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The Effect of Organo-Mineral Fertilizer Applications on the Yield of Winter Wheat, Spring Barley, Forage Maize and Grass Cut for Silage 被引量:3
作者 Grace H. Smith Keith Chaney +1 位作者 Charles Murray Minh Son Le 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2015年第2期103-109,共7页
Biosolids were applied with urea to produce a granulated organo-mineral fertiliser (OMF) for application by farm fertiliser equipment to a range of agricultural crops. The recommended rates of nitrogen, phosphate and ... Biosolids were applied with urea to produce a granulated organo-mineral fertiliser (OMF) for application by farm fertiliser equipment to a range of agricultural crops. The recommended rates of nitrogen, phosphate and potash were calculated for the test crops using “The Fertiliser Manual”, which assesses the nutrient requirement based on previous cropping, rainfall and soil index. The OMF produced similar crop yields compared to ammonium nitrate fertiliser when applied as a top-dressing to winter wheat, forage maize and grass cut for silage in the cropping years 2010 to 2014. In 2012 the grain yield of spring barley top-dressed with OMF was significantly lower than the conventional fertiliser treatment, due to dry conditions following application. For this reason it is recommended that OMF is incorporated into the seedbed for spring sown crops and The Safe Sludge Matrix guidelines followed. The experimental work presented shows that OMF can be used in sustainable crop production systems as a source of nitrogen and phosphorus for a range of agricultural crops. 展开更多
关键词 BIOSOLIDS Organo-Mineral FERTILISER Crop YIELD Winter Wheat spring barLEY Forage Maize GRASS SILAGE
基于Spring Boot的产教联合体信息平台设计
作者 刁建忠 许志伟 伍嘉华 《科技创新与应用》 2024年第14期28-31,共4页
该文设计基于B/S架构的联合体信息平台,利用Spring Boot、MyBatis Plus、Vue等优秀框架实现高效的开发,集成Spring Security和JWT令牌机制,完成认证和权限控制。同时整合Redis缓存,将热点资源缓存至内存中,以实现快速查询操作,从而减轻M... 该文设计基于B/S架构的联合体信息平台,利用Spring Boot、MyBatis Plus、Vue等优秀框架实现高效的开发,集成Spring Security和JWT令牌机制,完成认证和权限控制。同时整合Redis缓存,将热点资源缓存至内存中,以实现快速查询操作,从而减轻MySQL数据库的负载压力。该系统稳定、兼容性强,能使联合体成员沟通更方便、信息的发布和维护的效率更高,实现人才共育共享。 展开更多
关键词 spring Boot MyBatis Vue 产教联合体信息平台 B/S架构
基于Spring Boot+Vue框架的羊场综合 管理系统软件的设计与应用 被引量:3
作者 姜韶华 常星海 +5 位作者 高云帆 南风 马东 李书琴 陈玉林 张恩平 《家畜生态学报》 北大核心 2024年第3期55-62,共8页
本研究旨在辅助羊场生产数据规范化管理及良种繁育智能科学化应用,采用MySQL数据库及Java、R编程语言,基于Spring Boot+Vue框架设计了一套羊场综合管理系统软件。该系统优化了羊只信息管理、羊场配种方案,实现生产数据可视化,设置预警... 本研究旨在辅助羊场生产数据规范化管理及良种繁育智能科学化应用,采用MySQL数据库及Java、R编程语言,基于Spring Boot+Vue框架设计了一套羊场综合管理系统软件。该系统优化了羊只信息管理、羊场配种方案,实现生产数据可视化,设置预警功能帮助羊场及时掌握羊只产羔时间与生产性能情况;系统设计羊只基本信息管理、生产信息、疫病信息、繁殖信息、药品管理、饲料管理、统计报表与预警、科学育种八个模块。其中,在科学育种管理子模块中,根据羊场育种需求,构建了三种育种值计算模型(BLUP模型、GLMM模型、平均表现型模型),结合种公母羊实际表现,实现种公母羊的等级排序并自动生成近交系数,得到科学合理的配种方案。本系统在陕北某集约化肉羊场、横山区某绒山羊养殖联合育种户、富平县某奶山羊养殖场进行为期半年的实际生产应用,通过跟踪核心群体,完善与优化系统各项功能,为羊场智慧化、数字化育种管理提供了数据平台,同时也为实现智慧羊场的发展增添了新版本1.0。 展开更多
关键词 spring Boot+Vue框架 羊场 信息管理系统 育种
作者 刘霞 《长江信息通信》 2024年第2期148-150,共3页
随着国家《智慧校园总体框架》的提出,各职业院校纷纷启动了智慧校园的建设,因学校发展实际情况、重视程度、资金投入等不同,智慧校园建设的步伐也不一致。文章分析了智慧校园管理系统需求,提出基于Spring Boot框架,整合MyBatis数据持... 随着国家《智慧校园总体框架》的提出,各职业院校纷纷启动了智慧校园的建设,因学校发展实际情况、重视程度、资金投入等不同,智慧校园建设的步伐也不一致。文章分析了智慧校园管理系统需求,提出基于Spring Boot框架,整合MyBatis数据持久化框架,数据库选择高性能的MySQL,内存数据库采用Redis缓存技术,采用前后端分离模式设计,前端采用Vue.js、Element-UI、Axios来实现前后端数据交互的系统设计方案和实现过程,为智慧校园的建设提供一种可行的方案参考。 展开更多
关键词 spring Boot 智慧校园 管理系统
基于Vue.js与Spring Boot的教务管理系统设计
作者 谢振华 《电脑与信息技术》 2024年第4期95-97,101,共4页
随着Web应用开发技术的不断发展,采用传统Web技术开发的教务管理系统越来越难满足实际需求,在此背景下,提出了一种同时基于Vue.js与Spring Boot的教务管理系统设计与实现方案。该系统采用Vue.js框架作为前端开发框架,实现了前台页面的... 随着Web应用开发技术的不断发展,采用传统Web技术开发的教务管理系统越来越难满足实际需求,在此背景下,提出了一种同时基于Vue.js与Spring Boot的教务管理系统设计与实现方案。该系统采用Vue.js框架作为前端开发框架,实现了前台页面的交互和后台数据展示。同时,使用Spring Boot作为后端框架,提供了稳定的数据请求和数据存储功能。阐述了系统的架构设计、技术实现和功能需求设计等方面内容。该设计方案,使系统具有速度快、效率高、稳定性强等优点,带来良好的用户体验,同时能够满足教务管理的需要。采用该架构设计的系统同时也具有很好的可扩展性和可移植性,方便学校进行二次开发和部署。 展开更多
关键词 Vue.js spring Boot 教务管理系统
基于Spring Cloud的分布式医疗数据平台建设
作者 汪睿 胡珊珊 +1 位作者 陈敏莲 徐骁 《设备管理与维修》 2024年第4期16-19,共4页
为解决互联网时代医疗大数据的可靠存储问题,探索异构数据的有效处理方案,加强医疗数据检索能力。提出一种基于Spring Cloud的分布式医疗数据平台建设方案,该方案通过Spring Cloud技术构建分布式架构,选取MongoDB非关系型数据库作为分... 为解决互联网时代医疗大数据的可靠存储问题,探索异构数据的有效处理方案,加强医疗数据检索能力。提出一种基于Spring Cloud的分布式医疗数据平台建设方案,该方案通过Spring Cloud技术构建分布式架构,选取MongoDB非关系型数据库作为分布式存储,同时对数据进行标准化、分词等操作,从而实现一个异构数据可存储、系统高可用、规模易扩展、检索高效率的医疗数据平台。 展开更多
关键词 分布式 医疗数据 spring Cloud MONGODB
作者 凌勇 李金忠 +2 位作者 黄启华 王勤宇 秦嘉超 《广东轻工职业技术学院学报》 2024年第2期16-23,共8页
针对高校统战工作较为传统化、宣传力度不够、工作成果展示不够全面等问题,采用当前主流框架技术,包括SpringBoot、Vue和Uni-App等前后端框架,MySQL、Redis和ElasticSearch等数据库技术以及Echarts开源可视化图表库、WebSocket全双工通... 针对高校统战工作较为传统化、宣传力度不够、工作成果展示不够全面等问题,采用当前主流框架技术,包括SpringBoot、Vue和Uni-App等前后端框架,MySQL、Redis和ElasticSearch等数据库技术以及Echarts开源可视化图表库、WebSocket全双工通信协议和Nginx反向代理等前沿技术,设计与实现了一个高校统战工作服务信息管理系统。该系统分为PC端后台管理子系统、PC端可视化展示子系统和移动App端三大子系统,其中移动App端包括业绩管理、新闻管理、互动交流管理等功能模块。本系统具有较好的可扩展性和可维护性,可提高高校统战工作的管理效率和用户体验满意度,可为统战工作的信息化建设提供有力支持。 展开更多
关键词 高校统战工作 spring Boot框架 Uni-App框架 Vue框架 Echarts可视化图表库
基于Spring Cloud微服务架构的非物质文化遗产展示与学习系统的设计与实现
作者 杜俊 李金忠 +1 位作者 何新武 李志鸿 《广东轻工职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期14-21,共8页
针对目前人民群众对非物质文化遗产认识不够全面,以及市面上利用系统软件来有效保护和传承非物质文化遗产的软件很缺乏等问题,结合相应软件开发技术和数字可视化技术,设计和实现了一款非物质文化遗产展示与学习系统以实现对非物质文化... 针对目前人民群众对非物质文化遗产认识不够全面,以及市面上利用系统软件来有效保护和传承非物质文化遗产的软件很缺乏等问题,结合相应软件开发技术和数字可视化技术,设计和实现了一款非物质文化遗产展示与学习系统以实现对非物质文化遗产项目的传承和保护创新。本系统以江西省范围内的主要非物质文化遗产项目为例,设置有移动App端和PC端,采用前后端分离的开发模式,以当前主流的Spring Cloud微服务架构技术为基础,结合SpringBoot框架,在华为云服务器上搭建起弹性可伸缩的后端服务。使用Uni-App开发移动端,以解决无法在Android、IOS及各大小程序平台运行的问题。经测试,本系统具有操作简单,易于使用、维护和扩展,高并发性等优点。 展开更多
关键词 非物质文化遗产 spring Cloud微服务架构 Uni-App框架 Vue框架 ECharts可视化图表
基于Spring Boot的教材管理系统 被引量:1
作者 杨德顺 杨淑珍 《电脑编程技巧与维护》 2024年第5期100-103,共4页
教材管理是每所院校的日常工作内容之一,目前大部分院校在教材管理方面仍然采用人工方式进行,即系部教学科根据授课计划填写用书申请表并交到教务处,教务处审核通过后统一采购新书,新书到货后存入教材书库,并在开学时通知各系部以班为... 教材管理是每所院校的日常工作内容之一,目前大部分院校在教材管理方面仍然采用人工方式进行,即系部教学科根据授课计划填写用书申请表并交到教务处,教务处审核通过后统一采购新书,新书到货后存入教材书库,并在开学时通知各系部以班为单位到书库领取新书。教材申请部门需要到各审核部门签字盖章,一套流程下来往往耗时较长。针对以上问题,设计了一款教材管理系统,通过信息化的手段提高教材的申请、采购、入库和发放效率。 展开更多
关键词 信息化 教材管理 书库 教材审核 spring Boot框架
作者 杜胜雪 王金岩 +1 位作者 陈书君 王彬丽 《电脑知识与技术》 2024年第15期35-37,共3页
随着互联网技术的发展,以“互联网+”为主要形式的新型在线教育模式逐渐展开,在疫情原因导致学校不能线下授课的时期尤其突出。文章采用前后端分离模式设计了在线教育网站系统:后端选择SpringBoot作为开发框架,并通过Spring Cloud完成... 随着互联网技术的发展,以“互联网+”为主要形式的新型在线教育模式逐渐展开,在疫情原因导致学校不能线下授课的时期尤其突出。文章采用前后端分离模式设计了在线教育网站系统:后端选择SpringBoot作为开发框架,并通过Spring Cloud完成分布式部署等功能;前端则采用Vue框架,力求UI界面操作简单。系统选用微服务架构来分担高并发的压力,在数据存储方面选择了MySQL,通过阿里云OSS进行云端存储。在该平台上视频在线播放流畅,多模块划分清晰,用户可以自由选择学习资源,同时满足灵活、稳定、易扩展的现代开发需求。 展开更多
关键词 在线教育 网站开发 spring Boot
Changes in Spring Snow Cover over the Eastern and Western Tibetan Plateau and Their Associated Mechanism
作者 Fangchi LIU Xiaojing JIA Wei DONG 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第5期959-973,共15页
The spring snow cover(SC)over the western Tibetan Plateau(TP)(TPSC)(W_TPSC)and eastern TPSC(E_TPSC)have displayed remarkable decreasing and increasing trends,respectively,during 1985–2020.The current work investigate... The spring snow cover(SC)over the western Tibetan Plateau(TP)(TPSC)(W_TPSC)and eastern TPSC(E_TPSC)have displayed remarkable decreasing and increasing trends,respectively,during 1985–2020.The current work investigates the possible mechanisms accounting for these distinct TPSC changes.Our results indicate that the decrease in W_TPSC is primarily attributed to rising temperatures,while the increase in E_TPSC is closely linked to enhanced precipitation.Local circulation analysis shows that the essential system responsible for the TPSC changes is a significant anticyclonic system centered over the northwestern TP.The anomalous descending motion and adiabatic heating linked to this anticyclone leads to warmer temperatures and consequent snowmelt over the western TP.Conversely,anomalous easterly winds along the southern flank of this anticyclone serve to transport additional moisture from the North Pacific,leading to an increase in snowfall over the eastern TP.Further analysis reveals that the anomalous anticyclone is associated with an atmospheric wave pattern that originates from upstream regions.Springtime warming of the subtropical North Atlantic(NA)sea surface temperature(SST)induces an atmospheric pattern resembling a wave train that travels eastward across the Eurasian continent before reaching the TP.Furthermore,the decline in winter sea ice(SIC)over the Barents Sea exerts a persistent warming influence on the atmosphere,inducing an anomalous atmospheric circulation that propagates southeastward and strengthens the northwest TP anticyclone in spring.Additionally,an enhancement of subtropical stationary waves has resulted in significant increases in easterly moisture fluxes over the coastal areas of East Asia,which further promotes more snowfall over eastern TP. 展开更多
关键词 snow cover Tibetan Plateau long-term changes spring
Gut microbiome-based thiamine metabolism contributes to the protective effect of one acidic polysaccharide from Selaginella uncinata(Desv.)Spring against inflammatory bowel disease
作者 Haochen Hui Zhuoya Wang +5 位作者 Xuerong Zhao Lina Xu Lianhong Yin Feifei Wang Liping Qu Jinyong Peng 《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期177-195,共19页
Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)is a serious disorder,and exploration of active compounds to treat it is necessary.An acidic polysaccharide named SUSP-4 was purified from Selaginella uncinata(Desv.)Spring,which contain... Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)is a serious disorder,and exploration of active compounds to treat it is necessary.An acidic polysaccharide named SUSP-4 was purified from Selaginella uncinata(Desv.)Spring,which contained galacturonic acid,galactose,xylose,arabinose,and rhamnose with the main chain structure of→4)-α-d-GalAp-(1→and→6)-β-d-Galp-(1→and the branched structure of→5)-α-l-Araf-(1→.Animal experiments showed that compared with Model group,SUSP-4 significantly improved body weight status,disease activity index(DAI),colonic shortening,and histopathological damage,and elevated occludin and zonula occludens protein 1(ZO-1)expression in mice induced by dextran sulfate sodium salt(DSS).16S ribosomal RNA(rRNA)sequencing indicated that SUSP-4 markedly downregulated the level of Akkermansia and Alistipes.Metabolomics results confirmed that SUSP-4 obviously elevated thiamine levels compared with Model mice by adjusting thiamine metabolism,which was further confirmed by a targeted metabolism study.Fecal transplantation experiments showed that SUSP-4 exerted an anti-IBD effect by altering the intestinal flora in mice.A mechanistic study showed that SUSP-4 markedly inhibited macrophage activation by decreasing the levels of phospho-nuclear factor kappa-B(p-NF-κB)and cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2)and elevating NF-E2-related factor 2(Nrf2)levels compared with Model group.In conclusion,SUSP-4 affected thiamine metabolism by regulating Akkermania and inhibited macrophage activation to adjust NF-κB/Nrf2/COX-2-mediated inflammation and oxidative stress against IBD.This is the first time that plant polysaccharides have been shown to affect thiamine metabolism against IBD,showing great potential for in-depth research and development applications. 展开更多
关键词 Gut microbiota Inflammatory bowel disease POLYSACCHARIDE Selaginella uncinata(Desv.)spring Thiamine metabolism
Leading Pattern of Spring Drought Variability over East Asia and Associated Drivers
作者 赵庆红 杨崧 +1 位作者 田红瑛 邓开强 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2024年第1期1-10,共10页
Drought events have become more frequent and intense over East Asia in recent decades,leading to huge socioeconomic impacts.Although the droughts have been studied extensively by cases or for individual regions,their ... Drought events have become more frequent and intense over East Asia in recent decades,leading to huge socioeconomic impacts.Although the droughts have been studied extensively by cases or for individual regions,their leading variability and associated causes remain unclear.Based on the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index(SPEI)and ERA5 reanalysis product from 1979 to 2020,this study evealuates the severity of spring droughts in East Asia and investigates their variations and associated drivers.The results indicate that North China and Mongolia have experienced remarkable trends toward dryness during spring in recent decades,while southwestern China has witnessed an opposite trend toward wetness.The first Empirical Orthogonal Function mode of SPEI variability reveals a similar seesawing pattern,with more severe dryness in northwestern China,Mongolia,North China,South Korea,and Japan but increased wetness in Southwestern China and southeast Asia.Further investigation reveals that the anomalously dry(wet)surface in North(Southwestern)China is significantly associated with anomalously high(low)temperature,less(more)precipitation,and reduced(increased)soil moisture during the previous winter and early spring,regulated by an anomalous anticyclone(cyclone)and thus reduced(increased)water vapor convergence.The spring dry-wet pattern in East Asia is also linked to cold sea surface temperature anomalies in the central-eastern Pacific.The findings of this study have important implications for improving the prediction of spring drought events in East Asia. 展开更多
关键词 DROUGHT leading pattern East Asia spring DRIVERS
Jonzac Thermal Spring Water Reinforces Skin Barrier Function of Human Skin and Presents a Soothing and Regenerating Effect
作者 Valérie Cauche Coralie Martineau +3 位作者 Giuseppe Percoco Marie Reynier Stéphanie Scalvino Laurent Peno-Mazzarino 《Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications》 2023年第4期247-268,共22页
The skin is a formidable physical and biological barrier which communicates continuously with the outside of the body. And the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of human epidermis, plays a central role in the inter... The skin is a formidable physical and biological barrier which communicates continuously with the outside of the body. And the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of human epidermis, plays a central role in the interaction between the cutaneous tissue and the external environment. The horny layer, and more generally the whole skin layers, avoid the penetration of harmful exogenous agents, produce molecules named anti-microbial peptides which impact the composition of the cutaneous microbiota, regulate the internal corporal temperature, avoid the water loss from the inside of the body and constitute an incredible efficient anti-oxidant network. Nevertheless, nowadays, the skin is more and more solicited by the different elements of the cutaneous exposome, including atmospheric pollution and solar radiations, which can cause a dramatic acceleration of the skin ageing process. As a consequence, due to the multifunctional protective role of the skin, during the recent decade the cosmetic industry invested massively in the development of new raw materials and end-products (dermo-cosmetics) able to preserve an optimal state of the skin regarding the external environment. Based on their physical-chemical properties thermal spring waters, which are extremely rich in inorganics ions, are interesting and powerful candidates to be part, as integral component, of new efficient dermo-cosmetic formulations dedicated to protect the skin from the external stimuli. The aim of the present work was to investigate and characterize the activity of Jonzac thermal spring water on the skin. Using different models, we proved for the first time that Jonzac thermal spring water reinforces the barrier function of the skin by modulating the expression of key markers including filaggrin and human beta defensin 2 on ex vivo human skin. The ex vivo and in vivo hydration activity, by Raman spectroscopy and corneometry respectively, has been also demonstrated. We have also shown that Jonzac thermal spring water ameliorates significantly the cutaneous microrelief in vivo. To conclude, we characterize the soothing effect of Jonzac thermal spring water by the analysis of histamine release in Substance P treated skin explants and by measuring the redness of the skin following UV exposure of the skin in vivo. We observed that both parameters decreased following a preventive treatment of the skin with Jonzac thermal spring water. Taken together our results indicate that Jonzac thermal spring water is a promising and powerful dermo-cosmetic which can be used to preserve an optimal state of the cutaneous tissue. 展开更多
关键词 Jonzac Thermal spring Water Skin barrier Function Soothing Effect Regenerating Effect Skin Hydration Isotonicity Dermo-Cosmetics Ex Vivo Explants
基于Spring Boot的景点售票管理系统的设计与实现
作者 杨晟 《信息记录材料》 2024年第6期128-130,共3页
针对日益增加的出游需求,本文设计了一款基于Spring Boot的景点售票管理系统,以解决传统售票方式信息交流差、排队时间长等问题。首先,系统基于Spring Boot技术进行开发,设计了用户信息、通知公告、景点信息、图片信息、门票信息、订单... 针对日益增加的出游需求,本文设计了一款基于Spring Boot的景点售票管理系统,以解决传统售票方式信息交流差、排队时间长等问题。首先,系统基于Spring Boot技术进行开发,设计了用户信息、通知公告、景点信息、图片信息、门票信息、订单信息、评论信息管理等功能。同时,使用Spring Security来进行系统安全管理,防止非法访问和数据泄露,确保系统的安全性。应用结果表明,该售票管理系统在帮助游客更方便快捷地制订出游计划、了解景点信息、进行购票的同时,也为景点提供了建立口碑、扩大声誉、吸引客源的广阔市场平台。 展开更多
关键词 spring Boot spring Security 在线售票
《China Today》 2024年第2期24-25,共2页
As the Year of the Dragon draws close,the Chinese worldwide,as well as the countries and groups sharing the festival,are gearing up to celebrate the most important social event in the Chinese lunar calendar.For the Ch... As the Year of the Dragon draws close,the Chinese worldwide,as well as the countries and groups sharing the festival,are gearing up to celebrate the most important social event in the Chinese lunar calendar.For the Chinese,the Spring Festival,or the Chinese New Year,is far more than an occasion for merrymaking.It’s a time for family reunion and the beginning of a new start filled with hope.So the celebrations are also a prayer for peace,prosperity,health,longevity,good luck,and even a bumper harvest. 展开更多
关键词 spring UNION FILLED
Spring Festival Boom Propels Concerted Consumption
作者 Zhang Hui 《China Today》 2024年第3期2-2,共1页
The 474 million trips-raking in RMB 632.69 billion of tourism-related revenue-during the eight-day Spring Festival holiday indisputably signifies both the vitality of China’s economy and the huge potential of the cou... The 474 million trips-raking in RMB 632.69 billion of tourism-related revenue-during the eight-day Spring Festival holiday indisputably signifies both the vitality of China’s economy and the huge potential of the country’s domestic consumption.The figures respectively represent a 19 percent increase and a 7.7 percent growth over those for the same holiday period,prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,in 2019,according to data released by the country’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism on February 18. 展开更多
关键词 spring TRIPS HOLIDAY
Spring Festival offers window on China’s economic vibrancy
《China Report ASEAN》 2024年第2期6-9,共4页
A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on February 19 said the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon offers the world a window on China’s economic vibrancy,during which China sees its inbound and outbound travel... A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on February 19 said the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon offers the world a window on China’s economic vibrancy,during which China sees its inbound and outbound travels soar,with more Chinese tourists going abroad and more foreign travelers visiting China. 展开更多
关键词 spring China. TRAVEL
Spring Festival Celebrations Fire Maltese Fascination with Chinese Culture--An Exclusive Interview with Director of the China Cultural Center in Malta Yuan Yuan
作者 ZHANG HUI 《China Today》 2024年第2期33-35,共3页
THRONGS of shoppers,in a department store adorned with colorful Spring Festival posters,vying to try their hand either at Chinese calligraphy or traditional Chinese lantern-making,might seem incongruous in a European ... THRONGS of shoppers,in a department store adorned with colorful Spring Festival posters,vying to try their hand either at Chinese calligraphy or traditional Chinese lantern-making,might seem incongruous in a European setting.The background to this vibrant scenario was The Point,Malta’s largest shopping mall,as part of the island country’s 2023 Chinese New Year celebrations,courtesy of the China Cultural Center in Malta. 展开更多
The Roots and Fruits of Chinese Spring Festival
作者 LI GANG 《China Today》 2024年第2期26-29,共4页
The Chinese New Year-the most important holiday in the country-offers a window into China’s past and present.T RADITIONAL festivals forge a nation’s cultural identity and solidarity.Through opulent customs and celeb... The Chinese New Year-the most important holiday in the country-offers a window into China’s past and present.T RADITIONAL festivals forge a nation’s cultural identity and solidarity.Through opulent customs and celebratory activities,they convey the collective psyche,emotions,and aspirations of a nation.As a key part of Chinese culture,traditional Chinese festivals reinforce the bond among Chinese people and preserve our cultural roots. 展开更多
关键词 spring COLLECTIVE preserve
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