The objective of this paper is to discuss the option of recycling and transmutation of radioactive waste against once-through fuel cycle based on uranium feed under the perspective of sustainability. A qualitative ana...The objective of this paper is to discuss the option of recycling and transmutation of radioactive waste against once-through fuel cycle based on uranium feed under the perspective of sustainability. A qualitative analysis was carried out to compare the fuel cycles considering different options for burning and recycling transuranic and fission products utilizing accelerator driven systems, fast reactors, and light water reactors. The results show that recycling and transmutation fuel cycles are more attractive than the current once-through fuel cycles from the point of view of sustainability. The main conclusion is that the decision about the construction of deep geological repositories for spent fuel disposal must be reevaluated.展开更多
Dry storage containers must be secured and reliable during long-term storage,and the effect of decay heat released from the internal spent fuel on the cask has become an important research topic.In this paper,a 3D com...Dry storage containers must be secured and reliable during long-term storage,and the effect of decay heat released from the internal spent fuel on the cask has become an important research topic.In this paper,a 3D computational fluid dynamics model is presented,and the accuracy of the calculation is verified,with computational errors of less than 6.2%.The thermal stress of the dry storage cask was estimated by coupling it with a transient temperature field.The total power remained constant and adjusting the power ratio of the inner and outer zones had a small effect on the stress results,with a maximum equivalent stress of approximately 5.2 kPa,which occurred at the lower edge of the shell.In the case of tilt,the temperature gradient varied in a wavy distribution,and the wave crest moved from right to left.Altering the tilt angle affects the air distribution in the annular gap,leading to the shell temperature being transformed,with a maximum equivalent stress of 202 MPa at the bottom of the shell.However,the equivalent stress in both cases was less than the yield stress(205 MPa).展开更多
As in some domestic nuclear power plants,spent fuel pools near capacity,away-from-reactor type storage should be arranged to transfer spent fuel before the pool capacity is full and the plants can operate in safety.Th...As in some domestic nuclear power plants,spent fuel pools near capacity,away-from-reactor type storage should be arranged to transfer spent fuel before the pool capacity is full and the plants can operate in safety.This study compares the features of wet and dry storage technology,analyzes the actualities of foreign dry storage facilities and then introduces structural characteristics of some foreign dry storage cask.Finally,a glance will be cast on the failure of away-from-reactor storage facilities of Pressurized Water Reacto(rPWR)to meet the need of spent-fuel storage.Therefore,this study believes dry storage will be a feasible solution to the problem.展开更多
This paper proposes a design of passive cooling system for CPR1000 spent fuel pool(SFP). Our design can effectively manage the SFP temperature not to exceed80 C. Then the transient analysis of the CPR1000 SFP with des...This paper proposes a design of passive cooling system for CPR1000 spent fuel pool(SFP). Our design can effectively manage the SFP temperature not to exceed80 C. Then the transient analysis of the CPR1000 SFP with designed passive cooling system is carried out in station blackout(SBO) accident by the best-estimate thermal-hydraulic system code RELAP5. The simulation results show that to maintain the temperature of CPR1000 SFP under 80 C, the numbers of the SFP and air cooling heat exchangers tubes are 6627 and 19 086, respectively.The height difference between the bottom of the air cooling heat exchanger and the top of the SFP heat exchanger is3.8 m. The number of SFP heat exchanger tubes decreases as the height difference increases, while the number of the air cooling heat exchanger tubes increases. The transient analysis results show that after the SBO accident, a stable natural cooling circulation is established. The surface temperature of CPR1000 SFP increases continually until 80 C, which indicates that the design of the passive air cooling system for CPR1000 SFP is capable of removing the decay heat to maintain the temperature of the SFP around 80 C after losing the heat sink.展开更多
For an analysis of the oxidation behavior of UO2 nuclear fuel pellet under a loss of water coolant accident in a spent nuclear fuel pool of an LWR, thermodynamic assessments of UO2 oxidation were carried out under var...For an analysis of the oxidation behavior of UO2 nuclear fuel pellet under a loss of water coolant accident in a spent nuclear fuel pool of an LWR, thermodynamic assessments of UO2 oxidation were carried out under various atmospheric conditions. In a steam atmosphere, it was assessed that UO2 would not be fully oxidized into U3O8 due to the relatively lower oxygen partial pressure, while UO2 will be fully oxidized into U3O8 in an air atmosphere. In an air and steam mixture atmosphere, the UO2 oxidation was dominantly affected by the air volumetric fraction, because of the relatively higher oxygen partial pressure of air. In addition, the effect of H2 volumetric fraction on the oxygen partial pressure under a mixture atmosphere was calculated, and it was revealed that UO2 pellet oxidation could be reduced above the critical value of H2 volumetric fraction.展开更多
The process of a power reactor spent fuel reprocessing pilot plant (hereinafter referred to as the "pilot plant") had been completed through active commissioning. Operational and technological parameters, su...The process of a power reactor spent fuel reprocessing pilot plant (hereinafter referred to as the "pilot plant") had been completed through active commissioning. Operational and technological parameters, such as shearing, dissolution, feed clarification, co-decontamination cycle, uranium and plutonium purification cycle, and the uranium and plutonium finishing facility, were identified. In addition, technical devices including extraction and mechanical equipment, electrical installation as well as instrumentation, and auxiliary systems for safety and adaptability were also verified. The commissioning results indicated that the recovery rate and decontamination coefficients of each system satisfied the designed index requirements and the qualified productions, i.e. uranium trioxide and plutonium dioxide, were produced. Monitored values at various monitoring points in the radiological protection system were within the control range and the discharge of waste water and waste gas complied with the relevant standards. This shows that independent and innovative technology for power reactor spent fuel reprocessing had been developed by our country.展开更多
High neutron economy, on line refueling and channel design result in the unsurpassed fuel cycle flexibility and variety for CANDU reactors. According to the Chinese national conditions that China has both PWR and CAND...High neutron economy, on line refueling and channel design result in the unsurpassed fuel cycle flexibility and variety for CANDU reactors. According to the Chinese national conditions that China has both PWR and CANDU reactors and the closed cycle policy of reprocessing the spent PWR fuel is adopted, one of the advanced nuclear fuel cycles of PWR/CANDU synergism using the reprocessed uranium of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactor is proposed, which will save the uranium resource (~22.5%), increase the energy output (~41%), decrease the quantity of spent fuels to be disposed (~2/3) and lower the cost of nuclear power. Because of the inherent flexibility of nuclear fuel cycle in CANDU reactor, and the low radiation level of recycled uranium(RU), which is acceptable for CANDU reactor fuel fabrication, the transition from the natural uranium to the RU can be completed without major modification of the reactor core structure and operation mode. It can be implemented in Qinshan Phase Ⅲ CANDU reactors with little or no requirement of big investment in new design. It can be expected that the reuse of recycled uranium of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactor is a feasible and desirable strategy in China.展开更多
This paper presents a corrosion assessment of copper spent nuclear fuel disposal canisters in crystalline rock,using hydrogeological modeling.A simplified approach is considered,to avoid complex and time-consuming com...This paper presents a corrosion assessment of copper spent nuclear fuel disposal canisters in crystalline rock,using hydrogeological modeling.A simplified approach is considered,to avoid complex and time-consuming computer simulations.This simplified case is presented as a base case,with changes in the hydrogeological parameters presented as variant cases.The results show that in Taiwan’s base case,decreasing the hydraulic conductivity of the rock or decreasing the hydraulic conductivity of dikes results in a shorter transport path for sulfide and an increase in corrosion depth.However,the estimated canister failure time is still over one million years in the variant cases.展开更多
To aid the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission,Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) was contracted to investigate the seismic behavior of typical dry cask storage systems. Parametric evaluations characterized th...To aid the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission,Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) was contracted to investigate the seismic behavior of typical dry cask storage systems. Parametric evaluations characterized the sensitivity of calculated cask response characteristics to input parameters. The parametric evaluation investigated two generic cask designs (cylindrical and rectangular),three different foundation types (soft soil,hard soil,and rock),and three different casks to pad coefficients of friction (0.2,0.55,0.8) for earthquakes with peak ground accelerations of 0.25g,0.6g,1.0g and 1.25g. A total of 1 165 analyses were completed,with regression analyses being performed on the resulting cask response data to determine relationships relating the mean (16 % and 84 % confidence intervals on the mean) to peak ground acceleration,peak ground velocity,and pseudo-spectral acceleration at 1 Hz and 5 % damping. In general,the cylindrical casks experienced significantly larger responses in comparison to the rectangular cask. The cylindrical cask experienced larger top of cask displacements,larger cask rotations (rocking),and more occurrences of cask toppling (the rectangular cask never toppled over). The cylindrical cask was also susceptible to rolling once rocking had been initiated,a behavior not observed in the rectangular cask. Cask response was not overly sensitive to foundation type,but was significantly dependent on the response spectrum employed.展开更多
<正>The disposal of spent nuclear fuel is a long-standing issue in nuclear technology.Mainly,UO_2 and metallic U arc used as a fuel in nuclear reactors.Spent nuclear fuel contains fission products and transurani...<正>The disposal of spent nuclear fuel is a long-standing issue in nuclear technology.Mainly,UO_2 and metallic U arc used as a fuel in nuclear reactors.Spent nuclear fuel contains fission products and transuranium elements,which would remain radioactive for 10~4 to 10~8 years.In this brief communication,essential concepts and engineering elements related to high-level nuclear waste disposal are described.Conceptual design models are described and discussed considering the long-time scale activity of spent nuclear fuel or high level waste.Notions of physical and chemical barriers to contain nuclear waste are highiightened.Concerns regarding integrity,self-irradiation induced decomposition and thermal effects of decay heat on the spent nuclear fuel are also discussed.The question of retrievability of spent nuclear fuel after disposal is considered.展开更多
The concept of converting recycled oils to clean biodiesel aims towards reducing the amount of waste oils to be treated and lowering the cost of biodiesel production. Samples of waste oils were prepared from Spent Fry...The concept of converting recycled oils to clean biodiesel aims towards reducing the amount of waste oils to be treated and lowering the cost of biodiesel production. Samples of waste oils were prepared from Spent Frying oil collected from local hotels and restaurants in Khartoum, Sudan. Selected methods to achieve maximum yield of biodiesel using the waste feedstock were presented and compared. Some properties of the feedstock, such as free fatty acid content and moisture content, were measured and evaluated. Biodiesel yield recovery obtained, from Base-transesterification process about 92%. Produced Biodiesel specifications were also analyzed and discussed in Base-transesterification process. Kinematic viscosity of biodiesel was found to be 5.51 mm2·s?1 at 40?C, the flash point was 174.2?C and Cetane No of 48.19. Biodiesel was characterized by its physical and fuel properties according to ASTM and DIN V 51606 standards.展开更多
Experience of operating reactor facilities (RF) with lead-bismuth coolant (LBC) has revealed that it is possible to perform safe refueling in short terms if the whole core is replaced and a kit of the special refuelin...Experience of operating reactor facilities (RF) with lead-bismuth coolant (LBC) has revealed that it is possible to perform safe refueling in short terms if the whole core is replaced and a kit of the special refueling equipment is used. However, comparing with RFs of nuclear submarines (NS), in which at the moment of performance of refueling the residual heat release is small, at RF SVBR-100 in a month after the reactor has been shut down, at the moment of performance of refueling the residual heat release is about 500 kW. Therefore, it is required to place the spent removable unit (SRU) with spent fuel subassemblies (SFSA) into the temporal storage tank (TST) filled with liquid LBC, in which the conditions for coolant natural circulation (NC) and heat removal via the tank vessel to the water cooling system are provided. After the residual heat release has been lowered to the level allowing transportation of the TST with SRU in the transporting-package container (TPC), it is proposed to consider a variant of TPCs transportation to the special site. On that site after the SRU has been reloaded into the long storage tank (LST) filled with quickly solidifying liquid lead, the TPCs can be stored during the necessary period. Thus, the controlled storage of LSTs is realized during several decades untill the time when SNF reprocessing and NFC closing are becoming economically expedient. On that storage, the four safety barriers are formed on the way of the release of radioactive products into the environment, namely: fuel matrix, fuel element cladding, solid lead and steel casing of the LST.展开更多
A passive neutron multiplicity measurement device,FH-NCM/S1,based on field-programmable gate arrays(FPGAs),is developed specifically for measuring the mass of plutonium-240(^(240)Pu)in mixed oxide fuel.FH-NCM/S1 adopt...A passive neutron multiplicity measurement device,FH-NCM/S1,based on field-programmable gate arrays(FPGAs),is developed specifically for measuring the mass of plutonium-240(^(240)Pu)in mixed oxide fuel.FH-NCM/S1 adopts an inte-grated approach,combining the shift register analysis mode with the pulse-position timestamp mode using an FPGA.The optimal effective length of the^(3)He neutron detector was determined to be 30 cm,and the thickness of the graphite reflector was ascertained to be 15 cm through MCNP simulations.After fabricating the device,calibration measurements were per-formed using a^(252)Cf neutron source;a detection efficiency of 43.07%and detector die-away time of 55.79μs were observed.Nine samples of plutonium oxide were measured under identical conditions using the FH-NCM/S1 in shift register analysis mode and a plutonium waste multiplicity counter.The obtained double rates underwent corrections for detection efficiency(ε)and double gate fraction(f_(d)),resulting in corrected double rates(D_(c)),which were used to validate the accuracy of the shift register analysis mode.Furthermore,the device exhibited fluctuations in the measurement results,and within a single 20 s measurement,these fluctuations remained below 10%.After 30 cycles,the relative error in the mass of^(240)Pu was less than 5%.Finally,correlation calculations confirmed the robust consistency of both measurement modes.This study holds specific significance for the subsequent design and development of neutron multiplicity devices.展开更多
文摘The objective of this paper is to discuss the option of recycling and transmutation of radioactive waste against once-through fuel cycle based on uranium feed under the perspective of sustainability. A qualitative analysis was carried out to compare the fuel cycles considering different options for burning and recycling transuranic and fission products utilizing accelerator driven systems, fast reactors, and light water reactors. The results show that recycling and transmutation fuel cycles are more attractive than the current once-through fuel cycles from the point of view of sustainability. The main conclusion is that the decision about the construction of deep geological repositories for spent fuel disposal must be reevaluated.
基金the High-Performance Computing Center of Nanjing Tech University for supporting the computational resources
文摘Dry storage containers must be secured and reliable during long-term storage,and the effect of decay heat released from the internal spent fuel on the cask has become an important research topic.In this paper,a 3D computational fluid dynamics model is presented,and the accuracy of the calculation is verified,with computational errors of less than 6.2%.The thermal stress of the dry storage cask was estimated by coupling it with a transient temperature field.The total power remained constant and adjusting the power ratio of the inner and outer zones had a small effect on the stress results,with a maximum equivalent stress of approximately 5.2 kPa,which occurred at the lower edge of the shell.In the case of tilt,the temperature gradient varied in a wavy distribution,and the wave crest moved from right to left.Altering the tilt angle affects the air distribution in the annular gap,leading to the shell temperature being transformed,with a maximum equivalent stress of 202 MPa at the bottom of the shell.However,the equivalent stress in both cases was less than the yield stress(205 MPa).
文摘As in some domestic nuclear power plants,spent fuel pools near capacity,away-from-reactor type storage should be arranged to transfer spent fuel before the pool capacity is full and the plants can operate in safety.This study compares the features of wet and dry storage technology,analyzes the actualities of foreign dry storage facilities and then introduces structural characteristics of some foreign dry storage cask.Finally,a glance will be cast on the failure of away-from-reactor storage facilities of Pressurized Water Reacto(rPWR)to meet the need of spent-fuel storage.Therefore,this study believes dry storage will be a feasible solution to the problem.
基金supported by National High-tech R&D Program of China(No.2012AA050905)
文摘This paper proposes a design of passive cooling system for CPR1000 spent fuel pool(SFP). Our design can effectively manage the SFP temperature not to exceed80 C. Then the transient analysis of the CPR1000 SFP with designed passive cooling system is carried out in station blackout(SBO) accident by the best-estimate thermal-hydraulic system code RELAP5. The simulation results show that to maintain the temperature of CPR1000 SFP under 80 C, the numbers of the SFP and air cooling heat exchangers tubes are 6627 and 19 086, respectively.The height difference between the bottom of the air cooling heat exchanger and the top of the SFP heat exchanger is3.8 m. The number of SFP heat exchanger tubes decreases as the height difference increases, while the number of the air cooling heat exchanger tubes increases. The transient analysis results show that after the SBO accident, a stable natural cooling circulation is established. The surface temperature of CPR1000 SFP increases continually until 80 C, which indicates that the design of the passive air cooling system for CPR1000 SFP is capable of removing the decay heat to maintain the temperature of the SFP around 80 C after losing the heat sink.
文摘For an analysis of the oxidation behavior of UO2 nuclear fuel pellet under a loss of water coolant accident in a spent nuclear fuel pool of an LWR, thermodynamic assessments of UO2 oxidation were carried out under various atmospheric conditions. In a steam atmosphere, it was assessed that UO2 would not be fully oxidized into U3O8 due to the relatively lower oxygen partial pressure, while UO2 will be fully oxidized into U3O8 in an air atmosphere. In an air and steam mixture atmosphere, the UO2 oxidation was dominantly affected by the air volumetric fraction, because of the relatively higher oxygen partial pressure of air. In addition, the effect of H2 volumetric fraction on the oxygen partial pressure under a mixture atmosphere was calculated, and it was revealed that UO2 pellet oxidation could be reduced above the critical value of H2 volumetric fraction.
文摘The process of a power reactor spent fuel reprocessing pilot plant (hereinafter referred to as the "pilot plant") had been completed through active commissioning. Operational and technological parameters, such as shearing, dissolution, feed clarification, co-decontamination cycle, uranium and plutonium purification cycle, and the uranium and plutonium finishing facility, were identified. In addition, technical devices including extraction and mechanical equipment, electrical installation as well as instrumentation, and auxiliary systems for safety and adaptability were also verified. The commissioning results indicated that the recovery rate and decontamination coefficients of each system satisfied the designed index requirements and the qualified productions, i.e. uranium trioxide and plutonium dioxide, were produced. Monitored values at various monitoring points in the radiological protection system were within the control range and the discharge of waste water and waste gas complied with the relevant standards. This shows that independent and innovative technology for power reactor spent fuel reprocessing had been developed by our country.
文摘High neutron economy, on line refueling and channel design result in the unsurpassed fuel cycle flexibility and variety for CANDU reactors. According to the Chinese national conditions that China has both PWR and CANDU reactors and the closed cycle policy of reprocessing the spent PWR fuel is adopted, one of the advanced nuclear fuel cycles of PWR/CANDU synergism using the reprocessed uranium of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactor is proposed, which will save the uranium resource (~22.5%), increase the energy output (~41%), decrease the quantity of spent fuels to be disposed (~2/3) and lower the cost of nuclear power. Because of the inherent flexibility of nuclear fuel cycle in CANDU reactor, and the low radiation level of recycled uranium(RU), which is acceptable for CANDU reactor fuel fabrication, the transition from the natural uranium to the RU can be completed without major modification of the reactor core structure and operation mode. It can be implemented in Qinshan Phase Ⅲ CANDU reactors with little or no requirement of big investment in new design. It can be expected that the reuse of recycled uranium of spent PWR fuel in CANDU reactor is a feasible and desirable strategy in China.
文摘This paper presents a corrosion assessment of copper spent nuclear fuel disposal canisters in crystalline rock,using hydrogeological modeling.A simplified approach is considered,to avoid complex and time-consuming computer simulations.This simplified case is presented as a base case,with changes in the hydrogeological parameters presented as variant cases.The results show that in Taiwan’s base case,decreasing the hydraulic conductivity of the rock or decreasing the hydraulic conductivity of dikes results in a shorter transport path for sulfide and an increase in corrosion depth.However,the estimated canister failure time is still over one million years in the variant cases.
文摘To aid the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission,Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) was contracted to investigate the seismic behavior of typical dry cask storage systems. Parametric evaluations characterized the sensitivity of calculated cask response characteristics to input parameters. The parametric evaluation investigated two generic cask designs (cylindrical and rectangular),three different foundation types (soft soil,hard soil,and rock),and three different casks to pad coefficients of friction (0.2,0.55,0.8) for earthquakes with peak ground accelerations of 0.25g,0.6g,1.0g and 1.25g. A total of 1 165 analyses were completed,with regression analyses being performed on the resulting cask response data to determine relationships relating the mean (16 % and 84 % confidence intervals on the mean) to peak ground acceleration,peak ground velocity,and pseudo-spectral acceleration at 1 Hz and 5 % damping. In general,the cylindrical casks experienced significantly larger responses in comparison to the rectangular cask. The cylindrical cask experienced larger top of cask displacements,larger cask rotations (rocking),and more occurrences of cask toppling (the rectangular cask never toppled over). The cylindrical cask was also susceptible to rolling once rocking had been initiated,a behavior not observed in the rectangular cask. Cask response was not overly sensitive to foundation type,but was significantly dependent on the response spectrum employed.
文摘<正>The disposal of spent nuclear fuel is a long-standing issue in nuclear technology.Mainly,UO_2 and metallic U arc used as a fuel in nuclear reactors.Spent nuclear fuel contains fission products and transuranium elements,which would remain radioactive for 10~4 to 10~8 years.In this brief communication,essential concepts and engineering elements related to high-level nuclear waste disposal are described.Conceptual design models are described and discussed considering the long-time scale activity of spent nuclear fuel or high level waste.Notions of physical and chemical barriers to contain nuclear waste are highiightened.Concerns regarding integrity,self-irradiation induced decomposition and thermal effects of decay heat on the spent nuclear fuel are also discussed.The question of retrievability of spent nuclear fuel after disposal is considered.
文摘The concept of converting recycled oils to clean biodiesel aims towards reducing the amount of waste oils to be treated and lowering the cost of biodiesel production. Samples of waste oils were prepared from Spent Frying oil collected from local hotels and restaurants in Khartoum, Sudan. Selected methods to achieve maximum yield of biodiesel using the waste feedstock were presented and compared. Some properties of the feedstock, such as free fatty acid content and moisture content, were measured and evaluated. Biodiesel yield recovery obtained, from Base-transesterification process about 92%. Produced Biodiesel specifications were also analyzed and discussed in Base-transesterification process. Kinematic viscosity of biodiesel was found to be 5.51 mm2·s?1 at 40?C, the flash point was 174.2?C and Cetane No of 48.19. Biodiesel was characterized by its physical and fuel properties according to ASTM and DIN V 51606 standards.
文摘Experience of operating reactor facilities (RF) with lead-bismuth coolant (LBC) has revealed that it is possible to perform safe refueling in short terms if the whole core is replaced and a kit of the special refueling equipment is used. However, comparing with RFs of nuclear submarines (NS), in which at the moment of performance of refueling the residual heat release is small, at RF SVBR-100 in a month after the reactor has been shut down, at the moment of performance of refueling the residual heat release is about 500 kW. Therefore, it is required to place the spent removable unit (SRU) with spent fuel subassemblies (SFSA) into the temporal storage tank (TST) filled with liquid LBC, in which the conditions for coolant natural circulation (NC) and heat removal via the tank vessel to the water cooling system are provided. After the residual heat release has been lowered to the level allowing transportation of the TST with SRU in the transporting-package container (TPC), it is proposed to consider a variant of TPCs transportation to the special site. On that site after the SRU has been reloaded into the long storage tank (LST) filled with quickly solidifying liquid lead, the TPCs can be stored during the necessary period. Thus, the controlled storage of LSTs is realized during several decades untill the time when SNF reprocessing and NFC closing are becoming economically expedient. On that storage, the four safety barriers are formed on the way of the release of radioactive products into the environment, namely: fuel matrix, fuel element cladding, solid lead and steel casing of the LST.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.42374226)Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province(Nos.20232BAB201043 and 20232BCJ23006)+1 种基金a sub-project of the nuclear energy development project of the China National Defense Science and Industry Bureau‘n-γfusion logging method theory research’(No.20201192-01)the Fundamental Science on Radioactive Geology and Exploration Technology Laboratory(No.2022RGET20)。
文摘A passive neutron multiplicity measurement device,FH-NCM/S1,based on field-programmable gate arrays(FPGAs),is developed specifically for measuring the mass of plutonium-240(^(240)Pu)in mixed oxide fuel.FH-NCM/S1 adopts an inte-grated approach,combining the shift register analysis mode with the pulse-position timestamp mode using an FPGA.The optimal effective length of the^(3)He neutron detector was determined to be 30 cm,and the thickness of the graphite reflector was ascertained to be 15 cm through MCNP simulations.After fabricating the device,calibration measurements were per-formed using a^(252)Cf neutron source;a detection efficiency of 43.07%and detector die-away time of 55.79μs were observed.Nine samples of plutonium oxide were measured under identical conditions using the FH-NCM/S1 in shift register analysis mode and a plutonium waste multiplicity counter.The obtained double rates underwent corrections for detection efficiency(ε)and double gate fraction(f_(d)),resulting in corrected double rates(D_(c)),which were used to validate the accuracy of the shift register analysis mode.Furthermore,the device exhibited fluctuations in the measurement results,and within a single 20 s measurement,these fluctuations remained below 10%.After 30 cycles,the relative error in the mass of^(240)Pu was less than 5%.Finally,correlation calculations confirmed the robust consistency of both measurement modes.This study holds specific significance for the subsequent design and development of neutron multiplicity devices.