The availability of stable cytoplasmic male sterile(CMS or A) lines coupled with a robust restoration system(R lines) is an essential prerequisite for efficient hybrid breeding.CMS-enabled hybrid technology holds imme...The availability of stable cytoplasmic male sterile(CMS or A) lines coupled with a robust restoration system(R lines) is an essential prerequisite for efficient hybrid breeding.CMS-enabled hybrid technology holds immense potential to enhance the long-stagnant productivity of pigeonpea. In the present investigation, cytoplasmic substitutions were made in the nuclear backgrounds of early-maturing pigeonpea varieties or lines. Three new CMS lines(ICPL 88039 A, Pusa 992 A, and DPP 3-2A) resulted from genetic crosses involving cytoplasmic donors from A2(GT 288A) and A4(ICPA 2089) categories. In addition to visual inspection of anthers, pollen-staining techniques and scanning electron microscopy(SEM)analysis were used to confirm pollen sterility. Further, given the relevance of the plant mitochondrial genome to CMS manifestation, 25 mitochondrion-specific DNA markers were assayed on these newly developed A lines and isogenic maintainer(B) lines. DNA polymorphism between Pusa 992 A and Pusa 992 B as revealed by the nad7a_del marker confirmed the successful combination of sterilizing cytoplasm(A4) and nonrestoring nuclear background(Pusa 992). Such cytoplasm-specific DNA markers are required for A2-CMS as well. Further, to assess restoration ability, potential restorers were crossed with these CMS lines, and as a consequence, promising A × R combinations exhibiting 100%pollen fertility could be identified. In parallel, we also analyzed the inheritance patterns underlying fertility restoration using ICPL 88039A-derived F2 and BC1F1populations,and established a monogenic dominant model to explain the phenomenon of A2-CMS restoration. In summary, we report the successful development of new CMS lines and describe their effective deployment in hybrid breeding of pigeonpea.展开更多
Cotton bollworm/legume pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera is one of the most damaging pests worldwide. Be-cause of the difficulties associated with chemical control of this pest, emphasis has been placed on developing tr...Cotton bollworm/legume pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera is one of the most damaging pests worldwide. Be-cause of the difficulties associated with chemical control of this pest, emphasis has been placed on developing transgenic plants with resistance to H. armigera. Since toxin genes from the bacterium, Bacillus thuringien-sis (Bt) have been deployed on a large scale, there is need to scout for alternate genes which could be deployed alone or in combination with the Bt genes for pest management. Therefore, we evaluated the wild relatives of pigeonpea, which have shown high levels of resistance to this pest, for the protease inhibitors (PIs) under in vivo and in vitro inhibitions. Accessions belonging to Cajanus albicans, C. cajanifolius, C. sericeus, Flemingia bracteata, and Rhynchosia bracteata showed complete inhibition of H. armigera gut proteinases (HaGPs). Some of the C. scarabaeoides accessions (ICPW 116, 152, 278 and 280) exhibited partial inhibition at low concentrations of the PIs. All accessions of wild relatives of pigeonpea showed high to moderate level of inhibition at pH 7.8. Cultivated pigeonpea, ICPL 87 exhibited monomorphism in terms of trypsin inhibitor (TI) and chymotrypsin inhibitor (CTI) isoforms, contrary to the diverse inhibitory profiles of wild pigeonpeas. Cajanus albicans, C. platycarpus, C. scarabaeoides, and R. bracteata showed more number of TI and CTI bands than the cultivated pigeonpea. Protease inhibitor isoforms of wild relatives of pigeonpea showed significant variation in number, band pattern, and protein specificities towards trypsin, chymotrypsin, and H. armigera gut proteinases (HaGPs) as compared to the cultivated pigeonpea. The PIs from the wild relatives of pigeonpea showed considerable potential against the HaGPs, and could be considered as potential candidates for use in genetic transformation of crops for pest management, including H. armigera.展开更多
Protein mal-nutrition is widespread among poor of developing and under developed countries. Since animal protein is beyond the reach of this group, their primary protein supply comes from plant based products. Amongst...Protein mal-nutrition is widespread among poor of developing and under developed countries. Since animal protein is beyond the reach of this group, their primary protein supply comes from plant based products. Amongst these, pigeonpea or red gram (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh) is an important food legume that can be grown under rainfed conditions with least inputs. Pigeonpea is rich in starch, protein, calcium, manganese, crude fiber, fat, trace elements, and minerals. Besides its high nutritional value, pigeonpea is also used as traditional folk medicine in India, China, Philippines and some other nations. Literature on this aspect show that pigeonpea is capable to prevent and cure a number of human ailments such as bronchitis, coughs, pneumonia, respiratory infections, dysentery, menstrual disorders, sores, wounds, abdominal tumors, tooth ache, and diabetes.展开更多
The nature and extent of genetic diversity were assessed among 23 parents of pigeonpea hybrids employing Mahalanobis D2 statistics. Based on relative magnitude of D2, the genotypes were grouped into five different non...The nature and extent of genetic diversity were assessed among 23 parents of pigeonpea hybrids employing Mahalanobis D2 statistics. Based on relative magnitude of D2, the genotypes were grouped into five different non-overlapping clusters. Cluster III, having 8 genotypes, emerged with highest number of entries;cluster I, II and V were constituted by four genotypes each while cluster IV, comprising three genotypes, had least number of entries. The highest contribution in manifestation of genetic divergence was exhibited by 100-seed weight followed by pods per plant, days to maturity, harvest index, biological yield per plant, days to 50% flowering and seed yield per plant. The maximum intra-cluster distance was observed for cluster III, followed by cluster IV, cluster I and cluster V. The highest inter-cluster distance was recorded between cluster II and IV followed by cluster I and IV and cluster V and II. The crossing between entries belonging to cluster pairs having large inter-cluster distance and possessing high cluster means for one or other characters to be improved may be recommended for isolating desirable recombinants in the segregating generations in pigeonpea. Considering the mean performance for different characters of genotypes belonging to diverse clusters, the promising genotypes identified were NDA 2, NDA 7-11, IPA 208 and NDA 5-14 of cluster I;NDA 3-3, NDA 98-6, Amar and NDACMS 1-3A of cluster II;NDACMS 1-4A, NDACMS 1-6A and ICP 870 of cluster IV and NDA 96-6, ICP 2155, NDA 8-6 and NDAGC 1010 of cluster V for exploitation as parents in hybridization programme for development of superior pigeonpea hybrid cultivars.展开更多
Genetic diversity among and between 16 cultivars of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.) and its wild relatives (C. albicans and C. lineatus) analysed using RAPD. Twenty two random primers with an average of 71.2% po...Genetic diversity among and between 16 cultivars of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.) and its wild relatives (C. albicans and C. lineatus) analysed using RAPD. Twenty two random primers with an average of 71.2% polymorphism produced 151 polymorphic bands. Cluster analysis based on these 151 RAPD markers revealed relatively low level (0.434 - 0.714) of genetic diversity among cultivars and high level of diversity between cultivars and wild relatives. C. albicans and C. lineatus showed only 0.231 similarity with each other and C. albicans showed relatively higher similarity with C. cajan cultivars than that showed by C. lineatus. In dendrogram the 16 cultivars grouped into two distinct clusters comprising of seven and nine genotypes each while the wild species form out groups. Bootstrap analysis of the dendrogram was performed and resulted in significant bootstrap values. Principal components analysis (PCA) also revealed the similar results that of unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). The first, second and third PCs contributed 55.9%, 5.9%, and 5.6% of the variation, respectively, with cumulative variation of the first three PCs was 67.4%.展开更多
Exploitation of hybrid vigour has been visualized as the most efficient option for increasing productivity in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]. Cytoplasms from various wild relatives of pigeonpea have been tr...Exploitation of hybrid vigour has been visualized as the most efficient option for increasing productivity in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]. Cytoplasms from various wild relatives of pigeonpea have been transferred to develop CMS lines in the background of cultivated pigeonpea. However, A2 (Cajanus scarabaeoides) and A4 (Cajanus cajanifolius) cytoplasms have been utilized most frequently. In order to study fertility restoration efficiency in F1 hybrids having either A2 or A4 cytoplasms, an experiment was conducted at the Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR), Kanpur during 2008-2012. Four CMS lines namely Hy4A, H28A (each with A2 cytoplasm), ICP 2039A and ICP 2043A (both with A4 cytoplasm) were crossed with ten genotypes/restorers of long duration pigeonpea for two years. The F1 hybrids so-obtained were assessed in the succeeding years for pollen fertility and pod setting. All the pollinators except IPA 203 restored fertility in F1 hybrids derived from ICP 2039A and ICP 2043A (both having A4 cytoplasm). However, none of the restorers were effective in restoring fertility in hybrids derived from Hy4A and H28A (each with A2 cytoplasm). This could be ascribed to undesirable linkage drag still present in these two CMS lines having A2 cytoplasm. The F2 progenies derived from 4 hybrids (ICP 2039A × NA-1, ICP 2039A × Bahar, ICP 2043A × NA-1 and ICP 2043A × Bahar) segregated approximately into 3 fertile: 1 sterile plants. However, 2 F2 progenies having Pusa 9 as the restorer revealed approximately 15 fertile:1 sterile ratio. Thus monogenic and digenic duplicate gene action with complete dominance for fertility restoration was observed in F1 hybrids derived from CMS lines having A4 cytoplasm. F3 progenies from individual F2 plants of these crosses also confirmed the same pattern of fertility restoration. This study indicated that CMS lines based on A4 cytoplasm would be more desirable as these might have more number of restorers compared to those having A2 cytoplasm.展开更多
Blight symptoms on pigeonpea were observed in alarming proportion since 2009 onwards in Andhra Pradesh state of India. Alternaria blight infected pigeonpea plants were collected from Andhra Pradesh state of India to i...Blight symptoms on pigeonpea were observed in alarming proportion since 2009 onwards in Andhra Pradesh state of India. Alternaria blight infected pigeonpea plants were collected from Andhra Pradesh state of India to isolate and characterize the pathogen. The isolate proved pathogenic on pigeonpea cultivar ICPL 87119. Genetic characteristics were analyzed based on the sequence of the rDNA-internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. The phylogenetic tree based on rDNA-ITS analysis showed that the Alternaria alternata causing Alternaria blight in pigeonpea is very distinct from the other Alternaria isolate reported from different host. This is the first report of molecular identification of Alternaria alternata causing Alternaria blight in pigeonpea.展开更多
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is cultivated as monocrop in Eritrea. Efforts were made to grow sorghum-pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millspp.) intercrop on the tillage, fertilizers and supplementary irrigations nec...Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is cultivated as monocrop in Eritrea. Efforts were made to grow sorghum-pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millspp.) intercrop on the tillage, fertilizers and supplementary irrigations necessary for sorghum. Experiments were conducted in terraced fields at Hamelmalo during 2013-15 to evaluate growth and yield of sorghum-pigeonpea intercrop in split plot design with conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT) and zero tillage (ZT) in main plots and rainfed (I<sub>0</sub>), 50% of full irrigation (I<sub>1</sub>), 75% of full irrigation (I<sub>2</sub>) and 100% of full irrigation (I<sub>3</sub>) in subplots. All irrigations were stopped 15 days before sorghum maturity. Full irrigation was 60 mm applied at 50% depletion of available soil water in 1 m profile. Sorghum growth was faster than pigeonpea until 85 days from planting and pigeonpea growth accelerated only after sorghum harvesting. About 80% of sorghum roots were within 0.6 m profile but more than 75% of pigeonpea roots were below 0.60 m depth. This showed a weaker competition between the two crops for nutrients, water and light. Both grain and stover yields of sorghum were optimum in RT + I<sub>2</sub> during the 2 years. Highest grain yield was 6900 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup> in RT + I<sub>3</sub> in 2013, which was at par with that in RT + I<sub>2</sub>. Mean residual soil moisture at sorghum harvesting was 74 mm·m<sup>-1</sup>, which decreased to 8 mm·m<sup>-1</sup> by pigeonpea harvesting. Residual moisture was more in the irrigated than non-irrigated plots. Pigeonpea yields were optimum (1363 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup>) in RT + I<sub>3</sub> and lowest (297 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup>) in ZT + I<sub>0</sub>. Average water use by sorghum-pigeonpea was 374 mm by sorghum harvesting and 438 mm by pigeonpea harvesting, producing total sorghum equivalent yield of 7475 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup>. This raised average water use efficiency from 12.6 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup>·mm<sup>-1</sup> at sorghum harvesting to 17.1 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup>·mm<sup>-1</sup> at pigeonpea harvesting. Benefit was doubled at 50% of full irrigation and >4 times at 75% of full irrigation.展开更多
建立了测定木豆叶、茎、根中牡荆苷和异牡荆苷含量的高效液相色谱分析方法。色谱柱为HIQ Sil C18V(250mm×4.6mm,5μm);流动相为甲醇-水-甲酸(体积比35∶64.74∶0.26);检测波长330nm;流速1mL/min;进样量10μL;柱温30℃。在2~200mg/...建立了测定木豆叶、茎、根中牡荆苷和异牡荆苷含量的高效液相色谱分析方法。色谱柱为HIQ Sil C18V(250mm×4.6mm,5μm);流动相为甲醇-水-甲酸(体积比35∶64.74∶0.26);检测波长330nm;流速1mL/min;进样量10μL;柱温30℃。在2~200mg/L牡荆苷、异牡荆苷质量浓度与色谱峰面积线性关系良好;牡荆苷峰面积精密度的相对标准偏差(RSD)最大为2.93%,重复性RSD为2.91%,加样回收率为97.38%;异牡荆苷峰面积精密度的RSD最大为2.69%,重复性RSD为3.37%,加样回收率为98.63%。木豆叶、茎、根中牡荆苷、异牡荆苷的质量分数分别为0.768、0.066、0.183mg/g和0.799、0.139、0.013mg/g。叶中牡荆苷和异牡荆苷含量明显高于茎、根中的含量,可以作为大规模获得牡荆苷、异牡荆苷的资源。展开更多
基金Financial support from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR)sponsored scheme“CRP on Hybrid Technology”
文摘The availability of stable cytoplasmic male sterile(CMS or A) lines coupled with a robust restoration system(R lines) is an essential prerequisite for efficient hybrid breeding.CMS-enabled hybrid technology holds immense potential to enhance the long-stagnant productivity of pigeonpea. In the present investigation, cytoplasmic substitutions were made in the nuclear backgrounds of early-maturing pigeonpea varieties or lines. Three new CMS lines(ICPL 88039 A, Pusa 992 A, and DPP 3-2A) resulted from genetic crosses involving cytoplasmic donors from A2(GT 288A) and A4(ICPA 2089) categories. In addition to visual inspection of anthers, pollen-staining techniques and scanning electron microscopy(SEM)analysis were used to confirm pollen sterility. Further, given the relevance of the plant mitochondrial genome to CMS manifestation, 25 mitochondrion-specific DNA markers were assayed on these newly developed A lines and isogenic maintainer(B) lines. DNA polymorphism between Pusa 992 A and Pusa 992 B as revealed by the nad7a_del marker confirmed the successful combination of sterilizing cytoplasm(A4) and nonrestoring nuclear background(Pusa 992). Such cytoplasm-specific DNA markers are required for A2-CMS as well. Further, to assess restoration ability, potential restorers were crossed with these CMS lines, and as a consequence, promising A × R combinations exhibiting 100%pollen fertility could be identified. In parallel, we also analyzed the inheritance patterns underlying fertility restoration using ICPL 88039A-derived F2 and BC1F1populations,and established a monogenic dominant model to explain the phenomenon of A2-CMS restoration. In summary, we report the successful development of new CMS lines and describe their effective deployment in hybrid breeding of pigeonpea.
文摘Cotton bollworm/legume pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera is one of the most damaging pests worldwide. Be-cause of the difficulties associated with chemical control of this pest, emphasis has been placed on developing transgenic plants with resistance to H. armigera. Since toxin genes from the bacterium, Bacillus thuringien-sis (Bt) have been deployed on a large scale, there is need to scout for alternate genes which could be deployed alone or in combination with the Bt genes for pest management. Therefore, we evaluated the wild relatives of pigeonpea, which have shown high levels of resistance to this pest, for the protease inhibitors (PIs) under in vivo and in vitro inhibitions. Accessions belonging to Cajanus albicans, C. cajanifolius, C. sericeus, Flemingia bracteata, and Rhynchosia bracteata showed complete inhibition of H. armigera gut proteinases (HaGPs). Some of the C. scarabaeoides accessions (ICPW 116, 152, 278 and 280) exhibited partial inhibition at low concentrations of the PIs. All accessions of wild relatives of pigeonpea showed high to moderate level of inhibition at pH 7.8. Cultivated pigeonpea, ICPL 87 exhibited monomorphism in terms of trypsin inhibitor (TI) and chymotrypsin inhibitor (CTI) isoforms, contrary to the diverse inhibitory profiles of wild pigeonpeas. Cajanus albicans, C. platycarpus, C. scarabaeoides, and R. bracteata showed more number of TI and CTI bands than the cultivated pigeonpea. Protease inhibitor isoforms of wild relatives of pigeonpea showed significant variation in number, band pattern, and protein specificities towards trypsin, chymotrypsin, and H. armigera gut proteinases (HaGPs) as compared to the cultivated pigeonpea. The PIs from the wild relatives of pigeonpea showed considerable potential against the HaGPs, and could be considered as potential candidates for use in genetic transformation of crops for pest management, including H. armigera.
文摘Protein mal-nutrition is widespread among poor of developing and under developed countries. Since animal protein is beyond the reach of this group, their primary protein supply comes from plant based products. Amongst these, pigeonpea or red gram (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh) is an important food legume that can be grown under rainfed conditions with least inputs. Pigeonpea is rich in starch, protein, calcium, manganese, crude fiber, fat, trace elements, and minerals. Besides its high nutritional value, pigeonpea is also used as traditional folk medicine in India, China, Philippines and some other nations. Literature on this aspect show that pigeonpea is capable to prevent and cure a number of human ailments such as bronchitis, coughs, pneumonia, respiratory infections, dysentery, menstrual disorders, sores, wounds, abdominal tumors, tooth ache, and diabetes.
文摘The nature and extent of genetic diversity were assessed among 23 parents of pigeonpea hybrids employing Mahalanobis D2 statistics. Based on relative magnitude of D2, the genotypes were grouped into five different non-overlapping clusters. Cluster III, having 8 genotypes, emerged with highest number of entries;cluster I, II and V were constituted by four genotypes each while cluster IV, comprising three genotypes, had least number of entries. The highest contribution in manifestation of genetic divergence was exhibited by 100-seed weight followed by pods per plant, days to maturity, harvest index, biological yield per plant, days to 50% flowering and seed yield per plant. The maximum intra-cluster distance was observed for cluster III, followed by cluster IV, cluster I and cluster V. The highest inter-cluster distance was recorded between cluster II and IV followed by cluster I and IV and cluster V and II. The crossing between entries belonging to cluster pairs having large inter-cluster distance and possessing high cluster means for one or other characters to be improved may be recommended for isolating desirable recombinants in the segregating generations in pigeonpea. Considering the mean performance for different characters of genotypes belonging to diverse clusters, the promising genotypes identified were NDA 2, NDA 7-11, IPA 208 and NDA 5-14 of cluster I;NDA 3-3, NDA 98-6, Amar and NDACMS 1-3A of cluster II;NDACMS 1-4A, NDACMS 1-6A and ICP 870 of cluster IV and NDA 96-6, ICP 2155, NDA 8-6 and NDAGC 1010 of cluster V for exploitation as parents in hybridization programme for development of superior pigeonpea hybrid cultivars.
文摘Genetic diversity among and between 16 cultivars of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.) and its wild relatives (C. albicans and C. lineatus) analysed using RAPD. Twenty two random primers with an average of 71.2% polymorphism produced 151 polymorphic bands. Cluster analysis based on these 151 RAPD markers revealed relatively low level (0.434 - 0.714) of genetic diversity among cultivars and high level of diversity between cultivars and wild relatives. C. albicans and C. lineatus showed only 0.231 similarity with each other and C. albicans showed relatively higher similarity with C. cajan cultivars than that showed by C. lineatus. In dendrogram the 16 cultivars grouped into two distinct clusters comprising of seven and nine genotypes each while the wild species form out groups. Bootstrap analysis of the dendrogram was performed and resulted in significant bootstrap values. Principal components analysis (PCA) also revealed the similar results that of unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). The first, second and third PCs contributed 55.9%, 5.9%, and 5.6% of the variation, respectively, with cumulative variation of the first three PCs was 67.4%.
文摘Exploitation of hybrid vigour has been visualized as the most efficient option for increasing productivity in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh]. Cytoplasms from various wild relatives of pigeonpea have been transferred to develop CMS lines in the background of cultivated pigeonpea. However, A2 (Cajanus scarabaeoides) and A4 (Cajanus cajanifolius) cytoplasms have been utilized most frequently. In order to study fertility restoration efficiency in F1 hybrids having either A2 or A4 cytoplasms, an experiment was conducted at the Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR), Kanpur during 2008-2012. Four CMS lines namely Hy4A, H28A (each with A2 cytoplasm), ICP 2039A and ICP 2043A (both with A4 cytoplasm) were crossed with ten genotypes/restorers of long duration pigeonpea for two years. The F1 hybrids so-obtained were assessed in the succeeding years for pollen fertility and pod setting. All the pollinators except IPA 203 restored fertility in F1 hybrids derived from ICP 2039A and ICP 2043A (both having A4 cytoplasm). However, none of the restorers were effective in restoring fertility in hybrids derived from Hy4A and H28A (each with A2 cytoplasm). This could be ascribed to undesirable linkage drag still present in these two CMS lines having A2 cytoplasm. The F2 progenies derived from 4 hybrids (ICP 2039A × NA-1, ICP 2039A × Bahar, ICP 2043A × NA-1 and ICP 2043A × Bahar) segregated approximately into 3 fertile: 1 sterile plants. However, 2 F2 progenies having Pusa 9 as the restorer revealed approximately 15 fertile:1 sterile ratio. Thus monogenic and digenic duplicate gene action with complete dominance for fertility restoration was observed in F1 hybrids derived from CMS lines having A4 cytoplasm. F3 progenies from individual F2 plants of these crosses also confirmed the same pattern of fertility restoration. This study indicated that CMS lines based on A4 cytoplasm would be more desirable as these might have more number of restorers compared to those having A2 cytoplasm.
文摘Blight symptoms on pigeonpea were observed in alarming proportion since 2009 onwards in Andhra Pradesh state of India. Alternaria blight infected pigeonpea plants were collected from Andhra Pradesh state of India to isolate and characterize the pathogen. The isolate proved pathogenic on pigeonpea cultivar ICPL 87119. Genetic characteristics were analyzed based on the sequence of the rDNA-internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. The phylogenetic tree based on rDNA-ITS analysis showed that the Alternaria alternata causing Alternaria blight in pigeonpea is very distinct from the other Alternaria isolate reported from different host. This is the first report of molecular identification of Alternaria alternata causing Alternaria blight in pigeonpea.
文摘Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is cultivated as monocrop in Eritrea. Efforts were made to grow sorghum-pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millspp.) intercrop on the tillage, fertilizers and supplementary irrigations necessary for sorghum. Experiments were conducted in terraced fields at Hamelmalo during 2013-15 to evaluate growth and yield of sorghum-pigeonpea intercrop in split plot design with conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT) and zero tillage (ZT) in main plots and rainfed (I<sub>0</sub>), 50% of full irrigation (I<sub>1</sub>), 75% of full irrigation (I<sub>2</sub>) and 100% of full irrigation (I<sub>3</sub>) in subplots. All irrigations were stopped 15 days before sorghum maturity. Full irrigation was 60 mm applied at 50% depletion of available soil water in 1 m profile. Sorghum growth was faster than pigeonpea until 85 days from planting and pigeonpea growth accelerated only after sorghum harvesting. About 80% of sorghum roots were within 0.6 m profile but more than 75% of pigeonpea roots were below 0.60 m depth. This showed a weaker competition between the two crops for nutrients, water and light. Both grain and stover yields of sorghum were optimum in RT + I<sub>2</sub> during the 2 years. Highest grain yield was 6900 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup> in RT + I<sub>3</sub> in 2013, which was at par with that in RT + I<sub>2</sub>. Mean residual soil moisture at sorghum harvesting was 74 mm·m<sup>-1</sup>, which decreased to 8 mm·m<sup>-1</sup> by pigeonpea harvesting. Residual moisture was more in the irrigated than non-irrigated plots. Pigeonpea yields were optimum (1363 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup>) in RT + I<sub>3</sub> and lowest (297 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup>) in ZT + I<sub>0</sub>. Average water use by sorghum-pigeonpea was 374 mm by sorghum harvesting and 438 mm by pigeonpea harvesting, producing total sorghum equivalent yield of 7475 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup>. This raised average water use efficiency from 12.6 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup>·mm<sup>-1</sup> at sorghum harvesting to 17.1 kg·ha<sup>-1</sup>·mm<sup>-1</sup> at pigeonpea harvesting. Benefit was doubled at 50% of full irrigation and >4 times at 75% of full irrigation.
文摘建立了测定木豆叶、茎、根中牡荆苷和异牡荆苷含量的高效液相色谱分析方法。色谱柱为HIQ Sil C18V(250mm×4.6mm,5μm);流动相为甲醇-水-甲酸(体积比35∶64.74∶0.26);检测波长330nm;流速1mL/min;进样量10μL;柱温30℃。在2~200mg/L牡荆苷、异牡荆苷质量浓度与色谱峰面积线性关系良好;牡荆苷峰面积精密度的相对标准偏差(RSD)最大为2.93%,重复性RSD为2.91%,加样回收率为97.38%;异牡荆苷峰面积精密度的RSD最大为2.69%,重复性RSD为3.37%,加样回收率为98.63%。木豆叶、茎、根中牡荆苷、异牡荆苷的质量分数分别为0.768、0.066、0.183mg/g和0.799、0.139、0.013mg/g。叶中牡荆苷和异牡荆苷含量明显高于茎、根中的含量,可以作为大规模获得牡荆苷、异牡荆苷的资源。