This paper deals with an extension of a previous work [Gravitation & Cosmology, Vol. 4, 1998, pp 107-113] to exact spherical symmetric solutions to the spinor field equations with nonlinear terms which are arbitra...This paper deals with an extension of a previous work [Gravitation & Cosmology, Vol. 4, 1998, pp 107-113] to exact spherical symmetric solutions to the spinor field equations with nonlinear terms which are arbitrary functions of S=ψψ, taking into account their own gravitational field. Equations with power and polynomial nonlinearities are studied in detail. It is shown that the initial set of the Einstein and spinor field equations with a power nonlinearity has regular solutions with spinor field localized energy and charge densities. The total energy and charge are finite. Besides, exact solutions, including soliton-like solutions, to the spinor field equations are also obtained in flat space-time.展开更多
By using two different transformations, several types of exact analytic solutions for a class of nonlinear coupled scalar field equation are obtained, which contain soliton solutions, singular solitary wave solutions ...By using two different transformations, several types of exact analytic solutions for a class of nonlinear coupled scalar field equation are obtained, which contain soliton solutions, singular solitary wave solutions and triangle function solutions. These results can be applied to other nonlinear equations. In addition, parts of conclusions in some references are corrected.展开更多
In the articles “Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation Explained by the Theory of Informatons” and “The Gravitational Interaction between Moving Mass Particles Explained by the Theory of Informatons” the gravitatio...In the articles “Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation Explained by the Theory of Informatons” and “The Gravitational Interaction between Moving Mass Particles Explained by the Theory of Informatons” the gravitational interaction has been explained by the hypothesis that information carried by informatons is the substance of gravitational fields, i.e. the medium that the interaction in question makes possible. From the idea that “information carried by informatons” is its substance, it has been deduced that—on the macroscopic level—a gravitational field manifests itself as a dual entity, always having a field- and an induction component (Egand Bg) simultaneously created by their common sources. In this article we will mathematically deduce the Maxwell-Heaviside equations from the kinematics of the informatons. These relations describe on the macroscopic level how a gravitational field (Eg, Bg) is generated by whether or not moving masses and how spatial and temporal changes of Egand Bgare related. We show that there is no causal link between Egand Bg.展开更多
Using d'Alembert equation as the approximation of Einstein's equation, a solution is given in this paper to the time-dependent gravitational equation of the Earth in consideration of the Earth's features, ...Using d'Alembert equation as the approximation of Einstein's equation, a solution is given in this paper to the time-dependent gravitational equation of the Earth in consideration of the Earth's features, which describes the characteristics of pulsation of the Earth and the structures of spherical layers of its interior, thus providing a theoretical basis for establishing the idea of mantle pulsation.展开更多
We have obtained exact static plane-symmetric solutions to the spinor field equations with nonlinear terms which are arbitrary functions of invariant , taking into account their own gravitational field. It is shown th...We have obtained exact static plane-symmetric solutions to the spinor field equations with nonlinear terms which are arbitrary functions of invariant , taking into account their own gravitational field. It is shown that the initial set of the Einstein and spinor field equations with a power-law nonlinearity have regular solutions with a localized energy density of the spinor field only if m=0 (m is the mass parameter in the spinor field equations). Equations with power and polynomial nonlinearities are studied in detail. In this case, a soliton-like configuration has negative energy. We have also obtained exact static plane-symmetric solutions to the above spinor field equations in flat space-time. It is proved that in this case soliton-like solutions are absent.展开更多
In the classical Newtonian mechanics, the gravity fields of static thin loop and double spheres are two simple but foundational problems. However, in the Einstein’s theory of gravity, they are not simple. In fact, we...In the classical Newtonian mechanics, the gravity fields of static thin loop and double spheres are two simple but foundational problems. However, in the Einstein’s theory of gravity, they are not simple. In fact, we do not know their solutions up to now. Based on the coordinate transformations of the Kerr and the Kerr-Newman solutions of the Einstein’s equation of gravity field with axial symmetry, the gravity fields of static thin loop and double spheres are obtained. The results indicate that, no matter how much the mass and density are, there are singularities at the central point of thin loop and the contact point of double spheres. What is more, the singularities are completely exposed in vacuum. Space near the surfaces of thin loop and spheres are highly curved, although the gravity fields are very weak. These results are inconsistent with practical experience and completely impossible. By reasonable analogy, black holes with singularity in cosmology and astrophysics are something illusive. Caused by the mathematical description of curved space-time, they do not exist in real world actually. If there are black holes in the universe, they can only be the types of the Newtonian black holes without singularities, rather than the Einstein’s singularity black holes. In order to escape the puzzle of singularity thoroughly, the description of gravity should return to the traditional form of dynamics in flat space. The renormalization of gravity and the unified description of four basic interactions may be possible only based on the frame of flat space-time. Otherwise, theses problems can not be solved forever. Physicists should have a clear understanding about this problem.展开更多
In this paper we investigate the time-machine problem in the electromagnetic field. Based on a metric which is a more general form of Ori's, we solve the Einstein's equations with the energy-momentum tensors for ele...In this paper we investigate the time-machine problem in the electromagnetic field. Based on a metric which is a more general form of Ori's, we solve the Einstein's equations with the energy-momentum tensors for electromagnetic field, and construct the time-machine solutions, which solve the time machine problem in electromagnetic field.展开更多
The Bach equations are a version of higher-order gravitational field equations, exactly they are of fourth-order. In 4-dimensions the Bach-Einstein gravitational field equations are treated here as a perturbation of E...The Bach equations are a version of higher-order gravitational field equations, exactly they are of fourth-order. In 4-dimensions the Bach-Einstein gravitational field equations are treated here as a perturbation of Einstein’s gravity. An approximate inversion formula is derived which admits a comparison of the two field theories. An application to these theories is given where the gravitational Lagrangian is expressed linearly in terms of R, R<sup>2</sup>, |Ric|<sup>2</sup>, where the Ricci tensor Ric = R<sub>αβ</sub>dx<sup>α</sup>dx<sup>β</sup> is inserted in some formulas which are of geometrical or physical importance, such as;Raychaudhuri equation and Tolman’s formula.展开更多
A stationary axially symmetric exterior electrovacuum solution of the Einstein-Maxwell field equations was obtained. An interior solution for rotating charged dust with vanishing Lorentz force was also obtained. The t...A stationary axially symmetric exterior electrovacuum solution of the Einstein-Maxwell field equations was obtained. An interior solution for rotating charged dust with vanishing Lorentz force was also obtained. The two spacetimes are separated by a boundary which is a surface layer with surface stress-energy tensor and surface electric 4-current. The layer is the spherical surface bounding the charged matter. It was further shown, that all the exterior physical quantities vanished at the asymptotic spatial infinity where spacetime was shown to be flat. There are two different sets of junction conditions: the electromagnetic junction conditions, which were expressed in the traditional 3-dimensional form of classical electromagnetic theory;and the considerably more complicated gravitational junction conditions. It was shown that both—the electromagnetic and gravitational junction conditions—were satisfied. The mass, charge and angular momentum were determined from the metric. Exact analytical formulae for the dipole moment and gyromagnetic ratio were also derived. The conditions, under which the latter formulae gave Blackett’s empirical result for rotating stars, were investigated.展开更多
A systematic method is developed to studY the classical motion of a mass point in gravitational gauge field. First, by using Mathematica, a spherical symmetric solution of the field equation of gravitational gauge fie...A systematic method is developed to studY the classical motion of a mass point in gravitational gauge field. First, by using Mathematica, a spherical symmetric solution of the field equation of gravitational gauge field is obtained, which is just the traditional Schwarzschild solution. Combining the principle of gauge covariance and Newton's second law of motion, the equation of motion of a mass point in gravitational field is deduced. Based on the spherical symmetric solution of the field equation and the equation of motion of a mass point in gravitational field, we can discuss classical tests of gauge theory of gravity, including the deflection of light by the sun, the precession of the perihelia of the orbits of the inner planets and the time delay of radar echoes passing the sun. It is found that the theoretical predictions of these classical tests given by gauge theory of gravity are completely the same as those given by general relativity.展开更多
In “<i>A Self-linking Field Formalism</i>” I establish a self-dual field structure with higher order self-induced symmetries that reinforce the first-order dynamics. The structure was derived from Gauss-...In “<i>A Self-linking Field Formalism</i>” I establish a self-dual field structure with higher order self-induced symmetries that reinforce the first-order dynamics. The structure was derived from Gauss-linking integrals in R<sup>3</sup> based on the Biot-Savart law and Ampere’s law applied to Heaviside’s equations, derived in strength-independent fashion in “<i>Primordial Principle of Self-Interaction</i>”. The derivation involves Geometric Calculus, topology, and field equations. My goal in this paper is to derive the simplest solution of a self-stabilized solitonic structure and discuss this model of a neutrino.展开更多
Based on theoretical system of current Maxwell’s equations, the Maxwell’s equations for LEM waves concealed in full current law and Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction (Faraday’s law) are proposed. Then, ta...Based on theoretical system of current Maxwell’s equations, the Maxwell’s equations for LEM waves concealed in full current law and Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction (Faraday’s law) are proposed. Then, taking them as the fundamental equations, the wave equation and energy equation of LEM waves are established, and a new electromagnetic wave propagation mode based on the mutual induction of scalar electromagnetic fields/vortex magneto-electric fields, which was overlooked in current Maxwell’s equations, are put forward. Moreover, through theoretical derivation based on vacuum LEM waves, the Maxwell’s equations of the gravitational field generated by vacuum LEM waves, the wave equations of the electromagnetic scalar potential/magnetic vector potential and the constraint equation governing the wave phase-velocities between LEM/TEM waves are discovered. Finally, on the basis of these theoretical research results, the electromagnetic properties of vacuum LEM waves are analyzed in detail, encompassing the speed of light, harmless penetrability to the human body, absorption and stable storage by water, the possibility of generating artificial gravitational fields, and the capability of extracting free energy. This reveals the medical functional mechanism of LEM waves and establishes a solid theoretical basis for the application of LEM waves in the fields of medicine and energy.展开更多
We study the dynamic of scalar bosons in the presence of Aharonov-Bohm magnetic field. First, we give the differential equation that governs this dynamic. Secondly, we use variational techniques to show that the follo...We study the dynamic of scalar bosons in the presence of Aharonov-Bohm magnetic field. First, we give the differential equation that governs this dynamic. Secondly, we use variational techniques to show that the following Schrödinger-Newton equation: , where A is an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic potential, has a unique ground-state solution.展开更多
The wave/particle duality of particles in Physics is well known. Particles have properties that uniquely characterize them from one another, such as mass, charge and spin. Charged particles have associated Electric an...The wave/particle duality of particles in Physics is well known. Particles have properties that uniquely characterize them from one another, such as mass, charge and spin. Charged particles have associated Electric and Magnetic fields. Also, every moving particle has a De Broglie wavelength determined by its mass and velocity. This paper shows that all of these properties of a particle can be derived from a single wave function equation for that particle. Wave functions for the Electron and the Positron are presented and principles are provided that can be used to calculate the wave functions of all the fundamental particles in Physics. Fundamental particles such as electrons and positrons are considered to be point particles in the Standard Model of Physics and are not considered to have a structure. This paper demonstrates that they do indeed have structure and that this structure extends into the space around the particle’s center (in fact, they have infinite extent), but with rapidly diminishing energy density with the distance from that center. The particles are formed from Electromagnetic standing waves, which are stable solutions to the Schrödinger and Classical wave equations. This stable structure therefore accounts for both the wave and particle nature of these particles. In fact, all of their properties such as mass, spin and electric charge, can be accounted for from this structure. These particle properties appear to originate from a single point at the center of the wave function structure, in the same sort of way that the Shell theorem of gravity causes the gravity of a body to appear to all originate from a central point. This paper represents the first two fully characterized fundamental particles, with a complete description of their structure and properties, built up from the underlying Electromagnetic waves that comprise these and all fundamental particles.展开更多
In this paper, with the application of the Delauney variables, according to the Hamilton equations, the influence on the perturbation of a satellite exerted by the gravitational force of the earth through canonical tr...In this paper, with the application of the Delauney variables, according to the Hamilton equations, the influence on the perturbation of a satellite exerted by the gravitational force of the earth through canonical transformation has been found out. As a result, the equation about how the position and velocity of the satellite vary with time is deduced.展开更多
We study the bound states to nonlinear Schrodinger equations with electro magnetic fields ihδψ/δt=(h/i -A(x))^2ψ+V(x)ψ-K(x)|ψ|^p-1ψ=0,on R+ ×R^N. Let G(x)=[V(x)p+1/p-1-N/2][K(x)]-2/p-1 ...We study the bound states to nonlinear Schrodinger equations with electro magnetic fields ihδψ/δt=(h/i -A(x))^2ψ+V(x)ψ-K(x)|ψ|^p-1ψ=0,on R+ ×R^N. Let G(x)=[V(x)p+1/p-1-N/2][K(x)]-2/p-1 and suppose that G(x) has k local minimum points. For h 〉 0 small, we find multi-bump bound states ~bh (x, t) ---- e-iE~/huh (X) with Uh concentrating at the local minimum points of G(x) simultaneously as h ~ O. The potentials V(x) and K(x) are allowed to be either compactly supported or unbounded at infinity.展开更多
For explicitly time depending mass density which satisfies a continuity equation, it is shown that Maxwell-like equations for gravitational field follow naturally without any need of General Relativity Theory approxim...For explicitly time depending mass density which satisfies a continuity equation, it is shown that Maxwell-like equations for gravitational field follow naturally without any need of General Relativity Theory approximation or related assumptions. As a consequence, it is shown that several features already known in Electrodynamics (Poynting vector, density of energy, tensor stress, and radiation) are totally reproduced for gravitational field.展开更多
The uniqueness theorem of time-harmonic electromagnetic fields, which is the theoretical basis of boundary value problem (BVP) of electromagnetic fields, is reviewed. So far there are many versions of the statements a...The uniqueness theorem of time-harmonic electromagnetic fields, which is the theoretical basis of boundary value problem (BVP) of electromagnetic fields, is reviewed. So far there are many versions of the statements and proofs on the theorem. However, there exist some limitations and lack of strictness in these versions, for instance, the discussion of the uniqueness of solution without considering the existence of solution and the lack of strictness in the case of loss-less medium. In contrast with the traditional statements and proofs, this paper introduces some important conclusions on operator equation from modern theory of partial differential equation (PDE) and attempts to solve the problems on the existence and uniqueness of the solution to operator equation which is derived from Maxwell’s equations of time-harmonic electromagnetic fields. This method provides a novel and rigorous approach to discuss and solve the existence and uniqueness of the solution to time- harmonic fields in the new mathematical framework. Some important conclusions are presented.展开更多
Beginning with a 5D homogeneous universe [1], we have provided a plausible explanation of the self-rotation phenomenon of stellar objects previously with illustration of large number of star samples [2], via a 5D-4D p...Beginning with a 5D homogeneous universe [1], we have provided a plausible explanation of the self-rotation phenomenon of stellar objects previously with illustration of large number of star samples [2], via a 5D-4D projection. The origin of such rotation is the balance of the angular momenta of stars and that of positive and negative charged e-trino pairs, within a 3D ⊗1D?void of the stellar object, the existence of which is based on conservation/parity laws in physics if one starts with homogeneous 5D universe. While the in-phase e-trino pairs are proposed to be responsible for the generation of angular momentum, the anti-phase but oppositely charge pairs necessarily produce currents. In the 5D to 4D projection, one space variable in the 5D manifold was compacted to zero in most other 5D theories (including theories of Kaluza-Klein and Einstein [3] [4]). We have demonstrated, using the Fermat’s Last Theorem [5], that for validity of gauge invariance at the 4D-5D boundary, the 4th space variable in the 5D manifold is mapped into two current rings at both magnetic poles as required by Perelman entropy mapping;these loops are the origin of the dipolar magnetic field. One conclusion we draw is that there is no gravitational singularity, and hence no black holes in the universe, a result strongly supported by the recent discovery of many stars with masses well greater than 100 solar mass [6] [7] [8], without trace of phenomena observed (such as strong gamma and X ray emissions), which are supposed to be associated with black holes. We analyze the properties of such loop currents on the 4D-5D boundary, where Maxwell equations are valid. We derive explicit expressions for the dipolar fields over the whole temperature range. We then compare our prediction with measured surface magnetic fields of many stars. Since there is coupling in distribution between the in-phase and anti-phase pairs of e-trinos, the generated mag-netic field is directly related to the angular momentum, leading to the result that the magnetic field can be expressible in terms of only the mechanical variables (mass M, radius R, rotation period P)of a star, as if Maxwell equations are “hidden”. An explanation for the occurrence of this “un-expected result” is provided in Section (7.6). Therefore we provide satisfactory answers to a number of “mysteries” of magnetism in astrophysics such as the “Magnetic Bode’s Relation/Law” [9] and the experimental finding that B-P graph in the log-log plot is linear. Moreover, we have developed a new method for studying the relations among the data (M, R, P) during stellar evolution. Ten groups of stellar objects, effectively over 2000 samples are used in various parts of the analysis. We also explain the emergence of huge magnetic field in very old stars like White Dwarfs in terms of formation of 2D Semion state on stellar surface and release of magnetic flux as magnetic storms upon changing the 2D state back to 3D structure. Moreover, we provide an explanation, on the ground of the 5D theory, for the detection of extremely weak fields in Venus and Mars and the asymmetric distribution of magnetic field on the Martian surface. We predict the equatorial fields B of the newly discovered Trappist-1 star and the 6 nearest planets. The log B?−?log P graph for the 6 planets is linear and they satisfy the Magnetic Bode’s relation. Based on the above analysis, we have discovered several new laws of stellar magnetism, which are summarized in Section (7.6).展开更多
A norm of a quaternion matrix is defined. The expressions of the least square solutions of the quaternion matrix equation AX = B and the equation with the constraint condition DX = E are given.
文摘This paper deals with an extension of a previous work [Gravitation & Cosmology, Vol. 4, 1998, pp 107-113] to exact spherical symmetric solutions to the spinor field equations with nonlinear terms which are arbitrary functions of S=ψψ, taking into account their own gravitational field. Equations with power and polynomial nonlinearities are studied in detail. It is shown that the initial set of the Einstein and spinor field equations with a power nonlinearity has regular solutions with spinor field localized energy and charge densities. The total energy and charge are finite. Besides, exact solutions, including soliton-like solutions, to the spinor field equations are also obtained in flat space-time.
文摘By using two different transformations, several types of exact analytic solutions for a class of nonlinear coupled scalar field equation are obtained, which contain soliton solutions, singular solitary wave solutions and triangle function solutions. These results can be applied to other nonlinear equations. In addition, parts of conclusions in some references are corrected.
文摘In the articles “Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation Explained by the Theory of Informatons” and “The Gravitational Interaction between Moving Mass Particles Explained by the Theory of Informatons” the gravitational interaction has been explained by the hypothesis that information carried by informatons is the substance of gravitational fields, i.e. the medium that the interaction in question makes possible. From the idea that “information carried by informatons” is its substance, it has been deduced that—on the macroscopic level—a gravitational field manifests itself as a dual entity, always having a field- and an induction component (Egand Bg) simultaneously created by their common sources. In this article we will mathematically deduce the Maxwell-Heaviside equations from the kinematics of the informatons. These relations describe on the macroscopic level how a gravitational field (Eg, Bg) is generated by whether or not moving masses and how spatial and temporal changes of Egand Bgare related. We show that there is no causal link between Egand Bg.
文摘Using d'Alembert equation as the approximation of Einstein's equation, a solution is given in this paper to the time-dependent gravitational equation of the Earth in consideration of the Earth's features, which describes the characteristics of pulsation of the Earth and the structures of spherical layers of its interior, thus providing a theoretical basis for establishing the idea of mantle pulsation.
文摘We have obtained exact static plane-symmetric solutions to the spinor field equations with nonlinear terms which are arbitrary functions of invariant , taking into account their own gravitational field. It is shown that the initial set of the Einstein and spinor field equations with a power-law nonlinearity have regular solutions with a localized energy density of the spinor field only if m=0 (m is the mass parameter in the spinor field equations). Equations with power and polynomial nonlinearities are studied in detail. In this case, a soliton-like configuration has negative energy. We have also obtained exact static plane-symmetric solutions to the above spinor field equations in flat space-time. It is proved that in this case soliton-like solutions are absent.
文摘In the classical Newtonian mechanics, the gravity fields of static thin loop and double spheres are two simple but foundational problems. However, in the Einstein’s theory of gravity, they are not simple. In fact, we do not know their solutions up to now. Based on the coordinate transformations of the Kerr and the Kerr-Newman solutions of the Einstein’s equation of gravity field with axial symmetry, the gravity fields of static thin loop and double spheres are obtained. The results indicate that, no matter how much the mass and density are, there are singularities at the central point of thin loop and the contact point of double spheres. What is more, the singularities are completely exposed in vacuum. Space near the surfaces of thin loop and spheres are highly curved, although the gravity fields are very weak. These results are inconsistent with practical experience and completely impossible. By reasonable analogy, black holes with singularity in cosmology and astrophysics are something illusive. Caused by the mathematical description of curved space-time, they do not exist in real world actually. If there are black holes in the universe, they can only be the types of the Newtonian black holes without singularities, rather than the Einstein’s singularity black holes. In order to escape the puzzle of singularity thoroughly, the description of gravity should return to the traditional form of dynamics in flat space. The renormalization of gravity and the unified description of four basic interactions may be possible only based on the frame of flat space-time. Otherwise, theses problems can not be solved forever. Physicists should have a clear understanding about this problem.
基金Supported by the Start-up Fund of Fuzhou University under Grant No.0460022346
文摘In this paper we investigate the time-machine problem in the electromagnetic field. Based on a metric which is a more general form of Ori's, we solve the Einstein's equations with the energy-momentum tensors for electromagnetic field, and construct the time-machine solutions, which solve the time machine problem in electromagnetic field.
文摘The Bach equations are a version of higher-order gravitational field equations, exactly they are of fourth-order. In 4-dimensions the Bach-Einstein gravitational field equations are treated here as a perturbation of Einstein’s gravity. An approximate inversion formula is derived which admits a comparison of the two field theories. An application to these theories is given where the gravitational Lagrangian is expressed linearly in terms of R, R<sup>2</sup>, |Ric|<sup>2</sup>, where the Ricci tensor Ric = R<sub>αβ</sub>dx<sup>α</sup>dx<sup>β</sup> is inserted in some formulas which are of geometrical or physical importance, such as;Raychaudhuri equation and Tolman’s formula.
文摘A stationary axially symmetric exterior electrovacuum solution of the Einstein-Maxwell field equations was obtained. An interior solution for rotating charged dust with vanishing Lorentz force was also obtained. The two spacetimes are separated by a boundary which is a surface layer with surface stress-energy tensor and surface electric 4-current. The layer is the spherical surface bounding the charged matter. It was further shown, that all the exterior physical quantities vanished at the asymptotic spatial infinity where spacetime was shown to be flat. There are two different sets of junction conditions: the electromagnetic junction conditions, which were expressed in the traditional 3-dimensional form of classical electromagnetic theory;and the considerably more complicated gravitational junction conditions. It was shown that both—the electromagnetic and gravitational junction conditions—were satisfied. The mass, charge and angular momentum were determined from the metric. Exact analytical formulae for the dipole moment and gyromagnetic ratio were also derived. The conditions, under which the latter formulae gave Blackett’s empirical result for rotating stars, were investigated.
文摘A systematic method is developed to studY the classical motion of a mass point in gravitational gauge field. First, by using Mathematica, a spherical symmetric solution of the field equation of gravitational gauge field is obtained, which is just the traditional Schwarzschild solution. Combining the principle of gauge covariance and Newton's second law of motion, the equation of motion of a mass point in gravitational field is deduced. Based on the spherical symmetric solution of the field equation and the equation of motion of a mass point in gravitational field, we can discuss classical tests of gauge theory of gravity, including the deflection of light by the sun, the precession of the perihelia of the orbits of the inner planets and the time delay of radar echoes passing the sun. It is found that the theoretical predictions of these classical tests given by gauge theory of gravity are completely the same as those given by general relativity.
文摘In “<i>A Self-linking Field Formalism</i>” I establish a self-dual field structure with higher order self-induced symmetries that reinforce the first-order dynamics. The structure was derived from Gauss-linking integrals in R<sup>3</sup> based on the Biot-Savart law and Ampere’s law applied to Heaviside’s equations, derived in strength-independent fashion in “<i>Primordial Principle of Self-Interaction</i>”. The derivation involves Geometric Calculus, topology, and field equations. My goal in this paper is to derive the simplest solution of a self-stabilized solitonic structure and discuss this model of a neutrino.
文摘Based on theoretical system of current Maxwell’s equations, the Maxwell’s equations for LEM waves concealed in full current law and Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction (Faraday’s law) are proposed. Then, taking them as the fundamental equations, the wave equation and energy equation of LEM waves are established, and a new electromagnetic wave propagation mode based on the mutual induction of scalar electromagnetic fields/vortex magneto-electric fields, which was overlooked in current Maxwell’s equations, are put forward. Moreover, through theoretical derivation based on vacuum LEM waves, the Maxwell’s equations of the gravitational field generated by vacuum LEM waves, the wave equations of the electromagnetic scalar potential/magnetic vector potential and the constraint equation governing the wave phase-velocities between LEM/TEM waves are discovered. Finally, on the basis of these theoretical research results, the electromagnetic properties of vacuum LEM waves are analyzed in detail, encompassing the speed of light, harmless penetrability to the human body, absorption and stable storage by water, the possibility of generating artificial gravitational fields, and the capability of extracting free energy. This reveals the medical functional mechanism of LEM waves and establishes a solid theoretical basis for the application of LEM waves in the fields of medicine and energy.
文摘We study the dynamic of scalar bosons in the presence of Aharonov-Bohm magnetic field. First, we give the differential equation that governs this dynamic. Secondly, we use variational techniques to show that the following Schrödinger-Newton equation: , where A is an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic potential, has a unique ground-state solution.
文摘The wave/particle duality of particles in Physics is well known. Particles have properties that uniquely characterize them from one another, such as mass, charge and spin. Charged particles have associated Electric and Magnetic fields. Also, every moving particle has a De Broglie wavelength determined by its mass and velocity. This paper shows that all of these properties of a particle can be derived from a single wave function equation for that particle. Wave functions for the Electron and the Positron are presented and principles are provided that can be used to calculate the wave functions of all the fundamental particles in Physics. Fundamental particles such as electrons and positrons are considered to be point particles in the Standard Model of Physics and are not considered to have a structure. This paper demonstrates that they do indeed have structure and that this structure extends into the space around the particle’s center (in fact, they have infinite extent), but with rapidly diminishing energy density with the distance from that center. The particles are formed from Electromagnetic standing waves, which are stable solutions to the Schrödinger and Classical wave equations. This stable structure therefore accounts for both the wave and particle nature of these particles. In fact, all of their properties such as mass, spin and electric charge, can be accounted for from this structure. These particle properties appear to originate from a single point at the center of the wave function structure, in the same sort of way that the Shell theorem of gravity causes the gravity of a body to appear to all originate from a central point. This paper represents the first two fully characterized fundamental particles, with a complete description of their structure and properties, built up from the underlying Electromagnetic waves that comprise these and all fundamental particles.
文摘In this paper, with the application of the Delauney variables, according to the Hamilton equations, the influence on the perturbation of a satellite exerted by the gravitational force of the earth through canonical transformation has been found out. As a result, the equation about how the position and velocity of the satellite vary with time is deduced.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(11201132)Scientific Research Foundation for Ph.D of Hubei University of Technology(BSQD12065)the Scientific Research Project of Education Department of Hubei Province(Q20151401)
文摘We study the bound states to nonlinear Schrodinger equations with electro magnetic fields ihδψ/δt=(h/i -A(x))^2ψ+V(x)ψ-K(x)|ψ|^p-1ψ=0,on R+ ×R^N. Let G(x)=[V(x)p+1/p-1-N/2][K(x)]-2/p-1 and suppose that G(x) has k local minimum points. For h 〉 0 small, we find multi-bump bound states ~bh (x, t) ---- e-iE~/huh (X) with Uh concentrating at the local minimum points of G(x) simultaneously as h ~ O. The potentials V(x) and K(x) are allowed to be either compactly supported or unbounded at infinity.
文摘For explicitly time depending mass density which satisfies a continuity equation, it is shown that Maxwell-like equations for gravitational field follow naturally without any need of General Relativity Theory approximation or related assumptions. As a consequence, it is shown that several features already known in Electrodynamics (Poynting vector, density of energy, tensor stress, and radiation) are totally reproduced for gravitational field.
文摘The uniqueness theorem of time-harmonic electromagnetic fields, which is the theoretical basis of boundary value problem (BVP) of electromagnetic fields, is reviewed. So far there are many versions of the statements and proofs on the theorem. However, there exist some limitations and lack of strictness in these versions, for instance, the discussion of the uniqueness of solution without considering the existence of solution and the lack of strictness in the case of loss-less medium. In contrast with the traditional statements and proofs, this paper introduces some important conclusions on operator equation from modern theory of partial differential equation (PDE) and attempts to solve the problems on the existence and uniqueness of the solution to operator equation which is derived from Maxwell’s equations of time-harmonic electromagnetic fields. This method provides a novel and rigorous approach to discuss and solve the existence and uniqueness of the solution to time- harmonic fields in the new mathematical framework. Some important conclusions are presented.
文摘Beginning with a 5D homogeneous universe [1], we have provided a plausible explanation of the self-rotation phenomenon of stellar objects previously with illustration of large number of star samples [2], via a 5D-4D projection. The origin of such rotation is the balance of the angular momenta of stars and that of positive and negative charged e-trino pairs, within a 3D ⊗1D?void of the stellar object, the existence of which is based on conservation/parity laws in physics if one starts with homogeneous 5D universe. While the in-phase e-trino pairs are proposed to be responsible for the generation of angular momentum, the anti-phase but oppositely charge pairs necessarily produce currents. In the 5D to 4D projection, one space variable in the 5D manifold was compacted to zero in most other 5D theories (including theories of Kaluza-Klein and Einstein [3] [4]). We have demonstrated, using the Fermat’s Last Theorem [5], that for validity of gauge invariance at the 4D-5D boundary, the 4th space variable in the 5D manifold is mapped into two current rings at both magnetic poles as required by Perelman entropy mapping;these loops are the origin of the dipolar magnetic field. One conclusion we draw is that there is no gravitational singularity, and hence no black holes in the universe, a result strongly supported by the recent discovery of many stars with masses well greater than 100 solar mass [6] [7] [8], without trace of phenomena observed (such as strong gamma and X ray emissions), which are supposed to be associated with black holes. We analyze the properties of such loop currents on the 4D-5D boundary, where Maxwell equations are valid. We derive explicit expressions for the dipolar fields over the whole temperature range. We then compare our prediction with measured surface magnetic fields of many stars. Since there is coupling in distribution between the in-phase and anti-phase pairs of e-trinos, the generated mag-netic field is directly related to the angular momentum, leading to the result that the magnetic field can be expressible in terms of only the mechanical variables (mass M, radius R, rotation period P)of a star, as if Maxwell equations are “hidden”. An explanation for the occurrence of this “un-expected result” is provided in Section (7.6). Therefore we provide satisfactory answers to a number of “mysteries” of magnetism in astrophysics such as the “Magnetic Bode’s Relation/Law” [9] and the experimental finding that B-P graph in the log-log plot is linear. Moreover, we have developed a new method for studying the relations among the data (M, R, P) during stellar evolution. Ten groups of stellar objects, effectively over 2000 samples are used in various parts of the analysis. We also explain the emergence of huge magnetic field in very old stars like White Dwarfs in terms of formation of 2D Semion state on stellar surface and release of magnetic flux as magnetic storms upon changing the 2D state back to 3D structure. Moreover, we provide an explanation, on the ground of the 5D theory, for the detection of extremely weak fields in Venus and Mars and the asymmetric distribution of magnetic field on the Martian surface. We predict the equatorial fields B of the newly discovered Trappist-1 star and the 6 nearest planets. The log B?−?log P graph for the 6 planets is linear and they satisfy the Magnetic Bode’s relation. Based on the above analysis, we have discovered several new laws of stellar magnetism, which are summarized in Section (7.6).
文摘A norm of a quaternion matrix is defined. The expressions of the least square solutions of the quaternion matrix equation AX = B and the equation with the constraint condition DX = E are given.