatment annually, and 56.8 kg K ha-1 in the +K treatment. The results indicated that there was a significant negative relationship between yield increments by K application and soil available K content. Based on the relative yield of CK/+K at 90% level, the critical level of soil available K (NH4OAc-extractable K) was 135 mg kg-1.展开更多
Controlling aeolian desertification is a key ecological target on the Tibetan Plateau,especially within the widespread river valleys.Vegetation recovery can change the near-soil surface characteristics,which thus may ...Controlling aeolian desertification is a key ecological target on the Tibetan Plateau,especially within the widespread river valleys.Vegetation recovery can change the near-soil surface characteristics,which thus may influence wind erodibility of soils.However,these potential effects are not sufficiently evaluated for aeolian sandy soils.This study selected the Shannan valley of the Yarlung Zangbo River on the southern Tibetan Plateau as a case to investigate the variations in wind erodibility of aeolian sandy soils impacted by different vegetation restoration,since many ecological measures have been implemented in recent decades in the river valley.Eight vegetated sandy lands with different restoration types and ages and two bare sandy lands(as controls)were chosen as test sites.Four vegetated sandy lands were covered by Artemisia wellbyi,Hedysarum scoparium,Sophora moorcroftiana,and Populus L.with the similar restoration age of 10 years.For Sophora moorcroftiana and Populus L.communities,two restoration ages of 6 and over 30 years were also selected respectively.Wind erodibility was reflected by wind erodible fraction(EF),mean weight diameter of dry aggregates(MWD),capillary water capacity(CWC),soil cohesion(CS),and soil penetration resistance(PR)from different aspects.A comprehensive wind erodibility index(CWEI)was further produced by a weighted summation method to combine those five indices together and comprehensively quantify the effects of vegetation restoration on wind erodibility of aeolian sandy soils.The results showed that revegetation was efficient to reduce wind erodibility of aeolian sandy soils.EF generally decreased,while MWD,CWC,CS,and PR increased after vegetation restoration on the aeolian sandy lands.The CWEI of vegetated sandy lands varied greatly from 0.850 to 0 under different restoration types and ages and decreased by 14.4%to 100%compared to the control.Under the four different restoration types,Populus L.had the relatively minimum CWEI,followed by Artemisia wellbyi,Sophora moorcroftiana and Hedysarum scoparium.With succession from 6 to over 30 years,CWEI gradually declined for both the Populus L.and Sophora moorcroftiana restored sandy lands.The decreases in wind erodibility(reflected by CWEI)on vegetated sandy lands were dominantly controlled by the improvement of soil texture and the increases of organic matter and calcium carbonate contents with vegetation restoration.The combined vegetation measure of Populus L.mixed with shrubs and grasses was suggested as the optimal restoration type for mitigating wind erodibility of aeolian sandy soils in the Shannan valley of the Yarlung Zangbo River.展开更多
Kdesorption from soils in a constant electric field(field strength:44.5Vcm-1) by means of electro-ultrafil-tration (EUF) followed second-order kinetics and could be described by the equation dd/dt = k(D-d)2. From thee...Kdesorption from soils in a constant electric field(field strength:44.5Vcm-1) by means of electro-ultrafil-tration (EUF) followed second-order kinetics and could be described by the equation dd/dt = k(D-d)2. From theequation, such kinetic parameters relating to K desorption from soils as the maximum desorbable quantity D, quantity of K desorbed within 40 minutes d40, initial desorption rate Vo, desorption rate constant k and half-time t1/2 could be calculated. An expression which describes the relationships between the kinetic parameters on the one hand and the responses of barley to fertilizer-K in the field experiments in different sites and the potassium-supplying power of soils on the other was established. Vo, D and d40 were significantly correlated with barley relative yield, K uptake by barley and the content of soil available potassium. The rate constants of K desorption varied between 4.42 × 10-4-1.80 × 10-3kg mg-1 min-1 and highly correlated with the relative yield of barley. The kinetic parameters including Vo, D, d40 and k were successfully used to estimate the K-supplying power of soils.展开更多
One of the technical bottlenecks of traditional laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) is the difficulty in quantitative detection caused by the matrix effect. To troubleshoot this problem,this paper investigated ...One of the technical bottlenecks of traditional laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) is the difficulty in quantitative detection caused by the matrix effect. To troubleshoot this problem,this paper investigated a combination of time-resolved LIBS and convolutional neural networks(CNNs) to improve K determination in soil. The time-resolved LIBS contained the information of both wavelength and time dimension. The spectra of wavelength dimension showed the characteristic emission lines of elements, and those of time dimension presented the plasma decay trend. The one-dimensional data of LIBS intensity from the emission line at 766.49 nm were extracted and correlated with the K concentration, showing a poor correlation of R_c^2?=?0.0967, which is caused by the matrix effect of heterogeneous soil. For the wavelength dimension, the two-dimensional data of traditional integrated LIBS were extracted and analyzed by an artificial neural network(ANN), showing R_v^2?=?0.6318 and the root mean square error of validation(RMSEV)?=?0.6234. For the time dimension, the two-dimensional data of time-decay LIBS were extracted and analyzed by ANN, showing R_v^2?=?0.7366 and RMSEV?=?0.7855.These higher determination coefficients reveal that both the non-K emission lines of wavelength dimension and the spectral decay of time dimension could assist in quantitative detection of K.However, due to limited calibration samples, the two-dimensional models presented over-fitting.The three-dimensional data of time-resolved LIBS were analyzed by CNNs, which extracted and integrated the information of both the wavelength and time dimension, showing the R_v^2?=?0.9968 and RMSEV?=?0.0785. CNN analysis of time-resolved LIBS is capable of improving the determination of K in soil.展开更多
The goal of this study was to optimize the constitutive parameters of foundation soils using a k-means algorithm with clustering analysis. A database was collected from unconfined compression tests, Proctor tests and ...The goal of this study was to optimize the constitutive parameters of foundation soils using a k-means algorithm with clustering analysis. A database was collected from unconfined compression tests, Proctor tests and grain distribution tests of soils taken from three different types of foundation pits: raft foundations, partial raft foundations and strip foundations. k-means algorithm with clustering analysis was applied to determine the most appropriate foundation type given the un- confined compression strengths and other parameters of the different soils.展开更多
This paper studied soil erodibility of slope farmland in Guizhou mountain areas by the plot runoff method,analysis and test. Results show that the variation coefficient of erodibility K value calculated according to f...This paper studied soil erodibility of slope farmland in Guizhou mountain areas by the plot runoff method,analysis and test. Results show that the variation coefficient of erodibility K value calculated according to formula introduced by Sharply is low and relatively stable and accurate,so it is a suitable method for calculating erodibility K value of slope farmland in Guizhou mountain areas. K value of layer A slope farmland decreases with increase of years. The erodibility of entire soil layer is high,and the erosion resistance is weak. From the influence of different planting system and use types in 4 years,K values of different soil layers decrease,average reduction of A,B and C layers reaches 3. 17%- 11. 64%( 1. 26%- 12. 34% for layer A,1. 29%- 13. 80% for layer B,and 1. 26%- 10. 80% for layer C). Except engineering terraced treatment,the decline of K value of grassland,zoning crop rotation,economic fruit forest,grain and grass intercropping,plant hedge, and mixed forest treatment is higher than farmers' treatment,and the decline level is grassland > zoning crop rotation > economic fruit forest > grain and grass intercropping > plant hedge > and mixed forest treatment. Planting grass and trees is favorable for lowering erodibility of slope farmland and improving farmland quality. Interplanting of corns with other plants can increase plant coverage and species,so it is favorable for improving erodibility of slope farmland.展开更多
By a simulated rainfall and runoff scouring test with typical corrosive soils in main water erosion regions of China, the erosion processes of soil were analyzed from the energy point of view, and a new soil erodibili...By a simulated rainfall and runoff scouring test with typical corrosive soils in main water erosion regions of China, the erosion processes of soil were analyzed from the energy point of view, and a new soil erodibility indicator was proposed. The results show that there is a good relation- ship between the rate of sediment yield and energy consumption of slope runoff, and the erodibility coefficients of four soils are stable, being shown as follows 〉 loess 〉 black soil 〉 purple soil 〉 red soil.展开更多
[Objective]A long-term paddy-upland experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of the recommended amount of potassium( K)fertilizer on crop yield,distribution of soil aggregate,and soil available K content. It w...[Objective]A long-term paddy-upland experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of the recommended amount of potassium( K)fertilizer on crop yield,distribution of soil aggregate,and soil available K content. It was mainly to ascertain the distribution of K in the soil aggregate components in the paddy-upland rotation system,and then to provide theoretical basis for soil structure improvement,K pool management,and reasonable application of K fertilizer. [Method]There were 2 treatments selected,namely,NP(-K) treatment and NPK( + K) treatment in this study. Then the effects of K fertilizer application on the yield,available K content,and aggregate distribution in the middle rice-winter rape rotation system were analyzed. [Result]The results showed that the output of the crop rotation was affected by the year and fertilization. Compared with NP(-K),the average yield increases of rice and winter rape after application of K fertilizer were 0.51 and 0.33 t/hm2,with the increments of 7.5%and 14. 1% respectively. The long-term application of K fertilizer( 7 a) had no significant effects on the distribution of soil aggregates but could significantly increase the water-soluble K content and available K content at depths of 20-30 and 30-40 cm,and available K content of aggregates in each particle size. In addition,the balance of available K at the 10-20 and 30-40 cm of soil layers was the most significant through calculation of surplus-deficit value of available K in agglomerates of different soil layers. [Conclusion]Compared with the initial available K content in the farmland in 2011,the current K fertilizer application could lead to that farmland K content continues to decline. Therefore,we should pay attention to straw returned and supplement of organic K fertilizer,to maintain crop rotation system's productivity and soil K balance.展开更多
Potassium(K) is known as one of the essential nutrients for the growth of plant species. The relationship between K and clay minerals can be used to understand the K cycling, and assess the plant uptake and potentia...Potassium(K) is known as one of the essential nutrients for the growth of plant species. The relationship between K and clay minerals can be used to understand the K cycling, and assess the plant uptake and potential of soil K fertility. This study was conducted to analyze the K forms(soluble, exchangeable, non-exchangeable and structural) and the relationship of K forms with clay minerals of calcareous soils in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Southwest Iran. The climate is hotter and drier in the west and south of the province than in the east and north of the province. A total of 54 pedons were dug in the study area and 32 representative pedons were selected. The studied pedons were mostly located on calcareous deposits. The soils in the study area can be classified into 5 orders including Entisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, Alfisols and Vertisols. The main soil clay minerals in the west and south of the study area were illite, chlorite and palygorskite, whereas they were smectite, vermiculite and illite in the north and east of the province. Due to large amount of smectite and high content of organic carbon in soil surface, the exchangeable K in surface soils was higher than that in subsurface soils. It seems that organic matter plays a more important role than smectite mineral in retaining exchangeable K in the studied soils. Non-exchangeable K exhibited close relationships with clay content, illite, vermiculite and smectite. Although the amount of illite was the same in almost all pedons, amounts of structural and non-exchangeable K were higher in humid regions than in arid and semi-arid regions. This difference may be related to the poor reservoir of K~+ minerals like palygorskite and chlorite together with illite in arid and semi-arid regions. In humid areas, illite was accompanied by vermiculite and smectite as the K~+ reservoir. Moreover, the mean cumulative non-exchangeable K released by CaCl_2 was higher than that released by oxalic acid, which may be due to the high buffering capacity resulting from high carbonates in soils.展开更多
A pulsed discharge plasma(PDP) reactor with net anode and net cathode was established for investigating the pyrene degradation in soil under different pulse peak voltage,air flow rate,pyrene content in soil,initial ...A pulsed discharge plasma(PDP) reactor with net anode and net cathode was established for investigating the pyrene degradation in soil under different pulse peak voltage,air flow rate,pyrene content in soil,initial p H value and initial water content of the soil.Pyrene oxidation within the 60 min discharge time was fitting according to the pseudo-first order equation and the corresponding reaction kinetics constants(k values) were calculated.The obtained results show that pyrene oxidation under all the different reaction conditions obeyed the pseudo-first order equation well.Higher pulsed peak voltage and appropriate air flow rate were in favor of the increase of reaction rate of pyrene oxidation.A higher k value could be achieved in the lower initial pyrene content(the value was 100 mg kg^-1).The k value of pyrene oxidation in the case of p H=4 was 11.2 times higher than the value obtained under the condition of p H=9,while the initial water content of the soil also has a large effect on the oxidation rate of pyrene due to the effect of PDP.展开更多
文摘The technique proposed by Wischmeier & Smith for estimating the soil erodibility factor is among the most important methods in this regard. Given the high amounts of silt and lime content in loess soils of eastern parts of Golestan province in Iran, this study aims to evaluate the ability of Wischmeier & Smith index to estimate the soil erodibility of this region. Soil erodibility was first obtained by Wischmeier nomograph and then was compared with the actual values obtained by selecting six plots and then performing physical and chemical tests on these samples. Using the nomograph, Wischmeier index was calculated to be about 0.05-0.092 Mg h MJ?1 mm?1. The results showed that Wischmeier index was 182, 4.11, 6 and 0.35 times than actual value in field with half-hour rainfall, Fournier index, SWAT value with half-hour rainfall and SWAT value with Fournier index, respectively. Obtained results showed that erodibility estimated by Wischmeier & Smith index was higher than the actual measured value. Poor performance of this index in loess soils indicates the need for further research in this field.
文摘The prevalence of unwholesome land use practices and population pressure exacerbates soil loss which is worsening the problem of sedimentation of the Kubanni dam. This study was conducted at the Kubanni drainage basin covering a spatial area of 56.7 Km2 in Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria to estimate annual soil loss using the RUSLE model. Satellite images of Landsat OLI for December 2014, 2016, 2018, February, July and November 2022;soil data, rainfall data from 2010 to 2022, and DEM of 30-meter resolution were utilized for the study. All factors of the RUSLE model were calculated for the basin using assembled data. The erosivity (R-factor) was discovered to be 553.437 MJ∙mm∙ha−1∙h−1∙yr−1. The average erodibility (K-factor) value was 0.1 Mg∙h∙h∙ha−1∙MJ−1∙mm−1∙yr−1. The Slope Length and Steepness factor (LS-factor) in the basin ranged between 0% and 13.47%. The Crop Management Factor (C-factor) values were obtained from a rescaling of the NDVI values derived for the study area and ranged from 0.26 to 0.55. Support practice (P-factors) were computed from the prevalent tillage practice in the basin and ranged from 0.27 to 0.40. The soil loss amount for the Kubanni basin was found to be 28441.482 tons∙ha−1∙yr−1, while the annual soil loss for the entire Kubanni drainage basin was found to be 49780.257 tons∙yr−1. The study has demonstrated the viability of coupling RUSLE model and Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques for the estimation of soil loss in the Kubanni drainage basin.
基金Science&Technology Specific Project for Enriching People and Strengthening County Economy(BN2015221)~~
文摘In order to develop organic rice and increase paddy soil fertility by cloverorganic rice rotation, the effects of N, P and K fertilizers on growth of clover nitrogen-fixing rhizobia and soil fertility after plantation were investigated, thereby providing certain reference for reasonable cultivation of clover and improvement of soil fertility. A two-year experiment was conducted from 2012 to 2013. The clover was cultivated after rice every year, and different levels of N, P and K fertilizers were applied before winter. In the treatment group, no fertilizer was applied. The effects of different fertilizers and different application amounts on clover yield, nitrogen-fixing rhizobia quantity, nitrogen-fixing rhizobia weight and soil fertility after plantation were analyzed. The results showed that the application of N, P and K fertilizers in the early stage had significantly effect on the growth of clover. When the application amount of N fertilizer was 75 kg/hm^2(N 46%), the clover yield, nitrogen-fixing rhizobia quantity and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia weight were highest. The soil nitrogen content after plantation increased with the increase of the application amount of N fertilizer, while the P and K content decreased and then increased with the increased application amounts. Soil available P content increased with the increased application amounts of N and P fertilizers, but it did not change significantly with the increased application amount of K fertilizer. Soil available K content increased first and then decreased with the increased application amounts of N and P fertilizers.When the application amounts of N and P fertilizers were 150(N 46%) and 300(P_2O_5 12%) kg/hm^2, soil available K content reached the maximum. Soil organic matter content increased with the increased application amounts of N, P and K fertilizers. Therefore, in the cultivation of clover, appropriate application of N, P and K fertilizers in the early stage can improve clover yield and soil fertility.
文摘Soil erodibility is an important index to evaluate the soil sensitivity to erosion. The research on soil erodibility is a crucial tache in understanding the mechanism of soil erosion. Soil erodibility can be evaluated by measuring soil physiochemical properties, scouring experiment, simulated rainfall experiment, plot experiment and wind tunnel experiment. We can use soil erosion model and nomogram to calculate soil erodibility. Many soil erodibility indices and formulae have been put forward. Soil erodibility is a complex concept, it is influenced by many factors, such as soil properties and human activities. Several obstacles restrict the research of soil erodibility. Firstly, the research on soil erodibility is mainly focused on farmland; Secondly, soil erodibility in different areas cannot be compared sufficiently; and thirdly, the research on soil erodibility in water-wind erosion is very scarce. In the prospective research, we should improve method to measure and calculate soil erodibility, strengthen the research on the mechanism of soil erodibility, and conduct research on soil erodibility by both water and wind agents.
文摘Effect of application of K fertilizer and wheat straw to soil on crop yield and status of soil K in the plough layer under different planting systems was studied. The experiments on long-term application of K fertilizer and wheat straw to soil in Hebei fluvo aquic soil and Shanxi brown soil in northern China were begun in 1992. The results showed that K fertilizer and straw could improve the yields of wheat and maize with the order of NPK + St 〉 NPK 〉 NP + St 〉 NP, and treatment of K fertilizer made a significant difference to NP, and the efficiency of K fertilizer in maize was higher than in wheat under rotation system of Hebei. In contrast with Shanxi, the wastage of soil potassium was a more serious issue in the rotation system in Hebei, only treatment of NPK + St showed a surplus of potassium and the others showed a wane. K fertilizer and straw could improve the content of water-soluble K, nonspecifically adsorbed K, non-exchangeable K, mineral K, and total K in contrast to NP; however, K fertilizer and straw reduce the proportion of mineral K and improve proportion of other forms of potassium in the two locating sites. Compared with the beginning of orientation, temporal variability character of soil K content and proportion showed a difference between the two soil types; furthermore, there was a decrease in the content of mineral K and total K simultaneously in the two locating sites. As a whole, the effect of K fertilizer applied to soil directly excelled to wheat straw to soil. Wheat straw to soil was an effective measure to complement potassium to increase crop yield and retard the decrease of soil K.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41271303,40901135)the National Key Technology R&D Program(Grant Nos.2012BAK10B04,2008BAD98B02)+2 种基金the Non-profit Industry Financial Program of MWR(Grant No.201301058)the Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute of Sciences Innovation Team Project(Grant No.CKSF2012052/TB)Central public welfare scientific research project(Grant No.CKSF2013013/TB)
文摘Aggregate stability is a very important predictor of soil structure and strength, which influences soil erodibility. Several aggregate stability indices were selected erodibility of four soil properties from temperate for estimating interrill types with contrasting and subtropical regions of China. This study was conducted to investigate how closely the soil interrill erodibility factor in the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model relates to soil aggregate stability. The mass fractal dimension (FD), geometric mean diameter (GMD), mean weight diameter (MWD), and aggregate stability index (ASI) of soil aggregates were calculated. A rainfall simulator with a drainable flume (3.0 m long × 1.0 m wide × 0.5 m deep) was used at four slope gradients (5°,10 °,15° and 20°), and four rainfall intensities (0.6, 1.1, 1.7 and 2.5 mm/min). Results indicated that the interriU erodibility (Ki) values were significantly correlated to the indices of ASI, MWD, GMD, and FD computed from the aggregate wet-sieve data. The Kihad a strong positive correlation with FD, as well as a strong negative correlation with ASI, GMD, and MWD. Soils with a higher aggregate stability and lower fractal dimension have smaller Ki values. Stable soils were characterized by a high percentage of large aggregates and the erodible soils by a high percentage of smaller aggregates. The correlation coefficients of Ki with ASI and GMD were greater than those with FD and MWD, implying that both the ASI and GMD may be better alternative parameters for empirically predicting the soil Ki factor. ASI and GMD are more reasonable in interrill soil erodibility estimation, compared with Ki calculation in original WEPP model equation. Results demonstrate the validation of soil aggregation characterization as an appropriate indicator of soil susceptibility to erosion in contrasting soil types in China.
文摘We measured erodibility and mean weight diameter (MWD) of soil aggregates in different parts of a forest road. Samples of topsoil were collected from cutslope, fillslope, road surface and forest ground to assess the texture, bulk density, moisture, CaCO3 and organic matter. Soil aggregate stability was determined by wet sieving. Soil erodibility on the road surface was 2.3 and 1.3 times higher than on the fillslope and cutslope, respectively. The forest soil had the lowest erodibility. Aggregate stability of cutslope and road surface were low and very low, respectively. There was a significant negative relationship between cutslope erodibility with CaCO3 and sand content. Cutslope erodibility increased with increasing silt, clay and moisture content. On fillslopes, MWD increased with in-creasing rock fragment cover, plant cover, litter cover, organic matter and sand. There was a strong negative correlation between fillslope erodibility and organic matter, sand and MWD. There was no significant difference between erodibility of bare soil and soils beneathRubus hyrcanusL. and Philonotis marchica (Hedw.) Brid.
基金funded by the National Key Technologies R&D Program during the 11th Five-Year Plan period of China (2008BADA4B08)the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China (NCET-07-0345)+2 种基金the Earmarked Fund for Modern Agro-Industry Technology Research System of Ministry of Agriculture of China (nycytx-005)the collaborative project between China and the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI)between China and the International Potash Institute (IPI)
文摘The investigation was carried out to study the response of winter rapeseed to potassium (K) feritlization and the critical soil available K level for current winter rapeseed production in the Yangtze River Valley (YRV) of China. A total of 132 field experiments were conducted in fields of farmers in the major winter rapeseed growing areas in YRV in 2000/2001 and 2004/2005 to 2006/2007 during growing season. Results of these field experiments showed that the average rapeseed yield increment resulting from 100 kg K ha-1 application was 358 kg ha-1, an increase over the control CK (no K) of 18.0% in 2005/2006 and 2006/2007. The average internal use efficiency (IE) of K was higher in the CK treatment (21.9 kg grain, kg-1 K uptake) than in the +K (100 kg K ha-1) treatment (17.7 kg grain, kg-1 K uptake). Winter rapeseed required 68.1 kg of K to produce 1 000 kg seed. The recovery efficiency of K fertilizer in rapeseed production averaged 39.3%. The K balance was negative, with an average net removal of 117.6 kg K ha-1 in the CK treatment annually, and 56.8 kg K ha-1 in the +K treatment. The results indicated that there was a significant negative relationship between yield increments by K application and soil available K content. Based on the relative yield of CK/+K at 90% level, the critical level of soil available K (NH4OAc-extractable K) was 135 mg kg-1.
基金funded by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program(2019QZKK0404)the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA20020401)the Youth Innovation Promotion Association Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(2022380)。
文摘Controlling aeolian desertification is a key ecological target on the Tibetan Plateau,especially within the widespread river valleys.Vegetation recovery can change the near-soil surface characteristics,which thus may influence wind erodibility of soils.However,these potential effects are not sufficiently evaluated for aeolian sandy soils.This study selected the Shannan valley of the Yarlung Zangbo River on the southern Tibetan Plateau as a case to investigate the variations in wind erodibility of aeolian sandy soils impacted by different vegetation restoration,since many ecological measures have been implemented in recent decades in the river valley.Eight vegetated sandy lands with different restoration types and ages and two bare sandy lands(as controls)were chosen as test sites.Four vegetated sandy lands were covered by Artemisia wellbyi,Hedysarum scoparium,Sophora moorcroftiana,and Populus L.with the similar restoration age of 10 years.For Sophora moorcroftiana and Populus L.communities,two restoration ages of 6 and over 30 years were also selected respectively.Wind erodibility was reflected by wind erodible fraction(EF),mean weight diameter of dry aggregates(MWD),capillary water capacity(CWC),soil cohesion(CS),and soil penetration resistance(PR)from different aspects.A comprehensive wind erodibility index(CWEI)was further produced by a weighted summation method to combine those five indices together and comprehensively quantify the effects of vegetation restoration on wind erodibility of aeolian sandy soils.The results showed that revegetation was efficient to reduce wind erodibility of aeolian sandy soils.EF generally decreased,while MWD,CWC,CS,and PR increased after vegetation restoration on the aeolian sandy lands.The CWEI of vegetated sandy lands varied greatly from 0.850 to 0 under different restoration types and ages and decreased by 14.4%to 100%compared to the control.Under the four different restoration types,Populus L.had the relatively minimum CWEI,followed by Artemisia wellbyi,Sophora moorcroftiana and Hedysarum scoparium.With succession from 6 to over 30 years,CWEI gradually declined for both the Populus L.and Sophora moorcroftiana restored sandy lands.The decreases in wind erodibility(reflected by CWEI)on vegetated sandy lands were dominantly controlled by the improvement of soil texture and the increases of organic matter and calcium carbonate contents with vegetation restoration.The combined vegetation measure of Populus L.mixed with shrubs and grasses was suggested as the optimal restoration type for mitigating wind erodibility of aeolian sandy soils in the Shannan valley of the Yarlung Zangbo River.
文摘Kdesorption from soils in a constant electric field(field strength:44.5Vcm-1) by means of electro-ultrafil-tration (EUF) followed second-order kinetics and could be described by the equation dd/dt = k(D-d)2. From theequation, such kinetic parameters relating to K desorption from soils as the maximum desorbable quantity D, quantity of K desorbed within 40 minutes d40, initial desorption rate Vo, desorption rate constant k and half-time t1/2 could be calculated. An expression which describes the relationships between the kinetic parameters on the one hand and the responses of barley to fertilizer-K in the field experiments in different sites and the potassium-supplying power of soils on the other was established. Vo, D and d40 were significantly correlated with barley relative yield, K uptake by barley and the content of soil available potassium. The rate constants of K desorption varied between 4.42 × 10-4-1.80 × 10-3kg mg-1 min-1 and highly correlated with the relative yield of barley. The kinetic parameters including Vo, D, d40 and k were successfully used to estimate the K-supplying power of soils.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61505253)National Key Research and Development Plan of China (Project No. 2016YFD0200601)
文摘One of the technical bottlenecks of traditional laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) is the difficulty in quantitative detection caused by the matrix effect. To troubleshoot this problem,this paper investigated a combination of time-resolved LIBS and convolutional neural networks(CNNs) to improve K determination in soil. The time-resolved LIBS contained the information of both wavelength and time dimension. The spectra of wavelength dimension showed the characteristic emission lines of elements, and those of time dimension presented the plasma decay trend. The one-dimensional data of LIBS intensity from the emission line at 766.49 nm were extracted and correlated with the K concentration, showing a poor correlation of R_c^2?=?0.0967, which is caused by the matrix effect of heterogeneous soil. For the wavelength dimension, the two-dimensional data of traditional integrated LIBS were extracted and analyzed by an artificial neural network(ANN), showing R_v^2?=?0.6318 and the root mean square error of validation(RMSEV)?=?0.6234. For the time dimension, the two-dimensional data of time-decay LIBS were extracted and analyzed by ANN, showing R_v^2?=?0.7366 and RMSEV?=?0.7855.These higher determination coefficients reveal that both the non-K emission lines of wavelength dimension and the spectral decay of time dimension could assist in quantitative detection of K.However, due to limited calibration samples, the two-dimensional models presented over-fitting.The three-dimensional data of time-resolved LIBS were analyzed by CNNs, which extracted and integrated the information of both the wavelength and time dimension, showing the R_v^2?=?0.9968 and RMSEV?=?0.0785. CNN analysis of time-resolved LIBS is capable of improving the determination of K in soil.
文摘The goal of this study was to optimize the constitutive parameters of foundation soils using a k-means algorithm with clustering analysis. A database was collected from unconfined compression tests, Proctor tests and grain distribution tests of soils taken from three different types of foundation pits: raft foundations, partial raft foundations and strip foundations. k-means algorithm with clustering analysis was applied to determine the most appropriate foundation type given the un- confined compression strengths and other parameters of the different soils.
基金Supported by Project of Guizhou Agricultural Engineering Center(G[2009]4001)Special Fund for Scientific Research of Public Welfare Industry(Agriculture)(201003059)+1 种基金Key Agricultural Project of Guizhou Province(NY[2012]3046)International Sci-tech Cooperation Program of Guizhou Province(G[2011]7031)
文摘This paper studied soil erodibility of slope farmland in Guizhou mountain areas by the plot runoff method,analysis and test. Results show that the variation coefficient of erodibility K value calculated according to formula introduced by Sharply is low and relatively stable and accurate,so it is a suitable method for calculating erodibility K value of slope farmland in Guizhou mountain areas. K value of layer A slope farmland decreases with increase of years. The erodibility of entire soil layer is high,and the erosion resistance is weak. From the influence of different planting system and use types in 4 years,K values of different soil layers decrease,average reduction of A,B and C layers reaches 3. 17%- 11. 64%( 1. 26%- 12. 34% for layer A,1. 29%- 13. 80% for layer B,and 1. 26%- 10. 80% for layer C). Except engineering terraced treatment,the decline of K value of grassland,zoning crop rotation,economic fruit forest,grain and grass intercropping,plant hedge, and mixed forest treatment is higher than farmers' treatment,and the decline level is grassland > zoning crop rotation > economic fruit forest > grain and grass intercropping > plant hedge > and mixed forest treatment. Planting grass and trees is favorable for lowering erodibility of slope farmland and improving farmland quality. Interplanting of corns with other plants can increase plant coverage and species,so it is favorable for improving erodibility of slope farmland.
文摘By a simulated rainfall and runoff scouring test with typical corrosive soils in main water erosion regions of China, the erosion processes of soil were analyzed from the energy point of view, and a new soil erodibility indicator was proposed. The results show that there is a good relation- ship between the rate of sediment yield and energy consumption of slope runoff, and the erodibility coefficients of four soils are stable, being shown as follows 〉 loess 〉 black soil 〉 purple soil 〉 red soil.
基金Supported by National Key R&D Projects of the 13thFive-Year Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology(2017YFD0201900)Young and Middle-aged Talents Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education(Q20181303)Construction Project of National Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System(CAR-13)
文摘[Objective]A long-term paddy-upland experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of the recommended amount of potassium( K)fertilizer on crop yield,distribution of soil aggregate,and soil available K content. It was mainly to ascertain the distribution of K in the soil aggregate components in the paddy-upland rotation system,and then to provide theoretical basis for soil structure improvement,K pool management,and reasonable application of K fertilizer. [Method]There were 2 treatments selected,namely,NP(-K) treatment and NPK( + K) treatment in this study. Then the effects of K fertilizer application on the yield,available K content,and aggregate distribution in the middle rice-winter rape rotation system were analyzed. [Result]The results showed that the output of the crop rotation was affected by the year and fertilization. Compared with NP(-K),the average yield increases of rice and winter rape after application of K fertilizer were 0.51 and 0.33 t/hm2,with the increments of 7.5%and 14. 1% respectively. The long-term application of K fertilizer( 7 a) had no significant effects on the distribution of soil aggregates but could significantly increase the water-soluble K content and available K content at depths of 20-30 and 30-40 cm,and available K content of aggregates in each particle size. In addition,the balance of available K at the 10-20 and 30-40 cm of soil layers was the most significant through calculation of surplus-deficit value of available K in agglomerates of different soil layers. [Conclusion]Compared with the initial available K content in the farmland in 2011,the current K fertilizer application could lead to that farmland K content continues to decline. Therefore,we should pay attention to straw returned and supplement of organic K fertilizer,to maintain crop rotation system's productivity and soil K balance.
文摘Potassium(K) is known as one of the essential nutrients for the growth of plant species. The relationship between K and clay minerals can be used to understand the K cycling, and assess the plant uptake and potential of soil K fertility. This study was conducted to analyze the K forms(soluble, exchangeable, non-exchangeable and structural) and the relationship of K forms with clay minerals of calcareous soils in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Southwest Iran. The climate is hotter and drier in the west and south of the province than in the east and north of the province. A total of 54 pedons were dug in the study area and 32 representative pedons were selected. The studied pedons were mostly located on calcareous deposits. The soils in the study area can be classified into 5 orders including Entisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, Alfisols and Vertisols. The main soil clay minerals in the west and south of the study area were illite, chlorite and palygorskite, whereas they were smectite, vermiculite and illite in the north and east of the province. Due to large amount of smectite and high content of organic carbon in soil surface, the exchangeable K in surface soils was higher than that in subsurface soils. It seems that organic matter plays a more important role than smectite mineral in retaining exchangeable K in the studied soils. Non-exchangeable K exhibited close relationships with clay content, illite, vermiculite and smectite. Although the amount of illite was the same in almost all pedons, amounts of structural and non-exchangeable K were higher in humid regions than in arid and semi-arid regions. This difference may be related to the poor reservoir of K~+ minerals like palygorskite and chlorite together with illite in arid and semi-arid regions. In humid areas, illite was accompanied by vermiculite and smectite as the K~+ reservoir. Moreover, the mean cumulative non-exchangeable K released by CaCl_2 was higher than that released by oxalic acid, which may be due to the high buffering capacity resulting from high carbonates in soils.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.21207052)
文摘A pulsed discharge plasma(PDP) reactor with net anode and net cathode was established for investigating the pyrene degradation in soil under different pulse peak voltage,air flow rate,pyrene content in soil,initial p H value and initial water content of the soil.Pyrene oxidation within the 60 min discharge time was fitting according to the pseudo-first order equation and the corresponding reaction kinetics constants(k values) were calculated.The obtained results show that pyrene oxidation under all the different reaction conditions obeyed the pseudo-first order equation well.Higher pulsed peak voltage and appropriate air flow rate were in favor of the increase of reaction rate of pyrene oxidation.A higher k value could be achieved in the lower initial pyrene content(the value was 100 mg kg^-1).The k value of pyrene oxidation in the case of p H=4 was 11.2 times higher than the value obtained under the condition of p H=9,while the initial water content of the soil also has a large effect on the oxidation rate of pyrene due to the effect of PDP.