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作者 杨昊坤 李江海 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期862-871,共10页
板块构造是现今地球上主导的构造体制,而地球早期是何种构造体制,以及板块构造运动何时开始,学界仍在争论不休。明确这一问题对于理解地球发展历史、演化规律以及预测地球的未来至关重要。早期学者普遍采用均变论观点,认为早期构造运动... 板块构造是现今地球上主导的构造体制,而地球早期是何种构造体制,以及板块构造运动何时开始,学界仍在争论不休。明确这一问题对于理解地球发展历史、演化规律以及预测地球的未来至关重要。早期学者普遍采用均变论观点,认为早期构造运动与现今板块构造相似。然而随着地质资料的积累以及研究技术的进步,从“滞壳构造”到现代板块构造转变的观点逐渐被接受。所谓的滞壳,是指地球表面环绕地球一圈的单一板块。文章在滞壳构造的背景下,介绍了前人提出的地球早期构造体制模式假说,主要有热管构造模式、深成粘盖模式、地幔反转模式、盖—板构造模式等。随后对地球从滞壳构造向板块构造转化时间的最新研究进行综述。笔者认为目前主流学术观点已形成大体一致的框架,即中新太古代发生从滞壳构造模式向板块构造模式转化,现代板块构造样式可能在新元古代最终形成。 展开更多
关键词 地球早期构造体制 滞壳构造 板块构造 构造体制演变
上地幔变黏度小尺度对流的数值研究 被引量:16
作者 叶正仁 王建 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期335-339,共5页
基于二维模型 ,利用有限元方法 ,研究上地幔 -岩石圈系统的变黏度小尺度对流 .考虑该系统的黏度随温度以指数形式变化 ,数值结果表明 ,当黏度随温度变化较剧烈时 ,由于低温高黏度 ,系统的最上部物质不参与对流 ,系统发育形成一个类似于... 基于二维模型 ,利用有限元方法 ,研究上地幔 -岩石圈系统的变黏度小尺度对流 .考虑该系统的黏度随温度以指数形式变化 ,数值结果表明 ,当黏度随温度变化较剧烈时 ,由于低温高黏度 ,系统的最上部物质不参与对流 ,系统发育形成一个类似于岩石圈的静止盖层 .计算表面热流、地形起伏及重力异常与对流格局有较好的相关性 ,高热流、上升地形对应于对流的上升区 ,反之低热流、下降地形与对流的下降区对应 . 展开更多
关键词 小尺度对流 有限元方法 静止盖层 热流 黏度
Stagnant lids and mantle overturns:Implications for Archaean tectonics, magmagenesis,crustal growth, mantle evolution, and the start of plate tectonics 被引量:29
作者 Jean H.Bédard 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期19-49,共31页
The lower plate is the dominant agent in modern convergent margins characterized by active subduction,as negatively buoyant oceanic lithosphere sinks into the asthenosphere under its own weight.This is a strong plate-... The lower plate is the dominant agent in modern convergent margins characterized by active subduction,as negatively buoyant oceanic lithosphere sinks into the asthenosphere under its own weight.This is a strong plate-driving force because the slab-pull force is transmitted through the stiff sub-oceanic lithospheric mantle.As geological and geochemical data seem inconsistent with the existence of modernstyle ridges and arcs in the Archaean,a periodically-destabilized stagnant-lid crust system is proposed instead.Stagnant-lid intervals may correspond to periods of layered mantle convection where efficient cooling was restricted to the upper mantle,perturbing Earth's heat generation/loss balance,eventually triggering mantle overturns.Archaean basalts were derived from fertile mantle in overturn upwelling zones(OUZOs),which were larger and longer-lived than post-Archaean plumes.Early cratons/continents probably formed above OUZOs as large volumes of basalt and komatiite were delivered for protracted periods,allowing basal crustal cannibalism,garnetiferous crustal restite delamination,and coupled development of continental crust and sub-continental lithospheric mantle.Periodic mixing and rehomogenization during overturns retarded development of isotopically depleted MORB(mid-ocean ridge basalt)mantle.Only after the start of true subduction did sequestration of subducted slabs at the coremantle boundary lead to the development of the depleted MORB mantle source.During Archaean mantle overturns,pre-existing continents located above OUZOs would be strongly reworked;whereas OUZOdistal continents would drift in response to mantle currents.The leading edge of drifting Archaean continents would be convergent margins characterized by terrane accretion,imbrication,subcretion and anatexis of unsubductable oceanic lithosphere.As Earth cooled and the background oceanic lithosphere became denser and stiffer,there would be an increasing probability that oceanic crustal segments could founder in an organized way,producing a gradual evolution of pre-subduction convergent margins into modern-style active subduction systems around 2.5 Ga.Plate tectonics today is constituted of:(1)a continental drift system that started in the Early Archaean,driven by deep mantle currents pressing against the Archaean-age sub-continental lithospheric mantle keels that underlie Archaean cratons;(2)a subduction-driven system that started near the end of the Archaean. 展开更多
关键词 ARCHAEAN Mantle-overturn stagnant-lid Continental CRUST OCEANIC CRUST Subcretion
再论“关于板块运动启动时间的争论” 被引量:1
作者 陆松年 相振群 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期24-34,共11页
笔者在"关于板块运动启动时间的争论"一文(陆松年等,2016)基础上,参阅公开发表的部分文章,介绍了前板块岩浆洋和停滞盖研究的新进展,并再次讨论有关板块运动启动时间的不同认识和观点。根据太阳系30个类地行星天体图像资料,... 笔者在"关于板块运动启动时间的争论"一文(陆松年等,2016)基础上,参阅公开发表的部分文章,介绍了前板块岩浆洋和停滞盖研究的新进展,并再次讨论有关板块运动启动时间的不同认识和观点。根据太阳系30个类地行星天体图像资料,硅酸盐质行星体在它的生命期由于冷却和岩石圈增厚似乎经历过多种构造样式,包括岩浆洋、多类型停滞盖以及板块构造。硅酸盐类行星由于增生、分异、撞击和放射性活动,使星体变热,发生熔融反应而形成"岩浆洋"。硅酸盐星球体早期很可能是大面积但寿命很短的岩浆洋,之后的星球可能受两种构造模型控制:停滞盖构造和板块构造。已有资料表明,停滞盖构造是类地行星的主要构造类型,而板块构造在类地行星中是十分罕见的。停滞盖构造是一个单一的、围绕天体的板块,基本由硅酸盐质岩石圈组成。停滞盖构造有三种主要变化形态——热管、滴状及柱状体、拆沉及上涌流。板块构造启动时间从>4.4Ga到0.85Ga至少有11种不同观点:认为板块构造始于冥古宙的有1种、始于始-古太古代的有3种、始于中-新太古代的有4种、始于古元古代有1种、始于新元古代的有2种。本文重点介绍了地球冥古宙-太古宙板块运动启动的地质学证据和特点。 展开更多
关键词 岩浆洋 停滞盖 板块启动 冥古宙 太古宙
太古宙与现代的巨大差异:太古宙可能有板块构造吗? 被引量:3
作者 张旗 焦守涛 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期1403-1409,共7页
太古宙出露的岩石(如TTG、科马提岩、绿岩带)大多与现代不同,故“将今论古”的思想不适合推演到太古宙,也不能把太古宙TTG对比为现今的埃达克岩。TTG与俯冲无关,也不是地壳加厚形成的,而可能是在停滞盖层构造背景下初始地壳内富钠玄武... 太古宙出露的岩石(如TTG、科马提岩、绿岩带)大多与现代不同,故“将今论古”的思想不适合推演到太古宙,也不能把太古宙TTG对比为现今的埃达克岩。TTG与俯冲无关,也不是地壳加厚形成的,而可能是在停滞盖层构造背景下初始地壳内富钠玄武岩部分熔融形成的。地球演化是一个不断散热的过程,太古宙属于热球阶段,元古宙以后可能才进入冷球阶段。因此,太古宙可能主要表现为停滞盖层构造,元古宙以后可能才出现板块构造。板块热俯冲的可能性很小,只有当岩石圈足够冷且具有一定的刚性和浮力时,板块才可能俯冲;而查明板块构造的地质记录(如蛇绿岩、蓝片岩、混杂堆积、深海沉积等)才能知道板块构造启动的时间。 展开更多
关键词 太古宙 TTG 板块构造 停滞盖层构造 “将今论古”思想
全球苦橄岩与太古宙科马提岩对比:全数据模式的启示 被引量:3
作者 罗应 袁方林 +5 位作者 金维浚 刘学龙 张昌振 刘欣雨 张旗 余海军 《地质科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期1267-1284,共18页
苦橄岩和科马提岩都是富镁的超镁铁质火山岩,早先,学术界大多关注它们之间的相似性,而对于它们之间的差异性很少强调。于是认为二者的地球化学性质近似,成因类似,形成条件类似。本文采用全数据模式的研究方法,从数据库收集了全球... 苦橄岩和科马提岩都是富镁的超镁铁质火山岩,早先,学术界大多关注它们之间的相似性,而对于它们之间的差异性很少强调。于是认为二者的地球化学性质近似,成因类似,形成条件类似。本文采用全数据模式的研究方法,从数据库收集了全球太古宙全部科马提岩和后太古宙全部苦橄岩数据,对比的结果表明,太古宙科马提岩与后太古宙苦橄岩完全不同,它们之间几乎没有可比性。科马提岩与苦橄岩,不仅地球化学特征不同,而且成因不同,形成条件不同,产出时代不同,源区组成也不同。这种不同,反映了太古宙和后太古宙不可能属于同样的构造体制。太古宙是火球时代,地球异常的热,主导的可能是静止盖幔构造(stagnant lid tectonics);后太古宙是热球时代,地球相对冷了许多,主导的是板块构造(plate tectonics)。科马提岩在太古宙广泛出露,无需地幔柱模式;而苦橄岩在后太古宙很少出露,才真正需要地幔柱模式。 展开更多
关键词 苦橄岩 科马提岩 全数据模式 太古宙 后太古宙 静止盖幔构造 板块构造
早期地球的热管构造:来自木卫一的启示 被引量:6
作者 章清文 刘耘 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期3853-3870,共18页
构造体制极大地制约着地球和其他太阳系类地天体(类地行星、岩石质卫星和小行星等)的地表散热、内部温度和物质演化。现有的少量地质记录表明,地球在板块构造启动之前就存在非常活跃的"前板块构造"运动并可能对其早期壳幔分... 构造体制极大地制约着地球和其他太阳系类地天体(类地行星、岩石质卫星和小行星等)的地表散热、内部温度和物质演化。现有的少量地质记录表明,地球在板块构造启动之前就存在非常活跃的"前板块构造"运动并可能对其早期壳幔分异产生了重要的影响,在这些构造体制下,物质和能量循环的规模和速率可能是后续的板块运动无法比拟的。但受限于早期地质记录的稀缺以及研究手段不成熟等因素,对前板块构造运动的研究一直被学界所忽视,人们对其的认识主要局限于停滞盖层(stagnant-lid tectonics)等。长期以来的空间探测和地基观测表明,木星系统的木卫一存在大规模的火山活动,随之形成了极高的地表热流和地表更新速率以及活跃的造山作用。这些观测事实不同寻常,颠覆了人们对类地天体构造演化模式的一些固有认识,需要新的构造模式——"热管构造"(heat-pipe tectonics)予以解释,其涵义为:类似木卫一上的大规模火山作用可使类地天体的软流圈-岩石圈-地表之间发生快速的物质和能量循环,该循环以岩浆的形成-上升-喷发-冷却和沉降-折返为主要形式,可将天体内部的热散快速散发到外太空。上述过程涉及类地天体内、外部之间物质的大规模、快速迁移和相变,其导热原理与热管相同,因而被称为"热管构造",其散热效率远高于现今大多数类地天体单纯依赖岩石圈进行内外热传导的停滞盖层构造,以及地球上以板块的形成和俯冲过程主导内部散热的板块构造体制。尽管早期地球与木卫一在内生热机制等方面存在显著差异,但二者的内部温度和内生热率较高,导致其岩浆作用总体均较为活跃,这些关键动力学特征的相似性暗示其构造体制可能类似。因此,研究木卫一的热管构造体制对揭示地球的前板块构造的性质和演化有重要的启示意义。本文综述了近40年来人类对木卫一的主要探测成果,论述了热管构造提出的必要性和依据,总结了该构造体制的特征和发生条件,讨论了早期地球发生热管构造的可能性。早期地球可能经历了热管构造阶段,期间地球通过大规模火山作用散发了内部热量、促进了壳幔分异,并在地球内生热作用减弱、热管构造不能继续维持时被板块构造等取代。由于热管构造的垂向物质循环较为强烈,不利于保留TTG等低密度的壳幔分异产物,我们依据TTG大规模形成的时间上限推测:地球发生热管构造时间可能限于冥古宙-始太古代时期(约38亿年以前)。由于前板块构造时期地球自身的地质记录十分有限,对其热管构造体制的性质和确切的形成条件等很大程度上需要从木卫一获得答案。 展开更多
关键词 热管效应 热管构造 停滞盖层构造 前板块构造 早期地球 早期地球动力学 木卫一
Stagnant lid tectonics:Perspectives from silicate planets,dwarf planets, large moons,and large asteroids 被引量:17
作者 Robert J.Stern Taras Gerya Paul J.Tackley 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期103-119,共17页
To better understand Earth's present tectonic style-plate tectonics—and how it may have evolved from single plate(stagnant lid) tectonics, it is instructive to consider how common it is among similar bodies in th... To better understand Earth's present tectonic style-plate tectonics—and how it may have evolved from single plate(stagnant lid) tectonics, it is instructive to consider how common it is among similar bodies in the Solar System. Plate tectonics is a style of convection for an active planetoid where lid fragment(plate) motions reflect sinking of dense lithosphere in subduction zones, causing upwelling of asthenosphere at divergent plate boundaries and accompanied by focused upwellings, or mantle plumes;any other tectonic style is usefully called "stagnant lid" or "fragmented lid". In 2015 humanity completed a 50+ year effort to survey the 30 largest planets, asteroids, satellites, and inner Kuiper Belt objects,which we informally call "planetoids" and use especially images of these bodies to infer their tectonic activity. The four largest planetoids are enveloped in gas and ice(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)and are not considered. The other 26 planetoids range in mass over 5 orders of magnitude and in diameter over 2 orders of magnitude, from massive Earth down to tiny Proteus; these bodies also range widely in density, from 1000 to 5500 kg/m^3. A gap separates 8 silicate planetoids with ρ = 3000 kg/m^3 or greater from 20 icy planetoids(including the gaseous and icy giant planets) with ρ = 2200 kg/m^3 or less. We define the "Tectonic Activity Index"(TAI), scoring each body from 0 to 3 based on evidence for recent volcanism, deformation, and resurfacing(inferred from impact crater density). Nine planetoids with TAI = 2 or greater are interpreted to be tectonically and convectively active whereas 17 with TAI <2 are inferred to be tectonically dead. We further infer that active planetoids have lithospheres or icy shells overlying asthenosphere or water/weak ice. TAI of silicate(rocky) planetoids positively correlates with their inferred Rayleigh number. We conclude that some type of stagnant lid tectonics is the dominant mode of heat loss and that plate tectonics is unusual. To make progress understanding Earth's tectonic history and the tectonic style of active exoplanets, we need to better understand the range and controls of active stagnant lid tectonics. 展开更多
关键词 Stagnant LID Solar system Plate TECTONICS Planets MOONS
A planet in transition:The onset of plate tectonics on Earth between 3 and 2 Ga? 被引量:19
作者 Kent C.Condie 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期51-60,共10页
Many geological and geochemical changes are recorded on Earth between 3 and 2 Ga.Among the more important of these are the following:(1)increasing proportion of basalts with"arc-like"mantle sources;(2)an inc... Many geological and geochemical changes are recorded on Earth between 3 and 2 Ga.Among the more important of these are the following:(1)increasing proportion of basalts with"arc-like"mantle sources;(2)an increasing abundance of basalts derived from enriched(EM)and depleted(DM)mantle sources;(3)onset of a Great Thermal Divergence in the mantle;(4)a decrease in degree of melting of the mantle;(5)beginning of large lateral plate motions;(6)appearance of eclogite inclusions in diamonds;(7)appearance and rapid increase in frequency of collisional orogens;(8)rapid increase in the production rate of continental crust as recorded by zircon age peaks;(9)appearance of ophiolites in the geologic record,and(10)appearance of global LIP(large igneous province)events some of which correlate with global zircon age peaks.All of these changes may be tied directly or indirectly to cooling of Earth's mantle and corresponding changes in convective style and the strength of the lithosphere,and they may record the gradual onset and propagation of plate tectonics around the planet.To further understand the changes that occurred between 3 and 2 Ga,it is necessary to compare rocks,rock associations,tectonics and geochemistry during and between zircon age peaks.Geochemistry of peak and inter-peak basalts and TTGs needs to be evaluated in terms of geodynamic models that predict the existence of an episodic thermal regime between stagnant-lid and plate tectonic regimes in early planetary evolution. 展开更多
关键词 Plate TECTONICS ZIRCON age PEAKS MANTLE evolution Stagnant lid Continental CRUST LIP events
Initiation of plate tectonics in the Hadean: Eclogitization triggered by the ABEL Bombardment 被引量:9
作者 Shigenori Maruyama M.Santosh Shintaro Azuma 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期1033-1048,共16页
When plate tectonics began on the Earth has been long debated and here we argue this topic based on the records of Earth-Moon geology and asteroid belt to conclude that the onset of plate tectonics was during the midd... When plate tectonics began on the Earth has been long debated and here we argue this topic based on the records of Earth-Moon geology and asteroid belt to conclude that the onset of plate tectonics was during the middle Hadean(4.37-4.20 Ga). The trigger of the initiation of plate tectonics is the ABEL Bombardment, which delivered oceanic and atmospheric components on a completely dry reductive Earth, originally comprised of enstatite chondrite-like materials. Through the accretion of volatiles, shock metamorphism processed with vaporization of both CI chondrite and supracrustal rocks at the bombarded location, and significant recrystallization went through under wet conditions, caused considerable eclogitization in the primordial continents composed of felsic upper crust of 21 km thick anorthosite, and 50 km or even thicker KREEP lower crust. Eclogitization must have yielded a powerful slab-pull force to initiate plate tectonics in the middle Hadean. Another important factor is the size of the bombardment. By creating Pacific Ocean class crater by 1000 km across impactor, rigid plate operating stagnant lid tectonics since the early Hadean was severely destroyed, and oceanic lithosphere was generated to have bi-modal lithosphere on the Earth to enable the operation of plate tectonics.Considering the importance of the ABEL Bombardment event which initiated plate tectonics including the appearance of ocean and atmosphere, we propose that the Hadean Eon can be subdivided into three periods:(1) early Hadean(4.57-4.37 Ga),(2) middle Hadean(4.37-4.20 Ga), and(3) late Hadean(4.20-4.00 Ga). 展开更多
关键词 Initiation of plate tectonics ABEL Bombardment ECLOGITIZATION Stagnant lid tectonics Primordial continents
Do cratons preserve evidence of stagnant lid tectonics? 被引量:4
作者 Derek Wyman 《Geoscience Frontiers》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期3-17,共15页
Evidence for episodic crustal growth extending back to the Hadean has recently prompted a number of numerically based geodynamic models that incorporate cyclic changes from stagnant lid to mobile lid tectonics. A larg... Evidence for episodic crustal growth extending back to the Hadean has recently prompted a number of numerically based geodynamic models that incorporate cyclic changes from stagnant lid to mobile lid tectonics. A large part of the geologic record is missing for the times at which several of these cycles are inferred to have taken place. The cratons, however, are likely to retain important clues relating to similar cycles developed in the Mesoarchean and Neoarchean. Widespread acceptance of a form of plate tectonics by ~3.2 Ga is not at odds with the sporadic occurrence of stagnant lid tectonics after this time. The concept of scale as applied to cratons, mantle plumes and Neoarchean volcanic arcs are likely to provide important constraints on future models of Earth's geodynamic evolution. The Superior Province will provide some of the most concrete evidence in this regard given that its constituent blocks may have been locked into a stagnant lid relatively soon after their formation and then assembled in the next global plate tectonic interval. Perceived complexities associated with inferred mantle plume — volcanic arc associations in the Superior Province and other cratons may be related to an over estimation of plume size. A possible stagnant lid episode between ~2.9 Ga and ~2.8 Ga is identified by previously unexplained lapses in volcanism on cratons, including the Kaapvaal, Yilgarn and Superior Province cratons. If real, then mantle dynamics associated with this episode likely eliminated any contemporaneous mantle plume incubation sites, which has important implications for widespread plumes developed at ~2.7 Ga and favours a shallow mantle source in the transition zone. The Superior Province provides a uniquely preserved local proxy for this global event and could serve as the basis for detailed numerical models in the future. 展开更多
关键词 ARCHEAN MANTLE overturn Superior Province MANTLE PLUMES Stagnant LID TECTONICS
Linear Stability Analysis on the Influences of the Spatial Variations in Thermal Conductivity and Expansivity on the Flow Patterns of Thermal Convection with Strongly Temperature-Dependent Viscosity 被引量:1
作者 Arata Miyauchi Masanori Kameyama Hiroki Ichikawa 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期126-139,共14页
A series of linear stability analysis is carried out on the onset of thermal convection in the presence of spatial variations of viscosity, thermal conductivity and expansivity. We consider the temporal evolution of a... A series of linear stability analysis is carried out on the onset of thermal convection in the presence of spatial variations of viscosity, thermal conductivity and expansivity. We consider the temporal evolution of an infinitesimal perturbation superimposed to a static (motionless) and con- ductive state in a basally-heated planar layer. From the changes in flow patterns with increasing the amplitudes of temperature dependence of viscosity, we identified the transition into the "stagnant-lid" (ST) regime, where the convection occurs only beneath a thick and stagnant-lid of cold fluid at the top surface. Detailed analysis showed a significant increase of the aspect ratio of convection cells in ST regime induced by the spatial variations in thermal conductivity and/or expansivity: the horizon- tal length scale of ST convection can be enlarged by up to 50% with 10 times increase of thermal conductivity with depth. We further developed an analytical model of ST convection which success- fully reproduced the mechanism of increasing horizontal length scale of ST regime convection cells for given spatial variations in physical properties. Our findings may highlight the essential roles of the spatial variation of thermal conductivity on the convection patterns in the mantle. 展开更多
关键词 mantle convection stagnant-lid temperature-dependent viscosity pressure- dependent thermal conductivity pressure-dependent thermal expansivity linear stability analysis.
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