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A note on the numerical simulations of flow past a wavy square-section cylinder 被引量:2
作者 G. C. Ling L. M. Lin 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期101-105,共5页
The flow past a square-section cylinder with a geometric disturbance is investigated by numerical simulations. The extra terms, due to the introduction of mapping transformation simulating the effect of disturbance in... The flow past a square-section cylinder with a geometric disturbance is investigated by numerical simulations. The extra terms, due to the introduction of mapping transformation simulating the effect of disturbance into the transformed Navier-Stokes equations, are correctly derived, and the incorrect ones in the previous literature are pointed out and analyzed. Furthermore, the relationship between the vorticity, especially on the cylinder surface, and the disturbance is derived and explained theoretically. The computations are performed at two Reynolds numbers of 100 and 180 and three amplitudes of waviness of 0.006, 0.025 and 0.167 with another aim to explore the effects of different Reynolds numbers and disturbance on the vortex dynamics in the wake and forces on the body. Numerical results have shown that, at the mild waviness of 0.025, the Kairmain vortex shedding is suppressed completely for Re = 100, while the forced vortex dislocation is appeared in the near wake at the Reynolds number of 180. The drag reduction is up to 21.6% at Re = 100 and 25.7% at Re = 180 for the high waviness of 0.167 compared with the non-wavy cylinder. The lift and the Strouhal number varied with different Reynolds numbers and the wave steepness are also obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Numerical simulation. Geometric disturbance.square-section cylinder Wake flow
作者 朱张峰 郭正兴 +1 位作者 黄丁丁 陈耀钢 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期120-127,共8页
为改善预制混凝土构件钢筋连接工艺及性能,提出一种预制混凝土构件钢筋浆锚对接连接技术。针对该新型钢筋连接的传力可靠性问题,开展了考虑钢筋直径、混凝土强度和浆锚长度变化的接头单向拉伸试验。试验结果表明,钢筋浆锚对接连接接头... 为改善预制混凝土构件钢筋连接工艺及性能,提出一种预制混凝土构件钢筋浆锚对接连接技术。针对该新型钢筋连接的传力可靠性问题,开展了考虑钢筋直径、混凝土强度和浆锚长度变化的接头单向拉伸试验。试验结果表明,钢筋浆锚对接连接接头受拉性能由钢筋浆锚长度与帮条钢筋承载力共同控制,与混凝土强度无明显关系,表现为帮条钢筋配置相同的条件下,12 mm、14 mm直径连接钢筋试件分别在0.5l a(受拉钢筋基本锚固长度)、0.6l a钢筋浆锚长度条件下实现钢筋拉断,16 mm直径连接钢筋试件在0.6l a钢筋浆锚长度条件下发生帮条钢筋拉断。结合数据分析,建议12~16 mm直径连接钢筋浆锚长度按0.6l a控制,帮条钢筋与连接钢筋牌号相同的前提下,12~14 mm直径连接钢筋的帮条钢筋按4 C 8设计,16 mm直径连接钢筋的帮条钢筋应按6 C 8设计。同时,试验中钢筋镦头构造可保证钢筋充分锚固,其具体尺寸可用于指导钢筋加工;螺旋筋对接头受拉性能影响不明显,可参照本次试验参数进行设计。 展开更多
关键词 预制混凝土 钢筋连接 浆锚对接 帮条钢筋 受拉性能
基于腔体单元和Rebar单元的空气弹簧性能分析 被引量:9
作者 鲍卫宁 2陈立平 +2 位作者 张云清 王书亭 任卫群 《汽车技术》 北大核心 2007年第10期21-24,共4页
建立了空气弹簧有限元离散模型,研究了空气弹簧内压-位移、容积-位移、最大外径-位移以及载荷-位移关系,仿真结果与实测结果对比表明,两者具有很好的一致性。研究了工作高度和帘线角度对空气弹簧承载能力、刚度特性以及空气弹簧在工作... 建立了空气弹簧有限元离散模型,研究了空气弹簧内压-位移、容积-位移、最大外径-位移以及载荷-位移关系,仿真结果与实测结果对比表明,两者具有很好的一致性。研究了工作高度和帘线角度对空气弹簧承载能力、刚度特性以及空气弹簧在工作过程中直径变化的影响,结果表明空气弹簧的工作高度和帘线角度是影响空气弹簧性能的重要因素。 展开更多
关键词 空气弹簧 性能 腔体单元 rebar 单元
基于rebar单元的载重子午线轮胎模型建立及验证 被引量:13
作者 应世洲 陈方 王国林 《轮胎工业》 CAS 2007年第8期462-465,共4页
运用ABAQUS非线性有限元分析软件并基于rebar单元建立12.00R20载重子午线轮胎有限元分析模型,同时进行装配、充气和静态加载仿真模拟分析。对比轮胎载荷-下沉量仿真模拟和试验结果,证明了模型建立的有效性。该模型有助于进一步分析轮胎... 运用ABAQUS非线性有限元分析软件并基于rebar单元建立12.00R20载重子午线轮胎有限元分析模型,同时进行装配、充气和静态加载仿真模拟分析。对比轮胎载荷-下沉量仿真模拟和试验结果,证明了模型建立的有效性。该模型有助于进一步分析轮胎的力学特性。 展开更多
关键词 载重子午线轮胎 有限元模型 rebar单元
基于rebar单元的航空轮胎模型建立与分析 被引量:6
作者 马连湘 任侠 《青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第3期318-321,共4页
运用ABAQUS非线性有限元分析软件并基于rebar单元建立H44.5×16.5-21型航空轮胎有限元分析模型,同时进行装配、充气和静态加载仿真模拟分析。着重研究了二维轴对称模型充气后各部位产生的变形量、变形分布规律,获得了充气轮胎的断... 运用ABAQUS非线性有限元分析软件并基于rebar单元建立H44.5×16.5-21型航空轮胎有限元分析模型,同时进行装配、充气和静态加载仿真模拟分析。着重研究了二维轴对称模型充气后各部位产生的变形量、变形分布规律,获得了充气轮胎的断面和半径变化量。并分析了充气轮胎各层帘布和橡胶产生的应力和应变。证明了建模的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 ABAQUS有限元分析 航空轮胎 rebar单元 加强筋模型
基于REBAR模型的空气弹簧有限元分析 被引量:2
作者 张广世 袁志富 赵洪伦 《铁道车辆》 2002年第8期4-5,共2页
利用 MARC非线性有限元分析软件建立空气弹簧有限元模型 ,帘线增强结构采用 REBAR单元 ,计算研究了胶囊基体和帘线增强各自的应力情况 ,分析了帘线材料参数对胶囊强度和刚度的影响。
关键词 rebar模型 有限元分析 空气弹簧 胶囊 强度 刚度 帘线 铁路车辆
作者 俞坚祥 吴烨 +4 位作者 房子柱 庄磊 孙克纬 冯龙海 李森林 《水利水电科技进展》 北大核心 2025年第1期104-110,共7页
对不同水灰比钢筋混凝土开展了基于原电池原理的电化学脱氯试验,研究了不同水灰比的钢筋混凝土电化学参数随时间的演变规律。结果表明:水灰比越大,脱氯初期阳极工作电位越负,回路电流越大,脱氯效率越高;水灰比越大,脱氯后钢筋腐蚀电位... 对不同水灰比钢筋混凝土开展了基于原电池原理的电化学脱氯试验,研究了不同水灰比的钢筋混凝土电化学参数随时间的演变规律。结果表明:水灰比越大,脱氯初期阳极工作电位越负,回路电流越大,脱氯效率越高;水灰比越大,脱氯后钢筋腐蚀电位正移越明显,极化电阻增幅越大,OH^(-)浓度的增幅越小;脱氯后,混凝土中C-S-H凝胶和Friedel’s盐的含量略微降低,而Ca(OH)_(2)的含量略微增加,AFt和C-S-H凝胶少量分解。 展开更多
关键词 原电池原理 脱氯 水灰比 钢筋腐蚀电位 极化电阻 回路电流
作者 魏嘉奇 李明越 姜洪斌 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期110-119,共10页
传统灌浆套筒制造过程繁琐、原材料成本高且灌浆质量难以保证,限制了中国预制装配式建筑的推广。为促进建筑行业的经济、环保和高效发展,本课题组研发了一种新型钢筋灌浆套筒连接技术,采用了“滚压螺旋肋灌浆套筒”和“类宾汉流体灌浆料... 传统灌浆套筒制造过程繁琐、原材料成本高且灌浆质量难以保证,限制了中国预制装配式建筑的推广。为促进建筑行业的经济、环保和高效发展,本课题组研发了一种新型钢筋灌浆套筒连接技术,采用了“滚压螺旋肋灌浆套筒”和“类宾汉流体灌浆料”,钢筋与灌浆料、灌浆料与套筒之间形成了更加紧密的机械锁合,显著提高了构件连接后的承载力。该技术具有成本低廉、施工简便、灌浆质量易于保证等优点。为了探究该连接体系下钢筋的最小锚固长度及钢筋对中对接与偏置对接在连接性能上的差异,通过对34个接头试件进行单向拉伸试验,分析了试件的破坏模式及各项结构性能指标。研究结果表明:钢筋在套筒内部偏置对接与对中对接在连接性能上差别不大;滚压套筒内的内凸肋显著增强了对灌浆料滑移的阻抗作用,可提供足够的黏结锚固以达到连接性能要求。初步结果显示,在该连接方式下钢筋的最小锚固长度可采用10倍钢筋直径,并采用偏置对接方式。 展开更多
关键词 螺旋肋灌浆套筒 钢筋偏置对接 单拉试验 锚固长度 黏结强度
作者 于跃 隋春光 +1 位作者 雷永旺 郭全全 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期92-100,共9页
模块化技术正在推动新一代核电厂的设计和发展,兼具优良工作性能和工业化施工性能的钢板混凝土(SC)结构在模块化结构具有广泛应用前景。SC墙-RC楼板连接节点作为SC模块结构与RC结构之间的典型传力构件,其结构设计必须既要保证荷载的有... 模块化技术正在推动新一代核电厂的设计和发展,兼具优良工作性能和工业化施工性能的钢板混凝土(SC)结构在模块化结构具有广泛应用前景。SC墙-RC楼板连接节点作为SC模块结构与RC结构之间的典型传力构件,其结构设计必须既要保证荷载的有效传递,又要考虑模块化施工的可行性。为研究SC墙-RC楼板连接节点抗剪性能,设计并完成了2个“薄墙厚板型”SC墙-RC楼板连接节点循环加载试验,包括GB/T 51340—2018建议的钢筋连接器连接、附加抗剪键等两种连接方式。试验结果表明:在剪跨比1.50下试件均发生RC楼板弯剪破坏,节点主要传力破坏路径为加载端至楼板根部的斜压杆区域,说明节点结合面不配置抗剪键仍满足抗剪要求;试验过程中,直螺纹钢筋套筒无滑脱、未发生钢筋或焊缝拉断,延性系数均大于4,说明钢筋连接器连接的传力性能良好,可作为SC墙-RC楼板连接节点的有效连接方式;该节点核心区仍属于抗剪薄弱区域,若要满足“全强度连接”设计准则,核心区对拉筋体积含钢率应不低于0.59%。 展开更多
关键词 钢板混凝土墙 钢筋混凝土楼板 连接节点 钢筋连接器 抗剪键
作者 贺剑龙 罗宇淳 朱祖敬 《广州建筑》 2025年第1期55-59,共5页
HRB500级钢筋屈服强度高、力学性能卓越,它的应用不仅能够减少钢筋的使用量,降低工程的初期投入和总体成本,还能显著优化梁柱节点处钢筋密集的问题。依托于广州市某项目超过200 m的两栋超高层建筑,拆分成了6个不同高度且大于150 m的模型... HRB500级钢筋屈服强度高、力学性能卓越,它的应用不仅能够减少钢筋的使用量,降低工程的初期投入和总体成本,还能显著优化梁柱节点处钢筋密集的问题。依托于广州市某项目超过200 m的两栋超高层建筑,拆分成了6个不同高度且大于150 m的模型,进一步分别采用HRB500、HRB400级钢筋进行了计算分析,并从钢筋用量、钢筋造价等方面进行了对比研究。超高层建筑中采用HRB500级钢筋能得到相对较好的经济和环保效益,为类似工程的应用提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 HRB500级钢筋 高强钢筋 超高层建筑 材料用量 造价分析
基于Rebar实体单元的子午线轮胎加载过程模拟 被引量:3
作者 刁向红 《轮胎工业》 CAS 2005年第8期456-462,共7页
利用MSC.Marc2000通用非线性有限元分析软件,用Rebar实体单元和Herrmann实体单元建立模型,仿真模拟分析215/45R17轿车子午线轮胎从安装轮辋到轮胎充气、加载和轮胎下沉全过程的情况。通过过程模拟,可以直观地观察轮胎各部位力学特性的... 利用MSC.Marc2000通用非线性有限元分析软件,用Rebar实体单元和Herrmann实体单元建立模型,仿真模拟分析215/45R17轿车子午线轮胎从安装轮辋到轮胎充气、加载和轮胎下沉全过程的情况。通过过程模拟,可以直观地观察轮胎各部位力学特性的分布及变化状况。计算结果与试验结果相近。 展开更多
关键词 非线性有限元分析 子午线轮胎 模拟 rebar单元 力学特性
Explicit reinforcement models for fully-grouted rebar rock bolts 被引量:13
作者 Navid Bahrani John Hadjigeorgiou 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期267-280,共14页
This paper investigates the explicit use of rock reinforcement in a discontinuous stress analysis model.A series of numerical experiments was undertaken to evaluate the performance of local and global reinforcement mo... This paper investigates the explicit use of rock reinforcement in a discontinuous stress analysis model.A series of numerical experiments was undertaken to evaluate the performance of local and global reinforcement models implemented in universal distinct element code(UDEC).This was made possible by calibrating the reinforcement models to the laboratory behavior of a fully-grouted rebar bolt tested under pure pull and pure shear loading conditions.The model calibration focuses on matching different loading stages of the force-displacement curve including the initial elastic response,the hardening behavior and the bolt rupture.The paper concludes with a discussion on the suitability of the different reinforcement models in UDEC including their advantages and limitations.Finally,it addresses the choice of input parameters required for a realistic simulation of fully-grouted rebar bolts. 展开更多
关键词 Rock reinforcement Fully-grouted rebar Distinct element method Local reinforcement Global reinforcement Pull-out test Shear test
Mechanical behavior of segment rebar of shield tunnel in construction stage 被引量:12
作者 Jun-sheng CHEN Hai-hong MO 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第7期888-899,共12页
In this paper, a 3D finite element (FE) program ADINA was applied to analyzing a tunnel with 9 segment tings. The loads acting on these segment tings included the squeezing action of tail brush of shield machine und... In this paper, a 3D finite element (FE) program ADINA was applied to analyzing a tunnel with 9 segment tings. The loads acting on these segment tings included the squeezing action of tail brush of shield machine under attitude deflection, the jacking forces, the grouting pressure and the soil pressure. The analyses focused on the rebar stress in two statuses: (1) normal construction status without shield machine squeezing; (2) squeezing action induced by shield machine under attitude deflection. The analyses indicated that the rebar stress was evidently affected by the construction loads. In different construction status, the rebar stress ranges from -80 MPa to 50 MPa, and the rebar is in elastic status. Even some cracks appear on segments, the stress of segment rebar is still at a low level. It is helpful to incorporate a certain quantity of steel fiber to improve the anti-crack and shock resistance performance. 展开更多
关键词 Shield tunnel CONSTRUCTION SEGMENT rebar Finite element (FE) analysis
Bond strength improvement of GFRP rebars with different rib geometries 被引量:12
作者 HAO Qing-duo WANG Yan-lei +1 位作者 ZHANG Zhi-chun OU Jin-ping 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1356-1365,共10页
Based on the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) criteria,105 pullout specimens were tested to investigate the effect of different rib geometries on bond strength of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) rebars embed... Based on the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) criteria,105 pullout specimens were tested to investigate the effect of different rib geometries on bond strength of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) rebars embedded in concrete. Two kinds of conventional reinforcing rebars were also studied for comparison. Each rebar was embedded in a 150 mm concrete cube,with the embedded length being four times the rebar diameter. The experimental parameters were the rebar type,rebar component,rebar diameter,rebar surface texture,rib height,rib spacing and rib width. Theoretical analysis was also carried out to explain the experimental phenomena and results. The experimental and theoretical results indicated that the bond strength of GFRP rebars was about 13%~35% lower than that of steel rebars. The bond strength and bond-slip behavior of the specially machined rebars varied with the rebar type,rebar diameter,rebar surface texture,rib height,rib spacing and rib width. Using the results,design recom-mendations were made concerning optimum rib geometries of GFRP ribbed rebars with superior bond-slip characteristics,which concluded that the optimal rib spacing of ribbed rebars is the same as the rebar diameter,and that the optimal rib height is 6% of the rebar diameter. 展开更多
关键词 GFRP rebars CONCRETE Pullout test Bond strength Rib geometries Optimal surface configuration
Effects of Deformation Conditions on Dynamic Recrystallization of a Nb Microalloyed Anti-seismic Rebar 被引量:2
作者 黄敏 曹建春 +3 位作者 陈伟 周晓龙 杨银辉 钟仲华 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第5期879-886,共8页
The hot deformation behavior of a Nb microalloyed anti-seismic rebar was investigated at deformation temperatures of 950-1 100 ℃ and strain rates of 0. 01-0. 1 s- 1 on a Gleeble-3800 thermo-mechnical simulator. The f... The hot deformation behavior of a Nb microalloyed anti-seismic rebar was investigated at deformation temperatures of 950-1 100 ℃ and strain rates of 0. 01-0. 1 s- 1 on a Gleeble-3800 thermo-mechnical simulator. The flow stress-strain curves show the typical dynamic recrystallization with a peak,before reaching the steady state flow at higher deformation temperatures and lower strain rates. The constitutive equation governing the dynamic recrystallization( DRX) was obtained and the average activation energy of deformation was calculated as Q = 389. 5 kJ / mol by the regression analysis. The DRX grain size was also found to decrease with the increasing strain rate and the decreasing deformation temperature. The austenite grain size was refined from 118. 0 μm to 15. 07-40. 01 μm by DRX. The DRX grain size under diverse deformation conditions predicted by mathematical model agrees well with experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic recrystallization(DRX) deformation temperature strain rate Nb microalloyed rebar
Improvement to anti-rust property of hot rolled rebar by compact oxide scale 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Qing-an LIU Li-zhong +1 位作者 LIU Xin LIU Xiang-hua 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第12期2813-2818,共6页
A method was proposed to improve the anti-rust property of hot rolled rebar, which uses oil–water emulsion cooling instead of water cooling after hot rolling. The experiments were carried out by two cooling methods, ... A method was proposed to improve the anti-rust property of hot rolled rebar, which uses oil–water emulsion cooling instead of water cooling after hot rolling. The experiments were carried out by two cooling methods, one cooled by water, the other cooled by oil–water emulsion. The results of wet/dry cyclic accelerated corrosion test showed that the anti-rust property of rebar cooled by oil–water emulsion was better than that by water obviously. The results of OM, SEM and EPMA analysis indicated that these two scales contained three layers: an outer Fe_3O_4 layer, an intermediate Fe O layer with island-shaped pro-eutectoid Fe_3O_4, an inner eutectoid Fe_3O_4 layer. For the water cooled rebar, all three layers of oxide scale were relatively thin. Moreover, the scale had plenty of defects such as porosity, and crack. However, for the oil–water emulsion cooled rebar, all three layers of oxide scale were relatively thick and compact, which played an important role in protecting the rebar from atmospheric rust. 展开更多
关键词 hot rolled rebar anti-rust PROPERTY COMPACT oxide scale oil–water EMULSION cooling
Effect of Ca(OH)_2, NaCl, and Na_2SO_4 on the corrosion and electrochemical behavior of rebar 被引量:2
作者 金祖权 赵霞 +2 位作者 赵铁军 侯保荣 刘影 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期681-692,共12页
The corrosion of rebar in reinforced concrete in marine environments causes significant damage to structures built in ocean environments. Studies on the process and mechanism of corrosion of rebar in the presence of m... The corrosion of rebar in reinforced concrete in marine environments causes significant damage to structures built in ocean environments. Studies on the process and mechanism of corrosion of rebar in the presence of multiple ions may help to control damage and predict the service life of reinforced concrete structures in such environments. The effect of interactions between sulfate and chloride ions and calcium hydroxide on the electrochemical behavior ofrebar are also important for evaluation of structure durability. In this work, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) plots of rebar in Ca(OH)2 solution and cement grout, including NaC1 and Na2SO4 as aggressive salts, were measured for different immersion times. The results show that corrosion of rebar was controlled by the rate of charge transfer as the rebar was exposed to chloride solution. In the presence of high concentrations of sulfate ions in the electrolyte, generation and dissolution of the passive film proceeded simultaneously and corrosion was mainly controlled by the diffusion rate. When Na2SO4 and NaC1 were added to Ca(OH)2 solution, the instantaneous corrosion rate decreased by a factor of 10 to 20 as a result of the higher pH of the corroding solution. 展开更多
关键词 rebar CORROSION CHLORIDE SULFATE electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Electrochemical study on semiconductive properties of the passive film on rebar in concrete 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Yun-lian LI Qi-ling 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第8期1447-1452,共6页
The electrochemical behavior of metallic passive film on rebar in concrete is characterized by its semiconductive nature. The charge distribution at the interface between a semiconductor and an electrolyte is often de... The electrochemical behavior of metallic passive film on rebar in concrete is characterized by its semiconductive nature. The charge distribution at the interface between a semiconductor and an electrolyte is often determined by measuring the capacitance of the space-charge layer (Csc) as a function of the electrode potential (E). When the space charge-layer serves as the depletion layer, the relation of Csc^-2 vs E resembles a Mott-Schottky plot (M-S plot). The semiconductive properties of the passive film on rebar in concrete were analyzed with M-S plots to study the effect of chloride ions and mineral admixtures on rebar passive films. Some rebar electrodes were immersed in simulated concrete pore solutions, while others were embedded in concrete with/without mineral admixtures. In saturated Ca(OH), solutions, the relation of Csc^-2-E of rebar electrodes shows linear MottSchottky relationship indicating that the passive film on rebar is a highly disordered n-type semiconductor, with donor density (ND) in the order of 10^26m^-3. After adding chloride ions (Cl wt%〈0.2%) in system solutions, the M-S plot slopes significantly decreased and ND increased, suggesting that chloride ion will cause passive film corrosion and breakdown. The M-S plots of the passive film on rebar electrodes embedded in concrete were similar to those immersed in simulated system solution. However, ND of those in concrete with mineral admixtures tended to be a little smaller, indicating that introducing proper quantity admixtures into concrete could make the rebar passive film have a thicker space-charge layer and therefore a thicker passive film layer. 展开更多
关键词 Mott-Schottky (M-S) Plot rebar electrode. Passive film Simulated concrete pore solution Mineral admixture
Experimental research on bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars with different surface configurations 被引量:2
作者 郝庆多 王言磊 欧进萍 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期469-474,共6页
Based on the Canadian Standards Association(CSA) criterion,experiments on 30 pull-out specimens were conducted to study the bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars with 8 different surface configurations.Each rebar was ... Based on the Canadian Standards Association(CSA) criterion,experiments on 30 pull-out specimens were conducted to study the bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars with 8 different surface configurations.Each rebar was embedded in a 150 mm concrete cube,and the test embedded length was four times of the rebar diameter.Relationship between the mode of failure,the average bond strength and the average bond strength-slip for each rebar was analyzed.Results show that the failure mode of all specimens is the shearing off or desquamation of ribs,no splitting cracks appear on the cube specimens.The bond stress of deformed GFRP rebars mainly depends on the mechanical interaction between the ribs of the bar and the surrounding concrete,and the bond strength of deformed GFRP rebars is improved obviously.The optimal rib spacing is less than 2.5 times of the rebar diameter,and the rib height is more than 3% of the rebar diameter. 展开更多
关键词 deformed GFRP rebars concrete bond strength pull-out test rib spacing rib height optimalsurface configuration
Effect of temperature on the passivation behavior of steel rebar
作者 Shan-meng Chen Bei Cao +1 位作者 Yin-shun Wu Ke Ma 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期455-461,共7页
Steel rebar normally forms an oxide or rusty skin before it is embedded into concrete and the passivation properties of this skin will be heavily influenced by temperature. To study the effect of temperature on the pa... Steel rebar normally forms an oxide or rusty skin before it is embedded into concrete and the passivation properties of this skin will be heavily influenced by temperature. To study the effect of temperature on the passivation properties of steel rebar under different surface conditions, we conducted scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations and electrochemical measurements, such as measurements of the free corrosion potential and polarization curves of HPB235 steel rebar. These measurements identified three kinds of surfaces: polished, oxide skin, and rusty skin. Our results show that the passivation properties of all the surface types decrease with the increase of temperature. Temperature has the greatest effect on the rusty-skin rebar and least effect on the polished steel rebar, because of cracks and crevices on the mill scale on the steel rebar's surface. The rusty-skin rebar exhibits the highest corrosion rate because crevice corrosion can accelerate the corrosion of the steel rehar, particularly at high temperature. The results also indicate that the threshold temperatures of passivation for the oxide-skin rebar and the rusty-skin rebar are 37℃and 20℃, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 steel rebar steel corrosion PASSIVATION TEMPERATURE
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