针对复杂非均匀水下环境中目标检测问题,提出了一种基于背景统计特性的鲁棒声呐恒虚警(Background Statistical Characteristics based Robust Sonar Target Constant False Alarm Ratio,BSCR-CFAR)检测算法。该算法将自动删除平均级检...针对复杂非均匀水下环境中目标检测问题,提出了一种基于背景统计特性的鲁棒声呐恒虚警(Background Statistical Characteristics based Robust Sonar Target Constant False Alarm Ratio,BSCR-CFAR)检测算法。该算法将自动删除平均级检测(Automatic Censored Mean Level Detection,ACMLD)和排序统计恒虚警(Order Statistic CFAR,OS-CFAR)检测算法引入可变指数恒虚警(Variability Index CFAR,VI-CFAR)检测算法中,并通过评估背景特性,自适应选择更匹配的CFAR检测方法。仿真和声呐实测数据分析结果表明,相比较单元平均恒虚警(Cell Average CFAR,CA-CFAR)、单元平均选大恒虚警(Greatest of CFAR,GO-CFAR)、单元平均选小恒虚警(Smallest of CFAR,SO-CFAR)和OS-CFAR、VI-CFAR等检测算法,该算法在混响边缘、混响区、单/多强离散干扰等典型非均匀背景下的恒虚警检测保持了良好的鲁棒性。展开更多
The effects of movement errors on imaging results of synthetic aperture sonar and the necessity of movement compensation are discussed. Based on analyzing so-called displaced phase center algorithm, an improved algori...The effects of movement errors on imaging results of synthetic aperture sonar and the necessity of movement compensation are discussed. Based on analyzing so-called displaced phase center algorithm, an improved algorithm is proposed. In this method, the time delay is estimated firstly, then the phase is estimated for the residual error, so that the range of movement error suited to the algorithm is extended to some extent. Some simulation results on computer and experimental results in the test tank using the proposed algorithm are given as well.展开更多
文摘圆柱阵主动声纳混响的强非均匀性,会降低空时自适应处理的性能。对圆柱阵主动声纳混响的空时二维分布特性以及混响数据的非均匀性进行分析,在此基础上研究了基于修正的角度-多普勒补偿(Modified Angle-Doppler Compensation,MADC)和导数更新技术(Derivative Based Updating,DBU)的降维自适应处理方法在圆柱阵声纳混响抑制中的应用。仿真结果表明:这两项技术可降低混响的非均匀程度,对运动中的圆柱阵主动声纳有较好的混响抑制效果,其性能更接近最优处理。
文摘针对复杂非均匀水下环境中目标检测问题,提出了一种基于背景统计特性的鲁棒声呐恒虚警(Background Statistical Characteristics based Robust Sonar Target Constant False Alarm Ratio,BSCR-CFAR)检测算法。该算法将自动删除平均级检测(Automatic Censored Mean Level Detection,ACMLD)和排序统计恒虚警(Order Statistic CFAR,OS-CFAR)检测算法引入可变指数恒虚警(Variability Index CFAR,VI-CFAR)检测算法中,并通过评估背景特性,自适应选择更匹配的CFAR检测方法。仿真和声呐实测数据分析结果表明,相比较单元平均恒虚警(Cell Average CFAR,CA-CFAR)、单元平均选大恒虚警(Greatest of CFAR,GO-CFAR)、单元平均选小恒虚警(Smallest of CFAR,SO-CFAR)和OS-CFAR、VI-CFAR等检测算法,该算法在混响边缘、混响区、单/多强离散干扰等典型非均匀背景下的恒虚警检测保持了良好的鲁棒性。
文摘The effects of movement errors on imaging results of synthetic aperture sonar and the necessity of movement compensation are discussed. Based on analyzing so-called displaced phase center algorithm, an improved algorithm is proposed. In this method, the time delay is estimated firstly, then the phase is estimated for the residual error, so that the range of movement error suited to the algorithm is extended to some extent. Some simulation results on computer and experimental results in the test tank using the proposed algorithm are given as well.